Elizabeth: October 1562, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: October 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp332-346 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp332-346.

"Elizabeth: October 1562, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp332-346.

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October 1562, 1-5

Forbes, ii. 104.
724. Instructions to Sir Richard Lee. (fn. 1)
1. If the wind does not serve to carry him to Newhaven, he shall try to arrive at Dieppe, of which he shall consider the state of the town and the forts, and confer with the principal English captain, and then depart to Newhaven.
2. At his arrival there, he shall confer with Poynings, and view the fortifications; and show Poynings and the Controller what is necessary to be done; he shall then certify the Queen or the Council, and only abide till he receives an answer, which shall be sent without delay.
Draft by Cecil. P. 1.
October. 725. Instructions to Sir Adrian Poynings. (fn. 2)
He shall confer with Lee on the state of the fortifications of Newhaven, and shall induce the captains to lay their hands to such things as may be done with their labours, and therein to give an example to their soldiers.
Draft in Cecil's hol. P. 1.
[October.] 726. — to the Queen.
Begs that a muster may be taken of the 400 arquebusiers who are with the Count De Montgomery at Havre. Also that he may have vessels to transport his men to Honfleur to join the Prince, and that the Scottish horsemen who have come to him from Dieppe, may be allowed to serve under him.
Orig. [?] Endd. by Cecil: St. Maria. Fr. Pp. 2.
[October.] 727. News from Newhaven. (fn. 3)
Their troubles and enemies multiply, and no succour appears. They sent again to Dieppe for one of their bands and such soldiers as are assembled to come hither. (fn. 4) The merchants, who should have brought armour, have not yet arrived. No prey happens to a sleeping fox. Asks him, to hasten them. The bearer will inform him of their news here.
Orig. [?]. Fr. P. 1.
[October.] 728. Translation of the above into English.
P. 1.
[October.] 729. The Envoys of the Count of Oldenburg to Cecil.
1. Have read his questions, some of which could only be fully answered by the Count himself, for which purpose some trusty person should be sent as her agent, They can affirm however that he will serve her against Antichrist.
2. Nevertheless they will reply as they best can to his questions. He will enlist his forces in his own dominions and elsewhere. They cannot certainly say when he could lead his army into France (for Antichrist has his followers even in Germany); probably within a month he could be on the French frontier. He has experienced captains, whose names they cannot yet give. The pay depends on the numbers and service. Many men-at-arms and lancers will serve, who are accustomed to have double pay, and the officers, gentlemen, and others expect good pay. It is usual to add supplementary pay to each ensign. The pay of each bombardier used to be four gold crowns of twenty-four Brabant stivers each per mensem; but they will not serve for less than six now. The Count can furnish cannon and all necessaries himself. If the Queen desires it, he will serve with 4,000 horse. With respect to the pay, they hear that she used to give to a much inferior person 4,000 crowns per annum. He and his men must be paid in English money, with one month's pay for travelling money.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 4.
[October.] 730. The Envoys of the Count of Oldenburg to Cecil.
Yesterday evening (as commanded) they waited for him until 7 o'clock, and this morning they were at his door at daybreak. Learning that he was busy at the court, they went thither, but were not admitted. They ask him to obtain a reply from the Queen. If nothing but their passports is given to them, still they hope that they may carry away some signification of their having performed properly their message. Signed: Albert Hardenburg and John Drostro, Envoys of Christopher, Count of Oldenburg.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Oct. 1. 731. Maitland to Cecil.
Lest the truth should not be reported to him, he has commanded the bearer to declare how every thing has come to pass. The matter is nothing so difficult as some would make it. Doubts not but that whatever has chanced contrary to their expectations, will redound to the Queen's honour and commodity. The Earl of Huntly will plead not guilty, and seems to charge the youth and folly of his children with what ever is amiss. If any fault be his, it may be thought to have proceeded from too great simplicity rather than any craft or malice; specially by so many as have had experience of how he has always been accustomed to deal. Would be glad to hear what Cecil has heard of these matters, and his opinion. They long to hear the issue of this matter of France. All things in religion go right here. Earnestly recommends the bearer and his cause, wherein he has bestowed so much charge, besides the loss of his goods in the ship. He has also a packet of letters from the Queen to M. Peguillon, which she desires to be sent into France.—Aberdeen, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 1. 732. Lord Hume to the Earl of Murray.
John Selby, the porter of Berwick, Lord Grey's deputy, is very unreasonable, because a thief (who was delivered for a bill of Scotland) is stolen away. Desires that he will confer with Randolph. Signed: Alexander Hume.—1 Oct. 1562.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 1. 733. The Queen to Poynyngs and Vaughan.
The wind being easterly the ships there that can pass with the aid of oars might be freighted with 400 or 500 soldiers and pass to Newhaven, which number might be sent under Vaughan; and others being at Rye, she has given orders to Captain Ormsby to pass over with 400 soldiers to Newhaven, if the wind does not speedily change to the north or west. They are to consider this device, and cause it to be put into execution, if by the masters of the ships it be thought convenient. Poynyngs is to devise some good order for the captains and soldiers to use themselves orderly at their entry into Newhaven.
Hol. Draft by Cecil, and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 1. 734. Henry Killigrew to Cecil.
Has written sundry letters by way of Portsmouth and Rye. The Governor here has intelligence that the camp is before Rouen, which he would fain succour. Desires that men be speedily sent, and that those at Portsmouth be embarked in the six or seven ships belonging to the Queen. Those who are with Ormsby are sufficient to warrant this town. All his policy cannot assure the people here, because they see other ships arrive daily from the west, and they do not hear from Cecil, nor from Portsmouth, since he came hither. The people of Rouen are in good courage, and the Governor here warrants the same if he may enter with his men, which he will adventure immediately upon the landing of the English, and the writer has promised to go with him. —Newhaven, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 1. 735. Henry Killigrew to Cecil.
1. Since his last letter (which left here yesterday at noon), there arrived here a galley from Rouen, and M. De Mauvisier from the Court, sent to Beauvais from the Queen Mother, with great offers, if he would empeach the landing of our men. He saw the letters (which were sent immediately to Portsmouth to the Vidame), and heard Mauvisier's answer; which was, that he should not leave the town until he could carry assured news of the Englishmen's arrival. The galley came for arquebuses, powder, shot, and six brass pieces, which were embarked this morning, and shall depart this day, with the Countess of Montgomery and her children.
2. The galley brought news that at Rouen they looked for a siege within two days. If it is lost, Cecil must double his garrisons at Dieppe and Newhaven, keep the seas, and victual them both by force. He must hasten the forces that are to come over, and have in mind the soldiers of Berwick, for there will be need of them if the siege comes to Newhaven or Dieppe.
3. At Rouen there are 2,000 men, besides the citizens, who will not take any composition. The Queen Mother would it had cost her 100,000 crowns to have Montgomery out of Rouen; because his hardiness, after her judgment, will be the destruction of that town.
4. Has not heard from Portsmouth since he left. Their lingering is like to put the whole in hazard.
5. The soldiers here and at Dieppe mind, upon the landing of the English, to go to Rouen; but if the siege be there before landing, they must enter by water, which they cannot very well do without the help of the galley and the brigantine. It is requisite to send pioneers and engineers, and as many more as came in the first navy, with speed. The Governor here does rather doubt this town than Rouen, for there are not here at present 500 soldiers. The French victuallers came in good time. It is said that a garrison arrives this night or to-morrow at Harfleur and Montevillier. If the English land in time, it will ruin the house of Guise and force them to make agreement.
6. In the King's camp they have proclaimed the Edict of January; the Cardinal of Lorraine has gone to Trent; and the Duke of Guise has gone to Nanteuil. Beauvais answered Mauvisier in the presence of all the captains, that he should not depart until he saw the Englishmen landed; so the Queen Mother might be assured none of her practices could abuse them. News came from Dieppe this morning of the landing of certain Scots for their aid, and more expected. The galley from Rouen brought news that they expected no succour from England; which grew by means of Villiers that was stayed at Rye; but the galley shall carry more assured news to them, having seen our victuallers arrive. At Rouen they have printed the declaration. De la Haye sent it by one that came from the Prince; it is carried to Orleans and has done much good there, and will do more if the men come.
7. Is now factotum till the rest come; he means harbinger, stower of victuals, and sheep keeper. M. De la Ferte's wife is here for religion, and hopes to embark for London this day or to-morrow.—Newhaven, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 9.
Oct. 1. 736. Henry Killigrew to Poynyngs.
1. They have intelligence now that the siege is before Rouen, which makes them here more desirous for his [Poynyngs'] arrival, Requests him to send some from Rye, because these men are desperate. If the wind prevents them sailing from Portsmouth, then those at Rye should repair hither, else these men will be out of courage. They will go to the aid of Rouen immediately Poynyngs arrives and will abide, although the camp come hither, which they suspect will hinder the English landing.
2. If Poynyngs has not departed, he requests him to write to the Court for Portinary, and some pioneers, and for one of the galleys, for he will have need of all three here.—Newhaven, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
3. Poynyngs is to tell his soldiers that unless they make speed the French will eat their victuals. He is to bring as many gunners as he can, there being great need of them.
4. P.S.—M. De Mauvisier left yesterday afternoon, and was willed to abide his answer at Honfleur. This morning a messenger came from M. De Vassy (who is at Harfleur), and made great offers to the Governor of Newhaven in the Queen Mother's name, viz., that the camp should retire from Normandy, and he be made Governor of Rouen, and have the Order, with 50 men of arms, &c., if he would not allow the English to enter; but he intends to surrender this place to the Queen.
5. At dinner this day he received news from Dieppe, from M. De Briquemault, how the camp was before Rouen. The messenger from Dieppe said it was the Queen's pleasure that those who were at Rye should not remove until those of Portsmouth were entered here, which discomforted those who were privy to the news.
6. If those men at Rye with Ormsby came hither it would be sufficient to save this town until the rest came, and dispatch those here to the aid of Rouen. If Rouen is won, the 3,000 men, and 1,000 labourers will be well employed here. The soldiers of Berwick should be remembered. All these matters would have been out of doubt if the men at Portsmouth had departed upon Sunday or Monday last, when the wind served. They doubt Rouen, and the fear they have of the camp coming hither is the cause of their not sending to the aid thereof.—Newhaven, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 7.
Oct. 1. 737. Poynyngs to Cecil.
Understands by Mr. Kelway's letters that Cecil has had doubts of his letters of the 27th ult., which came to Portsmouth after his departure upon Monday last. This morning they were upon the seas by 7 o'clock, and continued until 11 o'clock contending with the wind, and at last were compelled to return hither.—Portsmouth, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 1.] 738. [Poynyngs to Cecil.]
The wind not being good yesterday afternoon, he rode to Southwick to the Vidame, and talked with him concerning the articles. Finds he is not willing that they should be sent, but rather thinks that those which Cecil sent first should be proclaimed, which will please the people; whereupon he would have them enter the town, demanding none of their forts, but freely, as of good will. Thus they will, of their own consent, deliver the town into their hands.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 1. 739. Poynyngs to Cecil.
1. Forgot to mention two special things; one is a minister, which he spoke of to the Earl of Warwick, who promised to send one hither ere this. The other is the Treasurer.—Portsmouth, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Desires a commission for the punishment of the soldiers, otherwise he will not be able to keep any order amongst them.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 1. 740. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. From last night until noon this day they have been upon the sea striving with the wind, and they have little hope it will serve them until Saturday or Sunday. Mr. Poynyngs is very loath to swerve in any point from his direction Hopes Cecil will provide some one else in his place.
2. Wrote to the Earl of Warwick a few orders requisite to be put in use at their landing at Newhaven, which (after Lord Robert and Cecil had corrected), he requested might be sent to Poynyngs, as from the Earl of Warwick. It would be very necessary that Poynyngs had his commission for punishing offenders, otherwise it will be in vain to give orders.— 5 o'clock p.m., 1 Oct., in Portsmouth, 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 1. 741. Abington to Cecil.
1. Has spoken to Mr. Morley, to provide shipping for the Earl of Warwick and 400 men.
2. On Monday, the 28th ult., Poynyngs and all the captains and soldiers left the haven, but were obliged to return the following night. They took with them between four and six days' victuals for all their soldiers, and he victualled 17 ships which have in them 199 marines, to the full of 14 days.
3. Also shipped wheat, biscuit, beer, beef, powdered bacon, oxen and sheep alive, and wood, all of which arrived safely on Michaelmas day. As those ships return to Portsmouth he will lade them again from hence with victuals.
4. His clerks there have mended one brewhouse, so they can now brew 10 tuns of beer at once. They have in store there already 300 tuns of beer, which will serve 3,000 men for 40 days. The bakehouses being very small, they have begun to make a large one, which will be finished before next Saturday. —Portsmouth, Thursday morning, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
5. P. S.—This morning, Poynyngs, with all the captains and soldiers, left for Newhaven.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 1. 742. Money for Newhaven.
Delivered at Portsmouth 1,400l., whereof for the pay there to the captains and bands, the Master of the Ordnance, Henry Stranguishe, and the Provost Marshal, 1,296l. 19s. 8d., so there remains in hand 103l. 0s. 4d.
Copy. P. 1.
Oct. 1. 743. Diego Perez to his Cousin Juan Mancebo.
Inquiries respecting Mari Martinez and Miguel De Velasco, his cousin. Professions of regard and thanks for services rendered.—London, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Span. Pp. 2.
Oct. 1. 744. Diego Perez to his Cousin Antonio Perez.
Letters sent by way of Flanders to Juan Cuerton at Bilboa, will be carefully delivered. Commendations to friends. —London, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add.: To his cousin Antonio Perez, in the house of Dr. Medel. Span. Pp. 2.
Oct. 1. 745. Diego Perez to the Inquisitor Ybarra.
1. These letters go by Bilboa, to the care of Juan Cuerton. The Queen here has declared for the Huguenots in France, and sends 3,000 troops from Portsmouth and 1,000 from Rye, which are to land at Havre and Dieppe. She has published a declaration to the effect that 6,000 additional troops are about to be embarked for the assistance of the French King against the persons who have usurped his authority, meaning the House of Guise. The Ambassador has remonstrated with her in the name of his master, but she is resolute. Much of this is directed against Spain. There are many more Catholics than heretics here.
2. It is reported that the bastard brother of the Queen of Scots (who has much influence with her) has killed one of her chaplains. The Catholic Bishops and other chief personages whom this Queen keeps in prison here, remain there without any hope of liberty. The relations of Francisco De Arbieto who are here, have been most kind; his mother is the chief Catholic lady here.—London, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: To Ybarra, at Calahorra. Span. Pp. 3.
Oct. 1. 746. Diego Perez to John Cuerton.
Wishes to be informed as to the arrival of certain letters. Will write again shortly. The relatives of Francisco De Arbieto have been very kind; in whose favour the Spanish Ambassador writes to the Inquisitors. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Juan Cortun [sic], at Bilboa. Span. Pp. 2.
Oct. 1. 747. Diego Perez to his Brother Pedro Perez.
Immediately upon his arrrival write to announce his safety. Is in good health, and hopes soon to leave. Hopes that the education of the children and their sister will not be neglected. The English have found out what he is. Has become friends with three of them by means of a few reals and some good wine. Thinks of sending "the pewter" to Doctor Medel with 100l. on hs own account, which will be money well laid out. The girl will keep it clean; some day it will be more effective, if she is worth anything. Commendations to their brothers.—London, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Span. Pp. 2.
Oct. 1. 748. Clough to Challoner.
Since writing the enclosed, has received his packet of the 13th of September, from Spain. Marvels that he had not received his bill of exchange for his money delivered to John Fleming on the 1st of June, as two were sent; encloses another. Is surprised at Francisco Bravo's ill usage of him touching his money.—Antwerp, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 1. 749. Vertusius, Provost of Deventer, to Cecil.
Having heard of Cecil's virtue and learning from Mr. Cobham, he makes bold to write to him. Has a secret of the greatest importance, which it is necessary that the Queen should know without delay. As Cecil cannot come to him, and as he cannot go into England, desires that a gentleman may be sent with full authority to confer with him. Suggests Mr. George Cobham, whom he knows. Goes in two days' time to Frankfort, and, after the convention is finished, to Aix-laChappelle.—Cologne, Cal. 1 Oct. '62. Signed V. G. (fn. 5)
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil: By Mr. Cobham. Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 2.
Forbes, ii. 84.
750. The King of France to the Queen.
By the treaty of Cateau Cambresis it is stipulated that neither of the parties shall afford aid to the rebellious subjects of the other. Has been advertised that many of his subjects are presently in England, amongst whom are the Sieur De Maligny, the Vidame of Chartres, La Haye, the Sieurs De St. Aubin, De la Rocque, and De Vertigny, Jourdemare, Master of the Artillery at Havre, Jehan Fercy, Bouchart, the Bailly of Dieppe, &c. He requires her to deliver up these persons to M. De Foix, his Ambassador.—Gaillon, 2 Oct. 1562. Signed: Charles,—Bourdin.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Broadside.
Oct. 2.
Forbes, ii. 84.
751. The Queen to Poynyngs.
Upon his arrival at Newhaven, Beauvais, the Captain there, will depart with all soldiers and captains, as he may have money to pay them. She has given order that 1,000l. be sent him by Dennis, whereof he shall pay Beauvais 300l., using therein the knowledge of Killigrew. The remaining 600l. [sic], if he find it to the advancement of her service, is to be paid to Beauvais, and by him delivered to the Captain of Dieppe. If Vaughan shall pass over before him, the 300l. is be delivered to him, and paid to Beauvais in the manner aforesaid.
Draft in Cecil's hol., and dated and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
Oct. 2. 752. M. De Foix to Cecil.
Is grieved to hear of the wrongs done to the English merchants in France, but more so that the Queen is preparing to take possession of some towns in Normandy, contrary to her oath and the treaty of peace, and her promise to him and M. De Vielleville. Will give the bearer a letter to the King, from whom he will receive a safe conduct to go into Bretagne.—London, 2 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 3] 753. The Queen to Poynyngs.
Ormsby was lately addressed to Dieppe with 400 men; trusts that the Earl of Warwick will not be long. Captains Read and Brickwell will shortly arrive with 250 from Berwick.
Hol. Draft by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 3.
Forbes, ii. 85.
754. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. He and Poynyngs differ respecting the receiving of Newhaven; Poynyngs should carry with him the device of the Vidame under the Great Seal, that it may be proclaimed. Poynyngs being specially appointed to receive it, thinks he may not proclaim it without further commission, otherwise than by himself at his coming; and so has willed him not to meddle with the receipt of the charge of the town, artillery, or munition before his arrival, but to aid them in the mean time. The writer will not refuse to receive possession of the castle, or anything else that they offer.
2. Began this letter yesternight, but being ill he finished it this morning; now entering the barque, he cannot so largely certify him [Cecil] of all things. There is now a good wind; he trusts they shall go together. Sails in the Swallow. "God maintain her wings." — Portsmouth, 3 Oct. 1562. "Saturday at four o'clock in the morning." Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 3. 755. Troops for France.
1. A note of the numbers sent to Newhaven from Portsmouth 3rd Oct., viz., Sir Adrian Poynyngs 213, Cuthbert Vaughan 213, William Bromefeld 158, Turner 211, Leighton 211, Zouche 211, Morton 211, Haward's band 211, Gilbert Erth 211, Stranguish 80, Barry 11. Total, 1,931.
2. Sent from Rye to Newhaven; Captain Ormsby 211, Thomas Kemiss 105, Cookson 105. Total, 421. Total to Newhaven 2,352.
3. Sent to Dieppe; Captain Wyndebank 100, Captain Barton, 100.
4. Sent from Portsmouth to Newhaven; Mr. Blunt 105, Parkinson 105, Warde 105, Sawle 105. Total, 420. Mr. Whittingham two servants.
5. Sent to Newhaven from Rye; Captain Rede 100, Captain Brickwell 100.
Orig., in Cecil's hol. and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
Oct. 3.
Forbes, ii. 96.
756. M. De Beauvoir to the Queen Mother.
Could not send M. De Mauvissier sooner with the news of the arrival of 4,000 English at Dieppe and other places; 4,000 more are expected to-morrow or shortly after under the Earl of Warwick, with 1,200 horse. Is sure that when she hears of the agreement which has been made with them she will be marvellously content, as their only object in coming is the glory of God and the deliverance of the King, whereof the protestations of the Queen of England ought to satisfy her. If she allows her anger to be excited against them by those who, having ruined this kingdom, seek further to destroy that of Jesus Christ, it will be the quickest way of aiding the desires of those who seek to hazard her domination. As some may try to turn this announcement into a menace, he denies that it is meant as such. The most assured means for peace and quiet would be for her to punish the Guises for their crimes. For their own part they are determined not to reject the assistance which God has sent them, and that if any are to be ruined it shall be their enemies, or at least the ruin shall be common to both parties. The Prince of Condé is ready to obey her, and the intentions of the Queen of England are honourable.
Copy, in a French hand, dated and endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
Oct. 3. 757. Another copy of the preceding, in a French hand.
Endd.: Oct. 7. Fr. Pp. 4.
Oct. 3. 758. Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Has received his three letters.
2. Solchaga and Martin Deborgoa say that he has shown them great kindness.
3. Withepole arrived in Dartmouth on the 12th ult. Trusts that Master White arrived in London long ago. Moffett informed him that he left Saint Sebastian five days ago in a ship for Bristol.
4. None of the Queen's men are, nor ever were, before either Calais or Rouen.
5. Wrote him some days since by a young man who went to Mistress Clarencius with his two firkins of butter, and which the writer bought here for him. Will buy some cheeses for him; has sent to Shropshire for some.—Bilboa, 3 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 4.
Oct. 3. 759. [Marsilio della Croce] to John Shers.
M. De Bordiglione, the French Legate in Piedmont, has refused to obey the patent for the restitution of the four fortresses ordered to be delivered to the Duke of Savoy, upon the plea that it was signed only by the King and Queen. In the writer's opinion the Duke will not recover them except by force. The intelligence of the death of Bajazet is confirmed. The marriage of the Duke of Ferrara with a daughter of the Emperor is considered certain.—Venice, 3 Oct. 1562. Signed, but the signature torn off.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add.: To Shers, in London. Ital. Pp. 2.
Oct. 4.
Forbes, ii. 88.
760. Poynyngs and Vaughan to the Queen.
1. They sailed from Portsmouth Haven on Saturday at 7 a.m., the wind being N.E.; and on Sunday they entered the roads at 3 p.m., and immediately landed as many men as they could with that tide. Their arrival was joyful to Beauvois, the gentlemen, and the town. They conferred with Beauvois, of her writing under her seal, which he liked very well, and said he would cause it to be proclaimed. He offered to deliver the castle and the town, which they requested to be respited till the next day in consequence of their late arrival.
2. The same night they supped with him, and he declared the good news which he had received from Rouen, being partly besieged by M. D'Aumale. The King and his mother are in the camp. No battery is laid thereto yet, nor will they be able if the town continues in its strength and courage by the comforting of the Count Montgomery. At their coming to wards the shore certain of Harfleur and Montivilliers came to the cliff side to view their entry; Beauvois sent fifty horse to encounter them, who took twenty-five prisoners, and slew twenty more.—Newhaven, 4 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 4. 761. Poynyngs and Vaughan to the Council.
Containing the same intelligence as their letter to the Queen of the same date, but omitting the account of the skirmish between the troops of M. De Beauvois and those of Harfleur. —Newhaven, 4 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 4. 762. Poynyngs to Cecil.
Reminds him of the money for the payment of the soldiers here, and also of the commission which he requested at his departure.—Newhaven, 4 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 4.
Forbes, ii. 89.
763. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Poynyngs and he have informed the Queen of their safe arrival.
2. Cannot express the joy of the soldiers and inhabitants here, at their arrival. If Rouen should be surprised it might give the French suspicion on their part that the Queen means but an appearance of aid, thereby to obtain such things of theirs as may be profitable to her and most annoying to themselves. He esteems Rouen to be such a jewel to this town, that by no means is it sufferable to become an enemy. Poynyngs still continues suspicious.—Newhaven, 4 Oct. 1562.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 4. 764. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Sends this bearer to remind him of some things which are necessary for Dieppe as well as Havre. As they do not intend to succour Rouen, he begs that they will do so for Dieppe. Cannot express his affliction at seeing that the preservation of Normandy (which was the principal object in asking the Queen's help) has not been followed up. Advises Cecil to send men and stores to Dieppe, as otherwise the town will be ruined. Money must be sent to M. De Fors; 6,000 crowns to M. De Beauvois, as his men have been unpaid for two months. Poynyngs should be asked to allow the merchandise at Havre to be shipped, which it was agreed should be sold for their advantage.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 4.
Oct. 4. 765. Henry Killigrew to Cecil. (fn. 6)
1. . . . . . . . besides the Queen is bound in honour, and a penny spent now will save three. Her fame is great here, and it lies in her hands to banish idolatry out of France. Cecil will think him over holy for a soldier. He received the communion this day with other Christian soldiers who are of that opinion. Refers Cecil to Poynyngs who is now writing. He wishes that the 3,000 crowns which Cecil gave had been brought with these men.
2. Mauvissier has by this time informed his friends of the house of Guise of the Earl's coming hither. Desires Cecil to remember the soldiers of Berwick and the western miners.— Newhaven, 4 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 4. 766. Memorial of MM. Montgomery and others.
1. They desire to know what force the English can put in the field, leaving 1,500 men to garrison Havre.
2. Also whether the Earl of Warwick can assist them with his forces, without first sending to England to obtain the Queen's leave.
3. Also which of them the Earl of Warwick wishes should go to the Queen.
4. Also to what place they are to take the soldiers whom they withdraw from Rouen, Dieppe, and other places; and how they are to pay them until the pleasure of Condé shall be known.
5. The Queen should have in readiness the 100,000 crowns which she promised to the Prince; and also that she will cause the merchants of London to take the goods in Havre at a reasonable price. The remonstrances of others to this course should not be received, as the Vidame and M. De Beauvois have more than 300,000 crowns' worth of property in France.
6. If the Prince's army comes into these parts, the Queen must assist them with provisions.
7. Ships should be sent with corn and wine.
8. The Earl of Warwick should ask the Queen to send over the two Breton ships staid at Rye, which are laden with corn.
9. Also that she will send arms and some merchants and artizans to them. Signed: De Montgomery, Briquemault, Beauvois la Nocle.
Orig. Fr. Pp. 4.
Oct. 4. 767. Another copy of the above, with some trifling omissions.
In a French hand. Fr. Pp. 2.
[Oct. 4.] 768. Another copy of the preceding in English.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
[Oct. 4.] 769. Answers to the preceding questions in English.
Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 4. 770. M. De Montgomery and others to Sir H. Sidney.
As Condé must employ all possible means whereby he may be aided, they ask him to move the Queen that she will succour the Prince. They enclose a memorial signed by them.—Havre de Grace, 4 Oct. 1562. Signed: Montgomery, Beauvois La Nocle, Briqeumault.
Orig. Add. Fr. Pp. 2.
Oct. 4. 771. Translation of the above into English.
P. 1.
Oct. 4. 772. Francisco Bravo to Challoner.
Expected to have been able to have sent the money at the end of last month, but is now compelled to ask for a further delay of two or three days.—Palaçios, 4 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 3.
Oct. 5. 773. Throckmorton to Smith.
Received two letters from Smith of the 26th ult., dated at Abbeville. If Smith has any letters for him from the Queen or the Council for his revocation, and his [Smith's] presentation, is sorry they were not sent by his servant, who arrived here on the 4th inst. Such matters have fallen out, and he stands in such terms as he can neither safely depart from Orleans or repair to the Court unless he has a safe-conduct; not because he has exceeded the behaviour of an Ambassador, but because the malice of the world is against him, as Smith may perceive by the bearer, his cousin Middlemore. Communicates his mind to Smith by him rather than by writing. The servant whom Smith met with at Calais could have informed him that the writer was here. Sends his cousin to the Court with a letter to the Queen Mother, and so instructed as he shall declare unto Smith, whom he has given charge to return to him with all speed. In the meantime his opinion is for him not to remove from where he is.—Orleans, 5 Oct. 1562.
Copy. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 5. 774. William Bromfield to Cecil.
On the 3rd inst. about 5 a.m. they left Portsmouth, and on the next day at 5 o'clock p.m. they arrived at Newhaven. They find within the town 500 soldiers. The Duke of Guise, the Constable, and the Duke D'Aumale upon Tuesday last applied their force to Rouen, and upon Wednesday began the siege. By sallies from the town the enemy has lost 500 men. Condé will meet with his friends about the 10th inst. and join together to raise the seige. Yesterday afternoon certain horsemen sallied towards Fécamp (a Papist town), where they were encountered by the Papists whom they overthrew and took thirty of the Papists' arbuebusiers and two men of arms prisoners. Newhaven is not of such force as reported, and if any siege should be attempted, 4,000 men at the least would only suffice to guard it at this present.—Newhaven, 5 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Oct. 5. 775. Vaughan to Cecil.
1. Poynyngs and himself find M. De Beauvois agreeable to all the Articles. They have appointed to-morrow at 8 o'clock to receive the castle and artillery, and such other places of strength as are meet for their purpose.
2. Beauvois has requested to be answered of two Articles; the one, for money to despatch their soldiers out of the town; the other, to have the aid of 200 men to accompany them towards Rouen. Poynyngs and the writer cannot see what excuse to make, so he will pledge his chain and little plate which he has here to borrow 1,000 crowns to serve them with, and will help them with 200 men, although it is contrary to their instructions. Poynyngs will consent to it only by earnest persuasion, and therefore no one is to blame but himself.—Newhaven, 5 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Oct. 5. 776. Borghese Venturini to Cecil.
The Ambassador Quadra still is a persecutor, and has just played him a shrewd trick. Having left a trunk at Brussels which contained certain of his effects, he arranged with a Flemish carrier for its conveyance hither. Quadra caused it to be intercepted, and has possessed himself of the writings which it contained. These were of great importance, consisting of autograph letters from the Bishop to the writer, then in Flanders, which might be considered as summaries of his correspondence from London with Flanders and Spain. There were also some concerning the concubines and children which he [the Bishop] had in England; instructions about affairs which the writer managed for him, and vouchers for money expended for him in Flanders, which he fears he cannot now recover. The knavish carrier is said to have returned to Flanders, but it is more probable that he is secreted at Durham Place. Asks for protection and assistance.—Walthon [Waltham], 5 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.


  • 1. On the same leaf with the article following.
  • 2. On the same sheet of paper as the last article.
  • 3. Possibly sent from Rouen to Newhaven.
  • 4. In the margin of the English copy (see next No.) is written, These be the men suspected."
  • 5. In Cecil's writing: Johannes Vertusius prepositus Daventrensis.
  • 6. A fragment only; the beginning is wanting.