Elizabeth: October 1562, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: October 1562, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp358-373 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1562, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp358-373.

"Elizabeth: October 1562, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp358-373.

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October 1562, 11-15

Oct. 11. 817. The Queen to Randolph.
He shall deliver her letters to the Queen of Scots, and say that they have been written long since, but stayed upon expectation of hearing from her. He shall report that the sending men into Normandy has grown for the surety of her country and people, and if she could have stayed these cruelties she would not have thus proceeded; but seeing that the French King and his mother are constrained to see their towns ruined in all parts, and finding that such as have given her occasion to mistrust them intend to surprise certain ports in Normandy, she could not forbear to do two good deeds in one act, that is, to preserve these towns and prevent these enterprises. Means not to diminish her love towards her [Mary], and intends to use all good means to withstand those in France. (fn. 1)
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. and dated by him. Pp. 2.
Oct. 11. 818. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
1. Wrote by Mr. Brian Fitzwilliam touching debts due to the Governor by soldiers and victuallers of the pay of Guisnes, and which amounts to more than 400l.
2. The pays for the three quarters should be discharged.
3. The amount due to the soldiers and workmen is more than 18,000l., besides imprests; also, order should be given what are to be continued this winter, and whether the limekilns should now be employed, and so coal to be laid in for the same; whereof he has written to Sir Richard Lee twice to move their Lordships therein.—Berwick, 11 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 11.
Forbes, ii. 106.
819. The Queen to Throckmorton and Smith.
1. Wonders that Throckmorton has remained so long at Orleans; and trusts that he came from thence to meet Smith, and proceed as was signified by her letters.
2. About the 23rd ult., order was given that Poynings should pass from Portsmouth to Newhaven with 1,600 men, who being ready to pass, message came from thence that the Prince had sent express commandment to M. De Beauvoys, Captain of the town, that is should not be delivered in the name of the Prince. Whereupon conference was had with some that were content to remedy this, and a writing was sealed by her (whereof they shall have a copy herewith), and the same was sent to Portsmouth about the 28th ult., to be carried to Newhaven. The wind being unfavourable from that time to the 3rd inst. none could pass, yet for avoiding despair in the town, on the 2nd inst. Ormesby passed from Rye with 400 men, and 200 were send the same day to Dieppe. Since then order is given to the Earl of Warwick to pass to Newhaven. From the 3rd inst., the wind has served only to pass from here to Normandy, and not to come from thence.
3. Has not heard from Throckmorton since the 24th ult., nor from Smith since his departure from Calais the 22nd ult.
4. Her letters were written on the 7th inst., and so remained expecting some certainty of the arrival of her men at Newhaven, to which place they passed both from Portsmouth and Dieppe on the 3rd inst., and now this 10th inst. could not hear of them, the wind still continuing in the north. This morning she is informed they arrived all well on the 4th inst.—Hampton Court, 11 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 11. 820. Corrected draft of the above.
In Cecil's hol. A few words underlined to be expressed in cipher. Dated and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 11. 821. H. Alington to Thomas Cecil and Windebank.
On the 4th inst. Poynings with 1,600 men arrived at Newhaven. The Earl of Warwick is ready to take shipping, who will make near 3,000 men. Some are at Dieppe, where Windebank's brother has the leading of 100 men. The Queen of Scots has made her progress towards Inverness, where she caused the captain under the Earl of Huntly's son to be executed, and the Earl's son committed to prison The Earl assembled 1,000 horse and foot, to have met the Queen as she passed the Spey; but she gathered 3,000 of her subjects; and so the Earl left his enterprise without further harm as yet.—Hampton Court, 11 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 11. 822. The Queen to Knolles and Mundt.
1. Has received their letters of the "3rd of this month," [sic] from Worms.
2. She has resolved to keep Havre until these troubles cease and she is more assured of Calais; such reasons as the world should understand she has caused to be printed, which Cecil will send to them. This they may notify to the Princes, and may say, that unless comfort be given to the Prince, their adversaries will combine to vanquish others professing the Gospel.
3. She wonders that the Palsgrave thinks that religion can be better maintained without a confederation in writing than by a league. If they find other Princes so inclined, and that they will not allow of a league, they are to retreat their negotiations. If Condé is overthrown then it will be necessary for them to use all the persuasion they can to the Princes to accord upon some league of mutual defence; but if he remains as he is, then they shall forbear their solicitations.
4. If the assembly is at Frankfort, and the Emperor and his son Maximilian be there, she leaves it to their consideration whether they shall be there as her ministers, for which purpose she has sent them letters for the Emperor and Maximilian. If any words from her to Maximilian may cause him to show himself favourable to the reformation of the authority of the Pope, and to maintain the Gospel, they shall direct some speech to that end, and say that she will be glad of his advancement to the chief government in Christendom.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 11 Oct. 1562. Pp. 4.
Oct. 12. 823. Randolph to Cecil.
1. The authors of the troubles here have now gone so far that they are altogether without hope to return to the Queen's favour, and she is determined to proceed against them with all extremity. For this cause she has sent for divers gentlemen, and has levied 160 soldiers, either to take the two houses which are kept against her, or to pursue the offenders themselves. As the Earl of Huntly was the deviser of the whole mischief, it was thought expedient to have him apprehended. He never lay in his own house in the night, nor two nights in one place, but always in the day he returned to his own home. It was thought easy enough to take him there in the day, or at least to keep him in, if entry should be denied to the Laird of Grange, the tutor of Petcur, and a dozen who were sent with them to search whether John Gordon were received there. This being the colour, the charge was either to enter the house or to keep it that none should go forth; and the Laird of Coldingham should have followed with forty horse, and after him the footmen, either to have the house rendered or take it by force.
2. The Laird of Grange and his company on the 9th inst. took horse "rathe in the morning," intending to be at Strathbogie by 12 of the clock, it being from hence twentyfour miles. Lord John of Coldingham followed within an hour after with his forty, and not long after the Master of Lindsey, with the gentlemen of Fife, accompanied the footmen. By the hour appointed Grange and the tutor arrived at Strathbogie, where the Earl was, and being few in number were not suspected. Whilst Grange questioned the servants, the tutor rode about the house and gardens, that no man should escape at the back door. In the meantime Lord John showed himself almost a mile from the house with his company, who, being discovered by one who watched in the tower, gave the Earl such an alarm that without boot or sword he conveyed himself out at a back gate, over a low wall, where he took his horse before the tutor could get to him, and so rode away in spite of as many as followed, he being well horsed, and the others having their horses tired with the long journey. The way also was better known to the Earl and his company, being eight or nine, yet were they chased above two miles, and some were taken and brought back to Strathbogie. The Lady on their return set open the gates, and made them such cheer as she could. Some searched the house, but found no suspected person or any kind of stuff in it save a few beds of the worst sort. Her chapel remained garnished, and being demanded why it was not disfurnished, she said she was sure the Queen would not he offended with it. Having well refreshed themselves they returned home.
3. Whilst they were thus absent, about two hours after their departure, a boy came to this town with the keys of the house of Findlater, and that of Orchendowne, being sent from the Earl to the Earl of Murray to let him understand that both houses were void. The keys came so suspiciously and disdainfully, being sent by a horse-boy, that Murray and Lethington refused to receive them. The Queen said that she had provided other means to open those doors. Further inquisition being made, it was found that they had been brought by a brother of Mr. Thomas Ker, who was committed to ward; suspicious letters were found about him. He excuses his master, and burdens John Gordon as author of the whole evil, and yet it is known that he is daily in his father's company, and does nothing but by his order.
4. Thinks that Huntly will be better able to shift himself from one place to another than any shall be able to follow him; except he be betrayed, he trusts that it shall be hard to apprehend him. They want in the highlands no good fellows to be instruments in any such purpose. Thinks that a Parliament will be called and he pronounced rebel, and then he can have no succour of any but they must run the like danger. The Queen is determined to bring him to utter confusion.
5. There lately arrived a merchant of Nantes, who brought marvellous comfortable news to the Queen from her uncles of their notable victories over the Protestants; that many thousands of them were slain, and all the towns in France rendered, except Orleans, Rouen, Dieppe, and Newhaven, for the succour whereof the Queen of England had sent over 3,000 soldiers, and that within a month the whole number of Protestants will be subdued, and the English driven out of the country. This news has made the Court so merry that for three days they have had no other talk, which drives those who favour the Protestants to such a fear that their pain is little less than theirs who are under their enemies' hands. Trusts soon to have better news. Was never so unprovided to requite the merry pastime that they make of this matter as he has been these eight days. The messenger reports that the town of Dieppe have sent pledges for the safe landing of the English, and that Throckmorton is in Orleans; but says nothing of the Duke of Guise's unkind usage of him, nor how his house was spoiled, nor of the injuries done to his servants in Paris.—Aberdeen, 12 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Oct. 12.
Forbes, ii. 108.
824. Throckmorton to Smith.
1. Received Smith's letter of the 8th on the 11th inst., with the Queen's letter and instructions for their negociations with the King and Queen Mother. As, through indisposition, the writer is not able to accompany him, so he [Smith] must repair to the Court alone. Will send his cousin, Henry Middlemore, within a day or two with his advice for Smith's proceedings in his charge.
2. He will send the Queen's plate when he sees more surety. It is not safe for the writer (if he were able) to accompany him [Smith] to the Court, seeing the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre refuse to assure him to have access to them, and likewise to return to England by a sufficient safeconduct. Smith should require Sevre to procure from the Queen Mother a passport to send a courier to England before leaving Paris. Smith should not leave Paris until Middlemore arrives there, by whom he intends to write to the Queen Mother.—Orleans, 12 Oct. 1562.
Copy. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12. 825. William Winter to Cecil.
Came to Rye to-day, and has conferred with Armigil Waade concerning the bands at Dieppe. Neither Mr. Ormesby nor any other write of lack of victuals. Has declared Cecil's pleasure to Mr. Young for the victualling. The wind here is south-south-west, and foul weather. If possible he will go to sea by the next tide.—Rye, 12 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 12. 826. Challoner to Ellen Farneham.
This morning heard of the death of her dear husband and his well-beloved brother-in-law, whom he always told that he would shorten his days by living in the country with his sickly body. Desires her to use his house as her own, and has sent his man Tempest to wait upon her in her widowhood. Trusts she will not marry without first having his advice; and if she has a husband whom he approves of, and God should send her more children, being boys, they may perchance know a piece of his liberality.—Madrid, 12 Oct. 1562.
Copy. Add. Endd. by Challoner: M. to my sister Farnham, sent by Tempest. Pp. 3.
Oct. 12. 827. Sir John Mason to Challoner.
1. Thanks for his letter of 21st August, with a P.S. of 31st. The English have entered Newhaven. When Sir John Raynsford saw every man laughing because Boulogne was taken, he said he would keep his laughing until two years were past.
2. The Duke of Guise has taken St. Katherine's Hill. The Earl of Warwick goes to Newhaven to-morrow with Sir Richard Lee and Sir Maurice Dennys, who is appointed Treasurer there.
3. Shane O'Neale begins to play the knave as lustily as ever he did.—London, 12 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 28 Nov., by Henry King. Pp. 3.
Oct. 12. 828. Richard Stonley to Challoner.
Thanks for help in the recovery of his wife's debts in Seville.—"From London Leasureless," 12 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: From Mr. Stonley, of the Exchequer, received by Henry King. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12. 829. W. Honnyng to Challoner.
Has been a long time in the country. The chief officer is the Earl of Warwick, and Poynings the second. Challoner will hear of the death of his [the writer's] brother and Challoner's brother-in-law, and that Mr. Coke attends Mr. Secretary as his successor. Baron Saxby died this summer, who was Co-receiver of the Exchequer, and Mr. Pimme succeeds him. The Lady of Bedford is dead, and the Marchioness of Northampton is recovered.—Hampton Court, 12 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by Henry King. Pp. 2.
Oct. 12. 830. Cuerton to Challoner.
Sent two letters three days ago. This day received Master Cobham's letter.—Bilboa, 12 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by the ordinary, 28 ejusdem. Pp. 3.
Oct. 12. 831. Cuerton to Mrs. Clarentius.
1. Marvels that she writes that the maid should get a service here till her nephew comes out of England, because she will not be at more charges with her. The offence of the book came not through her, but through that young man Thomas, who put it into her chest. Mrs. Clarentius is bound to put her stuff at liberty again, and to look for her, and in case she is not minded to have her, to see her made free to go into her country again.—Bilboa, 12 Oct. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Is sorry that this should chance at their first acquaintance. Matters of the Holy Inquisition are now more to be looked to than ever.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
Oct. 13.
Labanoff, i. 159.
832. Queen Mary to the Queen.
Desires a safe-conduct for Robert Watson, a merchant of Edinburgh, and his factors, to pass and repass through England with his goods.—Aberdeen, 13 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Oct. 13.
Forbes, ii. 137.
833. Mason's Answer to the French Ambassador's Book.
The Queen asserts that she has not broken the treaty; she has used no violence to any of the King's subjects, whom she rather seeks to preserve for his service. She has received a town peaceably which was delivered to her. She has acted solely for his defence and the glory of God, and will continue the same until he is able to be his own governor. She has acted by the advice of the King's councillors. Some of his subjects are driven to take up arms by the tyranny of certain persons about him. The breaking of his edict has caused all this trouble. She has acted as she has done in self-defence, and she has made sure of the place whence the assault is feared. The matter of Bretagne was by private authority. The quarrel concerns religion, and she seeks to preserve his sheep from the ravening wolf. She intends to keep for a time the places she now possesses, being peaceably delivered to her, whereby she may have Calais restored. Having been at great charges in receiving Newhaven, she will not give it up until the King is of age to receive it at her hands. The most part of the persons named in the letter are unknown, nor have been heard of by them, so it is thought they never came here. Some have been heard of, but it is not meant they should be delivered to the butchery, for the satisfying of such as delight in blood.
Draft, corrected by Mason and endd. by Cecil. Pp. 8.
Oct. 13. 834. Thomas Leighton to Edward Ormesby.
Writes on behalf of Montgomery and others at Rouen, the Queen's friends, that if any men come to the succour of Rouen they be sent away with all diligence. They have already had two most furious assaults, but the enemy had the worst. —Rouen, 13 Oct. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 14.
Forbes, ii. 109.
835. The Queen to Poynings.
Commands him to deliver to M. De Beauvoys 1,000l. lately sent to him, to the use of the Prince of Condé and his confederates.—Hampton Court, 14 Oct. 1562.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 14. 836. Mason and Wotton to Cecil.
1. Yesterday they declared to the French Ambassador the cause of deferring his audience, and prayed him to forbear a day or two longer. He answered that the errand was of importance, and it was six days since the messenger arrived, He also said the Spanish Ambassador was gone towards the Court that morning, and therefore trusted his course should follow.
2. They then entered into other matter, wherein much the same course as Cecil took with the Spanish Ambassador was followed. They told him of the Queen's good meaning to the King. The Queen intends to continue in peace with the King, for whom she meant to keep Newhaven, without any hostility, unless violence is attempted by such as she takes to be both enemies to the crown of France and to her. The Ambassador answered that as he had to talk with the Queen on the same matters, there was no need to use many words with them; but no wise man could think the King and Queen were at peace together.
3. They then argued that the breach of the edict was by reason of some following therein their own passions. He concluded it was the King's quarrel, and such others as the states had appointed to govern, and from thence he would not be removed. He thanked the Queen for sending this message: but thought it had been convenient if he had been made privy to it. He showed them what honour had been shown to Mr. Smith by M. De Sevre, he being sent thirty leagues from the Court for the receiving and conducting of him. He did not forget his misliking of Throckmorton for continuing so long in Orleans, and his allegation for the maintenance thereof, sometimes lacking a piece of paper, a bed, etc. As to the ill-usage of the English merchants in Bretagne, he said that all damages were answered and restitution made.—London, 14 October 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
Oct. 14. 837. Spanish Troops in France.
Abstract of the letter of Oct. 14 written by Don Diego De Caravahal, commander of the Spanish troops in France, in which he gives an account of the defeat on the 9th of M. De Duraz, the Lutheran leader, near Montauban. The departure of the Prince from Orleans with 20,000 foot and 3,000 horse. Force and movements of the troops.
Copy. Span. P. 1.
[Oct. 14.] 838. Map of Normandy and Picardy.
Extends E. and W. from the mouth of the Seine to Amiens, and N. and S. from Crotoy to Paris.
A few names added by Cecil, and endd. by him. Broadside.
[Oct. 14.] 839. Map of Normandy.
Very rough sketch, giving the relative positions of Dieppe, Havre, Rouen, and the neighbouring localities on the coast and the River Seine. The names are in Italian.
P. 1.
[Oct. 14.] 840. Map of the Seine.
Very rough plan of the lower part of the Seine, indicating the position of the towns on both banks, and such as are held by "the enemy" and "the King."
Notes by Cecil. Broadside.
[Oct. 14.] 841. Plan of Rouen.
A plan of the fort St. Catherine, near Rouen, indicating the nature of the surrounding ground, and the position of the enemy's batteries.
Endd. by Cecil. Broadside.
[Oct. 14.] 842. Plan of the Siege of Rouen. (fn. 2)
A plan giving the position of the various corps of the besieging army, their batteries, trenches, and the nature of the ground.
Endd. by Cecil. Broadside.
Oct. 14. 843. Challoner to Lord Cobham.
Acknowledges his letter of thanks for kind usage to his brother Henry Cobham. By his service abroad the writer has two or three times lost his marriage adventures at home, as it has of late fallen forth by his Lordship's countrywoman, now the mother of so many children the first day. Desired his Lordship's brother Henry, notwithstanding he returns clad in green, to wear a garland of green willow about his hat, and another about his arm for the writer, but he said that he cannot sigh for what he never had, no more can the writer.—Madrid, 14 Oct. 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by Mr. Henry Cobham. Pp. 3.
Oct. 14. 844. Edward Castlyn to Challoner.
1. Advises him to have his money remitted by way of Flanders, as none of those in London who are takers and traffickers for Spain are sound. Marvels not that his money which was made payable at the Court has not been well paid, as King Philip takes up or owes more than all. But if he has it remitted to Seville he can, after he has received his bills of exchange, direct how the same may be paid to him at the Court.
2. Their matters in Canaria still go on from bad to worse. Although their servant, Edward Kingsmyll, has been compelled to pay 2,000 ducats for his book, yet he has not been released, nor their goods. That peevish and slow merchant, Hugh Tipton, has lately deceived them.—14 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by Henry King. Pp. 2.
Oct. 14. 845. Clough to Challoner.
1. Enclosed in his last letter twenty-five dozen lutestring minikins, which cost nine stivers the dozen, and received his letter of the 13th ult., which he has sent into England. Sends reports about the landing of the English at Havre, and the levying of reinforcements in Germany.
2. On the 20th Nov. the Emperor and nobles are to meet at Frankfort.
3. One of this town of Antwerp who came from Newhaven reports that there are 100 pieces of great artillery of the best in France, also forty or fifty sail of good ships, and 200,000l. worth of merchandise; so this will be as good as Calais is to them.—Antwerp, 14 Oct. 1562. Signature torn off.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner: From R.C. Pp. 6.
Oct. 15. 846. The Queen to Queen Mary.
1. Queen Mary will think the writer has drank the water of Lethe, but there is no such river in England. Hearing that she was going so long a journey she was afraid to trouble her, and also did not like to pain her by writing of the tragedies which every week come to her ears. Whilst the ravens croaked she kept her ears stopped, like Ulysses; but when her counsellors thought her too improvident she woke from her slumber. When she recollected that she [Queen Mary] was touched in this matter, her heart was much stirred. She passes by all the cruelties which they have committed; but what drug of rhubarb will rid her of the choler that these tyrannies have engendered? In these turmoils some of her own subjects have lost their goods, and even their lives, being called Huguenots. The blame has been put on the poor soldiery, but the fault rests with the wicked chiefs. The King of France is only so in title. Has determined not to suffer such evils, but so to act that the King may consider her a good neighbour. Declares that it will not be her fault if peace is not maintained between England and Scotland.
2. In sending her people into the ports of France, she has no other thought than to assist the King. Knows how much finesse has been used to draw Mary from her goodwill to her, but nevertheless trusts her. The hot fever which is upon her prevents her writing more at present.—15 Oct. 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
Oct. 15.
Forbes, ii. 109.
847. M. De Briquemault to the Queen.
Thanks her for sending her forces to re-establish the pure worship of God. The Prince having sent him hither, he begs her to hasten the departure of the rest of her forces. There is great need of help, considering the extremity of those in Rouen.—Dieppe, 15 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Oct. 15.
Forbes, ii. 111.
848. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Wrote to her on 27th ult., enclosed to the Earl of Warwick, which is taken by those of the Papists' camp, which he repeated in his of the 9th inst., sent by a Frenchman named Captain Charmu. She will perceive by that, and by the manner of his writing thereof, (fn. 3) with what difficulty he now sends to her. Sends copies of his letters to the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre. Middlemore (whom he had sent) found the Court at Rouville, four leagues from Rouen; they being on horseback to take their journey to the camp before Rouen; where Middlemore repaired also. As soon as he arrived, the Constable committed him to the guard of a gentleman (so that he should confer with no man), and shortly after he was brought to the King, the Queen Mother, the Duke of Orleans, the King of Navarre, the Cardinal of Ferrara, the Duke of Guise, the Constable, St. André, and others.
2. The Queen Mother said to him no safe conduct could be of greater assurance for Throckmorton than the quality of an ambassador; and then made a long declaration of his ingratitude; he who had forgotten how he was bound to the King, her husband, for his life, which was in jeopardy in the time of the late Queen Mary, when he left England to come to France for safety. The Duke of Guise added that he wished that he [Throckmorton] were with those at Newhaven or Dieppe, who should be visited as they deserved.
3. The Queen Mother refused him a safe conduct. Marshal Brisac lately used the following words of him: That whatever it cost they must get him into their hands, and without delay must cut off his head, he being the most dangerous instrument of his nation for them; and that they will find articles enough to make his process. The Queen Mother has charged M. De Sevre to practise with Smith, so as to discredit his [Throckmorton's] doings. These are the causes why he does not accompany Smith to the Court unless he have safe conduct; so he remains at Orleans to attend her further order. Middle- more attends upon Smith to the Court. He cannot as yet for her service disfurnish himself of John Barnaby, his secretary.
4. Condé and the Admiral will not be able to leave this town to put themselves in the field, either to fight with their enemies or to succour Dieppe or Newhaven (for they take Rouen to be lost), until the latter end of this month. M. D'Andelot (partly by his sickness, and lack of money to pay the Almain soldiers for their levying and first musters,) has stayed his advance. He cannot be near this town or Paris until about the 22nd inst. The Count De Rochefoucault and M. Durasse have been retarded by M. De Monluc with a force of Spaniards; so that they cannot be here before the 22nd inst. Thus the defending of Dieppe and Newhaven is entirely in her hands.
5. The Duke of Etampes and M. De Martigues have marched from Bretagne with 4,000 men to reinforce the King. Condé and the Admiral desire the Queen to send some of her ships upon the coast of Bretagne, there to make incursions; thereby to stay Etampes in that country.
6. D'Andelot on the 4th inst. was at Salbourg, in Lorraine; he will be at Châtillion on the Seine on the 20th inst.; and from thence approach either towards Paris, or hither.
7. Mount St. Katharine being taken, those within Rouen talked of surrendering the town upon conditions, "which parliament lasted two or three days." Offers were proposed by those of the King's camp, but they within the town (taking courage at the arrival of four ensigns of Englishmen,) refused all conditions. The battery was renewed furiously in sundry places. Here they are desperate of Rouen, and yet relieved by hope of the valiantness of the English. At Dieppe there are 600 Englishmen arrived under Captain Ormesby, which place if assaulted would require at least 4,000 men for the guard thereof. At Newhaven eighteen sail had arrived with 1,500 Englishmen; which is a small number for guarding that place; it requiring at least, if besieged, 4,000 men. Of these numbers landed at Dieppe and Newhaven there can be no convenient succours taken for the relief of Rouen.
8. St. André has gone to intercept the coming of D'Andelot. The house of Guise (with the advice of the Cardinal of Ferrara and the Spanish Ambassador here,) have lately despatched Villemort and La Croque, servants to the Queen of Scotland. to pass through England, to make troubles, to exasperate the Queen of Scotland and her papistical Council to make some troubles upon the frontiers of England, and to do what they can to deprive the Earl of Mar. Lethington, and all others who favour the Protestant religion, of their authority about the said Queen. There are practices to cause trouble in Ireland; the Bishop of Aquila is set on by these men. The last despatch sent from the King's camp into England was to will the French Ambassador there and the hostages to shift for themselves an I retire from thence with all speed.
9. The messenger who carried his despatch of the 27th ult. directed to her and the Earl of Warwick was put to death in the King's camp, he being a Frenchman. The Cardinal of Lorraine thinks at this Council at Trent to bring to pass a marriage with the Queen of Scots, his niece, and Ferdinand, the second son of the Emperor; and to conclude the league, offensive and defensive, amongst the Papists. The Cardinal will work what he can to transfer by resignation the empire unto the said Ferdinand, to the disappointment of Maximilian, King of Bohemia. At his leaving this Court for Trent he made a long oration against Condé and his party for bringing into this realm Englishmen.
10. He hopes she wills not name Brisac as the author of his destruction, for thereby the party would be known from whom he had the intelligence, he being the only person to whom it was spoken. Sends herewith a cipher from the Prince and the Admiral, which is sent to her so they may hear from one another, of which they desire to be advertised by M. De La Haye.
Orig. Draft. Considerable portions underlined, to be expressed in cipher. Endd.: 15 Oct. 1562. By Sir T. Smith's courier and Tho. Danzes. Pp. 8.
Oct. 15. 849. Another copy of the above.
Portions in cipher. Add. Endd. Pp. 9.
Oct. 15. 850. Another copy of the above.
Portions in cipher. Add. Endd. Pp. 9.
Oct. 15. 851. Decipher of the ciphered passages of the above.
Pp. 6.
Oct. 15. 852. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Asks whether he shall remain here until some further progress is made in these matters, or whether he shall accompany the Prince to the fields (which will be very dangerous for him if this case does not speed well), or whether he should leave France secretly. Desires him to send the Queen's order for him to Smith as well in this cipher as in Smith's, and also to Mr. Ormsby at Dieppe and the Earl of Warwick at Newhaven, and to deliver the same also to M. De La Haye to send to him. The defence of Dieppe, Newhaven, and Rouen rest only with the Queen. He should not allow the Papists to hoard up riches, but put the ships to sea and let the Frenchmen upon the coast and sea smart, and take good heed to the embassy and hostages. He is to look about to avoid papistical seditions and practices at home, to take heed of the Scotch movings and practices; to admonish the Earl of Mar and Lethington to look to themselves, and to beware of treason. The Earl of Sussex must be provident also; for the house of Guise (with the advice of the Cardinal of Ferrara) have laid their baits in England, Scotland, and Ireland to move sedition, in which practices the Cardinal Granvelle's brother, the Ambassador here, and the Bishop of Aquila are conjoined. He marvels what Blackwell (brother of the late Bishop of Ely) does at Dieppe; he has heard lewd behaviour of him; he is the brother of the person who married the Bishop's sister.
2. The Prince and the Admiral have sent a cipher to serve betwixt the Queen and them, with commendations to him and Lord Robert. The Prince intends to send the Queen a fair litter with two mulets and a coach, with horses for the same; the litter and coach will be sumptuously covered. The Prince desires Cecil and Lord Robert to inform him by the writer what colours will be most agreeable to her. They intend to present them [Cecil and Lord Robert] with something from hence. It is not known here whether Rouen is taken. Châtillon upon Seine is 100 miles from Paris, and the same from Orleans.—Orleans, 15 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 15. 853. Another original of the above. Signed.
Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Oct. 15. 854. Throckmorton to the Queen Mother.
Has received her refusal to grant him a passport. He has been informed that a privy counsellor has declared that the writer ought to be taken and put to death. To perform his duty it is necessary to have a passport; if it is not granted, the Queen will resent this as an injury, as she has power to do. —Orleans, [blank] Oct. 1562.
Copy. Endd.: 15 Oct. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 855. Another copy of the above.
Endd.: 15 Oct. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 856. Throckmorton to the King of Navarre.
As the Queen Mother has refused a passport, the writer declines to leave this place. He has not received more courtesy than the Queen has shown to many Ambassadors of France. M. De Noailles on taking his leave had not only gracious words, but presents. The Sires De Sevres and De Foix can tell whether they have received less honour at the English Court than he has at the French Court. Besides the Grand Prior Damville, De Vielleville and others have been so well treated by his mistress that they were bound to treat him well in France.—Orleans, [blank] Oct. 1562.
Copy. Endd.: 15 Oct. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 857. Another copy of the above.
Endd.: 15 Oct. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 15.] 858. News from Rouen.
On Thursday an assault was given, whereat 1,500 of the enemy were slain, and 200 or 300 of the town. The King of Navarre is hurt and was reported dead. The Prince and D'Andelot (whose powers are between Paris and Chartres,) have marched towards the camp. The Prince has taken Chartres. The truce which was demanded by the enemy for eight days has been refused. A trench has been made within the town. This nation and the Scots have behaved themselves valiantly, setting their ensigns in the midst of the breach; four or five of them slain.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 859. Challoner to Cecil.
1. For want of more trusty messengers is fain oft to send by sea. Has had no letters from the Court since the 8th of June last, which has hindered his credit. Desires that his respondent the Bishop of Aquila may be well looked after. If the Protestants in France prevail, the blow is given to the old oak's root, and it cannot be kept from falling, although these men be ever such busy underproppers. It is too much to see the bias of these men on the other side, yet he can pass over as well as another, though for these thirty years he never was so weary of this preposterous religion as now.
2. Trusts that Cecil's hangings of guadamezzelies will please him, with somewhat else besides. Leaves to his consideration the charges of Mr. Henry Cobham for posting with this packet. His brother Farneham's daughter and heir being a ward, the writer desires that either his sister, (her mother) or himself may have the preferment.—Madrid, 14 Oct. 1562.
3. P. S.—Sir Richard Shelley (who has come from Portugal) is still here. Henry Cobham will inform him of the affairs of this Court. They are using all means here to get out of debt; and having afterwards such a large wherewithal, they intend, perchance, to put their threats in ure. The Pope has lately contributed 200,000 ducats, and the Dukes of Florence and Ferrara 100,000 each, towards the French King's charges.—Madrid, 15 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal Portions in cipher. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
Oct. 15. 860. Another copy of the above.
Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 4.
Oct. 15. 861. Cuerton to Challoner.
Yesterday received the enclosed letters from his brother, John Challoner, from Dublin. The writer asked him to send a greyhound for the boar; so he has sent for "dooks" [dogs] to the west part of Ireland, which he will send hither for him. Will send him a couple of his country cheeses for the kindness he has shown to his friend Martin Deborgoa. Bilboa, 15 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 27 ejusdem. Pp. 2.
Oct. 15. 862. Cuerton to Challoner.
Wrote this day thinking that Don Alonso's servant would have carried it, but the Don has promised to deliver it himself.—Bilboa, 15 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 27 ejusdem. Pp. 2.


  • 1. Written upon the blank part of a letter addressed to Cecil from "Westminster College, this Friday."
  • 2. This is probably the plan referred to by Smith in his letter to Throckmorton, Oct-17. A few of the names of places are given in Italian.
  • 3. This despatch was written in cipher on linen; see No. 804.