Elizabeth: March 1563, 1-05

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: March 1563, 1-05', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp169-185 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1563, 1-05', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp169-185.

"Elizabeth: March 1563, 1-05". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp169-185.

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March 1563, 1-05

[March.] 372. Dennys and Vaughan to Throckmorton.
1. They have examined the books from the Council, and having conferred with the Master of the Ordnance and the Victualler, find great difference. Have drawn up an account in another book.
2. Send the book which he brought without any alteration, that he may see the difference.
3. Have sent the new charge for Caen, to the intent if his money should fall short, he might have better means to excuse it.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 1. 373. Sir Thomas Dacre to Cecil.
There has been of long time a controversy between the Knight Marshal and Mayor of this town for the correction and ordering of soldiers, which he wishes could be brought to order; concerning which he herewith sends a copy of a letter which he found in the Marshal's book. The Frenchman who was found under the Scotch Queen's bed was beheaded at St. Andrews on the 21st Feb.—Berwick, 1 March 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 1.
Forbes, ii. 342.
374. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Before leaving Newhaven he paid to MM. De Briquemault, De Besze, and Bertrand (who were authorized by the Admiral to receive all such money as he received at London by the Queen's order,) 1,600l.; and such money as Kelloway sent over, viz., 12,000l. and about 600l., and also 3,100l. received of Poulet.
2. On the 26th Feb. he embarked at Newhaven and arrived at Caen on the 27th, with such force and succours of artillery and munition as Warwick sent to the Admiral for his enterprise against Caen Castle, under Mr. Pelham, with the captains of the bands. At the despatch hereof, the castle was trenched round about, though not deeply; the artillery ready to be planted, and all things in such forwardness that on the 1st of March it was intended the battery should be made and the assault given. The Marquis D'Elbeuf and the Governor thereof, named Renoire, are within the castle, with no great force. The Marquis is sick of a continual fever. The place is stronger by nature than art. They have no want of artillery, powder, or victuals. An English merchant has lately brought 10,000 lbs. of powder to the castle.
3. On the 28th Feb. he presented the Queen's letters to the Admiral, and declared her instructions, which persuade him not to refuse reasonable conditions of peace. Could not proceed further, having invited him and all the captains of the Queen's force to dine with him that day; at which time a gentleman was sent to him from his brother, M. D'Andelot, to inform him that Guise died of his wound on the 24th inst., which he received on the 18th inst. A gentleman named Merey. (of no great appearance, nor show of manliness, belonging to M. De Soubize, Governor at Lyons for Condé,) fired a pistol at the Duke returning from Portreau of Orleans to St. Mesme where he lodged. The said De Merey was alone, apparalled like a reiter, mounted on a jennet, and after he had discharged his pistol travelled all night. He might have got to some place of surety, but being so confused he was apprehended within two miles of the Duke's camp. Since his examination, he has confessed that it was he who shot the Duke, moved thereunto only he said by his own zeal to revenge the tyranny which the Duke had committed against the Christians.
4. The Duke D'Aumale is at Mantes, very ill; half of his body being paralysed by the wounds which he received at the battle. These events, with the enterprise of Caen, will render things more easy for the Admiral's purpose; for since the death of the Duke, the Constable has become very sad. It will be very necessary for the Queen to gratify the Admiral with the 100,000 crowns, according to her former determination; and let him understand by M. De Teligny her affection to stand him in stead.
5. MM. Sansac and De Sipierre command the late Duke's army before Orleans until further orders. The Duke's death will cause many to retire. Informed Cecil that MM. De Sterney and Boucart were appointed by the Prince and the Admiral to treat of an accord. Sterney returned about four days past, and said that the Queen Mother and the Duke of Guise will accord no reasonable conditions; but her "haultenes" will be qualified by the death of the Duke.
6. Elizabeth cannot serve her own turn better than to make a great show that she intends to employ all her force to maintain this cause, and is in favour of the Prince and Admiral.—Caen, last of February 1562.
7. P. S.—Intended to make this despatch yesterday, but the weather did not serve for the ship to depart for Dieppe. The battery of the castle of Caen with seven cannon and two culverins, began this day about six o'clock a.m., so as the pieces had fired seven times at the despatch hereof. The Admiral presses Warwick to have 10,000 or 12,000 pounds more of powder, as well for this enterprise as the relief of Orleans, which cannot be refused him.—Caen, 1 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
March 1. 375. Another copy of the preceding. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Despatch, sent also by Newhaven. Pp. 6.
March 1. 376. Throckmorton to Warwick.
1. On the 27th ult. the soldiers arrived safely at Estrehan [Etretat], saving two men drowned in landing. The Admiral pressed to have them come to Caen that night, so that the captains would not refuse him. Albeit, it was nine good English miles, nevertheless they did it gladly.
2. The next day, the 28th ult. the Admiral feasted Mr. Pelham and all the captains, and took order with them about the enterprise of the castle, on the 1st of March to be battered. The gabions and artillery are planted. All the artillery and powder has arrived here, and likewise the treasure, whereof the Admiral, to satisfy his greedy reiters, attends in great devotion. Asks the Earl or Mr. Poulet to advertise him when the rest of the treasure shall arrive. Poulet may proceed in the payment to Treasurer Bertrande.
3. D'Elbeuf is very sick in the castle of a continual fever, and very slenderly accompanied. M. De Sterney (one of the two sent to treat of peace) has returned hither from Orleans. He says there is no great appearance of accord. After the Duke was hurt he was taken to Beaugency, whither the King and the Queen Mother came to visit him. His hurt is through the shoulder, but the bullet does not rest in him, and therefore his hurt is less dangerous. The Duke D'Aumale is very sick at Mantes, and Guise's army is commanded by MM. De Sansac and De Sipierre, two expert and valiant captains, but of mean quality to command so great a charge. The Admiral has ordered great quantities of grain to be brought to Newhaven. The merchants who shall bring it are to be well intreated.
4. After writing these premises, a gentlemen arrived here from D'Andelot, and stated that Guise assuredly died of his hurt on the 24th February. This being true will occasion things to alter mavellously. It would advance the Queen's service if his Lordship showed thankfulness to the Admiral, and gratified him as much as he may. If he advertised the Rhinegrave of the death of the Duke he might thereby see how his advertisements concur with the verification of the matter. Has advertised the Queen of the Duke's death, and of such matters as she gave him in charge with the Admiral. Asks him therefore to send this letter in his next despatch into England. The death of the Duke will occasion the castle of Caen to be rendered cheaper than it would have been. There is a great bruit here of the English having done some enterprise at Fécamp. Hears also that some Almains have arrived about Dieppe, where they have done some acts very grievous, as the burning of certain villages thereabouts. Marvels that the Rhinegrave should suffer his men to be so insolent. The Prince of Condé and the Admiral having written to the Queen, he begs that his Lordship will send these letters with the more expedition into England.
5. The Admiral presently sends the bearer, M. De Levy, (brother to M. De Cursolles, and son-in-law to the Rhinegrave,) to his Lordship, and from him to the Rhinegrave to see whether now, upon the death of the Duke, he can be won to their party.
6. Asks him to show M. De Levy all favour. The Admiral requires his Lordship to send 10,000 lbs. of powder more. Another matter presses him greatly; his brother, M. D'Andelot, has written to him to relieve him with powder at Orleans. Fair weather and gratification should be showed to the Admiral and his party, for there could be no news more acceptable to these men here, than to hear that the rest of the money was come to Havre. Their battery began this morning at 6 o'clock; the effect thereof the bearer can tell him.—Caen, 1 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
March 1. 377. Throckmorton to Warwick.
Since his despatch sent this morning by M. De Levy, he perceives that more battery must be employed to win this castle; and therefore the Admiral heartily requires his Lordship to send more powder and bullets with speed; for the batterers will have no delay. His Lordship can tell what moved him to ask him to deal liberally with the Admiral. From the battery before the castle, 3 o'clock p.m.—1 March. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 1 March 1562. Pp. 2.
March 1. 378. Admiral Coligny to Warwick.
The bearer, M. De Levy, has been sent to the Rhinegrave for a certain purpose of which Throckmorton approves. Desires him to lend him ten thousand weight of powder.— Caen, 1 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 1. 379. Beauvoir to Warwick.
The Admiral has this day been certainly informed by the Princess of Condé and M. D'Andelot of the death of Guise. Hopes that there will now be repose for the Church, as he was a great tyrant and persecutor of the faithful. Opened fire from their battery this morning. Regards to M. Pollet [Poulet].—Camp before Caen, 1 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 1. 380. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. Since his last (20th ult.) the Admiral has been occupied in a good devotion to receive the money from the Queen; the want of which has caused him to be in some danger. The reiters have levied here without law or order, and burnt and spoiled divers villages without regard of such as were of the religion. Would have delivered the Queen's letter to the Marshal of Hesse, but the Admiral desired him not to deliver it and to keep himself most close and unknown to all his. "For," said he, "if the reiters understand that another messenger has arrived here from the Queen, and the money not come, it will be impossible to save our throats from being cut." Three days before the reiters would have killed him, their own Marshal, and the Count of Rochefoucault, for default of payment. He received the day before the writer came the Queen's letters by Somer to him and the Marshal, and for the better quieting of his reiters found means to have them publicly read to them. Therefore, he said, if they heard of another messenger having come without the money, it would put them out of all hope, and bring him into the greatest danger. As he took it that the letter which he carried was written by the Queen to the Marshal to promise them speedy payment, the writer, finding that he might have done hurt by visiting the Marshal, has not spoken to him.
2. Condé with the help of those who had the charge of him nearly escaped; many of his guard were hung and the whole changed. M. De Sterney, has returned from the Court without hope of peace; and M. De Bocard (who went with him) is stayed at Orleans by D'Andelot to help him in the siege there, where they defend themselves lustily. Montgomery is come to the Admiral with only two companies of footmen. He passed by Newhaven, and succoured on the sea many victuallers which the ships of Fécamp had in chase, and had carried away four or five of them before he came.
3. On the 27th ult. his old master Throckmorton came here to the Admiral, and also such as were sent from Newhaven. Next day news was brought of the death of Guise. At 5 o'clock this morning the battery of seven cannons and two culverins began against this castle.— Caen, 1 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 1. 381. Another copy of the above. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 1. 382. Thomas Leighton to Cecil. (fn. 1)
Whereas Lord Robert wrote to D'Anville by Captain Hesse for the despatch of Killegrew and the writer, they have received no answer. Desires him and Lord Robert to cause Gresham to send his bill to some banker here for 200 crowns to pay his debts and bring him home; 400 crowns in the Treasurer's hands are due to the writer. Toulouse is besieged by the Protestants with 8,000 footmen and 1,200 horsemen.—Paris, 1 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 1 March 1652. Pp. 2.
[March 1.] 383. Stores for Newhaven.
Sir Maurice Denys asks of the Council warrant for certain payments for labourers and soldiers. What shall be done with the rotten beds? To Bodley, Leyton's lieutenant, are due 33l. to 1 March.
Orig. Two notes by Cecil. P. 1.
March 1. 384. John Cuerton and Roger Jeffryson to Challoner.
There have come no English ships hither. There is all the power they can make upon Orleans, two camps by land and one by the river. In all France there is much misery of bread, and they carry much out of Spain. Yesterday night John Garcia departed out of Portugalette in a Spanish ship; have heard nothing of little Charles. Thought the bearer should have been Jefferson's son-in-law, called Martin Perez D'Alberto, who goes to recover certain money of the King due to his father, and whom they ask Challoner to favour.—Bilboa, 1 March 1563. Signed.
Orig., in Cuerton's hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
March 2. 385. Smith to the Queen.
1. Desires to know what order she has taken with the Admiral. They will now be constrained by force to have peace there, as they are unable to maintain the war.
2. They have always borne a marvellous grudge against her.
3. The wives of the Prince of Condé and the Admiral have taken the matter in hand with the Queen. On the 1st inst. the Princess come out of Orleans with two damoiselles to the camp, and talked with the Queen for four hours, and parted with good countenance. Even the Papists think that the matter will have good effect, and that a stay will be made for religion.
4. The Prince still maintains, as he has always done, that so soon as the Queen Mother accords with them for religion, the Queen of England shall retire all her forces out of France. Suspects that as soon as they are agreed for religion, not only all their power which they have against Orleans, but the Admiral's also, will be bent against Newhaven. And so the Ambassador of Spain tells him plainly; and that the Admiral will be their most violent enemy, as well for his affection to his country as to recover his honour, and to avoid the reproach of delivering Newhaven or Calais.
5. Condé thinks that as Guise is dead, he shall be again admitted into his place, and become the head of the doings against her.
6. Perceives that now the matter of religion does not go to his mind, the Ambassador of Spain, (and peradventure the King of Spain also,) could be content to favour her demand of Calais, and dissemble though she kept at war with France for it, if they would dispossess her of Newhaven.
7. Has not been untalked with for an accord with her, and the Ambassador of Spain is still in hand with him that she should forbear Calais for four years upon assurance. But the writer still maintains that Calais is now due to her by the twelfth article of the treaty of Cateau Cambresis. They say that the Queen Mother and Council cannot deliver it before the King is of age. Replied that Calais is hers as well as Dover or Canterbury, and therefore he cannot detain it.
8. If she gave him and his heirs an hundred pounds worth of land in Calais, or the office of Treasurer of that town or such other, he would trust to enjoy it before he was six months older, if she would but hold out a little while.
9. Sent a man of his, a Frenchman, to Orleans, who brought him the plat and manner of the battery. The next time he went thither he was taken and hanged. Another went and entered in, and spoke with the Princess the same day that she went to the Queen Mother. Before she went she promised to send the writer all the communications between her and the Queen Mother. He spoke with D'Andelot, who assures the writer that he is fully provided for four months against all France. Also spoke with Mr. Steward, and handsome Scot. The writer has made a cipher between himself, D'Andelot, and Steward, that they may have intelligence from each other with less danger than this first was.—Blois, 2 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Passages in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5.
March 2. 386. Poulet, Denys, and Vaughan to Cecil.
Having been commanded to take the accounts of the victuals and munitions for this garrison, they pray that they may have a note of either charges in money, wherewithall the Master of the Ordnance, the purveyors, and surveyors of the victuals are to be charged upon their accounts, and also that Mr. Abington (purveyor of the victuals at Portsmouth) should repair hither for that purpose.—Newhaven, 2 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 2. 387. Horsey to Cecil.
1. On arriving here he found Montgomery ready to embark towards the Admiral, so had not any long discourse with him, but he presented his letters and intimated the Queen's goodwill. He willed the captains to obey the writer and M. De Praile, whom he has left as lieutenant; and charged the writer to pay the 1,200l. which he brought to the Countess his wife, and to muster the French soldiers in his absence; but when the muster was taken the money sufficed not to pay the whole companies, which has been some trouble.
2. On the last of February 300 reiters came before this town and gave the alarm, and sent a trumpet willing them to yield the town to the Rhinegrave's lieutenant, with promise that they should use their religion, and that no hurt should be done to any man. Answer was made that the town was kept for the King by as faithful servants to him as the Rhinegrave or his lieutenant; and that whereas they [the reiters] had already burned divers of the "fideles" houses in the country, if they ceased not there would not be one Papist's house in Normandy left unburned. Thereupon they retired to Luneray, a village three leagues off, where they yet remain, to the number of 300 horse and 800 footmen. What their intent is they yet understand not. The reiters boast that they have some in this town who have promised to serve their turn, namely, the serjeant-major, who is well known to have been hitherto a faithful servitor, the other is Captain Vyomont. This bruit is raised to procure some division amongst them. Finds every man well bent to defend this place, especially the burgesses and mariners, who have required to march under the writer's ensign. Ever since he returned here there has been a bruit about the Duke of Guise being either hurt or dead. They look daily for the Count's return. —Dieppe, 2 March 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—Since writing sixty horse came here, well appointed, whereof the chief was M. De Tenseles, who was a fugitive in England in the beginning of the persecution here. They confirm the death of the Duke.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. The P.S. on a separate slip. Pp. 4.
March 2. 388. Mundt to Cecil.
Eight days ago sent letters to him from Mme. De Roye and himself. On the 24th ult. Wolfgang, Count Palatine, and Duke of Neuburg sent one of his councillors to ask him whether it was true that the Queen of England had determined to help the Prince of Condé. Replied that the Duke might easily perceive what goodwill the Queen bore towards the Prince from the mission of Knollys and himself; but he did not know whether she would take up arms on his account. This rumour has arisen from Madame De Roye saying that the Queen was willing to discharge the pay owing to the German reiters in France, and that the money would be sent to Strasburg. Has been often asked about this, but could give no certain answer. The Envoy then spoke of his master's great goodwill towards the Queen of England and his desire to serve her; and again mentioned the request which had been before made to Mundt and Knoylls at Frankfort, namely, that the Count desired that his eldest son, who was about fifteen, might be educated in the Queen's Court. Mundt promised that he would forward his request to the Queen. The young Prince will hereafter be powerful, and his father is a prudent man. Forwards letters from the Duke of Deuxponts, who is consulting with certain captains about sending some reiters to secure Lyons. Those of Metz are arming, as they are near the Duke's territory.—Strasburg, 2 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: With a letter from the Count Palatine. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 2. 389. Cuerton to Challoner.
Pea De Palo [Francis Clarke] is in the Channel, and has twelve ships very strong. Hears nothing of Charles.—Bilboa, 2 March 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
March 2. 390. Cuerton to Challoner.
Has received a letter from Rochelle of the 25th ult., in which they write that for six hours Rochelle was in the power of those who would rise in the town, but they were overcome, and are now in prison, and the town in much favour with the King. The Ambassador of the Emperor is at the Court to demand Metz. Orleans was beset.—Bilboa, 2 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. in Challoner's hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 3.
Forbes, ii. 346.
391. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Mentioned on the 1st inst. in what forwardness the enterprise of Caen was. The battery begun that morning did not make the breach assaultable. On the 2nd inst., in the morning, M. De Renoire, Governor of the castle, offered parley, and its surrender was accorded with these conditions, viz., that the Marquis D'Elbœuf and the Governor, with their baggage and train, women of all sorts with their goods, and the soldiers with their arms, as well on horseback as on foot (who numbered 400 or above), should safely pass forth, and go where they would. All this was accomplished the second day, towards night. The castle is strongly situated, and not evil fortified after the old manner. Having viewed the interior, he does not find it a place meet to leave any of her subjects in.
2. Upon this victory the Admiral, the Earl of Warwick, and the writer have thought good that the enterprise of the taking of Honfleur be forthwith executed. The artillery shall be sent from hence to meet them by water, and the force march from hence thither. Intends to accompany them. Mr. Pelham, who has the principal charge of them, is sufficient enough to conduct them.
3. The town of Bayeux, having been besieged this "seavenight," has this day surrendered to the Admiral. He, to retain his reiters from mutiny, has assured them that the Queen has sent 100,000 crowns. The Admiral has also requested him to declare to them that she has lent him [the Admiral] her credit for 100,000 crowns in Almain. There is already five months' pay due to them. How much he wants to furnish up the sum of 100,000 crowns according to her contract she can perceive by his former letters sent to Cecil, viz., 12,700l., which he hopes she will order to be sent with diligence to Newhaven, where there is a treasurer appointed by the Admiral (named Bertrand) to receive the same. She has not sent after him sufficient to accomplish the sum aforesaid, but he wishes that the same already despatched may come (which he takes by Cecil's letter to be about 11,000l.), though the rest comes after. By reason of these great matters, the Admiral and he cannot discuss nor resolve upon the valuation of the kinds of money.
4. It is said here that Marshal Brissac is sent for from his charge in Normandy by the Queen Mother to command the army before Orleans, lately led by Guise. Of other particulars which he has omitted, this bearer, Francis Somerset, will inform her, who has seen all doings here.—Caen, 3 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: By Mr. Somerset. Pp. 4.
March 3.
Forbes, ii. 345.
392. Warwick to the Queen.
1. The Princess of Condé and M. D'Andelot have written to the Admiral that Guise is slain by a gentleman who, disguised like a reiter, and mounted upon a Spanish jennet, came to the trench where Guise was, feigning to have some matter of importance to communicate. The Duke came towards him, who, instead of a letter, presented a pistolet (hid under his long cloak), and shot him through the shoulder, of which he died four days after. The Rhinegrave wrote to Warwick of it.
2. The Admiral has laid his battery to the castle of Caen, wherein is the Marquis D'Elbœuf against his will, for he did not mean to put himself into the castle when he came into Normandy; his errand was to the Duchess of Nevers, as a suitor to her on behalf of his brother, the Grand Prior. A gentleman of good reputation, named Colombyre, hearing of it, assembled a power together, thinking thereby to have taken him in the said house. The only refuge the Marquis had was to go to the castle, which he did with speed, and not without some danger.
3. Having Caen, Newhaven, and Dieppe, she may think herself mistress of all Normandy. Now the instrument is taken away that caused this mischief, there is no doubt she may make what peace shall please her. The Queen Mother has appointed in Guise's place MM. Sansac and Cipierre, who are accounted men of good experience.
4. The Rhinegrave sent a gentleman to him, and offered him great courtesy in promising to send home those runagates who went from hence. He could not do the Queen greater service than in this way; sharp execution must be ministered unto them, as a warning to others of the garrison here. The Rhinegrave has also informed him that the Grand Prior is dead, and the Duke D'Aumale in great danger from the wound he received at the battle. The Marquis d'Elbœuf, as the Admiral is informed, is sick of a continual fever. When they thought themselves most assured, they were destroyed, as it were, in an instant, whereas, if the house of Guise had prospered, she would never have been out of war.—Newhaven, 3 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
March 3. 393. Warwick and Others to the Privy Council.
1. Encloses letters received this day from the Admiral and Throckmorton. The galley is set forth (with the help of the mariners of this town) to conduct the treasure to the Admiral, which being continued upon this river, accompanied by the foists lately arrived here, may do great service, especially in fine weather, when the Queen's ships can do no great good. These foists are not able to match the galleys coming from Rouen, nor do any great matter in the keeping of this river without the galley.
2. They are resolved upon ingrossing the musters now in hand, and to send a perfect certificate of their numbers of all sorts here.
3. On the 23rd ult. three barks were taken by the men of Fécamp. One of Colchester, laden with victuals; another of Blackney, laden with oats; and the third was of this town, laden with billets. They will do much more hurt, undoubtedly, if they are suffered, for they have four shallops already at sea, and the fifth is in readiness to come, besides their other shipping.
4. Thirteen Flemish hoys, laden with victuals and other commodities from Rouen, were compelled to come into this haven as they came by. They have given liberty to as many as will to sell their victuals as best they can, or to transport them to England, or to their own country, or else to stay here. If the commodities of this river may be kept from Rouen and these parts above this town, it will be a war which they cannot endure long.—Newhaven, 3 March 1562. Signed: A. Warwick, Hugh Poulet, Adrian Ponyngs, Maurice Denys, William Bromfeld, Cuth. Vaughan, John Fisher.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 3. 394. Warwick and Poulet to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
The Queen (who is more inclined to peace than war) takes not the right way for attaining it to her honour; for leaving the occasion presently offered, she would seem to keep peace towards them who will make her extreme war as soon as they see the time of advantage. They mean [that she should] fortify this town so that the enemy shall despair of winning it, and put such a power in the field as all France should stand in peril of, and besides to have such a force upon the seas as might withstand all encounters that way. All France may be made to quake by a few more footmen being joined to the Admiral's horsemen, which, by being omitted, he would either be overthrown or driven to a composition. Then, undoubtedly, this town would be besieged, which would increase the Queen's charges as much as her army in the field. —Newhaven, 3 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 3.
Forbes, ii. 348.
395. Smith to Warwick.
1. Received his letters of the 19th ult. on the 2nd inst. Has received one only before from his Lordship, which was in December, since he came to France. The Duke of Guise died on Ash Wednesday from a stroke given him on the 18th ult. out of a pistol betwixt Portereau and St. Memings, which has made great changes here; yet at present the Queen Mother with those who are here (the Duke D'Etampes, Sansac, Cipierre, and now D'Aumale, who is not yet whole of his bruise at the battle, and Brisac, now sent for, but not yet come) brag as much to take Orleans as they did when the Duke was alive. They besiege it now at La Port Magdalena, leaving men to keep Portereau, on the other side the water. No general is appointed yet. Six hundred miners and other provision which the Duke made for the siege come daily, yet he learns from those of Orleans that they do not fear them for these four months.
2. The Princess of Condé came from Orleans yesterday, and was with the Queen Mother four hours. There is talk of peace. Poitou has revolted, and they have slain four cornets of horsemen and chased the rest. Guienne also has revolted. He perceives they are weary, and though they would satisfy the Queen, they think the writer no fit instrument therefor, and not so easy to agree to them as they would, and therefore they will essay other means.
3. They desire to conclude amongst themselves, and will not stick at religion, to the intent they may bring all their forces against his Lordship. Understands how Warwick has been assailed with treason and other of the Rhinegrave's fetches. Some wise men think that if the Admiral is admitted to peace with the Queen Mother here, he will be the chief that shall drive him [Warwick] out of Newhaven, which, as the writer does not easily believe, so he does not take it altogether incredible. If the Queen is firm, she shall have all she desires. Advises him to be careful, knowing he is in a place the French desire to have before all others.—Blois, 3 March 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 3. 396. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 4.
March 3. 397. Middlemore to Cecil.
1. On the 2nd inst. the castle of Caen was rendered by composition. There were within it the Marquis D'Elbœuf, M. De Ranoyre, the Governor, and at least 500 soldiers. It is very strong, and might have been kept against a greater force. It was offered to them before they looked for it. The Marquis may go whither he will, and will retire to his own house. The Admiral will take Honfleur in his way to Orleans, and so sends the English artillery thither by sea this night, and to-morrow all the English forces will go by land The Marshal Brissac is sent for to be chief of the army. Montgomery will remain Governor of this town and castle, and so of all Normandy, under the Admiral.—Caen, 3 March 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Has not received any orders about remaining with the Admiral.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 3. 398. Cuthbert Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Has passed the musters and discharged all the sick and many unserviceable men. They must be driven to stay till the return of their men from Caen. Mr. Treasurer and the writer have made a new book concerning the French charge, which they have sent to Mr. Throckmorton with the other book. Sends copies of certain articles for confirmation, and communicates details on the state of the town.—Newhaven, 3 March.
2. P. S.—The death of the Duke of Guise is confirmed. Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 4. 399. Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Browne to Cecil.
1. It is ordered in the book of establishments for this town, that there should be a preacher here, with a certain entertainment. Until Christmas last, one Mr. Stevenson served that place, and since then they have been without one. But one Gilpyn of Durham has preached sundry sermons here, whom they could not intreat to continue. One Douglas, a Scotchman, has made divers good sermons. He is very zealous, and worthy of the room, and willing to remain; but being a Scotchman, they desire to know whether they should retain him or not. If it should be thought not good to allow him to stay, they beg that some other be appointed.
2. They beg that he will examine Hedley and Capell, secretaries to the late Lord Grey, about the books and statutes of the old orders of this town, which were in his Lordship's custody, and which they either have or know where they are.—Berwick, 4 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 5. 400. Bromfield to Cecil.
1. The castle of Caen was given up to the Admiral about 4 p.m. of Tuesday last. D'Elbœuf was therein with 400 soldiers, also M. Raynarde, Captain of the same. Divers towns in those parts have come to him; and it is likely that he will grow into great authority.
2. The Duke D'Aumale lies in great pain; for his arm, which was broken at the last battle, is not cured. There is a bruit here that the Grand Prior is dead by being poisoned.
3. The Admiral is removing to other places of force, and from thence to Honfleur, where he will not tarry long. Their state here is not so doubtful as it lately seemed. Asks leave of absence for twenty days to come to England. —Newhaven, 5 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 5. 401. Poulet to Throckmorton.
1. Is glad to hear the success of things on his side of the water, and hopes that the Queen will wade further into the same. Hugh Counsel, the Treasurer's servant, has brought 12,000l. towards the Admiral payment, whereof 10,000l. is in Venetian and Spanish money and gold, and the rest in English. It shall be paid to-morrow to M. Bertrand, together with the 1,500 crowns prested here by him; so besides having already paid him 350l., he shall now receive 384l. 3s. 4d., which with the 3,100l. received by Throckmorton, makes up the whole sum of 5,000l. in the writer's custody, saving the money prested to Montgomery and M. Beauvoir. —Newhaven, 5 March 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—M. Bertrand has agreed to take the English money. William Keleway has sent hither 244l. 19s. 10d., to make up his sum of 13,000l.
Orig. The last sentence of the P.S. in Poulet's hol. Add. Endd. by Throckmorton's son. Pp. 4.
March 5. 402. Supplication of certain Frenchmen to Warwick.
Certain of the faithful of Harfleur, Montivilliers, Fécamp, etc., who for the past ten months have been assisting their brethren of Havre to keep that town for the King, complain that now contrary to the Queen's proclamation they are to be turned out of the town. They have no place to go to, and if the Earl insists on expelling them, they beg that he will give them time to communicate with the Prince or the Admiral, who will recover one of their towns for a place of refuge for them. They also wish to communicate with the Queen of England.—Havre, 5 March 1562; before Easter.
Fr. Pp. 3.
March 5. 403. Answer to the above Supplication.
1. The Lord Lieutenant says that it does not become him or the supplicants to interpret the Queen's pleasure. They ought rather to refer to herself.
2. All persons of France who have repaired unto this town, have been hitherto not only supported, but also defended from the enemy, until they are now brought to assurance in their own houses throughout France, by the late treaty of peace, so that the said letters of protection cannot be any further extended than to the burgesses and ancient inhabitants of this town.
3. A copy of the other supplication of the inhabitants of this town to pass from hence with certain ships in traffic, has been sent to the Queen.
Copy. Fr. Endd. Pp. 5.
March 5. 404. English translation of the above answer.
Pp. 2.
March 5. 405. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Don Fernando, the Grand Prior, a week since departed towards France for the purposes touched in his former letters, and to pass to Flanders and on to the Emperor, and others say to Scotland. Of French affairs, where it was supposed that the treaty of accord should have taken place, now they say that it is desperate; and in the meantime the swartz reiters begin to steal from the Admiral. The Turkish army will come this year by sea, stronger than many years past, besides the assistance of the King of Agiers and other Moors. Understands that the King uses all diligence to restore (or rather double) his marine forces. The clergy of Castile have at last condescended to pay the King in full satisfaction of the Pope's Bull for the subsidy, which was the fourth part of their benefices yearly for four years, towards the defence from the infidels, the sum of 2,100,000 ducats, payable in six years space. At these Cortes of Castile the King proponed an aid which, whether it be for 2,000,000 [sic] or less, by his next he will advertise.
2. From the Indies, within this year, they look for three fleets, which for the King's part will amount to 2,000,000 or 1,500,000 [sic]. The 100,000 crowns imprested from hence are despatched. The King has commanded that all the Moors within the kingdom of Valentia and along the sea shall be disarmed, which by a stratagem is already executed. Has received no answer to the letters which he sent before Christmas by Henry King. Craves his help for his revocation. During Lent he feeds upon poison for fresh fish, milk or butter is not to be had; neither other salt fish than in England he would feed the worst boy of his kitchen withal. It is too much of very conscience in this villainous country to keep any poor subject longer than two years, where a liberal prison in England were more to be preferred. After a little breath taken at home he will be glad to serve in any place save this.—Madrid, 5 March 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—A courier from Italy says that the Duke of Sessa, Don Luys D'Avila, and Don Martin De Guzman are arrived at Genoa. A gentleman has arrived here with letters from the Emperor.
Orig., with armorial seal. A few words in cipher, deciphered. The P.S. in Challoner's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 5 March 1563. Pp. 3.
March 5. 406. Challoner to Sir John Mason.
Wrote to him on the 3rd Feb. by Garcias. Requests him to obtain his revocation in September. "Sure this country hath so. much to mislike as it were punishment enough for a large crime to be two years a debterado in this vale of misery."—Madrid, 5 March 1563.
Copy. Endd.: 5 March 1562. Sent by the way of Flanders by a courier. Pp. 2.
March 5. 407. Challoner to Clough.
Has received his letters of the 3rd and 26th of February, and the 740 ducats of Stephen Lercarie, the residue of 300l. made over to Clough by Robert Farnham.—Madrid, 5 March 1563.
Copy. Endd.: 5 March 1562. Sent by a courier of Flanders. Pp. 2.
March 5. 408. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Within these six days there are come to this haven six English ships. James Conant arrived this day with letters for him. Robert Farnham writes that he has sent two firkins of butter and four of herrings, being one cade; and a cheese Mr. Moffat sends, not yet received. James Conant says that Chamberlain's "guardemeselles," took no hurt in his ship. Mr. Cobham writes that he had like to have been lost going home; their ship fell upon a leak, but a Portingale ship took them in and carried them to Waterford. The news at Dover is that there is great provision for Newhaven, that the Admiral had taken Caen and would come upon Honfleur.—Bilboa, 5 March 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—Yesterday two English barks were lost on the bar at Portugalette; in one he had a gelding, who is drowned. King, his servant, is in Plymouth; Mr. Cobham thinks that he will shortly be despatched this way.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 17 March 1562. Pp. 3.
March 5. 409. Charges for Berwick.
1. The rate of the yearly wages assigned to the officers of Berwick and the East Marches, viz.,
2. Pay and allowances of the Governor, 466l. 13s. 4d.; of the Warden, 424l.; of the Marshal, 260l.; of the Treasurer, 280l.; of the porter, 184l. 13s. 4d. (reduced to 134l. 13s. 4d.); the Master of the Ordnance, 20l.; the mayor of the town 51l. 17s. 6d. Total for the whole garrison, amounting to 1,292 men, 17,322l. 6s. 8d. Numbers of the garrison according to the new rate, 1,000; charge, 13,299l. 7s. 11d. Total charge for the town and the East Marches, 19,317l., under the new rate, 14,018l. 19s. 7d.
3. Estimated charges by Valentine Browne, with explanations.
Endd. Pp. 10.


  • 1. On the back of this letter is a note in Cecil's hand in which he desires Mr. Speaker to send him the Bill of Navigation, which he will return by 9 o'clock.