Elizabeth: August 1563, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: August 1563, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp501-516 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1563, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp501-516.

"Elizabeth: August 1563, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp501-516.

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August 1563, 16-31

August 16. 1147. The Queen to Eric XIV.
Some merchants of London have complained to her that certain money lent by them to Nicholas Guildenstiern, his Chancellor, has not been repaid, she thinks that both for the sake of the poor creditors and for the honour of his good name this should be remedied.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 16 Aug. 1563. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 16. 1148. Smith to Cecil.
1. Has received his of the 4th, delivered on the 15th. On the 4th despatched Killigrew, and on the 7th Francisco. Sir Nicholas is in ward. Here are rumours that there is trouble and disagreement in England betwixt the Duke of Norfolk, Lord Robert, the Lord Admiral, and the Earl of Warwick, and that the Council is divided. They speak of great preparations of ships at Dieppe. Has been once or twice with the Constable, and his answer is that Sir Nicholas shall be kept prisoner till their hostages are rendered.
2. The King has been sick ever since his entry into this town. Some say he goes from hence to Gaillon, and after Michaelmas to Lyons.—Rouen, 16 August 1563. Signed.
3. Wrote to the Queen and him by way of Flanders on the 13th inst. About 2 p.m. war was proclaimed betwixt England and France here.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 17. 1149. Smith to the Queen.
1. Probably Killigrew and Francisco are stayed at Boulogne. Sir Nicholas is still prisoner, and the Queen Mother says they will keep him whiles the hostages for Calais are rendered to them. On the 16th inst. war was cried in every street here. Trusts she will revoke him, and take order that the French Ambassador there shall answer for him till he return into England. He is watched and guarded covertly; it will soon be done openly, and Sir Nicholas sent to some castle, and himself confined either here or at Paris.
2. The King goes to Caen, and about the 15th of next month makes his entry into Paris, and thence to Lyons.
3. This day was with the Queen. She said that none of his couriers are stopped. She will have him to tarry near Paris with the other Ambassadors till the King returns. Sir Nicholas shall have such liberty as the hostages have. Cannot get leave to speak with him. Touching the war, she tells him there is none, but she has cried war until Calais were rendered. He replied that they were in a good way at Gaillon to end this strife by accord. She will give no ear to this yet, but says she trusts that within awhile, when Her Majesty has digested the matter, she will understand that they have reason, and she will have peace with them.
4. Wots not what to think of this war they proclaim, for he sees no likelihood of maintaining it for lack of vessels, victuals, money, and mariners, which neither are nor can be ready so soon.
5. Wrote to her of Montaigne, and asks to be advertised therein.—Rouen, 17 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 17. 1150. Parliament of Rouen.
Speeches of the Chancellor of France and the President, Anthony De St. Authon, at the Parliament of Rouen, to the effect that the English had forfeited their claim to Calais, and urging the necessity of recognizing the King's majority. Proclamation of the King's majority, and confirmation of the edicts of January and March. Details of a suit by a family named Morel concerning a disputed inheritance.
Copy, in a French hand. Endd. by Cecil: 17 August 1563. Fr. Pp. 19.
August 17. 1151. Challoner to Cecil.
1. On 15th John Garcias departed hence with a packet to the Bishop of Aquila, in which the writer's packet to the Queen is enclosed. Their misfortune in the loss of Havre de Grace is here of most men regretted.—Madrid, 17 Aug. 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—The pain of his stomach still torments him. From Trent a paper is come of new articles. The principal are that Bishops, without exception, must reside, and that Cardinals must be no Bishops.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal, portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 17. 1152. Corrected draft of the above in Challoner's Hol., omitting the P. S.
Passages underlined, to be ciphered. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by the ordinary of Flanders. Pp. 3.
August 18. 1153. Smith to the Queen.
1. On the 17th received her letters by Barlow, and the same day had been very earnest with the Queen Mother for Throckmorton. This day, the 18th, had audience with the King and Queen in full Council. He said that his mistress found it strange that Sir Nicholas, being sent hither Ambassador, should so suddenly be taken and kept prisoner. The Queen herself, before all the Council at Gaillon, had accorded that one should be joined with the writer, with power to treat of a final peace. Also that he had from M. De Foix a passport, which commonly serves others. The Queen answered (as she did once or twice before) that of one to join with him she was then content, but by the time he came things were changed. She never meant Sir Nicholas, who has done evil heretofore; and for that passport she meant one of the gentlemen of his [Smith's] house; and that he [Throckmorton] ought not to have come without a safe-conduct, especially as he was the chief doer of the taking of Newhaven, and seeing the English will keep the hostages, she will keep him. She said that the French Ambassador himself protested against Throckmorton to Her Majesty. She said he is not imprisoned, but kept honestly and like a gentleman. He is guarded, because he is hated by both factions and she would be loth that he should have any hurt here; and he is so busy a man that she fears he would again stir some sedition in the realm. Ere this they would have come to an end if it had not been for him, and they shall never have quiet here if he were suffered to go abroad. Smith replied that for his surety he went safe enough before he was guarded; and that if he were such a man as is pretended, he might the sooner be sent home to England. The Queen Mother replied that Elizabeth had deceived them, and kept not her promise with them; and therefore it is well done that she has lost Newhaven, and it is no reason why she should pretend anything to Calais. Smith remarked that if commissaries were deputed on both parts, as was agreed on at Gaillon, all matters might be compounded. She said there need no such commissaries now; the English have lost their right to Calais. The Constable took Smith aside to a gallery. He spoke of Warwick's departure, who, he said, went away pleased; the other with the grey beard (meaning Sir Hugh Poulet) went away and took no leave. The Controller was hurt in the shoulder. He heard of none that complained then. When soldiers come in there is small rule, and the English gave way and abandoned all the rest, insomuch that they gave the Rhinegrave a culverin. He had received letters, he said, from the Conté and others that were there, who give him thanks. So he departed from him to the Council.
2. After they had been there the Constable came to him and said the Queen Mother had considered Her Majesty's letters and his request touching Throckmorton, and is content that he [Smith] should go to Paris, where the other Ambassadors are, and that Throckmorton shall be well treated. Asked whether Sir Nicholas should be at liberty or in prison, as he now is. The Constable said he must not call it a prison; he is in a honest house, and shall be well entreated. Smith asked that he might send away some of his unnecessary servants. The Constable prayed him to help to peace, and that the Queen should send over one to him that is also a quiet man, and they shall do some good. He said this came of his good affection to her and the love he has to live in peace and quietness. Smith said he understood him, but he would fain be satisfied for Sir Nicholas. The Constable said he had told him all. Sir Nicholas ought not to have come without a safe-conduct, and it was he that had set all this realm in discussion; and that even since he came he had sent men into the camp, who were taken with letters in cipher, and who entered or went about to enter the besieged town, and therefore he ought to lose the privilege of an Ambassador. Smith said he thought that Sir Nicholas had not sent letters to Newhaven. So they departed to the Council, and he came his way.
3. The 14th inst. he sought to speak to the Constable to thank him for his man Wilson, who was taken and kept twenty days, and every night was in fetters. The next day he sent to him to complain to him of the evil handling of Sir Nicholas.
4. On the 14th he broke out to him the matter of making a truce in the same sort as he did to-day, and answered him to the same effect as he did now. The Constable also told him that the Ambassador in England was evilly handled of the people.
5. Thanks her for having care for him, but why she should for Sir Nicholas trouble their ordinary Ambassador he does not see, except she would have no more service of him; for if Sir Nicholas be handled evilly is sure he shall be worse.
6. Is sorry to hear that the French courier was stopped at Dover, and that on the sea a captain took the King's packet here. Except this be amended, he doubts her packets shall be so served.
7. This day, betwixt nine and ten, the King at the palace at Rouen declared himself major, and that hereafter he would take the government of France into his own hands. The Chancellor declared that now the King's edicts took place above those of the Parliament, and they had nothing ado to control them, but to obey them. He also declared that he has not only recovered Newhaven, but also the right of Calais for ever, and expulsed the English to the other side of the sea.
8. The Chancellor's oration was answered by the Premier President with thanks and praises of the King, and then, pro formâ, a certain cause was pleaded before the King sitting there in justice; and so the King came to St. Ouen, where straight after the writer had audience.—Rouen, 18 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 8.
August 18. 1154. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
His imprisonment here is qualified by their carefulness to enlarge him, which (he understands by Cecil) they have begun by restraining the French Ambassador. Their restraint is not equal, for the writer has two sorts of guards, viz., Swiss and Frenchmen, to guard him day and night. Only his cook and another (both of this nation) can go abroad for his necessities, accompanied by some of the guards. The guard of the posts for the most part at meals accompanies him. He will not for his liberty's sake press them to accord to anything prejudicial to the realm. For what he knows he refers them to his letter to Mr. Secretary, written in cipher; and for the bearer, H. Middlemore, his kinsman, he asks them to make some provision.—Rouen, 18 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 18. 1155. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. His state mends as sour ale does in summer. Understands he shall be committed to some castle upon the King's departing out of this town, which is said to be this day, who goes towards Caen. There have been great disputes about his usage. The Admiral and his friends would be glad to do him good, but they are not able. And of them only the Cardinal of Châtillon is at the Court, who cannot do so much as he is worthy, and is constrained by many of his friends to retain his old habit.
2. Smith is still at liberty, and has had sundry audiences of late; but of his negotiations he knows nothing, save that at his last audience instead of pressing the writer's enlargement to the Queen Mother and the King's Council, he desired that he might be used and have as much liberty as the French hostages had in England. "Now, sir, you will see that this man's malice to me will neither suffer him to do his duty to the Queen nor to behave to me, his colleague, as an honest man." The way to do the writer good is to use the French Ambassador there as he is used here, which will do him more good than Smith's crafty and lewd dealing.
3. Is sorry Cecil did not communicate to the writer at this time the Queen's determination for things falling out as they do; one of these two ways must be used, either to make war, or to talk of a peace (which, for the difference of Calais, will not be easily resolved,) or to accord a truce. This last he finds least difficult, if the matters of the hostages be honourably compounded. On the 17th inst. the King was declared to be major, which was authorized by all the Courts of Parliament of this realm.
4. There is great travail "to make atonement" among all the partialities of this realm, and to observe (touching religion and all other things) the accord lately concluded at Orleans betwixt Condé and the Constable. On the 17th inst. the Papists of this town rendered all their arms into the townhouse. On the 12th inst. the King entered this town solemnly, but not very sumptuously. Marshal Brissac is Governor of Normandy, and the Duke of Bouillon displaced. M. De Bacqueville is Governor of Dieppe, where thirty sail of ships are prepared, every man upon his own adventure. Francis Clerc is dead. On the 16th inst. war was proclaimed in this town against England without condition. The Queen Mother has denied the matter to Smith, and answered him with smiling words; and so they departed on good terms.
5. The House of Guise has no great credit in this Court, but are holden in jealousy for the practice of the marriage of the Prince of Spain with the Queen of Scotland, notwithstanding the bruit of the Prince of Austria. They send by way of Flanders to practise the renovation of their old league. Supposes that Captain Colborn carries their letters. It is feared lest the Earl of Montgomery shall have some trouble, for the Queen Mother mortally hates him, and he is had in great jealousy to have intelligence with the Queen.
6. The King will to Lyons after he has been to Caen, if the Parisians will depose their arms. The French Ambassador should be used as he [the writer] is here.
7. Received with much ado Cecil's letters of the 10th on the 17th. Whatsoever brags the French make, they would be glad the matter were ended to their advantage. They despoil him of the name of an Ambassador, wherein Smith concurs. His cousin, Middlemore, the bearer, will show him the sufficiency of Mr. Robert Stuart to serve Her Majesty, who of long time has done her good service. Middlemore can declare Stuart's deliberation and determination at length. Asks him to enable his cousin by some provision to serve Her Majesty.—Rouen, 18 August 1563. Signed.
Orig., chiefly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 18. 1156. Cecil to Challoner.
Writes by Farnham. Has sent for Throckmorton, and means to stay their Ambassador and their hostages. "If Throckmorton may be recovered, we will never treat with them until, &c." Are in a disposition to revoke him [Challoner], and to send one to reside in Flanders, where are most matters for an Ambassador. "The marriage of D. Carl with our neighbour cannot be allowable to us, and perhaps it may be stayed." The plague increases in England, begun in London, increased from Newhaven, "where we now hear that the French did use enchantments five months past to infect the town as it was, and hereof I am credibly advertised, and with such particularity as I believe rem gestam, though I know not the truth of the effect."—Windsor Castle, 18 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 23 Jan. 1564, per Farnham. Pp. 2.
August 19. 1157. Smith to the Privy Council.
1. Reputes it honourable that they take so heavily this imprisonment of Throckmorton.
2. Has made application to the Queen, the Constable, the other Ambassadors, and M. De Sevre, newly come from Rome. Some say that if he [Smith] had taken him [Sir Nicholas] to the Court at Estlan he had not been prisoner.
3. Has written to the Queen at large his reasons and their replyings. He sees the Queen Mother precisely bent unto it; and still at the end they cut off what he said, by saying it is so determined by the Council.
4. It is neither by hault words nor manners, (which they now little esteem,) nor by the evil handling of their Ambassador, nor by staying the couriers and taking their packets, but by gentle entreating of the Ambassador there and the hostages, that they may come to some kind of peace or quiet. If they determine to try it out by war, then they should prepare thoroughly for it. Yet by this way they will still keep Sir Nicholas, for whom the more suit is made, the straighter they will guard him.
5. Sends the bearer, Middlemore, who can best declare in what fear Sir Nicholas has been, and for himself also. Neither Middlemore nor any other who has been Sir Nicholas' man is in surety here.—Rouen, 19 August 1563. Signed.
August 19. 6. P. S.—Last night Sir Nicholas was conveyed from hence, and all his men, to St. Germain, as M. De Mas said. Others say he is at Bois de Vincennes.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
August 19. 1158. Smith to Cecil.
1. For Sir Nicholas' matter he cannot satisfy himself until he sees him at large.
2. Is weary of chiding. He would again chide with him that he had no advertisement of the French Ambassador's evil handling, and the redressing of it, nor of such proclamations as are lately put in print in England.
3. Prays him to give the charge to Somers, Smith, or some of the Clerks of the Council, or to Allington; he will be at a fee with them for it. It is likewise meet that he should know of the hostages, for they are for Sir Nicholas. "Where ye speak of the Protestants, Qui ipsi se non habent. What would he have them do ? Nay, now because they would seem the bon valets they run after more fast than the rest, and cry out, 'Harowe, catch the fox, and when ye have him hold him fast, it is he that has marred all.' This I am made believe, and somewhat I see myself."
4. Commended a man in his last letters by Francisco whom he thought meet for the Queen's service. Prays him to let it be answered; Mr. Middlemore knows him well.— Rouen, 19 August 1563. Signed.
5. P. S.—When he had ended this he received a letter, a copy whereof is enclosed. The matter was strange to the writer, knowing of Sir Nicholas's departure this night. This morning Smith desired that he might not dine with him this day, for fear he had of being taken; and he said plainly that the writer should have a guard upon him within two hours, for so he had intelligence.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 19. 1159. Middlemore to Smith.
Is now so pursued that he knows not how to escape; all the ways, both by Abbeville and Amiens, are laid for him; he therefore has sent Smith the passports he gave him, who may despatch one with his letters. "This way we have two ways to the wood." As he was on horseback in the town three or four advertisements came from his friends that he was sought and laid for. And since coming from the town he met one that bid him make away. Is also assured that all passages in this country are laid for him, and therefore asks him to excuse him if he does not carry his letters.— 19 August 1563.
Copy. Endd.: Copy of Mr. Middlemore's letter. Pp. 2.
[August 19.] 1160. Proposals respecting Throckmorton.
1. Throckmorton shall be set at liberty, and the Ambassador shall promise in the name of the Queen that he will not quit the realm during the negotiations.
2. Throckmorton shall be set at liberty for three weeks, in order that he may negotiate, and shall not leave without the King's permission. The Ambassador in his own name and in that of the Queen shall promise this.
3. To the same effect as the second; adding that if the negotiation lasts longer than three weeks, he shall make a further promise.
Copy. Endd.: Escript. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 19. 1161. M. Mauvissier's Note.
The French King understands that Smith promises in the name of the Queen that if Throckmorton is admitted to negotiate the treaty of peace, whatever issue the said treaty may have he will not leave France without his permission.
Copy [?]. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 20. 1162. Randolph's Memorial to Queen Mary.
1. His service having been agreeable to her, he returns to intreat with her upon a matter of great importance, viz., her marriage. It is well known to Elizabeth that Mary's friends are seeking a husband for her in the Emperor's lineage, which "must needs bring a manifest danger to the private amity betwixt the Queens, an apparent occasion to dissolve the concord that is presently between the two nations, and an interruption of such a course as otherwise might be taken to further and advance such right or title as [Mary] might have to succeed to [Elizabeth] in the crown of England." By such a marriage she can judge no good intended towards herself; and how she can continue her amity where so great cause of discord shall be ministered, she leaves Mary to judge. Her advice is that Mary should no ways be abused under pretence of greatness to hazard not only the weal of her country, but also the expectation of more than all her friends can procure her, with what mind soever they travail.
2. Elizabeth has willed him to say that if Mary will have regard to these things, she [Elizabeth] will not only proceed to the inquisition of her [Mary's] right or title to be her next cousin and heir, but will further that which shall be advantageous to her, and hinder that which shall seem to the contrary. She wishes that as to Mary's marriage, there might be found some noble person of great birth in England who might be agreeable to her.—20 Aug. 1563.
Orig in Randolph's hol. Endd.: 1582 [sic]. Pp. 6.
[August 20.] 1163. Instructions for Randolph.
"A memorial of certain matters committed to the charge of Thomas Randolph, Esq., our servant, sent by us to our good dear sister the Queen of Scots, to be by him declared to her."
To the same effect as the previous document, with the addition of the following article, viz.: That if he finds that the mention of a noble person of England shall not be liked, then he may descend further, and say that he thinks some other great person of any other country, being not of such a greatness as suspicion may be gathered that he may intend trouble to this realm, might be allowed. He shall always rest upon this argument, that neither Elizabeth nor England (having regard to the attempts made when Mary was married to the French King) can think any mighty prince a meet husband for her to continue the amity that now is with this realm.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol., with three interlineations in another hand [Elizabeth's?]. Endd.: 16 Nov. 1563. Pp. 10.
August 20. 1164. Instructions for Randolph. (fn. 1)
Another copy of the above instructions with several modifications.
Copy. Pp. 2.
August 20. 1165. Smith to the Queen.
The talk between him and the Constable of the marriage, which would peradventure trouble her and them, gave him occasion to search further. He found that the French marvellously fear a marriage to be made between the King of Spain's son and the Queen of Scotland, which the Guisians take for concluded. This is the drift of the Cardinal of Lorraine, the Pope, and the Fathers of the Council of Trent, with certain factions, to give in dowry the realm of England to them for reducing it to the Romish Church, and likewise the goods of the French Protestants; persuading themselves that they have in Scotland, and also in England, enough of their faction, with whom also they have dealt to bring the matter to pass.
2. The Parisians and other cities here also are suspected of the same. Condé and the Constable take the matter very evil. The latter is very glad to have occasion to overrun the Guisians, who, for this and other practices, begin to be had in jealousy, and appear to be in decadence.
3. Mme. La Mareshale St. André has recovered her daughter from Mme. De Guise by judgment, and now there will be a marriage betwixt her and Condé's son. To countervail that marriage in Scotland, the marriage between the daughter of the King of the Romans and the French King is now the other handle. It will come to a conclusion shortly. What he has rehearsed, and because they think they are not able to match her power, is the occasion why the Constable offers so reasonably and shows himself such a lover of peace.— Rouen, 20 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Chiefly in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 20. 1166. Cuerton to Challoner.
Yesterday he received a letter from St. Sebastian in which they write that Newhaven was taken by force with four assaults, that the English did valiantly, and that the Queen will have to make restitution of all damages which France has taken these two years. "God help England and send it once a King, for in time of women it has got but a little." Has received his 1,000 reals, and will send him his account.— Bilboa, 20 Aug. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
August 21. 1167. Maitland to Cecil.
1. By his of the 5th understands the rendering of Newhaven, which he wishes the Queen at the first had given up upon honourable conditions.
2. The latter part of his was somewhat comfortable, although in such terms that he was not able to conceive his meaning. If it be as he takes it, it must fall out well for both realms, that is if Elizabeth means to grow shortly to some resolution with his mistress. The protracting of time cannot be but hurtful to both. "Well I know that the Queen my mistress's estate is such as may not long stand in doubtful terms with foreign princes, and therefore must shortly resolve one way or other." Need not trouble him with many words in this cause, having many times before conferred therein with him; has also frankly uttered his mind to the Queen herself, though he must confess it was not at all times so weighed as the weight of the cause required. "I pray God that on both parts time be taken so long as it doth last; for I fear me, if the present be not well plied, the like shall not be offered hereafter." Sends his commendations to Lord Robert.—Dumfries, 21 Aug. 1563. Signed.
3. P. S.—Asks him to see the other letter from the Queen delivered to the French Ambassador.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 21. 1168. Thomas and Dominic Chester to Thomas Shipman.
Some years past they and other merchants of Bristol had five ships taken by Pedro Melendez coming from the islands [the Azores] laden with woad. Through the earnest suit of Sir Thomas Chamberlain they had them restored and a sedula of the goods taken given to them, the value of which was 2,000 ducats. Desire him to call upon Challoner herein, for which he shall be well considered.—Bristol, 21 August 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
August 23. 1169. The Queen to the Earl of Murray.
As he has always bent himself to maintain concord betwixt England and Scotland, she has thought it not unmeet to assure him that he shall find no lack on her part for the accomplishment of what he has always so much desired. She requires him to have good regard thereunto, and give his sister such counsel as shall maintain the same.
Corrected draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 23 August 1563. Pp. 2.
[August 24.] 1170. The Bishop of Aquila's Debts.
A schedule of minor debts owing by the Bishop of Aquila at his death for linen, bread, beer, fuel, meat, "vessel," and other household expenditure. Total, 290l. 17s. 11d.
Endd. Pp. 2.
August 24. 1171. Smith to Throckmorton. (fn. 2)
Was told that Throckmorton was at Bois de Vincennes. Has a certain guard of M. Mauvissiere, Captain of Tancarville. Was promised that Throckmorton should be treated with gentleness. Thinks Mr. Middlemore is there already. He went another way and without the writer's letters. Some would make trouble between them.—Poissy, 24 Aug. 1563.
August 25. 1172. Throckmorton to Smith.
1. Thanks him for his letter, and prays him to forward to him certain letters which he has written to Cecil. The chamber in the tower where he lies is hung with tapestry, and the bedding which he and his folks occupy is hired by him, and so are all things that he needs. In the morning he is suffered (accompanied by three or four of his guard) to walk in the park of St. Germain an hour, and in the daytime to walk when he wills in the gallery of the house with the keeper, and towards evening is suffered to walk in the garden. Adjoining his chamber is a great one, where he has liberty all day to walk, and a smaller to dine and sup in. Some officers accompany him at meals. Twice in the day two of his folks are suffered to go into St. Germain to buy his victuals. About 6 p.m. he with one of his servants is locked in his chamber, and the rest of his folks in another, and the guards lie upon a pallet at his chamber door. When Smith writes let his messenger come to the sign of "Our Lady" in St. Germain, where, before dinner and supper, one of his folks is suffered to go to fetch his wine.
2. The captain of the castle has written to the King to have him to his own house at a village called Carriere.—Castle of St. Germain, 25 August 1563.
August 26. 1173. The Queen to Gresham.
The factors of Brocktropp and Rantzow (to whom she owes sundry sums of money due this month) have come to Antwerp and persist to have their money, else they will proceed by order of law and arrest there. Gresham shall do all he can to prolong the same debt, if only for three months; if that cannot be so, he is to take up as much of some other merchants, either strangers or English, as will be sufficient to satisfy them.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 26 August 1563. Pp. 2.
August 26. 1174. R. Jones to Mr. Ouseley.
Makes account to be with him for at least a fortnight. The French at Newhaven have broken their accord and promise, and have stayed munitions, victuals, artillery, and so much other ordnance and things meet for them as they found. Sir Nicholas removed from Rouen; and the French say that he is a man of that credit in France that if he had access abroad he might do no good. The French King has proclaimed himself to be at his full age, whereby the Queen Mother and the Constable are like to rule all. The French arm to the sea by the King's permission, as do the English; "but I fear we are of too squeamish consciences to do as they will do if they may." The Spanish Ambassador is dead at Langley.— Windsor, 26 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 26. 1175. Cecil to Challoner.
The French still detain Throckmorton without any reason but cavillations. It is for their hostages. They offer a truce, but if they might have Throckmorton they could well live as they did in a certain neutrality of war and peace, and forbear all their wines. The Spanish Ambassador died on Tuesday night. Dr. Frear was his physician. Desires him to procure some Low Countryman, no Roman.—From Lord Huntingdon's house at Stoke, 26 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner.: Received at Saragosa, 3 Oct. 1563. Pp. 2.
August 28. 1176. Petition of the French Hostages.
As the plague has increased so much in London, and even in the Tower, they petition the Queen that they may have another residence. Also that they may be at liberty to purchase their own provisions. Also that on leaving the Tower they may not be charged with tolls like malefactors; and may be allowed to take their furniture with them. They further desire that the necessary directions may be sent to the Lieutenant of the Tower.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
August 28. 1177. Johan Kloith to the Queen.
Having served the French King at Newhaven, and hearing that she is levying forces, he desires to enter her service.— Narttelen, 28 August 1563. Signed: Johann Kloith, her zu Narttelenn.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Ger. Pp. 3.
August 28. 1178. Translation of the above into Latin.
Copy. P. 1.
August 28. 1179. The Envoys of Germany to the Queen.
Having been sent to her upon matters of importance by certain of the leading men in Germany, they have arrived at Antwerp, where they have learnt that on account of the plague in England access to her is difficult; and also that the passage into that country is dangerous by reason of their enemies. They beg that she will send some one to negotiate with them, or show them how they may safely reach England. —Antwerp, 28 August 1563. Signed: Aliquorum ducum Germanorum oratores et coronelli.
Orig. Add. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 28. 1180. The Envoys of Germany to Lord Robert Dudley.
To the same effect as their letter of the same date to the Queen.—Antwerp, 28 August 1563.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
August 28. 1181. The Envoys of Germany to Cecil.
To the same effect as their letter of the same date to the Queen.—Antwerp, 28 August 1563.
Orig. Add. Lat. Pp. 3.
[August 28.] 1182. Frederic Spedt's Commission.
Sir Frederic Spedt is sent with full powers to negotiate with the Queen from the Bishop of Osnabruck, the Count of Hoye, the Duke Otto of Lunemburg, and four other German colonels.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil.: Colonel from Lubec. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 28. 1183. John Rudyard to Challoner.
Whereas Challoner directed him not to suffer John Martin and others to have anything to do or come with any carriage within his ground of Carlinghowe, the said John, on the 28th inst., came, aided with eight of Challoner's tenants, to carry away the tithe as well as the rent corn, which he said he had bought of Robert Farnham. Rudyard, however, resisted them. Desires that he will direct his servants and tenants to aid him; and also that Farnham shall not let Martin have any interest in the said rent corn.—Gisburn, 28 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Pp. 3.
August 29. 1184. The Queen of Scotland to Sir Thomas Dacre.
Begs that he will not only grant the bearer, Raulet, her French secretary, licence to pass by him to the Court with letters to the Queen, but also give him a commission and safe conduct thither.—Borthwick, 29 August 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 29. 1185. Maitland to Cecil.
The Queen of Scotland has directed the bearer, Secretary Raulet, towards France for her affairs. Fears as the case stands betwixt that realm and France he shall find no French vessel that will hazard to transport him at his return, whereby he may be constrained to come by sea. Asks for a passport to pass and return as well by sea as by land. Looks every day to hear from him by Mr. Randolph.—Borthwick, 29 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: By Raulet. Pp. 2.
August 31. 1186. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
1. Perceives by his letters of the 22nd inst. that the Queen has granted his request for a vessel to be employed on this coast. Has sent the bearer for Cecil's warrant to receive her, and begs that he will bestow a few words in the writer's favour to the Lord Admiral in furnishing her with apparel and munition.
2. As those who lately served in Newhaven return, he will advertise him of the number in this garrison. The Treasurer of Newhaven should state to what day he paid them.—Berwick, 31 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 31. 1187. Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil to the German Envoys.
Have received their letters of 28th August from Antwerp, to which they have not signed their names, nor have they stated from whom they are sent. Have consulted with the Queen and send back the messenger with a cipher, in order that they may write more clearly who they are and what is their business.—Windsor, August 1563.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: Ult. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 31. 1188. Challoner to the Queen.
Sends her a book containing the doctrine of Frater Georgio Siculo, (fn. 3) of which there are not six copies extant. He came by it through an Italian, a disciple of the said Siculo, who brought it hither covertly with him as his manual; but fearing the dangers of the Inquisition left it with him upon his solemn communication to save it for him if he could. His doctrine, which he affirms to have received by special revelation, seems in divers points to dissent both from the Papist and Protestant assertions; but his manner of writing is in a high trade, alleging authorities of Scripture for every point. Dares neither approve or disapprove his doctrine, but it is for the rareness a piece of work meet for her to peruse, whose high wisdom can judge more ripely what it doth impart.—Madrid, 31 August 1563.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: Sent by Brackenbury. Pp. 4.
August 31. 1189. Clough to Challoner.
1. Is glad that he is going to take up money in Spain to be paid here. His bills shall be paid at the day. There is now open war between England and France. The French King proclaimed war until he had Newhaven, and the Queen proclaimed war until she had Calais; and now the French King makes a new proclamation of war until the Queen "refuses" her last proclamation. The French say that the Queen has lost her title to Calais. Throckmorton is in prison in France, and the French Ambassador is in the Tower in England. Smith is yet at liberty. King Philip's Ambassador in England is departed. The plague reigns wonderfully in London, where died last week 2,000 persons, and the week before 1,000, and the week before that 700, and so 600, 400, 200. The Queen and the Lords of the Council are in health. Sir Thomas and Lady Gresham are in Norfolk till the plague be somewhat ceased. The King of Denmark is entered into Sweden with 7,000 horses and sixty ensigns of men. The King of Sweden is in the field with 10,000 horsemen and 50,000 footmen.—Antwerp, 31 August 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Pp. 4.


  • 1. This was the form ultimately adopted; the original, signed and countersigned by the Queen, is in the B.M., see Calig. B. x, ff. 208, 218.
  • 2. This is the first of a correspondence between Smith and Throckmorton extending to 15th Sept. It occupies four pages.
  • 3. Who signed it with his blood. Cancelled in the draft.