Elizabeth: June 1563, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: June 1563, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp377-396 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1563, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp377-396.

"Elizabeth: June 1563, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp377-396.

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June 1563, 1-10

June 1. 830. Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Browne to the Privy Council.
1. Have despatched for Newhaven in four victuallers 300 of the best soldiers of this garrison, 210 being arquebusiers and the rest armed with pikes, all able to occupy the arquebus. Have appointed Captains Carew and Tremayne with their bands to accompany Captain Cornewall and his band. Without further directions, they must retain the workmen whom the Queen ordered them to cass two days since, as they have no money to pay them, namely, those of Ireland, Kent, and the south parts. Ask that some soldiers may be appointed in the place of those despatched (the place is weakened by the walls and ditches being defaced), and that the same may be allotted to the captains here, who have but fifty men, to make their charge 100. Also that the whole pay for the garrison and works be immediately sent.—Berwick, 1 June 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—Have received theirs of the 28th ult. directing them to cause the ships wherein the soldiers were shipped to be armed against some French; they have staid them and sent to Newcastle for two able ships to meet them and waft them.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 1. 831. The Queen to the Earl of Warwick.
Sends Meliorino Ubaldino, of Italy, who has long served the French. He understands all things belonging to war, specially fortifications; and because he departed with discontentation out of France, is desirous of revenging his injuries. Requires him [Warwick] to accept his counsel. His entertainment she leaves to his discretion. He is to return him to report to her what he thinks of that town and the force thereof.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 1 June 1563. Pp. 2.
June 2. 832. Throckmorton to Lord Robert Dudley.
Was this afternoon upon a visit to the French Ambassador, in whom he found great inclination to do agreeable offices to the Queen. He showed him that yesterday his secretary came from Dover, where M. De Gonorre intended to have arrived the same night. He means to meet M. De Gonorre at Greenwich on Monday. The Ambassador said he would employ his Lordship before any other to be accommodater, because of his inclination to gratify the King. And hereupon he desired that Count Brissac may be lodged at Richmond House, and accompany Gonorre, and that the Bishop of Coutance may be lodged with the said Ambassador at Sheen, because they are both of the long robe. He also prays that in his own lodging he may be better used than is appointed. He describes his lodging appointed at Sheen to be a chamber, a garderobe, and a kitchen; this is too scant, he wants a chamber to dine in. He showed him (to the end that the Queen might know it) that M. De Gonorre has charge to move for the relief of imports upon wines for the prisoners.—London, 2 June. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 2. 833. The Earl of Hertford to Throckmorton.
Thanks him for his friendly dealing for his liberty, and prays him to continue the same, "At this present I am earnestly to press your careful study and travail to do us good."—From Sir John Mason's, in London, 2 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol [?]. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 2. 834. Middlemore to Warwick.
Intercedes in favour of Gerard Bongars, apprehended about the 12th ult. at the solicitation of a merchant, his enemy, without having offended. Instead of being a spial and practiser for the betrayal of the piece, the writer hears that he and both his brethren are of the religion and have all sustained loss for the same.—From the Court, at Bois De Vincennes, 2 June 1563. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 2. 835. Middlemore to Warwick.
Is sorry that Le Cigonia came away without his letters. They say that at the two encounters of late 1,000 or 1,200 of the enemies are defeated. Finds them weary of this war before they come at it, and this wise beginning has greatly astonished them. Marshal Brissac has sent to the Queen Mother to bring the King into those parts. The army there cannot remain any time in those parts, the country is so eaten up on all sides. Newhaven is here holden to be impregnable without treason. The King will into those parts within twelve or fourteen days. Paris has published the peace, but observes it no more than they did before. They are still in arms, and kill daily some or other. The Duke of Holst is ready with great forces for the Queen's service. Flanders is broiled for religion, and the Protestants have taken the town and castle of Tournay, and keep it. The secretary he last wrote to him of is not yet returned out of England. They say here that is no skirmish wherein he [Warwick] is not found. Desires him to beware of François Clerk and his companions, and if he can catch them to clap them up altogether. Bunga his prisoner there is brother to him his Lordship should have taken, the other has been ever since at Harfleur. Asks him to cause their soldiers in all their skirmishes, etc. to use no other words to their enemies for injuries than "papal, papal," and to say that the English are there for the defence of the religion and that they will destroy all the papal power in France; which coming to the ears of them of the religion will serve to good purpose. Asks him to bestow his powder so as it may be sure. Lent Ciconia ten crowns, which he promised to deliver to Mr. Wood for him. The cornet he [Cicognia] has got for his Lordship is one of the best in France, who promised that he will come to Newhaven to him; but before he promises to tarry he will speak with him and be sure of good entertainment.
Copy. Endd.: The copy of so much of Mr. Middlemore's letter as was in cipher, 2 June 1563. Pp. 4.
June 2. 836. Smith to Warwick.
1. There has been with him Bongars, Alderman of Orleans, for whom M. L'Admiral, he says, spoke to him when he was at Caen. He also says that not only is his ship stayed in Newhaven, but that his brother Gerard, of Orleans, is detained prisoner in the tower of Newhaven since the 12th ult. Wherefore he has required his letter to him.—Paris, 2 June 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—Wrote to him on the 27th ult. by Cicognia and on the the 30th by Paul Alexandrin, an Italian. M. D'Allouy about the 24th ult. and De la Haye the 1st inst. went into England to travail for peace. Here they crack that they have got the fresh water from him. Now that they think he has prevented their treasons, they say they will stop his haven mouth. Their crakes of the King of Spain to help them either with money, men, or galleys are vain. Knows, both by letters out of Spain and otherwise, that he is fully occupied in Barbary with the Turks and Moors for this summer. Asks him not to hazard his person in these light " escarmouches." (fn. 1)
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 2. 837. Warwick to William Winter.
Asks him to hasten hither the 120 mariners for the furnishing of the two pinnaces, for want whereof he increases the Queen's charge. Some men of skill should be sent to preserve the ships which Winter left here, which daily sink for want of help. They also lack carpenters for breaking of the unserviceable ships.—Newhaven, 2 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 2. 838. Denys to Cecil.
1. The Scots horsemen are discharged, and their pays to the 27th ult. amounted to 1,325l., whereof all is paid saving 200l. to Captain Hamilton and 90l. to Captain Clarke. The Lords of the Council wish that they should remain longer in wages, yet they can do no service here with their horses.
2. Tremain's band (he who was slain) remains here at charges, and can do little service; the French lying so nigh the town, meat for their horses must be provided out of England. The Scots horsemen served well while here, but at their last pay there was some controversy amongst them.
3. Asks him to send more money, for the Scots took a great piece of that last sent for the works, whereby they were somewhat hindered. Also asks that some money may remain here, as well for the relief of those maimed in the skirmishes as to pay and discharge them.—Newhaven, 2 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 3. 839. Randolph to Cecil.
1. After the departure of La Croc from thence he wrote as much to Cecil as he thought fit to be committed to such a messenger. The chief was the sorrowful judgment upon the venerable Bishop of St. Andrews, who liked so well his imprisonment that he says if he might do the Lord Duke any good he would give over the Mass, "and become, he would say, a Protestant, but I believe a very atheist," for such hath been his life. He is like (be he of what religion he will) to remain where he is for a good while. If Randolph were as the Bishop is he would never desire to come forth; he has so many adversaries that he could not long live in Scotland. The cause of his arraignment was the transgressing the Queen's ordinance at her home coming, that religion should stand through her realm as she found it. If he had been some other he might have received more favour than many shall do that bear that name, if they walk not aright. The Duke (though absent this session) has since allowed the judgment. The Earl of Arran and he will not meet at one table, having both liberty of the castle. Many other priests are summoned unto a day to underlie the law. Divers seeing the good treatment of "their marrows" take the next way over the Tweed, who mind to do no less mischief in England than they have done in Scotland. Is sorry so many of his nation are received into England. It will be common refuge of all offenders, Papists, that have no life here, specially one of whom Cecil has heard, named Friar Black, who disputed against the Protestants in the Abbey whilst he [Cecil] was here (he that had his "lemman " taken with him in the chapel of the Castle of Edinburgh not long before Cecil's coming); who being banished out of the country (being apprehended in "advouterie"), is now with the old Lady Percy, where he said Mass at Easter and ministered to as many as came. To verify this, being at St. Andrews, a servant of the writer's espied a fellow (a good trusty fellow, a fit servant for such a master,) that said he came out of England, who told the writer that he served Friar Black, and had letters from him to the Bishops of St. Andrews, Dumblane, and Murray, Lords Seton and Somervill, and others. Randolph got that credit with him to see their letters, and for a piece of money won that favour that he should return by him with the answers, which he did; of which (though they contained little effect) he took the copy and delivered them to the Lord of Murray.
2. Writes this for the sure knowledge he has by a servant of the Friar's, named, as his master is, John Black, who is with him at a place within four miles of Newcastle, and within one of him there is another, as honest as he, that serves a cure named [blank]. There is also a notable friar, the greatest liar that ever was, saving Friar Maltman, who now calls himself Heborne. He dwells and sometimes preaches beside Hull. He would they were all hanged. If the Bishop of Durham might have warning of them he would espy them out, and cause them rather to return to their old kind a-begging than wealthily to lie lurking in corners, working mischief. " I desire no nother," to Sir Harry Percy, but that his mother might have warning to take heed to her maids, " for that friar is sycker knave," Will write to the Bishop and warn the wardens that such gallants be looked unto to have some convoy through the dangers of the Borders.
3. Their Parliament here has begun, the 26th ult. The Queen, accompanied with all her nobles and above thirty picked ladies, came to the Parliament house, her robes upon her back and a rich crown upon her head. The Duke next before her bore the regal crown, the Earl of Argyll the sceptre, and the Lord of Murray the sword. She made an oration to her people (which he herewith sends as she wrote it, in French,) but pronounced it in English with very good grace. That day was present at the whole doings. The Friday after she came again in like sort, saving her crown, and was present at the condemnation of the Earls of Huntly and Sutherland. Of the manner thereof he has written to Lord Robert. The Lords of the Articles are chosen, and sit daily at the Court, where ordinarily the Queen is present, in debating all matters. Upon Friday next she comes again to the Parliament House to confirm such Acts as are concluded upon and to prorogue the Parliament.
4. Received Cecil's warning " to see unto my Protestants." Believes his Sovereign has good assurance of them. Hears daily more good words than he believes; yet assures himself of some that he puts it out of doubt there is no fear of harm from hence. And more than that " if ye mister, you need not want the friendship of many a good fellow to take your part." Is troubled how to answer suitors for means to pass. There are half a score good fellows that will make the hazard shortly, and while the matter is hot. La Croc has faithfully discharged his credit from this Queen to Queen Elizabeth, from whom Queen Mary looks to hear somewhat before long, "thinking that she hath used a great familiarity with her Grace to make her privy of her secret devices before it was known to many, and as she thinketh, kept so secret that it could not be brought unto her ears by any other." For herself is well minded that way. What moves her he knows not; and how to bring it to pass he doubts greatly, for he knows not many that like it.
5. " Our Protestants begin to pance anew of their estate, if strangers set again their foot into this country. Many good devices we have had hereupon; all is referred until the Lord of Lidington's return." Many have conceived strangely of him [Lethington]. Would that he [Lethington] had been plainer with Murray than he has been. In his absence he never wrote to Murray. It was so determined between the Queen and him before his departure. Lethington's desire is to do good to all men; and that never framed well to any that has the like place that he occupies. It is said that if he had been at home it had not been so evil with the Bishop as it is. Believes it be true. It is certain that had not he been, the Lord Ruthen had never been of the Council. The Queen cannot abide him, and all men hate him. By Lethington's means the Earl of Montgomery (the most rebellious Papist in Scotland) had a commission of justice, whereby the whole country is far out of rule, and a party taken against him by Lord Boyd. Laments that such a friend to England should overshoot himself. Mr. Knox purposes shortly to write unto him [Cecil].
6. The happy beginning of their countrymen at Newhaven is too good news to be kept in Court. The Queen shall see the copy of the letter, because it was written to a queen. She will be glad to hear that Lethington will shortly be here. Peradventure the Parliament may for his coming be continued the longer. He is also glad of the return of Mr. Killigrew. It has been bruited that M. D'Anville should come into England. It was advertised to the Queen in the last packet from Lethington that he was stayed by the Constable, who misliked the message, and favours little the party from whom he should come. What opinion this Queen has of them that now govern he wrote to Lord Robert, as he heard of herself. They hear that Bothwell is at liberty upon his faith. " I think it the best way to make him a very beggar, stark naked, naught. His sustance is consumed there more than twenty days since, saving a Portugal piece, which he received for a token out of the North from a gentlewoman that if ever she be a widow shall never be my wife. I advise all my friends to take heed how they lodge such a guest. I beseech your Honour put him where you will, saving in Dover Castle; not for fear of my old mother, but my sister is young, and hath many daughters." He has sought to borrow money of some of his countrymen, merchants, but can get none. Trusts the English will be as wary as his own countrymen are. La Croc spoke with the Earl at his coming hither, and promised much for him at his return. It passes the writer's power to do as he ought here except the Queen enlarge his diets, for his expenses daily increase. This beggarly country is grown into a marvellous dearth, and no man can serve in this court without a great charge.—Edinburgh, 3 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
June 3. 840. The Queen's Demand of Calais.
1. On the 1st and 2nd of June 1563 a conference was betwixt the French Ambassador and M. D'Allouy for the French King and certain of the Privy Council, the Marquis of Northampton, the Lord Admiral, the Lord Chamberlain, Cecil, and Wotton, on the Queen's part.
2. Objection by the French. The English have no right to demand Calais by the treaty of Cambresis until April 1567. Answer.—The 13th Article says that if the French King innovotes anything by arms, then he should immediately render up Calais; and further, being sundry other ways broken by the French, it is lawful for the English not only to keep Newhaven, or any other parcel of France, but also to demand Calais. The 13th Article was broken by the assumption of the arms and style of England by the Dauphin.
3. If it be said that thereof could grow no more prejudice to the Crown of England than the like usage of the arms and style of France by the Kings of England does to the Crown of France, to this it may be answered, that they do account that the using of the style and arms of France is and ought to be prejudicial to the Crown of France, for so it has from the beginning been meant; manifesting thereby the right that England has to the Crown of France, as the same has been accepted these many hundred years, and so also known of all Princes of Christendom. But that the Dauphin ought not to have used the style or arms of England appears manifestly by the treaty of Edinburgh in 1560. It is notorious that the army which the French had in Scotland, and also in France, was directly attempted against England. For although there was peace, more French soldiers were sent into Scotland under experienced captains; which were evidently intended against England, as one quarter of their number could have had their will in Scotland. As proof that the forces of England were only for defence, it cannot be denied that after the departure of the French they left without prejudice either to the Scots or the French, and after the peace was concluded they furnished a guard for their Commissioners in Edinburgh. Therefore it follows that these, the French forces, were innovations of arms directly to the prejudice of the Queen and her subjects.
4. The second (as is said before) rises by sundry other means of breaking off the treaty of Cambresis; which being proved, nothing remains to refrain the English from keeping anything that they have in France, or demanding Calais, or any other thing in France whereunto they have ancient title. To prove the breaches by the French, the following things are to be considered: The altering of the fortifications of Calais, to which may be joined the grants of lands and houses to the French in perpetuity. The not giving of merchants bonds these four years for 500,000 crowns, according to the treaty. The not sending Nantouillet as a hostage in the first year, and sending only three hostages. The breaking of the treaty by the hostages, who, without licence, oftentimes live out of the city of London and from the Court. To all these may be added the two first manifest breakings of the treaties by innovation of the style and arms, and using arms and force against England; so that it is lawful for the Queen to do anything for the recovery of Calais, and being come to the quiet possession of Calais without force, she has thought good to keep it.
5. Objection by the French.—Although there have been any innovations of arms whereby the French King has forfeited Calais, yet the English have renewed the treaty of Cambresis at Edinburgh, and they must prove that the ratification thereof was refused by the King; and since then they have continued all offices of amity, as sending ambassadors, etc., and writing that the Queen meant good peace with the French King.
6. Answer.—They do not deny that by the words of the treaty of Edinburgh that of Cambresis was intended to be renewed, and it was specially covenanted that the same should be ratified by either party within sixty days.
7. How sincerely the Queen dealt therein is well known; and how she offered her part ratified with her seal and hand, which was refused to be taken. She has also letters signed by the French King and others, reciting that the demand was made. Therefore it must be known to all what force the treaty has to bind the Queen to anything contrary to her goodwill. And whereas they allege the receiving of Ambassadors, etc., that is to confess the offices of amity on the Queen's part, notwithstanding their having broken the treaty. And if they would have the treaties remain in force, they must be content to grant that the Queen demand Calais according to the same.
8. Objection.—Although reasons may be alleged why the English ought to have Calais, yet their present demand is to have Newhaven, to which they have no right; and in accordance with the Queen's declaration and promise it is reason that they should deliver it up, and afterwards debate on Calais.
9. Answer.—The English did not take Newhaven by force; and by the edict of reconciliation made in March last at Amboise it appears that the King avowed generally all things done by the Prince of Condé and his associates to be done for a good end and for his service. And where the Queen declared that she respected nothing but the safety of the King's subjects, (as indeed she did not at that time) yet considering her great charges in so doing, and that she cannot be justly answered of her demands, there is no reason why she should not keep that whereunto she came quietly until she has her right. And since this demand for Calais is old, and that for Newhaven new, it were more reason to debate and end the former first. They would also like to know what authority the French Ambassadors have.
10. The French answer that they have no authority to deliver Calais; for neither does the King mean to deliver it before the day mentioned in the treaty, nor can the Queen Mother or any other counsellor of France deliver it before the time, if they would. They have authority, if the Queen doubts of the delivery at the day, to offer her any reasonable assurance.
11. Answer.—The English have shown sufficient reasons why Calais ought to be presently delivered, and the French deny them. The best way is to authorize men to confer thereon; and if it shall appear that the English have right, then to let them have it, otherwise it is but vain expense of time.
Conference between the Queen and the French Ambassadors, 3rd June 1563.
12. M. D'Allouy required the Queen's answer for the restitution of Newhaven, who answered that with a condition she would restore it, but without she would not.
13. They asked what was the condition, and she said the right to Calais.
14. They said that the King would render her her right of Calais when the time should come, according to the treaty, whereupon she answered that her demand was according to the covenants of the treaty.
15. The Queen offered that commissioners should be appointed about Calais, and upon their determination she would deliver Havre; but the French would have Havre delivered first, whereupon the communication broke off.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 17.
June 3. 841. Andrew Tremayne to Cecil.
1. This day they were embarked out of this port towards Newhaven. Their bands are trained soldiers, and of long service, to whom they have joined inexpert men to make up their numbers to 200 apiece.
2. Thinks that the Marshal (who is deputy here) is unfit for the place, for want of respect. Had it not been for the Treasurer being careful for the security here since the death of Lord Grey, they could not possibly have been brought to such order as they are now in.—Berwick, 3 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 3. 842. Challoner to Lawrence Turner.
Thanks him for having baptized his little son in his name. Has received from Turner's brother and Mr. Hawley, his sureties to Francis Challoner, commission to require payment of the 100l. which he borrowed of Francis Challoner. They have already answered every penny.—Madrid, 3 June 1563.
Hol. Draft. Endd. by Challoner: M. to Lawrence Turner; sent by a courier. Pp. 3.
[June 4.] 843. Acts of Parliament of Scotland.
Heads of certain Acts of Parliament of Scotland, fifteen in number, the last two in Randolph's hand. The following note is appended, "Mayster Randolph, I send your my recollected memory of sic actis as ar sett furth; quhairin I suppose I haif forgott verray feu or none."
Orig., in a Scottish hand. Endd. Pp. 2.
[June 4.] 844. The Queen to [Warwick].
Has conferred with Poulet, who will declare to him her determination to go through with all things for the defence of that town. They have manfully and skilfully acquitted themselves against the Rhinegrave and his best soldiers, and their defence against the whole power of France shall recover their ancient fame lost by the loss of Calais.
Draft, partly in Cecil's hol. Endd.: To the Earl . . . . . Pp. 2.
June 4. 845. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Encloses a bill of the matters of controversy between the Scottish captains and gentlemen, wherein it might seem to touch himself. Mr. Treasurer and he mustered both bands. Since by reason of this contention matters have come in question between them, he and Mr. Treasurer have examined John Jonson, lieutenant to Captain Hamylton, of these matters, and willed him to write what he knew, which is enclosed herein.—Newhaven, 4 June 1563.
2. Asks him to despatch Overton; for all his clerks of credit but two have departed from him, and he is compelled to do what he would not be hired for money to do. Signed.
Orig. hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 5. 846. The Queen to the Queen of Scots. (fn. 2)
Asks her to license Thomas Randolph to come from thence hither on his own business.
Orig. Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 5 June 1563.
June 5. 847. The Queen to Valentine Brown. (fn. 3)
Having licensed Thomas Randolph to return to her for a season, so she wills him [Browne] to pay him his diets according to her former warrant, and give him besides in reward 100l.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 5 June 1563.
June 5. 848. The Queen to Thomas Randolph.
Licenses him to return hither for a short time on his private business; yet leaves it to his discretion whether it were not better for him to abide there until it appears what shall ensue of the Parliament there.
Orig. Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 5 June 1563. Pp. 2.
June 5. 849. The Queen to Smith.
He shall understand by Cecil's letters what has passed betwixt them and the French Ambassador and M. D'Allouy. If the Ambassador motions a matter that passed privately betwixt him and Cecil, tending to bring these matters of difference to be determined betwixt Commissioners, she would the he should further the same as of his own judgment, and not as if he were authorized by her. She prays him to use indirect means to procure the resolution thereof speedily. He may let the Prince understand that the sending of D'Allouy hither has given her small appearance of so good a meaning as they pretend, for he is meeter to pass with private messages than to negotiate with Princes.
Orig. Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 5 June 1563. Pp. 2.
June 5. 850. Cecil to Smith.
1. D'Allouy in his manner of negotiation here has showed nothing but pride and ignorance. At his first coming tto the Queen there grew such altercation betwixt her and them as they required to have conference with certain of their Council, with whom they might, as they said, speak boldly and be plainly answered. So there were appointed to confer with them the Marquis of Northampton, the Lord Admiral, the Lord Chamberlain, Mr. Wotton, and himself, who appointed hem to come to Court next day. Yet in the forenoon, before their coming, they sent word that it would touch the honour of their master to confer with a particular number of the Council, except the whole Council were sitting, naming them "Messieurs les Deputes." But they maintained that they were able to hold a Privy Council upon the Queen's command, and that they should come to no private house, but to the Queen's, and to her Council Chamber.
2. They came about four o'clock the same afternoon, and made no mention of their scruples, but entered with a long purpose uttered by the Ambassador, for it seemed that D'Allouy lacked faculty to deal therein. They were answered in Latin, both for their commodity and to drive them from their French; so after the first joining the debate was in Latin, saving that D'Allouy for lack of Latin used French. Lethington (being appointed to come hither yesterday to take his leave) came with them by water, and would have drawn them to have yielded that the whole matter might be treated upon by commissioners nigh Newhaven, whereunto they could not be brought, alleging that they would never put the matter of Newhaven in question, nor the breach of the treaty of Calais. They offered that if the Queen would say to the Ambassador that she would deliver Newhaven as soon as the assurance was made for the treaty of Cambresy, they would within eight days procure the names of the French Commissioners. Lethington said that he thought the Queen would never use such speech. Upon their coming to the Court Lethington spoke to the writer apart, who answered that he would never use such speech to them, but if the Queen pleased he would say that he thought she would deliver Newhaven as soon as commissioners should determine the controversy of Calais. He meant thereby two things, one to win time for the fortification of the old town called Fort Warwick, the other to have power to end the matter honourably; that is, to make no end without Calais, if they felt their strength so to do; if not, to come to some other degree for assurance. Hereupon the Queen was contented that he should, as of his own head, use that language. So, being brought by Lethington as a mediator betwixt them, he used such speech, and although they said that they should lose their time and the King protract his charges for his army, they concluded that D'Allouy should return with speed, and the English should be answered within eight days of the names of the commissioners, and of their power. The matter thus ended privately betwixt them, they came to the Queen to take their leave. Knows not how, but their humours were changed, and D'Allouy said he had no commission to treat of Calais, his charge was only to demand Newhaven, and he desired that the Queen should answer yea or nay.
3. This morning, for all their choler yesterday, they sent for Lethington to them to dinner, who made him privy thereof. He was advised to use the desperation of their coming to any other end but what force should get. Writing this about six p.m. of the 4th June, he is uncertain what Lethington has done with them.
4. 5th June. (fn. 4) —This morning he understands by Lethington that the French Ambassador is better disposed to have a meeting of commissioners than D'Allouy, and the writer thinks they will both procure it; whereof he [Smith] need take no knowledge until they open it to him, and then therein use his speech as altogether of himself.
5. Marvels that the Admiral takes no care of this matter.
Draft, partly in Cecil's hand. Portions underlined to be ciphered. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 5 June 1563. Pp. 5.
June 5. 851. Bromefeld to Cecil.
1. Is grieved that he has his displeasure for sending certain ordnance in his own ship from Newhaven. Is ready to answer that part of the same was lawfully bought, and that the residue was not taken from any man by violence; for proof whereof he refers to the Lord Lieutenant and the Council here, to examine the same.
2. Encloses a copy of a letter sent him by Nicholas Wyllyamson, a Dutchman, of Antwerp, lying at Botolph's Wharf, London, of whom he bought 2,200 weight of powder for Mr. Stewkeley, whereof he had 2,000, for which the writer owes. Never sent any more powder, salt, etc. to Caen or elsewhere but by the Lieutenant's order for the siege of Caen. Thinks this ordnance is as meet in his keeping as in the hands of their doubtful friends, who indeed are now their enemies. The biggest pieces are falcons, and are of no great service. The iron pieces and chambers that were taken in the spoil at Honfleur are scarcely worth 6l. The making of their new fort has altered the determination of the French, for they determined to use a great part of their force towards the bulwark, next the beach, towards Seine Head.
3. Betwixt 6 and 8 p.m. this day the Rhinegrave offered a great skirmish to their new fort, called Fort Warwick, wherein fell great loss to the French, and one of their chief captains was taken.—Newhaven, 5 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary Pp. 4.
June 6.
Forbes, ii. 492.
852. Warwick to the Queen.
1. Upon Saturday, being the 5th May (fn. 5) [June], the Rhinegrave (not content with his former loss before this town) came down towards the new fort with a great number of men, thinking thereby to have procured some skirmish. Would not suffer any of the Queen's people to issue out, but caused five or six ensigns to be in readiness, and had the town guarded besides. In the end the enemy approached so near to the ditch of the new fortification that he was forced to put out those bands he had in readiness, who within a short space made the enemy try who could run the fastest, in which case a great number were slain. At length the enemy came so fast to succour those that ran away, that it proved so hot a skirmish, and was so well maintained on both parts, that the oldest soldiers here say that in all their lives they never saw the like; very few of his men are killed or wounded. Gilberd is hurt by an arquebus, but is in no danger.
2. Whilst the Rhinegrave was occupying them at the fort he had sent 400 or 500 men close to the bulwark of St. Dresses, where he had left Poulet to look to the town, he having gone to the fort; by whose discreet order they were so welcomed that they left sixty or eighty of their men dead behind them, and but two or three of ours hurt. The Controller was on the other side, and served well. The skirmish lasted almost two hours, until it grew towards night. He then caused Pelham to will the captains to retire with their men, which they did with their faces to the enemy, continually firing. A captain of great reputation amongst them, and who had charge of the field that day, was taken. Tremayne's death is sufficiently revenged; for there are five or six of their best captains slain.
3. This skirmish was a happy turn for a great part of the poor soldiers; for some of them that had scarcely a pair of hose to put on their legs brought home velvet hose with them. Pelham is a little hurt with a shot; he is of such service Warwick would as soon lose one of his hands as spare him.—Newhaven, 6 June 1663. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
June 6. 853. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. These men are bent to give the world to understand that they have by all reasonable ways sought the Queen's amity; also that they have made other offers than they did to give colour to their naughty doings, and win those of the religion here to go against her, which otherwise they see they cannot compass.
2. On the 4th inst., when there was talk in the Council, it was said that these sendings had only been to make seeming of a desire to live in peace with her, and that they had ordered their offers so that they should not be accepted by her. Among them it was alleged that if they could recover Newhaven by force, the English should lose all right to Calais. Their remonstances were willingly heard by all, saving by Condé, who was the only one present of the Potestant counsellors, who, after a little easy misliking, (the others affirming it to be for the King's service and the expulsion of the ancient enemies out of this realm,) hanged down his head and said no more, so at that very time they resolved to go through. This being concluded in full Council before they could possibly hear of M. D'Allouy's answer, verifies that their sendings were only to make the world believe they desired peace. It was declared at the same sitting that if Calais had been confirmed to her she should never have it.
3. The opinion of her friends here is that she must have the safe keeping of Newhaven provided for against all events. She should make known their dissemblings towards her, and what she now requires from them. No assurance to have Calais rendered at the time limited in the treaty should satisfy her. And yet Cecil may make all assurance insufficient, if he be so disposed, when it comes to it; then they will be all for her, and not only openly refuse to meddle in this war against her, but will also move such troubles in this realm as that her enemies shall have small means or leisure to annoy her. To impeach the false bruits they raise here, Her Majesty should cause some declaration of these matters to be published.
4. It was also on the morrow after concluded in counsel amongst them to fortify the places about Newhaven; the first fort to be at a place called the Tuilerie, the other near the town, to beat the haven mouth, and the third is between them, but higher up the hill. They make account so to keep the passage with these and some ships by sea, as that no ship shall come into the haven; and say it will suffice if in the end they have it. Their determination then for the besieging of Newhaven was not to batter it, nor attempt it in any other sort before next spring; unless in lying there, some unlooked for occasion should present itself to them. They have given order for the preparing of all their ships at Brest and thereabouts, with the intent to bring them to Newhaven.
5. The second encounter at Newhaven was told here greatly to the French advantage. The common bruit was that the English had lost 400 men and fourteen of their best captains, which the Queen Mother reported openly, and the names of the captains were given in writing. M. Martigues had taken his leave as colonel of the French footmen in the absence of D'Andelot, who will not come thither, but he remains here yet. Suspects one Moningville and Captain St. Marie, otherwise Agneau, who are both very busy with the Queen Mother. Has given Warwick warning of them. They have news that Oran is besieged by the King of Algiers, and that many Moors are descended before it. The piece is in great danger. The King of Spain has lost twenty galleys which he sent to succour it. The Low Countries are greatly broiled about the matter of religion. The Prince of Condé is the very soul of his deceased brother, the King of Navarre. The King's going into Normandy stays upon the return of M. D'Allouy. De La Haye departed the last of May towards England. Begs for an answer for Robert Stuart. The Venetian Ambassador with the Emperor was found practised by the King of Spain against the State, whereupon they have razed his house in Venice, confiscated his goods, and banished him and his family.—Bois de Vincennes, 6 June 1563. Signed.
Orig., the greater part in cipher. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
June 6. 854. Decipher of ciphered portions of the above. Pp. 3.
[June 6.] 855. The Senate of Hamburgh to the Queen.
One of their fellow citizens, a shipmaster named Theodoric Elers, having gone last year after Pentecost to Cork with a cargo of wheat, went on to Kinsale to dispose of other merchandise and was there arrested by Captain "Millort Kues" and one Daniel Mokerte [Macarty], whereupon a citizen named William Galuitz promised to pay 60l. for his liberation. The Mayor of Cork hearing of this, and fearing if it were known that other merchants would avoid his town, forbade the payment, and wrote to the governor of Kincksa' [Kinsale?] to set him at liberty. He was however handed over to Captain "Millort Kues," who kept him prisoner for six weeks. He was obliged to leave two of his crew as hostages for the payment of the money. And the servants of Kues (who were sent to his ship for the money) being arrested by the Governor of Kinsale, he was obliged to go away without them, as the said governor refused to allow him to pay any ransom for them. It is now reported that Kues has handed them over to a pirate named Captain Wit, and if he should be taken they will be in danger of their lives. Beg that she will order the Governor of Kinsale to take steps for obtaining their release. —Hamburgh, Trinity Day.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 5.
June 7. 856. The Queen to Warwick and the Treasurer of Newhaven.
Appoints Edward Randolphe to be Marshal of Newhaven, with the usual entertainment, to begin from this day, and to have the captainship of 200 men, to begin from the day of his arrival.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 7.
Forbes, ii. 430.
857. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Upon Saturday the 5th inst., about 7 o'clock at night, the Rhinegrave sent his whole force towards the new fort, except 400 or 500 which were sent to the bulwark St. Addresses to keep them occupied there whilst the others performed their feat, which was to have entered the said fort, or to view the ditches, which was not allowed. He therefore put certain bands to skirmish, who with the shot of the great ordnance kept them engaged for two hours without allowing them to approach. The same was done at the bulwark, where the great ordnance slew many. The skirmish was very hot, during which time divers charges were made; but night approaching, the enemy was repulsed with great loss, which they carried away the same night from both places. A captain of the Almains, who had charge of that service, was wounded and taken prisoner, with one or two others, and his lieutenant slain.
2. Upon Saturday at the first skirmish there was a notable captain of theirs slain, whom the Rhinegrave laments, he having thought he was prisoner. There were few of the English soldiers wounded or slain; the oldest here confess they never saw so fierce a skirmish. Mr. Pelham and Captain Gilbert Pelham were wounded, one in the leg, the other in the shoulder, but are not in danger. The Controller was there, and behaved well in giving order to the rest.
3. It is not tolerable to allow the enemy to approach so near to view the ditches, which thing they attempted with 600 horse, who came for that purpose even to the village close by the fort.
4. Sends herewith two letters from Smith and Middlemore of such advertisements as they have sent hither, in which they have written for the delivery of Bungay, a prisoner here; of whom nothing can be learnt but that he is suspected to be participant of his brother's practices, who left this town the day before he was taken. Smith and Middlemore have written for his liberty.
5. Twenty-five cannon have arrived at Caudebec, whereof five have come hither, and three of them shot into the town this day from the hill. They want here the gunners and carpenters whom they have before requested, and likewise to remember their requests for men, money, and victuals. For the want of money the works are hindered and the men discouraged. A strange disease has come amongst them, whereof nine died this morning (and many before) very suddenly. They have but a small company at present for manning this town, and new fort, against such powers that are bent towards it; the soldiers are now forced to watch every other night, besides answering alarums and approaches, which is too much for the men to endure any time without a further supply.—Newhaven, 7 June 1563. Signed, Warwick, Poulet, Denys, Bromefeld, Fysscher.
6. P. S.—The captain's name who was taken prisoner at the last skirmish is Bassompiere, he is one of the most notable soldiers of his nation.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
June 7.
Forbes, ii. 433.
858. Thomas Kemys to Cecil.
1. About 6 p.m. last Saturday a skirmish took place between the scouts of the new fort and those of the Rhinegrave lying in the marsh by the village of Lieur, for the maintenance whereof the enemy brought down from the hill not less than 1,500 men, besides 1,000 armed men to support them, the English not exceeding 500. In the end they were repulsed, to their shame, with no small loss; and if night had not been so nigh they would have been driven to their tents.
2. Besides a number of the enemy's men being killed and wounded, they only took one prisoner, who is a captain of great estimation. Not understanding the composition between Warwick and the Rbinegrave (which is that every officer of either party shall be redeemed for his quarterage) he offered 2,000 crowns for his ransom; his name is Beston, a Dutchman. There were not more than four or five killed on the English side, and not many wounded. Mr. Pelham was shot through the calf of his leg, and Mr. Gilbert through the shoulder, but they are in no danger. At the same time they wanted to skirmish on the beach by bulwark Des Addresses, where they gained as in the other. This day they planted four cannon on the hill, and have fired into the town, but to little purpose. They are about to plant ordnance at the Brickiln to beat the road.
3. Many of our men have been hurt in these skirmishes, but more by drinking of this wine, which hath cast down a great number of hot, burning diseases and impostumations, not unlike the plague.—Newhaven, 7 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 7. 859. The Portuguese Ambassador in France to the Queen.
Hopes that she will excuse him if the ten pair of gloves which he sends are not so good as she would desire, they are the best he could get. They are made according to the glove which she sent him. The two pairs wanting to make up the dozen have been taken at the passage of the ports as the Bishop of Aquila can more fully declare.—Paris, 7 June 1563. Signed: Joam Pereira D'Amtas.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 7. 860. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Challoner having said that if the King goes to Monçon he will come and lie here a month, Cuerton offers him his house. Sends him a letter which he has received from the secretary of the French Ambassador in London. They say that the Bretons have taken the Queen's ship called the Saker. In Bayonne they will let no Englishman pass. It is said that Mr. Cobham is drowned going to Newhaven.— Bilboa, 7 June 1563.
2. P. S.—The Marquis De Feria's servants departed hence for Ireland, two days before Whitsunday, in a ship for Chester.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3, with a slip enclosed.
June 8. 861. Reformation of the Borders.
The following articles are proposed for the reformation of the Borders in the north, viz: to examine all attempts committed since the treaty of peace; to proceed indifferently to reduce the Borders to order, both Princes being bent to continue good intelligence; to order days of truce to be held oftener than they were; that no rebels be reset within the charge of the Wardens, but that each send to the other a roll of all the unredressed attempts committed since the treaty of peace; and that the first meeting must be secret between Lord Scrope and the Master of Maxwell.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: 8 June 1563. (fn. 6) Pp. 3.
June 8. 862. Memorial for Newhaven.
1. That it is thought best to provide to keep Newhaven as they have it, and not to deliver it upon promises to have Calais. For the execution hereof money must be provided, which cannot be otherwise than by sale of land. Forthwith musters must be made and an army put in readiness in the realm. This great matter may be communicated to the noblemen of the realm, and to some special men of worship of the realm, Sir F. Knollys, and Sir Nicholas Arnold. Some special person of the Council may be sent to Newhaven, to consider of the state of things there. The matter of the Queen's right to Calais may be notified to the King of Spain and the Princes of Almain, and some special men sent into France to demand Calais: Mr. Hastings, Mr. H. Knollys, and Mr. Dannett. The same may be published in writing by help of Mr. Peter, Mr. Wotton, &c. The ships may be fetched away.
2. Appended are calculations of the numbers of men to be furnished by twenty-one counties in England.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him. Pp. 3.
June 8. 863. John Conyers to Challoner.
Has received two packets from Gresham to be conveyed to him. The Rhinegrave has been defeated with loss before Newhaven. The town is well garrisoned, victualled, and provided with munitions. The Queen kills every week at Portsmouth 100 beeves and brews 100 tuns of beer; also she makes out ten good ships of war, besides those which she has abroad.—Antwerp, 8 June 1563. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received, 7 July 1563. Pp. 2.
June 9. 864. Rowland Johnson to the Privy Council.
According to the Queen's letters the works are stopped and the workmen discharged. There is of hewn stone ready wrought and lime ready burned sufficient to bring the work in goodly forwardness. The bulwarks and curtains between the half bulwark next towards Tweed and the bulwark at Saint Nicolas Ward next the haven are very well furnished. The stone may be taken down of the old town walls. It is necessary to strengthen the town more than it is now. The vaumure is to be made, and would be newly entrenched about the bulwarks and curtains to cover the soldiers, and if their Lordships would command the captains to cause their soldiers to cast a trench about the same (there being no workmen here to do it), he would gladly help them. The Queen appointed him surveyor of the works here, under Sir Richard Lee, at 2s. 6d. a day, to augment his wages of 1s. 8d. as master mason. Do they intend to continue those pays to him?—Berwick, 9 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
June 9. 865. Rowland Johnson to Cecil.
To the same effect as his letter to the Privy Council.— Berwick, 9 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
June 9.
Forbes, ii. 434.
866. Warwick to Cecil.
1. Received Cecil's letter by Mr. Randall, of whose coming he is glad. Without great occasion would not venture the simplest man's life in this town, for it is better for the enemy to lose ten than they one; yet upon occasion it were better to venture a hundred than, by giving the enemy scope, put a thousand in danger. Tremayne's death has been sufficiently revenged. The Rhinegrave has lost six of his best captains.
2. It almost discourages him and the rest here to see they are so unkindly dealt withal, as to have nothing referred to their discretion, but stand upon such terms that upon the loss of every captain he shall stand in danger of the Queen's displeasure and evil opinion of the Privy Council.—June 9, 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
June 9. 867. John Portinary to the Privy Council.
1. Of the 600 labourers he found here on his arrival, but 300 are able to serve, the rest being sick. Of these 300 he has scarcely 100 to serve in the fortification.
2. The fortification which is staked out, 2,000 men would be scarcely able to bring to perfection in such time as it is required, having their enemies at their elbows. The soldiers in task, work one day and leave. another for want of money, and they have no courage to work for want of shirts and other necessaries. Soldiers will not do such work as labourers are compelled to do.
3. Requires a number of labourers, besides taskers, to bring the town and fort to a sure defence.
4. Twenty and thirty a day die here, and in one band there are twenty sick of the plague.—Newhaven, 9 June 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 9. 868. Provisions for Newhaven.
Calculations as to the quantity of different sorts of provisions required to supply 8,000 men for four months, from June 6, 1563.
Endd. Pp. 12.


  • 1. The latter part of this letter is apparently written in lemon juice.
  • 2. On the same leaf as the following article.
  • 3. On the same leaf as the preceding article.
  • 4. The remainder of the draft is in Cecil's hand.
  • 5. Sic.
  • 6. On the back of this paper Cecil has written the following names: Lord Scrope, Sir John Foster, Sir Thomas Gargrave, Valentine Brown, Sir Henry Percy.