Elizabeth: June 1563, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: June 1563, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp397-415 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1563, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp397-415.

"Elizabeth: June 1563, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp397-415.

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June 1563, 11-15

June 11. 869. Garrison of Newhaven.
Names of the different captains, with the number of men in each of their companies. Total, serviceable men, 3,839; sick and hurt, 442.
With a few notes in Cecil's writing, and endd. by him: Brought by Sir Hugh Pawlett, 12 June 1563. Pp. 3.
June 11. 870. Cuerton to Challoner.
Refers him to his letter of seven days past. Will send his pewter vessels in the chest, and bids him not to doubt for his books. The news is that the Moors are gone from before Oran. "I pray God give the infidels their payment, our King Philip is too soft for them."—Bilboa, 11 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
June 12. 871. Henry Killigrew to Challoner.
At his return out of France (where he lay seven months prisoner) he found Challoner's letter of the 28th August, together with his verses, which he presented to the Laird of Lethington, by whose only means he enjoys his liberty. He liked them so well that the Queen, his mistress, shall receive the present of them. The Archbishop of St. Andrews is in the castle of Edinburgh for hearing and saying of Mass. The Earl of Huntley's body and lands, and the Earl of Sutherland, are condemned by the Lords of Parliament of high treason. It is bruited that the Queen of Scotland will marry one of the Emperor's sons. Lord Paget is dead. The Rhinegrave's men have suffered three great overthrows, and Bassompierre, his lieutenant, is taken. Fifty Englishmen, who ever since the taking of Rouen have been in a French galley in chains, have killed the captain with all his men and have saved themselves. Mrs. Mansfield was married to Mr. Southwell upon Sunday last. Is desirous to recover some of Challoner's doings in our English rhyme, and among others those out of Ariosto.—Westminster, 12 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received, 3 Aug. Pp. 3.
June 12. 872. Survey of Carlisle.
1. The castle, walls of the town, and citadel are all in very great decay, large portions of them having fallen down.
2. The garrison consisted of the Constable and twenty-one soldiers; nine gunners in the castle, eight in the city; John Lamplough, Esq., captain, and eight soldiers and five gunners in the fort. The artillery arms and munitions were all in great decay, and most of them unserviceable.
3. Survey by Walter Strickland, Esq., and five other commissioners.—12 June 1563.
Pp. 5.
June 12. 873. Charges at Berwick.
Charges for the works, garrison, and other extraordinaries at Berwick, amounting to 17,770l. 7s. 6d., for the year ending Christmas last, which with the estimated charges for the same to Midsummer next amount to 24,570l. 7s. 6d., whereof 2,290l. 16s. has been received from the Exchequer, and 12,203l. 4s. 6d. is attained by two privy seals, leaving due 10,076l. 7s.—Berwick, 12 June 1563.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 12. 874. Edward Randolph to Cecil.
Sends his opinion of the state of these two pieces. The town is great, the bulwarks large, the curtains between the flankers long, without either good ramparts or vaumures. No part thereof is yet perfect. The new fort (which is the only safeguard of the haven and the defence of the weakest part of the town) is not in more strength, neither can be in a month, although there were 1,500 or 2,000 labourers working upon it, where there are now but 300. The only preservation of these pieces must be by such men. as will withstand their enemy.—Newhaven, 12 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 12. 875. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Perceives by express words laid to his charge that others have viewed his letters of the state of this town. Thinks the bearer, Mr. Finch (displaced from the office of provost), to be meet for the office of water bailiff; and if the attendance of 100 men be added, he may keep the castle and chain.— Newhaven, 12 June 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—How should he proceed for the recovery of money owing him by M. Beauvoir ? Touching his complaint for the spoil of his house, the bearer can inform him of the whole truth, for he took the inventory.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 12. 876. Meliadus Spinola to Challoner.
Is unable to make the payment promised on account of the shortness of the time. Mentions various money transactions in which he is concerned with Steffano Lercazo, Baldazar Cataneo, and Nicolas de Grimaldo.— Valladolid, 12 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
June 13. 877. Randolph to Cecil.
1. The 4th inst. wrote of the proceedings in this Parliament. Of such matters as are concluded the most notable is that "advouterie" shall be punished with death, which their ministers have wrung out," tanquam clavem e manu Herculis." The self same night that this act was accorded upon, the Queen's French priest, her ordinary chaplain, was taken with another man's wife in his bed. The parliament ended with as great solemnity as it began, and now the nobles and ladies are retired to their own houses. The parliament ended the 6th inst. As many as take their journey into Argyll are preparing their Highland apparel, which the Queen has ready, marvellously fair, presented unto her by James Macconel's wife. The writer framed himself as near as he could in outer shape to have been like unto the rest, but received some comfort from him to return into England, which does him more good than any pleasure he should have taken either in a saffron shirt or an Highland plaid. Is reported many times to be away when he is safe sleeping in his bed; and if it should be known before Lethington's return it would be said that open war would ensue thereof.
2. This day (the 13th) received Cecil's letters of the 6th inst., with a letter to this Queen from the Queen, and letters from Lethington unto her. As she this day kept her bed, she admitted him to present these letters. Perceived that she kept her bed that day for her ease. Presented the Queen's first, and the writer having kissed it, she said, she would kiss it also. After she had read the Queen's letters, she said to Murray she did not care how long Lethington tarries; but that she did not see that there is like to be any accord yet for the matters of France. Of this matter they talked, and of the late doings of their countrymen at Newhaven. She seems also to be sorry for the death of "gentle Tremayne," no less lamented here than he is at home. What M. La Haye is she knows not, and never had a great opinion of D'Allouy, "but as of a young man, as she said, without a beard." Sends him her letters. Talked with her (no man present but Murray) an hour or more, with wonder of a number that stood without, councillors and others, that he must be brought to her bedside, she lying in her bed. Some were there that liked but little to see that intercourse of letters as now is between the Queens. Thanks him for having procured his return.—Edinburgh, 13 June 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—Is disappointed of the heads of the acts concluded in this parliament. He shall have them by the next.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 13.
Forbes, ii. 435.
878. The Queen to Smith.
1. MM. D'Allouy and La Haye have been with her, who have used divers means to recover Havre. D'Allouy has used rounder means, offering only the ratification of the treaty at Cambresy; yet he and the Ambassador have by their speech given it out that they think she cannot have such hostages as she would; for great personages are not so ready in this King's young age, but will by one means or other refuse to come hither. La Haye has used the same offers, and added certain reasons to move her on the Prince's behalf to come to an accord, whereby occasion might be given by the agreement of her and the Almain Princes with him and his party to advance the cause of religion.
2. To all this she still persists in her demand of Calais. But seeing that either they have no authority to deal with her, or it is not meant to make any such assurance as ought to content her, they have departed, and she well content to let them go. For testimony of her demand she sends this bearer, Thomas Danet, in message to the King for demanding Calais, as they have sent hither to demand Newhaven; for which he has instructions in writing.
3. Smith (fn. 1) will perceive that she thinks the dilating of things should be his charge. He shall send one of his servants to her, and let Danet stay only two or three days, to understand what shall follow of the matter contained in a second instruction, whereof Danet is not privy, nor shall be until Smith shows him the same. Of that matter she charges him to write to no person here but herself, neither let Danet write thereof, but to her, until his return.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. by Mr. Danet. Pp. 2.
June 13.
Forbes, ii. 436.
879. Instructions for Thomas Danet.
He shall repair to the King, using the advice of the Ambassador there for his more speedy access. After delivering the Queen's letters he is to say that she requires the King to understand that by breaking the treaty made at Câteau Cambresis by his father she has a right to demand the restitution of Calais and the sum of 500,000 crowns forfeited to her, which have been demanded several times heretofore in the time of his brother, the late King Francis, by whom the treaty was many ways broken. If peace is intended to be kept betwixt them, she requires him to surrender Calais and the territories with the money, and (according to the King's requests lately made by M. D'Allouy) she will deliver Havre de Grace. The Ambassador being well acquainted with the demand of Calais, Danet is to leave that argument to him. If overtures of a new ratification of the treaty of Cambresis fall out, he shall say he will report what is said to him, and that D'Allouy or La Haye can report what likelihood they found of any liking thereof, whereof he may make himself ignorant. After his first audience (except he sees cause to the contrary) he shall despatch some messenger to her with the report of his negociation, and stay two or three days after that to see what else may be offered.—13 June 1563.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 13. 880. Extract from the above instructions, to which is added the twelfth clause of the treaty of Câteau Cambresis.
Copy, by Williamson's secretary. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 13.
Forbes, ii. 437.
881. Instructions for Sir Francis Knollys, sent to Newhaven.
1. He shall understand the number of soldiers serving there, and obtain a roll of the names of all captains, with their officers and bands, and the charges for the maintenance thereof.
2. He shall understand the state of victuals, and how much is issued either by the day or week. Also he shall view the brewhouses, bakehouses, and the mills, and see how much they can brew, bake, and grind by the day or week. He also shall consider the condition of their fresh water.
3. He shall view the state of the French ships there, and devise how a great number might be brought into England for the Queen's service; and shall use some secret inquisition to ascertain what tackle, sails, etc. for ships are laid up in the town, by recovery whereof a greater number of ships may be brought over.
4. He shall ascertain the strength and fortifications of the town, especially the last fortification in the old town, called Fort Warwick. He shall consider the number of men required to guard the place, and how many for the town. He shall view the rampiers and maundes, because it was reported that not long since the artillery in many places was in danger of being dismounted for lack of the same. He shall consider how the fresh water lately found in the fort may be preserved; and from what place the enemy may most annoy the town, or impeach the entry of vessels into the same.
5. It having been reported that the stopping up of a sluice next the castle has been the cause of the mouth of the haven to be choked with pebble, he is to inform himself of the remedies.
6. He shall inquire how the munition and powder may be safely preserved, because it is reported that the enemy practise the destruction thereof.
7. He shall confer with the Lord Lieutenant to what purpose the horsemen may remain there, considering the lack of horsemeat and fresh water for the horses. If found expedient to send them away, he shall give his advice accordingly, and yet retain the men in service as footmen.
8. He shall give advice that all men being unfeignedly sick may be dismissed; the same to be done with those that are wounded and not likely to recover shortly, and rather than keep them there for lack of pay, to cause them to have billets signed by the Treasurer and Controller; upon sight whereof they shall be paid here.
9. He shall procure that all women and other unnecessary people there, and all prisoners not likely to be ransomed shortly, be sent into England for saving of victuals, and especially the good prisoners.
10. He shall give advice that no victuals be carried out of the town, but to impeach the passage of any commodity by the Seine. He shall find out of what importance the impeaching of the passage of that river is to the French, and how the same may be done by the English. It is understood that the enemy lying this side of Caux have a great part of their victuals from the other side of Normandy, which is sent over the water to Caudebec; he is to devise how the same may be impeached.
11. The Queen having sent 400 soldiers to Newhaven out of Norfolk and Suffolk to serve for supplying the broken bands there, in case they arrive before he departs from thence, he is to have regard that they are bestowed amongst the same.
12. Those soldiers who are not well furnished with armour and weapons by their counties must be provided at their coming thither. In case the store of armour there is not sufficient, he is to send to Portmouth for such as is needful.
13. The shires of the realm having been at great charges for furnishing the soldiers with armour and weapons, and as many die daily, depart, or come from thence, it is meet some consideration were had how the captains might be answerable for the same.
Copy, corrected by Cecil, the last paragraph added by him. Endd.: 1563, June 13, Mr. Vice Chamberlain. Pp. 4.
June 13. 882. Montgomery to Warwick.
Desires the restitution of a ship laden with fifty pipes of wine for the provision of his house.—Duce, 13 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 13. 883. Victuals in Newhaven.
A list of victuals remaining in Newhaven 13 June. "The money growing of the victuals issued to the garrison" amounts to 2,900l.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp, 2.
June 13. 884. Lawrence Turner to Challoner.
Has received his letter of the 3rd inst., and admits his debts to his brother and Mr. Hawley. His great losses during these late years have been the cause why he has not been able to pay them. From a merchant through losses he has become a broker. Asks him to be a means with the King for him to have a Corredoria in Seville, and the first money that he gets shall be to make them payment. Hereby he will bind him to be his tributer yearly to lade into England a ton of good sack of Sherres and a barrel of twelve gallons of sweet oil and a hogshead of olives, which he hopes to gather off the land which he has of his wife in Sherres. On the 12th inst. there arrived eight galleys and twelve carvels of the King of Portugal to go with Don Alvaro De Bazan to Oran. He has also seven galleys and four galliots. —13 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp.3.
June 13. 885. Cuerton to Challoner.
Sends him the pewter vessels which were left in his chest, they amount to ninety-two pieces, and weigh five arobas and a half.—Bilboa, 13 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 14. 886. Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Browne to the Privy Council.
1. They have discharged the officers and workmen and all other charges for the fortifications to the beginning of next year. For the payment of the hardhewers of Ireland and Kent the Treasurer borrowed 2,800l. of the merchants of York and Newcastle, to be repaid on the 20th July. Those belonging to these parts, being better able to return for their pays, were cassed without payment.
2. This place is in a very weak state, the old strength laid open and the new not guardable; as also by the removal of the three bands to Newhaven and the discharge of 400 workmen and sixty able persons. The supply of men should be forthwith addressed hither. They understand the Lord President minds to prefer some of his own bringing up. Ask that they themselves may not be forgotten.—Berwick, 14 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 14. 887. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
1. The pays are long behind, and a supply of men is wanted, for which he makes suit by the bearer, his clerk.
2. It is necessary that a governor should come to take the charge here, Mr. Marshal being old and weak. The writer has every night been abroad on the walls to search the same till now the nights be short. Thinks that the governor or captain and the chief officers should be southern men, as then the town will be in less danger and better order with 1,000 men than it would with 1,500 under the rule of others. The town and garrison are in good order. Is of the same opinion touching the rule of the east and middle marches, which were never in a worse state to serve against the enemy. By the discharge of the works both his entertainment and Mr. Jenyson's ceases.—Berwick, 18 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 14. 888. Thomas Jenyson to Cecil.
All the works here are discharged according to the Queen's letters. Asks that order given to the Treasurer for the pay ment of his fee of controllership, or that his other office may be augmented.—Berwick, 14 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 14. 889. The Garrison at Berwick.
A memorial of the number of captains and soldiers presently in service within the town of Berwick; viz., of the old and new bands, gunners of the great ordnance, and old crew, amounting in all to 802 men. A few notes by Cecil showing the proposed reduction.
P. 1.
June 14. 890. Garrison at Newhaven.
Men in pay under the charge of Mr. Pelham, besides his officers, 496 whereof under Mr. Portinary, the Master of the Ordnance, and Mr. Flemynge, 354; the residue, 193 [143], cannot be accounted for nor found by the Controller.
Endd. by Cecil: Pioneers at Newhaven. Pp. 2.
June 14. 891. Garrison of Newhaven.
1. Muster taken the 22 and 23 March of the officers, soldiers, labourers, and persons serving in the ships; total 5,467, sick 119.
2. Muster taken on the 30th April; total 5,821, sick 186.
3. Muster taken June 12; total 7,843; sick and hurt 442.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 10.
June 14. 892. The Tenants of St. Bees to Challoner.
Notwithstanding his promise to maintain and allow their custom of wood and coals, all this year, they have had no wood for the reparation of their houses, for which the foster says that he has Challoner's commandment. Humbly beg for reformation, otherwise they will be compelled to seek for remedy from the Queen's Council.—St. Bees, 14 June 1563.
Orig., with seal. Add. Pp. 2.
June 14. 893. Edmund Tanere to Challoner.
Asks pardon for detaining his verse, but is not so culpable as the masters and licentiates of art and other learned men in this university. The praise that they have cannot be declared. Two young men send epigrams in praise of them. —Alcala, 14 June 1563. Signed: Edmonde Tanere, Chapplen.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: From Sir Edmonde. Pp. 2.
June 15. 894. Secret Instructions for Smith and Danett.
1. If no means be used to provoke them to commune of some accord by way of the rendition of Calais, yet rather than enter into war, they shall use some secret means to provoke some communication thereof.
2. For which purpose (according to the manner used with the Queen by La Haye, in the name of the Prince and Admiral, to come to an accord with France in respect of the furtherance of religion,) Smith and Danett shall show them that if she could be sure thereby to further religion, she would strain herself to come to an accord, and deliver Newhaven. This dealing, for avoiding suspicion, should be done rather by one of them alone than by both.
3. If Calais cannot be presently recovered, yet if she has good assurance to have it at the day prescribed in the treaty, she would rather proceed this way than hazard the whole upon a war.
4. Their negociations should be secret with the Prince, or (if they think better) with the Admiral, if he be at the Court.
5. The best assurance is to have other princes bound to her, either by hostages of their own or by writings, as the King of Spain, or rather the Princes Protestants, of Almain, or else some towns, as Antwerp and Bruges, and yet to have also other assurances of France.
6. If no assurance can be had by strangers, yet to have some of the Princes of Almain privy to the treaty, and some assurance given them in writing by the French; and for the French assurance to have divers kinds, because if two or three bonds should be too weak, yet a number joined together may be taken for sufficient, and no dishonour to France.
7. Therefore these are to be remembered: First, the treaty of Cambresy to be renewed, as they have offered, by the King, and presently ratified by his hand and oath. Secondly, to be added that the Queen Mother, the Princes of the Blood, and all the Privy Councillors to the King be also sworn thereto. That six principal hostages be chosen by the English out of the best houses of France, especially those which are most addicted to the House of Guise. Bonds also should be given by the principal towns of France, as Paris, Rouen, Nantes, Brest, etc. Also that the King, within forty days after he is fourteen, should newly ratify it.
8. Although she has mentioned these assurances, her meaning is not that they should in her name demand them as offers whereupon she will rest, but only to minister communication to them, so as thereby she shall accord to commune upon assurances, so that she may understand the likelihood of that whereto they will accord.
9. As soon as Danett understands what they will do herein he shall return to her.
Orig. Draft, in Cecil's hol., and dated by him: 15 June 1563. Pp. 4.
June 15. 895. Second Instructions for Danett.
1. After he has executed his former charge for the demand of Calais, he shall forbear to proceed further, giving them occasion to enter into speech for assurance of rendering Calais at the day prefixed in the treaty. If such speech come of them, he is to provoke them to descend into particulars. When he has heard as much as he thinks will be uttered by them concerning their overtures, rather than break off with them, he shall (with the advice of her Ambassador there) devise how to cause Condé or the Admiral to understand secretly that if he could be made sure that her good meaning towards the advancement of religion were honourably interpreted; means might be devised to stay this war betwixt her and France.
2. He may require them to open what they think meet without any partial respect to their nation, and it were better for her and the Prince's party that the matter should appear to the world, for thereby both should be delivered from the infamy that may come by this war; and if the Prince and Admiral shall continue in the opinion that they cannot see it is intended that she should have Calais, then he may leave the matter. But if they shall be of opinion that it is meant to deliver it at the day, then they shall procure some devices of assurance to be uttered by them.
3. If the assurance be not good, she would take more harm than could be recovered, for she should sustain discredit in the world and also hazard her right to Calais; which rather than she would willingly do she would lose her life.
4. The best assurances are four French hostages, (saving the King's brethren, and the present Councillors to the King,) and three others of the children of the Princes of Almain, viz., the Palsgrave, the Landgrave, and the Duke of Wurtemburg, to whom the French might deliver counter bonds of French hostages, or in lieu of the Princes' hostages to have their bonds to aid her to have the treaty performed. Besides this, a bond of the French to her of 600,000 crowns nomine pænæ, and another to the Almains of 400,000 crowns for performance of the treaty; and to this treaty, the King, his mother, brothers, all the Princes of the Blood, the Constable, and the four marshals of France to be bound and sworn, and the treaty to be homologued in the parliaments of France.
5. The second degree, if this could not be gotten, might be, to have six hostages as aforesaid, a bond of 600,000 crowns in money, nomine pænæ, and one of 400,000, nomine pænæ, to be made to King Philip and his towns of Antwerp and Bruges, with the condition to have those towns bound in the like to her, and this treaty also to be homologued in the parliaments.
6. The third and meanest assurance that might be allowed is to have six hostages as above and a penalty of 500,000 crowns upon bonds of the King, and that he newly ratify the treaty within forty days after he is fourteen, and then to confirm it by his oath.
7. In these three it were good that both the Queen, all now of the Council, with the King, should be sworn to the treaty, and that Condé and all of the Council being of his religion should at the Communion of the Sacrament assure her that they will at all times, without fraud, perform the treaty.
8. These assurances may seem strange; yet considering that the former treaty has not been well kept, and that the King is within age, there is great reason that these should be devised. (fn. 2)
9. If he should perceive that in this sort she may come to an accord, he shall deal with the Prince or the Admiral that these offers may come frankly from the Queen Mother, and that as these matters cannot be determined hastily, no time is to be lost, but an abstinence had of the war at Newhaven. Also, persons might be sent by both sides to treat hereupon, with this contract, that her charges be borne for Newhaven until assurance is made for the rendition of Calais.
10. Before they enter into this treaty it must be made apparent to them that she means to have the money lent to the Prince and her charges borne. The sum lent is 33,000l. sterling, and her charges are estimated to be 100,000l. sterling, before this day. And if any difficulty should arise for the present payment of the whole of these sums, in the end, as of himself, it may be said that for half thereof means may be used for them to redeem her bonds in Antwerp. Indeed, rather than break off upon such matter, she can be content to be paid 50,000l. or 70,000l., and the rest in ready money.
11. He may use good reason to accelerate the coming to an accord, because presently on both parts great forces will be used on the seas, to the undoing of many persons on both sides. He may also devise how the Princes of Almain might be mediators for this peace, and so to become (either by hostages or bonds) parties to this treaty for the delivery of Calais.
12. Finally, her meaning is that in this, his secret dealing with the Prince or the Admiral, he should only procure them (if it come not of themselves) to come to communication of an accord, and by his talk feel what assurance they will come unto; for performance whereof he may remit the matter to a treaty to be speedily hastened.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: 15 June 1563. Pp.7.
[June 15.] 896. Smith's Journal.
1. 1 June.—To this date he sent to him by M. De La Haye. The Rhinegrave has written to the Queen that he is now even with Warwick for the skirmish of the 24th, and that eight or ten English captains are slain, amongst them Tremayne, Somerset, and Horsey. Divers companies of the French cassed because they were not full.
2. 3 June.—In the street beside the Milne of St. Marceau, not far from Smith's lodging, a man newly returned was slain by men and women, who followed him with stones, spits, and other weapons upon a cry made that he was an Huguenot. At Troyes they have also risen against the returned Huguenots, and the Papists of Paris say that they still look to have a day to cut the throats of all the Huguenots.
3. The Queen came to Paris on Friday 4th June to see the Constable, to win him again and use his advice. She tarried in his house three or four hours and returned to Bois de Vincennes. The Constable has the duchy of Châtelleault given him, to content him for the loss of the Grand Mastership. He is sick with the gout. The Parisians say he feigns himself sick because he would not go to Newhaven; also that if the King were gone they would "saccage" all the Huguenots. For the maitre d'hôtel to the King sets in again all such Huguenots as were expulsed before by the Ordinance of Paris out of their houses, and puts out such Papists as now occupy them. They have just cause to think themselves injured; for a little before the death of Guise, an edict was made at Blois and published at Paris, that the goods and lands of all Huguenots should be confiscated, upon which edict divers Papists bought the Huguenots' goods, leases, and lands. The King denies the receipt of any of that money.
4. 6th June.—M. De La Croc came hither out of Scotland, where there is great trouble, the commons rising up because they would have the Mass again. Also that there is no hope of peace with England, which makes them still prepare for the war. He reported that Queen Elizabeth was become a Papist, and that she said she took Newhaven neither to aid the Prince nor the King, but to revenge the taking of Calais, and what she could take by the sword she would have.
5. On Thursday, Corpus Christi Day, one arrived out of England toward M. De La Haye with contrary reports, and speaks honourably of the Queen.
6. 10th June.—Corpus Christi Day, at night, when the King had supped at St. Germain du Pre and was returning towards Bois de Vincennes, the Prince followed with forty horse and came to Port Antoine (belike the King had been to see the Arsenal by the Celestines), where he met him and kept him company. The Princess of Cond´ (accompanied by Captains Couppé and Paste, or Pate,) went before. She met 400 or 500 Parisian horsemen armed, not far from St. Antoine's Gate, who opened the coach and would know who was in it. It was answered, "Les filles de la Royne." But espying Captain Couppé they fell upon him and slew him.
7. The cocher in the meanwhile made haste, and Captain Paste and the other lacqueys fled. Paste saved himself in the Princess's coach.
8. In the meantime the King came, accompanied by the Queen and the Prince. The body lying in the way, not fully dead, the fact was understood. The Prince complained to the King, and said he perceived that neither himself, his wife, nor his train were sure there, and desired that he might go home and provide for himself. This matter troubled the Court. The Queen wept, and men looked that he should have departed home.
9. 11th June.—Next day, Friday, Marshal Bourdillon was sent to Paris to bring the provost of the merchants to the Court. They came hither about 4 p.m. and departed about 6 p.m. with charge to bring the murderers to the Court, or else they should answer for them; and that if any more of such insolences were done in Paris the King would send the four marshals of France there to see better order kept.
10. 12th June.—On Saturday Captain Garnier and another were taken prisoners as suspect of that murder. The rest of the captains and lieutenants of Paris gathered themselves together to 4,000 or 5,000 and made such ado that they were glad to let them go.
11. 11th June.—On Friday morning the Prince warned his men that in the afternoon he would depart home to De La Ferté. Everything was ready, yet that night he was entreated to stay.
12. [12 June.]—On Saturday the Princess was before the Council, and was more earnest than the Prince to be gone. They were staid that day also.
13. On Friday he sent his man to the Châtelet, whither he saw brought Couppé's body and another of an unknown Huguenot, whom also on the Thursday, in the worship of that holy day the Parisians had sacrificed and after their manner thrown into the water. They were brought either to have process made against them, and to find them guilty of their own death (as they have done heretofore), or else for a colour of doing justice. A decree was made that Couppé and the other should be buried in St. Innocent's Cemetery that might. And certain women and boys (for they are now the judges and executioners of Paris) digged them up again; which being known, to avoid danger, they were buried there again by the watch, and were again unburied, and no man knows what is done with them. No account is made of the poor Huguenot, but Couppé troubles those of Paris and the Court.
14. 13 June.—On Sunday, still great business at the Court at Bois de Vincennes, and it was kept so strait that injury was offered his man, Wilson, whom he sent thither. Condé says that either the Guises shall be banished from the Court and the Admiral and D'Andelot be there, and justice done of the Parisians for the murder of his man, or he will avoid the Court. The Constable, the Marshal Montmorency, the Dukes De Bouillon and De Nevers take his part, and the Prince Roch sur Yon also. On the other part are the Dukes D'Etampes and Nemours, who is looked for, and the whole house of Guise. The Court was kept strait, because the young Duke and Madame De Guise and Cardinal Guise came there with 200 or 300 horse out of Paris, each with a double case of pistolets and privily armed. D'Allouy and De La Haye were that day looked to come together. Since the last man came hither out of England, Nicholas, the courier, has been despatched for England.
15. 15th June.—On Tuesday night M. D'Allouy came to the Court out of England. They are fully determined to make war. Ten companies which came out of Piedmont were sent to Metz to follow the reiters, and as soon as they were returned into their countries to go to Newhaven; Count Brissac, the Marshal's son, shall be their colonel. The captains were at the Court on Wednesday, and mustered before the Queen, and this night they lie at Louviers towards Newhaven. If the reiters were gone D'Aumale and his bands, which keep Champagne, also go thither. Marshal Brissac is gone to Harfleur. The Queen says that she will go to Caudebec. Eight or nine cannon are sent out of Paris, making thirtyeight sent thence. In the Prince of Condé is no hold nor trust, and he will be brought to anything that the Queen Mother will have him. The Constable has taken upon him self to order the matter with the Parisians, and has caused letters to be written from the King to them, defending this common murdering of Huguenots. Condé and the Guises are either already or near at accord among themselves. The Constable seems to take upon himself all the doings of the Court, and the Queen is mostly ruled by him.
16. Baron Des Addrets upon pledge of his wife and his eldest son is released, and has charge again. This is denied by them who lately came from thence, but he is removed from Nismes, where he was prisoner, to Valence and is still prisoner. All agree that the power which St. Albone and others have is about Avignon and the country which belongs to the Pope.
17. The Cardinal Châtillon, M. De Soubize, and other princes and nobles as govern thereabouts for the Huguenots, hold a Parliament for Lyons, Languedoc, Dauphiné, and other countries at their devotion, to conduct their affairs this summer, to levy money, and take order for 10,000 men for one year. It is certain that two or three battles have been fought there this year, and more spoil and murders for religion in those quarters than here, and that the Lyonnois will not receive the Mass there or the ceremonies of the Popish church. The Cardinal of Lorraine has been to Venice and well feasted, and is now at Ferrara. He has been practising to have renewed the league betwixt the Pope, King Philip, and the Dukes of Venice and Ferrara for the defence of the Papists, but indeed for the offence of the Hugenots of France. None will give ear to it but the Pope and the Venetians. The Duke of Ferrara will in nowise meddle any more. Also in Tournay, Lille, and divers towns of the Low Countries many are put into prison for religion, and horsemen and footmen are levied in Guelderland and Cleveland, and in Holland there are about 8,000 or 10,000 in arms for religion. 200 or 300 pioneers and their captains have been in the streets of Paris day and night on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. They came from the country of Auxerre. On Saturday they laid on the banks about Bois de Vincennes. They have all their instruments about them, shovels, etc.
18. The reiters lie about Monterender. They are paid to June, and their horse are lusty and fresh; the Cardinal of Lorraine's barns have refreshed them. It was thought Condé would have sent for them, but being paid they will depart out of France. With small entreaty they would tarry, for they desire to be set on work. Has been visited by M. De Morrette, Ambassador to the Duke of Savoy in the place of the Bishop of Toulon. Perceives by him that all is not rendered according to the treaty in Savoy, for the French King still keeps two towns, and the King of Spain two, and the marriage money due by the treaty is not paid. If it had not been for the English and the stir of the Protestants in France, and for fear of the King of Spain's displeasure, the Duke of Savoy would have had none of those five towns rendered. The common rumour is that they look for aid against England of King Philip, but the Ambassador of Spain here denies it to him.
19. 12 June.—Received Warwick's letter of the 8th inst., touching his entertainment of the Rhinegrave on the 22nd and 25th of May and 6th of June, and the taking of Bassompierre. It is said in Paris that on Saturday last, the 12th, there has been a great skirmish at Newhaven. Some tell the matter on Corpus day somewhat otherwise than he has written, viz., that the King and Prince came out of the town together, and the Princess followed the train, and that the intent of the Parisians was to slay the Prince, but because of the King's presence their heart failed them and they let Condé pass, and when the Princess came they did as before written, and took four or five of her men prisoners.
20. This Friday morning the 18th June the King fell off his horse at Bois de Vincennes by negligence of his equerries. The same morning a poor Huguenot was slain in Malbert Place by the people. The same day the Cardinal of Guise took his leave at the Court, and at night the Duke De Nemours came to Paris and entered at St. Marceau's gate, accompanied by the Duke De Longueville and D'Anville, Count Rockendolf, in all about 300 horse. Some say he shall be chief against Newhaven, others say the Constable. Marshal Bordillon goes thither, the Queen to Harfleur, the King to Gallion, and the Prince with him, who used all persuasion to go thither also. Few are willing, some for religion, others think to get nothing but stripes.
21. The young Duke of Guise has departed to his government in Champagne, and the Duke D'Etampes to his in Brittany, and Martigues with him. The Prince's faction will awhile keep the Court alone.
Orig., with Smith's seal. A few sentences in cipher, deciphered. Endd. by Cecil: June 1–15. Occurrences from Sir T. Smith. Pp. 8.
June 15. 897. Scotch Soldiers in Newhaven.
1. Names of thirty-one officers and men serving at Newhaven under Captain Hamilton.
2. After the departure of Captain Hamilton, leaving the above for shipping, Johnson, his lieutenant, brought the names of these and divers others that were never in the muster rolls, nor served here, which the writer has struck out, and hopes by the aid of Captain Clerk to obtain the leading of them himself. Appended are the names of fifty officers and men serving at Newhaven under Captain Clerk.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Certificate of Captain Clerk's band, 15 June 1563. Pp. 4.
[June 15.] 898. Scotch Soldiers in Newhaven.
Names of forty-eight of Captain Clerk's company lying in this town, and of seventeen in garrison.
Copy, in a Scottish hand. P. 1.
June 15. 899. Slain at Newhaven.
The names of four officers and forty-five men slain at Newhaven, from September 1562 to 15 June 1563.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
June 15. 900. Pioneers at Newhaven.
Labourers and pioneers in the works, under Mr. Pelham, besides his officers, the 14th or 15th of June, 354; sick and serviceable, 193; total, 547.
Endd. Pp. 2.
June 15. 901. Challoner to the Queen.
1. The tidings that Mazalquiver, the fort at Oran, was won are false. On Sunday, the 9th, the whole army of the King's galleys departed from Carthagena towards Oran, charged with gentlemen and soldiers from Andalusia and Valentia, and about Tuesday they arrived within sight of Mazalquiver. The Moors, by battery, assaults, and long siege, had so pressed the defendants as in Mazalquiver out of 600 soldiers there remained but 130, with victuals only for four days of salted ass flesh; the walls all torn and spoiled, ready to yield upon the next assault. In Oran also their victuals were spent to the like rate. When the Moors perceived the approach of that aid, such galleys and foists as they had retired in time, and their army by land decamped, with small pursuit of the Christians for fault of horsemen, save only the taking of thirteen pieces of artillery of all sorts and five galliots and four ships without tops, pertaining to two Genoese and two to Marseilles, which came with munition in support of the Moors, a thing here heinously taken; as likewise is the former report of two frigates from Marseilles surprised on their way towards Oran with advice to the Moors of the galleys here in readiness for the succour. The Indian fleet has arrived in safety at Seville, being the first of the three fleets they look for this year; for the waftage of which fleet (understanding how the French pirate, "Pied de palo," with his complices lay in wait about the Azores,) the galleons of Portugal were addressed that way. In this Court the slander is raised that he is abetted by the English, although the writer does his best to confute the rumour. In respect to their state with France, he trusts that this case of pirates may be had in account. The fleet is said to have brought 3,000,000, whereof for the King's part is 800,000 ducats; the rest for merchants; but all at his disposition upon easy interest. Procession on Monday following was solemnly made within the palace, with bonfires at night and lights throughout the town.
2. Upon this peril of Oran past, and treasure arrived to pay the arrearages of three or four years past due to the ordinary household and pensioners, (which will scant be discharged with 800,000 ducats,) the Court shall remove towards Monçon for the Cortes of Aragon. Complains of the charges that this removal will put him to, and begs for his revocation. The Cortes once begun, the King will leave the Prince behind him and repair forthwith into Flanders. The Prince of Florence has demanded leave to return, for which purpose a principal counsellor of the Duke of Florence, named Chappino Vitelli, arrived here sixteen days past. The King has granted leave; so ten or fifteen days hence he departs. The French Ambassador here, M. De St. Sulpice, and he deal as ministers of princes in amity. "I believe if a brawl were well favouredly buckled between us, these could be content for a good while to give us the looking on, and therefore it is the rather to be weighed how far forth we make them pastime with the spectacle." The French Ambassador (fn. 3) told him of the grant made by dispensation from Rome to his master for the sale of 100,000 crowns of abbey lands in France, which will amount to above 300,000 of gold (fn. 4). If this be passed in France they can do no less for this King.
3. Upon the wrecked galleys near Malaga there was found much concealed treasure ready to be conveyed into Italy. The King has not let the matter pass, but has sent a special alcade to Seville to sieze upon divers Genoese merchants' books and counters, by means whereof many are detained and divers fled, amongst whom is Stephano Leccarie, whose goods to above 200,000 ducats are confiscated. Challoner has a bill from Antwerp for 400 ducats upon him, which he fears he will lose. Without taking the extremity of the merchants culpable, it will advantage the King upon the point of a million.
4. Her letters of the 1st of May have just come to his hands. Has by means of Almains been advertised of the contracts of marriage of the Kings of Sweden and Denmark with the daughter of the Landgrave and the sister of the Duke of Lorraine. The two sons of Maximilian are here expected with their sisters, but the Prince's aunt has still her fautors in the realm. The King told the Cortes that he meant to bestow him upon a Castilian. Understands by secret means that a like motion was made by the Queen here to the Queen Mother, under pretence of bringing up, for her brother the Duke of Orleans to be sent hither. Asks to return. —Madrid, 15 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 6.
June 15. 902. Holograph draft of the above.
Portions underlined to be ciphered. Pp. 20.
June 15. 903. Challoner to Cecil.
Thanks for his letter of 1st May, received yesterday with one from the Queen. Earnestly begs him to procure his revocation. Divers losses, as that of his servants, the delay of his goods at Plymouth, and of his bankers, have put him in such exigency that he can no longer bear the ordinary charges of this costly Court. Complains of his sickness. Save that of the 1st of May, he has been six months without letters. What has passed in Parliament he knows no more than the "man in the moon." The 100 marks set upon him were transferred to Edward Shipworth, who purchased the land. Will declare more when he comes home. Encloses a letter to Augustine Bassine, one of the Queen's musicians, from the Ambassador of Venice. Encloses a copy of that part of Tiptons letter of June 1, (fn. 5) relating to the piracy near Cape St. Vincent. If the case be not looked to it will breed scab.—Madrid, 15 June 1563. Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 15. 904. Copy of the preceding.
Endd. by Challoner: Sent by the ordinary of Flanders. Pp. 4.
June 16. 905. The Queen to the Queen of Scots.
Having sundry times been requested by her dear cousin, Lady Margaret, and her husband, the Earl of Lenox, to recommend to her their several suits, which have continued long in her realm, and her Secretary, Lethington, being here, they have required her to write by him. Asks for them such consideration as the same shall seem to her to merit.
Orig. Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 16 June 1563. Pp. 2.
June 16. 906. Copy of the above, dated 16 June 1563.
Endd. Pp. 2.
June 16. 907. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Received theirs of the 10th inst., whereby it appears that Mr. Whitington had arrived with their letters advertising them of the great disorders that have been amongst the soldiers for want of beer, partly for want of water, and also for that no great quantity has been sent out of England, and therefore their continual drinking of wine, contrary to their custom, has bred these disorders and diseases. Sent by Poulet a certificate of the remainder of beer and other victuals. Foreign victuallers have not for a long time repaired hither with anything to the purpose, by reason that here has been no money; and therefore if there has been any store out of England it may be thought that under colour to bring it here they have transported it to Flanders or elsewhere.
2. For the disorder touching the sale of victuals here to the soldiers they will take order, but it cannot be well remedied without a pay, which would make things more plentiful and cheaper. The soldiers that are hurt or fall sick (which they do daily more and more) are without hope of recovery, for neither their captains nor the Treasurer has money with which they might procure them fresh meat, for want whereof they perish miserably.—Newhaven, 16 June 1563. Signed: Warwick, Randolf, Denys, Vaughan, Bromefeld, Fyssher.
3. P. S.—A proportion of victuals lately arrived here from Portsmouth, which was taken up yesterday. Here is not such a store of wine as has been reported, which will serve to small purpose, for the soldiers want water.
Orig., with Warwick's seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 16. 908. Thomas Leighton to Lord Robert Dudley.
Asks him to give him two ensigns of 500 men, or an ensign of fooomen, which may be led by his lieutenant, and to let him have 100 lances to lead. Asks to be had in remembrance for his ship.—Newhaven, 16 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.


  • 1. The letter from this point is in Cecil's hand.
  • 2. In the draft here occurs the following passage, which has afterwards been cancelled: "Concerning the first assurance, thinks he should maintain her opinion for the hostages of the Princes of Almain, because she thinks them willing to have peace kept betwixt her for the furtherance of religion, as M. La Haye informed her from Condé."
  • 3. A cancelled passage in the original draft (see next No.) states that the Venetian Ambassador had previously given him the same information.
  • 4. "Whereat the Ambassador seemed not a little to rejoice."—Draft.
  • 5. See June 26.