Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.
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'Elizabeth: August 1561, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson (London, 1866), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Elizabeth: August 1561, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson (London, 1866), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Elizabeth: August 1561, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson (London, 1866), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
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August 1561, 11-15
August 11. | 395. Throckmorton to Cecil. (fn. 1) |
1. May perceive by his letter and by these two gentlemen, the Lord of St. Colm and Mr. Arthur Askyn, whom the Queen of Scotland sends into England, that she minds to take nothing unkindly at the Queen's hands, but will be content to "redoubbe" and repair all faults past. Cecil will see by the writer's letter to the Queen what has moved the Queen of Scotland to send for him [Throckmorton] to meet her at Abbeville, and what has passed between them here. Requests that the said gentleman may receive courteous usage, whatsoever there is secret between the Princes. The Lord of St. Colms is appointed to go through into Scotland after his conference with the Queen, and Mr. Askin to return before the Queen of Scots embarks. | |
2. Has lately received a letter from John Calvin, of Geneva, a copy whereof he sends to the Queen. He has also sent a book devised by a Frenchman, and printed at Lyons, wherein he has spoken most irreverently of the Queen's mother, and otherwise than ought to be permitted by the King and Council. Has sent some of the clauses that are odious to the Queen, but has forborneto send the book, to the end that if she minds that he shall complain to the King and Council he may have it to show them. Desires to know whether she would have the book suppressed, which the King may do, seeing it is invented by his subject and printed in his realm; and also that Calvin may understand of this advertisement, and of the Queen's well-taking his zealous affection towards her. | |
August 11. | 3. (fn. 2) Cannot advertise how many of the great personages who conduct the Queen of Scots home will return through England. M. Danville is presently resolved to pass that way, to do the Queen reverence. He is the Constable's best beloved son; a Knight of the Order, one of the paragons of the Court, and a favourer of the true religion. If any of the house of Guise desire to pass through England, thinks the more honour and courtesy that is used to them the better it will frame to the Queen's service. The bearer, Mr. Tremayne, came out of England with intent to see the wars in Almain, or elsewhere, thereby to be the better able to serve the Queen. He has been here a good while to hearken which way the flame will rise to his purpose; but now, finding all the Princes of Christendom inclined to sit still, retires home. Desires Cecil to do something for him to help him to live, as it will be right well bestowed. The Queen will have a good servant of him, and Cecil an honest gentleman at his command.—Abbeville, 11 Aug. 1561. Signed. |
4. P. S.—It grieved him much to see the sea and be so near England and to have to return. Hopes now that the Queen of Scotland is gone he will not have long to tarry here. | |
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3. | |
August 11. | 396. De Sevres to Cecil. |
The King of France, intending to inspect the accounts of the receivers of his revenues, and understanding that many of them who have been guilty of peculation intend to fly with their booty, desires that they may not be received in England. De Sevres would himself have spoken to the Queen on this matter, but is unable to do so on account of illness. As one of his secretaries is dead, and the other ill of a fever, he sends this by a person who desires to have audience with Cecil.—London, 11 Aug. 1561. Signed. | |
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 3. | |
August 11. | 397. The East and Middle Marches. |
"Ordered in presence of the gentlemen of Northumberland by the Lord Warden, 11 Aug." | |
1. List of officers of the East and Middle Marches, with their pays. | |
2. A book to be drawn by the sheriff, containing the names of all the gentlemen within the shire. | |
3. Four gentlemen in every ward to be appointed for hearing matters of controversy. | |
4. The discreetest in the shire to signify their opinions touching the order for watch. | |
5. A true certificate of the musters, to be presented to the Warden by the 25th of August. | |
6. Proclamations to be made in every market town in Northumberland that in every township some persons shall follow the hue and cry, and such as do not shall make restitution of the goods taken away. | |
7. Proclamation to be made that all Englishmen being called by any Scotchman to follow "trode" within England shall ride for assistance, and refusing to do so, shall be punished. | |
8. The Deputy Wardens to give the same charge to the Wardens of Scotland at the next day of truce Scotchmen may do the like for the trode. | |
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Lord Grey. Pp. 3. | |
August 12. | 398. [Cecil] to Cardinal Granvelle. |
Requests him to show favour to Walter Haddon, Master of the Requests, who has obtained leave to absent himself from the Court for a few days, and who is desirous of visiting the countries under the Cardinal's administration. — Ipswich, 12 Aug. 1561. | |
Copy. Corrected by Cecil, and endd. by him. Lat. Pp. 2. | |
August 12. | 399. Mundt to Cecil. |
1. In his last letter of 15 June, mentioned the nuptials at Leipsic. On the 8th inst. the Rhinegrave, who is in the French interest, set out with forty horsemen for Saxony, to be present at the marriage of the Prince of Orange. He is said to carry a message from the Queen of France to the Protestant Princes, of which the first part is, that as long as she is in power in France she will not allow any persecution for religion. He is also said to carry wedding gifts for the bride and bridegroom, and the insignia of the order for the King of Denmark. The decree lately passed by the machinations and bribery of the Guises very much alarms the pious, and he does not think that it can be altered, for the King seems to have greater power over his subjects than the Emperor has over the empire. It is to be hoped, however, that God, who took away Henry and Francis, and who also broke the weapons of Charles, will not desert his own. The Prince of Condé lately sent a nobleman to the chief German Princes begging them not to desert the cause of religion in France; for the King of Spain, with dreadful threats, has endeavoured to terrify the Queen of France from making any concessions to religion in France; and the chief people of that country who favour the cause of religion desire that the Princes would send an honourable embassy into France to oppose the Spanish influence, and hope that the Queen of England will send one at the same time. And although the Emperor may take it ill, yet the usefulness and honour of the cause must be preferred to the wrath of man. The prudent fear lest they be driven by the insults of the Papists to repel force by force; and should the Papists succeed they will carry their impious arms further against the righteous. | |
2. Some think that the King of Denmark is going to attack Sweden, for the most skilful German captains and soldiers are gone to Cologne, and it is expected that his invasion will be as sudden as was his attack on Ditmarsh in 1559, for the Danes do not choose to wait until the King of Sweden has strengthened himself by some marriage. The Count of Swartzenburg, a vassal of the Elector Augustus, was lately in Lorraine, as was thought to seek the sister of the Duke of Lorraine as wife for the King of Denmark. The King of Denmark is doing all he can to strengthen the friendship of the maritime states. The Rhinegrave says that the King of Sweden is dead, not without some suspicion of poison. Certain French noblemen have reported that the Queen Mother wishes to shake off the friendship of the Guises, but that their power is so great that she is obliged to look to the patronage of Philip. It is thought that if this cancer [the Guises] were removed, the whole state of France would be restored. The Duke of Savoy also deters the Queen Mother from the religion by threats. It is reported that he invaded the Waldenses inhabiting the valley of Arona, on account of religion, and that being defeated he set fire to several villages. The Emperor and his sons Charles and Maximilian are quietly at Vienna. Both parties in Switzerland are looking forward to the day of meeting, Aug. 24.—Strasburg, 12 Aug. 1561. Signed. | |
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 4. | |
August 13. | 400. The Queen of Scotland to Lady Throckmorton. |
Has charged her Mâitre d'hotel, Le Sieur D'Esguilly, to visit her, and to give her a present as a remembrance of her affection, and a token of the regard in which she holds her husband. The bearer will explain her sentiments more fully. —Calais, 13 Aug. 1561. Signed. | |
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2. | |
August 14. | 401. William Chester and Others to Cecil. |
1. Have been in hand with the Portuguese, who has been recommended by Throckmorton, touching the voyage which he offered to discover upon the coast of Barbary, and find it to be the same place that has been known and traded to by them these twelve or thirteen years. They also find that he is a person of small credit and honesty. The bearer, Thomas Herne, can inform Cecil of all that shall be needful.—London, 14 Aug. 1561. Signed: William Chester, William Garrard, Thomas Lodge. | |
2. P. S.—Forasmuch as the said Portuguese is commended to them by the Queen's Ambassador, they will defray his charges, and give him in reward 100 crowns towards his return. | |
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Lord Mayor of London and others, to my master. Pp. 3. | |
August 15. Tytler, vi. 469. |
402. Maitland to Cecil. |
1. Captain Anstruther, sent by the Queen of Scots, came yesterday, who says that he left her at Morin, six leagues from the Court at St. Germans, where she had left the King, and was coming towards Calais there to embark. He has letters to most part of the noblemen, whereby she complains that the Queen of England not only has refused passage to M. D'Oysel, and the safe-conduct which she courteously required for herself, but also makes open declaration that she will not suffer her to come home; yet is her affection such towards her country that she means not for that threatening to stay, but takes her journey with two galleys only, without any forces, accompanied with her three uncles, the Duke D'Aumale, the Marquis D'Elbœuf, and the Great Prior, one of the Constable's sons, M. Damville, and their trains. In the meantime, thinking that the Queen of England will by some means practise with her subjects, she has written to divers, and specially to those whom she knows most affectioned, to continue the intelligence; willing them in any wise not to receive any Ambassador from Queen Elizabeth or renew any league with her until she [Mary] be present. The bearer says that she will arrive before the 26th inst. | |
2. What this message means he cannot judge, but marvels that she utters anything to them which she would have kept close. If the galleys may quietly pass, he wishes that the passport had been liberally granted. To what purpose should they open their pack and sell none of their wares, or declare themselves enemies to those they cannot offend? It passes his dull capacity to imagine what this sudden enterprise should mean. They have determined to trust no more than they shall see, yet he fears the issue through lack of charges and sufficient power. If anything chance amiss they will feel the first dint. It will be well done to keep some ordinary power at Berwick of good force, as long as they stand in doubtful terms. Its neighbourhood will discourage their enemies and make the English bolder. | |
3. Prays Cecil to send his advice what is best to be done, as well in the common cause as his particular, who is taken to be a chief meddler and principal negociator of all the practices with England; though he is not in greatest place, yet is not his danger least, especially when she shall come home, having so late received at the Queen's hands (as she will think) so great a discourtesy. | |
4. Captain Anstruther has also a commission to receive from the French captains the castle of Dunbar and the fort of Inchkeith, and to send home all the soldiers. Has heard that the Queen means to draw home the Earl of Lennox and set him up against the Duke of Châtellerault. Trusts that the Queen of England will have good regard thereto. If he can receive every four or five days a line or two from Cecil, it will be his greatest comfort; and because he must now be jealous of his letters, he prays him to mention the receipt of so many as he has sent this month. This is the third.— Edinburgh, 15 Aug. 1561. Signed. | |
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4. | |
August 15. | 403. M. De Seurre to Cecil. |
1. Has received a despatch from the King announcing the intended departure of the Queen of Scots, who goes with two galleys; and several nobles intend to go with her, amongst whom are the Grand Prior and M. Damville, who wish to pass through England; therefore the King has directed him to request passports for them and their train of forty persons. Requests a passport for Guilliame Lambier and Jehan Lulle, who desire to proceed to Scotland for the purpose of procuring restitution of a ship laden with cloth, to the value of 12,000 crowns, which a Scotch pirate had taken in the month of May off the coast of Bretagne. Reminds Cecil of his letter sent by a Frenchman dwelling in London, named De Sousrie, containing the King of France's request that certain clerks of his treasury, against whom he is proceeding in order to chastise them for their malpractices, may not be allowed to retire themselves into England.—London, 15 Aug. 1561. Signed. | |
2. P. S.—Complains of the detention on 24th ult. by two of Lord Conway's brothers, of one of the writer's servants at Canterbury, who was coming from France with letters. | |
Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 4. |