Elizabeth: August 1563, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: August 1563, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp485-501 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1563, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp485-501.

"Elizabeth: August 1563, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp485-501.

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August 1563, 1-15

August. 1094. Remembrance of Thomas Randolph.
1. Shall he, by all means he can, withdraw the Queen and her subjects from the French, or not, and by what means? What may he promise to those he shall deal with? Henry Balnaves, the Laird of Grange, and others had pensions from King Edward, and the same were taken away by Queen Mary. What answer may be made to them? Some consideration should be had of the Laird of Ormeston. More straight order should be taken for the conveyance of money and horses into Scotland. Order should be taken that prisoners should be put into their ransoms. For such Englishmen as come into Scotland without passports, what may be done to them? The Queen of Scotland's letters have been opened at Berwick, and divers of her servants stayed there. Order to be taken for the conveyance of letters into Scotland, or out of it to Berwick. Such Scotsmen as desire to pass into England, how far, and to whom may he commend them?
2. Asks for [Cecil's] favour towards Mr. Jennieson, Controller of Berwick, for the continuance of his office, and some support to Mr. Colriche for travail upon the Borders.
Orig., in Randolph's hol. Endd.: Remembrances of Mr. Randolph, and then by Cecil: August 1563. Pp. 3.
August 1. 1095. The Bishop of Aquila to Cecil.
Has received his letter in the matter of John Lane, merchant of London, which he has recommended to the Duchess of Parma. Fears lest he shall be troublesome to Cecil on account of the frequent complaints which his countrymen make of suffering all the inconveniences of war. Two or three of his servants were seized with the plague last week, of whom one is dead and the others are better. He immediately quitted the town for this place, where he will stay until he can safely return.—From Mr. Morgan's, at Leitonstone, Sunday, 1 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 1. 1096. The Constable of France to Smith.
Has received his letter of yesterday. The Earl of Warwick having already departed, he has allowed the bearer to see Poulet, the Marshal, and the Treasurer. The Queen Mother desires him to come on Tuesday to Estelan, whither the King is going, in order that she may hear what he has got to say. She has written to Throckmorton.—The Camp before Havre. 1 August 1563.
Copy. Fr.
August 1. 1097. Troops for Newhaven.
The numbers of the men appointed to serve at Newhaven out of each county, from September 1562 to 1 August 1563.
With additions and corrections by Cecil, and endd. by him. Pp.2.
August 2. 1098. Dacre to Cecil.
1. Received his letters directed to Mr. Treasurer and himself, also the French Ambassador's packet for the Scotch Queen, which a constable of this town delivered on the 31st ult. to William Douglas of Whittingham, near Dunbar, brother-in-law to the Laird of Lethington, who, when last here, devised with the writer to send all for the Queen and her Council to him.
2. The Privy Council have not well allowed of his sending for 400 out of the 700 footmen with their captains, whom the Queen directed the Lord President to send here.—Berwick, 2 August 1563. Signed.
3. P. S.—Asks for licence to repair to his house for six weeks (having served here for a year) to be present at the marriage of his son with Lady Knevit's daughter.
Orig. Add. Endd by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 2. 1099. Safe-conduct for Anthony Maillet.
Anthony Maillet (the Duke of Prussia's factor) may enter any of the English ports on his voyage between France and Germany with wine, salt, and other necessaries for his master. —Richmond, 2 August 1563.
Corrected draft. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 2. 1100. The Reduction of Havre de Grace.
A printed pamphlet containing an account of the operations of the French before Havre, together with the articles of capitulation. (fn. 1) —Havre de Grace, 2 August 1563.
Pp. 32.
August 3. 1101. The Queen Mother to Smith.
If he will come she is ready to hear what he has to say. Has written to the Controller touching his lodgings at Caudebec.—Estellan, 3 August 1563. Signed.
Copy. Fr.
August 3. 1102. Articles presented to Philip II.
Articles, seven in number, presented by Challoner to Philip II. on the part of the Queen, containing a statement of the grounds of her quarrel with the French, her occupation of Havre, and her demand for the restitution of Calais, drawn up with the view of inducing the King to offer to mediate between the Sovereigns of England and France.
Copy, corrected by Challoner, and endd. by him: 3 August 1563. Span. Pp. 4.
August 4. 1103. Commission for the Scottish Borders.
Commission to Henry Lord Scrope, of Bolton, Warden of the West Marches, Sir John Foster, Warden of the Middle Marches, Sir Thomas Gargrave, Vice-President of the Council of the North, and John Rokesbey, LL.D. (or any two of them) to treat with the Scottish Commissioners respecting Border affairs.—Windsor, 4 August 1563.
Copy. Lat. Pp. 2.
[August 4.] 1104. Commissioners for the Scottish Borders.
Instructions to Lord Scrope, Sir John Forster, Sir Thomas Gargave, and Dr. Rokesby, Commissioners for the Scottish Borders.
Lord Scrope shall cause Forster to come to him privately, and they two shall devise secretly with the Master of Maxwell how the same shall be arranged in Scotland; the Queen having intimated by her secretary, Lethington, that a like commission shall be directed to him, the Laird of Drumlanrick, the Justice Clerk, and Sir Robert Carnagy. Forster shall have a secret meeting with Maxwell to settle the times and places of their meeting. If necessary, they may have the assistance of Sir Thomas Gargrave and Dr. Rokesby. The purpose of their meeting is to have the matters depending upon the frontiers on both parts amicably settled. They shall devise order for the better estate of the Marches in future. They shall not stick at trifles or ceremonies.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: August 1563. Pp. 6.
[August 4.] 1105. Another copy of the above.
Copy. Pp. 3.
August 4. 1106. The Bishop of Aquila to Cecil.
John Antonio Paganus, a merchant of Milan, having been injured by Antonio Conto, his brother-in-law, and the case having been handed over to Cecil, the writer begs that he will show Paganus his favour.—Leitonstone, 4 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 4. 1107. Smith to the Queen Mother. (fn. 2)
Has told Throckmorton that it was her pleasure that he should remain here till all the hostages are delivered. Throckmorton, not thinking it necessary to keep all his servants here, desires passports for three or four of them.—Caudebec, 4 August 1563.
Copy. Fr.
August 4. 1108. The Queen Mother to Smith. (fn. 3)
Thought that Throckmorton was at Rouen, where she and the King will be within eight days, when it will be time enough to consider his request.—Ivetot, 4 August 1563. Signed.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 4. 1109. F. Spedt and Andreas Hoy to [Cecil].
1. The writers, agents for the Dukes of Mecklenburg, amongst other things have been sent to arrange about the defence of the true religion, more especially by means of a treaty between the Queen of England and the other leaders. Some plan is to be devised for the recovery of Calais, the more especially taking into consideration the present state of affairs in France, and that the forces of the Duke of Brunswick are on their side. Also by this treaty the army of the King of the King of Poland must be used against the Danes and Swedes, if required. Considering the discord between the Hanse Towns and England, these Princes are able to appoint places in their dominions very suitable to commerce. It must also be arranged which of the Princes shall serve personally against the French. They desire to know by what way they shall go into England, and who shall bring them to the Queen; otherwise some trusty person might be sent to them who could arrange all by word of mouth, and who might travel backwards and forward until everything was settled.—4 Aug. 1563. Signed in cipher.
2. P. S.—They desire that they may be quickly sent for into England. To-morrow they go to Lbruck [Lubeck], where they will wait for a reply at the sign of the Crown.
Orig., in cipher, deciphered. Add.: "Generoso Domino, ad manus proprias." Endd.: 4 September, from Antwerp. Lat. Pp. 4.
August 4. 1110. Challoner to Cuerton.
Received his letter of 23 July by this bearer, Juan De Ugarte. The writer's six geldings will be dear horseflesh ere they come here. Though money is scant he sends him 1,000 rials. Had hoped to have seen him at Bilboa this August, but within these four days he received two packets forth of England, so that he cannot yet depart one foot from the Court. Newhaven is besieged. The plague is very sore in the town and the French camp. The English have hitherto in all skirmishes had the better hand. The Lord Admiral Clinton on the 20th ult. embarked for the sea with 8,000 soldiers and 2,000 pioneers, and takes thirty-three of the Queen's best ships with him.—Madrid, 4 Aug. 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
August 4. 1111. Juan De Ugarte's Acquittance.
Juan De Ugarte of Bilboa has received from Sir Thomas Challoner 1,000 rials for John Cuerton.—Madrid, 4 Aug. 1563.
Orig. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
August 5. 1112. Challoner to the Duke of Alva.
In order to avoid any mistakes which might possibly arise as to what he wished to express in his late interview with the King, he forwards the accompanying paper of articles, which explain his meaning more clearly; however, they convey only his own private sentiments.—5 Aug. 1563.
Corrected draft, in Challoner's hol., and dated by him. Span. Pp. 2.
August 6. 1113. The Ambassador of France to Cecil.
1. On account of this proclamation of war several of his people and others in the train of the hostages have been robbed, but as the things taken were not worth much, hitherto he has not complained. But one of M. De Paloyseau's people having now lost something of value, he desires that restitution may be made. Would like to hear any news that Cecil may have had from France.—London, 6 August 1563. Signed.
2. A notice apparently of articles lost on Friday, 30 July, written on a slip of paper is attached to the seal.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 6. 1114. R[obert Cullen] to Sir Thomas Chamberlain.
1. Because Don Francisco at the departure of the fifty galleys towards Pinion was sick, Don Sancho De Leva went in his place as general. They departed from Malaga 22 July, and the next day came to a little isle fifteen leagues from Malaga, called Disarvolata, whence were sent three frigates to Melilie, to bring the Governor with sixty soldiers, who were four days coming. Upon Wednesday, the 28th, at 4 a.m., they passed before Pinion, not knowing where they were, about three or four leagues, and at their return all the Moors and Jews left the town and ran up upon the hills. So they passed Pinion two leagues, where suddenly they landed 4,000 men and marched towards the town of Velis, about seven miles off, "all dry hills without a sop of water," where they found nobody, and began the spoil. There were neither Moors nor money, but butter and honey, corn, hens, beef, and veal, a great number of good skins, with much alum. Where they disbarked there was left for guard 300 men, with a captain, upon whom came the Moors, about fifty foot and ten horse, who made them fly and killed 140 of them, taking not a man alive. Their captain was one of the first to run away, who lost his banner and sword, for which cause the general dismissed him of his company. The same night (because the galleys were left without men) were sent back two companies from Velis. The Moors came upon them and made them flee away into the sea to the galleys, casting their armour away. There was slain and hurt to the number of thirty.
2. Pinion is a high rock in the sea, before Velis, which may shoot into all places of the town. It is not strong, and they had not passing four pieces of artillery and fifty men. They thought that they should have gone upon it straightway, and looked hourly when they should have brought the cannon aland. The second day the Moors began to gather upon the mountains, and made a great show, and the General and the Master of the Camp were wonderfully afraid, and went no more to take Pinion, but studied how they might embark the soldiers, for that the Moors had taken the pass where they landed. Upon Friday morning there were upon the hills to the number of 8,000 Moors, foot and horse. The General caused part of the galleys to come and shoot at Pinion, and embarked the hurt men and the soldiers' boys; and at night all the galleys came and shot at Pinion, and so embarked all the soldiers, and came their way with great shame and dishonour. "The Spaniards be but bravers, for in effect they be but very cowards." They arrived in Malaga 2nd August. There was killed and hurt to the number of 300, and not fifty Moors. Don Francisco is dead, and the noise is that Joan Andrea caused him to be poisoned with a banquet which his brother made him.—Malaga, 1563. Signature torn off.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp.4.
August 7. 1115. The Bishop of Aquila to Cecil.
Thanks him for having appointed a lodging for him. When he commended the matter of John Antonio Paganus to him, he had no intention that anything should be done contrary to the Queen's honour. Encloses a petition stating that in a French ship coming from Africa, which was captured by the English, were the goods of certain men of Antwerp, which he asks may be restored.—Leytonstone, 7 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
Aug. 6 & 7. 1116. Smith to Cecil.
1. Sends Francisco, the courier, after Killigrew. Knows that Cecil does but lie in watch which way the French take. They have determined already what to do. Marvels that Cecil means by sending Throckmorton to him [the writer], for whom he had so much trouble this winter. Finds no fault with his wisdom, and will do for him and his as he would do for his own brother and son. But he, Middlemore, and all have been and are a trouble and hindrance to what the Queen would have done. Finds no fault with them; but the malice of the French is so against them that they still bring him cares, besides what the legation brings him. Prays to procure him to be sent home; or if he determines he shall remain, to let fit men be joined with him, and to take the others from him.—Rouen, 6 Aug. 1563.
2. Prays him to be at a point as soon as he can.
3. If the French should hearken to a peace, and hear them (meaning Sir Nicholas and himself, or himself alone), asks to understand in degrees how he shall come to a peace.
4. Writes not thus that he sees any liklihood here that they will come to reason, but he would not be unprovided what to answer.—Rouen, 7 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 7 1117. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. Since his of the 4th inst. arrived Throckmorton at Rouen, where on the 5th he was ordered by M. De Carrouge, the Governor, not to go forth of his lodgings. At departing he left a Swiss guard at his door, who not only defends any man of his going abroad but all others from coming at him. These double guards, first, of M. Du Mas and his train, and the Swiss guard, double Sir Nicholas's charges to his utter undoing. The Queen must help him shortly with money, he having brought sufficient only for fifteen days. The only means to to him good is to use the French Ambassador as he is treated here.
2. On the 4th inst. De Favorys was hanged here for a spy, having carried letters and intelligence out of this country into England and to Havre. The King is at Dieppe, where he will leave in garrison the ten ensigns of the old companies of Piedmont, and take the government from M. De La Cure, because he is of the religion. The Swiss are cassed, and return into their own country. The Rhinegrave's Almains do the like, although to get them hence they are made believe they shall go in garrison to Metz against the Emperor. A passport has been demanded of the Queen Mother to send back some of Sir Nicholas' men, but none will be got. About the 18th inst. the King will be in this town, and so he goes to Paris to take the arms from them, and thence to Moulins to meet the Duchess of Savoy.—Rouen, 7 Aug. 1563. Signed.
3. P. S.—Thinks that the usage of his old master depends upon his answer from thence. Is on his way to get hence as fast as he can. (fn. 4)
Orig., with seal. One sentence in cipher. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 8. 1118. Safe-conduct for Preston.
Safe-conduct by Eric XIV., King of Sweden, for Godfrey Preston, an Englishman attached to his Court.—Stockholm, 8 Aug. 1563.
Copy. Endd. Injured at the outer margin. Lat. Pp. 4.
August 9. 1119. Challoner to the Duke of Alva.
The writer's anxiety to forward the affairs of his mistress must plead his excuse if he appears urgent in soliciting another interview with the King.—9 Aug. 1563.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Span. Pp. 2.
August 10. 1120. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Wrote on the 13th July that one had been sent in post to the French King to offer to him the warlike engine. On his return the inventor went to Charles, Marquis of Baden, and asked for 20,000 crowns to make his arrangements. As they have not communicated with him since sending into France, Mundt thinks that they have made some arrangement with the French King. Some months however, must pass before the machine can be completed.
2. The Landgrave requires the assistance of his allies against the King of Denmark on account of the injury done to the envoys of his son-in-law, the King of Sweden, who were sent to him. The Elector Augustus has ordered his people to remain at home. The Dukes of Weimar have joined the Landgrave. Advises that the Queen should send envoys and letters to the German Princes, for the French King is continually winning them over. He has lately sent a gentleman of his chamber, named Schomberg, to the Palatine about the levying of troops by the Duke of Brunswick. When Rambouillet was lately here he told Mundt that the French could never be friends with the English unless they restored Havre de Grace. Mundt replied that it was the same with the English, unless they gave up Calais. The Queen had better trust in deeds and not in promises.—Strasburg, 10 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 10. 1121. The Bishop of Aosta [?] to Bonifacio Del Solero.
1. Thanks for letters sent to the writer. The reformed canons, the decree and certain chapters about abuses respecting matrimony have been issued, the congregations for the discussion of which will begin to-morrow. The Cardinals of Lorraine and Madruzzi wish a reformation. Two German prelates are shortly expected at the Council, which may possibly be prolonged.—Trent, 10 Aug. 1563.
2. P. S.—The arrival of these two prelates is by no means certain. The coronation of the King of the Romans as King of Hungary is postponed to the 28th. Is not certainly informed of the departure of the sons of the King of the Romans Signed: Il Vescovo d'Auosta [?].
Orig., with episcopal seal. The P.S. is hol. Add: To the Ambassador of the Duke of Savoy at Venice. Ital. Pp. 2.
August 10. 1122. Sir John Mason to Challoner.
Sends him a proclamation of the composition of Newhaven. The French are grown to such pride that where before they offered convenient conditions of peace, now they only offer that each should live with his losses. They have stayed Throckmorton, who was sent over to treat with them, and say that he shall remain till their hostages are given up. The plague is very sore in London, but is not yet dispersed into other places. The soldiers of Newhaven who are come over, many of them infected, put them in doubt that by their resort to their counties they will spread it abroad. The Queen lies at Windsor. The Lord Chamberlain's eldest son has married Lord Hunsdon's daughter.—Windsor, 10 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received per Farnham, 23 Jan 1564. Pp. 3.
August 10. 1123. Cuerton to Challoner.
Hopes Harry King has arrived with his geldings, to whom he has delivered 1,031 reals. News from St. Sebastian that there is peace between England and France.—Bilbca, 10 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
August 11. 1124. Challoner to the Queen.
On the 1st inst. he received from Secretary Gonzalo Perez her packet of the 16th ult. On the 10th letters arrived out of France which report that on the 29th ult. Havre de Grace after a sore battery compounded. (fn. 5) The King departs for Segovia within eight days. The answer which he will receive ("now I think meagre enough") he will send by Garcia. —Madrid, 11 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 11. 1125. Holograph draft of the above.
Endd. by Challoner: By a gentleman of Antwerp. Pp. 4.
August 11. 1126. Challoner to the Duke of Alva.
The news which arrived the day before yesterday from France will probably cause His Majesty to write. Asks for further information, and will be glad to know when he may have an interview. Is persuaded that the plague was the cause of this misfortune, which is confirmed by a letter which he received on the 18th ult. from his brother, who tells him that 2,400 had died in Havre.—12 Aug. 1563.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: 11 August [sic]. Span. Pp. 3.
August 12. 1127. Clough to Challoner.
Since his last letter he has received from Farnham three other bills, amounting to 339l. 15s. 10d., besides the two which he received before, amounting to 284l. 1s. 3d. Has kept the 100l. which he has received for three or four days, looking for bills from him. Has sent the packet which he received from him into England. At the coming home of their men from Newhaven there was such a noise in England amongst the commons that the Queen was glad to make a proclamation in favour of those who were in the town, to content the people, which proclamation he sends here inclosed. Some men doubt that there will be yet cruel war upon the seas. Lord Paget is dead.—Antwerp, 12 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: By the ordinary of Flanders; received at Saragosa, 3 Oct. Pp. 4.
August 13. 1128. The Queen to the Marshal of Berwick.
The bearer, John Douglas of Scotland, a minister of the Church, and a preacher who has occupied the place of a public minister in Berwick, may be retained in that town as their preacher.—Windsor Castle, 13 Aug., 5 Eliz.
Orig. Draft corrected by Cecil. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 13. 1129. Eric XIV. to the Queen.
Frederick, King of Denmark, having declared war against him, has raised men in Germany, and commanded his people to cruise against the Swedish vessels. This he has done, although when his father was driven from his kingdom he was most hospitably received by the late King Gustavus of Sweden, who assisted him in regaining his kingdom and driving out the Lubeckers. Has sent over Godfrey Preston, an Englishman attached to his Court; and hopes she will allow him to enlist soldiers and hire ships for his service.— Stockholm, 13 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
August 13. 1130. Smith to the Queen.
On the 4th inst. despatched William Killigrew with a packet, and on the 7th Francisco the courier with another. Throckmorton, as soon as he came to Rouen, was kept in guard of M. De Mas, Controller of the Posts; and when Newhaven was rendered he was conveyed to Rouen, and there straitly kept. The Queen Mother answered that she would keep him till the four hostages were rendered. Wilson, his man, being sent to the camp from Rouen the 19th of last month, has been miserably handled, and kept as no thief could be worse, and yet is put to the torment, and divers times in danger of hanging. Hans, his man, sent with a letter to the Queen Mother, was kept at the camp with gyves on his wrists among malefactors all that night, and next day was sent again with an illusory answer. The 12th inst. the French King made his entry into Rouen, before him about 1,000 arquebusiers, pikemen, and artillery, and about him 300 Swiss. The Rouen men in good order, and two or three pageants. There were there the Ambassadors of the Pope, Portugal, Venice, and Ferrara. The Ambassador of Spain was not there, as he was troubled with the gout. Smith had like excuse, for his foot was hurt, yet was he in a place where he saw them all pass by. Marshal Bourdillon goes to Caen. The King, on Tueday next, takes his journey thither.—Rouen, 13 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Chiefly in cipher, now first deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 14. 1131. Philip II. to the Queen.
Thanks her for her letter of 15 July, in which she congratulates him on the raising of the siege of Oran. Accepts her apology for not having written for so long, but has been anxious for the preservation of peace. Has expressed himself more fully to her orator.—Madrid, 14 Aug. 1563. Signed: Philippus—, G. Perezius.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
August 14. 1132. Challoner to the Queen.
1. Received her letters of the 16th ult. on the 1st inst., and obtained audience with the King on the 3rd, when he congratulated him in her name for the victory against the Moors at Oran, and presented her letter. The King having read the letter and accepted her goodwill, Challoner fell into the narration of the rest of the contents in her letter from point to point, and reminded him how he had participated to him the motives and causes of her proceedings in France. Further he declared what had fallen out since the accord between the different parties in France, beginning at the sending of M. Bricquemault from Condé, with the substance of his offers; next, the sending and "cutted" offers of Robertet, with his thwarting manner of departure; thirdly, the sending of De la Haye with so cold and slender a reinforcement, thereupon the sending of Mr. Danet to the French King; failing not specially to inculcate the Queen's frank offer to Robertet to remit the hearing of the whole to the King Catholic, and the same afterwards made by Smith, which at both times the French seemed of all others to mislike and reject. All which being declared to the King, the writer requested that he would consider the justice of her proceedings, and give his advice and opinion. The King thanked him, and touching his opinion, said that he would take some pause to bethink himself, and that he should understand at the Duke of Alva's hands his resolution more at large.
2. Seeing this answer, and noting her desire to know in brief sort the King's inclination, "whereby ye might the rather ground yourself what partito to take in the rest," and on the other part knowing how diversely the affects of those of the Council here tend, he thought good (as of his own head) to propone his opinion how much it imported him and his subjects that Calais should rather be English than French; and lastly, exhibited a summary of his persuasions by way of articles in writing, a copy whereof he encloses. The King read this and thanked him, and remitted him to the Duke of Alva for his answer.
3. The next day he repaired to the Duke, and made particular repetition of what had passed with the King. The Duke in all his talk used him with very good words; and, though the conference lasted above an hour, gave him no light whereupon to conjecture what the final answer should be. The next three days the King was absent at the Pardo. Not hearing from the Duke, he sent him the enclosed to quicken him. On the 9th there arrived a courier out of Flanders, who passed by Rouen and brought advice from Chantonay that on the 28th ult. they in Havre de Grace had parlied to render, and that on the 29th the French were possessed of the great tower at the entry of the Haven. Hereat he was much discomforted, specially considering what good hope (upon confidence of her letters) he had given the King and Alva that Havre should hold out. Challoner had not omitted to "engrave" at large the great plague there reigning, alleging that if anything were cause of doubt that was the principal, and is glad that he used that preparative.
4. If upon the letters which he sent in December last the Duke of Alva's overture had been pursued with some answer in time, or if since he had known her proceedings or in clination for composition, perchance he could have so exploited with the King that long ere this he would have taken upon him the office of a mediator. The bruit of the coming of Lord Montague or Sir Henry Sydney stayed a purpose here intended in expectation what they should bring.
5. Yesterday morning he wrote a second letter to the Duke to understand the certainty of the case, and also what answer they would now give him. The Duke, for the first part, declared the substance of as much as M. De Chantonay had written, viz., how on the 26th ult. the French King at Rouen called an assembly of divers Ambassadors in his Court, and made remonstrance to them what means and offers he had made for an amicable recovery of Havre de Grace, which not being accepted, he was driven to seek it by force; secondly, he declared how the French had become masters of the town. He said that this fresh accident had much altered the quality of the King's intended answer; but that if the Queen thought meet to take up these differences by an amicable composition for peace to follow, the King offered himself as a mediator for an accord between her and the French King. Challoner thanked him and said that the Queen would never have "entered stir," but by the provocation of them of Guise, and next, for the better assurance of the recovery of her own so unjustly detained. And so with much more tending to this effect, endeavouring "to alleviate the shame or scorn of the loss of Havre," caused through the "importable" plague, he ended his talk with the Duke; adding that if the King would write aught in answer to the Queen's last, she would take it in most good part, which the Duke said he would do.
6. If he had heard from home two months sooner he could have stirred coals in other sort than he did. Trusts that ere he dies he shall see his brother John auditor of Calais. "In the meantime to give the greater but, the ram taketh a great step backward." The chief part rests in the furniture of those sinews without which war cannot long stand on foot; whereas now her enemies always esteem that at length want must breed a weariness. Begs with joint hands for his return. The King's galleys are returned from Penion de Veles, a strong fort in Barbary, with some loss, and more reproach to the general. The King, four days hence, departs to Segovia. It is judged that he will begin the Cortes of Aragon, at Monçon, leaving the Prince to achieve them. They of the Low Countries solicit the King to repair thither next spring. The Prince has lately had a double tertian, which yet holds him, caused of a surfeit, whereas now (his quartan ceased) he feeds immoderately. Hears no fresh word of the coming of the sons of the King of the Romans. Don Francisco de Alava departs in post to-morrow for France; Challoner "boorded" the Duke as if a piece of his errand was to congratulate, etc., which he denied. "Of the Court here, Quot capita tot sensus; some seem to rejoice, but the most part be sorry. Few are of other talent but that Calais were ours again."
7. P. S.—Wrote the enclosed paper of articles to induce the King, without further request from her, to become a mediator. She had better write to thank the King for his friendly answer and offer unrequired, without sending an express messenger. The expected coming of Sir H. Sidney or Lord Montague "gendered here a stay in a manner purposed, which was put into the King's head and chiefest of his Council here, to have sent of himself to both parts to compound this difference." Sir Richard Shelley has wrought thankworthily, being so honestly given in his country's and her quarrel; the King and the principal of the Council have him in good reputation. Sends a duplicate by sea.—Madrid, 14 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp.7.
August 14. 1133. Another copy of the above, with the P. S. dated Aug. 15, which see under that date. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 8.
August 14. 1134. Corrected draft of the above, in Challoner's hol. Passages underlined to be expressed in cipher. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by Garsias. Pp. 36.
August 14. 1135. Challoner to the Bishop of Aquila.
For greater security has sent his letter to the Queen in the packet which is addressed to the Bishop. Certain private letters of Challoner to his friends are also enclosed, which he asks may be delivered to his brother Francis or to George Ferrer.—Madrid, 14 Aug. 1563.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol. Endd.: Sent by John Garcias. Span. Pp. 3.
August 14. 1136. Challoner to Sir John Mason.
Has received no letters from him these six months. Perchance the husbanding of a little post money, letting him remain here ignorant of affairs, has fallen forth as the proverb says, "What is won in the shilling is lost in the pound." Begs him to help his return. "I die here, and am undone here." Told the King of Lord Paget's death, of which he seemed very sorry. The writer's four books, De Republica Angelicanâ, are almost finished, and will contain above 6,000 verses. Wishes he were at home to walk a turn with him at Gonnolsbury, or under his short alley in his London garden.— Madrid, 14 August 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: By Garzias. Pp. 2.
August 14. 1137. Challoner to Wotton. (fn. 6)
Perchance the sparing at home of post money has caused the expense of centuplum another way. Lives here a weary life. Since Christmas has nearly finished his four books in verse, De Republicâ Anglicanâ.—Madrid, 14 August 1563.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 14. 1138. Challoner to Francis Challoner. (fn. 7)
Thanks him for his advertisements touching Havre de Grace. Does not require Arthur's coming without a cause. Desires him to help him home. Is willing that he should be accommodated in his house as he was when he was at home. Asks what esteem he can make of Henry Cobham's friendship.— Madrid, 14 Aug. 1563.
August 14. 1139. John Challoner to Sir Thomas Challoner.
1. Upon the receipt of his letter by the Marquis of Sara's servant, the writer showed him what pleasure lay in him in the despatch of his writings, and by the gift of a brace of lean greyhounds. Had provided to have sent Sir Thomas two brace, but when they were brought out of the West by Dominic French there were only two of the bigness which Sir Thomas looked for. The Spanish shipping being gone, he had no help but to take them into Lamborn, where, being strangers one to other, they fought together so cruelly that three were sore hurt and like to be maimed. Having put the whole one and another to be kept with an Irish gentleman upon his tenants, (as the manner of the county is,) at a general hunting the young dog was challenged and taken away forty miles off. Mr. George Delves hearing him moan him has promised him a good greyhound, and the Master of the Rolls here another.
2. Has done little in poetry since their parting, and that before he was cumbered with this office, which he has written to be unburdened of. The metre is strange and the matter hard. Trusts to meet him in England by Christmas. For the melting of his metals (which are very large and rich veins, four of them near the day on the slope of the hills), he minds to have it from time to time to Challoner's abbey of St. Bee's, where housing, watercourse, and help of coaling wood is.— Dublin, 14 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 4.
August 14. 1140. Marsilio Della Croce to Shers.
Intelligence from Rome of the 7th says that the Pope is much pleased with the Cardinal of Lorraine and all the proceedings of the agents of the French King at the Council. The Cardinal on his arrival will be much honoured by the Pope, who is sending other twelve prelates to the Council, along with certain articles for reformation. Proceedings against the Concubinarii proceed. A man has been discovered in a monastery of nuns at Rome, who has passed himself off as a woman; he had removed all appearance of his beard by the use of a wash. M. De Allegri is to continue at Rome as Ambassador resident from France. A Chious is here from the Turk.—Venice, 14 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add.: To Shers in London. Ital. Pp. 3.
August 14. 1141. Sir Richard Shelley to Cecil.
Was astounded by his brother Thomas Shelley's letter of 18th Oct. 1561, whereby he understood what fear he was put in by such talk as Cecil put to him. Is heavy that a man of Cecil's judgment, to whom he had written what had passed between Chamberlain ("that naughty man") and him [Shelley], should so condemn a man of the writer's sort and affection towards him [Cecil], without esteeming him worthy of an answer. Complains of an injury offered to him by one Richard Hatchman, who keeps Humfrey White from possession of a house which Shelley sold him in Trinity Lane, by colour of a lease by word that he pretends Shelley made to one Bodie to pay him only the old rent and keep it in reparation without any fine. Argues that it is unlikely that he would be content with the same rent for the house as it was let in Henry VIII.'s. time, viz. 6l. Hatchman pretends to enjoy the house by a lease parol which Shelley made to Bodie at Greenwich, Lent six years, and has six witnesses to prove it. They are all, however, Bodie's servants, so he desires that they may be examined and the truth bolted out. This lease was only spoken about, when it was said that he had gone to the Sophy, and was not likely to be heard of again. Hatchman has got the matter out of the Guildhall into the Chancery, for the friendship he says he has in that court. Begs him to assist him.—Madrid, 14 August 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 8.
[August 14.] 1142. Another copy of the above.—Dated 6 Sept. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 8.
August 15. 1143. Challoner to the Queen.
The Kings departs to-morrow morning towards Segovia and returns no more. Yesterday came from Brussels a courier, bringing only a letter from the Regent and another from the Prince of Orange and Count Egmont jointly. The matter is kept very close, but by an inkling of a secret friend he guesses it is about the discord between the faction of the nobility and the Granvellian faction, "which if it be not taken up by the King the sooner, I would not be in the Cardinal's case for his living." He is sore hated. His brother, M. De Chantonay, the Ambassador in France, is as sore hated of the Queen Mother, and stands in some fear of himself, about which purpose Don Francisco De Alava is sent thither to-day.— 15 August 1563.
Orig., entirely in cipher, deciphered. P. 1.
August 15. 1144. Corrected draft of the preceding.
In Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: With a subscription to the Bishop of Aquila, sent by Garsia; to be delivered to Mr. Secretary by Garsia. Pp. 2.
August 15. 1145. Gresham to Cecil.
1. By Cecil's letter of the 9th inst. he perceives his trouble, and would have waited upon him as he [Cecil] wishes him back, but he has no house to put his head in but in London. He sends by this bearer, John Coniners, a note of the prolongations for making new bonds. He intends, if peace remains with those countries, to pass over to Flanders from hence, for the satisfying of the Queen's creditors. He asks her to let him have two or three ships of war to waft him over with her bonds from Yarmouth to Zealand, there being divers French ships of war abroad.
2. Desires order may be taken that his bills of exchange for the 2,500l. may be paid at the end of August. No money nor credit is to be had in the streets of London, as he is informed by Candeller, in consequence of the plague. Sends his commendations to Lord Robert Dudley.—Intwood, 15th August 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 15. 1146. — to Shers.
Has seen a letter written from Trent by a person worthy of credit, which says that the King of Spain and the Emperor desire the prorogation of the Council. It was decided that the Queen of England should not be excommunicated for many good reasons, as it was apprehended that certain inconveniences would follow in consequence of her intelligence with many princes. News of the loss of Havre has arrived, at which the writer is annoyed, in consequence of his devotion to the Queen.—Venice, 15 Aug. 1563. Signature obliterated.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add.: To Shers in London. Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 3.


  • 1. The title is as follows:—Discours au vray de la reduction du Havre de Grace en l'obeissance du Roy: Auquel sont contenus les articles accordez entre le dit Signeur et les Anglois. A Paris. Par Robert Estienne, Imprimeur du Roy, M.D.LXIII. Avec privilege de la Cour. Ends on Sig. D 4. The privilege for printing is dated 23 August at St. Germain.
  • 2. On the same page as the following letter.
  • 3. On the same page as the preceding letter. These copies are endd. by Smith.
  • 4. This sentence is in cipher.
  • 5. The remainder of the letter is in Challoner's hand.
  • 6. Written on the same sheet as the following letter.
  • 7. Written on the same sheet as the previous letter.