Elizabeth: October 1550, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: October 1550, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp476-492 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1550, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp476-492.

"Elizabeth: October 1550, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp476-492.

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October 1550, 1-15

Oct. 1. 1546. An Answer for Melville.
The Queen is grieved to understand the dangerous estate of the Scottish lords. Though the Queen of Scots (upon suspicion of Elizabeth's favour towards them) has refused to hear any treaty, Elizabeth will still persist in devising all honourable means to procure them some quiet end with their Sovereign. The Queen cannot honourably give them the aid required without entering into open war, which she means not to do without just cause. Advises them to accept such conditions as may be devised. Nevertheless, if they can obtain no end with preservation of their lives, she will receive them into her protection. Means to send an embassade to the frontier, and also an army.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him: An answer for Robert Melvyn. Pp. 3.
Oct. 1. 1547. Fortifications at Berwick.
Estimate of the fortifications at Berwick from 15 October 1564 to 13 October 1565, with a note about the fort called Byblawe, in Holy Island. Signed by T. Jenyson.
Orig. Endd.: 1 Oct. 1565. Pp. 14.
Oct. 1. 1548. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Sends herewith the letters from the Lords of the Congregation, who cry to him for help, as if it lay in his hands to do all as he would himself. Has comforted them with the hope that Melvyn writes of, and with sending them money, and now last of all that Melvyn is upon the way himself, who he trust brings such resolution as shall satisfy them. But both of them fear it shall not come in time, for the Queen, with her power, will set on them very shortly. For remedy, he has advised them to retire into England, and he will meet them with such a power as to set them in Scotland again, and do (he hopes) some exploit else, as to take Eyemouth and there plant some force. They did not hear, at the writing of their letters, either of the hope that Melvyn writes of, nor yet of the good news that Captain Brickwell brings them. Thought not good to grant them the aid of Lord Scrope's wardenry, least receiving the overthrow, Carlisle (which is weak) might be in danger.—Berwick, 30 Sept. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S. — Since the writing hereof, he understands by Lord Hume that he is commanded to wait on the Queen there, who will take with him but 100 horse, or 200 at the most.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 1. 1549. Acknowledgment of the Earl of Murray. (fn. 1)
Acknowledgment of the Earl of Murray that he has received 1,000l. from the Earl of Bedford, "to be employed in the com- mon cause and action in Scotland, enterprised by the nobility thereof, for maintenance of the true religion and commonwealth of this realm."—Dumfries, 1st Oct. 1565.
Copy by Bedford's secretary. P. 1.
Oct. 2. 1550. Bedford to Cecil.
If Randolph be shut up shall the writer stay Mr. David Chamber, the ambassador, on his return home thitherward? The matter of Eyemouth is still kept secret, yet fears that the Scots preparing in this sort for wars will first provide to take it. The English have within this town but 100 men more than they had before, for most of the best soldiers have gone abroad with their captains. The saying is in Scotland that the Queen there has made Bothwell lieutenant-general of her army now to be set forward.—Berwick, 2 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 2. 1551. Cockburn to Cecil.
1. Came to Berwick, where he tarried one night with Bedford, and the next morning, the 22nd ult., came to Edinburgh and presented his letters to Her Grace. He showed his opinion in what danger she was. Bade her remember when her father banished Angus and his brother, when there was neither Protestant nor yet Papist, yet they tarried in Scotland four or five years, being but one house. Also bade her remember the cost of the troubles in France. He likewise did what Cecil bade him when he gave him his passport, and in the Queen's name showed that commission at large. She wept, and said she knew he loved the contrary part. He said he did love them and their religion; not the less was he of mind to do her service. She then retired to her chamber, and came not out for two days, till M. de Mauvissiere came, who said more than he did, and made her weep again. She and her Council allege that Mauvissiere and the writer are retained by England, and all because they show her the truth. She and the King have been at great strife for chosing a lieutenant. The King would have his father to be lieutenant, and she would have Bothwell, by reason he bears evil will against Murray, and has promised to have him die as an alien, and for that cause she makes him a lieutenant. On the 25th of September the Council did sit, discussing whether it were best to pass and siege the castle of Hamilton, or to seek the Protestants, and it was concluded to seek the Protestants, for which she summons the mightiest.
2. On the 27th thirty of the principal merchants of Edinburgh were taken by her guard, and kept in ward until they pay 20,000l., and they have paid already within sixteen days 14,000 marks to her.—Edinburgh, 2 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 2. 1552. Tho. Jenyson to Cecil.
Has delivered an estimate of the charges of the fortifications here for this year to the Lord Governor.—Berwick, 2 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 3. 1553. The Queen to Bedford.
Whereas Sir John Forster offers to strike the first blow against the Scots, she would not have anything done to provoke justly the Queen of Scots to enter into war. The numbers at Carlisle are not to enter Scotland, except to save the Lords from ruin.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 3 Oct. 1565. Pp. 2.
Oct. 3. 1554. Bedford to the Privy Council.
On 28th ult. received theirs of the 21st touching the victualling of this garrison offered by Valentine Brown at certain rates, and having called the captains and others they have, after deliberation, sent the articles enclosed. Complains of victuals being restrained out of the palace for retailing thereof to the victualler's pleasure and price; for often when corn has been in the market at 10s. the boll, they have paid in the palace 16s. for the same, and sometimes more.—Berwick, 3 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 3. 1555. Albert Elector of Brandenburg to the Queen.
Understanding that she admires the falcons which are taken in his dukedom, he sends her eight.—Konisburg, 3 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Oct. 4. 1556. Randolph to Cecil.
1. All things stand here upon such uncertainty that he can be assured of nothing. Sometimes this Queen will pursue the noblemen; sometimes she will besiege their houses and put them out of possession of all they have; sometimes she seems to be so well content to hear their complaints that they are in hope that all matters will be accorded. But the writer finds her only stay is for lack of such money as she looks to be lent her by this town, which is only 1,000l. sterling, which shall be paid within six days. Thereafter she will herself again to the fields, and pursue them wheresoever she finds them. There comes a great sort out of the north with Lord Gordon, who imputes the overthrow of his father to Murray, which is approved by the Queen. Bothwell takes great things upon him, and promises much. A fit captain for so loose a company as now hangs upon him! Whatsoever she is able to do by authority, suit, request, favour, or by benefit, all is one, so it may serve to the overthrow of them that she is offended with. And without some speedy help they are not able to defend themselves against the power that she makes against them. Divers that favour them lie far off; many of their friends are committed to ward; others that will them well attend only to see what support shall come from the Queen. Argyll lies in wait to find them in readiness when to join with them. Morton has promised them as much. Their force is not small, but is so divided that it stands them in little stead.
2. Spoke with herself this day. Understands Mauvissiere puts her in little comfort of any support of her doings by any foreign princes. There arrived in the Firth four or five days past the Queen's ship called the "Aid." There rose a bruit that many more were following. This put a great fray amongst many, and as many wished it had so been. First there was sent aboard a trumpeter from the Queen and her husband, who brought no other word but that she came to seek pirates. Next day Fowler and Standen went aboard, but his advertisement came too late, and the wind contrary, or else they had been blown in England. They brought with them to the Queen a bow and arrows with a box of conserve. She sent to the captain the next day a chain of gold and a cup of silver double gilt. It is desired by the Lords that some ship may be employed between Berwick and Fife for transporting of men and ordnance as occasion serves. Hereof Bedford is advertised.—Edinburgh, 4 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 4. 1557. Randolph to Leicester.
1. Whatever can be invented to the overthrow of the noblemen that are thus pursued shall be done, if it lies in the Queen's power. What Mr. David Chamber has said against them Cecil has heard. Doubts not they were charged far enough; but thinks that they to whose ears his [Chamber's] reports will come will think it can be no small matter that moves so many noblemen and others to do as they do, except they were mad. If Mr. Melvin has been present he would have answered whatsoever the other had said. The Lords have put in writing what is sent to Bedford. These Lords do what they have done to have this Queen governed by the advice of such as are willing to do so. They will rather die than yield one iota of their duty to God and their country and their promise to the Queen, against whom practices are now in hand. Yaxley is now towards Spain; his commission is to put this Queen and her husband into that King's protection. With the Regent of Flanders she has daily to do; he wots not what, but of a very dispiteful letter written not long since unto her by this Queen he is assured. What consultations with witches, what incantations have been of late made in some parts of the world to know the times and years of some folks lives, he hears enough, and has good cause to believe a part; and of this that he has here written he has good testi mony. If there be, therefore, any just cause for the Queen to be offended, if ever she desires that this Queen may be brought to know herself, and how much she has failed in her duty and promises, was there ever better time, or will the like time ever be had as now, when her country is divided, and she, for her evil misgiving of herself and evil government of her estate, is misliked of the most and best part of her subjects?
2. Mr. James Balfoure once rowed in a galley; and now, except David, no man is so great with her, and the whole governor of this estate. Only Lord Athol of her Council is now present, when all the wits in Scotland are too few to put in order such things as in all parts are amiss. The Lord Chancellor has forsaken her, and joins with the others, and is ready with his forces whensoever he be called for. Lethington leaves her at the first call. Randolph is boasted daily to be put up or to have guards committed to him. All they can charge him with are suspicions of love to Murray.—Edinburgh, 4 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 5. 1558. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Sent as much money to the Lords as the Queen's pleasure was they should have by Captain Brickwell, and therewith to understand their estate. He is returned, and brought him a letter from the Earl of Murray and nothing from the other Lords but hearty thanks. He found them very pensive and desperate of their well-doing, or of any success in this matter. They are so far entered into the briars, and do not know how to shift for themselves. They are retiring towards England, and thereof they also do not all agree, for the Duke would unto Germany or Italy, and others otherwise; and all mislike themselves for trusting so much to the aid of England. They do not a little marvel the cause why Melvyn comes not away with answer. The Duke was talked withal by Brickwell, and speaks slenderly of their dealings. Murray makes England his last anchor hold, and (as he has written to Bedford) means to come very shortly, for they are no company and will grow fewer, so as, notwithstanding the aid of the English, they shall never be able (nor do they mean) to encounter the Queen. Murray's coming cannot be kept secret, for though he brings not many with him, yet will he not come alone. Means not at their meeting to talk privately, but in open place. The money Murray only received came in good time, for else they had been scattered ere now. The Countess, his wife, he guesses, by this time, is coming to Berwick to be delivered of child. There is a talk of peace with that Queen, but that she will first have the head of the Duke or of Murray. The Elwoods hold out well and work still for the English, wherein the Warden here has travailed much to cause them so to do. He keeps them together at a place called the Hermitage, and notwithstanding the working of Bothwell to the contrary. It were well done that the Lord Warden should be encouraged to continue his well-doing by some gentle letter from thence.—Alnwick, 5 Oct. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Fears that the Master of Maxwell is not sure in this matter to them there.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
[Oct. 6.] 1559. The Queen to Bedford.
Does not mislike the Scottish Lords shall come to England for safety of their lives, but commands him to abstain from any act of hostility against Scotland; though if the contrary be attempted against her subjects, he is not to forbear the defence, and may revenge thereof.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: Oct. 1565. Pp. 3.
Oct. 6. 1560. Bedford to Cecil.
1. On Thursday wrote the state of the Lords of the Congregation, who despair of any help from them. Is called on continually almost from them, and has determined, therefore, within these three days, together with the Lord Warden, to go towards Carlisle, and to bring with him 200 or 300 horse to tarry there upon those frontiers, to countenance those Lords and their cause; but no one of the same shall enter Scotland. In his absence good order and regard shall be had to the rest of his charge. Sends him Randolph's letter, whereby he shall see the whole estate of that realm. Jenkinson has been in the Firth, and what he has done there and how he was used shall appear unto him by his own letters. The man had no evil meaning, but the writer wishes he had not been there. The Liddisdale men yet hold out. Jenkinson is victualled here, as Cecil desired.—Berwick, 6 Oct. 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—It is the desire of Scrope and Murray that Bedford should talk with the Duke.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 6. 1561. Bedford to Leicester.
Sends Randolph's letter. Hopes in God Her Majesty has before now resolved somewhat to the aid of the Lords of the Congregation. Is going to Carlisle with 300 horse to countenance them.—Berwick, 6 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6. 1562. Anthony Jenkinson to the Privy Council.
On the 25th ult., passing along this coast towards the Firth according to their order, he certified the Earl of Bedford of his arrival, by whom he perceives that Bothwell had landed in Scotland two days before he [the writer] was ready to depart out of Queenborough water, which was the 17th ult. On the 28th, being forced by the wind to go to Inchkeith, they were shot at from the castle. The next day there came a trumpeter aboard from the King and Queen to know the cause of his coming, who had been advertised of eight ships more of the Queen's to be on the coast, requiring him also to land. To whom he answered that he was sent to apprehend rovers, and by force of weather was put thither, having no other cause thereto, neither knew he of any more ships of the Queen's appointed to the northward; and as for his coming to land, he had no affairs to do, nor any such commission. Then the messenger said the King and Queen would send to him again, if such as be sent might return, which he thought good to grant. He came again with two or three Scottish gentlemen, and Standen with his brother, whom he thought not good to stay, being so far within danger and the wind contrary, lest he should have put the Queen's ship in peril. One of the Scots brought him a present, and said if he had need of victuals or any other thing for the Queen's ship he should be furnished. Doubting the worst he turned out and came athwart Berwick on the 4th, where, giving the governor to understand of his proceedings, he has given order for his further victualling for one month more, to end the 12th of November next. Neither Lord Seaton nor the munition being yet passed, he means to follow their honour's commission for the apprehending of him.—Thwart Berwick, 6 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6. 1563. Leonard Chilton to Phayre.
One of the eight ships which were seized by Don Alvaro Bazan was embargoed to go to Florida with victual and munitions. On her way to St. Lucar her old master Gyrbard Pepett followed her in another ship, and her mariners fled out of her with their boats, so he carried her away. He has also taken victuals out of a bark which came from Seville. Out of England they hear that there has been a stay of ships and mariners. Desires to be commended to Mr. Lapthorn, with whom the writer will keep Christmas, although M. Clarensius be dead.—Cadiz, 6 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Received 14 Nov. Pp. 4.
Oct. 7. 1564. Bedford to the Queen.
That she takes in good part his doings here he thanks her. Understands by Mr. Melvyn her resolution touching the Lords, wherein her pleasure shall be observed, albeit the same is hard for her poor friends. Is desired by Murray to come to Carlisle to speak with him, which he means to do. —Berwick, 7 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 7. 1565. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Thanks Her Majesty for accepting his service, and Cecil for his furtherance thereunto.
2. Is sorry that things in Scotland have no better success than yet he hears of by Melvyn. Means to go towards them to-morrow, and so countenance their cause, and some force with him, who shall not enter Scotland; neither so have as yet Captain Read's company and the rest, nor shall they not till they come to the field, if ever they be able so to do, as now he so much despairs thereof. The Borders have been peaceably kept a long while without stealing, till a few nights since the Scots "reived" from them certain sheep and "nowt."— Berwick, 7 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 7. 1566. Lord Scrope to Bedford.
Bedford's letter by Robert Carrell came to Murray and him yesternight, he and the other Lords of his company being here with him. The Duke has used secret practises unto their Queen for composition for himself, and was refused. Murray and he think if he [Bedford] will come hither on Wednesday, according to his appointment, it will be a stay both to the Duke and the Master of Maxwell also, who through tediousness in hope of aid from hence are like to yield themselves to their danger, and the utter submission of their common cause.—Carlisle, 7 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 8. 1567. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Complains that Queen Elizabeth is offended unjustly against her and her husband, and that the English officers on the Borders threaten to burn and plunder those of her subjects who assist her against her rebels. If Elizabeth identifies herself with the Scottish traitors, the writer will be compelled no longer to conceal so great a wrong from the Princes her allies.—Edinburgh, 8 Oct. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: By Mauvissiere. Fr. Pp. 3.
Oct. 8. 1568. The Queen to Eric XIV.
Having heard by report of the position of his brother, the Duke John of Finland, she assures him that he executed his mission to her with all fidelity. In the negotiation for the marriage he omitted nothing that he could adduce in the King's favour, and endeavoured to secure the assistance of those about her. Desires that the charges against his brother may be examined, and hopes to hear of his restoration to favour.
Draft, in Ascham's hol. Endd.: Sent. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. [8]. 1569. The Queen to Eric XIV.
In behalf of his brother, Duke John of Finland, much to the same effect as the previous letter, but with some variations.
Orig. Draft, in Ascham's hol. Endd.: This was not sent. Lat. Pp. 5.
Oct. 8. 1570. Randolph to Cecil.
This day the Queen sets forward towards Dumfries with all her force, and (as is conjectured) with many that will do her little service when they come there. She knows not whom she may trust, so much misliked is she in her doings. A worse bruit there never was of any Princess than there is of her. The whole force of the north is come to her, of whom the chief is now the Lord of Gordon, restored to the earldom of Huntly upon Saturday last. In him and the Earls of Athol and Bothwell is her chief trust. The other part has many friends, but so far from them that at this time it is not possible that they can do them good. This day M. Mauvissiere receives his dispatch, as also Captain Colborne. There came also one of the Queen's masters of her household, D'Egvillye, to move what mischief he can in France. Yaxley embarked at Dumbarton. It is true what he wrote of his journey into Spain to seek support from thence, and to put this Queen and country under the King's protection. — Edinburgh, 8 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 9. 1571. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Is thus far on his journey towards Carlisle. Albeit he has some company with him, yet he goes in no warlike manner whereof may be gathered any breach of peace; neither shall he nor any with him enter Scotland.—Alnwick, 9 Oct. 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—Desires to know whether he shall keep his days of "trewe" in Lord Darnley's name as King.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 10. 1572. The Master of Maxwell to Lord Scrope.
Asks him to consider the straitness he is in. The Queen with her whole army is this day within his rooms, and intends to waste all his grounds and his friends, to take his house and plant therein garrisons, and to dispone upon his lands by forfeiture. And in case he had all his friends with him he is not able to make resistance. Has divers times requested that he might be found in this godly amity. Desires to have his counsel, and also that of the Lord Lieutenant.—Annan, 10 Oct. 1565. Signed: John Maxwell.
Copy. P. 1.
Oct. 10. 1573. Adolphus Duke of Sleswick Holstein to the Queen.
Her envoy whom she sent last year at his request to be present at his marriage, having died in Flanders, he did not receive her letters. This explains the cause of her not having received any letters from him.—Gottorp, vi. Idus Octobris. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 10. 1574. The Duchess of Parma to the Spanish Ambassador.
Desires him to do his best to obtain pardon for Robert Wetthyel, an Englishman, who has quitted the realm without leave.—Brussels, 10 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 10. 1575. Nicholas Lemborck to Cecil.
The Queen having promised him by patent the twentieth part of the profits from his plan of making money, desires that it may take effect. Since his proposal crowns in France have risen three sous. Desires licence to export a hackney.— Rouen, 10 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 11. 1576. The Queen to Bedford.
Of the 3,000l. sent unto him by Lilgrave, his servant, he is to employ 1,000l. in the discharge of such workmen as are least needful at Berwick.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 11 Oct. 1565. Pp. 2.
Oct. 11. 1577. The Master of Maxwell to Lord Scrope.
Has written this bill to the Queen, whereof he sends him a copy. Intends to come to him to-morrow or next day, and remain the rest of his days in that realm.—Annan, 11 Oct. 1565. Signed: John Maxwell.
Copy. P. 1.
Oct. 11. 1578. Drury to Cecil.
1. Yesternight M. Mauvissiere came here, and this morning goes to the Court, whose travail has taken small effect. The Queen has given him gilt plate worth 600 [?] crowns. She set forward on Monday last, her power meeting her at Crawford Moor, which the common bruit affirms to be 10,000 or 12,000, but he has secretly learned they are not above 6,000 or 7,000, the greatest part coming with Huntley.—Berwick, 11 Oct. 1565.
2. P.S.—She has taken with her six falcons, one cannon, and two cast-iron pieces, with chambers. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 11. 1579. Charges at Berwick.
Charges for provisions for 1,500 men at Berwick, to be paid between this date and the 20th of April.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 12. 1580. Randolph to Cecil.
Has heard of Robert Melvin's return to the Lords, who have written to their friends the comfortable answer received by him from the Queen. Received a letter this day from the Abbot of Kilwinning, excusing himself of a bruit risen upon him that he should persuade the Duke to leave the Lords. He has promised enough to the contrary, if he performs it. Knows that some wise men are enemies to this government, as the Lord of Lethington. Of the same band are Morton and Ruthven, who only espy their time, and make fair weather until it come to the pinch. Hears some good words spoken of Lord Erskine, but trusts not much until further trial.—Edinburgh, 12 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12. 1581. Smith to Cecil.
1. Has written to the Queen his negotiation with the King and Queen here. Wrote to him by Mr. Hamilton, a Scottishman, on the 18th ult. Looks after his successor.
2. Cecil sees what sweet words the Queen Mother gives, and yet all is done to suppress the true religion, which, notwithstanding, is so rooted in France that like a fire it kindles daily more and more. In every place from Bayonne hither, and for the most part of this journey, there are more Huguenots than Papists, and the most part of men of quality and mark be of the religion. The same day the King arrived here (which was the 11th) there were at the preaching (at which Smith willingly assists, if he comes where it it) 2,000 people, most part gentlemen and gentlewomen. There were the more, for he that preached was marvellous eloquent; it was Pierrocele. And so soon as the King enters into a town Christ and His preachers must hold their peace.
3. Fears that the rigour which is begun in Scotland against Murray and those of the religion has its support here.— Nantes, 12th Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 12. 1582. Richard Eden to Cecil.
Sends him a copy of news touching the estate imperial in Latin. Of late there passed by them from the Court a Spaniard, a learned gentleman, named Don Francisco Tiburino, who told him that while he was in the Court he saw one of the King's physicians reading a book written by some mad Englishman. He could not name him the title of the book nor the author. Takes it to be some book of Roger Bacon, newly printed. Rejoices to understand of the great philosopher who works for the Queen. Prays God send it her as truly as he believes the possibility to be true, and as he judges her most worthy so excellent a gift of God.—Lafferta, 12th Oct. 1565.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 12. 1583. Phayre to Cecil.
1. On the 7th ult. Don Garcia gave succour to Malta, as he may perceive by the enclosed copies of letters from the Commendador çapita and the Grand Master. The Duke of Alva has given a sour answer to the Ambassador of Genoa, who asked for the aid of the King's galleys to drive San Petro Corso out of Corsica. The King's galleys are at Sicily, where they make sixty more for next spring. From Flanders there is news that they will not let the English merchants sell their cloths. A hulk with costly tapestry, household stuff, and clocks belonging to the King has been spoiled by an English ship.
2. The Ambassador Renard avows that there is news out of England that divers noblemen have prayed the Scottish Queen and her husband to come into England, promising them favour.
3. There is news that Throckmorton, when sent into Scotland, was not suffered to come to the Court. Phayre tells them that it is for a private grudge betwixt him and the Earl of Lennox. Was asked who those men were who fled to Lord Darnley. He said that they were certain grooms of the chamber, who were gone thither for a robbery to save themselves; and said also that Perne was there, who in the privy chamber had cut aiglets of gold from a nobleman's cloak, and that these were the folk Darnley made account of in his household. Foolish merchants bring news that he is marvellously beloved in England, and that he had sent to the Queen to deliver his mother, or else he would come and fetch her. Has written to Seville for the name of the person.
4. The King has taken the salt mills into his own hand, whereat all the country complains. Is promised by the Duke of Alva that at the next council the matter of the poor men at St. Sebastian shall be despatched. Told him how the Queen was minded to punish ill factors, by the example of Mr. Cobham, who is condemed to die, being a gentleman of such a house and friends. Asks that some money may be sent for his entertainment.
5. The King intends his ambassador in England to pass over into Flanders to congratulate the Prince of Parma on his marriage, and if the Queen has not by then sent an ambassador to this Court to come home. This day Caesar arrived from England with six nags.—Madrid, 12 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 13. 1584. Bedford to the Queen.
1. Neither by the sending of those 300 men to Carlisle (which were first meant to be sent to the Lords), nor yet by any other open act of wars, has there ensued anything either in the East, West, or Middle Marches of her realm contrary to the maintenance of peace. The Lords rest sorrowful. Each of them might much better and sooner make his way to her than Murray (whom that Queen will never forgive), yet is he (good gentleman) so addicted to the desire of quietness of conscience as he has unassured hope of Queen Elizabeth's goodness to the common cause, and comforts the rest of the Lords. Thinks shortly she shall hear from them all. "And that Queen hath plainly affirmed in open and manifest sort that whosoever of these Lords and others now with them shall by any means enjoy her pardon and so be received, that the same shall become thenceforward a professed and sworn enemy to this realm and the peace and amity of the same, whereby how much her sister-like love and zeal appeareth to your Majesty I leave to your wisdom to consider."
2. Shall the Wardens meet in the Lord Darnley's name as King, as well as in the Queen's name? Also can they have no days of truce? Trusts she will consider what undutifulness Lord Darnley has used. Wishes either open war or firm peace, for things cannot continue as they now be.—Carlisle, 13 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5.
Oct. 13. 1585. Bedford to Cecil.
1. He will marvel that the musters are no better either in number of able men and good horses, or in sufficient furniture. By the first of Cecil's two letters received now, the writer sees confirmation of Cecil's former doubt touching the aid of the Lords. It grieves him to see things frame no better, whereat the good noblemen rest so amazed and in so great perplexity as they know not what to say, do, or imagine, and their enemies receive joy.
2. The terming them the Lords of the Congregation was not of his device, but used by him because he saw it received by others, which for that it is not so plausible he will omit henceforth. They are all now home saving the Master of Maxwell, who (because he sees on the one side his ruin so near and his aid so far off) the writer fears will make some appointment for himself. Her Majesty's letters restrained the going forward of these 300 men, when some good might have been done to these Lords, so it now came about that a far greater number cannot bring things to such good pass as then they were at. The Scots Wardens will not meet but in Lord Darnley's name. Sent word to Lords Hume and Cessford that he would do some annoyance to their charges in case they proceeded in this sort against the Queen's friends, whereof they stood in fear in all the Marshe and Tividale. They seeing now nothing done, will less regard his words, which is the worse for her service, because they will think he dare do them no harm nor yet do the Lords any good.
3. The Queen here is at Dumfries with 6,000 men, both very unwilling and unserviceable, and such as when they come spoil all the country about. Finds Murray constant and honourable, though he be sore perplexed.—Carlisle, 13 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig., annotated by Cecil. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
Oct. 13. 1586. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
1. The Borderers here have taken encouragement to fall to their wonted disorders, there having been no day of truce kept on these frontiers these two months.
2. The Queen of Scots is at Dumfries, and her army makes great spoil in the country as she marches.—Carlisle, 13 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 13. 1587. Randolph to [Cecil].
1. Sends him herewith the copy of instructions sent by a servant of this Queen to the Duchess of Parma, immediately after Sir N. Throckmorton's departure hence, by which he shall not only find that she had not that trust in the Queen she pretended, nor well accepted her doings. One other argument of her goodwill towards the Queen is that she, knowing what spiteful words Bothwell had spoken as well of herself as the Queen (which in the one though they may be true, in the other are false), is now content to place him in honour above any subject she has. Has a thing more strange than either of these, whereof he will not make mention until he has better assurance than yet he has. Thinks it his duty to let all this Queen's doings be known to his Sovereign, that the more she be found to have done her injury she may seek to have it repaired. This Queen lately (when the writer spoke to her in the presence of forty persons) showed herself willing to accord; but seeing so little effect proceed from her, he suspects all that is spoken. The hatred against Murray is neither for his religion nor yet that he would take the crown from her (as she said lately to Randolph that it was his intent), "but that she knoweth that he understandeth some such secret part (not to be named for reverence sake) that standeth not with her honour, which he so much detesteth, being her brother, that neither can he show himself as he hath done, nor she think of him but as of one whom she mortally hateth. Here is the mischief, this is the grief, and how this may be salved and repaired it passeth I trow man's wit to consider. This reverence for all that he hath to his Sovereign, that I am sure there are very few that know this grief, and to have this obliquy and reproach of her so moved that is now common I believe he would quit his country for all the days of his life."
2. Jars have already risen between her and her husband, she to have her will one way and he to have his another; he to have his father lieutenant-general, and she Bothwell. Of the wealth that can be amongst them he may conjecture when part of her jewels have been laid to gage for 2,000 marks sterling. There was no money in Edinburgh to be gotten. When she rode out of this town she had with her in this whole journey but one woman. What safety and assurance she thinks herself in if it be true that he heard that she has a secret defence upon her body, a "knape scall" for her head, and dagg at her saddle.
3. For answer to the Queen's letter of 3rd inst. licensing him to repair for a time to Berwick, states that there is now more danger for him to depart than to remain until he may have her passport. And knowing how much better Her Majesty may be served by his being here than if he were elsewhere, he has chosen for a time to remain here; and knowing she can no way justly burden him, he believes she will not unjustly deal with him. Knows that it has been divers times had in consultation what she might do, but always that it were against her honour if he were molested. Will always do her commands. Two arquebuses were shot into his lodging one night at the door.—Edinburgh, 13 Oct. 1565. Signed.
4. P. S.—Shane O'Neil practises with the Lord of Argyll to lend him men at this time, to have hereafter the like support when he has need.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
Oct. 13. 1588. Drury to Cecil.
1. Jenkinson's victuals have failed sithence his coming into this coast, which the writer has supplied.
2. Having intelligence yesterday of certain of their garrison here practising to go into Scotland, he called the companies together and weeded out three persons that he found guilty herein, and has them in custody till the return of the Lord Governor.—13 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 13. 1589. Forster to Cecil.
1. Has received the letter of the Queen and Council to the Queen of Scots, touching the Earl of Argyll's journey and of the aiding of Shane O'Neill, which being now stayed he does not send the Queen's letter. This stay of Argyll is but during Melville's abode in England, for if he be not answered of those matters he has from his Sovereign to her contentment, then that matter shall proceed. Wrote to Bedford that Bothwell was slain, but has since heard he is not dead, but hurt, and it is not known whether he will live or die. He was brought to the Hermitage upon a sledge. He was hurt by one of the Elwoods of Liddesdale, who is escaped, and most part of the thieves of Liddesdale "lopon" out as rebels. The Queen of Scots came to Jedworth upon Wednesday last, with most of her nobility, and great number of men.—Berwick, 13 Oct. 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—Hearing of the coming of the Queen of Scots ordered that the new walls might be watched, and the gates locked and guarded.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 13. 1590. Relief for Berwick.
Note of the employment of the 600 men taken up in Yorkshire and sent to Berwick and elsewhere in September.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 13. 1591. The French Ambassador's Memorial.
Asks the Queen to order the judges of the Admiralty to expedite certain suits brought by the French King's subjects against English pirates.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Oct. 14. 1592. Murray to Cecil.
Thanks for his aid. Neither he nor the other Lords would have enterprised this action if they had not been moved to it by the handwriting of the Queen and her Council directed to them thereupon. Prays that the promised support may be hastened with all expedition, which they are expecting at Carlisle.—Carlisle, 14 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 14. 1593. Murray to Leicester.
Has understood by Robert Melville how friendly Leicester has been to their common action. According to Mailvile's direction has comforted the nobility here. By the Queen's cold dealing herein a great part of Murray's friends are ruined. Asks him to move her to haste support. Whereas she will not make open war without further occasion given by Queen Mary, much bloodshed is like to follow in both the realms if hasty remedy be not provided. According to the particular instructions sent to him has comforted the rest. Hopes the Queen will make an end of these troubles. They were not minded to take any appointment with Queen Mary unless Queen Elizabeth had been the "dresser" thereof. The Lords will direct some gentleman to the Queen to expedite the support, whom they ask Leicester to further. Asks that thanks be given to Bedford and both the Wardens for their aid.— Carlisle, 14 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Leicester's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 14. 1594. Bedford to Cecil.
1. This Queen is still at Dumfries, to whom they think the Master of Maxwell is gone to make his appointment, because they hear not of his coming to the rest of the Lords, who mind not to tarry here, but retire anywhere.—Carlisle, 14 Oct. 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—It is certain the Master of Maxwell is received by that Queen, and restored to all his goods, lands, and offices; to whom she said that she liked him the better that he went not into England. It is said she will lay men here on the West Borders. To-morrow these Lords and all the rest go to Newcastle, there to tarry. Herewith sends him a letter from Murray.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 14. 1595. [Lord Scrope to Cecil.]
Since his last, the Master of Maxwell has made his appointment with the Queen, and is restored to his offices, which he compassed by reason he had not such aid from hence as he and the Lords looked for. The Queen this day departed from Dumfries with her army to Lochmaben, and minds to-morrow to go to Moffett, and so to Edinburgh. Bothwell and the Master of Maxwell shall have between them garrisons of 200 or 300 men to lie upon those frontiers. Her army was led in such disorderly manner that it had been an easy matter to have overthrown them with a small number.—Carlisle, 14 Oct. 1565.
Copy. Pp. 2.
Oct. 14. 1596. Drury to Cecil.
1. Jenkinson has boarded Wilson's ship and hastened southwards, taking Wilson's ship with him, whereby the service that Randolph wrote for is disappointed.
2. A captain of Scotland came here to-day with thirty persons, who requested leave to pass through England into the West Borders, affirming that they were distressed only because they sought liberty of conscience, and that sixty of their company were cut off and put in prison in St. Andrew's, which cause moved them to fly. He granted their request.— Berwick, 14 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 1597. Debts at Berwick.
Notes in Cecil's writing of money owing at Berwick.
Orig. in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him: 15 Oct. 1565. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 1598. Smith to Cecil.
1. [Imperfect.] Desires to know whether or no he shall come home.—Nantes, 15 Oct. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Will not speak with Condé for the repayment of the money lent until he has new commandment what to do or say in it.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Imperfect at beginning. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Enclosed by Bedford to Cecil on the 26th Feb. 1566.