Elizabeth: March 1563, 5-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Elizabeth: March 1563, 5-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp185-198 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1563, 5-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1869), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp185-198.

"Elizabeth: March 1563, 5-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 6, 1563. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1869), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol6/pp185-198.

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March 1563, 5-10

March 6. 410. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
1. Received his letters by Captain Tremayne. Payments here are long behind.
2. A wise and severe man, having no alliance in this country, is the meetest for the service here. The open weakness of the walls, (the old lying defaced, and the ramparts taken down from them, and the new brought to no perfection,) is much to be weighed, as they require a stronger watch. In the enclosed book he has set down the charges, and his mind about diminishing the same.
3. Mr. Tremayne deserves well of all officers here.— Berwick, 6 March 1562.
4. P. S.—His wife sends her commendations to him and his lady, and being, as she takes herself, "prevantment," minds to repair to her mother, and to take home some new fashions of attires. She is desirous to see the Court of Scotland, and he is inclined to satisfy her request. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
March 7.
Forbes, ii. 350.
411. Smith to Cecil.
1. On the 4th inst. he received letters from Cecil of the 7th, 8th, and 27th ult., delivered by the Laird of Lethington's man; he wishes that he and his master had stayed in Edinburgh, and not intermeddled themselves with "our" matters. Thinks the peace will be better conducted by him [Smith] alone, than by either the Queen of Scots or Cavalcante. If the Queen of Scots' intermeddling will not let him, he cares not for Cavalcante's doings. Hopes to bring it to an end before a month. The French he fears will dally with the Queen of Scots. Guise's death, and the Queen's courageous doing in paying the Admiral, has brought them into his lap. Cecil knows now what is to be done; he must cause musters to be made, appointing of captains, and all such as may be done without charge, and let the Admiral know he intends to send a power after him. If they will not agree to his desires, he will have all Normandy again this summer. Tells them plainly he knows what money, munition, and captains they have, and that the Queen, now the weather is propitious, will no longer be dallied with.
2. Will not hear of hostages for Calais hereafter to be surrendered; nor to keep Newhaven quietly so long. He tells them he will not mention it to the Queen, and that they shall never have peace with England so long as they keep Calais. Fears only the intermeddling of the Queen of Scots. Hopes the Queen will not forget him in the distribution of lands and offices about Calais, as he was at her coming to the Crown.
3. Since the Scotch messenger delivered his letters, they which communed with him [Smith], begin to draw back. This day the King removes from hence to Amboise, in consequence of the plague, which is very rife through France.
4. Thanks Cecil for the two pardons. The pioneer has not yet come; fears he does hurt at Orleans. Thanks him for news of Parliament matters; he does not like that the House is still so extreme in making more penal laws. It is not that which can advance religion, as may be seen by France. The hardest punishment for all Papists should be to confine them in Italy, "and there let them live by sucking the Pope's teats." He that pays a hundred double ducats for a Mass buys it dear. They can have them here for six blancks, which is threepence halfpenny apiece; yet the priests almost die of hunger, even in this Popish town. A priest cannot get for his Mass so much as will pay for his dinner and supper, though he eat but a herring at each meal, which maketh some of them so poor that their black hose be heeled even to the midst of the calves, and stitched with white thread for want of other. This is not so much for lack of them which would say Mass, as for lack of them which will buy.
5. Mr. Fox, whom he sent from Paris, he does not look for again, nor any other, unless he writes expressly for them to be returned. He is an honest man, but his religion is so rooted in him that his stomach could not serve him to do the Queen, nor the writer, that service which he should expect.—Blois, 7 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Stained by damp. Pp. 6.
March 7. 412. Warwick to Lord Robert Dudley and Cecil.
1. Hugh Counsell, Mr. Treasurer's servant, arrived here lately with the money, which will only pay the garrison here for two months, ending 22nd Jan. last. The soldiers sent to Caen will require a further increase of prests if they tarry long, as they are likely to do, for the Admiral, having obtained the town of Bayeux, minds also to have St. Lo and Lisieux, and to return to Honfleur. More money is required. —Newhaven, 7 March 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Is this day advertised by Throckmorton that the Grand Prior is dead, that Guise is taken to be buried at Paris, and that that the man who killed him is also sent thither to have his process made.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 7. 413. Poulet to Cecil.
1. Gives particulars as to the application of the treasure removed here by Hugh Counsell, Mr. Treasurer's man. Commendations of Warwick.—Newhaven, 7 March 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Sir William Kayleway sent him yesterday 247l. 19s. 10d. to make up 13,000l. to Sir Nicholas.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
March 7. 414. Denys to Cecil.
1. Hugh Counsell arrived here on the 4th inst. with the treasure. Throckmorton having left instructions with Poulet that it should be forthwith paid to the Admiral's treasurer, the writer now pays him 1,500 French crowns out of the money sent to pay this garrison. Poulet has also a certain sum to pay the Admiral, whereof he has imprested to Mr. Horsey at Dieppe 400 French crowns.
2. It appears here but an evil reckoning of the money delivered at London to the labourers, for many of them have run away. Asks whether the rest of Layton's band, who are still in prison at Rouen and in the galley, are also to continue in wages, for there escaped this last day Mr. Bodeley, his lieutenant, who has now by warrant been paid 33l. due to him to the 1st inst. The beds arrived here on the 1st, and a great charge grows thereof from their laying long at sea, besides they and their apparel are half rotten. None are willing to have them at the present price. When this pay is finished begs leave to come over for ten or twelve days.— Newhaven, 7 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. A few marginal notes by Cecil. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 7. 415. Challoner to Throckmorton.
1. His folks who came by sea will not arrive these six days. Has received but one letter from him, which he answered on the 9th of Feb. by the ordinary post of Flanders. Desires to know whether he has received the same, and whether he thinks the means of writing by the French Ambassador good.
2. Congratulates him upon his happy return home. Throckmorton's proceedings there are not liked both for the affair of religion and likewise for the small trust conceived of the restitution of the forts in Piedmont. (fn. 1) It will "breed a scab." The King has signed his summons for the Cortes at Monzon to be kept in July. He departs about the beginning of May, or the end of April, and will visit the frontiers of Biscay and Navarre. The Council of Trent was opened the 18th ult., assisted with 126 Bishops. Certain of the Spanish Bishops have used themselves in certain points sincerely, so that the residue have misliked them. The news of the Scottish Parliament is much misliked here, touching the alteration of their church lands. Desires to know the further particularity thereof. Is in worse plight here than if he were a prisoner at home. "Scarborough warning" causes this letter to be the shorter. Commendations to my Lady, Mr. Carew, Mr. Cecil, Mr. Peto, etc.—Madrid, 7 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 7. 416. Challoner to Garcias.
Desires him to make all possible haste. If he is pressed by pirates or enemies' ships the old use and just custom is to tie a stone to the packet and cast it overboard.—Madrid, 7 March 1562.
Copy, injured. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by a courier of Bilboa. Pp. 2.
March 7. 417. Challoner to Cuerton.
Asks him to inform Chamberlain that his stuff went in good plight out of his house. The Cortes of Castile are in this town concerning the King's demand for money. The clergy have at last agreed to pay in six years next coming 210,000 ducats; and from the Indies in three several fleets is looked for this year a great treasure. Advises Cuerton this summer not to adventure much wares to Seville, for the Moors and Turks arm to the seas. Thinks by the example of last year that the Moors will be busy about Cadiz. What dote did Mr. Jeffardson give with his daughter ? Has not heard from England since Christmas Day last.—Madrid, 7 March 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by a courier of Bilboa, Pp. 2.
March 7. 418. Cuerton to Challoner.
Three days past wrote to him and sent him certain letters in a bundle and a box. Chamberlain writes that his "guardemesles" were destroyed with salt water; James Conant denies it. There are at least a dozen English ships here, beside four which were cast away on the bar. The news here is that at Orleans, making believe they would have yielded, they opened the gate and let the Duke of Guise come in with 40 more, and so upon a sudden slew them all. —Bilboa, 7 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: 7 March 1562. Pp. 2.
March 7. 419. Clough to Gresham.
1. Sent his last by Mr. Gilpin, and one by the Dutch post, and another by the English. Received Gresham's letter of the 28th ult. Mentions Christopher Prewen's bond, and various money matters.
2. The party that brought him Mundt's letter is with him daily waiting for answer thereof; he can say nothing therein until he hears from Gresham. The money (which shall be paid by another here) is ready, attending the next letters from Strasburg.
3. Has sent the letters away which he received from Sir John Mason for Spain and Venice. The galley and the stones for the windows and walls are shipped in John Ryke's ship.
4. The Duke of Guise is dead, and the Duke De Nemours appointed in his place, some affirm that M. De Tampasse shall be made General. They are not satisfied yet how the Duke was slain, some say it was in a skirmish. About the time he was slain there were commissaries from the Duke here for the receiving of 30,000 crowns, which was the last payment provided by the Princes of Italy, it was in gold. When the commissaries were two or three miles from Valenciennes there came seven horsemen and five footmen to the waggon, whom they tried to drive off, but in vain; some of them were badly wounded, and some slain, and in the end they took all the money and escaped. Yesterday letters extraordinary came from Germany, wherein it is said that the Turkish Ambassador that was at Frankfort, in passing through Hungary was set upon and all with him slain.
5. Yesterday received letters from Paris that the Count of Everstene (who was some time in England for the Emperor) is now in France, being sent by the nobles of the empire to demand Metz, Verdun, and Toul. Having delivered his message about the 12th ult. he departed from Paris towards the Court on the 22nd. ult. for an answer. At the writing of the last letters he had not returned. Yesterday a post arrived here from Spain, who declares that a proclamation was lately made in Paris, that all who knew any Huguenots in France should cause them to be apprehended. Some said it was lawful to kill them, whereupon they of Rochelle have slain above 900 "Howegenosys;" the Admiral hearing thereof did the like in Bas Normandy. The Prince of Pourçain has taken Meus [Meaux], they of Paris coming to take it have been overthrown by the Prince and his company. There is a great rumour upon the Bourse here that such goods as Francis De Clerk has taken to Newhaven the Queen has given judgment that they were lawfully taken and are not to be surrendered. On Friday last one Alfra Dallver, a Spaniard, told John Fitzwilliams that he had read a letter from England to the same effect.
6. The Dukes of Weimar, sons to Duke Hans Frederick, will have in readiness many horsemen and footmen, and the Landgrave the same. Here is much ado at the Court lately about one Renard, who belongs to the Privy Council, who by procurement of the Cardinal is commanded to leave the Council by the Regent, as also by letters from the King; but he will not be put out. The Regent has given great feasts, meaning to bring the Cardinal and nobles together, but when they understand the Cardinal will be there they will not go. Sends enclosed a description how the battle was fought which was sent to the Landgrave.
7. Since beginning this letter a post arrived here from Paris, bringing letters of the 3rd inst., wherein it is mentioned that the Count of Overstene has received his answer, which is that the King cannot deliver any of the towns demanded until he is of age. There were news in Paris that the Admiral had taken the castle of Caen, and had also killed many priests and friars. Also that the Duke D'Aumale died when he heard of his brother's death, and that the Grand Prior was very sick at Paris.
8. The ships that were stopped in Zealand are released, except twelve great ones which were laden for Spain.—Antwerp, 7 March 1562. Signed.
9. P. S.—Sends herewith a copy of the oration delivered by the Prince of Condés Ambassador to the Emperor at Frankfort, and also the copy of letters sent by the French Queen to the Prince.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Pp. 12.
March 7. 420. Clough to Challoner.
Sent his last of the 28th January by Christopher Prowne, and another packet, wherein was a bill of exchange of 340 ducats, which he delivered here to Catanes, to be paid by Spinola in Madrid, on the last of March. Has received out of England a packet from his servant and one from Sir John Mason, which he encloses. Has received a bill of exchange from Robert Farnham for 114l., 3s. 4d., payable here. About eight days past he received a small packet from Challoner, wherein was but a small letter to Cecil and two to himself. Clough's letter was of the 26th Oct., whereof the post-master would have had two ducats. There are six of the Poles condemned for treason, which is thought to be the Duke of Guise's fault, who would have married Sir Geoffry Pole's son to the Queen of Scots. The death of the Duke of Guise is not as yet certainly known here. The Admiral has been at Newhaven, and has with him 2,000 English, and has taken Caen, wherein was the Marquis D'Elboeuf. Out of Paris they write that the Duke D'Aumale is dead, and that they are about a peace; also that the Count of Overstone [Helfenstein] was sent from the Emperor to the French King to demand Metz, Verdun, and Toul; the answer was that they might not deliver them till the King came of age. Out of Germany they write that the sons of Duke Hans Frederic have in readiness 3,000 horse and 6,000 foot, and that the Landgrave has 1,500 horse and 3,000 foot. Out of Italy they write of great doubt of war between King Philip and the Duke of Florence.—Antwerp, 7 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with Gresham's seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by the ordinary, 27 March. Pp. 5.
March 8. 421. The Earl of Moreton to Cecil.
Asks favour and assistance for the bearer, his friend William Forbes, of Corsynday, who "upon suddenty happened in cummer" with a gentleman, and committed slaughter, for which he has been held long in prison. Having made restitution to the party, the Queen has spared his life, yet has banished him during her pleasure. He concludes to pass the beginning of his exile in England.—Edinburgh, 8 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
March 8.
Forbes, ii. 353.
422. Condé to the Queen.
Informs her, according to his promise, that they are entering upon negociations of peace with him. Since the death of Guise both parties thought good that he and the Constable should have an interview, which took place yesterday; at which there passed only mutual compliments and condolences on the state of affairs. As they could not conduct such an important matter whilst they were prisoners, they were both liberated to-day; at which time a safe-conduct was granted to the bearer of this letter. Begs her to show the French King how dear the cause is to her, and also that she was led to support it only by zeal for religion. Will impart any further intelligence to her Ambassador.—Orleans, 8 March 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 8. 423. Paul De Foix to Cecil.
Received his letter late last night informing him that he had been appointed to arrange the conditions of peace. Will go to the Court at the time named; and after having spoken with him, desires that he may have an audience with the Queen. Hopes Cecil will act so as to benefit the general good; if so the past shall be forgotten, and the writer will be his friend. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
March 8. 424. Occurrences in France.
1. The writer's [Smith's] man was despatched into England on the 27th ult.
2. On the 28th ult. the body of the Duke was brought to the church of St. Honoré by water, and there left enchested for a time.
3. On the 29th ult. the news here was that Poitiers and that country had rebelled; and that they had slain three cornets of gens d'armes, which the Queen and Guise had sent thither, and that all Guienne was again in rebellion. M. De Genlis sent word to the Queen that, perceiving by the edict lately set forth at Paris that all those who have at any time borne arms for the new religion should have their lives and goods confiscated, he must defend himself.
4. The Lieutenants of Poitou, Guienne, and Picardy have come to this town to ask aid.
5. Six or seven commissions came to the Chancery this day to be sealed to go to divers resorts of France to gather up pioneers.
6. They have now removed the camp to the other side of Orleans, leaving 1,000 soldiers in Portereau.
7. This day the Duke D'Aumale dined here with his nephew, the young Duke of Guise. The former yet bears his arm in a towel, and complains of his bruise.
8. The powder and the pioneers which the late Duke prepared to besiege Orleans come still by water. The Queen is earnest to have it by force. Those in it care little for the force.
9. M. Givary dined here this day. He loved the Duke, who loved him more than any other person. He was the first who took the man that killed the Duke from the four soldiers who took him upon suspicion. He tells the story far otherwise than the report is for divers things.
10. Melun was taken the day after the fact upon suspicion, and after he had been kept three days he confessed that he did the deed, procured to it by nobody, neither by M. De Soubise (whose page once he had been), nor by the Admiral, nor Beza; but partly from displeasure to the Duke, and partly to deliver his country. The pistolet was single charged, and but one bullet in it, which was hacked, and brimstone was put into the hacks. He also said that the remedy for taking away the fire was woman's milk and lily root; which medicine eased the Duke well. Every man says now that he might have lived if the surgeons had not cut him so much, and evilly tended him. After he had fired the shot he fled ten leagues (as he thought), and seeing no man following him, and not knowing whether he had hit the Duke or not, was so mad as to come within four leagues of the camp to know whether the feat was done, or else once again to adventure upon it; and in a poor man's house was taken of four men, who all that night and day went to seek after him by the marks of him and his horse, who by chance came to set up their horses and break their fast in the same house where he was.
11. He is sent to Paris, to be tormented, or to confess openly what they would have of him. Meanwhile these bruits are spread to bring the Admiral, De Soubise, and De Beze into hatred with the people; but in vain; for their manner is known well enough; and the last edict (whereof he sent a copy) is enough to set a third part of the realm "in their toppes." The Huguenots could not have desired a thing which should encourage their faction more, who being put to a desperation must needs hold together for their own lives and the lives of their wives and children.
12. A proclamation was made here on the 1st March that all men at arms should be in readiness with horse and armour to show themselves at Sens on the 15th inst.
13. This day the Princess of Condé and two demoiselles were with the Queen four hours in the camp, none present at first, and afterwards the Cardinal of Ferrara with them; and she was well received of the Queen.
14. March 2nd. The Duke of Lorraine has sent letters to the Queen that there are 3,000 reiters and 5,000 Almain footmen entered into this country to aid the Prince, to whom the Duke was fain to give leave to pass, because he was not able to resist.
15. March 3rd. The Duke D'Aumale, the Cardinal of Guise, Mme. De Guise, and the young Duke of Guise are still here at Blois. D'Aumale is yet sore of his bruise, and bears his arm in a towel. Matters begin to wax calmer for the Protestants, and the Papists are in marvellous fear; but every man says they must needs make peace.
16. "My masters of Paris," as soon as they heard tell that Guise was thus dead, were in a great fury. The populace, who now bear rule there, broke open the prisons and killed all therein; for the Presidents and Messieurs of the Council had put a marvellous number into prison as suspect of the new religion, because they would please the people and seem to be rigorous.
17. Heard by one who came from Rouen that Marshal Brissac comes to the camp, having been sent for; and that Vielleville shall be left Governor of Rouen. Perceives that Villebon is not much liked at the Court.
18. The Prince of Roche-Sur-Yon is gone to the Prince of Condé, who was looked to be here to-night.
19. On the 4th inst., about 6 p.m., he came to this town, and lodged in the faubourg beyond the water called Vienne, at the sign of the "Three Kings."
20. On the 5th, in the morning before the gates were opened, the Prince took his journey to the camp, conveyed by M. D'Anville. He rode upon a little mule as prisoner. D'Aumale and the Cardinal of Guise went to the camp.
21. The post came here on Saturday the 5th inst., with news that the castle of Caen is taken.
22. Since those in Tours were received into the King's mercy, they have in that town only hanged eighty-two, and above 500 drowned, and in no other place has more cruelty been used. They killed one of their presidents as he was going to the Court, and took out his heart and entrails, and tied so his hands that he might seem to hold them, and so hung him on a bough there. They pursued the President's wife, who hardly escaped.
23. From 11 o'clock a.m. until between 4 and 5 p.m. the Cardinals of Bourbon, Ferrara, and Guise, etc., sat in Council with the Queen. His man had occasion to be in the chamber and saw them. The Spanish Ambassador sat with them an hour, and returned on Sunday.
24. All Friday and Saturday shot was continually fired from great and small pieces out of and against Orleans; and all the time that the Princess of Condé was with the Queen they spared no powder. That night truce was taken for eight days, while they talk of an accord.
25. On the 6th inst. the Prince of Condé and the Constable talked together in the little isle above Orleans two hours alone.
26. The Queen, the Prince of Condé, and the Constable communed together in the same isle for four hours on the 7th inst. It is thought that they have agreed. The Prince had his sword by his side; and they were very merry on departing.
27. On the 8th inst. the Prince went to Orleans, and the Constable came to the camp. The Admiral is sent for, and every man says that they are agreed. But Orleans is as straitly kept as ever.
Copy, in two hands. Endd.: Occurrants. Pp. 6.
March 8. 425. The Emperor Ferdinand to the Pope. (fn. 2)
1. The Protestant Princes have already surmised that something will be done against them in the Council, if it is formed contrary to the Diet held at Augsburg in 1557.
2. They specially urge that it should be free. Had hoped that if this impediment were taken away, the rest might be removed. Did not cease to urge on them to attend. Whilst considering how to reply to their objections, the Council being commenced, it is rumoured far and wide that everything is governed by the Pope's nod, and nothing discussed which is not approved of at Rome; and all matters brought about by promises, gifts, or threats. Divisions have sprung up amongst the Cardinals, and letters and libels published in which the liberty of the Council is openly impugned and its authority exploded. The whole power of the Council is thereby destroyed, which they did not hesitate to say equalled that of Scripture.
3. The schismatics are mocking and boasting, and he desires to know how he can answer them. If the Pope wishes to conciliate them by a Council and not by force he must proceed with sincerity. Has taken care that his opinion should be given to the Cardinals in Council. Has also ordered his Ambassador to inform him of the steps which in the opinion of himself and his divines ought to be taken for the purposes of reconciliation.—Inspruck, 8 Idus Martii 1563.
March 10. 426. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received his of the 28th ult. Of Chartillet's enterprise more than in his last he wrote never came to his knowledge. Ever since then the Queen has taken Mary Fleming to her bed fellow. She is now in health and merry, commonly riding about the fields as the time will serve her. Her care is continually great for her uncles, and her desire wonderful that things in France were in quietness. It appears as though there were more doubt of their success than was wont to be. Captain Colborne has nothing discomforted her with the news that he reports of Orleans being besieged. The Laird of Lethington has written nothing to her of her uncle's hurt. The writer has left it to Murray's discretion; and purposes if she inquire of him to conceal nothing thereof. Lethington had rather it came to her by other than by him. He has written of the honour he has received of the Queen, and the entertainment of the nobles. She gathers little hope that any good will be done in the matter that he goes about. There is great expectation of the Queen's doings; her fame and honour are in all men's hearts and on their tongues that fear God. More good words are spoken of her than of all the Kings and Queens alive.
2. His charges daily so increase, that is greatly in debt, and there rests nothing of his own unspent. His charges amount weekly, since the beginning of this Queen's voyage into the north, to nearly 10l. Has four servants, six horses, and two fellows to keep them.—St. Andrews, 10 March 1562. Signed.
3. P.S.—Divers of this nation desire to be entertained in the Queen's service beyond the seas; could find 200 honest and valiant men as any in Scotand, and a leader who favours the action. Could also find favour at divers noblemen's hands to set them forward. They begin to be ashamed that they (having found so great favour of God to be delivered out of their enemies' hands, and knowing the danger they have been in, and fearing the like may ensue if the Papists should prevail,) do yet lie back and give neither support nor comfort unto their brethren. Believes that a gentleman will be with Cecil to be a mean unto the Queen for them. They shall be well horsed and such as before have served. How evil willing soever this Queen be thereunto, the matter is easy enough to be brought to pass without her knowledge. If otherwise it seem good to him, what answer shall he give to those that are so instant suitors unto him ?
4. The Duke and the Earl of Glencairne are departed to their houses, and in their places are come the Earls of Argyll and Athol; Lord Ruthven is also present, not yet admitted. Lady Sutherland, the Earl of Lennox's sister, is here suing for her husband, more pitied for her own sake than his. Captain Colborne will shortly receive his despatch. Will receive herewith letters to Lethington from the Earl of Murray, and in the same a letter from the Queen to M. D'Anville in favour of Harry Killigrew at the suit of Lethington. Of this he is certain by others, and not by herself. This night at 9 o'clock the Queen was not privy unto her uncle's hurt. To-morrow she takes her journey four or five miles out of this town to pass three days. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
March 10. 427. Poulet to Throckmorton.
1. Sends the statement of the reckoning between himself and M. Bertrand, the Admiral's treasurer. The 5,000l. in his charge is fully answered. Is like to bear great blame if the Admiral is not answered of the 100,000 crowns promised to him. Sir William Kellwaye's servant has paid 247l. 12s. 4d. in shillings, which makes up the sum of 14,000l. given to Throckmorton. Has appointed him to wait on him. Sir Maurice Denis, the Queen's treasurer here, likes better to have his acquittance from Bertrand than from the writer. There is no Venetian money, but all English; and if the Admiral likes it as much as Bertrand, there will be no fault found.—Newhaven, 10 March 1562. Signed.
2. P.S.—Bertrand has received 1,500 crowns, which were prested for Pelham and his company.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 10. 428. Articles of the Treaty at Orleans.
The Queen grants the following concessions to those of the religion.
1. All gentlemen may live in their houses, with liberty to exercise their religion with their families.
2. In all bailliages, etc., the Evangelical party shall be protected in the exercise of their religion.
3. In all towns where the religion is exercised, it shall continue without interference by those of the other party.
4. All towns shall be restored to their former condition, and foreigners sent out of the kingdom.
5. All persons shall return and be secured in the enjoyment of their goods and lives, and any sentence to the contrary shall be void.
6. The King declares that he takes those of either religion equally under his protection.
Copy, with impress of the seal of Paul De Foix [?]. Marginal notes upon the acceptance or rejection of the articles. Endd. by Cecil, and again by another hand: Copy of the articles as Cooke [?] sent them to me from Orleans. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 10. 429. Another copy of the above, omitting the marginal notes.
Copy. Endd.: Double de l'escript presente par mon frere le Prince, and by Cecil, 10 March, Prince of Condé. Fr. Pp. 2.
[March 10.] 430. Articles of Peace.
The Prince of Condé takes the place of the late King of Navarre. The King takes the Prince's army into his pay. In all towns held by those of the religion, the Gospel shall be preached publicly. In every bailliage the King shall appoint a town where the Gospel may be preached. All gentlemen holding fiefs in basse and moyen justice may have preaching in their houses for their families only. All seigneurs having the haute justice may have preaching on their estates. The town of Paris is exempt. All to return to their homes. Ecclesiastics to return to their offices, revenues, and possessions.
Copy. Endd.: Articles of peace from Dieppe, by Mr. Horsey. Fr. Pp. 2.
[March 10.] 431. Articles betwixt the Queen Mother and Condé.
1. The Prince to be Governor and Captain General of France.
2. The Admiral to continue in his office, and to be colonel of the cavalry.
3. D'Andelot to be Marshal of France, and colonel of the infantry.
4. The Constable to continue in his office, and to be Grand Marshal of France.
5. His son to enjoy his office.
6. The Huguenots to be allowed to preach in four towns which shall be appointed.
7. The edict of January 1562 to be observed.
8. The Gospel may be preached in the houses of noblemen and gentlemen.
9. The soldiers on both sides to be disbanded, their wages paid by the King; the Gascons to go to Metz, and the Spaniards to retire to Spain.
Alterations in certain of the Articles.
That the Constable shall be Grand Master of France, and that his office of Constable shall continue with his son, M. De Montmorency.
That the Huguenots shall preach in four towns only.
Fr. P. 1.
[March 10.] 432. Gresham to Cecil. (fn. 3)
He perceives by this letter that Maurice Rantzou and Brockethorpe have written a letter to the Queen, which has not been answered, at which their doer makes great difficulties. Requests it may answered by this or the next post, for the prolongation of the debt for six months, whereby he may better agree with them.—Dover, 10 March 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol.
March 10. 433. Donato Rullo to Cecil.
Desires him to furnish him with a copy of the letter written in the form of an apology by Cardinal Pole to Paul IV. He can the more easily do this as Throckmorton says that the original is in a casket which belonged to the Cardinal, now in Cecil's possession. Sir John Lye, the bearer of this letter, has promised to assist in this matter. Remembers Cecil's kindness on leaving England. Commendations to Lady Mildred, whose learning and virtues are well known in Italy.—Padua, 10 March 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 2.
March [10]. 434. Donato Rullo to Sir John Lye.
Antonio Donati writes to him from London that he has given Rullo's letter to Lye, who has advised that he [Rullo] should himself write to the Secretary, which he has done, and sends it herewith. Is very anxious to have a copy of the Cardinal's letter.—Padua, [blank] March 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: To Lye, in London. Ital. Pp. 2.


  • 1. This sentence is ciphered.
  • 2. Incorporated in Gianetti's letter to Cecil of April 24, 1563.
  • 3. As a P.S. to Clough's letter to Cecil of 7 March, and on the last leaf of that document.