Elizabeth: March 1562, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: March 1562, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp542-553 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1562, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp542-553.

"Elizabeth: March 1562, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp542-553.

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March 1562, 1-10

[March.] 916. Challoner's Petition to Philip II.
Being informed that certain chests containing books, clothes, and other necessaries belonging to himself and servants, which had come from London to Bilboa by sea, had been broken open by the ministers of the Inquisition, under the pretext of searching for prohibited books; he sent thither one of his people to enquire into the matter. The messenger not only found that it was so, but was told by the said ministers that they would do the same to any other chests coming from abroad. Relying on his privileges as an Ambassador, he desires that not merely may he and his household be in security from violence, but also that the King will send his letters to the ministers of the Inquisition and command them for the future not to meddle with anything belonging to him, on oath being made by his servants that it is his property. It is not proper that under colour of searching for prohibited books, matters of state should be revealed to persons whom they do not concern. It is all the harder to bear, because the Ambassadors of all other Princes and States receive their chests intact and unsearched.
Corrected draft. Endd. by Challoner. Lat. Pp. 3.
March 1. 917. The Duke D'Aumale to the Queen.
About six or seven days ago he received a packet from Throckmorton with letters addressed by her to his brothers, which he has forwarded. Praises Throckmorton's zeal and intelligence.—Paris, 1 March 1561. Signed: Claud De Lorraine, Duc D'Aumale.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 1. 918. Clough to Gresham.
1. Sent his last by John Chapman. Has not taken up anything by exchange since John Spritewell departed, for the exchange passes here at 22s. 10d. usance, and 22s. 11d. double usance, and at "Baroo" at 22s. 10d. usance, and 23s. and 23s. 1d. double usance. There is no great store of money, because men doubt what is best to do. Now that he has stayed taking up any of the exchange it begins to rise, which he doubts will not continue, unless there is something in men's heads. Has presented such money as he has taken up by exchange to the Queen's creditors, and waits his answer what order shall be taken for the rest. Has paid the smallest bonds, namely, Conradt Sketts, and Gilly Hausseman.
2. Understands from one of Sir Jasper Sketts's servants, that came yesterday from Brussels, that the Conte of Egmont and Lazarus Van Swende are gone to Maestricht, where the Conte of Swartzenburg meets them, with others, which is suspected to be for taking up men. "The suitte of the land" has taken up much money this payment, which is received by the Treasurer General, Sir Jasper Skeets; it always used to be received by the rent masters of Brabant.
3. That which he wrote last touching the taking of the town of Coblentz by Rysembarthe is true, and also they write now that the castle is taken which stands on the other side of the Rhine, and is one of the strongest castles in Germany. People think there is some matter therein, because the Landgrave and the Bishop of Treves have never been great friends. Merchants are in doubt to send any goods upwards, because those that go by water must pass the town, and those that go by land must pass through it, unless they ride out of their way. By the next post they expect to hear the certainty thereof, and for what purpose it is done. 1 March 1561. Signed.
4. P. S.—Has learnt that not only the Conte Egmont and Lazarus Van Swende have gone to Maestricht, but that the Prince of Orange, the Conte of Horne, and divers others are appointed to meet there also. The cause thereof is not yet known. Enclosed are three packets of letters which he received from Spain, from Chamberlain and Chaloner. Chamberlain departed from the Court on the 7th February for England, who received at the King's hands for a reward, a chain of gold, of 100 pounds. This was showed the writer by Gamboa the post, who received a letter from Spain.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
March 2.
Labanoff, i. 161.
919. Queen Mary to the Queen.
Requests a safe-conduct for James Wallace, Robert Abernethy, and John Clerk, with eight others, through England to and from France.—Holyrood House, 2 March, 20 Mary. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: 2 March 1561. Broadside.
March 4. 920. Gresham to Cecil.
1. On the 3rd inst. about five o'clock at night, they arrived within a mile of Dunkirk haven, where he discharged his four cases unto a passenger of Dover, called Stephen Andreasson, for the Queen's ships draw too great a depth to come in. This being done, they thought it not convenient to ride so near the shore, considering the banks and flats upon this coast, whereupon he wrote a letter aboard to be conveyed to Cecil by order of Mr. Hurlestock. At ten o'clock that night, when the tide served, they sailed, and arrived safely with the said cases into the haven by one o'clock after midnight, and by five o'clock in the morning they were laden in two waggons with the conduct of twelve horsemen besides himself, and he intends to be this day at Bruges, and on the fifth day at Antwerp, whence he will write.
2. Spritewell departed from hence two days ago for Calais, to take passage, for here the [storms] were so great no man durst go out; by whom Cecil is fully informed what money Cloughe has taken up since the 15th ult. Asks Cecil to cause Robert Fleming to pay him the 250l. he has owed him for ten years past, who claims the protection of Shane O'Neale; or at least to put him in good surety to see him paid in England. Sends his commendations to the Lord Keeper, and Lord Robert, and his poor wife, who was very sorrowful to see him depart before his account was finished; and asks Cecil, according to his promise, to comfort her.— Dunkirk, 4 March, at 5 o'clock in the morning, 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 4. 921. Windebank to Cecil.
Has received by Sommers 100 crowns. The merchant from whom they expected to have some money offered them only forty crowns, which he refused. According to his commandment they have conferred with Throckmorton, whose advice is that they should go to Orleans, and thence post to Lyons, and from thence to Vienne, Avignon, and Marseilles, returning by Nismes, Toulouse, Bordeaux, and the towns on the Loire, to Paris. The charges would be great, as for every post it will amount to three francs twelve sous for four persons; their journey to Lyons, there being thirty posts, would cost forty-three crowns ten sous. Though going in post is expensive, yet it is the cheapest in the end, being more expeditious. They will require at least 300 crowns for their journey, and ought not to set out later than the 8th or 10th of April, because of the heat.—Paris, 4 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 4. 922. Draft of the above, with many corrections, and the additional information that Mr. Thomas did not so employ his time in study as Cecil did perhaps look for, and Windebank perceives that his allowance of 20l. is nothing sufficient for him. "For besides that, I have discovered that he hath borrowed of diverse Englishmen diverse sums of money, the payment whereof I know not how he will perform, except your honour will be content to allow it."
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Windebank: 4 Martii. M. from myself to my master, by my Lord Ambassador's means, who sent by Sir Thomas Cotton's son. Pp. 8.
March 5. 923. Throckmorton to the Queen.
The French King has sent the bearer, M. De Paleseaux, to the Queen to redeem M. Du Pont, one of his hostages. Informs her of his sufficiency, both for house and behaviour. He has led the greater part of his life at his house, eight miles from Paris, esteeming hunting, hawking, good fellowship, and housekeeping more preferable than the Court. All his predecessors are well satisfied with her favour, which they have reported at their return.—Paris, 5 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 6. 924. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since his last despatch of the 16th ult. the Queen Mother has been pressed by the Cardinal of Ferrara and others, not only to send the King's Ambassadors and clergy to the Council of Trent, but also to request the Queen by the French Ambassador in England to send her Legates and clergy thither; and at the Admiral's being here lately, he was desired to communicate these solicitations to the writer, and to inform the Queen Mother of her resolution therein. By conference with the Admiral he perceives the Queen Mother is well affected for a general reformation in the Church, and for the Bishop of Rome and his clergy to be arranged in some order, or that amongst the Protestant Princes some order be taken that the Papists may not be able to give laws to the Protestants. For the remedy hereof the Queen Mother is inclined to give the French Legates commission, so that they may agree at their coming to Trent with the Ambassadors of the Queen and Protestant Princes in exposing to the Emperor's deputies and the Assembly their griefs against the Pope and the abuses of the Church, with request to have a free General Council, where all parties may be impartially heard. That this may take effect, the Queen Mother desires that the Queen will send her Legates thither with commission accordingly, and employ her credit with the Protestant Princes that they may do the same. The Admiral said this matter must not be committed to all ministers, for if the Papists have intelligence thereof they will work against it by all the means they can.
2. Throckmorton asked what proof the Queen could have that the Queen Mother was speaking sincerely, seeing that she and the King of Navarre were bent to advance Papistry and overthrow the Protestant religion, not only in France, but in other countries. For confirmation of which he perceived that the Queen of Navarre, the Prince of Condé, the Admiral, and all his house are forced to retire from the Court, where all preaching by the ministers shall be stopped, and within two days past the Cardinal of Ferrara sent to him that the French King intended to write to the Queen and exhort her to conjoin with the Emperor, the King of Spain, himself, and the other states in sending to the Council, where the Bishop of Rome and his ministers will have their old authority recognized. These proceedings in France greatly discourage the Protestant states of Germany to hope for any good in this common cause.
3. The Admiral answered that he supposed the King of Navarre hoped to compound with the King of Spain for his kingdom of Navarre; but he assured him that the Queen Mother was well inclined to advance the true religion, although she is forced to show a good face to the adversary, being so beset with councillors who are against the same, and that she would rather employ Throckmorton in this matter than some of her ministers. It is not meet that the King of Navarre shall be privy to this determination until it be riper, although M. De Foix, the French Ambassador in England, is inclined to advance religion, so that when the Queen has informed Throckmorton of her resolution in this matter, she may then declare her opinion to M. De Foix. The Admiral said, concerning his case and his brethren, it was true there was some difference betwixt the King of Navarre and them, which they took in good part, yet by the Queen's commandment his brother the Cardinal still remained at Court.
4. The Admiral goes to his own house, because his wife is expected to be confined, and D'Andelot, being colonel of France, intends to make a general visitation of all the footmen under his charge, and the Queen Mother has requested the Queen of Navarre and Prince of Condé not to remove from the Court. He prayed Throckmorton not to let the King of Navarre know of this matter at their meeting this evening.
5. According to appointment, that evening he went to the King of Navarre at his lodgings, unto whom he declared the injuries which certain merchants of Toteness had received at Bayonne by Viscount D'Oite, Governor there. The King answered that he would give order in the same. He then asked how the Queen had determined concerning the General Council. The writer answered that she did not repute it to be a General Council; whereupon the King made a long discourse in approval of the Council, dwelling chiefly on the point that it was summoned as the four most authentic Councils were, and the same order observed in this as in those, wherein was the authority of the Emperor and the Bishop of Rome used with the consent of the Christian Kings and Princes. He answered that the last time he spake with him he [the King] was not of that mind, but thought this assembly was to abuse the world with a show of Council, and that the end thereof would confirm the Bishop of Rome's tyranny, and serve the King of Spain's purpose for main taining his greatness. The King answered, in consequence of the troubles, it was necessary that some order should be taken, lest religion might be utterly subverted, and he saw no means so good to remedy the whole thereof in every country as this Council at Trent, where the Pope would be content to have some reformation. Then the King found fault with the Protestants and their proceedings, and said that at this time he was not best affected unto them, who spread calumnies against him for seeking recompence for his kingdom of Navarre from the King of Spain, for the obtaining of which he was in great forwardness.
6. The writer then desired to know when the King's Ambassadors should go to the Council, and who they were. The King answered it was not resolved who would have the principal charge, but that the Bishops were already appointed to go thither, and as soon as they were resolved they would inform him. The King desired him to advertise the Queen that he is willing to do her all the service he can. Whilst they were talking the Duke D'Aumale saluted the King.
7. The matter being ended betwixt them, the writer went to the said Duke (who stood apart), and declared the charge the Queen gave him to employ himself to stand the Duke and all his house in stead, either here or elsewhere; such was the affection betwixt the Queen and the Queen of Scots, his niece. The Duke thanked her.
8. The King of Navarre being against the Admiral and his house is one of the causes why the Admiral and D'Andelot retire from the Court. Another cause proceeds from the King of Spain. Lately M. De Chantonet (the King of Spain's Ambassador) used on his master's behalf such language to the Queen Mother to cause them to abandon the Court, that, contrary to her disposition, she was forced to request them to retire themselves. The Ambassador said unless the house of Châtillon left the Court he was ordered to depart from France. This menace is thought very strange, the rather that another Prince should appoint what Councillors shall remain at Court. To such Princes as are afraid of shadows the King of Spain will enterprise far enough. Such practices are used daily here by the said Ambassador to cause the Queen of Navarre, the Prince and Princess of Condé, Cardinal Châtillon, the Bishops of Valence and Aix, Mme. De Roy, (mother to the Princess of Condé and sister to the Admiral,) and Mme. De Cursolles (who are reputed to be upholders of the Protestant religion) to retire also. Notwithstanding, the Queen of Navarre and the others are firmer in defence of this cause than ever, and the Queen Mother now declares herself much more favourable to the Protestants than the King of Navarre.
9. M. De Lansac (who was despatched to Rome) shall be appointed to go as the King's Ambassador from Rome to the Council. His commission will be protracted until the Queen Mother may be advertised how the Queen is resolved to proceed in this matter of the Council. M. De Candalle, being noted to be partial to the Papists, is discharged of this legation, and Lansac appointed as the meeter man to negociate in this affair, although the matter is coloured by a process of Candalle.
10. The Duke of Guise will repair to the Court within five or six days, whereupon the Queen Mother, fearing some alliance betwixt the King of Navarre, the Duke of Guise, and the Constable, (at whose devotion divers great personages wholly depend,) reposes her trust in the favourers of the Protestant religion. The Papists here being the stronger party, and maintained by the King of Spain and other great Princes, it is time for the Queen to countenance the Protestants, and to see that they be not weakened in France. She should let M. De Foix know of her allowance of the Queen Mother's zeal for the advancement of a reformation of the abuses in the Church, and that she bemoans the King of Navarre's coldness in that matter, the rather because the King of Spain maintains the contrary so imperiously. Is informed this day by a merchant stranger from Spain that one of the Queen's subjects named Chapman (servant to Sir Thomas Challoner), was apprehended on the 15th ult., by the Inquisitors. If the King may so repress the Protestants in France, and handle her subjects in his dominions, he will within awhile pass from one degree of severity to another. He did not understand by Challoner's last letters of the 7th ult. of the arrest of his servant.
11. Is informed by the same letters that Chamberlain had taken his leave to travel through France by easy journeys because he is weak. He writes that he does not see any appearance of war this year, the King being bent to provide for the Turk's preparations, and to stand upon his guard. The Conte De Horne is to keep a diet in Almain amongst the King of Spain's pensioners who are inclined to revolt from the Spanish devotion; the rather because one of the Dukes of Brunswick, returning lately from Spain, surrendered his patent of the Spanish pension to the Cardinal Granvelle, and thereupon Count Horne has charge to leave no means unassayed to redeem the said Duke to the Spanish devotion. Understands that the Prince of Spain is fallen again into his quartan, and it is doubted whether he will live long. Thereupon it is said in the Court here, that the King of Spain intends to have two of the King of Bohemia's sons transported into Spain to bring them up in the Spanish religion, mistrusting their education in Germany with their father. Others say the King of Spain is content for this bruit to go abroad, that the King of Bohemia shall not attempt other devices which might be prejudicial to the said King, and to extinguish the King of Bohemia's suspicion that he intends to transpose Spain, failing his issue, unto Don John De Austria, his bastard brother, which matter causes jealousy to the whole house of Austria.
12. A gentleman of the Elector Palatine (sent in post to this Court) declared to the writer that his master was inclined to send his Ambassadors to the Council of Trent with such commission as the Admiral of France wishes the Queen's Ambassadors should have in charge, in case the other Protestant Princes will do the like. The Cardinal of Lorraine has returned to Rheims. The King of Portugal having intelligence, as well of the equipage of some of the Queen's ships to the coast of Guinea, as also that certain English merchants ships are there, has armed two great gallions and four great carvels to defeat not only the merchant ships, but the Queen's also. The Protestants in France are fortified by the death of the Duke of Nevers, who was affected to the Papist religion; and his son, the present Duke, is to the Protestant, whereof he has made a proof since coming to the state.
13. Lately the Cardinal of Ferrara sent M. De Morette to the writer, who desired that Throckmorton should inform the Queen that if she resolved to send her Ambassadors to the Council of Trent, they should be honourably entertained there, and that the Cardinal would accommodate them not only at Trent with courtesy, (where the Cardinal of Mantua, his kinsman, has the superintendence of things,) but also in their journey through France, if they would travel this way, and so through part of Italy. In the end Morette assured him, on the Cardinal's behalf, that not only her Ambassadors should be received with gladness at Trent, but also in passing through Savoy; and if they would take Ferrara in their way, they should have more favour showed to them than any other Princes' Ministers.—Paris, 6 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 11.
March 6. 925. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Cecil may perceive by his letters that it is time for the Queen to advow the maintenance of the Protestant religion. It would be well for the Queen secretly to animate the Queen Mother, who being well inclined to set the same forward, finds great peril in the matter. If it is true that Challoner's servant is apprehended in Spain by the Inquisitors, it will be something for the Queen and Council to consider. The like was lately done to the French Ambassador in Portugal, and the Ambassador was revoked forthwith, whereupon the King of Portugal, to repair the matter, sends hither one of the greatest personages of his realm, named the Grand Comandador De Christo, who is expected here daily. He desires to be informed by Cecil's next (with speed) of the Queen's answer to the Queen Mother, concerning the sending to the General Council.
2. He has advised Cecil's son to travel in such sort that he may sees the most notable parts of France before he returns. Cecil will be informed by Windebank's letters of the particulars of their journey. There is good intelligence betwixt the Kings of Spain and Navarre, as the French King, the King of Navarre, and Madame Margaret christened the Spanish Ambassador's child on the 5th inst. at Poissy. On the 25th April all, or chief part, of the ministers of the reformed Church in France will assemble at Orleans, where they will consult about sending to the General Council. He thinks with M. De Beza, that it is necessary that all who desire a reformation should either go or send thither upon reasonable conditions, and there expose their griefs. Cecil may now perceive how others are of opinion to have the Queen send to the Council. The questions betwixt the French King and the Duke of Savoy will be amicably compounded. The Queen Mother at this present does not trust any of the Papists.
3. His wife will be in England before the end of March, and he hopes to be there before the end of April or shortly after. Mr. Somer returns with his wife, who will bring a report of the strange state of Paris, which more resembles a frontier town, or a place besieged, than a Court, a merchant city or university. The scholars in great numbers daily march armed to the sermons; the rector and ancients cannot contain them. Ramus and other principals of colleges discover themselves to be flat Protestants, as Cecil may partly perceive by Ramus's reformation of this University, which he sends herewith. Desires Cecil to request one of his servants to deliver Throckmorton's letter according to the address.— Paris, 6 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[March.] 926. The Queen to Throckmorton.
1. Perceives by his letters of the 6th inst., what motion has been made to him from the Queen Mother by the Admiral concerning a legation to be made by her and the Protestant Princes of Almain to the Council at Trent. He is to inform the Queen Mother that the Queen allows of her motion for the common quiet of Christendom, but laments that the ambition of the Bishop of Rome, his Cardinals and adherents, is such great impediment that it can bring forth no good end; and that as this Council was by the Pope's Bull begun, and by his authority only to be ended, she cannot send any ambassade thither, the same being prejudicial to her Crown and prohibited by the laws of England. Although the Queen might without prejudice send thither, yet at such a Council, where the Pope is head, his Legate President, his Cardinals assistants, and all having a voice therein take an oath to maintain his authority, no decree can be hoped for other than that which the Pope shall like.
2. The Queen will not only allow of any good device for a general reformation, but will also prove by means of the Protestant Princes of Germany what other ways may be devised for a concord in religion, and to procure a reformation of the abuses in the Church. She will spare no expense for the same, and will presently send to the Almain Princes in that behalf. As soon as she sees how it may be taken, she will signify the same to the Queen Mother, and in the meantime she would be glad that some stay or no haste be made in sending the ambassade from thence to Trent, but that some time might be forborne.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
March 7. 927. N. Stopio to Mason. (fn. 1)
Wrote a week ago, and now sends the accompanying news. (fn. 2) A frigate has arrived from Corfu with tidings of the death of the Turk. Sends copy of a Decree made in the second session at Trent. (fn. 3). Has been informed by a letter of the 3rd inst. that a safe-conduct is drawn up to invite the Protestants to the Council. Maximilian, King of Bohemia, will be crowned King of Hungary this month, and will go to Worms to a Diet of the Princes to be made King of the Romans. The writer's salary for six months may be sent by Rizzo.— Venice, 7 March 1562. Signed: N. St.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: 7 March 1561. Advices. Ital. Pp. 2.
March 8. 928. Windebank to Cecil.
1. They send the account of their expenses from Oct. 14. At their departure he received 300 crowns, and after by bill of exchange 300 more. Of the sale of the horses, accounting Mr. Thomas' hobby sixty-five crowns, and for the sale of his nag which he brought here twelve crowns; total 677 crowns. Total expenses, 632 crowns 4 sous.
2. Begs pardon if he has used presumption in allowing himself 10l. as part of his allowance. Thinks that Mr. Thomas has already spent all his allowance, and that he will seek to borrow. According to his commandment he has bought the two courses of civil and canon law, which Mr. Somers has packed in his carriage. Mr. Thomas needs some apparel for the summer. If they take this journey it were not amiss that they should have a bill of exchange for 100 crowns at Lyons.— Paris, 8 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
March 8. 929. Draft of the above.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 9. 930. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since his last "to the same" of the 4th inst. the French King departed from St. Germains on the 7th inst. for Monceaux, a house of the Queen Mother, ten leagues from Paris, and intends to be at Fontainebleau before Easter. The same day the Prince of Condé came to Paris from the Court, well accompanied, with the King's authority to cause the late edict to be published (which was dismissed by the Councillors of all the Parliaments of France assembled at St. Germain) as well for ordering the Protestants' doings and preachings, as also for quieting the people. The edict was published long since by most of the Courts of Parliament of France, yet this Court would not consent to it here because it contained the King's permission that the Protestants might preach in the suburbs, wherein this Court would limit the King's will. After many disputes, by the earnest following of the Prince of Condé, the edict was published here on the 8th inst. It is altered in some points from that which he sent previously to the Queen. He sends this edict herewith as now published.
2. The Constable has been sent for to come to the Court, and will be there shortly, and so will the Duke of Guise and some of his brothers; of the cause of their coming thither he has instructed the bearer, Mr. Somer, to inform the Queen.
3. The letter enclosed is from the Duke D'Aumale. The packet of the Queen of Scots which the Queen lately sent to him to be conveyed to the Duke of Guise, he has delivered to the Duke D'Aumale for that purpose. He sends herewith a copy of the letter of the Queen of Scots lately sent to him with her packet.
4. The French "deleague" such mean hostages to the Queen that he knows not whom to accept, as lately one M. D'Erbaulte, younger brother of the "contrey" besides Blois, whose possession does not exceed 1,500 francs (which is under 200l. sterling) yearly, and who is indebted to the sum of 9,000 francs. He desires to know whether the Queen will accept him. It is difficult for him to have an assured and true rate of men's livings in France. To avoid hard terms, it would be best for the French King to "deleague" the hostages, and take upon his honour their sufficiency.
5. The Queen having sent him word by Mr. Somer of his revocation, he desires that it may not be altered, and in the meantime asks her favour towards his wife whom he has sent home.—Paris, 9 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
March 9. 931. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Refers Cecil to the bearer, Mr. Somer, for information of occurrences here since his last of the 4th inst. The Papists here look higher every day. The King of Navarre was never so earnest on the Protestant side as he is now furious on the Papists' part, insomuch as men suspect he will become a persecutor. He has constrained the whole of the house of Châtillon to leave the Court, and only shows favour to the Papists. The Queen Mother assists the Protestants. There are divers discourses what will become of the matter when the house of Guise come to Court. The King of Navarre is all Spanish now, and the Prince of Condé is of another affection and very firm. It behoves the Queen to augment the favourers of Protestantism. Here is talk of voyages, meetings of great Princes, alliances and leagues, but as yet the particulars are not known.
2. It is requisite for the minister here, considering the French dealings in "deleaguing" their hostages, to know of what rate of possessions and value in goods he should accept them. He sends herewith Cecil's own apology, newly printed here, and therein some oversights corrected, together with an advice concerning the images after this last conference betwixt the ministers of the reformed Churches and the Sorbonists. Reminds Cecil of his revocation.— Paris, 9 March 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
March 9. 932. Passport for Capt. Wallace.
Captain Wallace and seven others about to repair towards the Court have licence to pass with eight horses, which they brought from Scotland to Berwick.— Berwick, 9 March. Signed by Lord Grey.
Orig. Pp. 2.


  • 1. On the same sheet as the Advices from Rome of Feb. 28th, No. 913.
  • 2. See Advices from Italy, 28th Feb. 1562, No. 913.
  • 3. See 26th Feb. 1562, No. 907.