Elizabeth: October 1562, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: October 1562, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp346-358 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1562, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp346-358.

"Elizabeth: October 1562, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp346-358.

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October 1562, 6-10

Oct. 6. 777. Throckmorton to the Queen Mother.
Having been commanded to present to her and the King his successor, he asks for a safe-conduct. Since on taking leave of them on the 3rd of August, he has put off the character of Ambassador, it can no longer serve him as a safeguard; and the Queen's letters, which might still give him the character of her Ambassador, were lost at Châteaudun.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6. 778. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6. 779. Throckmorton to the King of Navarre.
Having been commanded by the Queen to present his successor at Court, he has written to the Queen Mother for a safeconduct, which he has good reason for thinking necessary.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6. 780. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6.
Forbes, ii. 91.
781. Poynyngs to the Queen.
1. Has received from M. De Beauvois, the Vidame's brotherin-law, the castle and town this day, with the ordnance and munition, except some which Beauvois means to send to Rouen, which is in great need. All the soldiers which were in the town before their coming are going thither. Has been requested to send a good number of soldiers appointed hither, which he denied, having no further order than to repair to this town for defence of the same; but, at their vehement desires, he has agreed that they may have 200 soldiers under Mr. Layton.
2. They have demanded money which she promised to be here for payment of their soldiers, for which he has (with great pain, and emptying many purses,) paid 400 French crowns. If they require further aid, to what number shall he aid them? Also, whether the inhabitants here shall have the use of their law in the name of the King, as they have been accustomed.—Newhaven, 6 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 6. 782. Poynyngs and Vaughan to the Council.
They repeat the information contained in the previous letter.—Newhaven, 6 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6. 783. Thomas Kemys to Cecil.
1. They put themselves a "seaboard" last Friday night, but the wind caused Mr. Ormsby to change his course from Newhaven to Dieppe, at which they have arrived, and were well received by all sorts. A great part was resolved the next day to have abandoned the town, as in manner all the gentlemen had done before. They are still in doubt; Rouen being besieged, and their own strength as yet nothing in effect, the town itself being weak, and unfurnished of anything that might serve for defence. The fort made on the Polhed side for guarding the haven is not performed, nor will be these three months, although 300 men were to work upon it each day; and then it is not of such service but that the enemy, when he will, may take the commodity of it from them; nor are there sufficient men and munition to put into it. Besides the English bands, they have not of their own above 300 soldiers, and they are unpaid; the rest are sent to Rouen. The number of people here is not less than 8,000, but not 200 men to account of besides the soldiers, and of them one cannot trust another. The fort by the castle, called the citadel, is of great force, if it be furnished accordingly; but the commodity of the haven and town taken away, it be of little use to them, for it cannot be relieved by sea or land, but by force. Victuals (wheat, wine, and herrings excepted), here are but from hand to mouth. Of weapons, shot for ordnance and cannoniers, here is great want.—Dieppe, 6 Oct. 1562.
2. P. S.—On Wednesday morning, 7th inst., news came of the loss of St. Katherine's Hill, beside Rouen, by treason of one of the captains, and here is arrived a band of 300 Royters to cut off their victuals. Here also arrived this morning (Thursday, 8th inst.) three Scotch barques, which have brought over 60 horsemen to serve. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 4 & 6. 784. Advertisements from Newhaven.
Extracts from the letters of Sir Adrian Poynings respecting his proceedings at Newhaven.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 4 & 6. 785. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 6. 786. Alonzo De Hontanilla to the Canon Valdolivas.
This is the third letter which he has written since his arrival here. Has had a fever, but is now recovered, and is on good terms with the people here. Has experienced the greatest kindness from the mother and relations of Francisco De Arbieto who are persons of consideration here. The realm here is unsettled; the people are great Lutherans and they are aiding the Prince of Condé.—London, 6 Oct. 1562, Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.; To the Canon Valdolivas at Calahorra. Span. Pp. 3.
Oct. 6. 787. Alonzo De Hontanilla to Cathalina Diez.
1. Is anxious to know whether she has received his former letters.
2. Professions of devotion. Commends Francisco Arbieto, his mother, wife, and two sisters, whose stepfather is the Count Agamon, one of the chief of the nobility. They have laid him under so many obligations that he has requested the Spanish Ambassador to write in their behalf to the Inquisitors.
3. Remembrances to Maria Diaz and others.—London, 6 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Cathalina Diez at Calahorra. Span. Pp. 3.
Oct. 7. 788. M. De Beauvois to the King of Navarre.
Is glad to see by his letter that he does not wish all the evil to him and his brother the Vidame that he was given to understand by the deposition of Rochebrun. If the counsel of true men had as much force as that of self-seekers and traitors, France would have been in peace. Begs him to reunite himself to his brother. If the Spaniard whom he has prisoner had not been the King's domestic, the writer would have dealt with him as he did with Rochebrun's.
Copy., in a French hand. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
[Oct. 7.] 789. Instructions to the Earl of Warwick.
1. They shall govern the Queen's subjects according to the laws and customs of England.
2. They shall permit the people of Normandy to enjoy their liberties and customs.
3. They shall induce victuallers to resort thither, with victuals.
4. They shall devise orders for keeping peace with the French, for keeping their armour and weapons, for refraining from swearing, drunkenness, gambling, etc., which orders every captain shall read to his company on one day in each week.
5. They shall observe certain days for assembly.
6. The town and garrisons shall be governed by the Earl of Warwick, as Lieutenant in Normandy, and defender of Havre de Grace.
7. For the second officer (the High Marshal of the town), Sir Adrian Poynyngs.
8. Sir Maurice Denis shall be the treasurer.
9. The fourth officer (the controller), Cuthbert Vaughan.
10. The fifth officer (the master of the ordnance), William Bromefeld.
11. John Fisher, one of the Queen's gentleman pensioners, shall be the sixth officer, viz., gentleman porter.
12. There shall also be a water bailiff, William Robinson.
13. The clerk of the council shall write all letters, and keep the doubles or enties thereof, with other writings.
14. The captain shall have charge of certain small barques and pinnaces.
15. The surveyor of the victuals.
16. At the arrival of the Earl they shall make their oath in the church of the town before the ministers of the same.
17. All the said officers shall have certain bands of soldiers.
18. No band shall lack more than four in 100 at one time during the space the enemy shall be in camp in Normandy, nor above ten in the 100 at any other time.
Draft, with corrections and additions, and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 12.
Oct. 7.
Forbes, ii. 93.
790. Special Instructions to the Earl of Warwick.
1. He shall confer with Poynyngs and Vaughan, as to the possession and defence of Newhaven. He shall resort to the church; then his commission is to be openly read without the church in Latin, and afterwards in English and French. He shall then enter the church again and take his oath to be faithful to the Queen, and to execute the office of her Lieutenant and defender of that town; and cause all the officers to take their oaths agreeable to their offices. He shall then inform the inhabitants that he will defend them and their town from violence, and maintain them in their liberties, laws, and customs.
2. He shall then make provision for all things needful to repair and reinforce the town; and if any steeples or buildings be pulled down, or woods felled, the inhabitants shall be induced to allow of the same.
3. He shall comfort such as favour the Prince. If requested to send aid to Rouen or other places, he shall make some reasonable delay without giving them cause of discomfort; and advertise her thereof. He shall not forbear to do as much as may be thought reasonable to aid Dieppe.
4. If he is willed by the King to leave the town, he shall answer that neither he nor any other entered by force but peacable and quiet; and having entered so, he is commanded to keep it the same, and to use no hostility except for defence of the same.
5. He shall (secretly) inquire what profits by rents, customs, or taxes, the King used to have, and of merchandise usually brought thither or carried thence; and thereof secretly inform her. Also what customs, subsidies, and tallages might be devised there, with the consent of the inhabitants, towards the help of that town.
6. If for saving of victuals or surety of the town he finds it necessary to avoid the inhabitants there, he is to use the same with courtesy; or permit them to come into England with such wealth and goods as may keep them until they return to France.
7. He shall sequester out of the town such Frenchmen or strangers as are not to be trusted. And if there shall be any person residing there, that for respect of religion is favourable to our enemies, he shall have that person avoided without cruelty.
8. He shall cause a survey of the population of the town to be made, its victuals and merchandise.
9. He shall admit such of the Frenchmen to enter the town as flee thither for succour and defence of religion. He shall cause a survey of the shipping there to be made, and shall advertise the Queen on all the heads above mentioned.
10. The council with him shall be the Marshal, the Treasurer, the Controller, the Master of the Ordnance, and the Gentleman Porter.
Corrected draft. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
[Oct. 7.] 791. Concluding portion of the above; directions to the Governor of Newhaven to be attentive to his charge.
Pp. 5.
Oct. 7. 792. Alonzo De Hontanilla to Francisco De Arbieto.
Since his arrival has had a fever and a swelling in the arm. Has received great kindness from the Lords. The [Spanish] Ambassador has written in their favour to the Inquisitors, the Archbishop, and the Council.—London, 7 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add: To Arbieto, merchant at Calahorra. Span. Pp. 3.
Oct. 7. 793. Richard Windebank to Cecil.
Will not trouble him with an account of their estate since their coming to Dieppe, but requests aid of men and victuals. —Dieppe, 7 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 8. 794. The Queen Mother to Throckmorton.
She has already assured him that a passport is not necessary. Some of his nation have entered France without asking for passports, who she hopes will speedily return without leavetaking.—Fort St. Catherine, 8 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 8. 795. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 8.
Forbes, ii. 99.
796. Smith to Throckmorton.
1. Sends by Mr. Middlemore two letters directed to him, whereof one is from the Queen.
2. Long ere this the writer should have declared his message to the King if he could have conferred with him [Throckmorton].
3. Having sent Nicholas (Throckmorton's servant) in post to him [Throckmorton] from Abbeville, when he came to Bretueil, he went towards Gisors, minding to lie betwixt him and the Court, if in the meantime he had chanced to come towards the same. From Gisors he sent a letter to L'Aubespine, and received an answer from the Queen Mother by Secretary Bourdin, the copy of which he sends. Because there was no post at Gisors, he removed from thence to Pontoise, where he met Nicholas whom he sent from Abbeville.
4. There came with his man from Court M. De Sevre to see that he was well treated in his journey to the Court; but he takes it, it was to see who resorted to him, and to try and decipher his doings. Sevre tried hard to know what the Queen would do towards helping, or levying the Protestants.
5. Sevre tells him of a proclamation in the name of the Queen [Elizabeth] at Dieppe. Middlemore tells him that he [Throckmorton] has it at Orleans; asks for a copy of it. In his journey through France he has found nothing but courtesy. Commendations to Condé and the Admiral.—Paris, 8 Oct. 1562.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 4.
Oct. 8. 797. Henry Killigrew to Cecil.
Before and since the coming of Poynyngs he has written how things pass here. From henceforth he refers that office to others until he returns from Rouen. Sends this bearer (the Vidame's servant) for his good service in this delivery, and also for good will declared to the Ambassador in France. He will bring a present to the Queen at Greenwich from the Vidame's sister, for which as he has received no reward he desires Cecil will be the means for him to the Queen for something, which will not be ill bestowed. He charges certain merchandise here to his master's use, wherein he desires Cecil's favourable letters unto the customers.—Newhaven, 8 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 8.
Forbes, ii. 97.
798. Ormesby to Cecil.
1. Received the Queen's letters on Friday last (2nd Oct.), and embarked the same night. In consequence of the wind he altered his purpose of going to Newhaven and went to Dieppe, where they arrived on Saturday night. Sent 200 men ashore and laid at sea till Monday night, when intelligence arrived that the Portsmouth bands had reached Newhaven. They are not in such force here as reported.
2. Fort Pollet cannot be made defensible with the daily labour of 300 men in three months. The town and haven depend upon the keeping of that place, which cannot be guarded with less than 1,500 men. The French wish 1,200 Englishmen, for they mistrust their own people. They have sent the greatest part to the succour of Rouen, where they laid siege to Mount St. Katherine on 19th September. MM. De Fors and Bricquemault request Cecil to send the number promised with all diligence, for otherwise this enterprise will be dishonourable.
3. Victuals are brought out of the villages nigh unto the town. They have an indifferent store of ordnance, and the most part is not mounted. They have been negligent in their defence. This day came two Englishmen and two Frenchmen sent from Montgomery with the news of the loss of St. Katherine's Hill; and the enemy have begun their battery of the town. This afternoon 800 pistoliers came to a fort which the poor Protestants of the country keep, six miles out of this town, and enclosed the same.—Dieppe, 8 Oct. 1562. Signed.
4. P. S.—Asks Cecil to show this letter to the Admiral. This day arrived here sixty light horsemen from Scotland, which come of their adventure. They will be of great use, for there were none left, the others having gone to Rouen.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 8. 799. M. De Bricquemault to Cecil.
Asks for prompt succour for Rouen, and to send reinforcements.—Dieppe, 8 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 8. 800. M. De Bricquemault to Armigil Waade.
Begs he will expedite the arrival of the English ordered to succour Rouen, which is in great need, and which may be helped easily and without danger by a plan which he has communicated to Ormsby.—Dieppe, 8 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: To Waade at Rye. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 8. 801. M. De Fors to Armigil Waade.
Thanks for the news as to the numbers of the men sent by the Queen from Rye to succour the French Protestants. Begs him to hasten the succours for Rouen.—Dieppe, 8 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. [?] Add. to Waade at Rye. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 8. 802. Ormesby to Armigil Waade.
1. Has sent Cecil's letters to him unsealed. Signed.
2. P. S.—They hear that M. D'Annebault had come to Arques Castle. Waade will next hear of the loss of Rouen, and that Dieppe is besieged. Hopes for speedy relief from England. Has sent Waade a flagon chain of gold, to be given to his [Ormesby's] wife. M. D'Annebault has fifty men at arms, so the country is full of horsemen. This day landed sixty light horsemen from Scotland, whereof they have great need, for they cannot go half a mile out of the town except in great strength. Asks him to haste over such men as are at Rye.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. [8].
Forbes, ii. 101.
803. — to Cecil.
1. Upon Saturday the 3rd inst., about 5 p.m., they left Portsmouth, and arrived at Newhaven on the next day about 5 p.m. Joy at their arrival. The siege of Rouen began upon Wednesday. Condè will join his friends on the 10th inst. Skirmish at Fécamp.
2. This town is not of such force as reported to the Council. They could not hold out two days, for there is no other fortification about the town except a little earth thrown up; and the east part is worst of all. The other parts are somewhat better defended, either by water or marsh. The town is about a mile round, and bulwarks made in sundry places in such haste, and with so small a circuit, as he hopes they may have no need to use them. There is a hill which encompasses the greatest part of the town, half a mile from the town, and of great height. Nothing can be stored within the town, but they on the hill can discover; and, if the enemy likes, could leave not a house a yard high. The fortifications are lower than the buildings within the town. The hill cannot make any battery. If they keep the town, they must cast such rampiers as may defend it from the hill, which is impossible without many men and a long time; or else fortify upon the hill, which will be chargeable, and require many men to defend it for a season. If the hill can be kept, all the enemies cannot hurt the town; for none can lie out of danger of the hill, nor can they trench, because of the marsh and water.
3. The Prince will raise the siege of Rouen with 30,000 men with all speed. It was reported that there were 300 brass pieces here; but there are not sixty, and very little shot and powder; yet the greatest part is carried away to Rouen. Our people keep watch and ward only, and the English gunners have charge of all the pieces. The names are these: the Castle, Bulwark St. Dresse, Englefeld Gate, bulwarks St. Michael, St. Francis, Royal, and De la Grange, Fort de Vidame, and the Steeple. In these are the greatest part of the artillery.
4. The munition that was shipped from the Tower has not yet arrived. Captain Leighton with his band have embarked towards Rouen; with whom Strangwiche is gone, and in their company 500 French soldiers that were in the town, and 300 or 400 more for the relief of Rouen. Rouen is the richest town in these parts; the people bringing thither their wealth; therefore the Guises will hardly assay it; if they were to prevail those within the town are sure to die. There is at Newhaven about 100 ships; whereof the most part are of one hundred ton. They are so thrust up that they touch each other. It is not determined what shall be done with them, but it is dangerous having them within the town.
Pp. 6.
Oct. 9. 804. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Wrote on the 27th ult. The Prince and Admiral are greatly satisfied with the protestation in French, lately set forth by her. M. De Rambouillet is sent into Almain on behalf of the Papists to practise some divore between the Queen and Condé; and also has commission to offer the Princes Protestants that the King will receive in his realm the Confession of Augsburg. Desires her to inform her Ambassador in Almain thereof. The Prince has requested to have now 150,000 crowns, or to have her credit at Antwerp to take up 300,000 crowns; for the repayment whereof they offer the bonds of Lyons, Orleans, Rouen, Newhaven, and Dieppe, together with their own bonds. They are pressed to make this request. The company from Almaine must be paid on the 27th inst. (their next muster day) 150,000 crowns, which they cannot do. D'Andelot passed the Rhine on the 22nd ult. St. André will impeach his approach towards Paris. They intend to leave Orleans and meet D'Andelot, and then offer battle to their enemy. The diet appointed at Frankfort will not begin until the 1st proximo, to which the Prince has sent two personages, for matters of consequence will be proposed as to the universal state of religion, and some league offensive and defensive for the same. On the 30th ult. M. D'Aumale made the approaches at Rouen, where he lost 100 men, amongst whom was one named Jarsey, who, a year since, killed the Baron of Ingram at St. Germain. On the 3rd inst. they began the battery with seventeen cannon against Mount St. Catherine, which was taken on the 5th inst by assault, and all therein (160 persons) were put to the sword. It was either weakly defended, or purposely abandoned as not guardable.
2. Smith has arrived at Paris, whereupon he sent Middlemore to Gaillon to the Queen Mother for a passport for his safe access to the Court to present Smith, and for him to return to the Queen, to the which he has received no answer. The Cardinal of Lorraine has gone to Rheims, as though he would go to the Council at Trent. The Queen may perceive by this his manner of writing, of what difficulties they are in here to send to any place safely, which is the cause of Condé writing to her in such sort. Desires her to admonish Warwick to beware of the cunning practices and speeches of the Rhinegrave, who does more harm with his neutrality than a more manifest enemy. The greatest force in the camp before Rouen consists of the Almains in the Rhinegrave's regiment, and the Swiss; yet neither gave the assault to Mount St. Catherine, which was taken by the French. On the 8th inst. M. De Salva, of the long robe, was taken, not far from the place where Throckmorton was taken with his train and baggage, and brought to Orleans. He was sent from the King into Spain to conclude with the King about entering into war against the Protestants in France and the Queen. Marshal Montmorency with 800 horse is sent to impeach the passage of her men from Dieppe to Rouen.—Orleans, 9 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Partly in cipher, and written on two pieces of linen.
Oct 9. 805. Decipher of the ciphered portions of the above.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Oct. 9. 806. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Sends by the bearer, Lenares, four firkins of butter. Three days since a gentleman of the French King's chamber came hither from Nantes by sea. Commendations to Cobham. —Bilboa, 9 Oct. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Sends four cheeses, weighing thirty-five pounds.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
Oct. 9. 807. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. To the same effect as his other letter of the same date.
2. A ship has arrived here from London; 10,000 men have embarked, and the Duke of Norfolk, appointed to be their general, has gone to France, and Lord Grey is to go with them.—Bilboa, 9 Oct. 1562. Signed.
3. P. S.—James Conant and Humphrey White arrived in London on the 14th ult. with Chamberlain's stuff.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Oct. 9. 808. Tithes at Gisburgh, etc.
Estimate by Challoner of the value of certain lands, etc. at Gisburgh, St. Bees, and elsewhere, amounting to 1,766l. 13s. 4d.
Pp. 2.
Oct. 9. 809. Albert, Marquis of Brandenburg, to the Queen.
As she liked the ten falcons which he sent to her last year, he now sends ten others.—Königsburg, 9 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Oct. 10. 810. Frederic II., Duke of Saxony, to the Queen.
1. Replies to the message delivered by Mundt and Knolles.
2. Perceives her care as to the peril likely to follow the factions in France. She desires that the Princes of Christendom should help Condé against the Guisians, to bring which to pass she offers her help. Some of the noblemen there travail to increase the pure religion, and others labour that the Romish filthiness and idolatry may be established. If the Romish faction have the upper hand the Romish champions would not fail to invade the countries of those whom they call heretics, especially England. "What else meaneth that impure assembly of those shaven fathers, those mitred and red-hatted fellows in the town of Trent, as in a sink of Satan, by the name of a Council ?"
3. She may gather that if the Guisians shall seek aid at the Bishop of Rome, to the destruction of good men, so of necessity the side of the Prince must be kept from injury. It therefore behoves all those of the Confession of Augsburg to join their forces together, and appoint some one to be chief. The Duke knows of none better than the Queen, she having a plentiful isle, near France, and furnished with things necessary for wars. The best means to bring this to pass is that she and the estates of the Confession of Augsburg should appoint a meeting, wherein some league may be agreed upon. And this is his answer to the Queen's Ambassadors, which he desires they will report to her.—Weimar, 10 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Endd. by Mundt and Cecil. Lat. Pp. 9.
Oct. 10. 811. Translation of the above into English.
Endd. Pp. 8.
Oct. 10.
Forbes, ii. 104.
812. The Queen to Ormesby.
In consequence of his letters of the [8th] inst. from Dieppe she sends thither William Winter to consider what is best to be done for her service. He may either tarry there, or resort to Newhaven, or return to Rye. 800 soldiers are appointed to come thither for his reinforcement.
Copy, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 10.
Forbes, ii. 105.
813. Instructions to Winter.
1. He shall transport himself to Dieppe, and inform Ormesby that 800 soldiers are to be at Rye on the 13th inst., on their way to Dieppe. He shall declare the same to MM. De Fors and Briquemault; but if he perceives that the town or port cannot be kept by those he has, or with those that are to come, then he is to use all policy to procure his departure with his men to Newhaven. In this he is to devise how De Fors and Briquemault may be contented.
2. Before he leaves Rye he shall cause the soldiers to be sent away, but none are to disembark at Dieppe but as he sees cause. If De Fors or Briquemault complain that the succours came not sooner, he is to say that they had come almost one month sooner if they which were sent to treat here had not prolonged the time with their delays.
Draft by Cecil, and dated and endd. by him. Pp. 4.
Oct. 10. 814. Supplies for Newhaven.
1. A supply to be sent to Newhaven, viz., forty gunners, twenty carpenters, 500 culverin shots, 2,000 demi-culverin shots, 300 links to burn, "100 heads and rammers of the height of our new cannon of seven inches," four culverins, four demi-culverins, two sakers, all mounted, 1,000 arquebuses, and 500 curryars. Two men must be sent over to make the powder mill and other mills to grind the corn. There are three great stones bought of Bryan Hogg to make powder to be sent with this proportion.
2. Brass ordnance remaining in Newhaven: Nineteen cannons, eleven culverins, twenty-five demi-culverins, twentythree falcons, eight falconets, three cannon "petrars," thirtyfive arquebuses de crocke; total, 124.
Cast iron ordnance. Two demi-culverins and six falcons. Forged iron: Fourteen slings and four fowlers.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 10. 815. Cuerton to Challoner.
The Queen has sent aid to France. If this country will be displeased herewith, asks him to send an express messenger, and also to let him know his mind in all things.—Bilboa, 10 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Oct. 10. 816. Challoner to Clough.
His letter of the 5th ult. is the only one received since the 27th of July last. Has received no bills of exchange for the 457l. 16s. paid by Clough to John Flamenco. Francisco Bravo has used the writer very ill. Thinks it unkind that Clough has not all this while sent him any bill of exchange, as the usage is.—Madrid, 10 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by the ordinary of Flanders. Pp. 3.