Elizabeth: August 1561, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: August 1561, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp237-243 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1561, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp237-243.

"Elizabeth: August 1561, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp237-243.

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August 1561, 6-10

August 6. 384. The Lord James to the Queen.
The earnest desire that he has to see the intelligence begun betwixt the two realms long to endure, moves him deeply to consider by what means it may be increased, and that the chief impediments that may disturb its continuance be avoided. As for the intercourse, he doubts not but that the conformity of religion, neighbourhood entertained by mutual good offices, and the very necessity of the cause, will daily minister to both parties sufficient matter of it. And indeed, seeing that for the subjects' part the old enmity of these two nations is miraculously converted into reciprocal good will, and both parties become desirous of a friend by conjunction, he does not see what could impede if the heads could be so heartily joined as are the members; betwixt whom he finds many natural causes and strait bands of amity. There is but one root from which any variance can grow; they are tender cousins, both Queens in the flower of their age, resembling each other in most excellent and goodly qualities, on whom God has bestowed most liberally the gifts of nature and fortune, whose sex will not permit them to advance their glory by war, but on the contrary the chief glory of both shall stand in a peaceable reign, which is apt to conciliate a mutual love betwixt them. Neither of them is ignorant from what root the contrary affection proceeds. Begs her not to take his boldness in evil part. Wishes to God that the Queen of Scots had never by any advice taken in her head to pretend interest or acclaim any title to England, for then they would have continued good friends. Fears that unless that root be removed it will ever breed unkindness betwixt them. She [Elizabeth] cannot yield, and on the other part the Queen of Scots may think it hard, being so nigh the blood of England, to be made a stranger from it. If any mid way could be picked out to remove this difference, it is like that they should have a perpetual quietness. Has long thought of it, but never durst communicate it to the Queen of Scots, or many of his countrymen. "What if your title did remain untouched, as well for yourself as the issue of your body? Inconvenient were it to provide that the Queen my Sovereign, her own place were reserved in the succession to the crown of England, which your Majesty will pardon me if I take to be next by the law of all nations, as she that is next in lawful descent of the right line of King Henry VII., and in this meantime this isle to be united in a perpetual friendship." The succession of realms comes by God's appointment, which no man can alter. If he can receive answer from her he will travail with the Queen of Scots to bring her to conformity; but if she [Elizabeth] mislikes it, he will no further "mell" therewith. —Edinburgh, 6 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 6. 385. The Lord James to Cecil. (fn. 1)
Sends him a copy of his letter to the Queen, that being well advised and finding the same good he may let it to her (as if sent in Randolph's packet), or upon his good consideration withdraw it. Unless there shall be some good intelligence between the two Queens, the amity begun cannot well continue for long space.—Edinburgh, 6 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 6.
Knox, vi. 126.
386. John Knox to the Queen.
It is certainly spoken that the Queen of Scotland travails earnestly to have a treatise, entitled "The First Blast of the Trumpet," confuted by the advice of the learned in divers realms; and further, that she labours to inflame the hearts of Princes against the writer. It may also appear that the Queen of England minds to travail with her Council and learned men for judgment against such a common enemy to women and to their regiment. It is foolishness to him to prescribe to her what is to be done in anything, but especially in such things as men suppose do touch himself. Thinks himself assured of one thing, and therefore dares not conceal it; viz., neither does the Queen of Scots so greatly fear her own estates by reason of that book, nor does she so unfeignedly favour the tranquillity of the Queen of England's reign and realm that she would take so great and earnest pains, unless her crafty Council in so doing shot at a further mark. Two years ago he wrote to her his full declaration touching that work; experience has since shown that he is not desirous of innovations, so that Christ Jesus be not in His members openly trodden under the feet of the ungodly. Will not trouble her with further purgation for the present. Prays the Eternal to assist her, etc.—Edinburgh, 6 Aug 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
August 6. 387. Scottish Parliament.
The Lords of Scotland having understood (not only by common bruit but also by the Queen's special letters, and more particularly by her letters from Paris of the 12th July last,) her resolution to return into Scotland, they look undoubtedly for her arrival before the end of the month, with divers noblemen in her company. As it is her pleasure that not only all good treatment be shown to these Lords, but also that all her subjects endeavour to let them understand that the realm is quiet and well ordered, and not so dissolutely broken of all good order as has been bruited to the world, so that they may have occasion at their returning to report the best of the country, for this purpose, and to the end that the Queen may the more honourably be received, it is convenient that all the nobility and Estates be assembled at Edinburgh to await upon her coming and attend upon her commands. The writers therefore pray the person addressed to convene with the rest of the nobility at Edinburgh on the last day of August. And although, by impediment of wind and weather the Queen may not keep this first tryst, yet they pray that this may be no stop to his coming. There is some tumult already raised in the principal burghs which may be some precedent to further inconveniences, and some along the Borders which should be provided for; which if the Queen should find out of order at her coming that strangers might espy the same, she would think her nobility negligent. Have by their letters signified to the Queen their opinion herein and diet appointed.—Edinburgh, 6 Aug. 1561.
Copy. Endd. first by Maitland and afterwards by Cecil. Pp. 2.
August 6.
Burgon, i. 393.
388. Gresham to Cecil.
1. By his last of the 1st inst. the writer sent a letter from Mr. Erle by order of Sir Richard Sackville, wherein he desired Cecil to be good to him for the rate of the exchange for such money as was paid in London; and now desires Cecil to have consideration thereof, for being rated at twenty-two shillings and sixpence in the pound, as the Auditor informs him he has done, he will thereby lose above 500l.
2. The Lord Treasurer has appointed him to pay on the 25th inst. in Antwerp 44,784l. 6s., whereof the merchant adventurers pay 30,000l. sterling; the merchant staplers 7,266l. 1s. 4d. more, and out of the Queen's receipt 2,542l. 16s. sum sterling, 39,808l. 17s. 4d., which in Flemish, after the rate of twenty-two shillings and sixpence for the pound sterling, makes 44,784l. 6s.
3. The Queen appointed him by his instructions to prolong the 50,000l. till February next; the Lord Treasurer will have that set over till August 1562, with the other debts due this August and November, which amounts to 100,000l. And for the rest of the Queen's debts to be prolonged; to pay in June, November, and December 1562, 14,094l. 19s. 4d. in each of those said months.
4. He intends to depart to-morrow towards Antwerp. Desires Cecil to have him in remembrance for passing his account, and to write to Sir Walter Mildmay to be at Enfield against the Queen's coming thither. Cecil's five pillars of marble have arrived safely, and trusts his wife's velvet and Spanish leather chairs will be here shortly, to whom he sends his commendations.—London, 7 Aug. 1561. Signed.
5. P. S.—Since writing hereof he received two letters from his factor, Richard Clough, which he sends enclosed. It is noted that the King of Denmark has altered his purpose and taken up all the ships he can come by at Hamburg and Bremen.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 9. 389. The Queen to the Merchant Adventurers.
She wishes them to pay the sum of 30,000l. sterling, after the rate of twenty-two shillings and sixpence Flemish, Gresham taking his receipt for the same; and to be repaid at seven months, with interest at twelve per cent. for six months, accounting the other month for usance. She also grants them such letters as the Privy Council shall think necessary for their indemnity in receiving of the interest, and for assurance of repayment.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 9. 390. Thos. Windebank to Cecil.
1. Philoponus cannot write anything about Theophilus [Mr. Thomas] but hope, notwithstanding the latter's promises of amendment. (fn. 2) Thinks that they had better travel with such company of Frenchmen as they shall meet, as that of the Earl of Hertford and other Englishman has been a great hindrance to Mr. Thomas, not only for the tongue but also in other ways, which now he will not declare, and will be so still, unless they avoid that company. Thomas Kendall has never had his health since they came hither and therefore desires to be revoked. If Cecil does not send another in his place they will make choice of some meet Frenchman to serve Mr. Thomas's turn.—Paris, 9 Aug. Signed.
2. P. S.—The people die in this town of the plague; and if it increases as it has began, they will be forced to go to Orleans.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
August 9. 391. Corrected draft of the above.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
August 9. 392. N. Stopio to Sir John Mason.
Since he wrote last the news which he sends with this letter have arrived. It is stated from Ferrara that the marriage of the Duke with the Infanta of Portugal is concluded, with a dower of 300,000 ducats.—Venice, 9 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 2.
August 9. 393. Intelligences.
1. Rostan Bassa has died of the disease he has long been troubled with. He has left by testament, as a dowry to his wife, 24,000 ducats. On his death bed he besought the Turk to deliver such prisoners as were taken at Gerbes; for he thought the pestilence at Constantinople was caused through their detention, and he left 40,000 ducats to buy slaves with, in their stead. The Turk is better off by his death by seven millions of gold. Ali Bassa is appointed in his place, who is a Sclavonian by birth.
2. There have been sundry skirmishes in Milan between the officers and certain gentlemen, and murders have been committed within and without the city. Certain gentlemen being driven to take the church, were violently taken out thereof, whereupon the canons refused to celebrate any service until the prisoners were restored to their sanctuary; but the captain of the justice has so used them, that they were fain to fulfil the ceremonies accordingly.
3. News from Spain state that the fleet had arrived from the Indies with a million and a half of gold for the King's use, besides the merchants.
4. It is written from Rome that the Council goes forward, and that all the Italian Prelates appointed to go thither are commanded to depart incontinently after the first rain in August.
5. King Philip has joined Cæsar Gonzaga in commission with his Ambassador at Rome, and has willed Vargas to do nothing without him.
6. Advertisements from Ancona state that there were twenty-four foists of the Turks in the Gulf, which had done much harm in sundry places, and that there were thirty vessels of all sorts about Naples that spoiled and robbed in those quarters.
7. It is thought the marriage between the Duke of Ferrara and the King of Portugal's daughter is concluded.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 14–Aug. 9. 394. Intelligences.
1. Constantinople, 14 July 1561. The Venetian Ambassador has congratulated Ali Bassa upon having succeeded Rostan Bassa. He promises to restore the prizes taken by Rostan, and wishes to be upon better terms with the Signori than his predecessor was, promising to act towards them with justice and reason. He is resolved to provide against the corsairs, of whom he means to cleanse the seas. The plague is very great in Constantinople; Rostan's daughter is dead of it, so that all her wealth will go to the Lord.
2. Milan, 6 August. Letters from Genoa mention the arrival of twenty-eight galleys from Spain with Antonio Doria. Marc Antonio Coreto Doria, Prince of Melfi, is Commanderin-Chief, and his lieutenant is Giovanni Andrea Doria. He was directed by letters of the 21st ultimo, from the Catholic Court, to hoist his flag and to proceed with fifty galleys to seek Dragut, who was off Genoa. The Duke of Sessa had not arrived at that Court, but it appears by letters of the 18th, written by himself, that he has been somewhat indisposed. Antonio Doria is appointed captain of the galleys of Sicily, twenty of which are to guard that island, twenty are assigned to Sardinia, and as many to Naples; and while Giovanni Andrea Doria is to remain at Genoa with other twenty, Giovanni Di Mendoza shall guard Spain with as many more. Riccio Crivello is sent back to the sacristy of the cathedral where he was taken, and yesterday it was proclaimed that no one should wear a dagger either by night or day; and that not more than three persons should walk together in the cloisters of the cathedral under a severe punishment. The Cardinal of Ferrara is expected here on his way to France; also two Portuguese Bishops on their way to Trent. Many tents are being made here for the Viceroy of Sicily.
3. Rome, 9 August 1561. On Tuesday the Pope went to the Baths of Diocletian with eighteen Cardinals to lay the first stone of the Church of the Friars of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem, where a Mass was sung and an indulgence granted. On the following morning it was forbidden, under pain of excommunication, to ride or drive there. The Pope has had a slight return of his gout in one knee, yet he never continues long in one place; he dines at St. Mark's, and sups and sleeps in Ara Cœli. On Friday there was a Consistory, in which were given away many rich churches in France, Spain, and Flanders, but none in Italy. That of St. Papolo in France, resigned by Cardinal Salviati, was given to Antonio Maria, his nephew, being worth 5,000 crowns, in exchange for which the Queen has given the Cardinal another worth 10,000 crowns. The Pope urges the Bishops, by private conferences with them, to go to the Council; it is reported that he will go to Perugia and Bologna, but this is not credited. It is said that he has granted power to the Patriarch Grimani to refuse to be judged by such of the Cardinals as he suspects, and that he may answer their opinions in writing. Cardinal Di Monte cannot procure the price of his fine; the affair has blown over. Cardinal Farnese is better. The Cardinal Di Pisa is tanquam mortuus; no one mentions him. When the next Cardinals are created they will all be relations or dependants of the Pope and of the Borromeo. Count Brocardo Persico is expected, whom the Pope sent to the King Catholic. A great earthquake at Naples has done much damage, and Vesuvius is active. The churches of S. Lorenzo and St. Augostino and the monastery of Regina Cœli have suffered.
4. From the Court of Spain, 24 July 1561. The King has informed the Nuncio that it is not expedient at present to take further notice of the Queen of England having refused to admit the Nuncio, M. Martinego; but when the Council has ended he will not fail to attend to it, and will take up arms not only against her but against all who are disobedient to the Church. He will send an Ambassador, and not a Cardinal, to the Council. He expects to raise 200 galleys. The fleet on its way home from the Indies was encountered by some ships which said they were French, and which entered the port of Seville, after having taken an English vessel. One of the ships of this fleet had sunk, in which were the accounts of the specie which were in the other vessels. Another fleet, richer than this, is coming from Peru.
Endd.: Advices. Ital. Pp. 4.


  • 1. Maitland to Cecil.
    August 9.
    Haynes, p. 369.
    The letters sent by Cecil to Randolph, of the 1st inst., have put them in a new alarm. If it be meant to cut off the intercourse betwixt these realms, he would wish them to be occupied in the mean season, so as it would not be easy to come to pass. He sees as yet no shrinking, and if the Queen will go through with them, they will be bold enough. Wishes to God the first war may be plainly intended against them by Knox, for so should it be manifest that the suppressing of religion was meant; but he fears "she" will proceed thereunto by indirect means. Nothing for them is so dangerous as temporising. His countrymens' wits are best upon the sudden; if matters be trained in length, then lack of charges kills them. He cannot change his opinion that this intelligence can never be put in security, unless his Queen his Sovereign by some means may be persuaded to enter it. Prays Cecil that the Queen may know his opinion in it, and this withal: " Multa cadunt inter calicem, supremaque labra." Thinks Cecil has heard the apologue of the philosopher, who for the Emperor's pleasure took upon him to make a "moyle" speak. In many years the like may yet be, either that the "moyle," the philosopher, or Emperor, may die before the time be fully run out. Asks for a frequent interchange of letters.—Edinburgh, 9 Aug. 1561. Signed.
  • 2. "Philoponus, I know, doth the best he can with admonitions to persuade, and with example to provoke Theophilus, to remember himself, his promise made unto you, and the charge you have given unto him."—Draft (next number, 391.)