Elizabeth: June 1562, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: June 1562, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp131-141 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1562, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp131-141.

"Elizabeth: June 1562, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp131-141.

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June 1562, 26-30

June 26. 256. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On the 18th inst. there arrived at Dundee a Legate from the Pope to this Queen, conveyed into the country by a Scotch friar of Louvain. For a time he was secretly kept in a house of "the Sheriff of Arrele," a fit host for such a guest The Queen at the first hearing hereof (not considering so far as after she did with some conference had with the Earl of Mar), was purposed to have sent unto him Lord Seton, to convey him to her, and lodge him in some place in this town near her. This purpose soon altered, although for the time there was some contradiction, insomuch that the Earl of Mar noted how loath he would be to remain in any place where any such person should be received, who might be occasion of the subjection of the whole state, and further danger to the Queen's person than all the forces she had were able to withstand. Somewhat more was said unto her, as well of the Queen of England's liking, as also somewhat else that she might know in what present case she stood, both with her subjects at home and her neighbours abroad. The resolution is taken, that he shall remain where he is until the Lords be assembled, which will be the 15th of next month, and then he shall either be sent for to the Court, or else returned back from whence he came. Though the Queen has never spoken to the writer of this matter, yet she knows by the Earl of Mar, Lord Erskine, and Justice Clerk his misliking that any such man should come into her country and be received gratefully, who is brought in by some Papists to practise mischief or hinder some good purposes intended for the weal of both countries; and if that should be, he [the writer] could do no less but retire himself until his mistress's pleasure was further known.
2. Desires to know the Queen's pleasure, if this Queen against the advice of her Council will speak with him herself, though little matter follow, as he knows it can be of no consequence what she can do with him. Knows not whether his coming is to confirm her in her opinion, to move her not hastily to embrace the amity of England, or sue in any man's particular favour for marriage.
3. It has often times been inquired of the writer what he has heard of the Duke De Nemours. It is suspected that there are some privy devices and conferences more secret between this Queen and him than the world knows. In Lent there arrived a gentleman who had served the Duke at the West Seas, with message that Martigues' wife was brought a bed of a daughter. He was honourably received, shortly dismissed, and well rewarded.
4. Within this month there was sent away a son of the Cardinal, named by his father Beton, but also called M. Mildrome, to baptise in the Queen's name the said Martigues' daughter, who told a friend of his that he would see Piedmont before he came again.
5. The bruit is great of the King of Sweden's arrival this year. It is reported that his preparation is great and his ships ready. Believes that he will find favour enough, as much peradventure for his substance as for himself. About four months past two gentlemen came to Berwick, who alleged themselves to be Almains, and because they had no passports were sent to the Court; they have been often inquired about, and he desires to know what answer to give. Mr. Colwich has been here from Lord Grey about matters upon the Borders, and in special upon a cause against Mr. Nevile.
6. It is almost a year since the writer has had Alexander Douglas, a Scotchman, in prison at the suit of Mr. Renold Lee, of Yorkshire, who had taken from him 400l. sterling, who yet has proved nothing effectually against Douglas. Has often times written to him and his servant in York, but has not heard from them since fourteen days before Christmas. The prisoner is like shortly to be absolved, and Randolph as pursuer cast in damage and interest. Had not waded so far herein if he had not had express commandment from the Lords of the Council, and the Queen's letters in Lee's favour. Has written herein to the Lord President at York.—Stirling, 26 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
June 26. 257. Challoner to the Marchioness of Northampton.
1. Is blameworthy for not writing before. Is now sick of an ague tertian. By letters from his brother Francis Challoner he perceives her opinion of him, for which he thanks her. He also perceives upon a little scope he gave his brother to feel the inclination of a certain gentlewoman (not unknown to her), he went further than was needed, or what he meant, at which he is offended with him for his rash handling of it, unless perchance there is no cause for him to think but the revealing of it came to pass as commonly all secrets do that fall into woman's custody, so he does not doubt but that his suit has been well scanned. Is sorry that in this treeless country he can get no green willows to make a garland of, but instead thereof he had a dream on the 12th of May, as her brother Henry Cobham can inform her of at his return, for he [Challoner] told him of it and wrote it in a book immediately; he did almost divine before the letters came what the event should be.
2. "For methought I saw the party going from the privy chamber towards the chapel very fair trimmed, with a great number of ladies following her; and that I also was very trim apparelled, but all in tawny, and that Sir Jacques Branado and one or two more of my friends, now dead, told me that they never saw garments better become me; whereat I rejoiced, and thought no more of her that went to church. This dream I write for that it was so notable; and write it to you, Madam, to the end ye may see how well my tawny garments pleased me. And now to tell you my fantasy; in all such wooing cases perchance I have more often refused than been refused; and being refused, I count my halfpenny none the worse silver, for women's likings (as men's also), are but private to themselves, where twenty to one perchance would not choose the like. So God speed the plough and send the likers liking seven years hence."
3. Thinks her brother will make homewards about the end of September. Wishes the Queen would set some churchman to this office, so that the writer were to woo for himself ere ever his beard wax grey, for these fair women that are young will bid have away the old man; as belike the last I sued to did think of me, though there was no cause but that I also might think she was no girl." Sends his commendations to her, the Lord Marquis, and Lord and Lady Cobham.—Madrid, 26 June 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: M. to my Lady Marques N. 28 June, "sent by Becon, by Bilboa." Pp. 3.
June 27. 258. The Earl of Lennox to the Council.
Hoped to have received some comfort from the Queen. The Lieutenant of the Tower has signified to him that they greatly mislike two points in his letter; the one, that he should offer to deliver again his living into the Queen's hands; the other, that he wrote that he sustained wrong in his imprisonment. Their answer to the first is that if he will take order that his lands and livings in England be assured to the Queen and expressly signify the same to them, they will give him further answer therein; to the second they say that he shall be judged by the laws of the realm. This answer is very grievous to him, which he supposes happened by some negligence in his writing. To the first he meant that rather than remain thus in the Queen's high displeasure he would willingly yield up all such lands and livings as he has received, so that he trusts to recover her favour and to enjoy the lands quietly. To the second, if anything passed more than was seemly, it came from the pen and not the heart.—From the Tower, 27 June. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
June 27. 259. M. Le Croc to Cecil.
The governor of the town assures him that there has been no action, but that the Queen Mother and the Prince of Condé have met. Has desired Lethington to thank the Queen for the present which she has sent him.—Boulogne, 27 June. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 27. 260. Marsilio della Croce to —
The Emperor has granted a truce to the Turks for ten years. The city of Brema [Bremen] has expelled the Lutherans and has become Calvinist. The Duke of Saxony is alarmed by the raising of 3,000 cavalry in Weimar for the King of France. Letters from Milan of the 17th inst. announce the arrival of Don Cæsar and of Don Gio. D'Avalos, brothers of the Marquis of Pescara, in that city. The Duke of Lissa is daily expected in Genoa. Large military stores are being provided in Milan for Spain, for the Dukes of Savoy and Florence, and for Naples. The Duke of Savoy is not secure at Rivoli, in consequence of the state of France. The Pope has had two slight attacks of fever, but will speedily go to St. Marks; he has given the command of two troops of cavalry to Gabrio Emps, and has made other provisions against the incursions of the Turks. M. De Lansac, Ambassador from France to Trent, has asked for the prorogation of the Council upon the plea that the Cardinal of Lorraine will come with forty prelates. A Te Deum and a Mass have been sung for the recovery of the Prince of Spain. There has been another action with the Turks. Has been informed by Battista Petri [Six lines are here entirely defaced].—Venice, 27 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Endd.: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 4.
June 27. 261. Advices from various Places.
1. Prague, 15 June. The Diet of Hungary, which should have been in June, is postponed until the return of the Emperor from Frankfort. The King of Spain is about to send to the Emperor respecting the affairs of Genoa. The confinement of the Queen of Bohemia is daily expected; the King has left Linz for Vienna.
2. Cracow, 20 June. The Muscovite horse, 40,000 strong, have invaded Poland; the Poles and Tartars have gone to meet them.
3. Rome, 27 June. The Pope will reside at St. Peters until the Feast of St. Peter, when he will return to St. Marks. The Cardinal of Cueva is in a dangerous state of health; Puteo is recovering. The Pope has sent troops to check the incursions of the corsairs. A courier has arrived from France with intelligence of the discovery of a plot to extirpate the King and the royal family, and to place Condé on the throne; several executions have taken place at Toulouse in consequence. The Huguenots are dispirited and many have returned to their allegiance.
4. Cieneva, near Corfu, 20 June. On the 15th a naval action took place between the fleet of the proveditor, M. Christofero De Caval, and the corsairs, in which he and his son were killed, and were buried at Corfu.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 4.
June 27. 262. Challoner to Sir John Mason.
1. Received Mason's letters of the 10th May on the 20th inst., friendly though chidingly written. At his coming here he found it strange his coffers were so used; he will not speak of the ancient privilege of ambassadors but of the present usage of them in this Court, to whom except himself (as he knows) no such discourtesy hath been offered. They accounted the usage barbarous, and so termed it. Mason calls it a search of his coffers. "A pretty search indeed, to break open all the locks violently, notwithstanding request made to tarry till I or he should arrive there that had the keys." In Gresham's son-in-law's chest a few English books were found, of little consequence. Concerning the eating of flesh; he is sure he and his folks in his house keep more strait diet on prohibited days (fasting the Fridays and vigils), than the Spaniards themselves here do. Fish is not to be had here, because he will not ask licence thereof to whom they sue. Mason writes it is not unknown to the Bishop of Aquila, which reminds him that one sorry Saturday three or four of his folks coming with his horses to Madrid, being led by Sir Thomas Chamberlain's secretary, one of them went to a victualler's house, and finding no other meat, he ate of a cold piece of mutton, which was no sooner done than it was blamed, and has not occurred since. If Mason was here for judge of what has been reported to him he would soon perceive that, without offence of laws at home, he lives here like no law breaker, nor accounted so here of King or Court, which is a piece of mastery here. Mason conceives of Spain not otherwise than when he left it. It has been extremely hot, during which time he has had a tertian, whereof some fits have held him from twelve to eighteen hours, but now they have left him; add thereto the lodgings so ill accommodated to the defence of the heat, with the stinking airs, and other "annoyes" of sick men, which in Madrid he cannot amend nor avoid, but tolerate.
2. Concerning occurrences here, they are in great expectation what will be the sequel of these stirs in France, yet it is taken for certain that the Condeans shall eventually be driven to the wall, with large expectation of aid from hence to the Guisians. The Prince of Spain is well amended, he takes it for certain he will go to Flanders next spring. The King and Queen a few days since removed to the Bosco De Segobia to hunt; from thence the King will visit his frontiers anempst France and so to the Cortes of Montzon. The Moors have passed the straits and have taken divers ships, amongst which are three English ships, with a booty valued at more than a hundred thousand ducats.—Madrid, 27 June 1562.
Hol. Draft. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 13.
June 28. 263. Challoner to Sir Richard Sackville. (fn. 1)
. . . . . It pulls away the courage of a well-willed horse to see his provender pinched at, and more miles by the day put to his task. If Sackville were here as he is, in the extreme heat, sick of an ague, and in a house void of all fresh air, he would rather give a hundred pounds a week than continue here. Hopes he give order that his diets be paid at his pay day, without which he cannot abide here.— Madrid, 28 June 1562.
Hol. Draft. Endd. by Challoner: M. to Sir R. Sackville.
June 29. 264. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Received the Queen's letters (dated at Greenwich the 23d inst.) on the 25th inst. by her courier. Concerning that part relating to the interception of his courier, and his letters by the Duke D'Aumale, despatched since the 9th inst., he trusts that by his despatch of the 24th inst. she is satisfied, that there was no such thing. By his last he declared two or three causes of his not sending for fourteen days, and thinks it of more importance for her to have the true knowledge of things than to have advertisements of rumours as they are suddenly spread.
2. Whereas it is her pleasure that he should declare to the King, the Queen mother, and the King of Navarre her instructions concerning the ill usage of her subjects by land and sea trading into Normandy and Bretagne, he cannot now in that behalf accomplish her commandments, for the King has left Bois de Vincennes for Fontainebleau, and the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre are at Beaugency betwixt Orleans and Blois, unto which place no Ambassador can have access, and scarcely any of their Ministers.
3. On the 25th inst. peace was concluded betwixt these parties (who were ready the same day to give battle betwixt Orleans and Beaugency), the prince of Condé's army being ready to march for that purpose, at which instant Marshal Montmorency brought satisfactory articles to the Prince and his army, whereupon peace was published. The particularities he cannot yet understand, but of the capitulations following the Prince of Conde and the Admiral sent him word by Henry Middlemore on the 26th inst., namely:—
4. The Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André are to retire to their houses, and abide there until the King sends for them.
5. The Prince of Condé to commit himself to the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, whom he shall assist as councillor to the King, being second Prince of the blood.
6. Both the armies to serve the King, under the King of Navarre, being the King's Lieutenant General.
7. The edicts of January and April (both being provisional) to stand in force, both of which he sent the Queen. The latter edict retrenches in some part that of January.
8. All the towns taken by the Prince of Condé to be surrendered again to their ordinary governors within the space of one month.
9. The Admiral and M. D'Andelot to have the command of the Prince's army until such times as the articles are accomplished, and some order taken and established for matters of religion.
10. It is thought that the two said edicts are not meet to quiet all things in France at this time, therefore the King will provide new order in the matter of religion.
11. And to the intent that order may be to the reformation of the Church, the Prince and Admiral have requested him by Middlemore to pray the Queen to write with speed to the King, the Queen Mother, and the King of Navarre to recommend the advancement of the true religion, and some godly order for the same to be established in France. They think the Queen to be the chief pillar of the true religion, to whom is not unknown the great adversaries the same has, especially the King of Spain and the Bishop of Rome.
12. He sends herewith copies of the letters of credence, sent to him by the Prince and Admiral. The Cardinal of Lorraine on the 28th inst. told Middlemore that the conditions of the peace were nothing so advantageous to the Prince as given out. The Cardinal said that the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André shall retire to their houses for a short time, and then repair to the Court, where they shall abide as the principal Councillors of the realm. That there shall be no preachings or ministrations of the Sacrament within the realm other than is retained in the Catholic Church. That all damages done by the Huguenets in any Church or place in France shall be repaired at the expense of the offenders. That all who have committed sacrilege shall be punished according to justice. That the Châtillons shall retire to their houses, and there remain till the King otherwise commands them. That the Prince of Condé's force be cassed, and the force assembled by the other party be retained for. the service of the King.
13. It will therefore be good for the Queen to suspend her credit in these matters for a time. He does not think the Prince or the Admiral would disguise with her, or him, or use any ostentation in this matter.
14. The Cardinal of Lorraine is at his Abbey of St. Denis, where he had the previous conversation with Middlemore, whom he sent with a letter addressed to the Duke of Guise, sent from the Lord of St. Colme, enclosed in one addressed to him from the said Lord.
15. The Duke D'Aumale is before Rouen, to which he has made such near approach, that he was ready to batter part thereof. He does not think the Duke's force to be strong enough to range so great a town, it being also so well manned.
16. Lately the Papists used great cruelty in the town of Orange and thereabouts, having slain man, woman, and child. For revenge of these, the Baron Des Adrets, accompanied with 10,000 men, has marched towards Avignon, who will not be diverted from his enterprise, notwithstanding the peace making.
17. The day peace was made, the inhabitants of Meaux (accompanied with certain Parisians banished for religion), hearing how their houses and goods were treated at Paris, put themselves in arms, drove the Papists from the town, defaced all the images in the Churches, and then marched from the town and burned two or three images thereabouts bestowed in sundry abbeys.
18. He is informed that the Duke of Guise, the Constable, and Marshal St. André, were (according to the condition of peace) retired from the camp, and were at Beaugency on their way to Paris, to go to their houses. The Duke might tarry here, because the Duchess is in Paris, great with child. He does not hear yet that the Admiral or his brethren have retired from their camp, or gone to their houses, but remains with the Prince of Condés force betwixt Orleans and Beaugency ready to be called and joined with the other camp, the whole to be under the command of the King of Navarre.
19. Now the Queen sees to what end these things have come, it may please her to send Sir Thomas Smith as Ambassador hither in his place.—Paris, 29 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 8.
June 29. 265. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. How and when peace was made, and to whose advantage, Cecil may perceive by his letter to the Queen. The foreign forces are not yet countermanded. The King of Spain has need to look about him, according to discourses here, but the writer sees no such cause, for Cecil may perceive by the Cardinal of Lorraine's message to him that there is nothing meant here towards him but amity. He does not believe that there will be this year such kindness betwixt the Queen Mother and the King of Spain as to have an interview, which the Cardinal affirms will be at Perpignan. Cecil shall perceive how the Queen is pressed to send to the King, the Queen Mother, and the King of Navarre with speed to move their favours by letters that order may be taken here in the matter of religion, which in his opinion she cannot well refuse. Trusts that Sir Thomas Smith may come to do this good office in post, his train following, and that he may present him as resident Ambassador Whereas Smith coming now may do so many good things, ne prays Cecil that no one may devise to disappoint it; the sooner he comes, the more good he will do in this cause, as the Prince of Condé, and the Admiral has informed him.
2. Concerning himself, he will tarry after as long as the Queen and Cecil shall give him orders.
3. He would rather that the letters to be written were of Cecil's framing, and the cause gently recommended, which Mr. Somers can afterwards translate aptly into French. "The King is a child, his mother a woman, the King of Navarre noted in affections womanish;" so now Cecil can use his judgment and enchantments. Prays that his kinsman Henry Middlemore, may be accepted as the Queen's servant, and as such recommended to Mr. Smith.—Paris, 29 June 1562. Signed.
4. P. S. (Partly destroyed.)—Cecil could not show his son more favour than to allow him to come home to see the interview, which he requests to see upon judgment and reason. Desires to know Cecil's pleasure in this matter with speed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4
June 30. 266. [Challoner] to Throckmorton.
1. Being with M. De St. Sulplice [sic] (French Ambassador in Spain), he understood from him that this night he despatched a courier to France, wherefore in requital of Throckmorton's two letters of 2nd and 6th inst. (which came to hand by one Gamboa a Spanish courier, who received them at the postmaster's house at Paris) he gives him notice of their receipt.
2. He wrote two letters to Throckmorton twenty-four days since by this means, the receipt whereof he would gladly be informed. Occurrences are about the same here as when he wrote previously. Concerning the aid from hence, he sees no forwardness thereof. The opinion here is that the Prince of Condé is the weakest. The King Catholic, with the Queen and ladies with them, repairs for a few days to a house of pleasure called el Bosco de Segovia to hunt. He hears no more of the repair to Montzon, for the business in France works the same effect here that it does with the Queen's progress in England. He will send his gloves by the next convenient messenger. Concerning Mrs. Sands, as Throckmorton wrote, he is too far off. It should appear she loves ancient ware, with a house full of other folks' children. God send her well to brook her choice hereafter, and him to consider better what match he makes hereafter.—Madrid, 30 June 1562.
3. P. S.—He is sorry the troubles in France should be any impeachment to the interview.
Copy. Portions underlined. Endd by Challoner: Sent in the French Ambassador's packet. Pp. 3.
June 30. 267. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Sent on the 23rd inst. a letter from the Duke of Wurtemberg about the convention to be held on the 19th July at Fulda for the purpose of publishing the protest against the Papal Council at Trent. It will then be determined whether the protest shall be sent to the said Council by a messenger, or by the envoys of the Protestant Princes of the Confession of Augsburg. If all the Protestant Princes sign the writing, it will be well that the Queen should cause her name to be added to it, which cannot be done except by her express commands. Is in doubt about going to this convention. If he had a general authority for attending these meetings, it would be of great service. The present proceedings how ever are of such importance that without special instructions nothing useful could be accomplished. Fulda is six days journey from hence, and the envoys of the Princes will not remain there more than ten days. Has not been able to write concerning this Council, as the letter of the Duke of Wurtemberg was only brought to him just as he had to give his own to the ordinary post.
2. The Dukes of Wurtemberg and Deuxponts and the Marquis Charles of Baden passed through here on the 25th inst., whom he saluted in the Queen's name. Asked the Duke of Wurtemberg whether he and the Elector Palatine would send envoys with a copy of the protest to the Queen, who replied that there was not time to do so. As soon as the matter could be decided, they would present a copy of the protest to the Emperor, whom they expect will not accept it, and will be unwilling that it should be presented to the Council.
3. The Protestant Princes are very anxious about this French war; and not without cause, as their own safety is concerned in it.
4. The Landgrave is not only quite ready to send assistance into France, but also urges the other Princes to do the same; they however hesitate longer than the urgency of the danger allows. The Rhinegrave is enlisting twenty ensigns of foot. The Swiss Papists have sent fifteen ensigns of foot to the Guises. The messenger who was sent by the Protestant Princes into France for a safe conduct for their envoys, has returned. The Queen has sent back word that she has good hopes of a speedy reconciliation between the contending parties; and so the envoys who have remained here fifteen days doing nothing will return home to-morrow.—Strasburg, 30 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.


  • 1. The concluding portion only of a letter.