Elizabeth: February 1563, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: February 1563, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp150-169 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1563, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp150-169.

"Elizabeth: February 1563, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp150-169.

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February 1563, 21-30

Feb. 21. 338. Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Browne to the Privy Council.
Asks for pardon for Giles Cornewall, (lieutenant to his brother, Captain Cornewall,) who, as he was passing through Tweedmouth, about a quarter of a year since, heard a noise in a house, which he entered, and finding it was among some soldiers, rebuked them. One fellow gave him evil language, and drew his weapon upon him, and he, not being able to avoid the same, drew his, and in the fight gave the soldier a dangerous stroke on the head, and then departed and came here, where he was apprehended. Being told that the soldier was dead, he escaped through a broken part of the wall, the gates being shut, which is death by the statutes of this town. The soldier, however, recovered about a month after.— Berwick, 21 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Marshal and Treasurer of Berwick, 21 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 21. 339. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Embarked on the 18th inst., and arrived here on the 19th, where he found all things scarce, but money is most wanted, so he is like to come short of receiving at Mr. Poulet's hands here of 1,400l. off the 4,400l., as he did at Mr. Kellwey's, whose money he does not know how it will arise. The Admiral is importunate for it, and makes account of receiving at this payment 100,000 crowns at the least. He is to be pitied, for every hour he is in danger of his life and of being betrayed by his reiters. Fears that he will be undone, and the Queen's cause and service placed in great hazard, unless 13,000l. or 14,000l. be speedily sent to make up the 100,000 crowns. Begs Cecil, for the love of God, to mind this matter. The enterprise of Honfleur failed for lack of footmen, and the wind being contrary prevented the small number there being increased in season. Another enterprise is in hand to the castle of Caen, wherein is the Marquis of D'Elbœuf, with 300 men. The town is at the Admiral's devotion. If the enterprise prosper, it will recompense all largely. Guise has taken Portereau, which was slenderly defended by the Almains who had the charge thereof. Nevertheless, the Admiral is not in doubt of Orleans. All the doings of the Constable and M. D'Anville are but abuses, for they do but beguile the world. Commends M. De Teligny. Middlemore asks for payment of his diets for the past two months; he must remain with the Admiral.
2. The Queen must arm ships to the sea with speed, for they of Fécamp have four armed and at sea, and from Rouen and Caudebec there are a galley, four galleasses, and three or four pinnaces.—Newhaven, 21 Feb. 1562.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 26 Feb. [sic] 1562. Pp. 4.
Feb. 21. 340. Throckmorton to Lord Robert Dudley.
Embarked at Portsmouth on the 18th inst., and arrived safely here with his charge next day about noon. Recommends M. De Teligny, a French gentlemen lately sent by the Admiral to the Queen.—Newhaven, 21 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd.: 21 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 21. 341. The Count Palatine to Mundt.
Asks credit for the bearer, one of his councillors (a Frenchman named Doctor Tuschelin), who has certain matters to communicate to him on his behalf.—Deuxponts, 21 Feb. 1563. Signed.: Wolfgang.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 21 Feb. 1563. Pp. 2.
Feb. 22. 342. Johannes Sturmius to Frederick II. of Denmark.
The report of the defeat of the Guises is false, fabricated by them to prevent the Protestant Princes from sending assistance. It is true that 300, some say 400, houses have been blown down by gunpowder. From Antwerp they write that the Duke of Guise besieges Orleans with sixty ensigns of foot and eighty cannon. They expect that Count Christopher of Oldenburg will succour Condé with 4,000 horse and 8,000 foot. The Elector Palatine has sent his son Cassimer into Lorraine, that by pretending marriage he may hinder help being sent to Condé.—Strasburg, 22 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Feb. 22. 343. Johannes Sturmius to the Chancellor of Denmark.
Wishes that the King would give some more assistance to the French than the King of Sweden, who has paid 20,000 [sic] at Lubeck. There is a report here of the King's uncle, Duke Adolph, and of 2,000 cavalry and twenty ensigns of foot. The Cardinal of Lorraine is still at Trent and Inspruck, contriving a marriage between one of the daughters of the King of the Romans and the French King. The Duke of Bipont meditates the recovery of Metz.—Strasburg, 22 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add.: Hieronymo Temnero. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Feb. 23. 344. Admiral Coligny to Throckmorton.
1. Has received the letter which he sent by the Sieur De Bois le Comte, and heard his message. Is in great trouble at being deceived in his hope of having the entire sum of 100,000 crowns, which he has assured the Marshal of Hesse and the ritmeisters would be ready. Throckmorton knows the humour of the Almains, and how it does not do to break one's promises with them after having put them off so long. Has already sent him, by M. De Mongreville, the contract and ratification signed by all the chiefs of the association, which Throckmorton sent him by the Baron De Montandre. Now he sends the Treasurer Bertrand, commissioned by the Prince to receive all the moneys pertaining to this cause, of whom the Admiral also approves, and has commissioned him to receive the 100,000 crowns according to the contracts, and has given him two cartes blancs. If this is not sufficient, he will forward whatever else he may require.
2. The powder and cannon are not sufficient, as they require at least twenty thousandweight of powder and two more cannon, which he desires Throckmorton to endeavour to obtain for him. Promises to return the said cannon. Mr. Pelham and his company shall have the best treatment. As for boats to transport them, he has been charging some with grain for Havre.—Caen, 23 Feb. 1562.
Copy. Endd: 23 Feb. 1562. Fr. Pp. 3.
Feb. 23. 345. [Cecil] to Admiral Coligny.
Though separated from him, feels a sympathy, grieving when any ill happens to his enterprise, and rejoicing in his prosperity. Though he cannot manifest this sympathy by any great deeds, he protests that what he has written is true.
Copy. Endd.: 23 Feb. 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 23. 346. Corrected draft in English of the first part of the above, in Cecil's hol.
P. 1.
Feb. 23. 347. Cavalcanti to Cecil.
1. Wrote to him on the 15th, with the incidents up to that date. Two days afterwards the Queen sent to say that, having understood that he was charged with a special message, she wished he would deal with her by writing his mind to her candidly. Thought this a feint to draw from him some writing which would serve their purpose, and answered that the Queen of England would probably reply by M. De Sevres. He wished to show that she would not act with duplicity. On the following day M. De L'Aubespine discoursed with him for two hours upon the business; the conversation is too long to repeat, but it is obvious that his [the writer's] arrival is agreeable to them. They will gladly, he thinks, accept any reasonable mode of satisfying the Queen and causing her to withdraw her troops, the details of which De L'Aubespine discussed with him, as also respecting the payment of the equivalent for Calais; to which he answered that Calais was a national question, which could not be settled by money. The way in which Boulogne was managed might serve as a precedent. He was answered that it was not the custom to settle such disputes by money. The Queen and M. De L'Aubespine have gone to the Duke of Guise, and give out that they will return within two days; but he thinks that they will not come back before they have accomplished the agreement they have in hand, for till that is done they will detain him.—Blois, 23 Feb. 1562.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Mr. Cavalcant. Lat. Pp. 3.
Feb. 23. 348. Victuals at Newhaven.
Victuals received at Newhaven, 23rd inst. Wheat and rye, 88 quarters; biscuit, 3,300 lbs.; malt, 160 quarters; beer, six tuns; oats, 129 qr.; butter, eight barrels; cheese, three waye; sack, thirty-three tuns; fish, 2,000.
P. 1.
Feb. 23. 349. John Garcia to Challoner.
1. Has been at Portugalette, where are two ships about to sail, one for Westchester, the other for Flanders. Thinks to leave by the former. It is said that the Duke of Savoy has taken Lyons for the King of France. It was said in Burgos that the King had sent five mule-loads of silver into France to pay his soldiers, and that he went about to take Bayonne, Narbonne, and Marseilles, and had ready 10,000 men.— Bilboa, 23 Feb. 1563. Signed.
2. P.S.—The Spanish ships are stayed for fear of war or pirates.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Span. and Eng. Pp. 4.
Feb. 24. 350. Lady Throckmorton to her Husband.
1. Captain Coulbourne, who came out of France, told her that the Duke of Guise has won the bas-town of Orleans, and keeps the bridge. He has had conference with the French Ambassador, by whom he told her that he understood of Sir Nicholas' commission to go from Newhaven to deliver money to the Admiral. The French Ambassador also told him that her husband should go from thence into Flanders, and so into Germany for some force of men. The French Ambassador also mislikes greatly that he [Throckmorton] had no present made him at his coming out of France.
2. The Laird of Lethington is come forth of Scotland to the Queen. It is said that a French gentleman, left at the Queen of Scotland's Court by the Duke of Guise, and receiving much courtesy at her hands for her uncle's sake, did privily convey himself behind the hangings in the Queen's chamber, and in the night would have lain with her, whereat she, making an outcry, the Lord James came, whom she prayed either to kill the said gentleman, or that she might kill him with her own hands, but he would not consent. Since then it is said that he is beheaded. His name was Chastillant.
3. Throckmorton's "moyles" were delivered according to his orders. Cecil chose the black mulet, with which were delivered the velvet saddle and harness and the gilt stirrups. The Lord Admiral chose the black mule. He is very desirous to have a French muleteer. Mr. Cave had the dun mulet.
4. P.S.—Hears that Mr. Cakes, the Chancellor of the duchy, is very sick, and thinks it not amiss for him to write in the matter. As for his going into Flanders, prays him not to be abused any more with them, but to come home as soon as he may. "I take my leve of you, good froge."—London, 24 Feb. Signed: Your wife, A. Throckmorton.
Orig., the P.S. is hol. Add. Endd.: 24 Feb. 1562. Pp. 3.
Feb. 24. 351. Cuerton to Challoner.
John Garcia came hither on the 16th inst. to dinner, and after went to Portugalette, where are two Spaniard's ships that go to Chester. The news from France is that M. De Guise is at Orleans with a great power, and the Admiral of France is within. There is upon Newhaven the Grand Prior and a great power. May send what he owes to Martin De Vilalva in Burgos by this bearer. When Robert Farnham and the geldings arrive, the order of Challoner's letter shall be followed. Marvels that Chamberlain's stuff should be so handled by the sea, and thinks it was but the air. Master Cobham was in England long ago. Edward Prescott came not here; they say he has been a-roving. Within these three days Jefferson's son-in-law departs for the Court to recover certain money of the King for his father.—Bilboa, 24 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 24 Feb. 1562. Pp. 3.
Feb. 25.
Forbes, ii. 336.
352. The Earl of Warwick and Others to the Council.
1. Have appointed five bands of their footmen to pass tomorrow to the Admiral under Mr. Pelham. M. Beauvoir, by the appointment of the Admiral, takes forth to this service all the able men of the French within this town, hence they are more willing to the sending of the numbers. The Admiral is now in or about Caen, and hopes to be shortly master of the castle; minding also not to leave Honfleur unattempted.
2. The charge of the galley here will be great, yet they think her service very needful, as well for keeping this river as the coast about Sand Head, whereby their victuallers will come in more safely, as that such victuals as pass up to Rouen to the enemy may be cut off. For this the galley with the two foists daily expected will be little enough, considering the preparation of the adversaries as well at Rouen, (where they have in readiness a gallias, a galley, and gallion, besides shallops,) as also four ships at Fecamp, which they hear took three of their victuallers last night, and more are in danger. Other ships are rigging at Fécamp, which will be ready to go to sea forthwith, and more from St. Malo and Brest.
3. Victuals here are so scarce that a great number of the garrison have been proportioned after the rate of four persons to a little twopenny loaf by the day, whereof also they have sometimes failed, and forced to drink water for the most part these fourteen days past. They hear nothing of the Newcastle coals for which they have so often written. Wood cannot be got for money, by the want whereof the malt could not be brewed when the soldiers stood in need of drink.
4. Since writing this Montgomery arrived in Rocker's barque, of Rye, intending to go to the Admiral, who was at Fécamp assailed by three barques and shallops of the town, whereof one was well appointed with a brave ensign, which the Count, after a good fight, brought to this town.—Newhaven, 25 Feb. 1562. Signed: A. Warwick, Hugh Poulet, Adryan Ponyngs, Cuth. Vaughan, William Bromefeld, John Fysscher.
5. P.S.—The men sent to the Admiral cannot be sustained there without money. The writers have been driven to take 1,500 crowns by way of prest of Admiral Châtillon upon promise to repay the same within twenty-one days. They ask their Lordships to send thither the 1,500 crowns. Asks leave to appoint one provost marshal and harbinger, a serjeant-major, and one to the charge of the pioneers attending the places of artillery and munition. The transportation of the men and munitions to and fro, and the attendance of the vessels about Caen for the same, will be 400 crowns, or more rather than less.
Orig, with seal. A few marginal notes by Cecil. Add. Pp. 5.
Feb. 25. 353. — to Cecil. (fn. 1)
Whilst the King of Poland was sitting in Council, a messenger arrived in haste with news that the King of Muscovy had taken Polotsk at the sixth assault, and burnt it. He had carried off innumerable captives, and slain 20,000 men, nor was it possible to express the barbarous cruelty of the Tartars, who amounted to 60,000 men. The Muscovite has already sent 40,000 Tartars to Wilna, who have approached to within twelve miles of the town, destroying all the country through which they marched. It is reported that he has 200,000 men. Those of Wilna have raised 20,000 men to oppose them. No one has yet dared to engage the enemy, as they are so superior, and as most of their chiefs are either scattered or taken, amongst whom is one of those of Wilna.—Petricaw, 25 Feb.
Copy, with seal, with a few notes on the margin by Utenhove. Add. Lat. P. 1.
Feb. 26.
Forbes, ii. 159.
354. Smith to the Queen.
1. On the 20th inst. wrote to the Queen by the steward of M. De Nantouillet, Provost of Paris, in his favour; by which he informed her of the stroke with a pistolet, which the Duke of Guise received.
2. On Ash Wednesday, the 24th inst., betwixt nine and ten o'clock, the Duke died of his wound. The man who hurt him was taken the next day, and confessed the fact. His dag was made "for the nones so strong that it received three pellets and three charges in one chamber, and he confesseth that the pellets were jagged, and with spit and powder the jaggs filled; but they all passed through his body." The surgeon that opened the Duke said, he thought if the surgeons had not cut him so much he might have lived.
3. The man that slew the Duke said he did it at the instigation of De Soubize, who now keeps Lyons, of whom he had the dag; and that he was sent from him to the Admiral before he went into Normandy, who gave him 300 crowns; and that he was confirmed to the doing thereof by Theodore Beze, affirming him with a safe conscience to do it, though he should die therefor, by delivering his country from such a tyrant, who is the occasion chiefly of this misery in France. He is a young gentleman of about nineteen or twenty years of age, a Xantongeois; he is of very stout courage, and is to be sent this day to Paris, there to suffer his torment and death. The Duke after being hurt, saw a gentleman come by with a furred cloak; he called him, and bade him give him his cloak for he was hurt, and himself to ride in all haste towards Paris, till he came into the post way; then to take post, and tell his brethren of Paris that it was nothing. These are such things as Wilson, his man, heard yesterday in the camp, when he went for a passport; whether they be true, or spread abroad to bring hatred to the Admiral and those of that faction, he knows not.
4. The writer's man saw the Duke's body yesterday. It was laid openly, arrayed in his clothes with gloves on, his eyes almost closed, upon the Queen's bed of black damask in her chamber, whilst a Mass was said before him. He is still kept there, the Queen having removed to another. The Duke is much lamented in the camp, and they commend much his stout courage, and his patience and wise words in his last sickness and torments of the incisions which the surgeons made.
5. The day the Duke died, the Duke D'Aumale was sent for, who will succeed to his brother's charge; also Monluc and Bourdillion and the Duke De Nemours. In the meantime the Duke D'Etampes commands. Smith's man met two companies of Swiss who were coming hither, and asking their captain, a Frenchman, whither they went, he said they went to Amboise to conduct Condé to Blois. The Duke's body will be brought thither. It is also said that three messengers came to the Duke in one day warning him of treason; one from Monluc, the other from Marshal St. André's wife, and the third from the Governor of Calais; but they came the day after he was hurt.
6. Since his hurt nothing has been done at the camp against Orleans, and those of the town do not come out; now and then they fire into Portereau and hurt some by chance. M. De Lucy the day his [Smith's] man came hither, was hurt in the arm by an arquebus, as he went too far upon the bridge. There are neither feats of war nor talk of peace.
7. They are again at deliberation. The death of the Duke will make some great turn. The Papists have lost their greatest stay, hope, and comfort. Many noblemen and gentlemen followed the camp and that faction, rather for love of him than for any other cause. He was the best general in France, some will say in all Christendom, for he had all the properties which are to be wished in a general: a ready wit, a body to endure pain, great courage, experience to conduct any army, courtesy in entertaining men, eloquence to utter his mind, and liberal in money and honour. He was so loved amongst the noblemen and soldiers of France, that now he is gone many will leave the camp; they begin to drop away already. He was so earnest in his religion that he thought nothing evil done that maintained that sect, and therefore the Papists thought nothing evil bestowed upon him.
8. Of the three things that prevented this realm from coming to unity and accord, he takes the one to be taken away. How the other two will be now remedied, the one that the Papists may relent of their pertinacity, and the Protestants have some assurance in their doings, and so live one with the other in quietness, he knows not; neither can he see how they will be able to maintain their wars for want of men, money, powder, and such a captain. The greatest and only help that is left them is in King Philip and the Duke of Savoy, who will rather counsel them to accord and make peace with the world, than maintain the war any longer.—Blois, 26 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Pp. 4.
Feb. 26. 355. Smith to Cecil.
1. De Sevre's secretary (who, having conducted the Emperor's messenger to Paris, came here with M. De Foix's secretary on the night of Shrove Tuesday,) told the writer that on Wednesday last two proclamations had been made at Paris against the Huguenots, a copy of which he has sent. Also, that one Viret, cousin to Pierre Viret, the learned man, was condemned to be burned for heresy; and that at the place of execution within the city, the people pulled him out of the officers' hands, cast him down, flayed him quick, pulled his bowels out piecemeal and cast them about, and then trained him, after the old manner, down to the river and threw him therein.
2. About the same time a murderer, condemned to be hung, (the manner in France is that when a person is hung, the body hangs twenty-four hours in the town, and afterwards is hung on the common gibbet until it is rotted,) but because this murderer cried upon our Lady, they pulled him down as soon as he was dead, buried him in the next church, and made all the bells in two or three parishes thereabouts to ring for him with as much solemnity as if he had been a duke or an earl.
3. Another murderer who was wiser and better learned, when he was on the ladder said, "Ah! my masters, I must die now for killing an Huguenot, who despised our Lady, but as I have served our Lady always truly, and have put my trust in her, so I trust now she will show some miracle for me." Thereupon the people began to murmur about his having to die for an Huguenot, and they ran to the gallows and beat the hangman, cut the felon's cords, and conveyed him away free.
4. He said that De Foix's man told him that the Admiral had been at Havre, and that he should receive 13,000l. from the Queen, but she would not let him have it until he had delivered Caen to her. The town he has already, but the castle holds out, to beat which he has had fourteen cannon from Newhaven.
5. He has Bayeux and is in hope of having Falaise 2,000 pioneers have been sent to Newhaven. Throckmorton has been sent to the Admiral at Newhaven, and he is now going as Ambassador into Almain. But De Foix's man said he thought these two journeys are contrary.
6. Told him that he did not think Sir Nicholas should go, as he was weary enough of being in France. Also knows what Guido De Cavalcanti does here, with whom he practises, how he is esteemed, and what his errand is, and what he pretends it is, as well as if Cecil had written to him thereof before.
7. Has great loss from want of his Almain who went towards Normany, also from his Frenchmen who went to Orleans. Sees that if the Queen leaves the pursuit of religion here, they will offer her Calais before long.— Blois, 26 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Feb. 26. 356. Smith to Cecil.
1. Has sent his man to get the French Ambassador's oration touching the matters in Scotland, and the Queen's answer thereto, made in the first year of her reign.
2. He rests most upon Calais being due to them now by the first articles of the treaty of Cambresis. Refers to the second and twelfth articles. And seeing that since he demanded Calais they have not without delay restored it, their penalty of 500,000 crowns is incurred by the same article of the treaty.
3. Prays him to consult Wotton and others about it, and help him to dispute this point. M. De Chantonet begins almost to yield it to him. He and the writer are even now of late waxed very great.
4. It may seem that the English made the war first by entering Newhaven. This a point to which he cannot yet see how they can answer. The best answer he has heard is that it was purged by the treaty of Scotland, which is a bare answer, and that treaty was never confirmed.
5. Prays that he will send by the bringer, an answer to his last private letter about his diets.
6. Has sent Cecil's wife a token.
7. There was hot talking here about Don Antonio De Toledo coming hither by post out of Spain. He is not yet come.— Blois, 26 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 26. 357. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Is glad that Throckmorton has come here, for no man is better able to deal with the Admiral. If he could not pay the reisters, they might revolt and retire to the enemy. Guise has lately not only offered to pay what is due to them, but promised to give them three months wages aforehand, if they withdraw to him.
2. There are communications about a peace, and the Constable goes himself to Condé about it, and has hostages sent to Orleans for him until he returns.
3. The Duke D'Aumale, Marshal Brissac, and Marshal Vielliville are at Rouen, and yesterday the Rhinegrave went to them; hears it is to join all their forces together to go against the Admiral. It is very likely, as he has taken most of his horsemen with him, and likewise their carriages.
4. A gentleman came from Orleans to the Admiral and informed him that Guise has sent certain of his army over the River Loire to win a certain place adjoining the town, which was lately fortified by the Admiral, and which is of such consequence that if won, Orleans will be in great peril. If this town is won, what hope can the Admiral and the rest have without the help of Her Majesty?—Newhaven, 26 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 26 Feb. 1562. Pp. 5.
Feb. 26. 358. Poulet to Cecil.
1. This day received his of the 20th inst. Had he not disbursed money, the enterprise of Dieppe would have come to nothing, and this town would have been encumbered with Montgomery and nearly 1,000 French soldiers, and both the Count and De Beauvoir would have been offended if their requests for prests had been denied. The soldiers at Tancarville would have continued there; no sick men of the garrison could have been despatched of late from hence; the piece of stonework at the south jetty and the little town adjoining would have been ruined, and very likely overthrown by the tempestuous weather, and the garrison here would have been distressed for victuals for a time, besides other miseries and necessities relieved by disbursing this portion of money. One part was prested to Montgomery, who arrived here yesterday, and has now passed over to the Admiral, and affirmed to Throckmorton and the writer that the same is comprised in the sum of 2,100l. in Sir Nicholas's bills of the Queen's charges of the 10,000 crowns employed upon Condés affairs. The necessities have been such in other respects that he has more than 100l. of his own money out in prests amongst this company.—Newhaven, 26 Feb. 1562. Signed.
2. P.S.—Understands that Mr. Worsley, Captain of the Isle of Wight, has long lain sick in London, whereby the affairs of Jersey and Guernsey are slacked.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 26 Feb. 1562. Pp. 6.
Feb. 26. 359. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Wrote on the 21st inst. that he thought 20,000l. would not arise by such wants of payments as he mentioned therein. Since then he has not seen the Admiral. The Admiral having authorized MM. De Briquemault and De Besze, and the Treasurer Bertrand, by his letter, to receive the moneys of the writer for the Admiral's use, he paid 3,100l., which was as much as he could get from Sir Hugh Poulet, also as much as Mr. Kelloway, his son, and his servant were able to pay; which amounts to about 12,700l. Also paid the 1,600l. delivered to him, which amounts to 17,400l.; so 2,600l. is wanted of the sum of 20,000l. The contract is signed and sealed by the Admiral and the principals of his army; yet the writer is about to procure more hands thereunto.
2. Sends herewith the copy of the Admiral's letter to the writer. He is about winning the castle of Caen. The Marquis D'Elbœuf and another Knight of the Order, Governor of that place, are in the castle, and but slenderly accompanied. Has heard that Condé and the Constable have met together at Blois, where the treaty for an accord continues.
3. Cecil must not assure himself of the 12,700l. paid by Mr. Kelloway's deputies. There is some difficulty amongst them here about the value of the different sorts of Spanish money. The Admiral's deputies think they will lose much by receiving them as they are valued. The acquittance acknowledges the number of pieces of money received, but not their value.
4. Guise has passed the most part of his army on this side of the River Loire, and is encamped at Magdalein. He attends his battery from Paris, and means to batter Orleans from St. Laurence's church, which was rased long ago.
5. It is desired that the number of soldiers on this side the sea should be increased instead of being diminished; also that they should be made stronger by sea on this side, and have the navigation free, which Fécamp does much impeach. Mr. Basing does his duty very well. Marychurch and his fellows lie loitering upon the English coast, and put all in jeopardy. Malyn and other ships which are appointed to serve, should keep the haven better than they do, for their victuallers come in great danger, and some of them are snapt up. Understands that Malyn and some others have never come here.
6. M. De Villebon is not dead, but well recovered of his hurt, and has lost one of his hands. To achieve the enterprise of Caen, Montgomery has presently arrived here, and departs this day towards the Admiral. On his voyage hither he was assailed by three barks of Fécamp, and valiantly fought out the matter, and took one of them.—Newhaven, 26 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 26 Feb. 1562. Pp. 4.
Feb. 26. 360. Cuthbert Vaughan to Cecil.
1. On Tuesday last, the 23rd inst., sailed for Newhaven, but had to remain at sea two days and two nights. Brought thirty-three victuallers from Rye, which came safely, except three, which were taken by certain men of war from Fécamp; and had not Montgomery been passing along the shore from Dieppe towards Newhaven, he and the rest of the victuallers would have been taken.
2. Touching his instructions about discharging such a number as might defray the charge increased by the labourers, cannot see how any further number can be presently spared other than the sick and unserviceable, who shall come as soon as these men towards Caen be dispatched.—Feb. 26. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Hol. Add. Endd.: 26 Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 361. Occurrences in France.
1. The following is the manner in which the Duke of Guise was hurt.
2. He was coming from Portereau on the 18th inst., between six and seven o'clock at night, to St. Memings, where he lies with M. De Rostyne, and his nephew. The Duke and the young men were "of foot;" M. De Rostyne on a mule talking with the Duke, who had sent his pages on before to Mme. De Guise to bid her cover the table. An armed man on horseback came by and saluted the Duke, who returned it. Another had walked up and down for an hour and more, as if waiting for the Duke. He had a murrion on his head, a hat on that, and a tawny cloak. He asked divers persons whether the Duke came that way, and amongst them he asked the Duke's page, who said he came here by, and that he went before to bid cover the table. With that he went to meet him, and as they came talking, stepping a little on the one side behind a tree when the Duke came by, not being past eight or nine paces off, he discharged his dag, which entered behind his right shoulder plate and came out under the same shoulder and arm. It is not yet affirmed whether it went into the hollow of his body or not, or whether it broke any bone. But he has learned since that the King's surgeon said that it came out a little from the right pap. They say that the Duke has a fever with it, and that when he was struck he cried, "Je suis mort." Rostyn, who was on his mule, got before the man who had given the stroke, with his sword drawn to stop him. The other, not abashed, rode straight upon Rostyn with his sword drawn, and if Rostyn had not bowed a good pace and stepped aside he would have cleaved his head. He that was before on horseback returned and followed him who shot the dag. Rostein returned, and found the Duke on the ground, who was borne home on men's backs. This being between six and seven o'clock, and the night coming on fast, the man escaped through the vines, which way they do not know, but they saw his sword glistening a good way off.
3. Some lamented it openly, others smiled in their sleeves, and said, "Now we trust we shall have peace." Some were so cankered that they said it was the Queen's doing, and that now she had her desire. The King and Queen wept at the news, and the Court lamented.
4. On Saturday morning the Queen with a mean train, and the Cardinal of Ferrara with fifteen or sixteen horses, went to see him. The Queen at her departure said to the King. "Adieu, my son, I go to visit M. De Guise, and I will enter Orleans if I can, and will hand it over to you before I return and will make peace."
5. The King answered, "Make peace and do not trouble about Orleans, for when peace is made Orleans and the other towns will be soon at our devotion."
6. The Cardinal of Bourbon sent a messenger to the camp to Guise not four days before, warning him that his life was in danger. The next day there was a rumour in the Court that the Prince would have escaped from prison that night if it had not been for D'Anville's vigilance. Wherefore divers of his keepers are hung. Some say that there were 300 ruisters in readiness, who were to have conveyed the Prince into Orleans.
7. This day, the 21st inst., a cry was made that all who had nothing to do should avoid the Court. News came here that he who shot the dag at Guise was taken; some say that he rode all night, and came into a band of Swiss, which lie about Orleans, and that his horse was sweating when he had rode all night, and wist not whither, and at first confessed it. For a proclamation was made in the camp that whoever could tell who shot the dag should have 2,000 crowns, who killed him 10,000, and whoever could bring him should have 30,000 crowns. All agree that he is taken, that he is a gentleman of Xantogne and that his name is Meru, or Mery. He says that if it were to be done again he would do it, to deliver his country from the misery in which it is, whereof Guise is the chief cause, and that there are forty more conspirators, but he chanced to come first. They will also despatch the Cardinal of Ferrara, and one or two others who are the occasion of there being no accord.
8. Others say that he marvellously laments the fact, that he does not desire to live, but only to have no cruel death; and that he was hired by the Admiral to do it for 300 crowns, and was animated thereto by Theodore Beze, who said he must needs go straight to Heaven for doing so good a deed; and that they have determined to kill the Queen, the King and his brother, and a great number of the nobility. They tell these unlikely tales and spread these rumours to bring the Admiral and that state into hatred. And yet they say the Duke will do well enough. The surgeons promise him life.
9. Feb. 23, Shrove Tuesday. The priests, who are not so scrupulous here, agreed together and gave leave in the Church to all men to eat flesh on Shrove Tuesday. So they do eat flesh, and cast over the fasting till Ash Wednesday. Doubts whether our Bishops and priests in England be so liberal and so little scrupulous.
10. This day they begin to tell that two pellets were taken out of Guise's body, and that he who hurt him confessed that he shot three at once, but they were not poisoned. So now it is commonly rumoured that there is no doubt he shall do well enough. But the writer is surely advertised that he cannot escape.
11. The Court here at Blois is marvellously kept; no man may come in except he tell with whom he would speak. The writer's man is not suffered to enter. Another boat full or two of Spaniards, numbering about 150, came here to-night. Some of them are hurt, but the most part are sick.
12. About one or two o'clock in the afternoon a post came who declared plainly that the Duke died this day at nine o'clock.
13. There is great lamentation here, not only in the Court but in the town, especially among the priests and Papists. They now say themselves that they are utterly undone; and as their great champion is overthrown, the Huguenots will have all, who they say are at Mans, sixteen leagues off. The other part be as glad of his death as it is no marvel; and surely in their hearts a great number be of the religion.
14. M. Brissac is sent for, who will succeed Guise; others say D'Aumale. There has been great hope of peace ever since Guise was hurt and the Queen went to the camp, and talk that the Constable would come from Orleans to the Queen, and that the Duke D'Etampes and D'Anville should go to Orleans as pledges for him. Others say that the Queen herself will go to Orleans.
15. The day before Guise was hurt the writer sent his man, a Frenchman, (by whom he made the plat of Orleans,) into the camp again to learn some more certainty of things, but he has not returned.
16. This evening D'Anville came hither in post, and rides hence to the Prince. 150 pioneers came from Angiers to this town on Ash Wednesday to go to Orleans.
17. Feb. 25. Smith's man, Wilson, who came this day from the Court, confirms much of what is written before; and that the Duke died on Ash Wednesday about ten o'clock a.m. Two pellets were cut out of his body, "and that there was wire, wherewith two of the pellets was linked together, found amongst his bowels."
18. Feb. 26. The Grand Prior, the Duke's brother, is in Champagne at the point of death, others say he is poisoned.
19. D'Aumale is come to the camp, but he is so sick that he cannot escape. The Marquis D'Elbœuf, the third brother, is besieged in the castle of Caen by the Admiral, who is hurt in his face by a stone. Condé is sent for hither, from whence he is to go to the camp to talk with the Constable.
20. All the Privy Chamber were appointed to receive the body of Guise, which was looked for this night, but it was not brought, but three boats full of hurt and sick Spaniards came. His body will be brought hither and lie here until they have leisure to order for the solemnity, and then it will be carried to Joinville.
21. The Spanish Ambassador visited Smith to-day and told him that D'Aumale, Monluc, Bourdillon, and the Duke De Nemours were sent for; they swear they will be revenged for the death of Guise.
22. The Prince of Joinville is made Great Master in room of his father, but the Prince of Rochesuryon will exercise it in his name until he comes of age.
Orig. Endd.: Occurrences sent by Sir Thomas Smith. Pp. 7.
Feb. 26. 362. Challoner to Cecil.
Don Fernando De Toledo, for all the haste they pretended, is not as yet departed. The cause of his "demoure" has been the suspense and jealousy here conceived of the supposed treaty of accord in France. Don Luis D'Avila, the Duke of Sessa, and Don Martin De Guzman, having twice of late set out from Barcelona for Italy, were repulsed with contrary weather. Letters from Italy mention the Pope's indisposition, and the lingered state of the Trentish Council. The Cardinal of Lorraine's resort to Inspruck is believed to be for some overture of marriage for the French King. The Turk arms this year to an unwonted power. When fair weather comes he will send Cecil's "gwardamezziles" by Bilboa.—Madrid, 26 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. A few passages in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 363. Corrected draft of the above.
In Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: 26 Feb. 1562. Sent by a courier of Flanders in a packet of Signor F. Pp. 4.
Feb. 26. 364. Fair copy of the above.
A few passages in cipher, deciphered. Endd. by Cecil: 26 Feb. 1563. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 365. Challoner to Sir John Mason.
Has given his late servant, Charles, his congé, or rather he has taken it. He came forth of England with not above a dozen pieces of gold in his pocket; he goes from Challoner with a chain worth fifty ducats, and as many pieces in hard coin. Doubts not that Mason will credit this afore Charles's lewd speech. The Spanish wines are too furnish for his hot head. The Turkish armada this next summer may awake sleeping heads.—Madrid, 26 Feb. 1563. Signed.
Corrected draft in Challoner's hol. Add. and endd. by him: 26 Feb. 1563. Sent by the way of Flanders. Pp. 4.
Feb. 26. 366. Advices from various Parts.
1. Warsaw, 17 Jan. 1563. War between Muscovy and Poland. Disturbances in Cracow, during which the monastery of the Grey Friars was assaulted, but it was defended by the citizens.
2. Rome, 19 Feb. 1563. The Pope did not go to the ceremony of the ashes on Ash Wednesday, nor to the church on the next day, to avoid the controversy between the Ambassadors of France and Spain. Certain heretics have broken a crucifix, and hung the pieces on a tree at a chapel of devotion outside Madrid. Michael Angelo, the famous painter and deviser of buildings, is gone to God.
Endd.: Advices from Venice, 26 Feb. Pp. 3.
Feb. 26. 367. Advices from various Parts.
1. Cracow, 10 Feb. 1563. Intelligence respecting the wars of the Lithuanians, Polaks, and Muscovites.
2. Rome, 26 Feb. (As in the previous number.)
Endd.: 3 March 1563. Pp. 3.
Feb. 27. 368. Sir Thomas Dacre and Valentine Browne to the Privy Council.
The bearer, Nicholas Aldey, (a pensioner here at 16d. the day,) desires to have in lieu of his pension fifty of Captain Oswald Lambert's footmen, who had 100 appointed him by the late Governor, there being many captains here who have served longer than he.—Berwick, 27 Feb. 1562.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 28 [sic] Feb. 1562. Pp. 2.
Feb. 27. 369. Intelligences from Italy.
1. The fifty-five petitions asked by the Spaniards in the Council of Trent.
2. Rome, 27 Feb. The Pope gave the ashes on the first day of Lent. Disturbances on Shrove Tuesday, and previously in the street for precedence. Letters from France speak of the death of the old Duchess of Ferrara. The Cardinal of Lorraine is recalled from Trent into France.
Endd.: 1563. Lat. and Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 28. 370. Randolph to Cecil.
1. There were many and diverse reports of the bold attempt of Chartellet towards this Queen, and so contrary judgments what should become of him that of long time the writer could come by no certainty. Also absented himself the longer from Court lest he should have been required to have been suitor for him, whom he ever judged more worthy of 500 deaths than of one iota of that favour he saw was borne him. Arrived here on Ash Wednesday, and understood by the way that Chartelet was beheaded on the Monday before. After conferring with some friends he understood for certain that this was manifestly proved against him, viz., that the night before the Queen departed out of Edinburgh towards this town, he was found under her bed with his sword and dagger, the Queen being ready to go to bed, whereof she was not made privy until the morrow, for disquieting of her that night, and in the morning, being advertised, she commanded him out of her presence. He notwithstanding followed her to Dunfermline, and either by some word or token, finding (as he thought) her wrath appeased took new courage; and at her coming unto Burnt Island (the third day after her departure from Edinburgh), she being in her chamber with only certain of her gentlewomen, he came in alone and desired that he might purge himself of that crime he was charged with; denying that he was found under her bed; but said that being in her chamber late, and finding himself heavy for want of sleep, got him into the next place that was at hand, where she resorted unto about her most private affairs, viz., the privy. Though this was thought evil enough, and greater boldness than any man ought to have used of far greater calling than he was of, yet he was convicted by sufficient witnesses that he was not found there, but under the bed. This being proved he was committed to ward; the next day sent unto St. Andrews; and within five or six days after his head cut off in the open market place upon the market day. He died with repentance, and confessed privately more than he spoke openly. His purpose was that night he was found under her bed to have tried her constancy, and by force to have attempted what by no persuasions he could attain unto. "Thus your Honour understandeth the effect of the whole matter as truly, I believe, as any man can report it." She has taken some grief of mind for that matter. She begins to be merry again. Of this she never had purpose with the writer herself. Divers of her gentlemen and women have had; with no small regret that any such thing should have chanced. Doubts not but their sorrow will pass, and the wonder here within nine days be overblown. The man that takes great sorrow is the Earl of Murray, lest worse be judged hereof, and of the familiar usage of a valet.
2. Here is great expectation that some good success will ensue of the Laird of Lethington's travail. The godly have much confidence in the Queen that nothing can move her to leave the poor Protestants destitute, for any respect, persuasion, or allegiance that may be made unto her. Since Raulet's arrival there never came letter unto this Queen out of France, notwithstanding the promises and offers of service made her by the Bishop of Arras, who in his last letters hither wrote despitefully of the Queen's doings in France. It is suspected that there is some practice of marriage, Cecil knows which way. Others fear that if the Duke have his purpose there will be another alliance made with France. Is assured that no man in this realm knows her mind. The preachers pray daily that God will keep them from the bondage of strangers, and for her, that He will either turn her heart or send her short life.
3. The country is quiet. The Duke with his three sons remain here. How the fourth enjoys not the like liberty as the Lord Gordon and the Abbot of Kilwining, the Laird of Lethington can inform him. There is great partiality thought of the matter, and the Laird of Lethington is judged (unjustly, in the writer's opinion,) the deviser thereof. Others say that he may have more liberty, but will not.
4. Divers times Sir John Foster has justly complained that no justice can be had for Liddesdale; and the writer has solicited the matter from time to time with the Queen and her Council. (fn. 2) Resolution is now taken that within twelve days the Earl of Murray shall go to Jedburgh, and there call offenders; and such as do not come, to ride upon them and destroy them.
5. The Council has required the writer to write unto the Wardens of the Middle and West Marches, to take order that no man be received, neither their wives, children, nor goods, within their bounds; which he has done.
6. Since the apprehension of Bothwell the thieves have no less spared Scotland than England. They take it here to be done by his advice; they know that he has continual conference with the veriest thieves in the country. But that it stands with Queen Elizabeth's pleasure, it is judged that that liberty he has can tend but to small effect. Marvels also by what good means or deserts towards her or her country he has conquered so many friendly hearts, that any man can either speak good of him or write in his favour. There are two men in Scotland (he says) whom he doubts most, viz., the Earl of Murray, for his credit with the Queen, and Thomas Randolph, to solicit against him here and in England what that other has mortally intended against him. He might have said no less of Lethington, whose life divers ways he has sought. Confesses himself to be so far his enemy as he knows him an enemy to God, his Sovereign, and his country, and unto all those that are desirous to maintain amity between the two realms. Hears that this Queen purposes within two or three days to speak unto him again of him. Knows not what is her mind. How little needful his return is into this country, Lethington will be as plain with Cecil as he has been with this writer, or else he shall use hereafter another interpreter. She writes at this time to Lethington to speak unto the Queen to have him rendered.
7. What bargain Angelo, the Italian, made here with the Queen for making salt he has or will make Cecil privy. It cannot be beaten out of some men's heads but he came about some other purpose.
8. Andrew Tremaye bestowed two or three days in this Court, where the Queen and the whole Court took very well with him.
9. There is here chosen by the only mean of Lethington, the Lord Ruthven to be one of the Queen's counsellors. It mislikes many, but most of all Murray, "for his sosserie." Fears there will be a breech of kindness for it; and an unworthier there is not in Scotland than he. More may be spoken than he dare write.
10. The Parliament is proclaimed against the 20th of May, until which time the Queen will be little in Edinburgh. The purpose against the thieves is stayed because there are no Wardens appointed upon the opposite marches to concur with them.—St. Andrew's, last of Feb. 1562. Signed.
11. P. S.—Cecil will receive herewith letters to Lethington from his Sovereign.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Ult. Feb. 1562. Pp. 6.
Feb. 28. 371. Admiral Coligny to the Queen of England.
M. De Briquemault has informed him of the gracious conversation that she had with him; and Throckmorton has also delivered her letter and charge to him. Cannot reply fully at present. Has received a letter to-day from his brother D'Andelot announcing the death of the Duke of Guise on the 24th from a wound from a pistol shot.—Caen, last of Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 3 Feb. [sic] 1562. Fr. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Sent by Bishop Grindall to Cecil, 17 April 1563.
  • 2. In the margin it is stated that is altered upon reasonable conditions, as Cecil shall be informed.