Elizabeth: September 1565, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: September 1565, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp467-475 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1565, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp467-475.

"Elizabeth: September 1565, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp467-475.

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September 1565, 21-30

Sept. 21. 1516. Bedford to Cecil.
Yesterday sent letters from Mr. Randolph, which should give intelligence of the coming of the bearer, Mr. David Chamber, Councillor to that Queen, and Lord of the Session. Received this morning letters by Mr. Arrington. There is come with him Captain Cockbourne, who is the old man he was, and has not changed his vein.—Berwick, 21 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: By Mr. David Chamber. Pp. 2.
Sept. 21. 1517. Murray to Bedford.
1. Received his letter, whereby the writer understands that Bedford takes in good part his desires. Concerning the Queen's cause and that which Bedford sends to them, the Lords here answer his letter. Bedford favours this cause no less than the writer does himself. When this aid of 300 shot and 200 armed pikes was expected, their Sovereign had neither such forces of soldiers, nor had she entered into sharp handling of their friends, the chief professors in sundry parts, and they had a reasonable power at that present upon the fields. But now she has increased her forces to the double, and all their friends are taken, their houses and livings seized in many parts, so that their extreme handling, and their inability to relieve them at present, has so discouraged the multitude of the favourers of their cause that they are never able to match the adversary upon the field. Unless the aid they crave be hasted before the 4th or 5th of next month it will be hard to recover the loss.—Dumfries, 21 Sept. 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—Fears that these secret proceedings of the Queen shall never put this cause to such an end as they both wish, but open declaration could bring with it no doubt.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 22. 1518. The Lords of the Congregation to Bedford.
1. Have received his letter of 18 Sept., whereby they understand the Queen's good mind.
2. This Queen has summoned all her lieges, and on the 2nd October purposes to besiege Hamilton Castle, which will be taken in forty-eight hours.
3. Pray that 3,000 men may be set forward to relieve the same and other strengths and setting forward of the common cause.—Dumfries, 22 Sept. 1565. Signed: James Hamilton, James Stewart, Glencairn, Rothes.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 22. 1519. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received his letter of the 12th inst. and thanks him for the good news. How this Queen, with this kind of government, with such suspicion as she has of her people, with the great debate that she has with the chief of her nobility, can stand and prosper passes his wit. To be ruled and guided by the advice of two or three strangers, neglecting the counsel of her chief counsellors, he knows not how it can stand. Sees also what evil mind she bore to the Duke, and what suspicion she had of the Earl of Murray, that he sought his own advancement above his estate when he did her best service. What can their lives be hereafter, with whom she is now so offended that she cannot abide any man that wishes accord between her and them? To endure at her hands they think it duty and no burden, but to live under him that in all these things that in her are grievous but in him outrageous, they think it intolerable, and had rather try any fortune, and so are resolved. What they are grieved with Cecil may perceive by the writing herewith sent. What she mislikes in them is only that she cannot in all things do as she likes.
2. These noblemen that are now persecuted are the best and wisest, the greatest friends his Sovereign has, so he desires that this Queen may never have her will over them. As this man whom she has chosen her husband and made King shows himself altogether unworthy of what she has called him unto, so he wishes that he should never attain unto that which he so earnestly looks for, and in a manner makes assured account of.
3. The remedy of this lies in the Queen's hands. What she has done he has heard, and doubts not but she has heard some causes why she may adventure further.
4. Bedford sent Mr. Colwiche to inform the writer of many matters that now are in hand touching these controversies. Randolph spoke with the Queen for the disorders of the Borders. She promises well. He put her in mind of the letter he wrote to her for the coming of Mauvissier. She gave him the same answer she wrote in the letter he sent him; but added this, that Mauvissier was stayed there to the intent these things might have more leisure to work what mischief they would here against her. She said she had knowledge that the Queen had given them money. There was enough said to the contrary. Sees that she is determined to deal with all extremity. Spoke of such as came out of England to her and her husband, as Yaxley, Stonden, and others. She confessed that Yaxley was out of the country. He told her that he heard that he [Yaxley] was bound for a further journey, but that he was not the man in whom she might trust so much, and left her in doubt whether he was taken in England or not.—Edinburgh, 22 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
Sept. 22. 1520. Information to be given by Melville to the Queen and Council.
He shall declare that it is the manifest intention of the Queen of Scots to subvert the Reformation in Scotland, and to destroy its supporters. Their destruction is sought, because of their zeal for true religion, and to redress the enormities lately crept into the public regiment. The patrimony of the crown is so delapidated that honest men's substance is hunted for a prey. Crafty strangers, as chiefly two Italians, Davy and Francisco, and master Fowler, Englishman, with other unworthy persons, occupy the place of the native counsellors. A stranger, subject of another realm, has intruded himself and claimed the authority of king without their consent. They are persecuted as traitors and enemies of the commonwealth. Beg for assistance.
Copy. Add. by Randolph: To Mr. Secretary, and dated by Cecil: 22 Sept. 1565. Pp. 6.
Sept. 22. 1521. Pietro Bizzari to Cecil.
Hears that a courier arrived in Venice yesterday with news of the defeat of the Turks in Malta, both by land and sea. Will send details when they arrive.—Padua, 22 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Sept. 24. 1522. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Requests her to grant a passport to George Lord Setoun and twelve persons to pass through England from France.— Holyrood House, 24 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Sept. 24 and 29. 1523. Notes by Cecil.
Notes in Cecil's writing of headings of subjects to be considered by the Council, chiefly relating to matters wherewith to charge the Queen of Scotland, and matters to be required of and offered to her.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil: Sept. 24 & 29. Pp. 3.
Sept. 24. 1524. Petition of the Burgomasters of Dunkirk, Nieuport, and Ostend.
Complain to the Commissioners at Bruges that their citizens are hindered from pursuing the herring fishery by the attacks of pirates, more especially by a ship painted yellow and white, and having a cup ornamented with flowers for her sign.
Copy. Dated and endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 3.
Sept. 24. 1525. Phayre to Cecil.
News comes from Malta that 10,000 Spaniards have landed and defeated the Turks. There is a report that the King goes to Monçon in the spring, and thence into Italy and Flanders. He will send shortly into Germany for the Emperor to appoint the place of the marriage, for he will tarry no longer. There are reports about the Queen's marriage with the French King's son. The Count De la Leyne has come from Flanders, and they have lodged him in the English Ambassador's lodging, at which Phayre very much complains. Is in great want of money. Announces the death of several Spanish noblemen.—Madrid, 24 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Sept. 24. 1526. Clough to Phayre.
Has received 50l. for him, which he has sent to Spain.— Antwerp, 24 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 25. 1527. Anthony Jenkyson to Bedford.
This day passing by Holy Island towards the Firth, in Her Majesty's ship called the "Aid," thought good to advertise him of his arrival; and although it is the Council's pleasure that he should ply to the Firth without staying, yet thinks it best to keep off and about Holy Island and Berwick, and not to be seen about the Firth until they need.—On board the "Aid," in Berwick Road, 25 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 26. 1528. Bedford to Anthony Jenkinson.
Charles Wilson stays with his company and ship about Holy Island to aid the Lords of the Congregation of Scotland, and for the transportation hither of the Countess of Murray, now with child, for which purpose the writer has appointed Wilson one month, whereof there remain unexpired ten days. He therefore wills Jenkinson not to molest Wilson nor his company during that time.—Berwick, 26 Sept. 1565.
Copy. (fn. 1) P. 1.
Sept. 26. 1529. Wotton to Cecil.
Commends the bearer, Mr. Awbery, on account of his wit, learning, discretion, and painfulness.—Bruges, 26 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 27. 1530. Wages for Berwick.
Rate of the number of officers, ministers, and labourers required to continue in wages at Berwick this winter for the furtherance of the fortifications there.—Signed by Lee.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 27. 1531. John Mersh to Cecil.
Sends him a coin lately devised so as to be like the English sovereign, with which ignorant people no doubt shall be deceived. Has given warning to all the company in his charge in nowise to carry them into England. They are not so good in value by 2s. at the least. Some have been sharply dealt with for bringing in cloths, contrary to the edict.—Antwerp, 27 Sept. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 28. 1532. Bedford to the Queen.
1. Things on the Borders of both the realms are quiet, saving that the Tividale and Riddesdale men have burnt somewhat in Scotland. The Queen of Scots has appointed all her subjects to be with her by the 1st of the next month, to go against the Lords, or else to take Hamilton Castle. The Lords need money, and he has sent (according to her directions) 1,000l. They ask also a great supply of men, and having no authority to deal therein he has sent to Mr. Secretary. Hopes that they shall shortly have her resolution by Mr. Melvyn. Hopes she will remember those that are her well-wishers, and consider such as are her enemies.
2. While Mr. Tamworth was here the writer sent to Lord Hume, that if he did not deal neighbourly with them, or if he levied any great force against the Lords, then he [Bedford] would soon after come with force into his country, and work them some displeasure; whereof this Queen hearing, has written to him to know whether he so said, or if he did by her command. Minds to write to Mr. Randolph that he shall thus answer: That a servant by his order, but not by her knowledge or command, so said. For as Mr. Tamworth knows, it was so agreed upon between them, the Wardens of the East Marches of both realms, that such a message should pass, by colour whereof he might tarry at home, and not aid that Queen against the Lords. She has also demanded why he has stayed the Earl of Sutherland. He answered the messenger that because he came in her stream, not by her command or order, but of himself, and having written to her to know her pleasure, as yet has received no answer. Thanks her for care of his daughter's wedding. — Berwick, 28 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 28. 1533. Sir John Forster to Bedford
1. Yesterday he met the Laird of Cessford. Understands the Laird of Farniherste is not in the Castle of Edinburgh, as he [Bedford] thought; he is at liberty, and was commanded by the Queen that both he and Hunthill should have given their attendance upon the Warden to this meeting for the discharging of this bill, and other attempts, but neither came.
2. The Borderers of Scotland give it no "lauenge" that when any of the English shall enter Scotland at the West March longer will not they hold. The gentlemen of the Borders, as Cessford, Hume, are in readiness to tend upon the Queen; if they so withdraw themselves and their powers, and he might enter Scotland, he durst undertake he should with 600 horsemen do such exploit there as the like was never done with so small a power, and then the Bishopric men might be drawn to these their frontiers, before any spoil might be made therein.—Alnwick, 28 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Sept. 28. 1534. The Duke of Châtelherault to Cecil.
Has a servant named Robert Hamiltone in the Court of France, who makes suit for the Duke's revenues of Châtelherault, whom the Queen here has sent to be apprehended. Asks that his other writing directed to his servant may be conveyed to the Queen's ambassador resident there, with his letter, commanding the same to be delivered to his servant.—Dumfries, 28 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Sept. 28. 1535. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Sends the letters of the Lords of the Congregation, and Murray's also, wherein he shall see what they need. Has no commission to deal in such matters, and therefore in answering them so he is thought slack and almost careless of their cause. Hopes it will be upon this meeting of the Lords there fully resolved what shall be done in their case.
2. The Queen prepares all her subject from sixty to sixteen to be ready to go against them by the 1st of next month, but it will be the 10th before her force is ready. Has sent for the Lords 400 men, who shall remain at Carlisle till they are in the field, and call for them. Has sent them 1,000l. to be distributed amongst them for this common weal, which he addressed to Murray, for so says Her Majesty's letter of the 12th instant. Has lent Murray of his own money 500l., for more he was not able to relieve his lack. Prays him if he sees any disposition in Her Highness to impart any money privately to his own use, that then he will aforehand let the writer hear thereof, that he may the better come byhis own. Has many of the Elwoods yet at his devotion; some are shrunk away and gone to Bothwell. He is now one of that Queen's Council, and besides Athol and Ruthven the chiefest man, and looks daily to be advanced higher. The Earl of Sutherland is sick, and much he fears his well doing, and not being able to travel, he knows not how to be rid of him.
3. Touching Wilson, hither came Anthony Jenkinson in a ship called the "Aid," and would have taken him and stayed his ship, but understanding that he had before promised the Earl of Murray Wilson's service for a month he was content to stay his proceeding. When the Countess comes she shall lodge in Mr. Marshall's house, for both he and his lady will give place for her.
4. Of the money brought hither by Killigrew 1,000l. is bestowed upon the Lords, 1,000l. is kept in store, and the third is taken off by imprests to this new crew.—Berwick, 28 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
Sept. 29. 1536. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Seeing things so far forward as they will hold no longer, thinks it best that they were not behind with them, as they be, but rather give the first stroke. That Queen accounts the writer the bitterest enemy she has. Prays him procure some resolution hereupon with speed, for he perceives they shall be driven to strike or suffer to be stricken shortly.
2. Randolph lives in no small danger, having had pistolets and other pieces shot into his chamber when it was seen he was there. Mr. Melvyn has desired the writer to thank Cecil for his goodness to him, and for his help and advice for the furtherance of the common cause. — Berwick, 29 Sept. 1565. Signed.
3. P.S.—After sealing this came one Bowmer and another named Mortymer out of Scotland, who had served Lord Darnley there.
4. Prays him remember the Earl of Sutherland, for he is very sick.
5. The Queen of Scotland has written a very evil letter to the Regent of Flanders against the Queen. Mr. Randolph one way and Bedford the other work all they can to get a copy thereof.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5.
Sept. 29. 1537. Charges at Berwick.
Rough draft of estimate of charges and money owing at Berwick for one year ending Michaelmas 1565.
Orig. Partly in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 3.
Sept. 29. 1538. Count John of East Friesland to Cecil.
Desires him to show him favour in his affairs, concerning which he has given instructions to Henry Kule.—Emden, 29 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 29. 1539. Convention at Bruges.
The Commissioners of the Conference at Bruges prorogue their sitting until 15th of March next. In the meanwhile all things shall remain as they were settled on the 18th of December last. They also engage that the continuation of the free intercourse shall be proclaimed at London and Antwerp on Oct. 20th.—Bruges, 29 Sept. 1565. Signed by Florence De Montmorency, D'Assonleville, and Joachaim Aegidius.
Orig. on parchment. Lat.
Sept. 29. 1540. Copy of the above.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 6.
Sept. 29. 1541. Convention at Bruges.
Abstract of the terms of the above convention.
Copy. Lat. P. 1.
Sept. 30. 1542. The Queen to the Lords of Scotland. (fn. 2)
1. She is grieved that the Lords in Scotland should be in so hard terms. She has attempted all means towards the Queen of Scots to reduce her to accord with them in all reasonable causes; and although no good has hitherto followed, she is determined with speed to enter into treaty with her by persons of authority, and therewith also jointly to have upon her frontiers a force to be used in such sort as upon that treaty shall seem necessary.
2. Sends the copy of an answer for Robert Melvyn to show to the Duke and others. But it is not the very answer given to him from the Queen.
Orig. Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Sept. 30.] 1543. The Queen's Proposals to Queen Mary.
Notwithstanding the Queen's last message was so lightly accepted, and her messenger so evil entreated, yet perceiving that the French King sends M. De Mauvissiere, she is content that Randolph may consult with him in what way the Queen of Scots may be best counselled to receive her nobility again into her grace. The best means seem a general pardon, and no further innovation in the matter of religion. That nothing be done to prejudice the title of the Duke. That no extraordinary force of men be kept. That no nobleman be compelled to appear before Parliament when he shall upon his oath affirm that he is afraid of his life. That the naming of Darnley King shall not give him any authority.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Pp. 4.
Sept. 30. 1544. Randolph to Bedford.
The bearers, John Bowmer and William Mortimer, gentlemen, one of Yorkshire and other of Kent (understanding the Queen's displeasure towards such as remain in this country), desired leave of Lord Darnley, their master, to return, wherefore he desires Bedford to license them to pass.—Edinburgh, 30 Sept. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 1545. Randolph to Bedford.
1. If he be not deceived this will be the last day of his [Randolph's] liberty, yet he prays Bedford not to stay his purpose to do or send as he finds occasion. This ambassador moves nothing the Queen to mitigate her ire against the Lords. The Duke, the Earl of Glencairn, and the Abbot of Kilwinning are put to the horn. The ship arrived in the Firth, and the bruit of thirteen more coming puts them in a fray. Of the men sent to Carlisle they make small account, the number is so few, but his Lordship's letter sent by his man put him in no small comfort of better. If the writer be here inclosed, he asks him [Bedford] to be sure that such as he has in store, specially David Chamber, be safely lodged until the writer be delivered into his hands. — Edinburgh, Sunday, 30 Sept. 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—Darnley was this day at the preaching, and heard Mr. John Cragge.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Enclosed in Bedford's letter to the Privy Council of Nov. 12.
  • 2. This paper is endd. by Cecil, 30 Sept. 1565.