Elizabeth: July 1562, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: July 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp151-170 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1562, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp151-170.

"Elizabeth: July 1562, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp151-170.

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July 1562, 11-20

July 11. 299. Sir John Foster to [the Earl of Rutland].
1. Cannot learn otherwise than that Lord Ogle's men began the riot with which Robert Wetherington charges them. The tales about the taking down of Gregory Ogle are likely to prove untrue.
2. Sent into Scotland to ascertain with what state and train the Queen of Scots travelled. Received two letters from thence, which he sends by the bearer. And as Cecil is desirous of knowing if there were any who did undutifully countenance the execution of Gregory Ogle, was secretly informed that there are certain who conspire to be revenged therein against the writer, the Sheriff, and Robert Wetherington. Has had before him Roger Heron, one of the supposed conspirators, and the sayings of the said Francis and Bryan, which he sends. The bearer, with Wetherington, will inform him of all the discourses had in this matter, and the cause of his allowing Heron to be at large rather than the others, and of his having Bryan in ward.
3 Desires that the matter between Edward Bednell, Rachel Rodam, and himself for the tithe of Long Houghton, may be tried at this sitting.
4. Is a suitor for the liberty of his brother Rowland, who is still in ward, notwithstanding a sufficient bond has been offered for his appearance.—11 July 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Rutland. Pp. 4.
July 11. 300. Guido Giannetti to the Queen.
1. Sends the copy of four canons respecting the Eucharist proposed (but not yet determined) in the Council of Trent, together with a paper thereupon presented by the French Ambassadors. For some years past Austria and the other states of the Emperor Ferdinand have wished to have licence to receive in both kinds; but the answer has always been that the decision of the question belonged to a General Council. If it is to be obtained, France and the Emperor must be urgent. These two powers have demanded the discontinuance of the present Council and the appointment of a new; to which the Pope has answered that either is the same to him, but that the other Princes wish it to continue. He has also sent three important despatches to the Council by the Archbishop of Lanciano. The writer hopes that there will be a new Council, in which the votes will be free and equal.
2. Dragut's galleys are making sad havoc with the realms of Naples and the Pope, but the Venetians have gained some advantages over the corsairs.—Venice, 11 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
July 11. 301. N. Stopio to Sir John Mason.
Wrote as usual last Saturday, and has nothing of consequence to tell. There are various reports afloat about the agreement in France of 24 June. The Council will now advance more expeditiously. It is reported from Rome that the Pope will not live long. The College is in confusion and a schism may possibly take place at his death.—Venice, 11 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
July 11. 302. M. De Courtallain to Cecil.
Repeats his application for a passport for his property to go into France. Hears that his successor is at Boulogne, waiting for a favourable wind. Some plate which had been mislaid has been discovered in the house of John Tournay, a constable, who refuses to give it up, although his arms are thereon.— 11 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 12. 303. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 29th ult. informed her of the accord betwixt these parties at a place between Beaugency and Orleans, with such capitulations as he could learn from the Prince of Condé, the Admiral, and the Cardinal of Lorraine.
2. Since then the accord is frustrated, and matters have grown more dangerous than ever. Some say there was never but a hollow peace meant by the King of Navarre, who served his turn by the Queen Mother, she having credit with the Prince of Condé. Peace was concluded to avoid the danger they were then in, the Prince being resolute to give battle, and the others not minding to hazard it. Others say they eschewed the fight that day to win time; others, that the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre showed themselves greatly dedicate to the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André, inasmuch as they would accord no other order in the matters of religion than was proposed in their articles.
3. The Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, having entertained the Prince of Condé with sundry conferences for seven or eight days after the peace, the Admiral, M. D'Andelot, the Conté Rochefocault, and others were appointed to speak with the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre beside Beaugency for order to be taken in the cause of religion, at which time they offered such hard conditions to the Prince as they could not accept. Amongst other matters, this was added, that all preachers should be banished from France, together with the Prince, the house of Chatillon, and the chiefest of that side, until the King was of age, and they to enjoy their livelihoods abroad. Some say that the Prince offered to retire where it should please them.
4. Whilst these conferences were being made, the Prince lost the advantage he had of fighting his enemy. The Duke, the Constable, and Marshal St. André returned from Chartres to the camp again, which was between Beaugency and Blois, and then caused the same to march to Blois, which they battered for a day and a night, gave assault, and entered. They used great cruelties there, although the inhabitants offered to let them in at the gates; for when the principal men offered the keys, they were showed the cannon, saying they were the keys they would enter by.
5. The Prince's camp (remaining all this while three leagues from Orleans towards Beaugency), being informed of the Duke's proceedings at Blois, marched to Beaugency, which having battered, they entered, and killed the most part who were left to guard the same.
6. The Prince, seeing his own forces diminish daily, left Beaugency, and retired to Orleans, where he now remains with scarcely 3,000 horsemen and 6,000 footmen. They are in doubt what is best for them to do, but he hears one of the three following things they intend to take in hand:—Either to retire to Lyons and join with the Baron Des Adrets (who has in good order 4,000 or 5,000 men), or to retire to Gascony, where the Queen of Navarre is, or else to retire to Rouen, and thereby keep Normandy.
7. Concerning Normandy, understands the Duke D'Aumale with his force approached Rouen on the 29th ult., and planted his battery before St. Catherine Mount. M. De Morvilliers, chief in the town, has well defended his charge, and the people (who number 4,000 fighting men), are resolved to keep it. The Duke De Bouillon keeps Caen and the castle, and lately sent 500 arquebusiers to succour those in Rouen. M. De Maligny (now Vidame of Chartres), passes to and fro betwixt Newhaven and Rouen. He lately heard that he could be content to have some aid from the Queen into this place. Cannot answer for the truth hereof, but the matter is worth listening to. The Duke has left Blois, and marches towards Tours, where he expects to meet the Duke of Montpensier with his force. At Blois they put to death all the officers of the town, only because they behaved themselves according to the Edict of January. The Queen Mother stayed with the King at Melun until the 10th inst., when they went to Bois de Vincennes, where, by the Cardinal of Lorraine's solicitation, she will consent that the Prince, the Admiral, and their accomplices will be proclaimed rebels, and their goods confiscated.
8. The Duke De Nemours has left for the camp. Some think he will march to Meaux-sur-Marne, which holds for the Prince. MM. De Vielleville and De la Chappele have summoned it to surrender. They answered that they would remain the King's subjects, with the same devotion as the Prince has.
9. The Parliament of Paris, by the persuasion of the Cardinal of Lorraine, has published the most rigorous edict that was ever heard of, which he sends to her herewith; upon the publication whereof the Parisian people committed the most horrible murders.
10. The Papists charge the Protestants with having offended the charity of the Gospel by putting themselves in force to defend their religion; but the Papists' violence exceeds all bounds of charity, and ought to be termed Turkish.
11. Marshal Brisac, Governor of Paris, has caused a qualification of the edict to be made by publication, which the Court of Parliament would not allow to be printed. In the edict the Queen may perceive that they have condemned the Prince and all those with him as rebels, and have committed them to the mercy of the people irritated by the same edict.
12. The Abbot of St. Salute has arrived at the Court, sent by the Bishop of Rome to take order how the 400,000 crowns which he gives the Papists here may be paid. It is also said that the Abbot shall remain in this Court as Ambassador resident for the Pope, and the Bishop of Santa Croce be revoked.
13. The Queen Mother being at Beaugency, he sent John Barnaby to complain of the injuries which her subjects have sustained upon the seas, in remedy whereof she wrote a letter to the Duke D'Aumale, the copy of which he sends herewith. Sent one of his servants to the Duke with it, and with another letter from himself.
14. The Duke has done little for taking Rouen, in spite of his long battery at St. Catherine. He intends to recover Newhaven after he has recovered the towns upon the Loire, which it is likely he will do, for none is defensible against battery, nor are they furnished with men of war. They fear much lest Newhaven should fall into the Queen's hands, and they will do all they can to amuse and divert her therefrom.
15. The edict before mentioned has been the cause of M. De Harecourt, Governor of Abbeville, his eldest son, and others being slain in Abbeville by the papistical inhabitants thereof.
16. The Conté of Rokendolf, with 1,200 pistoliers, is now at La Ferte-sur-Oye. It is thought they will be employed against Meaux.
17. Here is great working on both sides to impeach the interview between the Queen and the Queen of Scots, and the Cardinal of Lorraine would have the same protracted. The Queen Mother and the French Councillors do all they can to withstand it.
18. On the 9th inst. M. D'Ozell was made Knight of the King's Order.
19. M. De Pyenne has retired from the Prince, and will make his submission to the King. Many more retire daily, having lived a long time upon their own charges, and the Prince will not serve himself with the King's treasure, which he might have easily from sundry provinces.
20. The Baron Des Adrets prospers, for he has recovered Grenoble, Valence, and all Dauphiné from the hands of M. De Maugiron, and is now ready to march into Burgundy to fight M. De Tavannes, who keeps the field with his force.
21. The Cardinal of Lorraine sent La Croc to the writer (who lately passed from the Queen of Scots), to know whether he understood lately that the interview betwixt the Queens should take place. He answered that the same was likely to take place. Then La Croc delivered him a packet addressed to the Queen of Scots, and desired him to send it by his next despatch, which is enclosed.—Paris, 12 July 1562. Signed.
Orig., portions in cipher. Add. Endd. Pp. 10.
July 12. 304. Decipher of the ciphered portions of the above.
P. 1.
July 12. 305. Draft of the above.
Endd. Pp. 10.
July 12. 306. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Refers to his despatch to the Queen. Matters are of sufficient importance for her to consider what may ensue. The Prince of Condé is very weak. Recites a dialogue between two gentlemen concerning matters of religion in France. Lately a very great personage, and of no small authority in this Court and elsewhere, said (being demanded what was the best remedy to quiet the world in the matter of religion), that the same remedy must be used as was practised after Arius had troubled the world. The other answered, "I know you mean a General Council." "Yea," said he, "but there must be a preparative before that." "What is that medicine?" said the other. "All such," said the great man, wheresoever they be, and of what quality soever, as contemn the See Apostolic and the authority thereof, must be destroyed by hook or by crook, and then there will be order and quietness." It was answered that there were some who did not recognize that authority, and yet held not such absurd opinions as the Calvinists, and therefore it were too sore to punish them all alike. The great man answered, "I make the same difference between the heretics of this age as between the Arians, Nestorians, and Eutycheans; for though they did not accord in all points, yet there was amongst them an affinity against Christ and the Christians. So the Lutherans, the Calvinists, and the others have a consent in many things against the Catholic Church and the Catholics, and so after the same manner the world must be rid of these sects in this age by the sword, as their predecessors did the elder heretics in their time."
2. Has informed the Queen already that the Duke of Guise and the Constable would besiege Newhaven as soon as they have recovered Tours, which will not be long. Word should be sent thereof to Newhaven. These men's great fear of the Queen is for the surprising of Dieppe, and especially Newhaven. If she is disposed to lend the Prince any money, he wishes she had Newhaven in pledge rather than the bonds. If she has any credit with the Protestant Princes in Germany, it is time it were employed to aid their friends and their cause in France.
3. Sends herewith the last letter he received from Challoner. He does not think the Spanish aid will come, but he hears they are upon the frontier of Navarre, to the number of 3,000 footmen and 1,500 horse. Sends two of these charitable ordinances lately set forth, whereof Cecil may send one into Scotland.—Paris, 12 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[July 12.] 307. The Conference between the Queen Mother and the Prince of Condé.
1. The Guisians, seeing the Prince of Condé come from Orleans to give them battle, offered conditions of peace, and requested also truce for six days. Having communication with the Queen, the Prince said that he submitted to her will even to be banished, upon condition that the followers of the true religion might live safely in their houses, with quietness of their conscience, in hearing of prayer and communicating the Sacraments according to the Gospel. The Queen Mother wrote to the King and Court of Parliament that she had made peace. When the truce had expired, she declared to the Prince that there must be no more preaching in France, and that the ministers should leave the realm, with such others as followed their doctrine; whereunto the Prince answered that charity would not allow him to obey such commandment before the King and she were at liberty, and the Gospel had such course as they had decreed by the consent of all those assembled.
2. Concerning the discourse sent by the Queen Mother to the Court of Parliament, it is certain M. De Guise caused her to sign the same, she being ignorant of the contents; and since it was printed by Vascasan, the sale was prohibited.
Draft. Corrected and endd. by Cecil: July 1562. Pp. 4.
July 12. 308. The Prince of Condé and the Duke of Guise.
1. About the 25th of June the King of Navarre sent for the Queen Mother to come to a place near Beaugency, where both the armies were very close together, giving hope to her that both parties would accord.
2. At her coming the Prince offered that, two things granted, he and his party would commit themselves to be ordered.
Unfinished draft in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 12 July 1562. Advertisements from France. Pp. 2.
July 12. 309. Henry Killegrew to Lord —
1. Has been absent from London as far as St. Michael's Mount.
2. The news is altogether of the meeting at Nottingham on the 3rd of Sept. betwixt both Queens, for which great preparation is made on both sides; tilts set up and warning given to all lusty knights that mean or may show feats of arms; the statute of apparel dispensed with. The Laird of Lethington departed yesterday towards his mistress with full resolution hereof from the Queen under the Great Seal. Sends a few verses in French which were sent to Queen Elizabeth in Latin by her good sister and neighbour, with a token, which was a heart of diamonds well wrought.—London, 12 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 13. 310. Somers to Throckmorton.
1. Upon Francisco's return with advertisement of the agreement, the Queen resolved to send thither Sir Thomas Smith to congratulate, and also after some abode to remain there as his successor, who was quite ready to start when advertisement came that the parties were fallen off again. This staggered that hasty determination for the present; yet all remains ready to go forward upon the first good news. The bruit to the contrary of Throckmorton's advertisement does wonderfully appal everybody. The Ambassador of Spain has bruited abroad in sundry places of the agreement in such sort as the Cardinal of Lorraine uttered to Mr. Middlemore. This bruit does also balance the Queen's determination for the interview, yet has Lethington gone away with full determination, and articles of the manner of meeting; preparations making ready at Nottingham, and all things appointing for triumphs, &c. to great charges.
2. Has communed with Smith about Middlemore's matter, who hopes to have some good conclusion before his departure. As for Mr. Danet he is not in London, but upon the first occasion he shall know all touching his [Danet's] son. Advertisements come from Flanders that the King of Spain has commanded the Estates of the Low Countries to aid the French King with 6,000 foot and 2,000 horse, which they have utterly refused to do. All things here are in very good quiet. The year is unseasonable through rains these six weeks, and the goods of the earth are in danger. Is sorry of that Throckmorton writes of his harness; he must fight with a pen, and make a corslet of a sheet of paper. Has ordered Stephen Davy to make away that which Throckmorton gave him, seeing the armourer with whom he bargained for another cannot help him.
3. The Irish Lords are not yet gone home, for the Earl of Ormond fell sick of the small-pox as they were ready to depart. Shane plays the honest subject since being at home. The Earl of Desmond has made his submission, wherein was found more stiffneckedness (for all his civil education) than in Shane, Good orders are devised for that realm to place justices of the peace and quorum in places needful, and to bring the people to demand reason of wrong of the justice. The Queen sends over shortly learned lawyers to devise with the deputy and Council how the same may be done, and to appoint a special place like the Star Chamber at Westminster. Francisco will deliver a copy of the Queen's "jests" yet accounted upon.—Greenwich, 13 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Throckmorton's secretary. Pp. 4.
July 13. 311. John Cuerton to Challoner.
As the Nuncio has no faculty, they must have patience. Perceives that he has received the two chests; trusts the Countess has the other two. Would be glad to hear that he was quit of his tertian. The Judge that came thither does all the ill he can to Martin Debergoa, a scrivener of this town, a great friend of Cuerton, so he has appealed to the High Council. For the bill of 300 ducats sent to Burgos he has no answer.—Bilboa, 13 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
July 13. 312. Intelligences.
1. Wilna, 13 July. The Duke of Wilna has arrived at Dantzic, and the Duke of Ostrogothia is expected; both on their way to Wilna.
2. Milan, 28 July. Two couriers have arrived from Spain; they bring tidings respecting the state of the hostile parties in France. Avignon has been taken by the Huguenots, and 800 Catholics have been slain. Count Gio. Angorescioli does not know when he will start.
3. Rome, August 1. The Neapolitan galleys sailed on the 26th ult. The Pope is much annoyed with the pasquils circulated in Rome. The Ambassador Vargas, who was at the point of death, is recovering.
4. Ferrara, August 4. There have been considerable disturbances in Bologna.
5. Cracow, July 25. (fn. 1) The Muscovites have retreated, after burning up the country for a circuit of sixty leagues. It is doubtful whether the marriage between the son of the King of Sweden and the Princess [of Poland] will take place.
Copy. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
July 14. 313. Sir Henry Percy to Cecil.
In the Duke of Norfolk's time he obtained a commission by Cecil's means for the reparation of this house, and although since then the Commissioners appointed for the same have sent in their certificate to the Duke (as appears by the copy of their proceedings which the writer sent to Cecil), he has not received any allowance for what he disbursed. He therefore prays that he will help him to the money. Also prays a licence for Lady Latimer not to repair into Yorkshire at the coming of the Queen of Scotland there, as his wife will be presently brought to bed in a rude country, which is unfurnished with skilful persons in such matters. Thanks for gentleness showed to his man, Thomas Claveringe. Will perceive that his [Percy's] sister-in-law remains with him here, and has done so since his return from London.—Tynemouth Castle, 14 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 14. 314. Lord Dacres to Sir John Foster.
The writer's son met the Master of Maxwell on the 6th inst., and there delivered four bills of attemptates of other party. The Master called earnestly for redress of the other bills of attemptates, because he would have the Grames in his bondage.—Kirkoswald, 14 July 1562. Signed: William Dacres.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 14. 315. Robert De la Marche to the Queen Mother.
Sends the bearer, Captain Bertheville, to inform her and the King of the state of affairs in this country, and assures her of his great devotion to her service.—Argenton, 14 July 1562. Signed.
Copy. Add. Fr. P. 1.
July 14. 316. Louis De Rabourdin to the King of Navarre.
Having conferred with the Duke of Bouillon and M. De Martigny about the King's service, they write to him to ask for instructions as to what they are to do with respect to the seditious assemblies; and also that order may be taken to preserve the towns of Argenton, Essay, Alençon, Verneuil, and Domfront from secret attacks. Fontevrault, 14 July 1562. Signed.
Copy. Add. Fr. P. 1.
July 14. 317. Louis De Rabourdin to the Constable.
To the same effect as the previous letter to the King of Navarre.—Fontevrault, 14 July 1562. Signed.
Copy. Add. Fr. P. 1.
July 14. 318. Passport for Glandy Petit and others.
Passport for Glandy Petit, Lewes Vincent, John Gilbert, and Nicholas Provinchere, servants of the Queen of Scots, to go into France. Signed: Valentine Browne.
Orig., with seal. P. 1.
July 15. 319. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
Perceives that a practice had gone about for revenging the death of Gregory Ogle, and sends a copy of a letter from Sir John Foster touching that matter. Has directed that Roger Heron should be secretly sent to him [the writer], as he thinks the matter should be well looked into. Has therefore made Sir Thomas Gargrave only privy to these matters. Asks him to open this matter to the Queen. It is reported amongst the Papists here that the Catholics are waxing strong in France, and that the Huguenots decay.—York, 15 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 15. 320. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has received no letter by Lethington. The Queen makes all diligent preparation for the interview. This present day she directed her letters again to all the noblemen of the realm to be with her at Edinburgh, and departs thitherwards herself to-morrow. Immediately after she had conferred with Lethington and received the Queen's picture, she sent for the writer. After she had rehearsed many such purposes as by Lethington's report had been spoken of her by the Queen of England, she showed him the picture, and asked "how like this was to her lively face." The writer answered that he trusted she would shortly be judge thereof herself. She said that was the thing she most desired, and trusted that their hearts should be so eased that the greatest grief that ever after should be between them would be when they took leave of each other. Next day at dinner she said that Lethington had told her that the Queen had been some space evil disposed, and asked him what he had heard thereof; and further, of the ability of her body in the time of her health, of her exercise, diet, and many more questions. She trusted that neither of them would be sick, and wished rather to bear half the pain than that it should stay their journey. Since the return of Lethington, and the assured knowledge that the interview should take place, he has communed with divers to know their judgments thereof. As there were divers opinions in England, so he finds here many more persuade against it, rather for private commodities than they can show reason. They are not unknown to the Queen, and he trusts provision will be so well taken that what evil will soever they have, their power shall be evil able to answer. Because also many doubt that their inordinate desire to live at liberty shall now be bridled to a reasonable rule of life, they shift by all means to continue themselves in their accustomed manner to live, which is without fear of God or due obedience to their Sovereign. Hears that the Duke and the Earl of Huntly, for all their free offers before, trust now to put off this journey, the one with a diseased arm, the other with a sore leg, whereof he can believe neither. Finds in this Queen as much good will as possible, in many of her subjects no less desire than in herself, the rest not such as any such account is to be made of.
2. There are divers offenders in Liddesdale; more than 200 bills to be redressed. There is strait commandment to the Laird of Cessford, opposite Warden to Sir John Foster, that redress be made for the whole number, and two of the Eliots (the chief of the clan), to be delivered in fault thereof to Sir John Foster. These two have been long time in the castle of Edinburgh. They remain prisoners for all attemptats that shall be done by any of their surname hereafter, and to satisfy for all that is past; or else suffer according to the law of the Borders. The Earl of Mar is become so terrible unto these thieves that before twenty days there will come many of them with withies about their necks to put themselves into the Queen's will.
3. Has received by Lethington the Council's letters, with a copy of that sent by them to Lord Dacres for due redress to be made to the Master of Maxwell, the effect whereof he has declared to the Queen, who willed him to assure his Sovereign that she would not spare any disturber of the amity that is between them. There came advertisement within these two days from the Earl of Argyll that there was apprehended in the Isles an English pirate with certain Scotchmen. Commandment was given by the Queen to hang the Scots, and to advertise what English there are. They are of the company of the Fettiplaces, Johnston, and Whitehead, with divers of Ireland, to the number of three great vessels in good equipage; so that much mischief must ensue if their devilish purposes be not staid. Is required by the Queen to send this packet to Cecil to be sent to Throckmorton to be delivered to a servant of her's. The Queen purposes to make her train as short as she may, though divers desire to see the Queen of England, and also to show herself very liberal.—Stirling, 15 July 1562, "rath in the morning." Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 7.
[July 15.] 321. Articles for the Postponement of the Interview. (fn. 2)
1. Certain articles have been indented between Lord William Howard of Effingham and William Maitland to the following effect:
2. That the Queens shall meet at the city of York, or between the said city and the river Trent, betwixt the 20th August and the 20th September.
3. That although neither of them shall motion anything that may be prejudicial to the other, the Queen of England may require the ratification of the treaty made at Edinburgh 3 July 1560.
4. That the Queen of Scots shall not be pressed with anything which she shall show herself to mislike before she be freely returned to her own realm.
5. If any of her train commit any offence in England, no other shall be troubled but the person offending.
6. That the Queen of Scots may come into this realm with 1,000 persons of all estates, with their horses, mules, money coined or uncoined, etc.
7. That a certificate be made of such persons as shall come into England.
8. She may enter England by Berwick, so her train within that town does not exceed 200 persons at one time.
9. That they shall be permitted to use the rites and ceremonies of their religion as they use in Scotland.
10. That Scotch money not being current in this realm, the Treasurer of Berwick, on receiving 10,000 pounds of gold or silver of Scotland, or under, shall deliver in exchange so much current money of England as the same is worth, or, the monies of Scotland being of gold, (not under twentyone carats,) and being of silver, (of ten ounces in the pound weight,) shall be made current in this realm from the time of the entry of the Queen of Scots for six months after the entry.
11. That the Queens shall ratify these said articles interchangeably.
12. The Queen having, (since the conclusion of the accord,) certain knowledge that she cannot see the Queen of Scots this summer, yet she confirms the articles of accord, and agrees to meet her [Mary] at the city of York, or at the castles of Pomfret or Nottingham, at any time between the 20th of May next and the last of August following, the time and place to be chosen by Mary, and signified to the Queen before the last of August next, who will accept the same before the last of October.
Copy, by a Scottish scribe. Endd. by Randolph. Pp. 7.
[July 15.] 322. Another copy of the above, by a Scottish scribe.
Pp. 4.
July 15. 323. William Hawes to Throckmorton.
1. Wrote in the packet sent by the French Ambassador's servant on the 13th inst. Has spoken with the Earl of Pembroke as Throckmorton gave him charge touching the ring and the chains, who seemed very sorry that he had not got the ring before these persecutions chanced; and required him to write to Throckmorton earnestly to help him with one and the other; and also touching his servant who died there lately, who had sundry writings, money, and other things of his, to inform himself in what state he left all things. Afterwards he told Cavalcanti privately of what he had said to the Earl of Pembroke from Throckmorton; he seems very loath to deal with the Earl for credit of money, having been illused at his hands heretofore. The writer and he made search amongst all Throckmorton's books as to what year the edicts extend, and have found one book of ordinances from St. Louis to King Henry the Second, with sundry edicts passed in King Henry's time to the year 1551. They found another book from 1551 to 1556, and one containing an edict of 1556, and two other little books.
2. Lady Throckmorton has given him leave to go down into the country. Sir Harry Sidney is this day despatched towards Scotland, to stay the progress as it is said.
3. "Here are daily bruits given forth by the Spanish Ambassador (as it is thought) far discrepant from such as I learn are sent from your Lordship, and the Papists have so great a voice here as that they have almost as much credit, the more it is to be lamented. I have not since I came last over come in any company where almost the greater part have not in reasoning defended Papistry, allowed the Guisians' proceedings, and seemed to deface the Princes quarrel and design. How dangerous this is your Lordship doth see."— From the Court, 15 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
[July 16.] 324. The Queen to Throckmorton.
Upon receipt of his letters of the 12th inst., the Queen by the advice of the Council has deferred her journey to the North, and has sent Sir Henry Sidney in post to the Queen of Scots to inform her thereof, and that the Queen will meet her next year at York at any time she may appoint betwixt the 30th of May and the 31st of August. Has sent two of her Privy Council to the King to see whether the troubles in France might not be ended by treaty instead of the sword, but before sending them Throckmorton is to find out the Queen Mother's disposition therein, either directly or indirectly. He is to use all possible haste herein to obtain the said knowledge and return an answer without delay. The French Ambassador has informed her that the breach of the accord at Beaugency was through the Prince of Condé in this sort, namely, the Admiral and M. D'Andelot, coming to speak with the Queen Mother, were content to leave France and to remain until the King was of age, having licence to receive the profits of their lands for their sustentation. Returning to their camp they found the multitude so offended herewith, that the Prince sent word they could not perform that which had been yielded unto; whereupon the Queen Mother informed the Duke of Guise and his party, and so they proceeded with the army towards Blois. The Ambassador also said that the Queen Mother offered the Prince and his party to use their religion in their private houses, so that the same were not used in open assemblies or congregations, and in churches, whereunto the Prince would not assent; therefore the Queen Mother willed the Ambassador to inform the Queen that upon this she was compelled to bring in force of strangers, as Swiss and others. The truth of this the Queen would gladly know, and he is to inquire therein and inform her thereof as soon as he can. "Our meaning is that ye should secretly advertise the Prince of this our purpose, and to let him understand that we mean not to neglect his estate in anything that conveniently we may do." (fn. 3)
Draft. Broadside. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 16. 325. Corrected draft in Cecil's hol.
Endd.: 16 July 1562. Pp. 4.
July 16. 327. The Queen's Debts in Antwerp.
A charge given to Sir Thomas Gresham, being sent to Antwerp, [blank] July 1562.
She being indebted in Antwerp to certain merchant adventurers in several sums, amounting to 64,523l. 18s. 2d. Flemish, payable in August, Gresham shall pass over and (showing an appearance that he comes to pay the same) he shall try and prolong the same for six months upon the like interest. Before he concludes for the prolongation, he is to treat with some other merchants to take up a sum of [blank] thousand pounds above the present debt, and to have it answerable to her by the 10th or 15th August. He shall use great circumspection and speed.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 17. 328. M. D'Andelot to the Queen.
The Guises (not content with misusing the forces and name of the King for accomplishing their evil designs) have brought into the realm a number of Swiss and Germans, both cavalry and foot soldiers. The Prince of Condé has sent him to the German Princes in order to implore their help. Mundt has promised to send her copies of letters, whereby she may perceive the designs of the Guises, which extend further than depriving France of the Gospel and extirpating its professors there; for they intend afterwards to attack all nations following the same religion as the writer and his party. Condé has doubtless informed her of this, as it so nearly concerns her. Begs that she will assist them to defeat the machinations and conspiracies of the Guises.—Strasburg, 17 July 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal of arms. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 17. 329. The Queen Mother's Proceedings in France.
1. The Queen Mother, being anxious that the world should know the truth as to her proceedings and the efforts which she has made to keep the realm in tranquillity during the minority of her son, reports that she caused the Estates to assemble at Paris. They there passed an edict last July to restrain disorders, but were obliged to have another assembly last January at St. Germain-en-Laye, where a counter edict was passed. The diversity of opinions is so bitter that the two parties have taken up arms, and those of the new religion have seized Orleans under the Prince of Condé, who has collected a large number of the nobles of France. Various others of the chief towns have followed their example, so that the King of Navarre has been compelled to assemble a force to repress them. They have also appropriated the taxes. They have refused to lay down their arms and retire to their homes, although promised every security. In a private interview with the Prince he stated that he could not be secure unless the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and the Marshal St. André retired from the Court. On their part they represented that it was not right during the King's minority to remove from him such important personages; that the Catholics in Paris had taken up arms to oppose the edict of January, and that if his party would retire to their homes they might live there as they liked, whilst a council (of which he should be a member) might devise some better means of contenting both parties. The Prince appeared willing to do this, but is constrained by others to insist on the two points. When the Queen promised that if they laid down their arms and gave up the towns which they had seized, then the said three Lords should retire, he would not agree to this.
2. After the army had approached Orleans, the King of Navarre twice exhorted the Prince to accept the conditions offered by the King. But he remaining obstinate, they said that all that they could do was to let them dwell peacably in their houses until a council settled the matters in dispute. Afterwards fifteen or twenty of the principal persons with the Prince sent a writing to the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, offering to obey them if the said three Lords would withdraw; to which the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Prince agreed. The Lords having promised to depart, the Queen Mother went to a place about two leagues from the camp, accompanied by ten or twelve knights of the order unarmed, in order to meet the Prince of Condé, who had promised that he would return to the camp with her. There met her the Admiral, D'Andelot, La Rochefoucault, Grammont, Soubise, and others, who demanded that the edict of Paris should be observed. She informed them of the departure of the three Lords, and prayed them to lay down their arms, promising that they should live there with liberty of conscience. They replied that they could not live without the edict in any security. She said that they might live peacably in their houses if they chose. They however persisted in either being allowed to go away, or in having the edict enforced even in Paris; she replied that she could never consent to their terms.
3. As these gentlemen were followed by about 1,000 arquebusiers and 500 or 600 horsemen, they took the Prince back with them against his will, and so he was not able to perform his promise of returning to the camp with the Queen Mother. Also instead of dispersing, as they had engaged to do, they marched their forces nearer to those of the King, contrary to the wishes of the Prince. She repeats the assurance that all people may reside at home in peace and safety, following the dictates of their own conscience, provided they do so without occasioning scandal.
Dated and endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 9.
July 17. 330. Robert Poyntz to Throckmorton.
Thanks him for kindness. At Amiens they heard that the Governor of Abbeville had been slain, but do not know whether by the Papists or Protestants. Has spoken to Francis Peyto on the three points that Throckmorton wrote about: Peyto desired to have time to answer on so grave a matter, and said that the letters which he had lately written to Throckmorton would partly satisfy him. The two Whites profess devotion to Throckmorton.—Antwerp, 16 Sextil. Signed.
Orig. Hol., injured by damp. Add.: To Throckmorton, Hors la porte de S. Marceau, à Paris. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 17. 331. Memoranda by Cecil.
1. To give order to the justices of peace to see to the statutes of rebellion and seditious tale bearers, and to understand of the commission for ecclesiastical causes of persons abroad that be seditious.
2. To give orders for musters in certain counties, and to stay ships meet for transportation in others.
3. To provide victuals for the seas, and to put in order ten of the Queen's ships.
4. To consider of a general for the voyage, and of a convenient number of captains for conducting 10,000 soldiers.
5. To send Mr. Wroth into Almaine. M. de Vielleville.—17 July 1562.
In Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 18. 332. Cecil to the Earl of Rutland.
1. The Queen is informed that Lacy, servant to Lord Lennox, who absented himself beyond the seas for a good while, has now returned to those parts; and as he departed secretly she directs the Earl to examine him as to the cause of his absence, and his dealings whilst he was abroad; and of such other things as the bearer will declare. If there shall appear any good matter against him, then he shall detain him in ward, or take bond for his appearance. The Queen would also that he and the Archbishop there should cause a priest usually named Little Sir William, beside Malton, appertaining to Lord Lennox, to be well examined for his massing secretly at divers times, as this bearer can also give him intelligence.
Draft, corrected by Cecil and endd. by his secretary. Pp. 2.
July 18. 333. Challoner to Cecil.
1. On the 24th ult. he sent a packet to Cecil, with other letters of the same date, and one of the 8th ult. by Stephen Becon, merchant of London, who was passing this way going to Bilboa, there to embark with the first for England.
2. Fifteen days since he received by the Courier Gamboa a packet from Throckmorton with a letter from Cecil enclosed of the 8th ult., containing large advertisements to his satisfaction. He rejoices at the state of England and at the clemency shown by the Queen to those great personages whose offences might justly have irritated her to further chastisement. It is her felicity that hither to she has not been forced to make any capital punishments for treasons or religion. Is sorry the broils in France should impeach the interview between the two Princesses.
3. Cecil has always known his opinion (since his being in Flanders,) concerning the Bishop of Aquila; he is not the meetest man there, or reporter hither; yet having respect for the long time of his abode there and suit of himself to depart, Challoner thinks it would not be much as Cecil has borne with him so long to bear with him longer. He will not repeat the evil conditions of his dealings in Spain proponed to men of contrary profession. The writer behaves himself as uprightly as he can, yet pique may be offered to him by such as set their authority from a power above King and all.
4. Wrote in his previous letters of the Prince's repair into the Low Countries next spring, which is accounted more likely. Not long since he rode to Alcala to visit the Prince, where using congratulations he was answered by him briefly. The Prince is well amended, (fn. 4) and to-morrow is expected here at Madrid to be present at the accustomed triumph on St. James' day next; after which the King, Queen, and Prince depart to el Bosque, beside Segobia, where they will spend a month in hunting. Thence they will visit the frontiers and in the winter go for the keeping of the Cortes at Montzon. If the Princes' voyage to Flanders comes to pass, desires to know whether he may return from hence into Flanders, to accompany the Prince,
5. It seems that the Condian party is not so weak as supposed here. The aid to be sent from hence does not now proceed so earnestly. Has spoken for Cecil's leather hangings to be done with diligence, of which if he likes he may command more for his great chamber. In the summer they use no other, and reserve the tapestry for the winter. None know better what a blessed climate England is, than those who have been parched in these ovens of Spain. He would not forsake his living at home to be the greatest Duke here, and (were it not to serve the Queen) he would rather choose a good chamber in the Fleet than all Spain for a large prison.—Madrid, 18 July 1562.
6. P.S.—There lately arrived here from Rome one Odescalco, whose message concerns explication of the Pope's reasons why he repeals the power of faculties from his Nuncio here and reserves all dispensations as before to Rome. It proceeds from the fathers now at Trent. "Touching the young Prince and how I like him (in this letter, knowing through whose hands as the hazard of the trustynes (?) of this bearer serveth) I will not much enlarge, but only refer you to my former letters sent by Henry King. Quod audivi verum esse ex visu comperi. Quare nihil amplius addo. (fn. 5)
Orig. Draft, in Challoner's hol. and add. by him: 1562, M. to Mr. Secretary, 18 July, sent by a courier that went by sea for Flanders. The double by Withypol. Pp. 19.
July 20. 334. The Queen to the Duchess of Parma.
Requests that the Duchess will deliver to Gresham a subject of hers named — Brown, who being under one of the Receivers-General fled to the Low Countries with large sums of money.
Endd. and dated by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 20. 335. Draft of the above in English.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 20. 336. Challoner to the Queen.
1. This morning the Duke of Alva requested him to come to his lodging, who when he came said that the King was informed that one Borghese (employed by the Bishop of Aquila as secretary), had lately left him, and defamed him with false reports. The King requested that the said secretary might be delivered to the Ambassador. The writer answered that he would inform the Queen thereof. The Duke thanked him for his promptness in writing, and said a courier would be despatched that night to Bilboa, thence by sea to Flanders. The writer said that the passages are stopped by the Prince of Condé, and that it was piteous to see so noble a realm travailled by the members thereof. The Duke said that this rebellion tends to this end, that denying obedience to their Prince they would endure a communalty. The writer said he heard that the King armed to aid his brother-in-law; and that according to the ancient discipline of England the Queen has put in readiness certain ships. He assured the Duke that she had not intended any such aid, at which the Duke seemed satisfied.—Madrid, 20 July 1562.
2. P.S. (fn. 6) Wrote his opinion of the Bishop of Aquila in his letter to Cecil, before this conference with the Duke. Although he has understood that Borghese is not a natural Spaniard, but an Italian, Bolognese, born in the Pope's dominion, yet he would wish the Queen had some other answer for these men's better satisfaction.
Orig. Draft in Challoner's hol., and endd. by him: Despatched by a courier for Flanders, which went by sea. By Withypoll. The double. Pp. 18.
July 20.
Forbes, vol. ii. p. 2.
337. Perils upon the overthrow of the Prince of Condé.
1. The crown of France would be in the hands of the Guisians, who would please the King of Spain in all they may. The King of Spain (to disable the house of Navarre for ever from claiming Navarre), and the house of Guise (to promote the Queen of Scots to the Crown of England), would attempt the marriage of the Prince of Spain to the said Queen, and in this compact Ireland would be given as a prey to the King of Spain. The general Council shall then condemn the Protestants, and give their dominions to any Prince that shall invade them.
2. In the mean time the Papists in England will be solicited not to stir, but to gather money, and be ready to move when some foreign force shall be ready to assail England or Ireland. It will be too late when the Papists have the upper hand to seek to withstand it, and whosoever thinks that relenting in religion will assuage the aspirations of the Guisians are deceived.
Draft in Cecil's hol., dated and endd. by him: A memorial of the perils of France. Pp. 3.
July 20. 338. Advices from Italy.
1. Milan, 12 August. The vessel which sailed from Genoa having been attacked by two galiots of the corsairs blew up (it contained 500 barrels of powder), and 300 soldiers perished.
2. Rome, 15 August. The Pope lately summoned the Governor of Rome, immediately after which light cavalry were posted at the gate of the city, an insurrection being apprehended. Reports were circulated of the Pope's dislike to the Romans. Several arrests have been made.
3. Constantinople, 20 July. The Venetain ambassador has had an interview with the Signior. The Sofi of Persia has asked the Turk to supply him with 50,000 or 60,000 cavalry to be employed against his enemies. The plague has broken out with great violence.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 3.


  • 1. This concluding paragraph is in Stopio's hand.
  • 2. See also Domestic Correspondence, Elizabeth, vol. xxix., under 4 Aug. 1563, and Treaty Book, i. 232.
  • 3. This passage is an addition in Cecil's hand, and is partly in cipher. It does not occur in the draft.
  • 4. Here three lines are effectually obliterated.
  • 5. The passages enclosed in parentheses are cancelled in the draft.
  • 6. This P.S. is marked as to be put into cipher.