Elizabeth: July 1563, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: July 1563, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp469-485 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1563, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp469-485.

"Elizabeth: July 1563, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp469-485.

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July 1563, 21-31

July 21. 1041. Warwick to Sir Francis Knollys or Sir Adrian Ponyng.
Winter has probably arrived. If they are not shortly relieved with such a number as that they shall be able to put the enemy further off, thereby to recover their haven, they cannot long continue; for in four days they will be destitute of bread and drink. Abington should come or send some men for this charge, and procure beer and biscuit to be sent out of hand.—Newhaven, 21 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: The Earl of Warwick to Mr. ViceChamberlain. Pp. 2.
July 21.
Forbes, ii. 477.
1042. Warwick to Sir Francis Knollys.
1. Received this evening Knollys' letter of the 17th inst. Part of the 700 soldiers have come into the haven, and the rest are in the road with the victuals. Wishes they might have entered this night, for to-morrow it will be more dangerous, for the enemy working very near to the jetty will bring their trench, he thinks, to it by the morning.
2. They will be driven ere long to practise the sodden wheat for want of victuals. Prays him to send biscuit and beer, for those two will fail them first. They hear nothing of the pioneers out of Devonshire and Cornwall, whereof they are in great want; also to send Mr. Flode to give order for the victuals here, for they have none but Tendering left here, and he is very sick. If the haven is taken from them (as is very likely) they trust there will be good means to receive in both men and victuals behind Bulwark de la Grange, except there be other means devised to impeach it hereafter, which they will endeavour to do as soon as they know it. One that came this night from the Ambassador, and has been in the camp two or three days, reports that the Constable will be here to-morrow. They expect the enemy to batter the curtain to-morrow, betwixt Bulwark Addresses and the water gate.—Newhaven, 21st July 1563. Signed.
3. P.S.—The Controller is at the point of death, of whom they have great want, and likewise of the Marshal. The Rhinegrave came down to the beach this night with 4,000 men to guard the ordnance.
Orig. Add. Endd.: The Earl of Warwick to Mr. ViceChamberlain. Pp. 3.
July 21. 1043. Challoner to John Conyers.
1. Though two couriers have come from Brussels and Antwerp, he has had no letters, at which he marvels. Desires him to have a vigilant regard when any pass from Brussels or Antwerp, so that he may hear from him. The 114l. consigned by Catanes and Doria upon Lecary have been paid.—Madrid, 21 July.
2. P. S.—Desires him to forward a letter to Robert Farnham.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
July 22.
Forbes, ii. 480.
1044. Warwick, Poulet, and Denys to the Queen.
1. They have received her letters with the articles offered her by Condé. Besides the Council here have assembled five or six of the discretest captains, with whom they have conferred, and thereupon declare their opinions, which they cannot so certainly do as they would by reason of the plague, which has destroyed numbers of their best soldiers.
2. Touching their numbers, they think them to be (with the 700 that arrived last night from Portsmouth) about 3,500 able men here and at the new fort. Concerning the strength of the town and fort, they think it superfluous to trouble the Queen with any longer discourse, besides the declarations made by Poulet, Signor Meliorino, Fisher, and Winter, who (being the last that left here) is able to report thereof and of the approach of the enemy, who from the beginning have chiefly gone about to take the haven, which is now in such danger that no ship can enter by day. They have brought a trench almost to the end of the jetty at the entry of the haven, and with baskets have made defences upon the beach so that they can hardly be assailed but to disadvantage, having nightly a watch of 2,000 footmen and 500 horse. Their whole army (as they are informed by a Burgundian that served the Queen at Leith, and came this day from the French) is about 22,000 men of all sorts.
3. They cannot prescribe any certain time for keeping this town from the enemy. Upon conference with the captains, they doubt not to keep it if they are supplied with men and victuals; those that arrived hitherto are not sufficient to supply the old bands.
4. The state of their victuals shall appear by the enclosed; they have not sufficient bread and beer for ten days. All the clerks and other officers belonging to the victuals are dead, except the chief clerk, who is more likely to die than live, so the victuals for want of looking to do not go so far as otherwise they would. If the Queen intends to have these places preserved, expedition must be used in sending over victuals, especially beer and biscuit, officers to take charge of them, and bakers.
5. These offices are vacant, viz., the Marshal, the Controller, the Master of the Ordnance, and the Knight Porter.—Newhaven, 22 July 1563. Signed.
6. P. S.—The captains were so employed at the despatch hereof, that their signatures could not be had.
Orig., with Warwick's seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
July 22. 1045. Warwick to Cecil.
1. He will perceive by their letters to the Queen the danger they are in of losing their haven, etc., without which this town cannot be preserved. They will write to Smith and Throckmorton by Cecil's messenger.—Newhaven, 22 July 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—This day Mr. Somerset died. Doctor Jeyns is in great peril, and so is the Controller and the Marshal, who also has the plague. Here are no bow strings nor arrows. Archers would do great service upon any sally or attempt given abroad.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 22. 1046. Warwick to Sir Francis Knollys.
Repeats the purport of his letter to Cecil of the same date. —Newhaven, 22 July 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
[July 22 ?] 1047. Troops at Newhaven.
Note, that in the four new bands arrived there are 700 men; that Captain Hygham has not arrived; that at the fort there are 149 men; in the first watch 431, in the second 352, and in the third 354, total 1,137. The names of forty captains are mentioned.
Orig., partly in Edward Randal's hand. Endd.: Watch at Newhaven.
July 22. 1048. Victuals at Newhanen.
Victuals remaining at Newhaven 22 July 1563.
Pp. 2.
July 23.
Forbes, ii. 483.
1049. Warwick, Poulet, and Dennis to the Queen.
1. This morning, after the enemy had discharged a number of times fifteen or sixteen cannon from the beach on this side the cullion of Bulwark St. Addresses and the castle (where they have already dismounted certain pieces upon the castle), the Constable, being in the trenches, sent M. Richelieu, Master of the Camp, accompanied by the Rhinegrave and M. De Treyes with other gentlemen, requesting Warwick to send some gentleman of credit to parley with him, intending to offer reasonable composition.
2. Poulet was sent to the breach, whereupon Richelieu required, on behalf of the Constable, the delivery of the town, saying he knew it was not tenable; lamenting they should cast themselves away.
3. Poulet answered that Warwick had no commission for surrender, being sent by the Queen to keep the town. If the King demanded it of the Queen, with such offers as would stand with her honour, then he would inform her thereof, and upon answer signify the same; if that did not content him, then they were determined to live and die in defence thereof; and thereupon they departed.
4. Immediately he had told the lieutenant, they commenced their battery again, which they intend to prosecute with all expedition; so the flank of that curtain being taken away, they mean to batter the same and thereupon assault it. If the men written for, and the 2,000 pioneers had been sent hither from the beginning, the town would have been so strong long ago, that they would not have approached so near, nor sought the delivery of it by this means.—Newhaven, 23rd July 1563.
5. P. S.—The Controller died this morning, and also Dr. Jeynes. This garrison has suffered more by the plague than the enemy could have wrought. Nothing could be more requisite than that the mariners trading hither should take courage to land relief. Any place about them might serve the occasion, notwithstanding the enemy's shot. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
July 23. 1050. Smith to the Queen Mother.
The Queen having appointed him a commission to treat of peace, he desires that he may have lodgings near the Court, and also that in the meanwhile there may be a suspension of arms.—Rouen, 23 July 1563.
Copy. Fr. P. 1.
July 23. 1051. [Smith] to Conde.
As soon as the writer's courier arrived in England he was despatched at once to the Queen to let her know the pains the Prince had taken to bring about peace between the two realms. Desires that he will obtain a lodging near the Court for him and his fellow Commissioners. As both sides are desirous of peace, he suggests that there should be a suspension of arms during the negotiations.—Rouen, 23 July 1563.
Copy. Add. Endd.: 23 July 1563, by Barlowe, in post. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 23. 1052. Victuals for Newhaven.
Victuals shipped at Portsmouth for Newhaven, 23rd July 1563, with the names of fourteen clerks, bakers, and others.
Endd.: Shipped, 25 July. Pp. 3.
July 23. 1053. The Queen to certain German Princes.
Letter of recommendation for Jean De Ferriers, the Vidame of Chartres, and M. Jean De la Fyn, Sieur De Beauvoir, who leave England for Germany on account of the prospect of war with France. Beauvoir has married the Vidame's sister. They are of Condé's party, and are of the confederates for the preservation of the Gospel and pure religion.
Corrected draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 23 July 1563, to the Palsgrave, the Landgrave, and the Countess of Emden. Lat. Pp. 4.
July 24. 1054. The Queen Mother to Smith.
Has received his letter and is glad to hear of the coming of the Commissioners, who will be welcome. Has appointed a lodging for him at Valmont.—Fécamp, 24 July 1563. Signed.
Copy. (fn. 1) Fr.
July 24. 1055. Condé to Smith.
Has shown his letter to the Queen Mother, who is content to listen to any reasonable conditions.—Fécamp, 24 July 1563. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr.
July 24. 1056. Warwick, Poulet, and Dennis to the Privy Council
1. Since their letters of yesternight the enemy's force is so increased upon the beach that they are forced to forsake their trench before the water gate, which gate was beaten down this morning. They are out of hope of having the benefit of the haven any longer, but must receive the support from thence beyond Bulwark le Grange, between that and the new fort. If they had had the soldiers and pioneers promised when Poulet was there, they would not have been driven to this extremity in so short a time.
2. The force expected with the Lord Admiral, if not sufficient to drive the enemy off, will be of no use to them; for their proportion of victuals (especially bread and beer) is so scarce that it will be consumed within a few days. They want also the necessaries contained in the schedule enclosed.
3. The carpenters lately sent hither are all dead and sick. Tendering (the only man they had left to look after their victuals) is dead. The enemy have beaten the castle very much and applied their battery to Bulwark Addresses, which is now assailable, and they expect an attempt to be made continually. They have approached the new fort on the other side to the ditch.—Newhaven, 24 July 1563. Signed.
4. P. S.—Francis, the post, came into the road since writing hereof, by whom they sent the effect of this letter to Throckmorton.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 24. 1057. Warwick and Others to [Throckmorton].
The Queen having willed them to signify their state here to Throckmorton, the writers forward to him a copy of their letter of the same date addressed to her.
Copy, in Throckmorton's cipher, deciphered. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 24.
Forbes, ii. 487.
1058. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley.
1. Thanks God he has his health well, and that he has been preserved rather to end his life upon the breach than by sickness. As long as their victuals last he trusts to keep the town; "but surely, brother, there is some that shall never be able to answer their doings, for that we have been and yet are not so well furnished with victuals as we might have been." If these come in time they will stand them in great stead. Although the haven is taken, victuals may land between the fort and the town.
2. Had forgotten in his letter to give the Queen his thanks for the great favour she has shown to his dear friend Mr. Whittingham for his sake.—Newhaven, 24 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
July 24.
Forbes, ii. 487.
1059. Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley.
1. The time has ill served him to deal anything with the Rhinegrave in that which the Queen committed to him. At the late parley he had no more time than he could with difficulty say that he had commendations to him from the Queen. This is the best time to deal with him in such a practice, if there were means for it, upon the Constable coming to the camp; whereby the Rhinegrave has become a subordinate and the glory of the attempt taken from him.
2. Will not trouble Dudley with any discourse of the parley between M. Richelieu and himself, nor with the state of their affairs here, further than the contents of the letters presently addressed declare.
3. The plague, and not the enemy, has brought this place to the extremity it is in. They are determined it shall be honourably won, if it is taken by assault; and that it shall not be surrendered otherwise until famine compels them to the same.—Newhaven, 24 July 1563. Signed.
4. P. S.—Requests his Lordship to excuse this ill written letter, and to give his commendations to Cecil. The garrison has great comfort in Warwick keeping in good health.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
July 24. 1060. Cuerton to Challoner.
Henry King has come hither with six geldings for him, they will rest here for five or six days and then go by easy journeys to the Court. On the 17th inst. war was proclaimed in Rochelle between England and France.—Bilboa, 24 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received, 29 of the same, by the courier. Pp. 2.
July 25.
Forbes, ii. 289.
1061. Warwick, Poulet, and Denis to Sir Francis Knollys.
1. They are sorry that the 1,319 men were stayed from coming by Mr. Winter's report; their store of victuals is not great, yet if they had these men they might not only have procured further liberty by keeping the haven (which now by abandoning their trench for want of men they have lost), but also have fortified themselves in the town to the better resistance of the enemy's force, who has already made such a breach in the Bulwark St. Addresses that it is thought to be assailable. Their advice is for him to supply them with men and victuals with all the speed he can, which may be the cause of purchasing a better end than otherwise they shall attain.—Newhaven, 25 July 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—They wish shortly for a good peace, or sufficient power to remove the enemy further off, who are above 20,000. Also to aid them with such entry as can be made, between this town and the fort.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Warwick to Mr. Vice-Chamberlain. Pp. 3.
July 25. 1062. Cecil to the Bishop of Aquila.
Forwards the petition of a woman in behalf of her husband. The case is of long standing, having been commenced in the time of Queen Mary.—Richmond, 25 July 1563.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by his Secretary: For one Andrews, prisoner in Antwerp. Lat. Pp 2.
July 26.
Forbes, ii. 493.
1063. Warwick, Poulet, and Denis to the Queen.
This day they received her letters. Considering the extremity they are in, even to the point of famine within a few days, without any hope of relief upon the taking away of the haven, and the despair they perceive conceived of them in England by stopping from them of men, money, and victuals, they think it good to take the benefit of her devised policy, by transporting themselves into England in her ships, if the same comes to pass in convenient time by the approach of the Admiral with vessels, and weather agreeable to ship such as they are. This must be done between the town and new fort; which will be difficult to be done in safety of the whole number.—Newhaven, 26 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 26.
Forbes, ii. 490.
1064. Smith to the Queen.
Received Cecil's letter of the 19th inst. with her allowance what he wrote so briefly. Has employed all his power to accomplish it, but as yet it has not had the success he desired. Is in doubt still, that it will not be got here when he has essayed all means. He still looks for more haste to be made out of England of those things which are, or should be, prepared at this time, both for peace and war.—Valmont, 26 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 26.
Forbes, ii. 494.
1065. The Queen to Warwick.
Has received his letters of the 23rd inst. brought by Henry Tyrrell, captain of the Sacre, by which she perceives that on last Friday morning, by means of the Constable, he was moved to deliver Newhaven to him for the King's use, intending they said to offer reasonable composition; whereupon he appointed Poulet to speak with Richelieu; yet she cannot perceive that any offers were made by them unto him. Her meaning is, that if any offer of communication shall be hereafter made to him, or can otherwise be indirectly procured, then he is to request to know their offers, so he may procure answer to the same by sending them to her Ambassador there and Throckmorton, who have sufficient commission from her to declare her mind in the premises. He shall desire to have their offers in writing, and to have licence to send a trumpeter with some messenger to her Ambassadors there; from whom as he shall understand what her pleasure is, he will be ready to follow it. If her Ambassadors have not already procured a surcease between him and the enemy, he will do well to procure them to do the same.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 26 July 1563. Pp. 3.
July 26. 1066. [Sir Francis Knollys] to Warwick.
1. Since he is not able to do him the service he would, being hindered by the winds, wrote yesterday that he thought that if he shrunk or offered gentle war to Brissac and the Rhinegrave (according to his Lordship's brother's mind), his enemies would thereby double their force against him. Mr. Wynter seems to like that upon such necessity he should embark himself, his captains, and soldiers in great boats, and leave the rest to the mercy of his enemies.
2. Another way is to say to Brissac and the Rhinegrave that forasmuch as the Queen has sent him word that she has by her Ambassador received offers of peace from the Prince, hereof he would be glad to be plainly answered. And although he may see no tokens of peace on their parts, he may declare that the Queen has willed him to deliver up the town, so that his men might safely depart with their baggage. Thinks he might do this with honour when famine press him. He has warrant enough from the Queen to do it.
3. There is another way that is somewhat doubtful. If he had any place where he might issue suddenly 2,000 men upon his enemies lying upon the beach by the great bulwark, and thereby recover all their ordnance and win the haven, they might put themselves a shipboard through the haven. But he would not counsel hereunto, unless he had a fair passage to enter suddenly upon his enemies.
4. There is a further way spoken of by Wynter touching his embarking all his men by drawing them to low water in some order of battle in the night hard by the seaside, beyond Brissac's camp, to a place where the great boats are able to embark them when the weather would not suffer them to embark at the town.—Portsmouth, 26 July.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
July 26. 1067. Warwick to the Rhinegrave.
When the Constable demanded the surrender of this town the writer told him that he had no commission to treat thereof. Since that time the Queen has written that she is inclined to peace and has given him commission to treat. Desires him to inform the Constable hereof. If the Rhinegrave will send a passport, the writer will despatch a gentleof credit to-morrow.—Havre, 26 July 1562.
Copy. Endd. partly by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 26. 1068. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Arrived here the 25th inst., where he is stayed by the Governor (but gently used) until he knows the King's pleasure for his access to the Court. Has sent one of his servants to Smith, who is at Valmont, two leagues from Fécamp, where the King is. There is nothing he more mislikes than that the Queen Mother refuses, under colour of sickness, to speak with Smith. Thinks they will use more delays to hear him [the writer]. The help to their cause rests chiefly in the Lord Admiral.—Rouen, 26 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 26.
Forbes, ii. 490.
1069. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. Will show him both the unfortunate state of Newhaven and the opinion these have of it, which (if his advice in his letter of the 16th inst. had been worthy of credit,) Cecil had then found and perceived. When he wrote, all was but disguisings, the better to go forward with their enterprise against Newhaven. There cannot be better confirmation thereof than by the Queen Mother refusing to speak with the Ambassador, fearing he has commission to accord with her before the taking of Newhaven.
2. They are at the ditch side, by taking a trench yesterday, and ready to enter, and are only stopped by a flanker in the great tower, which they intend to take away within twentyfour hours. As yet they do not command the haven, but are in hope, and so have sent word to the Queen Mother. The Constable has said that within three days he will deliver the town to the King. They are assured there is not 1,000 soldiers within the place. Fears the sea succours will come too late.
3. M. De Byron (whose coming to England he mentioned in his letter of the 16th inst.) was commanded by the Queen to pass by Marshal Brissac, and to take with him his advice in some things, but was stayed there by Brissac, who brake his voyage thither by letters he wrote thereupon to the Queen. M. De Bricquemault returned yesterday from the Admiral to the Court in post, who in passing told him that the Admiral had written to the Queen, Prince, and Constable of these matters, and of the wrongs they do the Queen if they do not accord with her upon her reasonable demands.
4. The writer told the Ambassador his opinion concerning the danger that might ensue to such Commissioners as he [Cecil] would send hither, and the way to remedy it, which he allows, and will write thereof.—Valmont, Monday, 26 July 1563.
Orig. Hol. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 26. 1070. The Queen Mother to Smith.
Is much displeased that the Queen should have chosen Throckmorton for a Commissioner, knowing well the mischief that he has already done. Has sent one to observe his actions, while she has inquired of the King and the Council whether she shall receive him. In the meanwhile he has liberty to come to Smith.—Fécamp, 26 July 1563. Signed.
Copy. One of several copies of letters on the same paper. (fn. 2) Fr. Pp. 7.
July 26. 1071. Challoner to Henry Cobham.
Since writing to him on the 20th inst. (in answer to Cobham's of 29 May), he has had an ague. Thanks him for his news and advertisements. Has remained five or six months together without letters from England, save from his servant Farnham. The Queen, for fault of a little paper work of giving advices in due time, loses all the fruit of his service, and he loses his credit and estimation here. Hears of the expected arrival of Lord Montague. "I promise you I am more than full, and think myself worse than ill-used, knowing since my coming to this room of service here what opportunities the Queen hath lost with the loss of my thanks, by means that I never know how things go." (fn. 3) He will herewith receive a discourse of the repulse of the Moors at Oran. The King within six days removes to Segovia. Sends commendations to little Killigrew and various other friends.— Madrid, 26 July 1563. Signed.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 6.
July 26. 1072. Meliadus Spinola to Challoner.
Has received his of the 15th. Money transactions between the writer and Challoner through the medium of Stephano Lercari [?] and Stephano Galiotto.—Valladolid, 26 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Ital. Pp. 2.
July 26. 1073. Mario Cardonio to Cecil.
Desires that his service and friendship with Cecil may continue. Has married and established himself in Antwerp the preceding year, where he will always be ready to serve him. In proof of which he recommends the bearer, Vittorio De la Castellaun, a gentleman of Naples, who in all the wars for upwards of twenty years past served the late Kings Henry and Edward.—Antwerp, 26 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
July 27. 1074. Smith to the Queen Mother.
Hopes that her dislike to Throckmorton will not hinder the conclusion of peace, and that it may be counterbalanced by the goodwill which she has always found in himself. Desires that she will assign them a speedy time for audience. —Valmont, 27 July 1563.
Copy. Fr.
July 27. 1075. The Queen Mother to Smith.
Has sent to the King's Council for their advice, and as soon as she hears of Throckmorton's arrival will inform him of their decision.—Fécamp, 27 July 1563. Signed.
Copy. Fr.
July 27.
Forbes, ii. 496.
1076. The Rhinegrave to Warwick.
1. Received his letter late yesterday, by M. De Cossé, and went immediately to the Constable, who has granted him a passport for any gentleman whom the Earl may send.
2. The eldest brother of Bassompierre has gone five days ago by way of Antwerp, which he needs not doubt, as the writer would rather die than break his word. Sends his recommendations to Pollet and Waham [Paulet and Vaughan]. —27 July. Signed: Reingroff.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 27. 1077. Mundt to Cecil.
His letters of the 22nd of June, together with the catechism of that excellent Prince the Elector Palatine (who has been calumniated by being called an Anabaptist) were intercepted by the French Viragus, a French President of Parliament, lately returned from Trent, from whom he understands that these religious disputes must be settled by arms and not by councils or disputations. The Queen Mother has summoned the Cardinal of Lorraine to Court from the Council. Mme. De Roye has gone home to her town, called Muret, in Champagne. Eric, Duke of Brunswick, has levied forces, but the Circle of Westphalia (of which the Duke Juliers is the head) will not let him cross the Rhine. The French are very anxious that the Queen should not levy forces abroad, and have sent into Saxony to see whether she has been doing so. —Strasburg, 27 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 28. 1078. Smith to the Queen.
1. Sends copies of his correspondence with the Queen Mother respecting his interview with her upon the arrival of Throckmorton. One of her chamber called, who was sent to meet Sir Nicholas with orders that he and the writer should be lodged in the castle at Valmont, and that the chambers should be tapestried.
2. This sudden change seemed very strange. But when he sent his man thither there was neither bedstead nor bed, so he said he would content himself with the lodging he had, and would that night provide in the town for Sir Nicholas.
3. On the 27th inst., about 11 p.m., Sir Nicholas, the Controller of the Posts, and other gentlemen arrived at Valmont, and there supped together.
4. After supper they perused their letters and instructions, and agreed that the writer should in the morning send for an audience. Forwards his letter and the answer. The matter is not so forward as the Queen writes, but they perceive that before the French will give them audience they will do what they can by force. But they trust he will hold out, and that her ships will appear with some comfort.
5. His letter of the 24th, brought by Francis the courier from the Earl of Warwick to Throckmorton, they send herewith. It does not answer whether he be able to keep it, or for what time, nor what men he has in it. They ask to know her judgment thereof, and what they should do therein. They see small appearance that the Queen minds to come to any treaty of peace with them.—Valmont, 28th July 1563. Signed by Smith.
6. P. S.—Since writing this they perceived that Newhaven has been rendered, and so they deferred closing it till they knew whether they should have audience or no. Sir Nicholas was taken from him, as appears by his (the writer's) letter to her of the 3rd of August.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
July 28. 1079. Smith to the Queen Mother.
Throckmorton having arrived with the commission, they are now ready to treat concerning the articles of peace with Condé, or whomsoever she may appoint.—Valmont, 28 July 1563.
Copy. Fr.
July 28. 1080. The Queen Mother to Smith.
The bearer of his letter came as she was getting on horseback to go to the camp, the Constable having written that Warwick was making terms for the surrender of the town.—Fécamp, 28 July 1563.
[July 28.]
Forbes, ii. 496.
1081. Conditions of the Surrender of Havre de Grace.
1. The following conditions have been agreed on between the Constable and Warwick for the surrender of Havre.
2. The Earl puts the town into the Constable's hands, with all artillery and stores belonging to the King or his subjects therein. He leaves all the ships with their equipments belonging to the King or his subjects, together with all merchandise and goods.
3. To secure the fulfilment of these conditions he shall place the Grand Tower in the hands of the Constable, but the troops that shall be placed therein are not to enter the town. The Earl is to guard the gates leading to the tower, but no ensign is to be planted on the said tower. He is also to give four hostages, whom the Constable shall name. The Earl shall withdraw his soldiers from the fort by 8 o'clock to-morrow morning.
4. All prisoners on both sides shall be liberated without ransom. The Constable shall permit the Earl and his garrison to take away all things belonging to the Queen of England or her subjects. The Constable allows six days, to commence from to-morrow, for the garrison to take their departure. If they are detained by the wind, or by bad weather, this term shall be reasonably extended. The Constable promises free ingress and egress for all vessels employed in the embarkation. The four hostages shall be Oliver Manners, brother of the Earl of Rutland, and Captains Horsey, Pelham, and Leighton.— July 28, 1563.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
July 28. 1082. Denys to Cecil.
1. This day Warwick has taken order with the Constable to surrender this town within six days, and the same day his Lordship was hurt in the thigh by an arquebus shot, and therefore will embark as soon as he can. The writer and Poulet remain here to see the ordnance and men safely transported, for which they lack ships. Has sent to Portsmouth to have 2,000l. or 3,000l. to help to despatch hence.
2. By the sickness of the Marshal and the death of the Controller here is great lack. Overton, the Controller's clerk, is gone to England, and most of the rest are sick or dead, and the plague still continues here. They mean to send the sick to Winchelsea, for avoiding of infection of the rest of the realm.—Newhaven, 28 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 28. 1083. Knolles to Warwick.
1. The enclosed letter came this morning in one that Cecil sent, yet made no mention thereof. Forwards it by Burley.
2. Perceives by Cecil's letters that Hanshaw put Francis the post in a boat of Rye on Sunday evening last, not doubting but that he landed at Dieppe on Monday morning, and was with Throckmorton forthwith.
3. It also seems by Hanshaw's report to Cecil that the trench by the Water gate is forsaken of his men, and that the top of the castle is battered, whereby it seems the haven is also lost. Fears that his enemies will plant their ordnance upon the jetty and along the wall between the jetty and the castle, that they may flank the inside of the Bulwark le Grange and the curtains adjoining, to the hindrance of his men and victualling; for the counter-beating of which the platform begun by Mr. Bromefield for another purpose would serve him.
4. Asks whether he would have him stay sending men, and only supply him with victuals until a convoy or two thereof be passed unto him. To-morrow he means to ship as much victuals as Mr. Abington is able to make.
5. Gathers by his sending for corslets that he means to arm his arquebusiers therewith. If he doubly weapons them and his pikes with black bills, their enemies will find no rest in assaulting them.
6. Trusts he has foreseen the policy that may be used with masts and boards, etc. for the conveyance of victuals into the town, and has appointed fit men to take the care thereof.— Portsmouth, 28 July 1563.
Copy. Endd.: Mr. Vice-Chamberlain to Warwick. Pp. 4.
July 28. 1084. The Bishop of Aquila to Cecil.
In obedience to the Queen's proclamation, he does not present himself personally. Renews his petition in favour of the heirs of a certain deceased Spaniard of his household, who, in a fit of insanity, committed suicide. His heirs are his two widowed sisters, who are very poor. The Queen had kindly promised to waive her rights in their favour, but they find on application that the money arising from property of the deceased has been handed over to the Queen's almoner. Asks that the Queen's intentions may be carried out.—London, 28 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
July 29. 1085. Smith to the Queen Mother.
Affairs having turned out in such sort, he desires a passport for one of his people to go over to England to advertise the Queen.—Valmont, 29 July 1563.
Copy. Fr.
July 29.
Forbes, ii. 497.
1086. Warwick, Poulet, and Denis to the Queen.
Since the answer made to her last letter, herewith enclosed, (which has been delayed for want of passage,) the enemy has made two great breaches which were assailable, besides approaching the new fort to the ditches. Considering the small number left for defence of those places, and those raw countrymen, and no appearance of any vessels for their transportation, nor other relief coming, they thought good (having respect of her letter of the 21st inst.) to send a trumpeter with a letter to the Rhinegrave, a copy of which is enclosed. He returned an answer the next day, which is also sent. Upon receipt thereof Mr. Pelham was sent with a letter of credit and instructions to understand the Constable's inclination concerning a peace, or otherwise. It was not intended to take that treaty in hand, but to get some good composition for surrendering this town. The Constable refused to talk of peace; but said if Warwick would surrender the town upon reasonable composition, and send five or six gentlemen the next day to confer upon the points thereof, he would talk with them. Poulet, Denis, and Pelham went to him, and at the second meeting they concluded the articles enclosed. Though the terms are not so honourable as the writers would wish, yet they are better than expected. The breach of the castle was great and plain to the enemy, (although they were repulsed at one assault,) and, enlarging it again by a fresh battery, the piece was theirs before the composition, so the writers were driven to make the best they could. A great breach was made at Bulwark St. Addresses, so that sixty men might as easily enter upon a front as upon the plain ground, which had no flanker but the ruined castle and the hill on the other part; and they could beat the curtain whereupon their men should stand for defence of that breach. Besides the said extremities, their meal and biscuit was consumed, and only a small allowance of drink left, and the soldiers upon the point of mutiny for the same. They hope the Queen will bear with them if anything is passed otherwise than expected, either in matter or penning, having but two hours liberty given them upon the Constable's demand, which was to be passed without delay, after his Secretary's phrase. They rest now upon a speedy transportation with such English and French vessels as can be gotten hereabouts.—Newhaven, 29th July 1563. Signed.
Orig., with Warwick's seal. Add. Endd., partly by Cecil. Pp. 4.
July 29. 1087. Another copy of the above, with a few verbal variations.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
July 30. 1088. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
The Queen's store is so far spent that without a supply is sent before Michaelmas the want between then and Christmas is like to be more than can be borne. Sufficient store has been provided for this winter at Hull and Norfolk, which has been stopped by reason of so many French and other spoilers who lie between Flamborough and the May. Some wafters should be appointed to defend those appointed to come hither before Michaelmas. Had despatched two ships from Lynn lately, which waited for those appointed to waft the Iceland fleet, which they joined on coming by; but after sailing with them but half a day the wafters departed, yet they arrived safely here. Certain small ships haunt this coast; some are French, and some are thought to be English and Scotch rovers. Begs that the Queen will lend him a pinnace or bark, about eighty tons, furnished with apparel and munition, and he will have it lie on this coast with men and victuals at his own charge, and deliver her up upon one month's warning.—Berwick, 30 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 30. 1089. The Queen Mother to Smith.
Within two or three days will tell him what he is to do, and where he can come to her. Has not been able to send the bearer back before now, as they have been busy in assisting the English to embark. Warwick is wounded, and is ill.—Camp before Havre, 30 July 1563.
Copy. Fr.
July 31 1090. Smith to the Queen Mother.
Has received her letter, in which there is no reply to his request for a passport. As Throckmorton's negotiations will be now of no use, he desires passports for him and train to return into England. Thinks it very strange that the servant of an Ambassador sent by his master with a letter should be imprisoned and put in irons like a thief, and then dismissed without any answer. Asks that the two passports may be sent by the bearer.—Valmont, 31 July 1563.
Copy. Fr.
July 31. 1091. Smith to the Constable. (fn. 4)
Having heard of the surrender of Havre and that Warwick is badly wounded, he desires him to allow the bearer to visit him, in order that he may be able, when he goes to England, to give a true account of his condition to his brother, the Earl of Leicester.—Valmont, 31 July 1563.
Copy. Fr.
July 31. 1092. The Town of Antwerp to the Duchess of Parma.
Have received her letter of the 16th containing the complaints of the Queen of England. They have summoned the officer who has charge to raise the bridges, who has sworn that he has never taken "bruggelt" from the English or any other, being paid a fixed salary by the town. They have also spoken to certain of the officers of the English in Antwerp, who have declared that they have no complaint to make of the town, but were thankful for the good treatment shown to them. They have, however, been charged sometimes more than usual for the tolls on wine and beer, and for woad. They are content to employ the labourers licensed by the town, but the said labourers demand more than their fixed wages. With respect to the suit between the English and the mariners of the town, it has been agreed that they shall transport their merchandise by whatever way seems best to them. The English have no reason to complain, as they have more favour shown to them than other merchants in the free access to the quays and landing places; only when their vessels have been lying a fortnight or more empty at the quays, they have had to give place to ships coming in laden. The English say that they do not complain of the town of Antwerp, but of other places in Zealand, Flanders, and elsewhere. They are better treated than those of other nations, on account of so large a number of the residents of the town getting their livelihood through the clothes which they bring.—Antwerp, last July 1563.
Copy. Endd., partly by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
July 31. 1093. Albert Marquis of Brandenburg to the Queen.
Complains that a vessel belonging to him has been seized off Newhaven by her subjects, which he begs may be restored.—Königsberg, 31 July 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.


  • 1. This and the following letter are on the same page. Endd.: "23 [sic] July 1563. De l'Aubespine answered nothing to the letter which I sent him."
  • 2. This and the copies of ten other letters (the latest being of Ang. 3) were sent by Smith to Cecil.
  • 3. This last sentence is cancelled.
  • 4. To the copy of this letter Smith appends the following note:—"The Queen, for answer to her letter, said she had spoken to the Constable, who should take order and direction for all my demands, from whom I had this letter following." (See the Constable to Smith, 1 Aug.)