Elizabeth: October 1550, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: October 1550, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp492-507 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1550, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp492-507.

"Elizabeth: October 1550, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp492-507.

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October 1550, 16-31

Oct. 16. 1599. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Upon his way hitherward, and accompanying the Lords to Newcastle, he received advertisement from Mr. Marshal of Berwick that Jenkinson has taken Wilson, notwithstanding that he had by writing willed him to the contrary. Jenkinson also promised the writer not to molest Wilson during the time of his service for the transportation to Berwick of the Countess of Murray, there to be delivered of child, who was now ready attending only his coming, and Wilson was intercepted making towards her. How this occasion shall be had again for her he can by no means imagine, having no ships nearer than Newcastle, and she is in danger by this hard dealing of Jenkinson, that Queen being also upon her return to Edinburgh. Refers both to his wisdom, and asks him to cause order to be taken that Jenkinson may understand how lewdly he has behaved himself in this service.
2. The Lords and the rest will be this night at Newcastle, and there will remain till God provide better for them; and he means to tarry with them a day or two.
3. Mr. Marshal has written to him [Cecil] that certain soldiers were going towards Scotland; they be no old soldiers, but of that new supply come out of Yorkshire, wherein he has taken order to punish this fact, and by their example give terror to others.—Hexham, 16 Oct. 1565.
Orig. P. 1.
Oct. 16. 1600. M. De Foix to Cecil.
Requests the restoration of a ship and merchandize belonging to the town of St. Jean de Luz.—London, 16 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 3.
Oct. 16. 1601. Smith to Cecil.
Sends his packet by Hampden. Would that Cecil should talk with the Scottishman who comes with him. The writer has not sent the three complaints, although he speaks of their supplication in his letter to the Queen, because he has hope to have some justice.—Nantes, 16 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 17. 1602. Bedford to the Queen.
The Lords of Scotland came here yesterday, and mean to remain here until God shall otherwise provide for them, or her pleasure be known. They continue firm and constant to follow the action they have in hand. That Queen increases her displeasure towards them because they have entered this realm. Hoping of her goodness towards this their common cause, they mean therefore to send shortly unto her some personage that may, in the names of them all, be solicitor to her in this behalf. It is most likely to be Murray. Has tried to dissuade them, but they remain constant therein.—Newcastle, 17 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 17. 1603. Bedford to Cecil.
Thanks for his letter containing some inkling of some good hope towards the Lords, how, he knows not yet, but comforts them in the meantime. They all came to Newcastle yesterday, but in eight or ten days come to see Berwick for a day or two to recruit their heavy minds with the change of the places. May they walk on the walls? They all continue well affected, namely, the Duke. They have concluded to send up Murray to the Queen touching some aid; has dissuaded them, but without effect. Is sorry for what Cecil writes of some strangeness between some great Lords there. Jenkinson has gone out of these parts.—Newcastle, 17 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 17. 1604. The Duke of Châtelherault to Cecil.
Requests his favour for the Abbot of Kilwinning going to the Court with Murray.—Newcastle, 17 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: By the Abbot of Kilwinning. Pp. 2.
Oct. 18. 1605. Randolph to Leicester.
1. So long as he knew that he had credit in this Court he took no small pleasure from time to time to let him understand the state thereof. And then he rejoiced not a little to think what a life he should have led if through his travails these two countries might have been united in one, and his lordship here to have enjoyed both the Queen and country; whereunto he found not only herself, but as many others as heard of his name, not less willing than he desired that so it should have been. Since then he has heard what change there has been. A wilfuller woman, and one more wedded to her own opinion, without order, reason, or discretion, he never knew or heard of than this Queen. Her husband, in all these conditions, and many worse, far passes herself. Her Council, such men as never were esteemed for wisdom or honesty. Herself, and all such as belong unto her, so evil spoken of, that worse cannot be thought than is common in every man's mouth. These things Leicester must find strange; and specially to see the writer confirm the same, that so often has set forth her praises. Fears he shall be reproved either for lack of constancy that so far differs in his former opinion, or want of judgment, that could not so far see as that which he now finds. If he alone had so thought of her, and that the same had not been confirmed by many others that have to do with her, he must of reason give place. Wherefore he may not think that he should have been beguiled, but only for lack of a good husband as she should have found in him, and for only dispite that she wanted him, and in the getting of him could not have her will, she gave such liberty unto her natural disposition that she cared neither what became of herself or her country, so that she might do anything that might grieve them with whom she was and yet is offended. What occasions moved her thus hastily to enter into this new kind of trade of life and government he leaves it rather to be conjectured than he has will to put in writing. If there be an Œdipus amongst them, or if Liecester will call to mind some purposes that have been written to him, he will soon know what he means. If the occa sion of all the calamities that are fallen upon her and her country proceed not from herself, but that she be forced thereunto through any other accident, neither was he deceived in his former judgment of her; yet cannot he but lament to see her brought to that extremity, that the fame she had gotten through virtue and worthiness is now clean fallen from her, as though neither the one nor the other had been known unto her. Her country so evil guided that justice lies dead in all places, and her noblemen chased out of the country, and such others placed nearest her that are most unworthy. What most men complain of (and in his judgment has been the chief cause of this mischief) in this place shall not be spoken of. He may well think what the matter means when so many mislike that a stranger, a varlet, shall have the whole guiding of this Queen and country. These noblemen are now driven to their utter refuge. They have no place in this country. To leave the same, to see it thus governed and their countrymen suppressed, the religion overthrown, the amity between the two nations dissolved, is more grievous than death itself. They have no other refuge but to flee unto her by whom their lives have before this been saved, and their country delivered from the government of strangers. As then she set them at liberty, so is it bruited that she will maintain and defend her own work.
2. Whatsoever his lordship can do herein it shall be no small augmentation of his fame, that by his means the poor of this country may be restored to liberty of conscience, and with safety enjoy their own. This is looked for at his hands. Desires to have it so handled that this Queen might know how far she is misguided to take so much upon her, not only against these noblemen but far above that if she had the power, or her husband were able to bring so much to pass as he imagines to be made the greatest that ever reigned in Britain.
3. Has licence from the Queen to repair to Berwick, and would willingly be out of this place, for he knows there are some maliciously bent to do him mischief. But then he must take this King's safe-conduct as well as the Queen's, which he promises not to do. He could convey himself out of town, but neither were it honourable nor will content the Queen, except it were for some greater service that he can do thereby. So soon as he can so shift for himself as he may in all points observe his duty to the Queen, he will repair to Berwick, and thereafter do as he shall be commanded. Lady Murray should have been at Berwick by this time if Wilson had not been taken. She scarcely knows where to put her head. The Queen bears her as much goodwill as she does to her husband, and would willingly have her in part payment. The three Marys remain yet unmarried, and wish they had long since been wives. They are all good, but one is most constant, stout, and wise, and thinks her fortune so much the worse that his is so evil. She knows herself bound unto his lordship, and ready to do what service she may. So was he lately required to signify unto him.—Edinburgh, 18 Oct. 1565. Signed.
4. P.S. —It pleased him to bestow as good a gelding as any the King of Scotland has; the best that the Queen has was once his, and then was judged worthy of a better reward than any that now can be offered.
5. Wrote last Friday a letter to Mr. Secretary, and made him privy to certain strange practices, and sent him the copy of a writing which somewhat concerned his lordship, but all to good. Requests him to take no knowledge of any such letter by him except he has been made privy to them by him.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Oct. 18. 1606. Bedford to [Cecil].
Commends the bearer, the Abbot of Kilwinning, to him as one constant in the common cause.—Newcastle, 18 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
Oct. 19. 1607. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Coming this afternoon hither the enclosed letters were brought him. Left all the Lords at Newcastle, there to remain, saving Murray, who is gone thence and will be with him before this letter comes. The Queen of Scots is returned to Edinburgh, and her force "scaled" each man his way; yet she has left behind her upon the West Borders of her realm 300 or 400 men, during whose tarrying there, the 300 at Carlisle shall remain as they do, for so Lord Scrope desired they might. Thinks it good that Lord Gray of Scotland and Sir Andrew Carre, prisoners of this realm, were called in hither upon their bonds, lest their tarrying in Scotland breed some trouble. These Borders are quiet. Shall they hold their days of "trewe" in Darnley's name as King, or not? Desires that this disorder by Jenkinson be remembered, for a viler part could not have been played, things standing in this extremity, and the lady so near her time in such danger as she is.—Berwick, 19 Oct. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Certain soldiers here have conspired, two or three, to go into Scotland after some other as lewd as themselves that are gone. Suggest that for example some one were executed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 1608. Randolph to Cecil.
The Lords' departure is of the godly much lamented. They stand in no small hope of Her Majesty's goodness. She will not be at cost for nought. Even now the Queen came to this town, no more women in her company than she had, and not above 140 horses.—Edinburgh, 19 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 1609. Scrope to Bedford.
1. Since Bedford's departure the writer has not received any letter from the Master of Maxwell till this present, a copy whereof he encloses. He also sent hither James Hamilton with request that he might be licensed to pass unto the Duke at Newcastle, who by means of Kilwinning has practised to persuade with his grace for his return into Scotland, and repairs to that effect, seeking to draw him home and from Murray, so has thought meet to stay him here till to-morrow. —Carlisle, 19 Oct. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Bothwell is at Dumfries with 1,600 men.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 1610. The Master of Maxwell to Scrope.
Sends the bearer to Newcastle to the Duke and the Lords there to know whether they will take such appointment of the King and Queen here as may be had for their matters. Trusts the Queen here will observe the peace with England and will grant them reasonable dressings both for the religion and otherwise as may not be refused.—Dumfries, 19 Oct. 1565.
Copy. Add. Pp. 2.
Oct. 19. 1611. Catherine De Medicis to Smith.
Has received news from Rome of the raising of the siege of Malta on Septr. 12. The King will go from this place straight to Blois.—Châteaubriant, 19 Oct.
Copy. Fr. P. 1.
[Oct. 20.] 1612. The Queen to Bedford. (fn. 1)
Finds it very strange that, seeing she has so often written to him in plain terms that she would not give the Lords of Scotland any such aid as might break the peace, yet it seems they are not resolved thereof, and likewise thinks it more strange if the Earl of Murray comes up, being advised to the contrary. Directs him to stay him.
[Oct. 20.] 1613. The Privy Council to Murray. (fn. 2)
The Queen has willed them to send the bearer to meet him, and by this letter signify that it is not meet for him to come at this time, but to forbear from such open dealing with Her Majesty until it may be further considered what shall be meet for him to do. Signed by Tho. Norfolk, Pembroke, Wm. Howard, and W. Cecil.
Copy. Endd.: 20 Oct. 1565. Pp. 3.
Oct. 20. 1614. Charles IX. to the Queen.
Has been advertised of certain matters relating to the Queen of Scotland, which he has ordered his ambassador to communicate to her.—Châteaubriant, 20 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: By David Chambers, Scottishman. Broadside. Fr.
Oct. 20. 1615. The Burgomasters of Dunkirk to Cecil.
Beg that he will obtain for them licence for exporting a certain quantity of corn.—Dunkirk, 13 Cal. Novembres 1565.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 20.] 1616. Petition of the Citizens of Dunkirk.
Desire that they may be allowed to export 800 quarters of wheat in two quantities.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 21. 1617. Murray to the Privy Council.
Near Ware he received their letters by Mr. Randolph's servant passing into Scotland. Is sorry to have been so late advertised of the Queen's resolution. Abides here to know what the Queen's pleasure is he should further do.—Ware, 21 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 22?] 1618. The Queen to the Duchess of Parma.
Has received her letters by Jacques De la Torre, secretary of the Privy Council of the Duchess, and has let him to understand her actions and intentions to all the matters proposed. Thinks that the means to reform all the doleances of both parts were rather to have some colloquy and diet than to proceed by edits and prohibitions. As to certain particular suits moved by this bearer, she has done as much as if the complaints were for her own subjects, and desires that the same may be done on her part.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Pp. 4.
Oct. 22. 1619. Cuerton to Phayre.
1. Sees by his letter that he has received the 400 reals.
2. Begs him to take pains for the poor prisoners in Guipuscoa. The King of Sweden's sister, the night she came to London, was brought to bed of a boy. The Queen did visit her.—Bilboa, 22 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 23. 1620. Bedford to Cecil.
1. By the enclosed letters he shall see what practices are working to call home the Duke and the rest of the Lords to receive such pardon as Maxwell has. And yet he is assured he lives as discontented as may be, and means not, as he writes, otherwise than to be thought well of, whereas there is not (for all that) any such opinion conceived of him. Bothwell lies at Dumfries, but to be ready and to have an eye to the Master of Maxwell's doings, lest he should call in the Duke and the rest, not in such sort as he writes, but in some other more forcible manner. Things grow daily more to be disliked by such as be honest and would fain live quiet. The Lord Ruthven is come to Lord Hume, and is with him, who shall this day marry the Lady of Faulx's Castle. Balfour now does only all. Prays him to further the Earl of Murray and the cause he comes up for. — Berwick, 23 Oct. 1565. Signed.
2. P.S.—Within these three days there were two captains of this Queen's at Eyemouth, and since then the Lords Hume and Ruthven.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 23. 1621. The Privy Council [to Smith].
1. As the bruits of the troubles in Scotland will be diversely reported in the Court of France, the Privy Council sends an account of the entry of the Scottish Lords into England. Murray had come to Royston before receiving the Queen's letter. Being brought to the Court on the 23rd he declared, kneeling before the Queen (in the presence of the French Ambassador, M. De Mauvissiere, and the whole Privy Council), that he and the others had entered into the Queen's displeasure by means of such as were their enemies, and thereby driven to forsake their country for none offence by any of them, and asked her to be a means with his mistress to receive them again into her grace.
2. The Queen told him that she thought it very strange in his case for him to presume to come into her presence, and desired to hear what he could say to the bruits of their disobedience, where they had refused to resort to their Sovereign, and had confederated themselves against her and levied a force. If this were true she would not only declare her misliking thereof, but put her helping hand to make them understand the duty which the subject ought to bear towards the Prince. In the which speech she used such earnestness as might well appear her opinion to be that no subject was to be maintained in the forgetting of his duty. She required him, on the faith of a gentleman, to declare the whole truth of the quarrel.
3. He declared how truly he had served his Sovereign, and how he did but utter his misliking of her marriage, and being summoned to the Court, when he was within three miles he received intelligence his life should be in danger. Shortly after he with others were put to the horn. Upon which he went to Argyll, where he met with the Duke of Châtelherault and the Earls of Argyll and Glencairn, and passing from place to place with not much above the number of 80 horse, they were driven for safety of their lives into England.
4. (fn. 3) The Queen asked him whether he was ever privy to any intention of apprehending the Queen of Scots or to the danger of her person. He affirmed, with great constancy, that if it could be proved that he was either privy to or consenting to any such intention, he besought her to cause his head to be stricken off and sent into Scotland. He testified before God that in all his actions he had no meaning but principally the conserving the estate of religion in Scotland, the dignity of his Sovereign to govern her people with quietness, and so to live with the Queen of England.
5. The Queen spoke very roundly to him before the ambassador that, whatever the world reported of the Queen of Scots, she would not maintain any subject in any disobedience against the Prince.
Orig. Draft, corrected by Cecil and partly in his hand. Endd.: 23 Oct. 1565. Pp. 8.
Oct. 24. 1622. Instructions for Scotland.
Instructions for certain persons to be sent into Scotland. They shall endeavour to set forth a treaty for the abolition of all the griefs between the two Queens; to complain of the conduct of the Queen of Scots in her marriage; the maintenance of pirates and other persons who have fled from England, and also of the assaults on Randolph and Thomworth. They shall offer the Queen's aid against her rebels; endeavour to obtain the restitution of the Lords of Scotland, and also a confirmation of the treaty of 1560. Also they shall promise an inquisition into the title of the Queen of Scots and the establishing thereof.
Corrected draft, partly in Cecil's writing. Injured by damp. Endd. Pp. 27.
Oct. 25. 1623. The Queen to the Queen of Scots.
Will send shortly an ambassade to conclude a perfect league and amity between them, for which purpose she has willed Randolph to require her special safe-conduct for those whom she means to send.
Orig. Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 25 Oct. 1565. Pp. 3.
Oct. 25. 1624. Scrope to Bedford.
1. On Tuesday last the Master of Maxwell held a Court of Justice in Eyre, at Carlaverock, for punishment of offences committed in these troubles, whereunto the whole Wardenry being summoned, many not only made default of appearance, but also answered that they would neither obey him nor the authority of his Court.—Carlisle, 25 Oct. 1565.
2. P. S.—The Earl Bothwell is still at Dumfries with 300 horse and 300 harquebusiers.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 25. 1625. Edward Woode to [Bedford].
Is informed by a Scottish gentleman that the Queen of Scots is preparing for the taking of Eymouth; that they will be there within six nights, and that the Earls of Ruthven and Huntley have sent 5,000 Highland men to the taking of the same, and they lay at Stirling. Fifty arquebusiers are come to Hume, and the talk goes that 200 shall come to Kelso.—Wark, 25 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
Oct. 25. 1626. The Queen to the Duchess of Parma.
Don Diego De Gusman, the Spanish Ambassador at her Court, being directed by his master to go into the Low Countries to be present at the nuptials of the Prince of Parma with the Princess of Portugal, she desires that he may be allowed to return as soon as the ceremony is performed.—Westminster, 25 Oct. 1565.
Draft. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Oct. 26. 1627. Bedford to the Queen.
1. By hers of the 20th inst. sees she is displeased for the coming thither of the Earl of Murray. The authority which the writer has might have stayed him when his council would take no place, yet for that he had no commission from her so to do. The Lords (all being in so great distress, and concluding that Murray's presence and speech might do more good than Melvyn's, who was there in as open manner as he is) would have laid to the writer great discourtesy, or rather violence, if he should have by force kept him [Murray] here, for otherwise he could not do it, having no command to declare anything to those Lords in hope of aid or otherwise, but to use them friendly, nor yet knew what commission Melvyn had to promise them ought from her.
2. Shall they keep days of "trewe" in Lord Darnley's name or not?—Berwick, 26 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 26. 1628. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Knows that Queen Mary uses against the Queen all such reproachful and dispiteful words as she can, besides her practises with foreign realms.
2. If they loose the Liddesdale men they will join them selves with Bothwell, who will be glad to have them, and they [the Borders] shall find as cruel enemies as for so many (and yet they are no small number) can be picked in Scotland. Bothwell lies with a force on the West Borders, whereby it appears, and by the often viewing of Eyeworth, that that Queen means no peace, whatsoever they do. If peace be established then it were good that some of these men in wages here were discharged. Money must therefore be had, and except it be a little of that Killegrewe brought here is none.
3. The writer was promised at his being with him [Cecil] that Commissioners should have been sent hither to have viewed the works and taken order for the going forward of the same.
4. For his plain writing in his of the 19th and 20th inst. thanks him. Jenkinson has told him many untruths; for the first safe-conduct that the writer gave Wilson was to Jenkinson's own hands, and dated the 26th of September, and then were ten days unexpired of a time appointed him, as in the same was expressed. Then he gave to Wilson one bearing dated the 8th of Oct. for twenty days then to come; and then caused Jenkinson to promise him that he would not trouble Wilson, declaring to him what safe-conduct he had given him, and to what end; notwithstanding which about the 14th or 15th instant he took Wilson.
5. Concerning Wilson and his doings he is sorry. Knows not that any man in this garrison has received any of the goods. Sends him a letter from a Captain of the Queen that lies with 100 men at Wark. This news he has confirmed three manner of ways, albeit he has not the same from Mr. Randolph, for he fears he be shut up, or else his letters so intercepted as he can receive no advertisement thereof from him; and that trade he doubt they use lest the knowledge of the gathering of the Queen's force for this purpose, which is said to be 5,000 men, should be known unto them; for having the same almost ready, and the power of the Merse so near, she may be within two hours' travail of the place before they can understand thereof. And what power are they here otherwise then calling the force of these Marches together, to do such an exploit as either to take or to keep it? And he is expressly commanded by Her Majesty's letters not to stir in that matter before he sees she means to take the same.— Berwick, 26 Oct. 1565. Signed.
6. P. S.—Since writing hereof he received a packet from Mr. Randolph, who writes no certainty thereof. The Earl of Argyll's uncle has been as far as Stirling, and taken of the Laird of Tullibardine and others above 2,400 head of nolt. The Queen was lately at Lestarryke to hear Mass in open Court. Since things be so near a peace it were well to help the Earl of Sutherland, who languishes for thought of his detention here. Sends also Lord Scrope's letter.
Orig. Pp. 5.
Oct. 27. 1629. Phayre to Cecil.
1. Thanks him for his letter and the bill for his allowance of 200 ducats. Has copied out in the Spanish tongue all that was in Cecil's letter that was to be published abroad. Received a letter two days past from Sir Richard Shelley, who was at Naples. He came short of the galleys for his voyage to Malta. His virtue is such as he is able to serve any Prince in the world.
2. As Cecil has commanded him to let him understand of the Englishmen and women that are here, there are very few. Mr. Harvey is well esteemed of the best, and is the countenance of all the rest; yet believes he is so weary of his entertainment that he will not tarry this winter. Mr. Robert Hogan and Mr. Parker are both very honest gentlemen and true subjects to the Queen. Laxton and Denis are men of another advocation, and the King's servants, who go up and down under colour of conscience a railing of their country, which has not won reputation by having brought up such a couple of beastly fellows. John Hall is an honest man, and of a small reputation. Mr. Middleton, of the north country, is here for his pleasure only to learn the language, and will home again after Christmas. One Mr. Payton came lately with letters from the Earl of Warwick to the Duke of Alva for entertainment in Italy. Of Richard Barret he has already given Cecil to understand.
3. There are certain women with whom he has no acquaintance save one, who is married to a Spaniard. These are all that are here in this Court.
4. The chief councillors about the King are Ruy Gomez and the Duke of Alva; there are others, as Don Antonio De Toledo, Conde De Chinchona, Erasso, and others. The Count De Feria is a great man about the King, but Ruy Gomez does more than all they. The Count De Feria is too plain to thrive much amongst them.—Madrid, 27 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 28. 1630. Scrope to Cecil.
Has agreed to meet the Master of Maxwell for a day of March on the 12th of November, and has caused proclamation to be published at what time he means to keep it.—Carlisle, 28 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 28. 1631. Albert Knapheus to Cecil.
Has reported the replies of Cecil to the King's Council, and the Judge of the Admiralty Court, in the matter of Billinghausen. During the present month the Swedes have been defeated with the loss of 3,000 men and forty guns.— Copenhagen, 28 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Oct. 29. 1632. The Queen to the Queen of Scots.
The best plan for them to bring matters to a good end will be to appoint commissioners. Has charged Randolph to make certain offers to her, and also to inform her of her conversation with one of her subjects.—29 Oct. 1565.
Corrected draft. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 29. 1633. The Queen to Bedford. (fn. 4)
He shall grant liberty of passage to the servants and friends of the Scottish Lords in England.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 29. 1634. The Queen to Randolph.
1. He should understand how she has proceeded since the coming of the Duke and Murray into her realm, and especially of the coming of the latter to the Court. She did not suddenly allow of his coming, and ordered him to stay, if on the way, but he met the messenger at Ware. She gave him leave to come, and finding Mauvissier ready to return to France, she thought it convenient that both the ambassador and he [Mauvissier] should hear and see what passed. The Earl came before her and declared the Lords to be nothing culpable, using most reverend words of the Queen, and asking the writer to solicit Queen Mary to receive them into her grace. She charged him, in behalf of Queen Mary, with what she had heard against him, so that the ambassador and Mauvissier plainly perceived her sincerity in dealing for the Queen. Refers him to Cecil's letter for further details.
2. She then had conference with her Council. At first it was resolved to send some persons of good degree thither, to have (among other things) the confirmation of the clause of the treaty of Edinburgh against all innovations during the life of the writer, or her children, concerning Mary's title to the Crown of England.
3. But this was abandoned, being thought likely to touch the writer in honour, as though she had more regard of Mary than was meet; next, it might raise her stomach to be worse disposed to allow of that which should be meet for us both. She concluded to send her letter to Queen Mary as it is written, referring the rest to be said by Randolph.
4. He shall, therefore, say that Queen Mary, having affirmed that she would willingly satisfy the writer in regard to her marriage, she wishes that this should be declared in some plainer text, either by writing, or by sufficient message.
5. Queen Elizabeth sees no occasion why Queen Mary should be offended with the nobility, who have come into England only to save their lives, as appears by their declaration. She is not ignorant of the means which have been offered to the Duke and others to be restored, for the commendation of Kilwinning has reported the same to her.— Westminster, 29 Oct. 1565.
Orig. Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: Upon the coming of the Earl of Murray. Pp. 6.
Oct. 29. 1635. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Has these four or five days past looked, or rather longed to hear how matters would frame with him, touching the Earl of Murray and his business.
2. The Duke and Lords continue where they were placed. The Duke has been sick, he fears rather of thought and carefulness of mind than disease of body; minds therefore tomorrow to go and comfort him. The talk of Eyemouth continues, as he wrote to him, and that Queen looks daily for some great aid of men, or at least of money, from the King of Spain (which Yaxley is gone to solicit), or else from the Cardinal of Lorraine and the rest of her uncles.
3. On Saturday last proclamation was made at Dunse in Scotland, by Andrew Rympett (that took the Earl of Huntley), that all men that would take wages, either on horseback or on foot, should on Tuesday next, the 30th inst., come thither to him and he would entertain them for the King and Queen against their enemies.
4. Prays him send resolution how to proceed against such as shall attempt to go into Scotland. Would be loth to proceed after the martial law. By the common laws he can do nothing, nor yet by the law of the Borders.—Berwick, 29 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 30. 1636. Murray to the Queen.
The more he considers her answer the more grievous it is to him, in respect that many noblemen, and others of mean quality, without their desert towards this country, have found such favour, as well of late in her time as in that of her progenitors, when their cause was not to be compared to this.—Westminster, 30 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 31. 1637. Bedford to Cecil.
1. Understanding out of Scotland that the Queen cannot be ready for the taking of Eyemouth for certain days, thought good in the meantime to visit the Duke at Newcastle and the rest of the Lords.
2. The bearer, Captain Cowborne [Cockburn], will declare the state of things in Scotland. Cecil knows his good affection.—Alnwick, 31 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
Oct. 31. 1638. Randolph to Cecil.
1. This Queen has laid still since her return from Dumfries until yesterday that she rode to Dalkeith, where she remains for a day or two, to enrich the Lord of Morton, who is as well pleased with her being there as the writer is of his abode in Edinburgh. It is given out by some of her own that she is with child. She stands in doubt what help the Queen will make to the noblemen. Hears that she has some remorse of her doings, and lately wished she had followed other counsel. She suspects that some force shall be landed in Fife, which lies amongst the chief Protestants, and adjacent to their friends. For that cause she has sent Mr. John Lesley, a lord of the session, called parson Owne, a very Papist, to assemble the chief of that country at Cupar to know what their parts will be if the old enemies arrive, and to cause them to subscribe a bill to withstand them, and such now as are in England at this Queen's horn. Lord Lindesay is lieutenant of Fife. The Earl of Morton, Lord Lindsay, and Mr. Maxwell are amongst them. Mr. Maxwell labours tooth and nail to have a reconciliation, which may easily come to pass, for that the writer sees her not unwilling. She will be willing to accord to have the greater force when she shall contend for her right, whereunto she thinks she has no long time. The most part of her soldiers are cassed; 300 footmen and 100 horsemen retained. The Earl of Athol is gone home to withstand the Earl of Argyll, who is coming into his country with his whole power. It is true that some friends of his took many cattle out of those bounds of late. The Lord of Lennox lies still at Glasgow, to keep that country in obedience, but takes from all men what he likes. Lord Bothwell, for his great virtue, is now next the Earl of Athol. The parson of Flyske flings at all men "as he were wode." Speaks not of David, for he that may attain unto it is worthy to wear it. Lethington has leisure to make love, and in the end, as wise as he is, will show himself a fool. The Duke is offered (if he will give over his right to the crown) to be restored to his possessions. He has given answer, that God will defend his right and innocency, and that his life and that shall go together.
2. Has received his letters by Stafferton, for whom, and for his letter of advice, he thanks him; and also received one other written the day before. It is here so openly known, and he must write it with grief, how much Lady Marie has forgotten herself in her hasty concluding of marriage, as it is said, with the sergeant porter.—Edinburgh, 31 Oct. 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 31. 1639. W. Kirkcaldy to—.
Received on the 7th two letters in cipher. The Earl of Bedford made him privy to a letter of his, whereof they may have small comfort; and yet doubts not but by the same means his lordship's action shall take good effect, for send as many ambassadors to their Queen as they please, they shall receive a proud answer, for she thinks to have force ready as they do, besides the hope she has to have some friendship in England, whereof she does not a little brag.—Sir John Forster's house, beside Alnwick. Signed.
Orig. Hol. P. 1.
Oct. 1640. Marriage of the Queen of Scots.
Found the marriage with the Prince of Spain inconvenient many ways, and unacceptable to her subjects. Chose the son of the Earl of Lennox, who is of royal blood, the same religion as herself, and in which the Earls of Athol, Lord Lindsay, all the Stuarts, and the Catholics insisted. The Protestants with Murray brought forward the Earl of Leicester, feigning that the Queen of England would write in his favour, which was only to deceive her. Murray sought to have himself legitimatised. He proposed that she should give over her crown to him and Argyll, and get rid of the Hamiltons as had been done to Huntley.
Orig., in the hol. of the Queen of Scots. Fr. Pp. 4.


  • 1. On the same sheet as the Privy Council's letter to Murray.
  • 2. On the same sheet as the Queen's letter to Bedford of this date.
  • 3. From this point to the end is in Cecil's hand.
  • 4. Written on the back of a petition from John Taylor, praying to be released from prison, where he is for indecent words against the Queen.