Elizabeth: July 1562, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: July 1562, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp141-151 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1562, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp141-151.

"Elizabeth: July 1562, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp141-151.

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July 1562, 1-10

[July.] 268. Memoranda by Cecil.
1. To borrow in London 20,000l.
2. To send a skilful man-of-war to Newhaven to see the strength thereof, and to name a general for the army.
3. To make exchange of 20,000l. to Strasburg, to be there by the last of September.
4. To send to the ports for ships to transport soldiers, and to Portsmouth to prepare victuals for 6,000 men for two months.
5. To accord upon a day for the embarking of the army, principal officers, etc.
6. To appoint skilful persons at Portsmouth to see to the speedy transportation of the men.
7. To cause the band at Portsmouth to pass over, and 100 Hampshire men to remain.
8. To name three hostages to remain at Dieppe.
9. Three bands of old soldiers to come from Berwick by sea to Newhaven.
10. To accord how many ships shall remain upon the narrow seas.
11. To put in readiness 4,000 more soldiers in the counties this side of Trent, and 600 or 1,000 horsemen.
12. The writings must be first made, and then all things provided meet for the journey, victuals, soldiers, armour, and weapons sent to the ships.
13. Lord Treasurer made privy. The Duke of Norfolk sent for. Letters to the Earl of Derby. Sir T. Smith to be sent away.
14. Letters to the King of Spain and to the Queen Mother.
15. The declaration to be published after the taking ot Newhaven.
16. Parliament summoned against All Hallowtide.
17. Money to be borrowed before Christmas.
18. First offer. Upon receipt of Newhaven to deliver three hostages, for delivery of the compact to the Palsgrave to pay in Strasburg 70,000 crowns.
19. To deliver at Dieppe 40,000 crowns within twenty days after the receipt of Newhaven.
20. To deliver at the same place 30,000 crowns within twenty days following, to be employed by the Prince upon the defence of Rouen and Dieppe and the rest of Normandy. Newhaven to be redelivered upon the restoration of [Calais] and the repayment of 140,000 crowns.
21. Second offer. Upon receipt of Newhaven to deliver three hostages and in Almaine 70,000 crowns.
22. To send a power of 6,000 men into Normandy, whereof 3,000 to serve Rouen and Dieppe, and if 2,000 may serve Newhaven then one other 1,000 to serve Rouen and Dieppe.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: First Memorial. Pp. 3.
[July.] 269. Manifesto of the Protestant Princes.
They warn the Germans who have entered into the service of the Duke of Guise that he and the Cardinal of Lorraine only seek to destroy those who profess the Gospel. Their Captain Rockendolf has been declared by all the States of the Empire guilty of lese-majesty, a perjurer and traitor to his country, and one who has intelligence with the Turks, for which he has been put under the ban of the empire. If they serve him they have not a spark of religion or honour. None who neglect this warning will escape condign punishment in this life, and the vengeance of God hereafter.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
[July.] 270. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
July 1. 271. Throckmorton to the Queen Mother.
As he cannot have access to her himself he sends the bearer to declare the commission with which the Queen has charged him. He begs that she will have consideration to the same, and not only redress the past evils but also take care that her subjects should not be injured in future.—Paris, 1 July 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp.2.
July 1. 272. Pope Pius IV. to the Council of Trent.
1. Is sure that those brethren who wished to enforce the residence of clergy were moved by pious zeal.
2. Desires that the Council should be free, and that discord and disputes may be removed. They must see that the heretics are carefully watching all that passes. Every one should say what he thinks on the matter, and then without disputing a decision should be arrived at.—Rome, 1 July 1562.
Copy. Lat. (fn. 1)
July 2. 273. Challoner to Richard Clough.
Has received two packets from Clough on the 30th ult. by Gamboa, before the receipt of which it is nigh three months since he had letters. Farnham (Challoner's servant) wrote to him that he had made over 400l., and a 100 more coming after. Desires Clough that Francisco Bravo make more speedy payment than he did the last. Wishes he was in Flanders, for he does not like this hot country of Spain, both for its unpleasantness and dearth; hopes to be there next year if the Prince goes thither. Wishes the matters in France had been taken up by composition. There is little talk of the King going to the Cortes of Aragon until these rumours of France be blown over.—Madrid, 2 July 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by M. De Esquy and M. De Towtrey. Pp. 2.
July 3. 274. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Has received news from Scotland of the Earl of Marre, Lord Hume, and the Laird of Cesforth having with 3,000 horsemen of the Marshe, Lothian, and Tividale, ridden upon the thieves of Liddesdale and taken twenty-four and drowned in a loghe twelve or thirteen of them. Will send their names in his next. These thieves have always been out of order, and the worst given to thieving of any in England or Scotland.—Berwick, 3 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 3. 275. Lord Grey to Cecil.
Sends herewith the examination of certain men touching the late abuses at Wark, and of the evil usage of Rowland Forster, whom he had before the Council here, and charged him with the lewd offers of the Lord of the May games. Forster answered that he did not know thereof. Had the piece been within the Queen's charge he would ere this have sent some harquebusiers to guard it, as it is very weak, and very evilly kept. In what order shall he guard it, for the better safeguard of the Queen's ordnance there? The house is used more like a farm than a house of strength. Desires the Lords of the Council to direct him what punishment he should require for Forster's cruel handling of the poor man. As Wark stands upon the uttermost frontiers and is in disorder, has sent his servant herewith for the better opening of the state thereof and that he may return with an answer speedily. Begs that he will give him commission to send his servants post, as he finds great deceit and slackness amongst the posts.—Berwick, 3 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 3. 276. The Captains of Berwick to Cecil.
Enclose their supplication, which they will not exhibit to Her Highness unless it meets with his favour. Have sundry times moved the Governor and Mr. Treasurer to be a means for them herein.—Berwick, 3 July 1562. Signed by Thomas Browne and eight others.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 3. 277. Sir John Mason to Challoner.
Has received several letters, to which he has made answer. At present they are all preparing northward to see the Scottish Queen, who has made such request to have a meeting that the Queen has yielded thereunto, without any great number giving her counsel so to do. The meeting will be at Southwell, and from thence they will repair to Nottingham and remain there seven or eight days. They will set forward about the eighth or ninth of August. It will be a costly journey. Challoner knows what the opinion of Philip De Comines is concerning the interview of Princes. It is useless to write touching the agreement betwixt the two factions in France, wherein the Prince of Condé seems to have the best bargian. This being concluded, Sir Thomas Smith will depart to fetch home Throckmorton. Sir Henry Sidney has been there lately to treat of the compounding of the matter on the Queen's behalf. Desires to be commended to his [Mason's] man Charles.—London, 3 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received by a post from Flanders, 15 Aug. Pp. 2.
July 3. 278. Chamberlain to Challoner.
1. Has received from John Cuerton at Bilboa certain coffers; but the stuff Challoner sent him remains there for want of passport, which he prays him to provide, so at the return of this ship he may receive the same and as much more as he left, having need thereof.
2. A progress is intended northward, as by other means he may understand.
3. All his friends and himself send their commendations to him, and he also sends them to the Count and Countess De Feria. "I do send by this ship a rundlet of raisans corrants, which is my wife's token."—London, 3 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 17 Aug., by sea from Bilboa. Pp. 4.
July 4. 279. Hugh Tipton to Challoner.
1. With Emery Lake he wrote to Challoner and sent by Humphrey White, and with them both he sent a portion of spice. He does not send the butter, because the weather is so hot.
2. Mr. Chantes is here, who has a letter from Antwerp of the 14th ult., in which they write that the Queen arms twelve ships, for what purpose they cannot tell; and another writes from Burgos of the 26th ult., that there is an English ship in the Flanders channel, which has taken a hulk that came out of Flanders for Lisbon, and another that went out of Bordeaux. Twenty sails of Turks and Moors are before the haven.—Seville, 4 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
July 4. 280. Council of Trent.
A writing was this day read in the General Congregation by the orators of the King of France in four canons respecting the mode of administration in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, (which canons are not yet sanctioned) to the effect that the orators requested some modifications in the same. They mention that it has been customary with the Kings of France for the last thousand years upon the day of their consecration to receive the Eucharist in both kinds, and that upon stated occasions certain monks do the like. These canons appear also to be opposed to certain general principles contained in the instructions of the said orators. They suggest that concession upon this point will tend to allay the dissensions now so prevalent.
Copy in Giannetti's hol. and appended to his letter of July 11. Lat. P.1.
July 4. 281. Advices from Constantinople and Rome.
1. Constantinople, 7 June 1562. The death of the Sultan is reported. The Bassa Pertuen has gone to Scutari to meet the ambassador of the Sofi, against whom war will be proclaimed, since he will not surrender Bajazet.
2. Rome, 4 July. The Archbishop of Lauzano has set out for Trent with three despatches. The Cardinal De Cuensa is dead. A messenger has arrived here from the Duke of Florence, bringing great presents to the wife of Cesar Gonzaga. The twenty-seven galleys of Naples have not yet found the Turkish fleet. The King of Spain has told the Pope that he will help the King of France.
Copy, with Stopio's letter of July 11. Ital. Pp. 2.
July 5. 282. The Queen to Lord Grey.
Understands by his letters to his servant Hedley, that Margaret Hume, a Scotchwoman, having committed a notorious offence in Scotland, has fled into this realm, and was received and maintained for fourteen days by Henry Orde of Horkeley in the East Marches, and it is thought that he has conveyed her further. If it can be proved that Orde has received her, Grey shall order him to be apprehended and delivered to the Warden of the opposite March in Scotland, to answer his doings according to the laws of the Borders.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 5. 283. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Perceives by his letter of the 26th ult. (received at Sterling on the 3rd), how uncertain it is whether the interview shall take place this year. Thinks this Queen's desire is equal with any others. The furniture for such a voyage, so shortly intended, will hardly be found, not for lack of anything fit for her own person and household, but for many others who are commanded to find themselves in readiness. Thinks that for the people of this realm it were as good for it to take place next year, when they may do things with good deliberation at their more commodity. Nothing is so grievous to this Queen as to mistrust that it should be out of hand, though she should take her journey within ten days, or not have forty persons to attend upon her. Knows not what moves her ladies, who so stir her continually up to hasten this voyage. Has this day spoken at good length with her; she resolves that whatever becomes of the interview for this year, that there shall be no change of goodwill towards the Queen of England. Finds her as grieved with the discourtesy of M. D'Aumale as though like spite had been wrought unto herself. Before he disclosed this matter to her (having not yet conferred thereupon with the Earl of Mar) she (being advertised thereof by Lethington) told the writer of it.
2. The news which Cecil sent him are not so well believed of this Queen as he trusts they are true. Thought, after communicating them to the Earl of Mar, to have been the first reporter of them to the Queen in as good words as he could, but in the meantime there came a packet from Lethington, who seems to make such doubt of the verity thereof that he made it almost nothing at all. Was well content for the time to let her believe as she pleased. Either she dissimulates trimly what she has heard of her uncle's hurt and the death of St. André, or else she has heard nothing of it at all in Lethington's letters.
3. The Earl of Mar is absent, but is looked for in a day or two. He made a quiet raid upon the thieves of Teviotdale and Liddesdale, who have a common resort upon certain market days in certain towns near the Borders. He thought to set upon them so suddenly that he should take many, as once his father did 120 at one time. He took horse well accompanied on Wednesday night, and appointed to be at Selkirk the next day at the chief time of their market.
4. The news that comes unto the French brings them almost to their wits' ends. The Ambassador from the Pope is a Jesuit, sent from the Cardinal of Ferrara, to make an entry for some more honourable personage. The men of Edinburgh have no will of him. He landed first at Leith, conveyed by a Scotchman for a friar who had lost his frock in Louvain. There was lately a quarrel between Lord Ogilvy and a son of the Earl of Huntley, named the Laird of Finlie; Lord Ogilvy is sore hurt on his right arm. M. De Croc has made very honest report by his letters of his good treatment, and of the Queen's present to him. This Queen has shown the writer certain verses in Italian sent from the Queen, marvellously fair written, which she requites with a few more.—Stirling, 5 July 1562.
5. P. S.—The Earl of Eglinton is divorced from the Duke's daughter for adultery; he has married the old Sheriff of Ayr's wife not above fourteen days, and now she begins to repent her bargain.
6. M. De Varrance wrote lately that the King of Sweden was fully purposed to be here before winter. Saw a letter which he wrote to a gentlewoman in this court desiring to have his suit preferred to the Queen. Thinks he means rather his master's suit. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 4.
July 5. 284. Throckmorton to the Duke D'Aumale.
Has received letters from the Queen Mother for redress of certain injuries committed on English subjects at the coast, especially by the Baron De Clere. Begs that he will help to punish these disorders.—Paris, 5 June (fn. 2) 1562.
Copy. Endd.: 5 July. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 6. 285. The Queen Mother to the Duke D'Aumale.
The English Ambassador having informed her that some of his people have captured certain English merchants who were going to Rouen on business, and make some difficulty about releasing them, she desires that he will inquire into the matter.—Melun, 6 July 1562.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 7. 286. The Queen to Sir John Foster.
Authorizes him to permit Lord Gray of Scotland to repair for a season to his native country, under a bond by sureties, in 1,000l. [?], which Sir Thomas Gray of Horton [?], is one.
Draft, nearly defaced by damp. Endd.: 7 July 1562. Pp.2.
July 7. 287. Randolph to Cecil.
Requests passports for certain officers of the household of the Queen of Scots to go into France.—Stirling, 7 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 8. 288. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Received his letters of the 3rd inst., and advertised Mr. Randolph of the matter whereof he required him.
2. Begs that he will let him know soon about the meeting of the Queens, as he is ill provided, all his things being in London; but he trusts that the Queen will help him, considering his poverty, or else he is likely to receive the Queen of Scots to the dishonour of his mistress, and his own shame.
3. A complaint having been exhibited against him to the Lords of the Council for cessing certain townships under the rule of Sir John Foster for spoiling the Scottish ship at Rosse Bank; he answers that having commission from the Lord Admiral for the answering of the said spoil to the merchants of Scotland, and letters from the Lords of the Council to the same effect, and the spoil amounting to more than 680l. (which had it been levied the country would have been much impoverished), he practised with the merchants for the relief so well that they were pleased with 200l. Thereupon, with the advice of the Council here, he (finding Sir Ralph Grey's servants in fault), cessed him at 66l. 13s. 3d., George Muscyance of Berwick at 20l., Lyall Humble at 20l., and for the rest of the 200l. he cessed such townships wherein dwelt any of those who had been at the spoil. The three townships under the rule of Sir John Foster were only cessed at 9l. He paid the money to the merchants of Scotland last Michaelmas. Is driven to send for Richard Foster, under officer to the said Sir John Foster, and to detain him until he has answered him for the said 9l., which he should have levied and paid long since.—Berwick, 8 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
[July 8.] 289. Misdemeanours of Rowland Foster.
1. For a long time he secretly supported John Cowper of Norham, a notable offender of Marche laws, whom Lord Grey lately attached in his (Rowland's) house.
2. He concealed the Laird of Paston in his house, who having grievously offended the laws fled from authority.
3. He has openly maintained that it is lawful to convey the corn of England to the people of Scotland.
4. He is the principal maintainer of thieves, and detains horses stolen from Lord John of Coldingham, having received them from the stealers; and will neither render them according to the order of Marche, nor yet declare the stealers.
5. He has supported Gybby Selbie, a notable thief (who has committed a robbery of horses in Scotland), so that no recovery can be had of the thief, to the great grief of Mr. Randolph.
6. He is an encourager of contention, as appears by his practices with the Lord of Northumberland and Sir Henry Percy, and his partaking with Swinow in the controversy with George Muschampe, and also in the unlawful assembly of Howborne, with whom he and his tenants were in company, armed against the Laird of Barmoor.
7. He is also the principal cause of separation between Sir Thomas Gray and his wife, and the occasion of the disfriendship between him and Sir John Foster.
8. It should also be demanded of Mr. Secretary whether Lord Grey may execute upon William Selby of Preston in forfeiture of a recognizance of 100l. to the Queen.
Endd.: Rowland Forster's misdemeanours. Pp. 3.
July 8. 290. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Wrote last upon the 6th. The Earl of Mar arrived at Hawick on Thursday about ten o'clock; and having compassed the town round about, being himself in the market place, he made proclamation that no man on pain of death should receive a thief into his house, whereupon fifty-three were taken, of whom twenty were acquitted by the assize and the rest condemned. Twenty-two were presently drowned there for lack of trees and halters; six hanged at Edinburgh yesterday; four by the Master of Maxwell's own men sent unto him to be executed; and the rest presently in the castle of Edinburgh at the Queen's will. The example hereof is very good. There is another journey proposed, in which there is no less hope of good success, except that the thieves assure themselves to be received in England. It will shortly be written to the Council that order may be given to the Wardens to the contrary. The thieves of Teviotdale and Liddesdale are enemies to all virtue, and in them the Earl Bothwell most trusts.
2. Has grown to full accord with James Macconnel, and the money is in the Justice Clerk's hands. Looks for Butshede shortly. He is marvellous poor and owes 20l., which the writer has paid to two merchants of Ayr and Irving, trusting therein to Sir Ralph Bagnall. Thinks Butshede may do his country service. This day four officers of this Queen departed for France, who have his letters in favour of their passports. The Queen does not yet understand of her uncle's hurt or the overthrow of the rest. No one is so hardy as to tell her. They attend Lethington's return and despair of the interview for this year.—Stirling, 8 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 9. 291. The Duke D'Aumale to the Queen Mother.
Has received her letter touching certain English merchants said to have been taken by his soldiers. The only English he knows of as being taken, were certain soldiers who were stopped some time ago by the Sieur D'Allegre as they were trying to enter Rouen, and whom he sent away, with the exception of those who enlisted in his bands. Thinks that those of Rouen, Dieppe, or Havre must be to blame for this, as they plunder all parties indifferently.—Mesnil, devant St. Catherine, 9 July 1562. Signed: Claude De Lorayne.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 9. 292. The Duke D'Aumale to Throckmorton.
Has received a letter from the Queen Mother. Repeats the information contained in his answer to her of this date.— Mesnil, 9 July 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 9. 293. Throckmorton to Cecil.
This gentleman (his brother) has been with him a twelvemonth here by the Queen's licence. He returns to attend upon the Queen in her progress, and the writer hopes to be there before the ending of it. Thomas Shakerley has returned hither, not so willing to do service here as when he departed from hence. He thought to have had there better consideration than fair words; it would not have been much to have bestowed upon him 100 crowns. Cecil in his last of the 23rd ult. desired to know whether he could provide goldsmith's work of such sort mentioned therein for the Queen to the value of 1,000 crowns of the sun; he informs Cecil that having the money he can provide the same, and for all he knows the same may be safely sent by Boulogne and Picardy, and the money sent the same way. It will be better to send money in gold by some courier than to take it up here upon Mr. Gresham's bill of credit, whereby in 1,000 crowns, 100 would be lost. Cecil may safely send the money by Mr. Smith. His brother can inform Cecil what great reason he has to return home.—Paris, 9 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 9. 294. Charges to Bilboa.
A bill of charges incurred on a journey to Bilboa, 22 Feb. "Paid to Tempest, 9 July 1562."
Orig. Add. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
July 10. 295. Margaret, Countess of Lennox, to Cecil.
Has received no answer to her last petition to the Queen to suffer her and her husband to come together, or at least that he might have the liberty of the Tower. She renews her suit, and begs that he may be suffered to come to Shene and be kept there as she is, as he cannot continue without danger of his life.—Shene, Friday. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
July 10. 296. Randolph to Cecil.
Is required by the Earl of Mar and Lord Erskine to procure licence for the following persons to pass into France; viz., John Arskin, Thomas Douglas, Harry Balfour, John Nesbit. William Levistoun, William Shaw, Robert Creightown, and John Lyvystone.—Stirling, 10 July 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
July 10. 297. Examination of Francis and Brian Ogle.
Francis Ogle examined upon conspiracy lately devised against the Lord Warden, Sir John Foster, Mr. Lawson, Sheriff of Northumberland, Mr. Wetherington, and others, taken at Alnwick, before Sir John Foster, Lord Warden of the Middle Marches in England, says, that when he was lately with Roger Heron at a place near his house of Stanton, he said to him, "Our friend Gregory Ogle is gone, and Robert Wetherington was one of the procurers of his death; but, for that we cannot now mend ourselves, we shall take time hereafter as we may get it, and as it will serve that matter." Brian Ogle, brother to Francis and servant to Mistress Ogle of Chappington, examined about the taking down of Gregory Ogle from the gallows on Easter eve last, admits that he was at Cause Park on that Saturday night, but does not know in whose company he was at that time, nor where and with whom he was from the Tuesday to the Friday before.
Copy. P. 1.
July 10. 298. Examination of Roger Heron.
Roger Heron, examined at Alnwick before Sir John Foster, states that all the friends of Gregory Ogle whom he has talked with since his death are minded to revenge it. It was thought that Sir John Foster and the Sheriff did not show themselves to be his friends.
Copy. P. 1.


  • 1. On the same paper as the Council's letter to Pius IV. of 8 June.
  • 2. An error for July.