Elizabeth: February 1562, 16-28

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: February 1562, 16-28', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp524-542 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1562, 16-28', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp524-542.

"Elizabeth: February 1562, 16-28". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp524-542.

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February 1562, 16-28

Feb. 16. 891. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. In his letters of the 28th ult., he informed the Queen of the great ado amongst the Councillors here for the conclusion of this last assembly, and chiefly about the edict, which he sent as unauthorized and unpublished. Since then things have come to a strange issue. The Cardinal of Ferrara has allured to his devotion the King of Navarre, the Constable, Marshal St. André, the Cardinal of Tournon, and others, inclined to retain the Romish religion; all of whom are bent to repress the Protestant religion in France, and to find means either to range the Queen of Navarre, the Prince and Princess of Condé, the Admiral and all others who favour that religion, or to expel them from the Court with all the ministers and preachers. The Queen Mother, fearing this confederacy might be the means of losing her authority, (which is as dear to her as one religion or the other,) and mistrusting that the Constable went about to reduce the management of the whole affair into the King of Navarre's hands (and so into his own), has caused the Constable to retire from the Court, as it were in disgrace, and intended to do the like with the Cardinal of Tournon and the Marshal St. André. The King of Navarre being offended with these proceedings, (and imputing part of her doings to the advice of the Admiral, the Cardinal Châtillon, and M. D'Andelot, intended to compel those personages to retire also from the Court. In these garboils the Prince of Condé (being sick at Paris) was requested to repair to the Court and stand her in stead. In this time there was great working on both sides to win the house of Guise, so the Queen Mother wrote to them, they being in the skirts of Almain, to come to the Court with all speed. The like means were made by the King of Navarre, the Cardinal of Ferrara, and the Constable to ally them on their part. During these solicitations the Duke D'Aumale arrived at the Court from them, who was requested to solicit the speedy repair to the Court of the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine.
2. According to the Queen's order, the writer did, by Harry Middlemore, at this time inform the Duke D'Aumale of her affection to him and all his house, for the Queen of Scotland's sake, which was thankfully acknowledged. The said Duke sent word that the Duke of Guise would shortly be at his house in Nanteuil, and, as matters fell out, would either repair to the Court or absent himself from thence longer. The Prince of Condé went from hence in a horse litter to the Court of St. Germain, where he found the Protestant preachers prohibited from preaching either in the King's house or in the town, and that the said King had solemnly vowed to retain and maintain the Romish religion, and had given order that his son should be instructed in the same. The Prince finding the Queen of Navarre and the house of Châtillon ready to leave the Court, fell again dangerously sick, nevertheless his coming to Court so revived them, as by the covert aid of the Queen Mother they attempted to make the Protestant preachers preach again at the town's end of St. Germain, and were also entreated to abide at the Court, where there is an assembly which is like to last till Easter. The Cardinal of Ferrara assists daily at these disputes. The King of Navarre persists in the house of Châtillon retiring from the Court, and it is believed the Queen of Navarre, and they, will not tarry long there. These men desiring to repress the Protestant religion, it behoves the Queen to show herself there, and to strangers, willing to maintain it, for thereby depends a great part of her honour and quietness, so long as the two Princes of France and Spain endeavour to overthrow it.
3. Proceedings are so variable here, that perhaps by the time of the receipt of this letter some alteration will come to pass. It is now resolved that M. De Candelle with certain French Bishops shall go to the Council of Trent. M. De Lansac is despatched to Rome with assurances from the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, to the Pope, that they will live in the Catholic religion, and defend the same. M. De Sulpice, gentleman of the chamber, is sent to Spain with like assurance, where he will reside as Ambassador, and the Bishop of Limoges (brother to L'Aubespine), will be revoked. The King of Spain revokes M. De Chantonet as Ambassador from France, and intends to send M. De Champaigne (Chantonet's brother) in his place.
4. When the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre were not so much bent to make good the Romish religion, M. De Cipiere, governor of the King, was displaced, and the Prince of Rochesurion appointed governor; but since this revolt Cipiere is restored again as colleague to Rochesurion, but is named second governor.
5. It is said here that the French King, the Bishop of Rome, and the Queen Mother shall be invited to christen the Prince of Piedmont, and that the Conté Dauphin D'Auvergne, (Duke of Montpensier's son,) shall be the French King's deputy, the Cardinal of Trent deputy for the Bishop of Rome, and the Marshal Strossi's daughter (wife of the Count of Tande's eldest son, Governor of Provence,) shall be deputy for the Queen Mother. The ceremony will not take place till after April. The Prince will be baptised before.
6. He is informed by a servant of Augustus, Elector of Saxe, here on business for his master, that the said Elector and the Marquis of Brandenburg intend to send their Legates to the Council of Trent, to impeach that no great harm be done, nor confederacy made against the Protestant religion.
7. There was lately a great secret assembly of gentlemen, concerning religion, at Venice, which being discovered some fled, amongst whom is the Duke of Florence's secretary, named Pero, agent for his master there, who has arrived in France. Lately the Venetian Ambassador here informed him that Guido Genette, the Queen's servant, was liberated from prison there. The young Conte De Petigliano, who lately expelled his father from his territory, is now banished by the Duke of Florence from his state, and the chief possession of the fortresses thereof is guarded by the Duke. The King of Spain will not take this matter quietly. The said Duke grounds his doings upon his devotion to restore the father to his state.
8. Since his last despatch, the Cardinal of Ferrara sent the Abbot of Salerno (accompanied by a Knight of the Order of Malta,) to him, with a letter and great courtesy, as the offer of his house. If that did not suit, he requested he would come to the Court, where they might visit each other, and that then he would send some gentlemen unto whom the Cardinal might communicate such purpose as he himself would rather declare to him. He told the Abbot and Knight that he would send his kinsman to the Cardinal to acknowledge this visit. Within two or three days after, he sent his cousin, Francis Peyto, to the Cardinal, whose negociation there the Queen shall perceive by the letters here enclosed.
9. M. De Montignac, the Queen of Scotland's servant (who lately arrived here from thence) brought him at his return from Lorraine a letter from the said Queen, a copy of which he sends with his answer.
10. The French edict he lately sent is rejected by the Court of Parliament of Paris. The same has been authorized and published by the Parliament of Rouen, which is not of so great authority as that of Paris, so the dissension of opinions still continues. M. De Morette, who lately came from England, acknowledged, not only to him, but at the Court and other places, the great courtesy he received from the Queen.
11. Since writing these premises Morette sent him from the Court a packet of letters, to be conveyed to the Queen, wherein is a letter from the Cardinal of Ferrara, and one from Morette to her, and the copy of a letter which the said Cardinal sent to Morette, to have been delivered in England, to the in tent that it should have been shown to the Queen, which came not to hand until his arrival this side.
12. He informed the Queen in his last what passed betwixt the Queen Mother, the Secretary De L'Aubespine, and him, concerning De Courtenay, deleagued to be a hostage in England. Since then he finds him to be greatly indebted, and but a tenant for life of his lands. He sent to the Queen Mother a bill of all his debts, and his living, whereupon she would make choice of another, which L'Aubespine informed him of by a letter. Since then she has written to him again requesting him to accept him. His answer he sends herewith.
13. Sig. Paulo Jordano Ursino, who married the Duke of Florence's daughter, is dead, and the Duke has seized the best part of his country, and fortresses, wherein he has put a garrison, under pretence of satisfaction of his daughter's dowry. The Prince of Condé will recover, because his imposthume (being in a dangerous place) is broken. The adverse affection to the Protestants yet continues in the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre.
14. The second son of the Marquis of Brandenburg (being Bishop of Magdeburg) who was lately for the Papists, has now become a Protestant, and reforms his church and diocese ac cordingly. The Muscovite makes great preparation to invade Livonia, and will attempt to take Revel from the King of Sweden, or Riga from the King of Poland. Montignac returns in post to the Queen of Scots, who has requested letters to the Queen for his passport. By him he understands that the Cardinal of Lorraine and the Duke of Guise will not return to the Court before Easter. Some think they tarry until the term for surrendering the places in Piedmont is expired; others say they will not come to Court until the Queen of Navarre, the Prince of Condé, and the house of Chatillon are gone from thence.—Paris, 16 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 8.
Feb. 16. 892. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. The Venetians and the Duke of Florence ("who have the world's estimation to govern their states with very good conduct,") are always content to be at the charge of having their ministers at all great diets and assemblies, which they think is well bestowed, so that they know what is done in such conventions, and so did King Henry VIII. Now it is a more apt time for the Queen and the Protestant Princes to send Legates to this Council to the intent aforesaid than ever it was before; because the Protestants are so strong in all states that they shall either cause some good to be done, or impeach any harm. M. De Morette acknowledges his bond to the Queen for the kindness he received there; he wished she had written something to Mme. De Savoy, who wrote to her in her own hand. If she will do so, he [Throckmorton] will deliver it to Morette, or to the Bishop of Toulon, the Ambassador from the Duke of Savoy. Cecil may perceive by letters that Morette sent to him, to be delivered to the Queen, a clause to move her to retain the cross and the candles upon the altar, even as it were for the Cardinal of Ferrara's pleasure. "I would be sorry Her Majesty should be so conformable in a matter that hath such affinity with idolatry; and now the time of all others serveth the worst for many respects, and among others, because the Doctors of Sorbonne and the chief papistical champions, as well of Italy as of France, are contented at these disputes to condescend unto the Protestants that all images of all sorts shall be removed from the altars and places of adoration, and the images of the Trinity quite taken forth of the church. And unto all other images representing any kind of humanity, they may be tolerated in their opinion in churches, as ornaments and memories, provided always that the curates and such as have charge of souls do instruct their parish continually to have a due and right estimation of those images, and neither with visitations, candles, kneelings, nor adorations to abuse them." It is expected the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre will solicit the Queen, by their Ambassador, to accept M. De Courtenay for hostage, whom he [Throckmorton] has refused. Hereafter they will make him a precedent to send thither many of less quality. Desires to know the Queen's resolution, which he trusts his successor will bring, "or his John Baptist." The last of April is the last of his three months, commencing the 3rd February, so that he may return about the last of April.
2. This day was published and authorized by the Parliament of Paris, the King's letters patent for the Cardinal of Ferrara to enjoy his faculties within France, as the Bishop of Rome's Legate. The King's grant thereto was obtained long since. He sends one of them by this despatch to the Lord James Stewart of Scotland with a letter. Unless Cecil draws Scotland to England's amity now, he never will have the opportunity hereafter; and failing therein, he must remember what will needs follow after. Thinks the Queen should declare to M. De Foix, after his first audience, that she marvels what this alteration of religion means in the King of Navarre. The Queen Mother not avowing the Protestant religion, whatsoever she does in favour of the Catholics, the Queen did not interpret it so much amiss as the proceedings of the King of Navarre, who had given assurance that he was a Protestant. M. De Morette has requested him to send his packet to the Bishop of Aquila, which he has given to the bearer to deliver. Is informed that the said Bishop is requested by the Cardinal of Ferrara and the Spanish Ambassador in France to induce the Queen to send her clergy to the General Council, and by them acknowledge her obedience to the See of Rome; and to persuade her to qualify her proceedings in matters of religion, so that all States may perceive she begins to relent. The Bishop is put in trust also to understand how Throckmorton frames his advertisements for their purposes, and how Cecil his advice for the same. Although Cecil's son is not so dedicate to philosophy as Cecil was, yet he will prove such a gentleman as his father may be glad to leave behind.—Paris, 16 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Feb. 16. 893. [Throckmorton] to Queen Mary.
The Queen of England having charged him to have her causes and those of her uncles specially recommended, he promises to do so.
Copy. Endd.: 16 Feb. 1561. Pp. 2.
Feb. 20. 894. Claude De la Trimouille to Cecil.
Asks him to obtain the Queen's licence for him and M. Dupont to eat flesh during the ensuing Lent, and to allow their servant to purchase provisions and game outside the town. He finds fish diet unpleasant and unwholesome.—London, 20 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Feb. 20. 895. Thomas Jenyson to Cecil.
1. The certificate of 24,448l. 10s., made by Mr. Treasurer and himself for the full pay of the garrison here to Michaelmas, and for the works to the 11th of October last, was not fully paid to the former; whereby he was able to make full pay to the garrison and crews; but the poor workmen for want of their pays are in great misery, having neither whole garments to their backs nor sound shoes to their feet, albeit they work daily at the sea side and in the fields this winter. They might be paid to the end of the certificate with less than 500l., besides their imprests. Sends the certificate of the quarter's charges due at Christmas, together with one for this quarter ending at our Lady's Annunciation, which is within five weeks.
2. Encloses an estimate of the provisions, with the prices, according to the former rate, and unless these are supplied the works cannot be conveniently carried on this year. Sir Richard Lee should consider the estimate, as some things may be omitted therein which he knows to be needful.
3. They have burnt out their limekilns for want of coals, which were kept at work this winter with those coals which he procured from Newcastle this time twelvemonths, and with the 250 chaldron that Cocks, the purveyor at Newcastle, sent at sundry times since last April, for which he is almost 300l. behind. He has appointed sufficient coals for Cocks at Mr. Anderson's, but shipping cannot be had without their Lordships furnish their present need with 200 chalders of the best Darwen coals to serve till April.
4. In his next certificate shall he continue the pay of Bryan Fitzwilliam and the 200 soldiers who were sent hence to Ireland?—Berwick, 20 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[Feb. 20.] 896. Fortifications of Berwick.
"A proportion of all such necessaries as are presently to be provided at London for the furniture of the Queen's fortifications at Berwick against the next spring, together with an estimate of the prices and the charges thereof."
The articles specified relate to spades, shovels, and "scowpes," malles, steel, soap, elm planks, gin ropes, necessaries for carts and tumbrels, for spars and deals, and necessaries for the smith's forges. The total amount is 1,53l. 6s. 8d.
Pp. 3.
Feb. 21. 897. Randolph to Cecil.
1. Has lately received from him two letters, with one for Lethington and a passport for the Marquis, whom St. Colm accompanies into France, which may be the occasion of his longer abode here by five or six days. Lethington will an swer him when the matter has been advised on. Touching Cecil's device for the Master of Maxwell's declaration to the Queen of Scots in that which he was charged by Lord Dacres, the writer sent his letter to him, and he will receive the answer herewith, both unreasonable and untrue. The writer let him know that he travailed with him at Glasgow; that Drumlanrick (who long held back) might have been ridden upon; that he had copies of his own letters to Dacres imparting the same, and that unless he can prove that those things for which he demands redress were taken before or since the late troubles, or upon such as indeed took part with the Lords of the Congregation, it were better quietly to pass it over. Redress being made, the private quarrel may be easily appointed. Lord Dacres has given ample declaration of his goodwill towards the maintenance of amity in a letter to the writer. He sent also a couple of very fat does to the Earl of Mar against his marriage. Cecil's request as to the divorce shall be satisfied, though not soon, as it is far out of this town and hard to come by. Dares not have to do with him whom Cecil advised. St. Colm's uncle married her after the divorce, whose name was Henry Steward, of Endermethe. The Queen's answer for the delivery of the hostages well contents the Lords; they are ready to further amity at all times. It has been lately reported to the Duke that the Earl of Arran should report irreverently of the Queen of England, and that it should be brought unto her ears. He desired to know what the writer had heard; who said that no such thing had come to his hearing, though he did not wonder that other men marked something strange in the Earl, as he did himself, which is an opinion over great of his own doings, too sudden conceit either of goodwill borne towards him, and little means to entertain the amity of those who can do him good. He also told him that it was not yet out of men's minds how suddenly, without any cause, he gave over his suit to the Queen, the Ambassadors being yet in their earnest travail for his advancement; since which time he never either wrote to the Queen, or to any other of whose goodwill he has had experience. The greatest suitors to her did more than this, and he of all others most bound has done the least; whereupon he might report further than the writer ever did. The Duke declared himself most addicted to the Queen's service, and prayed to know whether the Queen would forward his son's marriage with the Queen of Scots; to which he answered that if she were sued unto, she would increase her favour. What is now in their heads he knows not, but it is the least part of her thoughts, and he knows none amongst the whole nobility who would have it.
2. Yesterday arrived a Swede out of Flanders, who landed at Aberdeen. Thinks it is he who was at Berwick. His traffics are not yet known. There are now new controversies between Lords Grey and Hume for the receipt of moneys for attemptats. Grey looks to be paid as money is current in England. Hume stands upon the custom to pay 4l. Scotch for 1l. English. The Council's opinion is, that the custom is ancient, and that when the twopenny pieces of England were only worth a "babye" or 1½d., yet they received it as it was current. They say that it is impossible for them to get English money, and the gold of Scotland is no more current in England than their silver. Because there is more to demand out of Scotland than out of England (as on Monday next 60l. is to be paid for one bill, and shortly for three horses of Lord Grey's, being sworn to thirty score nobles,) they think they are hardly dealt with. It has also been complained that poor men, who brought victuals into Berwick, have had their money taken from them, having received it there 3d. sterling dearer the shilling, and 8s. the French crown, being only 8l. [Scottish] between three men, and being proved to be not common conveyers of money.
3. Forbes' errand to France is pretended to be to seek the revenues of Châtellerault and the Duke's pension, and he has letters to the King and the Constable. The Earl of Arran is so bent to recover the place he had in France, that he cannot content himself with any kind of life at home. In these imaginations he so torments himself that these eight days he has kept his bed. In a day or two he will depart with as good leave to go as to tarry. The controversy between him and the Earl Bothwell will be accorded. He is better content to let it pass under the law of oblivion than to commit it to the Queen.—Edinburgh, 21 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Feb. 21. 898. Provision to Peter Mellendez.
1. Peter Mellendez obeying the schedule, answers that he has no goods of the five English ships that he took in the Islands of the Azores and brought to Seville. The process of the Englishmen, which is in custody of Cochoa de Luzando, secretary of the Royal Council of the Indies, proves this.
2. Richard Barrett, in the name of the Englishmen, caused a bill of "requiry" to be notified to Mellendez, requesting him to restore the things mentioned in the inventory, which amount to 702,255 marks, which is in ducats 18,778.
3. Mellendez the next day answered that he had nothing to say to them, for he had answered the King's provision that the Englishmen sued for, and that all the goods that were taken are in writing before the secretary.
4. Barrett requested the King's bill of the notary, which he has sent back again with the process. The Englishmen desire Challoner to assist them; the King having commanded Mellendez to restore all goods taken from them he answers that he has none. They request that he should pay the value of the inventory, according to the schedule.
5. Hugh Tipton desires Challoner to be good unto the merchants, they having great wrongs; and all costs he is at Tipton will see defrayed.
6. John Frampton desires Challoner to obtain the King's letter, which was being prepared before Chamberlain's departure.—21 Feb. 1562.
Orig. Pp. 3.
Feb. 21. 899. Edward Castelyn to Challoner.
They understand that Challoner has received his own money of Roger Jefferson at Bilboa according to the order taken here with him before his departure, and Challoner's money was paid here according to his bill. He could be furnished by Hugh Tipton of Seville with such money as he required. If the money shall be "cried down" the gold at forty shillings, and the silver at three shillings and four pence the ounce, Challoner's diets of 3l. 6s. 8d. the day, will be worth 5l. 10s. the day. Desires Challoner to take no money there, to pay there or elsewhere out of the dominions of Spain; and further to have Mr. Hickman and himself in remembrance, being still badly used in Canaria.—London, 21 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Feb. 21. 900. — to Shers.
Letters of the 22nd ult. from Constantinople state that the Turk could not live eight days; but the intelligence of his decease has not yet arrived. The Duke of Ferrara is expected here next week. The King of Navarre has sent M. De Lansac to the Pope, who now intercedes with the King of Spain for some compensation to be made for Navarre. The King lives in France like a Catholic. Petigliano is given to Count Giovanni Francisco. The Ambassadors of the Emperor and of Portugal have arrived at the Council, and the French Envoys are expected. The Germans have protested.—Venice, 21 Feb. 1562. Signed, but the signature is torn off.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add.: To Shers, in London. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 21. 901. M. Stopio to Mason.
Wrote last Saturday, as usual. No news. The death of the Turk is not yet confirmed. Great preparations are being made for the Duke of Ferrara, but it is not known whether he will arrive before or after Easter.—Venice, 21 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal Add. Endd: Advertisements. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 22. 902. Sir Thomas Dacres to Lord Grey.
Received this day with Mr. Randolph's letters a packet for Cecil. Randolph writes that "the Marquis" will not be here for eight or ten days. Will do as directed touching the order in the Council's letter for receiving the Marquis. The Swede, who was here when his Lordship was, has arrived in Scotland, but as yet his doings there are not known.— Berwick, 22 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 22. 903. Lazaro Suendi to Francis Yaxley.
1. Having returned from Germany, he thanks Yaxley for the affection shown to him in his letters sent to him thither; and to maintain the friendship formed between them when he was in England, he will serve him in any way he may be able.
2. Thanks also Lord Robert for his remembrance of him, of whom he has made honourable mention to many Princes and gentlemen in Germany.
3. Everything is peaceful in Germany, but a disturbance is feared against the Bishops. The Protestant Princes have lately assembled and have determined to live and die in the Confession of Augsburg. There is little hope that they will attend or submit to the Council.—Brussels, 22 Feb. 1561. Signed.
4. P. S.—Has bought some English swords and weapons altogether not worth twenty or thirty crowns, but the German merchants have not been able to send them hither, being articles of war. Prays for licence for them to be sent.
Orig. Hol. [?] Add. Endd. Span. Pp. 2.
Feb. 24. 904. Lord Gray to Cecil.
Received his letters of the 10th inst., in favour of the Earl of Northumberland's tenants. It has been reported that they were no parties in the spoil of the ship, but the contrary was proved here before the Earl by the confession of his own servants. Has diligently examined the matter of the carriers of Cecil's former letters being committed to prison by the writer's men during his absence, and finds that Clerckson, the Earl's man, was committed for debt, as he ought to be. The party who committed him had no authority to open any of Cecil's letters. If any of the writer's servants did so, he would make them feel the smart. As proof of his and his deputies' reverence for his letters, his Lordship might have stated that as soon as Colwich understood the man had a letter from the Council for the writer or his deputies, and when he saw it came from Cecil, he immediately released the parties without satisfying the debt, although his letter did not request him to do so. Desires that Cecil's requests in his of the 10th may be fully inquired into. Will inform Cecil of his causes of complaint when he can speak with him. Is most grieved that complaints, whether true or not, are still received against him, and that his answers to them are not regarded.—York, 24 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 25. 905. John Sharpe to William Fayer.
Has received two or three letters from him since he returned an answer. Is ashamed he has not sent the money which Fayer wrote for. It is not three days since he was told not to send any, but if matters are the same as when he wrote, he will promise to send it. The rest which Francisco Bravo owes Fayer he will not pay to the writer, but will pay it unto Fayer. They expect every hour when that "Euys Tho Scovall [Escoval?] shall lie down. I beseech God send her a good deliverance, for I do promise you she is very big. Her mother doth begin to come well forward with all her stuff."—Seville, 25 Feb. 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Guillermo Fayer at Toledo. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 906. Randolph to Cecil.
Requests that the bearer, M. Buttencourt, and his company may be licensed to carry their pistols for their better security in their journey through England towards France.—Edinburgh, 26 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. P. 1.
Feb. 26.
Labb. Concil. xiv. 841. Raynaldi, A.D. 1562, § 20.
907. The Council of Trent.
Decree of the second session of the Council of Trent respecting the censure of suspected and dangerous books. The Council is prorogued to 14 May next.
Copy. Lat. Pp. 2.
Feb. 26. 908. Another copy of the above.
Lat. Pp. 2. (fn. 1)
Feb. 28. 909. The Queen to Lord Dacre.
1. Certain orders having been lately devised for justice and amity on the East and Middle Marches, she has thought it meet that he shall conform to the same in sort as that, if the Master of Maxwell will do the like, better justice may ensue through all the said Borders.
2. She has likewise been informed that the Earl of Bothwell and the Master of Maxwell require of him a meeting. She wills him to proceed in these matters without further delay.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: Ult. Feb. 1561. Pp. 4.
Feb. 28. 910. Maitland to Cecil. (fn. 2)
By Randolph's man answered Cecil's letter of the 10th inst. Queen Mary, in those cases which she has with Elizabeth, will employ none but the writer, although he has earnestly pressed the contrary, and unless he would offend her he must yield, and so be a minister for this interview, and the clearing of such points as would be considered before. Although he allows it with his heart, and will further it at his uttermost, yet he sees his peril if anything fall out amiss. Is sure Cecil considers in what case he has sometimes been with the Queen, and how many would be glad to disgrace him anew. This shall not stay him if he can have any comfort from Cecil that good is like to succeed. Trusts he will speak frankly, upon his promise that no man shall be privy to it. If he will only write, "Come, you shall be welcome," he will boldly proceed. Is thought here to be one of Cecil's creatures, and will never disavow it. Rather than that amity he has travailed in betwixt these two realms be not brought to pass, he will give a shrewd venture. Has consecrated himself to the uniting of the isle in friendship; this has been a scope whereat he has long shot, and whereunto all his actions have been directed these five or six years. He pressed at it in Queen Mary's days, although frustrated; in the present Queen's time many ways, and ever as one occasion fails him he begins to shuffle the cards anew, always keeping the same ground. Encloses a letter. Prays that the Marquis may perceive the Queen by her conversation to be well affected towards his mistress.—Edinburgh, 28 Feb. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 28. 911. Randolph to Cecil.
1. The Marquis departs with better will of both Papists and Protestants than he came into the country. The Papists now see that his credit failed him, and the Queen herself may be content to spare him. He was ever counted a better soldier than counsellor. She spares much by his departure; he spent daily at his table 3l. He has received great honour, and such presents as this country brings forth, as hawks, hounds, greyhounds, and horses, which are passed all by sea. He desires to do service unto the Queen of England. The good entertainment of the Grand Prior and M. Danville has put into him a marvellous conceit how welcome he shall be to the Queen, especially as he can more assuredly report of this Queen's hearty goodwill than the others could. This Queen desires that his usage may be kind, so that he may report it to her uncles. He is to talk to her touching the continuance of their goodwill.
2. It has been communicated to him for a great secret, that the interview is so far resolved between the Queen, the Lord James, and the Laird of Lethington, that if it be not utterly refused, it shall pass any man's power in Scotland to stay it. There have been many consultations, and there can be nothing alleged that can make it either unhonourable or unprofitable to either. All suspicion is quite set apart. It has been said to the writer that the dishonour of her father in breaking his promise shall be repaired with the affiance that the daughter has in the Queen's honour.
3. Some one shall be sent hence to treat upon those heads which are most doubtful, to see the Queen, and take order how it may be brought to pass. This Queen has already pressed twice or thrice the Laird of Lethington to pass in post to demand an interview, and to accord how it may be ordered. Because, if the success of the matter be not good to his Sovereign it will be very dangerous to himself, he shifts this burden from him, or at least delays, in hope of hearing from the Queen or Cecil what good there may be to either realm, to both of which he seems to bear indifferent favour. As soon as the Queen's answer to this Queen's letter sent by Montignac comes, if it may in any manner of way give her comfort, she will despatch Lethington to consider how it may be contrived. Is earnestly required from the Queen to make means unto Cecil that she may shortly have the said answer; and also by the Earl of Mar, that by Cecil's good advice the Queen will give such a favourable answer that he and others may be further encouraged to deal with her the bolder for the perpetual uniting of both realms in amity; the sooner also that the governors of France are become the mortal and professed enemies of Christ, and seek daily to renew their old league and bond.
4. Cannot tell him what conferences he has daily with those whom he trusts furthest of these matters. Some think nothing so fit for the security of the whole as a bond offensive and defensive, which he likes best. Other, qui haud stulte sapiunt, think good to make it defensive tantum, so that they may live at peace with their neighbours, and retain friendship with their old acquaintance. Some others daily beat into his head the great charges that this Queen must be at if any such solemn meeting be had; alleging the poverty of the noblemen, and the expenses men have been at these years past. To this it has been said that the Queen for her own household has wherewith honourably to do; the rest will be such as have enough of their own. Also, because it touches as much the Cardinal's honour as the Queen's that she should live in peace, it is thought that he will give or lend an honest portion of money. Those who shall be assigned to this journey are those whom she thinks most danger to leave at home. The Duke, or the Earl of Arran, shall assuredly be one. Of her prelates very few, though he doubts not some way will be found to wring out of their benevolence. Within these seven days she said to the writer, talking of the Queen's picture (which daily she looks for), that it would do her good to have it, but it would not content her heart until she had spoken with her; adding, that the fault should not be in her. The writer answered that impediment there might be, but fault he was sure there would be none in his mistress. It stays therefore only on the Queen's answer that Lethington come not to them. What the Lord James desires towards the answer, also what good may be done if the Marquis receive some good words from the Queen, he has reported. Has lately talked with the Earl of Arran, and also with his father before his departure. Quid cum illis agas, quibus neque mens neque consilium? The father is so inconstant, saving in greediness, that in three moments he will take five purposes; his son so drowned in dreams or fed with fantasies, that either men fear he will fall into some incurable sickness, or play some mad part that will bring himself to mischief. His mind is nothing but to be French. For that purpose he has sent Forbes, and pretends to his secret friends that this Queen would that he were there. He muses also that now those who profess Christ are not so friendly looked upon as his enemies, and the murderers of his people. Does not know what alteration the changes in France and the revolt of the King of Navarre may breed in him. His mind is otherwise wholly that way to recover an honest state of life, to live freely in conscience, and be out of hazard of his person. The Papists rejoice not a little of their noble emption of the King of Navarre. They hope they know not what. The day is now past they looked for here.
5. There came lately a book from the Abbot of Crosraguel, (the "lypperie" Abbot who made the book that the old Bishop of Durham so greatly delighted in,) sent unto Mr. Knox, containing eighty-three articles, requiring them to be answered, wherein both Mr. Knox and the most part of the noblemen of Scotland are accused of sedition, murder, and treason. Cecil shall receive it and the answer. The Swede has had presence. It is he who was at Berwick. Sends the copy of his master's letter; the answer is as to such matters are commonly given, which the writer saw and read. He departs shortly. Much ado there has been to agree the Earls of Arran and Bothwell. Has concluded with James Macconel for Sir Ralph Bagnal's pledge, and is bound to pay him 120 angels and his best horse, and he within forty days to deliver the man. For this and some particulars he sends this bearer, Robert Askew, to attend on Cecil, and also to see Randolph's old mother in Dover Castle. He has also charge to do the Marquis all the service in his journey that he can.—Edinburgh, 28 Feb. 1561. Signed.
6. P. S.—Has in continual mind the divorce. Is surer to have it than he can point any certain time. It is far off, and hard to come by.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 8.
Feb. 28. 912. Robert Moffett to Cecil.
1. The writer and the Ambassador's servants departed from Plymouth on the last of January, and on the fourth day after they were landed in Spain. They had tarried three months for those four days, being six times at sea, and put back again, many ships being lost upon all coasts. The next day, being over the bars of Portugal at anchor, the Commissioners to the Holy Fathers came to open their coffers, and out of malice would see the Ambassador's coffer. His servant said they had not the key. He standing by, one of the Spaniards told the commissary that he [Moffat] was one of King Philip's servants of the chamber in England and Flanders; whereupon they came to him, proferring courtesy, and turned to call for the keys, or else they would break them open. He desired them not to do so, for he was the Queen's Ambassador, and that her officers did not use the Bishop of Aquila so in England, nor any other that came from their King or other Prince. They said they were charged to do the same upon the major excommunication, so that they will not only lose their soul, but their body and goods if they do not do it. He then took his cap in his hand and laid his hands upon his crown, and swore by that and his priesthood that it grieved him he could do no more for them; he also said he would seal the coffers and place them in a house until the keys came, or a letter from the Court, from the Bishop of Seville (and not from the King), that the coffers should not be seen.
2. The writer then told the commissary he desired the coffers to go to Bilboa, and that he would not land them here, which upon great desire he obtained, and he was then showed how Lord Montague was misused at Bilboa by an officer, and how the said Lord behaved; saying that if a nobleman of Spain had done the like in England or France, the Spaniards would have put it in a chronicle. All this country marvels that the Ambassador Leger did not follow by request for punishment.
3. That night they came to the town to one Mr. Kyrtone, who is sworn to the Inquisition, notwithstanding he is an honest English gentleman, "whereas my Lord and master Cobham did lie," who so persuaded the higher commissary here and his company, that in six days they brought up the coffers here and opened them. Whereas he wrote to Lord Robert that the coffers which they took from the Ambassador's first servants were Lord Cobham's, it was not so; it was one Mr. Reede, one "of my Lord's men," who would not have been here if he had stayed by his books. Since the Constable of Spain died, there is a customer at Vidonet, seven leagues hence, who will not allow coffers nor mails that come from the sea to pass unsearched, which must pay customs for all new things, unless they have a letter from the King; therefore the steward will not consent to go farther until "my Lord's" letter comes. At their first coming a post was sent, which is not returned, the cause thereof is the snow. They cannot hear of any certain news from the Court, for no post has come this month. In the last it was written that the Condé Feria should be Viceroy of Navarre, and that the King intends this year to go to Monson.
4. Five days since one of Chester came from Seville, who met Chamberlain at Burgos going homeward. The said man said, before he came from hence there came to Calais a great hulk richly laden, bringing with them two Spaniards and their chests; and when the Flemings asked for their passage they said they would bring it, and went to the fathers and accused the Flemings of eating flesh on Friday; so they were taken, their legs tied under the horses, and so brought to Seville. He thinks there are near a thousand of all nations, and many will famish, (corn and victuals being so dear,) "and the rest be in prison in Calais, and the ship and goods for the fathers." About that time a merchant of London named Hudson brought certain butts of sack, and gave to his broker a mark and made a red cross upon the head, and when he saw it he rubbed the cross out and put on his own mark; and for this he was accused, and sent up as the Flemings were. The commissary and others came to him praying him to exhort all master mariners, and others of England, to go to church; and when they saw the Sacrament in the church or street to kneel down and not laugh, else the people will accuse them, and then there is no remedy. All the principals here when in conversation ask whether any Doctors or Bishops go to the General Council (for which they daily pray), they say they think, yea. He sends his commendations to Mason. There was one Lacone, a friar, who came from England for religion and is since changed, and is now in prison for the same, as the merchant of Chester saith.—Bilboa, last of February. Signed: Robert Moffatt.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd.: Ult. Feb. 1561. Pp. 2.
Feb. 28. 913. Advices from Italy. (fn. 3)
1. Milan, 25 Feb. 1562. The Duke of Sessa has written on 30th ult. from Spain that he will spend his Easter at Milan. The King of Spain has written to the Marquis of Pescara to send his Ambassador to the Council. The Catholic Cantons of Switzerland will also send certain Bishops and others thither. The people of Bergamo have been cutting wood in a forest, which has embroiled them with their neighbours.
2. Rome, last Feb. Count Brocardo states that King Philip has resolved to pension the Boromei, and will give to the Cardinal 10,000 scudi (others say 8,000) and to his brother the Count 15,000, with other concessions. Certain other Cardinals are also to be pensioned. The Pope has been requested to impose silence in the cause of the Camerino, to invest Marc Antonio as the Lord of Paliano, and to receive him into favour. He can grant all but the first, so the affair will probably come to a good issue. A very strict Bull has been published against the privileges of the Cardinals and others at Rome. The Pope has had good tidings from Rome and speaks of making new Cardinals, of whom the Count Brocardo Persico of Cremona will be the first. The Cardinal of Corregio has the fever. The Pope will send the Datary and the Governor to the Council. M. De Lansac has had several private conferences with His Holiness and the Ambassador Vargas.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 2.
Feb. 28. 914. Gresham's Accounts.
Statement of certain sums of money taken up of different merchants in London and Antwerp for the purpose of paying the Queen's debts. The names of the persons from whom the money is borrowed, and to whom it is to be paid, are given. They are carried through the greater part of 1561; the last date which occurs is Feb. 28, 1561.
Pp. 38.
Feb. 915. Gresham's Accounts.
A note of the money taken up by exchange in London to raise the exchange to twenty-three, amounting to 2,663l. 2s. 8d. Signed by Gresham.
Endd.: Payable in Feb. 1561. Pp. 3.


  • 1. On the same leaf as the decree of Jan. 18.
  • 2. Maitland to Cecil.
    Feb. 27.
    MS. Hatfield House. Haynes, 379.
    1. Has received Cecil's letter of the 10th inst., whereunto he desires an answer speedily and plainly. First, thinking Cecil's letters somewhat doubtful, he desired him to write more plainly, to which Cecil answers that being a minister he could not in his Sovereign's cause write otherwise than she pleased. Queen Mary has wished that the matters between the two Queens should first be digested by the familiar letters of Cecil and himself. whereupon he wrote to enquire how the good intelligence begun might be followed out. Cecil thinks him partial in that for his mistress's respect he would have the game so dealt with as it should not be equal for his [Cecil's] part. Of all other her subjects, the writer should honour Queen Mary, yet in this case there is no point wherein he has uttered his affection more on one side than the other; some might even think he is too negligent on his mistress's part. Cecil can best bear him record who made the first motion of it; upon what ground it was built; for what respect; in what time; and to what it tended. Cecil can judge if the writer has not ever had the quietness of the isle before his eyes. The end is no less, if it be no more, advantageous for Elizabeth than for Mary. The gain of the former is assured and present; that of the latter but in possibility, and altogether uncertain, "et quodammodo spes inanis, pendens a futuro eventu," whereof there is no likelihood, Elizabeth being young and apt to bear children. Has pressed at no equality but yielded in such points, as Cecil thought might forward the intended amity, which makes him muse at his said letter where he makes mention of the interview. "You write that I do not allow the meeting without certainty before-hand known, what certain gain we shall have, and so utter ourselves to seek amity only for profit." His intent was only, and is, common quietness, which if Cecil terms gain, he must confess they seek gain and friendship for profit; which is excusable, as it is a profit to both. He trusts he has not so over shot himself in his letters, as to have it appear that he mislikes the meeting, but rather laid before him such considerations as are worthy to be noted. Thus for his own part.
    2. "Now for the Queen, my mistress, I must say somewhat more. What sincerity of true meaning and vehemence of love towards your mistress, nature and cousinage both wrought in mine since her home coming, her countenance and words to her ministers, her frankness in writing to herself, all her actions, public and private, have sufficiently declared. And if my testimony were receivable betwixt their Majesties, I could give justam causam scientiæ that the thing in this world she most earnestly desireth is to see her good sister, so that by occasion thereof they might speak and frankly confer together without mediators, and that for no respect, but only for a natural affection; which desire I trust Her Majesty has touched in divers her letters. This makes one marvel whereof it may proceed that the Queen your Sovereign, now that she perceiveth whereupon we stand, doth show herself more remiss. If it be grounded upon any difficulties mentioned in my letters, then have they produced an effect far diverse from what I meant, which was rather increase of affection betwixt them, (if need had so required) than diminution. For Her Majesty's part I uttered unto you in my other letters that she was so forward and earnestly bent to it that she respected no considerations."
    3. Did not write to the intent that Cecil should think all he wrote came from her mouth (especially when he mentioned his own opinions and those of others), nor anything of her but what he knew to be true. If he thought that Cecil took his letters as from herself, he would frame them otherwise. Where Cecil writes that if he mislike the meeting because of the peril, he will do well to stay it in time; God forbid he should be an instrument of such a purpose, but rather travail to bring it to pass. Where Cecil desires a speedy answer what they mean to do, the writer for his part wishes it and hopes it shall be. His Queen has desired and intends it. The means how to draw it on must be looked to. Cecil would that the first motion should come from them; that must be considered. If it be so, how, and in what manner, by whom, (Ambassadors must travail to remove such scruples as be incident,) before all the assent of the Scottish nobility must be had; which is not of least moment, especially in respect of the charges which increase by the fall of the English money, and great prices gold is at in this realm; regard must be had to the Queen's honour in her journey. Let them in the meantime remove all such impediments as may hinder or stay the intended accord, etc. Prays to be heartily recommended to the Earl of Pembroke.—Edinburgh, 27 Feb 1561. Signed.
  • 3. On the same sheet as the letter of N. Stopio to Mason, 7 March 1562, No. 927.