Elizabeth: May 1565, 11-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: May 1565, 11-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp359-378 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1565, 11-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp359-378.

"Elizabeth: May 1565, 11-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp359-378.

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May 1565, 11-30

[May 11.] 1157. Randolph to the Queen of Scots.
Sir N. Throckmorton is arrived at Berwick, and to-morrow he intends to be in this town, and so repair to her. Prays her to let her determinations, as well for marriage as other preferments towards Darnley, be stayed until her Majesty's mind be further known.
Copy. Pp. 1.
May 11. 1158. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Understands by Cecil's letter that Thockmorton shall shortly be here with full commission to treat with this Queen touching the marriage with Darnley. What hope soever Her Majesty may be put in, or whatsoever is said that it shall not further proceed than she will allow, the writer is assured that there is more secretly passed between the Queen and Darnley than willingly they will be known of. Upon Monday she created him Lord of Ardmanach, upon Tuesday Earl of Ross and Duke of Rothsay, which are the three chief honours of her patrimony, and never before given to any but the King's sons.
2. To this solemnity are assembled the chief Estates of this realm to have their consent as well to the marriage as to these grants, which never yet were given from the crown. Divers opinions there are here upon it, but the writer believes all will go for a while as she would have it. To be against her marriage they cannot: to let her give of her own he knows not who will go about to let it. If they can have some more assured order for the establishment of religion, they will think themselves to have sped well; and this he believes will be the end. The fear this Queen conceived that the calling of the father and son into England should be an hindrance to her determination herein caused more haste to be made to set these matters forward.
3. Besides Argyll, (though he be written for and his letter not yet delivered) he knows not of the noblemen who will be absent. To withstand anything that she desires he knows not who has the courage, saving him of whom there is already overgreat suspicion that he is sore against it. It is spoken that some others also shall be called to greater place of honour, as Lord Robert, Earl of Orkney, Lord Erskine, Earl of Mar, which he claims. Some others it is said shall be made lords and knights. Whether Sir Nicholas shall straight to the court, or be desired to tarry in this town, he rather fears than can write anything for certain. If she wills him to tarry here, it is for doubt she has that he shall persuade somewhat against her will, and therefore she would all matters to be determined before he comes there.
4. James Macconell to assist his brother Carlebo against O'Neil in Ireland is taken prisoner, and many of his men slain. Some say that both his brethren are dead, but that he is a prisoner. The writer knows by report of his own wife, with whom he spake this day. Argyle shall want hereby a good friend if he has need.
4. How the Scots and Elliots speed he cares little; hitherto the Scots have the worst, and the others daily burn and spoil. If Her Majesty like to be cumbered with any such people, the writer can get as many of either of them with a strong house or two as she pleases to have.
5. There were within these three days in this town so joyous tidings that if they had been true Scotland should have been happy for ever. The bruit was that the occasion of this assembly was that the Queen was determined to leave the mass, and to confirm all such orders as were taken for the establishment of Christ's religion. They said the altar in the Queen's chapel was pulled down; coals were got to make bonfires, and hogsheads of wine would have been set in the streets to drink who would for joy hereof; but nothing in the end was found more false, not as things appear more unlikely to take effect, "except that other way they go to work than I can see appearance of."—Edinburgh, 11 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
May 11. 1159. Throckmorton to Leicester and Cecil.
1. Lethington and he arrived at Berwick on the 11th instant. There met Lethington, the Lord of Langton, and others of his friends, to the number of forty horses. On Monday next the 14th, there shall be a great assembly at Stirling to try their devotion touching this marriage. Understands that the matter is very earnestly minded and prosecuted by the Queen of Scotland, and with such vehemency as she would be very loth to be dissuaded from it. The earnestness therein rather moves him to think it undisoluble than otherwise; but when he considers the foundation of this matter (which was dispite and anger) cannot assure himself that such qualities will bring forth such fruits as the love and usage bestowed upon Lord Darnley shows. Hears that the Queen of Scotland means to send an express man to her uncles and kinsfolk in France, with such declaration of the forwardness of this matter as they may think there is no place left for other advice; neither that she can or will be persuaded to like another in marriage.
2. John Beaton (who met Lethington betwixt Newark and Grantham) brought him commission from the Queen, his mistress, to return unto Queen Elizabeth, and to declare that since his mistress had been so long trained with fair speech, and in the end beguiled of her expectation, she minded (with the advice of the Estates of her own realm to use her own choice in marriage; she would no longer be fed with yea and nay, and to depend upon uncertain dealings. Wishes that the Queen and they had seen the penning of the matter of her own hand (whereof the writer got a sight), they would have said there wanted neither eloquence, dispite, anger, love, nor passion.
3. Lethington had also commission, after his charge done in England, to repair into France and there make the French King and that state to allow of her choice; and the rather to move Lethington to take legations, she sent him a bill of credit to the receivers of her dowry in France, to disburse unto him what money he would ask, and to spare for no cost. And to incite him to take this voyage she wrote him the most favourable and gentle letter with her own hand that ever Queen did write to her servant, not leaving behind large promises for his benefit and greatness in time to come. Notwithstanding this charge and enchantment, he would neither return to London, nor yet into France, but came hastily after him [the writer], and overtook him at Alnwick, from whence they went together to Berwick, and so they mind to depart on the 12th towards Edinburgh. Encloses a letter from Randolph, whereby he may perceive what haste is made in this marriage. He made Lethington privy to this advertisement, for he knew nothing thereof. Never saw him in so great perplexity nor passion, and would have little believed that for any matter he could have been so moved. Amongst other things in Lethington's commission, which he should have executed at his return thither, he was enjoined to stay the writer's coming into Scotland.
4. The Queen's Council in the north parts think it necessary that the Earl of Northumberland should not be suffered to repair into the north parts. And likewise Sir Richard Cholmeleye to be sent down, being examined there what intellegence he has of these matters.—Berwick, 11 May 1565. Signed.
5. P.S.—The Papists in these parts begin to rouse themselves, and the unruly people of Liddisdale begin to live insolently and commit disorders. Has procured Lethington to write to Murray to stay this hasty execution, and so he has done to Randolph, and therein to employ the best means he has. Lethington wishes that he had commission to threaten this Queen with war, in case she will thus proceed in marriage with the Queen's rebels, as the last refuge to stay her from this unadvised act. It will be well that Bedford make no long tarrying there.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
May 11. 1160. Lethington to Leicester.
The day after he came from London a gentleman of the Queen, his mistress, met him nigh Newark with a new commission for him to turn back to the Court. Nevertheless, finding the instruction nothing agreeable to his own opinion, he kept his course hitherward, of purpose rather to speak his mind than commit it to a letter; knows not how Queen Mary will take it. Is sorry not so much for himself as for Murray, that the Queen's letter written to Sir Henry Percy, in the Master Marshal's matter, at the writer's request, has served to so small a purpose, as no Scotchman's bond will suffice to set him at liberty.—Berwick, 11 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 11. 1161. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
1. Has been importunate for the twenty gunners at Harbottle for the enterprises of the Liddisdalers (being 500 able men, and all proclaimed rebels,) as also for others of these evil countries. Some of the fugitives of this realm with the Liddisdalers came on the 18th ult. within one mile of Harbottle gates in Redesdale, and assaulted his servant there in charge of the castle, who hardly escaped; an enterprise which the fugitives of this realm dared not have taken upon them without the Liddisdalers. On the 9th inst., certain of them came into Tynedale to spoil, where four of them were taken. As the numbers of the evil increase so do their devices, which he trusts Cecil will consider in such sort that the writer may have ability as occasion may be offered for meeting with them.
2. Has sent to Mr. Mychell, servant to Bedford, to attend him for the finishing of his grant of the wardship of young Mr. Gray of Chillingham.—Alnwick, 11 May 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 11. 1162. Montague, Wotton, and Haddon to Cecil.
This matter, requiring haste, they send one of their own servants for the Queen's resolution.—Bruges, 11 May 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 11. 1163. Wotton to Cecil.
They say that the Regent will send into England to see their proofs for the poundage. Wishes that two or three of the best citizens in London were appointed to see that the said scrutiny be made orderly. As for the cloth, they wish an equality in the payment of customs between them and the English. There is a tale here that the Lord James is departed out of the Court of Scotland, nothing contented with the Queen his sister; which seems strange, as the writer cannot think that she is able to make her part good against him and his friends if she fall out with him. When they have done here he would fain prove the baths by Aken [Aixla-Chapelle].—Bruges, 11 May, "qui est mihi natalis," 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 12. 1164. Throckmorton to Leicester and Cecil.
Lethington has desired him to recommend the Master of Marshal's matter to them. Lethington has received a letter from the Queen of Scotland containing that she (with the consent of twelve or thirteen of the nobility) minds to create on Sunday next Lord Darnley Earl of Ross. That simple soul, the Duke, yields to all, with a promised written condition to enjoy his own. Earl Morton and the Justice Clarke are the doers. Murray will in nowise yet be conformable. He will have the Queen leave the mass and quit all popery, or he will never agree. She and Darnley will in nowise agree thereto. Argyle has refused to come to this convention, being sent for by the Queen. He passed by the Court and would not see the Queen. She has given order to have spial upon the writer's doings. Lethington has prayed him to require his favour for James Meynes in his suit.—Berwick, 12 May. Signed.
Orig. Partly in Throckmorton's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
May 12. 1165. Christopher, Marquis of Baden, to the Queen.
Informs her of the desire of himself and his wife, the Princess Cecilia of Sweden, to visit her on their return from Sweden. —Dantzic, 12 May 1565. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
May 12. 1166. The Lady Cecilia of Sweden to the Queen.
Thanks her for her letters and presents. Intends to go to East Frisia and there wait for a messenger or letter with the Queen's will as to her intended journey into England.— Dantzic, 12 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
May 12. 1167. Offer of Count John of Emden.
The Count offers to serve the Queen with certain troops upon the conditions here specified.
Copy. Endd.: 12 May 1565. Fr. Pp. 3.
May 12. 1168. William Phayre to Cecil.
1. On the 9th the Queen removed hence for Bayonne; herself all in black velvet, gown and kirtle, doublet of black satin, cloak of velvet, hat and feathers, all laid over with gold richly embroidered, and the trappings to her horse suitable to the same. Her six ladies of state had black velvet cloaks laid over with silver; there went others to the number of fifteen or sixteen apparelled only in black velvet. Spanish ladies there went none but only Dona Magdalena Gyron, her Camerera Mayor. This order was given by the King to avoid the excessive charges, but Phayre thinks it was rather to avoid the shame that must needs have ensued if that so foul company as is left behind had appeared in that great Court of France; for amongst all the Spanish ladies she had only this Dona Magdalena fair. She has above 200 sumpter mules, fifty and odd carts, 300 hackney mules and horses, besides a train of noblemen. The King entered the palace at the back gate at the hour that the Queen rode out at the other, and on the 12th they met at the Escurial.
2. There is news from Italy that the Turk's army will set forth on the 22nd inst. The Grand Master of Rhodes writes that Bajazet was not killed by the Sophy, but had fled to Tripoli. Of twenty-three cardinals lately made fourteen are Florentines. There is misliking of the French King's answer concerning the taking of Terra Florida, which is that Villegaignon is a rebel and pirate, and against his will is there; yet the French King does not stay ten ships in Normandy which are preparing for that place. Maximilian has had a great victory over the Vaivode of Transylvania. The Turk is very angry thereat, and has put the Emperor's Ambassador in prison. Dragut Reis has won by treason the city of Tunis and slain the King, so the garrison of the Goletta shall not be able to go in and out for forage or other necessaries.
3. Kept till the 26th.—The King has been in divers places upon pastime, yet the chief of his council never from him. News from France is that there are 40,000 men in arms, and that the Prince of Condé joins himself with the Duke of Florence and the Pope to drive this King out of Italy. The King will make his entrance into Valladolid on the 3rd and has sent for his nephews to be there. Every day grows more and more to light the ill intelligence between the Pope and this Prince. The Pope has almost suspended the Cruzada, and made leagues with the Switzers, the King of France, and the Dukes of Florence, Venice, and Ferrara. There came patents to Cadiz to embargo only six great ships to transport soldiers into Italy, which cannot be found, so scant of navy is all that coast. Cannot hear that the Archbishop of Toledo is at liberty. The Prince of Spain has gone to his father in feasting and triumphing.
4. Madrid, 27 April 1565.—They say that most of what he has written above are fables. The Pope has commanded his Nuncio to remain until the King has finished his progress. There can be no resistance to the Turk for the small order of galleys this Prince has. The Pope has given satisfaction to the King of that it was thought he should be against him with the French. Pedro Melendez is general for Florida and goes there with 2,000 men.
5. Madrid, May 7.—Don Garcia de Toledo has visited and provided the Goletta and has been at Malta. They are raising men in Italy. The Turk is much feared in Sardinia, Sicily, and Corsica. The news is that the plague is at Burgos. —12 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 12.
May 12. 1169. William Phayre to Challoner.
1. Has lost almost 500 reals, which were taken out of his trunk on Wednesday night. Has found so little friendship here that he could not borrow above fifty reals. Asks Challoner to assist that the thief escape not unpunished. The league with the French King and the Pope is nothing, but there is good intelligence between this King and them. The Turk is abroad with all his army. San Pedro Corso is yet Lord of Corsica. Don Garcia de Toledo is at Naples with thirty-six galleys; all his force joined will be at most eighty galleys. Of the Count De Feria's going to Naples there is no news, nor of the voyage to Flanders, although it is feared that the country is in great trouble about religion. Thus far May 10.
2. The plague is at Burgos. The King and Queen are at Valladolid. The Queen is at the cost of 250 reals the day only for sumpter mules. It is said that Dona Maria de Mendosa is at cost every day of 2,000 reals. Medina del Campo has been at charge besides the Town Chamber at 35,000 reals; Valladolid 60,000. Burgos will make a box, in which if the Queen comes there, she shall have it in ready money. Challoner's house was taxed in sixty reals. Is in no small fear of his life, for Barret has declared that he was in prison in the Inquisition of Grenada, and goes about to accuse him to the inquisition here. Begs Challoner to take order that he may have Barret and his goods to answer if he chances to be in trouble. John Cuerton will not pay him any money paid out for the poor prisoners at St. Sebastian until they be at liberty. Writes every day such opinions as are amongst the best sort of Ambassadors.—Madrid, 12 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
May 15. 1170. Lethington to Cecil.
Two days before coming from the Court he sent the Queen's letter in the Master Marshall's favour to Sir Henry Percy, who would give his man no answer, but said he would send it to the Queen. Repeats what he wrote to Leicester on the 11th inst.—Berwick, 15 May 1565.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 15. 1171. Oath taken by Lord Darnley.
1. Darnley, on being made a knight, promises to defend the Christian faith, to be true to his country and sovereign, to protect the weak and oppressed, and to bring to justice wrongdoers.
2. Also his oath when made an earl at Stirling, 15 May 1565.
3. Lord Darnley, after being made Knight, Baron, and Earl of Ross, created before the Queen 14 knights, whose names are given.
Copy. Pp. 2.
May 15. 1172. Another copy of the above.
Pp. 2.
May 15. 1173. The Duke of Florence to the Queen.
Asks for licence to transport from England certain ambling hackneys for the use of his wife, the Emperor's sister.— Florence, 15 May 1565. Signed, Francisco de Medicis.
Orig. with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
May 16. 1174. William Drury to Cecil.
As part of the powder is decayed by reason of bestowing it in damp places, asks that a meet house may be provided for the purpose.—Berwick, 16 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 16. 1175. Sir Henry Percy to Cecil.
His prisoner, Lord Keith, has had at all times liberty to be at home and has had as much courtesy as he could till he attempted to escape. He has only offered 100l. for his ransom. For his going into Scotland he is well pleased, so that it be upon English bonds.—Tynemouth, 16 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 18.
Labanoff, i., 261.
1176. The Queen of Scotts to the Queen.
Prays her to grant to James Makgill, eldest son to Mr. James Makgill, Rankelour-nethir, clerk of her Council and registrar, a passport to pass through her realm into France.— Stirling, 18 May, 23rd Mary. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 18. 1177. William Drury to Cecil.
1. Received his of the 14th on the 17th, and sent the enclosed letters to Throckmorton.
2. When Throckmorton was here he enquired of him how he should use the passports between both realms. He willed him for them that should come from Scotland during his abode there, not having his nor Randolph's passports, to stay them, which he has done. The neighbours speak very broad touching themselves being assembled in Edinburgh. "A little wind would make their mills grind broken heads." Their neighbours (as the Lord of Blaketer and others) offer them great kindness. The Lord of Hume is ridden to Stirling, where of the nobility there is a great assembly. Has heard nothing from Throckmorton since his coming to Stirling, which was upon Tuesday.—Berwick, 18 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 18. 1178. Frederic II. to the Queen.
Complains that John Rubin, her subject, having brought up up his ship at Elsinore, weighed anchor during the night and proceeded on his voyage as they think to Sweden. Begs that if he escapes his ships he may be punished on his return to England.—Copenhagen, 18 May 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
May 19. 1179. The Queen to Eric XIV.
Has received his letters dated at Stockholm on 1st June of last year, containing an account of his war with the Danes. Is sorry that there should be hostilities between two princes both friendly to herself; and offer s her council and services to bring about peace.—Westminster, 19 May 1565.
Copy, in Ascham's Hol. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
May 20. 1180. Murray to Cecil.
Intercedes for the Master Marshall, his brother-in-law; can have no reasonable ransom appointed according to the law of arms; asks him to show him some favour.—Stirling, 20 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 20. 1181. Richard Clough to [Gresham].
1. Understands his pleasure for the taking up money by exchange for the payment of the rest of the Queen's debts. Touching the wharf, if the Queen would take the same order that they do here she would save half the charge. A wall should be built to shut out all the houses by the water side.
2. There have been two ships robbed not far from Land's End, of which much ado is made here. An English skipper in this town told Mr. Harvey that at Rye he had seen Marychurch of Dover with a handsome armed ship, and that Master Gonson and Mr. Winter were aboard of the same ship, and the next tide he went out and afterwards he found him lying at the Land's End. Complains of the folly of letting this robbing continue.—Antwerp, 20 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
May 20. 1182. Conference at Bruges.
A note of papers sent with the commissioners' letters of May 20, chiefly consisting of complaints made by the merchants and others of the low counties, with their answers.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
May 20. 1183. Complaints of the Hollanders.
Statement of the complaints (28 in number) advanced by the Hollanders against the English, submitted to the commissioners assembled at Bruges.
Orig. Endd.: Sent 20 May 1565. Lat. Pp. 9.
May 20. 1184. Complaints of the Flemings.
Statement of the complaints advanced by the subjects of the King Catholic against the English, submitted to the commissioners assembled at Bruges.
Copy, annotated by Cecil. Endd.: Sent 20 May 1565. Lat. Pp. 8.
May 20. 1185. Another copy of the above.
Copy, annotated by Cecil, and Endd. by him: Sent 11 May. Lat. Pp. 7.
May 20. 1186. Cecil to Phayre.
Has received his letters and well allows his plainness and diligence in writing, and principally that he so circumspectly makes recital of the sundry opinions there. Has let the Queen understand how meet a man Challoner has left behind him. There are means made to her both by France and the Emperor's brother for marriage. "I think surely the Queen of Scots will marry with the Lord Darnley." Sir H. Sidney will be Lord President of Ireland. Challoner arrived in Devon about the 10th.—20 May 1565. Signed: Your loving W. Cecill.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Phayre. Pp. 2.
May 21. 1187. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Accompanied with Lethington he passed from Berwick to the castle of Dunbar on the 12th inst., and lodged there that night, where he found Lord Gordon, eldest son to the Earl of Huntley, condemned for high treason. On the 13th he arrived with Lethington at Edinburgh, where he communicated to Randolph her instructions. Lethington received a new commandment to use means to stay him at Edinburgh for two or three days, alleging the Queen's infirmity, and also that no order was as then given for his lodgings at Stirling. Nevertheless Lethington departed in great diligence towards Stirling and left him at Edinburgh, making him privy to his charge, and leaving him to his own liking; where he learned by Randolph that this Queen intends to make Lord Darnley knight and baron, and also to create him Earl of Rosse on the 15th inst., and on the 16th, Duke of Albany; all which honours her mind was should be passed before the writer's arrival at her Court. Whereupon on the 14th inst. he departed from Edinburgh to Linlithgow and lodged there that night. On the 15th he arrived at Stirling, and descended at the castle gate, having sent before Middlemore to demand audience. He found the gates shut, and he could not be suffered to enter. Thus remaining some time before the gate, there came to him the Master of Erskine and the Justice Clerke, one of the Queen's Privy Council, who desired him on the Queen's behalf to retire to his lodging appointed him in the town, saying that after he had reposed himself the Queen meant to give him audience. He pressed to have it forthwith, as he understood the creations were to take effect that day, which he thought meet for her service to prevent by all means he could. This request could not be admitted, and he departed to his lodging in Stirling, to which place, about 2 p.m., the Lords Erskine and Ruthven (two of this Queen's Privy Council) came and accompanied him from thence to the Queen, who was accompanied with the Duke of Châtelherault, the Earls of Argyll, Moray, Morton, Athole, Glencairn, and other earls and barons. Very few were absent of the nobility of this realm.
2. The writer set forth the Queen's misliking of Queen Mary's hasty proceeding with Darnley, as well for the matter as the manner, wherein she erred by unadvisedness and rashness; and that Darnley and his parents had failed of their duties to enterprise such matter without making the Queen privy thereunto, being her subjects. This Queen answered that she had not failed on her behalf to communicate the matter unto Queen Elizabeth in time, as soon as she was resolved of the man and the matter; for other promise she never made but to communicate unto her the person whom she would choose. And as to the Queen misliking of the match she marvelled, because she did but use her choice according to her prescription. Mary reminded Elizabeth that when she [Mary] notified the motion made unto her by Charles Duke of Austria, she [Elizabeth] dissuading her from that match, and from any of the Emperor's house, and likewise from the house of France and Spain, she [Elizabeth] was contented (that those houses only excepted) she [Mary] might take her choice of any person in any other country; and because she thought none might be more agreeable to her and England, and likewise to her own subjects of Scotland, than Lord Darnley, she did with less preciseness proceed so far in this matter as she had done.
3. The writer impugned her sayings by the words of Randolph's commission, containing these three articles, first, for her own contentation; next, the allowance of her people; thirdly, that the choice be such as the amity betwixt them, not only for their own persons, but also for their nation, may be continued; proving unto her by many probable arguments that Darnley did in no part satisfy the contents of that permission, whereupon she chiefly grounded herself to have the Queen's allowance. This Queen is so far passed in this matter with Lord Darnley as it is irrevocable, and no place left to dissolve it otherwise than by violence. Queen Mary means to send one of her own (but not Lethington, who stands not in best terms with her) to negotiate with her in this matter, and to procure her to appoint commissioners to treat with some of her Council. Finds her so captivated either by love or cunning (or rather to say truly by boasting or folly) that she is not able to keep promise with herself, and therefore not able to keep promise with the Queen in this matter.
4. The day before departing from this Queen, which was on the 18th, she made him dine with her at her own table only, and Randolph accompanied with the Duke and the rest of her nobility in another chamber. After he had taken his leave she sent Lethington to his lodgings with his dispatch, who brought him in present from her a chain of gold, weighing fifty ounces.
5. Perceives that it is in the power of Queen Elizabeth either to dissolve this matter betwixt the Queen and Lord Darnley (as at his coming he shall declare more particularly), or to end the matter more amicably with such conditions as may be to her honour, her surety, and to her felicity. And to bring these to pass, he asks her to put in execution such memorials as he has addressed to Leicester and Mr. Secretary.
6. Means to be at Berwick on the 3rd to view her fortifications, and to have conference with Sir John Foster. And for that he has learned there is a dangerous practice intended in Yorkshire, he means to return by York, and to give the Lord President warning. Sends a memorial of the honours this Queen bestowed upon Lord Darnley on the 15th inst.
7. This Queen has resolved to summon the estates of her Parliament on the 20th of July next; and likewise means to assemble the ministers of her clergy about the 10th or 12th of June next, that they may put in readiness for the Parlia ment some matters concerning religion and ecclesiastical policy.
8. This Queen has travailled since his leavetaking to compound all difference betwixt Argyll and Lennox. She means to depart from Stirling to St. Johnstown as soon as Lord Darnley shall be able to travel, which is thought to be in four or five days. The Duke of Châtelherault and the Earls of Argyll, Murray, and Glencairn retire to their houses forthwith.
9. This Queen forthwith sends a messenger into France to her Ambassador, the Bishop of Glasgow, who has in charge to employ himself to make this match agreeable to the French. Of all the marriages hitherto motioned unto her, her uncles most desired her to match with the Prince of Spain, which was in greater towardness than was looked for in England. This matter he learns was chiefly overthrown by Murray and Lethington. As to the Duke Charles, the writer cannot find that ever she was bent, nor any of her Council. True it is that the Cardinal of Lorraine carried Spain in his right hand and Austria in the left, and of all men within England and Scotland he preferred him that now she has.—Edinburgh, 21 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd by Cecil. Pp. 6.
May 21. 1188. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. As to the marriage between the Queen and Darnley he perceives Queen Elizabeth has it in her power to dissolve it violently, (for it will admit no other cure), or she may win by reasonable composition.
2. Would be sorry if De Mauvyser (who means to come into Scotland) be able to give this Queen intelligence that her proceedings with Darnley are not so evil taken there by Her Majesty and her Council as he has shown in his negotiations; for that will hinder the purpose that he thinks the Queen would be at. Means this generally of all others that may give intelligence.
3. Sends herewith a letter from Murray, which was sent to the writer since his departure from the Court. Touching Mr. Marshall's liberty the writer is pressed by the said earl and divers of his other friends to recommend this matter to him. Asks him to put Her Majesty in mind to have some consideration of Randolph, who serves her chargeably and diligently.—Edinburgh, 21 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 21. 1189. Memorial from Throckmorton to Leicester and Cecil.
1. That her Majesty and all of her Council make it appear to all folks that the proceedings of the Queen of Scotland with Darnley are so misliked that she must chasten the arrogance of her subjects, and avenge the indignity offered by the Queen of Scotland. To send the Earl of Bedford to his charge, and admonish the wardens of all the Marches to stand upon their guard, and to be in readiness to serve when they shall be commanded. To show no more favour to this nation than the forbearing of breach of peace will suffer.
2. To stay the Earl of Northumberland at London, and to send Sir Richard Cholmeleye to York to the Council to receive ordinary process for his disorders there. To command the Lord President and Council at York to have good eye to the doings of the faction, the Earl of Northumberland, and Lady Lennox, and by no means to suffer the Papists to have cause to think themselves in credit.
3. To have greater restraints put upon Lady Lennox, so that she may have conference with none but such as are appointed unto her; and specially that she has no intelligence with the French Ambassador, but chiefly none with the Spanish, for that there the matter imports most as he understands.
4. That Lady Somerset find more gracious entertainment in the Court than heretofore.
5. That as well from Her Majesty as from them [Leicester and Cecil] it be brought to Lady Lennox's knowledge that they all marvelled how Lethington can be so blinded as to further this marriage so earnestly.
6. To use all means to keep themselves in good opinion with France and Spain.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil, and dated bg him: 21 May 1565. Pp. 2.
May 21. 1190. Randolph to Leicester.
Finds this Queen so altered with affection towards Lord Darnley that she has brought her honour in question, her estate in hazard, her country like to be torn to pieces. Sees also the amity between the two countries like now to be dissolved. This Queen in her love is so transported, and Darnley grown so proud, that to all honest men he is intolerable, and almost forgetful of his duty to her already that has adventured so much for his sake. What shall be judged of him that for bringing a message from the Queen, that was to his discontentment, would with his dagger have slain the messenger; so little he yielded to her desire, so bold he was at first with one of her councillors, yea, with him that most favoured his cause, and was the chief worker of that which passed between them. These things move the writer to lament her case. The most part are persuaded that in sending Darnley there is other meaning that was shown. Has had neither word nor countenance of the Queen of Scots all the time of the Lord Ambassador being there, and yet she confessed unto his Lordship that she never bore better goodwill to any man than to him [Leicester] before she despaired through the slowness of the Queen's resolution that any good was intended. The present state stands thus. She is entered so far that she may sooner repent than call that back which she has done. All men here stand in suspense, of themselves unable to with stand her intent, though they see what mischief is like to ensue. To hope much at their hands, whom they have good cause to suspect for sending him home whom now they would seem to mislike, they dare not. Except, therefore, some demonstration further than words be made by him [Leicester], they shall be fain, to their displeasure, to consent unto it, though they would never so willingly break it. Refers to the report of the Ambassador.—Edinburgh, 21 May. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. partly by Cecil. Pp. 5.
May 21. 1191. Randolph to Cecil.
The Queen of Scots contends that all things have been done with good advice and deliberation in the matter, and that she was induced thereunto by the likelihood she found of the Queen's allowance and approbation thereof. The Queen, seized with love, all care of the commonwealth set apart, uses neither the counsel of such as can best advise her, nor gives ear to any than such as follow her fantasy or feed her humour, almost to the utter contempt of her best subjects. Darnley still keeps his chamber, nor at any time since his sickness came forth of the same, saving the night of his creation. In words he hears that he is stout; by some deeds also he has showed what his will is if his power be equal to his passions. With his dagger he would have stroken the Justice Clerk that brought word that the creation of him to be duke was deferred for a time. His father's will is more in this to see his son thus advanced than he knows by what means to work it. He may well turn himself to see these matters take so slow effect, or not to have wherewith to relieve his need when it is most necessary. The duke has been present, whose plain and simple dealing he must rather commend than allow of his manner of dealing where his danger is so great. Argyll deserves much more praise for his stoutness in defence of religion and the safety of his house than any man that in this action he has heard speak. Glencairn, Boyde, Ochiltree, and all the country of the west concur in one. Murray is true, faithful, and stout, both for the defence of God's glory, and careful how to save his sovereign's honour; he now lies in a balance, and is fearful of those doings that may make a breach of amity between the two realms. Lethington is sufficiently known to Cecil, yet the writer must say that more stoutness and good conduct is used by him at this time than by many was looked for. The Master of Maxwell weighs more what his mistress will than the danger that she is in, though willingly he would her weal, yet is be loth to attempt against her mind. Ruthven stirs coals as hot as fire to have these matters take effect. Atholl says still that whatsoever he hears spoken from the Queen, or at this time has been pronounced by the Ambassador, are only words and boasting to no effect. He make account of a greater party than any that the Queen can make to let it. Morton says frankly to it. Randolph knows not yet what he shall do. Here is now to be done what Her Majesty likes, though he knows that they bear themselves bold of no small number in her realm, and many abroad as are Papists in Europe.—Edinburgh, 21 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 21. 1192. Lord Scrope to [Throckmorton].
1. Upon Throckmorton's passing into Scotland the writer was about some urgent causes of his own at his house at Bolton; and at his coming hither, not knowing whether he were returned or not, he did not write, saving only to Randolph. Now craves his advice how he shall behave himself towards the Warden of Scotland for redress of attemptates, and continuance of the amity. Mentions the offers made to him by the Elwoods.—Carlisle, 21 May 1565. Signed.
2. P. S.—When last in London he declared to the Queen the order of the fortification and new strengths lately raised by the Master of Maxwell upon the opposite March, whereupon it was thought good that they should do the like upon this Border. Gentlemen from Berwick were sent hither to view the ground, and one of them returned their doings, but how the same shall be answered he learns not.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 21. 1193. Rowland Johnson to the Privy Council.
Estimates for the new wall begun at Berwick, according to the new demonstration devised by Mr. Portinary, 280l. 1s. 1d. Signed.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 21. 1194. Fortifications at Berwick.
Mr. Marshall's estimate of the charges for the wall 48 feet long begun by Lee at Berwick, and for one 48 feet long after the model in the park.
Endd.: 21 May 1565. Pp. 2.
May 22. 1195. Memorial by Bedford for Berwick.
1. That the bridge of Berwick be hereafter of stone.
2. That some one place may be bestowed for the powder; to the help whereof there is a frame of an old hall in the castle, which (with some stonework for the walls thereof) would serve till the Queen make a better.
3. That there be a commission to view all stores in the master of the ordnance's charge at Newcastle and Berwick.
4. That consideration be had for the victualling.
5. That the Queen send some person to view the works.
6. That Lee have commission for the letting of taskwork.
7. That the Queen's pleasure be known for alteration of the prison; and that she be moved to grant some benevolence as well towards making a new prison as also towards the paving of the town.
8. That consideration be had for the castles of Norham and Wark and for the bridge of Twisel.
9. To consider how the Queen might be less charged for the service of the country, and also what provision can be had for such as are hurt and maimed in service.
10. That conference be had concerning such as get grants of the Queen's lands on the borders and never come there to do service, nor are charged with any; whereby the country is weakened, as namely, the Constable of Etell, who has lost a piece of his living.
11. That consideration be had whether it be best to bring the Scottish market to a green without the new wall, and yet within the old.
12. To consider whether Sir John Forster shall have 20 gunners for Harbottell Castle; and also for him to have the wardship of Sir Ralph Grey's heir.
13. That Partridge and the rest of the coiners be remembered.
Orig. with several marginal notes by Cecil. Endd: 22 May 1565. Pp. 4.
[May 22.] 1196. Memorial by Bedford for Berwick.
1. To know whether the Queen will send any of her Council hither to view the piece.
2. To know what she will do for Twizell bridge, also towards the paving of the town of Berwick, and to have Norham and Wark surveyed and viewed.
3. To know whether any more soldiers or workmen shall be put into the town; and what order shall be given for strengthening of the Borders.
4. To know whether her Majesty will command him to go by the Archbisbop of York, and whether any lieutenant shall go down or not. And that the bishoprick of Durham be ready with a power to aid Berwick, and the shire of Northumberland also.
5. To remember his charges in sending into Scotland, which amount to 45l.
6. To know, if any Scots come that be in disgrace with their Sovereign, whether he shall receive them and how he shall use them; and what commission she will give him for anything to be done or said to Randolph.
7. To remember for a minister, whereof they might have good choice, so they were not bound to the tippet and cap. And whether they shall continue as they do, or else observe the order now commanded. Also to remember that the prebendaries of Durham come and preach with them at Berwick.
Orig. with marginal notes by Cecil, and Endd. by him. Pp. 2.
May 24. 1197. Randolph to Cecil.
Until this Queen be brought to acknowledge her error the peril of the writer cannot be small. Complains of the increase of his charges. It is needful that Her Majesty were somewhat charged towards the support of some here that have well deserved. Of their goodwills hitherto she has had some trial, and they themselves not without suspicion for the same. Has given his opinion to Throckmorton how 1,000l. might be bestowed, not for any pension, but thereby to take trial what mind they will be of, and to see which way it can be deserved. Since the army came from Leith the Queen has been smally charged, saving what he has spent. His intelligence has come though his friends and acquaintances here. Has often recommended Argyll, and daily finds more cause than ever he saw. He may be used as Her Majesty will, and that for little; but if he be not made their friend, Cecil will find him a shrewd enemy. In these eight months service are above 58l. of his entertainment given in rewards, besides many other ways that he has been charged. Arran is fallen again into his phrenzy. He grows more cumbersome to be kept, and lett so with his fantasies that he would have saws to cut off his legs and hands, cords and knives to end his life. Has conveyed the Ambassador to Berwick, whence he returns to-morrow to the Queen.— 24th May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's sceretary. Pp. 4.
May 24. 1198. John Bennett to Cecil.
Asks Cecil (Bedford being now at Court) to help him out of this trouble.—Berwick, 24 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 24. 1199. Memorial for Count John of Emden.
The Count engages to furnish (at three month's notice) 8,000 foot and 2000 horse, with means of transport, for the Queen's service against anyone except the Emperor; and also to grant free traffic with the ports of East Friesland to the Queen's subjects. The Queen engages to pay yearly to the Count [blank] hundred pounds in half-yearly payments.
Endd. Draft, corrected by Cecil. Pp. 4.
May 25. 1200. Lee's Remembrance for Berwick.
Questions to be decided by the Privy Council concerning the bridge and fortifications of Berwick.—25 May 1565.
Orig. with marginal notes by Cecil and endd. by him. Pp. 4.
May 26. 1201. Lee to Cecil.
They are in hand with that side of the fortifications along the Castle "gryne," but dare not make a full end of it, because he hears the fortifications are in question again. Has begun the cut in the Snowke, which they find all rock. In that ditch and the Snowke they have above 300 working daily, who continue at their work from 4 a.m. till almost 8 p.m. Asks him to send some money to pay them. If there were money here he could let the workmanship of a pole of their wall (being twenty feet long, ten thick, and ten feet high with the buttress) for nine pound.—Berwick, 26 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
May 26. 1202. Drury to Cecil.
Received on the 25th his of the 22nd with letters to Throckmorton, who was ready to depart this town. The Scotts and their friends of Tiviotdale and Liddisdale are gathered to be revenged of such slaughters as their opponents have done them.—Berwick, 26 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 27.
Labanoff, i. 263.
1203. The Queen of Scots to the Queen.
Asks a passport for James Thorntoun, secretary to the Archbishop of Glasgow, her ambassador in France.—Stirling Castle, 27 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
May 27. 1204. Depredations by the English.
List of sixty-one ships belonging to the subjects of the King of Spain which had been spoiled by the English. One of the English ships mentioned was commanded by Martin Frobisher, and another by a servant of the Earl of Leicester.
Copy, annotated by Cecil. Endd.: Sent 27 May. Lat. Pp. 12.
May 27. 1205. Gresham to Cecil.
Sends Clough's letter of the 20th. He has since his last taken up by exchange 3,775l. Has written to stay the taking up of any more money.—Osterly, 27 May 1565. [Not signed.]
Orig. Add. Endd.: Sir Tho. Gresham. Pp. 2.
May 28. 1206. Drury to Cecil.
On the 23rd the Lord of Buccleugh, assisted with Tivydale, made a raid upon the outlaws of Liddisdale, and there slew seven Crosyers and Elwoods and took great booty of cattle. The same time certain of Liddisdale running a foray besides Hawick slew a man at his plough and took some cattle.— Berwick, 28 May 1565. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. with seal. Pp. 2.
May 30.
Labanoff, i. 264.
1207. The Queen of Scotts to the Queen.
Asks a passport to James Murray to pass through her realm into France.—Stirling, 30 May. 23rd Mary. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
May 31. 1208. Provisions at Berwick.
Note of provisions in the Victualler's office at Berwick.— Signed by Roger Manwaring and Valentine Browne.
Orig. P. 1.
[May 31.] 1209. Provisions at Berwick.
Notes by Sir R. Lee to the effect that there is neither butter nor cheese for the workmen or labourers; and that divers workmen are sick, whom he would send away if he had money.—Signed.
Orig. P. 1.
May 31. 1210. The Queen to the Countess and Counts of East Friesland.
Has received their letters of March 20, and will be always ready to do all in her power to promote the friendship existing between them.—Westminster, last of May 1565.
Corrected draft, with an addition by Cecil. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.