Elizabeth: August 1561, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: August 1561, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp217-237 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1561, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp217-237.

"Elizabeth: August 1561, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp217-237.

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August 1561, 1-5

[August.] 359. Passports for Scotland.
A memorandum to ask the Queen to grant her passports to the French Ambassador, that the Grand Prior of France and M. Dampvillle may pass through England on their way to Scotland.
French. P. 1.
August 1. 360. Survey of the Borders towards Scotland.
"The order of the proceeding, journey, and travail of the Queen's Commissioners for the fortifications and enclosures of the frontiers of England foranenst Scotland, concluded upon at Newcastle, 1 August, 3 Eliz." The inspection commencing at Newcastle, on 2 August, proceeded by way of Alnwick, Holy Island, Berwick, Norham, Wark, Ridingburn, under Cheviot, ("which is the uttermost boundary anenst Scotland,") Chillingham, Eslington, Harbottle, Cartington, Wallington, Chipchace, Hexham, Willimountwick, Naworth, Lanercost, and Carlisle, where it was to end on Tuesday, 19th instant.
The names of the Commissioners are added.
Pp. 2.
August 1. 361. Conference of Poissy.
List of articles relating to Church discipline, to be considered by the Bishops assembled in the hall of the Cardinal of Lorraine at Poissy. They meet on Monday and Thursday, and consider the matter for the rest of the week. Signed by Windebank.
Lat. and Fr. P. 1.
August 1. 362. Another copy of the above.
Lat. and Fr. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. P. 1.
August 1. 363. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Sends herewith a letter from Mr. Erle (who requested it to be sent with all speed) which came to hand this morning. Mr. Quodnam, the Auditor, has sent Cecil his [Gresham's] account. For such money as he has laid out in England he has rated it at twenty-two shillings and sixpence Flemish for the pound sterling, as he says by the commandment of Cecil and the Commissioners, but the exchange was never so low since the Queen came to the crown. The money he paid for the copper, and to Mr. Blomefylde for the provisions bought here, was taken up after the rate of twenty-three shillings and fourpence the pound. If he had not taken the copper then, he could not have had it any price; for all passports were banished for England, for there was no more of that sort to be had in Antwerp; better copper never came to England. There are two more parcels in his account to be considered, viz., his diets, and for the freight and charges of the armour and munition paid here in England. Hopes he will have consideration of him, for it has been disbursed weekly and monthly as things arrived, and so taken up here by exchange. At the present the exchange passes at twentytwo shillings and elevenpence.
2. He sent his last letters by order of Cecil's servant, Mownte, and also letters from Dr. Mount; likewise from Clough, of such occurrences as passed in Antwerp. He received letters from Antwerp of the 27th ultimo, wherein it mentions that the King of Muscovy has above 300,000 men in the field. As the Lord Treasurer has done nothing with the merchants for the other 10,000l., requests Cecil to write to his Lordship for provision of the same, as it concerns the Queen's honour and credit. He intends on the 7th instant to repair to Flanders for accomplishing the Queen's affairs. Beseeches Cecil to have him in remembrance for passing his account, and to remember to write to Sir Walter Mildmay. Sends his commendations to the Lord Admiral and Sir Francis Knollys, not forgetting Cecil's wife.—Antwerp, 1 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 1. 364. John Shers to Cecil.
Has bought for him the statues of twelve of the Emperors, like those Cecil saw in Flanders, in the house of the Bishop of Arras. They will come by the first shipping from Venice; because by land the charges will be too great. Has left such order there as from time to time he shall be able to serve Cecil with intelligence.—Sends such letters of advice as he has received from those parts. London, 1 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 1. 365. [Marsilio Della Croce] to Shers.
1. Is anxious to hear of the safe arrival of Shers in London. (fn. 1) Has written weekly.
2. Letters from Constantinople of 1 July state that the King of Tunis has demanded one hundred galleys from the Grand Signor for the Goletta, which have been promised. Two sons of the Duke of Moldavia have arrived at Constantinople to apologize for not having helped the Tartars against the Muscovites, and promising to do so now. They have brought a present worth 6,000 ducats and another of the same value to Ali Bassa. Dimitrasso of Tartary having heard of the succours sent by the Signor to Capha, has retreated from that place. The Algerians, suspecting that Cassan Bassa, King of Algiers, son of Barbarossa, would rebel against the Signor, made him prisoner and sent him to Constantinople. In consequence of illness, Rostan Bassa sent the seal to the Signor, which, however, was returned with the request that it might be retained. The plague is on the increase at Constantinople.
3. Letters from Milan of the 24th state that Gio. Battista Costaldo, (70 years old,) is about to proceed to the Catholic Court. The Duke of Alva is coming into Italy with great authority with Don John of Austria, the King's brother, who will have the government of Sienna. The Duke of Sessa will be there, with the Duchess, in September. The Marquis of Terra Nuova has arrived at Milan. The rate of interest has been reduced from twelve to eight or seven per cent. A proclamation has been made against the contraband export of corn from this state. A disagreement has arisen between the Duke of Savoy and the Marquis of Finale respecting certain castles and lands held by the latter. The Pope has authorized King Philip to raise from the clergy all sums necessary for the equipment of the vessels employed against the Turks, and he encourages the hope of warranting the sale of Church property. The Pope has also asked the King not to employ the Count De Pitigliano, whom he wishes to punish for his many insolencies; and the King is said to have consented. The King has refused to grant a passage to the 2,000 foot soldiers whom the Duke of Florence demanded of late at the instance of the Lord of Piombino for service in the Benevesi. News had arrived at the Imperial Court that the Protestants will have a scrutiny of the three or four last Popes, including the present. Duke Octavio has obtained from the King Catholic a grant of the property of all the persons proscribed in Piacenza, estimated at 150,000 ducats.
4. It is understood by letters of the 20th from Genoa that a courier had passed from Naples for Spain, who reported that thirty of Dragut's vessels were in the Gulf of Naples, in consequence of which the twenty-two galleys of that port did not dare to go out. In the seven galleys which were captured was a son of Ruy Gomez, who, with the Bishop of Catania, was taken to Gerbes.
5. It is understood by letters from Rome of the 26th ultimo, that on the Thursday the Pope held a Congregation, in which he said that he must go to Bologna to confer with the Cardinal of Mantua. Another was held on the Friday, in which was read a letter of the Emperor, who professed a great desire to attend the Council; also a letter from the Council of Paris to the King of France, requesting him to despatch the prelates to the Council and to give heed to the affairs of religion and the extirpation of heresy. Yet letters from France of the 5th [ultimo] say that this same Council [of Paris] apologizes to His Holiness for being unable to prevent the National Council. To this the Pope gave a very sharp reply by the French Ambassador.
6. The Cardinal of Ferrara having applied, through his agent in Rome to the Pope, for a Pontifical ring, wherewith to give the benediction, His Holiness sent one of the value of 1,000 ducats; but this proving too large, another was sent in its stead, worth 8,000 ducats. The Pope has required the Bishop of Padua and the Archbishop Maffei to attend the Council, and will admit of no excuse. He has confirmed to the Patriarch of Venice the privilege of carrying the cross, and has summoned the Patriarch Grimani to appear before himself. The creation of new Cardinals is again spoken of. Cardinal Borromeo and Donna Virginia have recovered; Cardinal Farnese has relapsed and is in danger; the most skilful physicians have gone to visit him at Caprarola. The Bishops of Sora and Orsi are not dead, as was reported, and their recovery is hoped for. Nothing is concluded regarding the affairs of the Cardinal De Monte. The Bishop of Catania will pay 10,000 ducats. The Pope is in excellent health, and moves about from place to place. The Patriarch of Constantinople has sent to the Council the Archbishop of Galatia, who, passing through Poland, has entreated the King to guard his realm from heresy; the Cardinal Warmiense will also go to the Council.
7. It is reported from Naples that the Spanish galleys have captured twenty-three vessels of the corsairs. Cicalino, who was a prisoner here in Venice, and who was unjustly condemned to pay a fine of more than 2,000 ducats, has been liberated by the Signori, and restored to favour by the Pope. Count Ciarro is here, having been sent by the Christian King to report his coronation; he has received 500 ducats as a present. He will proceed hence to Ferrara.— Venice, 1 Aug. 1561. Signed, but the signature effaced.
Hol., with seal. Orig. Add.: To Shers, to be transmitted by the Signiori Sorer to London. Endd.: Advises. Ital. Pp. 6.
August 1. 366. — to Shers.
1. The Signori have despatched 600 foot soldiers to Bergamo, which they are fortifying, in consequence of a dispute about a river on the borders. Some pieces of artillery are in preparation.
2. Letters from Constantinople of 1 July contradict the reported death of the Grand Turk. The Turkish fleet is at Lepanto. An Ambassador had arrived at Constantinople from the King of Tunis, demanding one hundred galleys for the Goletta. Intelligence from Caffa, by Constantinople, report that Demetriasco had retreated, being informed of the approach of certain Turkish auxiliaries. From Persia we learn that the Sophi will not restore Sultan Bajazet upon other terms [than those already stated]. The Bassa of Cairo was sent to Algiers with 1,000 janissaries to stop some disturbances occasioned by the son of Barbarossa, whom he took prisoner and brought to Constantinople. The Venetian admirals are going into France, and will be followed by the Count De Gaiazza. The dispute about precedence between the Ambassadors of Ferrara and Florence is not yet decided; the latter threatens to withdraw.—Venice, 1 Aug. 1561. Signed, but the signature is torn off.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add.: In Augusta, al Sr Giusto Shorer. Endd.: Advertisments. Ital. Pp. 4.
August 2. 367. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
On the 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st the President and Council kept a session, whereat twenty-four offenders were condemned and certain removed to Durham. On the 1st they kept a Warden Court, where were condemned three Englishmen and five Scots. The Treasurer of Berwick has shown him that Capel, Lord Grey's servant, has received in the exchequer his fee due for the last half year, of which he complains, for since his entry first as Deputy Warden he has received nothing.—Newcastle, 2 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 2. 368. The Council in the North to Cecil.
Have at large discoursed their proceedings in their common letter to the Queen. There have been secretly detected Gregory Ogle, Roger Heron, and one Wilson, Ogle's servant, of coining, murder, and other felonies; and because they are the persons who murdered Thomas Carr, the writers have the more circumspectly travailed in the search of the matter, lest it should be thought that any malice of the friends of the Carrs had revealed the same. They have been detected by men of great reputation, whose names they do not intend to disclose. Intend to carry three or four of the principal offenders to York. Have declared to their friends that they shall not be burdened with any matters touching the death of Carr, but with such offences as have been committed since.—Newcastle, 2 August 1561. Signed: H. Rutland, William Cordell, Christopher Estofte.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 2. 369. William Cordell to Cecil.
1. Received his letters of the 27th of last month, with the Queen's licence for Sir Thomas Dacre's absence from his charge; together with the Queen's letters to himself and Mr. Carne, who came on the 24th. Has been forced to stay at Newcastle, because he would not have such number of Commissioners as the Commission required, they being occupied in the Commission of Oyer and Terminer, where a great number have been condemned, and others detected of murders, and other horrible offences. The Lord President and he were the only people whom the Commissioners would trust with their examination, because they touch such persons as bear the names of great families of these parts.—Newcastle, 2 August 1561, " being ready to horseback towards Berwick."
2. P. S.—Praises the diligence of the Lord President and the different Commissioners, and encloses the Survey of 1 Aug. (No. 370).
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[August.] 370. Border Survey.
"The effect of the order taken for the execution of the Statute of 2nd and 3rd Philip and Mary, touching the reedifying of forts, and for enclosure of grounds upon the Borders, 3 Eliz."
1. The want of enclosures within twenty miles of the Borders has been encouragement both to the enemy and to the thieves of both nations, and the contrary would cause great security, and procure more profit to the owners by manuring the lands adjoining, in many places very fruitful. The most part of the forts and grounds of the said frontiers being viewed by the Earl of Rutland, it was agreed by consent of most part of the landowners of the East and West Marches that surveyors being chosen, (Sir John Widdington and others) to see it performed, these articles following should be put in execution.
2. That little closes or crofts should be made of the lands adjoining every town or village, not to exceed two acres or to be less than half an acre; and the ways between the same to be narrow and somewhat crooked, that at the corners the advantage may be had of the enemy or thief by the bow or otherwise; the charge to be borne by the tenant for life or years, if not by the inheritor. The said enclosures to have ditches of four feet deep and six feet broad, and set with double quickset and some ashes therein, and sufficiently hedged.
3. Infields to be separated from one another with like ditches and hedges, and no enclosure to exceed thirty acres.
4. All commons and wastes to be ditched, quickset, and hedged, or strongly made with walls of stone six feet high, or with great trenches; the charges of making and continuing to be theirs who have the present inheritance.
5. Every one charged with such enclosure shall accomplish so much for the first year as shall be prescribed by the surveyors.
6. Doubts arising to be compounded by the surveyors.
7. The freeholders to give money to the surveyors to pay for the carriage of quickset to Newcastle, Hexham, or such other place as they require, and pay the conduct money of workmen at the rate of 2d. per three miles.
8. Every tenant shall for seven years together, in convenient time of the year, sow quantity of hips and haws, and shoots of ash trees, for better increase of bushes, in places appointed by the surveyors.
9. For the repairing of castles, towers, and houses of stone, the owners shall employ the sixth part of their yearly revenue.
10. The Queen's castles and lands to be surveyed, and order taken for their repair and enclosure.
11. The surveyors shall yearly, before the 1st of October, limit how much every man shall be charged to ditch and enclose for that year, and certify to the Commissioners before Easter how much thereof is done, and the default.
12. The surveyors found negligent in this behalf shall, besides the report thereof made to the Queen and Council, be fined at the discretion of the Commissioners.
13. The East March is more subject to the malice of the enemy than the other two, by reason that the ground from Berwick to Cheviot lies open; and the ground from the foot of Ruddenburn to the head of Heterburn which adjoins Cheviot, being distant six or seven miles, is a dry marsh which a main army with great artillery might pass, and the Tweed is so full of fords that the enemy may pass and repass at pleasure. For remedy, the inhabitants within four miles of the said river, by order of the Captain of Norham and the surveyors, shall make near the said fords a main ditch six feet deepand eight broad, and cut aslope the hills adjoining, and make them so steep as no passage may be made by them till order be taken for defence of the fords; this to be done before Hallowtide ensuing.
14. Notwithstanding the Middle Marches be such as an army cannot enter with ordnance, yet as the passage of Limbrigge, near the castle of Harbottle, or the west of Bucklandburn, half a mile from the same, of Ahopp, the Stinge, Blackuppe, Langhopp, Langdengate, Kemelspetlegates, the Inche of Cocket, Hardingswyre, all about the said castle, be such as great troops of horsemen may pass; the surveyors shall cause the holders of the lands in Coquetdale this present year to enclose so much hereof as may be in the manner aforesaid, and the inhabitants of the townships with trenches, "ramel," or stone, to stop and straighten as much thereof as they shall think convenient.
15. The Wardens shall assist the surveyors, and every month or six weeks survey how everything is done, and certify defaults to the President and Commissioners. The surveyors to certify the refusal and negligence of any of the freeholders, etc., to the Commissioners, and the parties to be fined. The surveyors to have authority to take up and provide carriages, wood, workmen, quickset, and other necessaries for the execution of the service in every place, privileged or otherwise, within Northumberland, paying what is agreeable to the custom of the country.
Copy. Pp. 5.
August 2. 371. The Bishop of Durham to Cecil.
1. As he went hither as Jacob into Egypt, so he lives here still. Does his diligence, salva conscientiâ, to win favour with the gentlemen, according to Cecil's counsel, and finds more gentleness than he looked for or deserved from the Earl of Westmoreland and Lord Eure. Deus faxit ut sit perpetuum. With respect to the Queen's being minded to gratify Mr. Jobson with Howden, and good Lord Robert's willingness to further the same, which Cecil requires also, the writer knows not well how to grant or to deny. Wishes to say something in his own behalf. Is in possession of Howden and the charges for restitution are paid; to pay 20l. for restitution for another is more than he can bear, and rather than be suitor again he had almost forego it. Knows that he will lose much by the exchange, for when he desired the Lord Treasurer to receive it with the rest, he would not meddle with it because of the costly reparations of the water banks, except he might have it for 220l., where it is in the whole above 450l., besides a good manor house to dwell in. Will lose so much by exchange, besides that he pays in first fruits for Durham rents in London (now extinct), 13l. 1s. 4d., and has no allowance for any commodity since Michaelmas, because it is now counted and delivered into the Exchequer. Valentine Browne has yet his beasts in the writer's pasture, and has paid him nothing. " We may preach here and do what we will, but if we fill not their bellies all is in vain. I would I had been whipped when I left Cambridge." Requires Cecil to make his humble commendations "to my good Lord Robert," and he will obey what the Queen shall command.
2. At Newcastle, by the advice of the Lord President, he had on the pillory one that had married his stepmother, she standing by him; and another that married first the mother then the daughter, but the woman, and the priest that married them, fled into Scotland; the other priest that married the first parties was pilloried. Had another man there too, who being married kept to harlot his brother's daughter, and she stood at Durham. The rest shall stand likewise at Morpeth, Hexham, and Durham, besides their churches where they dwell in Northumberland. All declare repentance, save he that kept his harlot; whom the Bishop purposes to tame, for she confesses it, besides many other witnesses. According to his commission he ministered the oath to the justices of peace, who all received it willingly, except Serjeant Meynell, one of the Council at York, who has ruled this country alone above twenty years with the evil report of all men. He would neither take the oath for justices of the peace or for the Queen's supremacy, saying that none of his calling had taken it. He never took any oath since the Queen began her reign. Robert Lawson also would take the oath of justice, but not for the Queen. Robert Tempest being sheriff, and therefore no justice, would make no full answer, but it is thought that he will deny for the Queen. Michael Wainsford absented himself, and yet promised to have been there, but few think he will acknowledge the Queen. The sheriff here has received certain writs from the Court of Wards; who, because he thought it something impeaching on these liberties, desired the Bishop to know Cecil's pleasure whether he should proceed. Reminds him of his suit for the barrels of salmon out of Norham; the Queen had this account last year in the Auditor's book.—August 2. Signed.
3. P. S.—If it is determined that the Queen will pleasure Mr. Jobson with Howden, or some other piece of these lands, the writer desires that he may be restored to the whole, that he may be quiet and not have one piece plucked away after another in this sort; and then he will exchange Howden for Allerton cum Membris, and for Creake, and that annuity which is reserved to the Queen out of Howden. Allerton and the shire are rated to him by the Lord Treasurer 219l. 9s. 1d. Creake at 39l. 7s. 4d. The annual pension out of Howden is 91l. 5s. 9d. If he resigns this into the Queen's hands he is sure that it will never return to the Church. This is the only device how to give it away by law. " What days be these that nothing is enough for popery, and everything is too good for the Gospel. I beseech you consider the thing and God's Church, and order the matter so that I may be quiet and enjoy the rest for the rent." Will give nothing away from the Church with his consent. If Mr. Jobson should have it for his rent, he could better bear it; "but certainly such plucking away defaces the doctrine of Christ."
4. There is another matter like to fall in controversy; the Archbishop of York claims prerogative to visit this diocese; the Dean and Chapter have shown the writer privileges to the contrary; he says that he will try all his friends ere he be denied. Would be sorry they should fall in trial for clamour; is sworn to obedience to York and also to defend these privileges, and what to do in this case he knows not. "I would not willingly be a party; but if I be compelled, I pray you give me your advice." Is ashamed to speak how Chester diocese is visited; has not visited here because of these contrary claims. "The country needs to be visited; and I would offend neither party, if it were possible." Is not bound to pay any annuity out of Holden, [Howden], but is clearly without exception restored to it, and therefore being taken away he thinks himself clearly discharged thereof.
5. Is (fn. 2) ungently used of Valentine Browne. His rents for the Queen were ready at his [the writer's] coming hither; and he looked every day for the receiver to take them, but in vain. At length, when base moneys were not current, he wrote to him to pay it to Valentine Browne. Wrote twice to him to receive it, but he would not vouchsafe an answer, so that he is compelled to bring it to the Tower; Browne occupies his pastures and pays nothing. Desires Cecil to write a few words to him. When the master resigned the hospital of Kepier, the Dean and Chapter confirmed it, but the Bishop (being patron) never agreed to it. Wishes that Cecil would name some one to try the right, and keep some poor there; would give Cecil's nominee the presentation, for the writer thinks Mr. Heath's title not good. Hears that Mr. Browne would purchase it. Surely few of those beasts that he keeps in his pastures, under name of the Queen's provisions, are above three years old. Has just received an inhibition of all ecclesiastical jurisdiction from the Archbishop of York, with big words, not so much against him as against the Dean and Prebendaries. Fears that it will make a foul clamour if it be not staid. The country needs not any longer be overlooked, but out of hand should be corrected.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
August 2. 372. Intelligences.
1. From Poland it was written that the Livonians, with the King of Poland's aid, had overthrown the Muscovites, having slain and taken prisoners to the number of 23,000. The said Muscovites and Tartars had retired from Caffa upon the arrival of the Turk's aid in the Euxine Sea. The King of Tunis has sent an Ambassador to the Turk, requesting one hundred galleys by the spring for the enterprise of the Goletta; he has sufficient force for the land. The Turk answered that he shall have his request. The inhabitants of Algiers, pretending a suspicion of Cassan Bassa, King thereof, (son of Barbarossa,) that he would rebel against the Turk, committed him to prison, and sent him in a galliot to Constantinople, where having cleared himself, and informed the Turk that the quarrel arose because he executed justice upon certain notable offenders, was after a few days welcomed by the Turk, and being rewarded by apparel and other things was sent back, accompanied by one who had lately been Bassa of Cairo, with a thousand janissaries and two hundred soldiers, called spahi, for defence of those parts, and keeping the same in the Turk's obedience. Suit being made to the Turk for ransoming the prisoners taken in the seven galleys about Sicily, he has answered he will have the whole "Butin" with the prisoners, and the goods brought to Constantinople, and then will give further answer. Rostan Bassa continues very sick, and not being able to fulfil his charge he sent the seal, which he had in custody, to the Turk to dispose of, which he would not receive, but requested him to attend to his health, and keep the same, although affairs there might be somewhat hindered. Rostan has sent to Venice for a thousand wax torches of ten pounds each in weight, and two thousand wax candles for the table. It is said they are to be used at the marriage of a daughter of his. Bajazet still remains with the King of Persia. The Turkish Ambassador is well entertained, and is to be despatched shortly with a present to the Turk, of as great value as he brought.
2. From Milan it is written that Giovanni Baptista Casteldo, seventy years of age, and of great note, prepares to go to Spain to complain of wrongs done to him by the Council of Milan. It is confirmed that the Duke of Alva goes to Italy with large authority, by sea and land, and in his company Don John D'Austria, bastard brother to King Philip, to be installed as Lord of Sienna. The Pope has granted King Philip to make what imposition he will upon the clergy, to prepare therewith vessels against the Turk; and has requested him not to entertain the Conté of Petigliano, who deserves to be chastised for insolences committed against the vassals of the Church, whereupon King Philip has refused to accept or retain him in any service. The King will not grant a free passage to the 2,000 soldiers which the Duke of Florence has provided, at the request of the Lord of Piombino, for the recovery of certain towns in Beneveto. By a post sent from Naples to Spain, it was declared at Genoa that Dragut Rays was about the coast of Naples, with thirty vessels, and, in fear of the same, the twenty galleys in the haven of Naples durst not come out. In one of the seven galleys lately taken was a son of Ruiz Gomez.
3. It is written from Rome that the Pope prepares to go to Bononia. In the Consistory of the 27th ult., the Emperor's letter was read, declaring his desire for the Council to go forward, and offering to come in person with his forces, if requisite. On the same day a letter was read which came from France, whereby it was by them thought necessary to have a National Council, before the resort of the prelates to the General Council, not meaning thereby to prejudice the authority of the Church of Rome, at which the Pope was much offended, and used brave speeches to the Ambassador thereupon. The Cardinal of Ferrara having forgot his pontifical, (that is, a ring to bless with,) sent back to Rome to request one of the Pope, who took one from his finger, valued at 8,000 ducats, and sent it to him. The Pope has sent briefs throughout Naples to collect charities from the people, towards the redemption of such as were taken in the seven galleys. The Bishop of Catania is set at 10,000 ducats ransom.
Endd. Pp. 5.
August 2. 373. Advertisements.
1. Constantinople, 9 July 1561. Rostan Bassa is dead, after a long illness; he is said to have left 24,000 ducats to his widow by will, and has requested the Signori to liberate all the slaves taken prisoners at Gerbi. He has also left 40,000 scudi for the release of other slaves. The Signor has found 7,000,000 of gold belonging to the said Rostan, which he has put in the treasury. Aly Bassa is the successor of the deceased, a man of good reputation.
2. Milan, 31 July. Letters of the 16th from the Spanish Court state that the King Catholic has ordered that all the merchants and artizans shall be taxed according to their income. The Duke of Sessa had not yet reached that Court, but his treasurer Valdino promises his speedy arrival. A disturbance having taken place upon the Piazza Del Domo, among some gentlemen, the barigello arrived, upon whom both parties turned. The barigello defended himself gallantly, but his men fled. Riccio Crivello was taken prisoner in the sacristy of the church by the captain of the police. The vicars and other canons caused the church doors to be locked, that they might obtain restitution of the prisoner, but the president ordered the church to be opened and the bells to ring as usual. The matter is to be finally adjudicated on Monday. Signor Gieronimo Antoniano, secretary of the chief magistracy, has been killed; and usually two or three persons are murdered daily. It is reported from Spain that the fleet has arrived from the Indies with a million and a half.
3. Rome, 2 August. The preparations for the Council advance apace, and the Pope has ordered that all the Bishops shall proceed to Trent as soon as the cool weather sets in. Cardinal Puteo will remain in Rome as Legate. The King Catholic not only intends to send his own Bishops, but to use his influence for the speedy transmission of those from France. The Pope has expended some considerable sums in proceeding with the buildings. The business of the Cardinal De Monte will be accommodated. The Patriarch Grimani has not yet set out; it is said that he will be made a Cardinal before his departure from Rome. The Cardinal Farnese is out of danger, King Philip has given express order to his Ambassador Vargas not to negociate anything with the Pope without the intervention of Cæsar Gonzaga. Twenty-four Turkish vessels have done much mischief near Ancona, and towards Naples, where are more than thirty others. The Cardinal Ara Cœli and the Bishop of Orsi are dead; also, a Spanish priest, who held preferment to the value of 12,000 ducats. The Spanish Bishop Zazara is lately imprisoned on a charge of heresy; some years ago he was excommunicated and fled. The Pope has just concluded arrangements with the new depositories of his Camera. The brothers Certusini have promised to His Holiness to expend 40,000 ducats upon the Church of the Martyrs. The Pope has also given to the Princess Malfetta the rich bed and drapery which were presented to him by the Marchioness of Vasto.
Orig. Ital. Pp. 3.
August 3. 374. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. As she is destitute of a flute player, through the death of Petit Guillaume, the Earl of Hertford has travailed to supply that want, and has found the bearer, Nicholas Laignier, (late of the company to the late French King Henry,) who, for the acquaintance he has with Guillac, her servant, and to live otherwise to the contentation of his conscience than he can easily do here, is content to serve her. Takes him to be a good player on the flute, and also on the cornet. He is a sober, honest man, born at Rouen.—Paris, 3 August 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Sends herewith the edict published upon the chamber door of the palace upon the opening of the Counsellors of this Parliament. It is not yet printed, and does not much please those who desire the advancement of religion. The Queen of Scotland is yet at Beauvais waiting for the return of a secretary of the King of Navarre, who was sent into England.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
August 4.
Burgon, i. 377.
375. Clough to Gresham.
1. Sent his last letters on the 2nd instant by the ordinary post. Yesterday in Antwerp there was a great triumph, for the winning of a prize called the Land Jewel, being a skull of silver weighing six ounces; he thinks there has been spent thereon 100,000 marks within these ten days. As he doubts whether Gresham has seen the order thereof in times past, which has not been used in twenty years, he will declare a little thereof.
2. First, the Lords of Antwerp have been at great charges in making pageants and standing places to stand upon and give judgment who wins the prize. In Antwerp there are three companies or brotherhoods of "rhetorics," who have each a house, and are excellent in that science. One company is the painters, the other is called the Marigold, (who give a marigold in their arms,) and the third is called the Olive Branch, who give in their arms a bunch of olive. The jewel is to be played for, and that company that can make the best answer in the play to the question propounded wins the prize. The question is, "What thing doth most cause the 'sprette' [spirit] of men to be desirous of cunning." There are other prizes, but they who win this prize shall carry it to the town, and set it up there, where all the towns mostly meet; for every town here has a company (sometimes two) of rhetoric. This town won the prize at Ghent twenty years past, and in consequence of the wars it was not set up till now. At that time the question was, "A man being ready to die, what was his most hope?" Some company said, "By the birth of Christ," another, "By good deeds," others, "By prayers, fasting, and pardons." The Company of the Painters of Antwerp said, "The resurrection of the flesh," which was thought to be the best answer and worthy of the prize; but there were at that time such plays played that it has cost many thousand lives, for in the same the Word of God was first opened in this country. There plays were and are forbidden more strictly than any of the books of Martin Luther. Those plays were one of the principal causes of the destruction of Ghent.
3. The painters of Antwerp have set up that prize and others; one to be won by play; and another for that town that comes dressed most costliest, with least faults to be found; another who has the best folly; another to that company that goes most solemnly to church, and sings the most solemn Mass; one to that town that makes the most triumph in fire; and another to that which makes the greatest cheer in banqueting. The following is the order how the towns were apparelled, and how they came in:—
4. The Company of Painters of Antwerp were all clothed in purple satin and velvet, there being about forty horses, all having short gowns or cassocks of that kind of silk, lined with white satin, or cloth of silver, doublets and hose of white satin, costly made, white boots, purple hats and white feathers, with swords and spears. All those that had velver were costly embroidered with silver, whereof Master Mellchet Sketts and Master Strawle were the principal men. Their apparel and the caparisons of their horses could not have cost less than 300 pounds each, they having six footmen all in purple at each side. There were besides four "herods," four tipstaves, four banner carriers, and six trumpeters, all in purple taffata, besides forty footmen in coats of the same, with hose and doublet of white satin, in all points suitable to the other. Having molested Gresham thus far with this matter he shall understand the circumstance thereof, and how all the company comes. Yesterday (3rd inst.) all the Lords of Antwerp, or the most part thereof, were at one o'clock in readiness upon the pageacy or standing places, where they were to give judgment, and at the same time all the towns of Brabant, with their companies, must be in readiness without the gates, where, at one o'clock, the gates are opened. After that, the company first upon the market (to say, the trumpeters and heralds), come and declare to the Lords that they that are in readiness at the gates shall come in first, and pass throughout all the town before the Lords; that being done the Company of Painters must go to the gates and fetch them one at a time and present them to the Lords. The first having showed themselves, they brought in one of the companies of Antwerp, called the "Gold Bloom" [Marygold], who were sixty horse, all in crimson satin and velvet, in short cloaks lined with white satin, with satin hose and doublets, red hats, with white feathers, white boots, and all their horses trapped accordingly, besides twelve trumpeters and heralds, and at least twenty footmen apparelled accordingly. After them came the company of Antwerp, called the Olive Branch, where there were sixty horse in green satin and velvet, lined with white, with white hose and doublets, in all points as costly as the other, and the footmen and trimmings of the horses were very costly.
5. Then came the town of "Baro," with forty horsemen all in tawny satin, damask and velvet, and after them twelve waggons covered with tawny cloth, and in every waggon two men in tawny silk, carrying two torches, and two fire pans; they had red hats with white feathers, and red hose and doublets, and black buskins suitable; so all the waggoners were apparelled alike in the same colours.
6. After them came the town of Mechlin, apparelled in coats of "incarnation," coloured stamet, made after the English fashion, being welted with yellow parchment, yellow hose and doublets, red hats and yellow feathers and white buskins. Then came 360 horses, two and two, one couple having torches burning in their hands and the other two a flower each. There were amongst them 112 gentlemen, who had a chain of gold each about their neck, and their coats girded with fine gold; each of them had one or two footmen, apparelled as they were with yellow satin doublets, and all things accordingly. They had twelve trumpeters, four waits, four heralds, and many that carried arms and banners. Then came amongst them seven pageants, very costly, for the making and gold spent upon them, and especially for the personages that stood upon them; and after them fifteen waggons covered with yellow and incarnation cloth, of a very strange fashion, like unto a canopy. Round about the waggons hung twelve shields, costly engraved and gilted, and covered inside with yellow cloth, wherein sat two men, apparelled like those on horseback, each holding a torch, and at the end of the waggons were two cressets burning. All the waggoners and those that looked after the cressets were apparelled as the others. There were at least 450 horses and 600 persons.
7. After them came "Lere," all in green coats trimmed with white, with white hose and doublets, green hats and red feathers; four pageants, with trumpeters, heralds, and footmen; and after them sixteen waggons covered with green and white, with torches and cressets, and amongst them twenty in green velvet, whereof Conrat Sketts was the principal, who excelled Mellcher in costliness; being embroidered with gold and silver. No prince could be more costly.
8. After them came divers towns, some in green, black, orange, and yellow, to the number of fifteen towns and companies. With some there were a 100 and some 200 horses, trimmed in all points as the others, with pageants and waggons, whereof "Sertinggam Bousse" was the best of the ordinary sort.
9. The principal of all came Brussels, which he thinks was a dream.
10. First there came a wonderful many trumpeters, heralds, footmen, standard bearers, carriers of arms, with divers kinds of officers; after them came seven pageants, carried by 150 men, the pageants being sometimes made with children dressed in cloths of gold, silver, satin of all colours, so embroidered to such purpose that he cannot tell what to write of them. About every pageant four men on horseback with torches, apparelled in long coats, (after the manner of Poles,) of crimson satin, embroidered and girded with gold and silver, red hats, trimmed with white feathers, white satin doublets, white buskins, great girdles of gold taffeta, with their swords accordingly. After the pageants came seven waggons, covered with red cloth and girded with white, with arms hung about. In twenty-one of them were very fair personages, some in harness, some like nuns, and monks, priests, bishops, cardinals, and all kinds of religious men, with wonderful and strange devices, which he could not well perceive, it being two o'clock after midnight before they came in.
11. At least 200 waggons came after the pageants. Saw 104 all covered with red, as the others, and in each two or three men sitting dressed in crimson satin, holding torches. All the waggons were made of white baskets, as the merchants use here, and in most of them great horses, all with white harness "drawing as lemour [limber?] horses." The waggoners were apparelled in red cloth and girded with white. After the waggons 380 came on horseback, dressed in crimson satin, embroidered with gold and silver; after them the captain, with twenty-four footmen in crimson satin, with white hose and doublets; and, lastly, twenty-five waggons, covered with red, full of chests and baggage.
12. He judges there must be 600 horsemen in crimson satin, and 130 waggons, and with those in them and on horseback, and the children there must be 1,000 persons in silk, and about 1,000 horse altogether.
13. The coming of King Philip to Antwerp with the cost of all the nations together in apparel, was not to be compared to this done by Brussels, which will win but a skull of silver weighing six ounces. He wishes some of the gentlemen of England had seen this; he means those that think the world made of oatmeal, and that would make them think that there are others as they are, and to provide for the time to come, for they that can do this can do more.
14. This matter finished yesternight between two and three o'clock, and this day one party goes to the church, where there will be no small ado; for as they came in order on horseback to the town so they must go to the church on foot.
15. By his last letters to Gresham he mentioned news from Rome, which he could not learn; it is that of late certain of the Cardinals in Rome have conspired against the Pope, and called a Consistory, where they thought to have sent him off, and made a new one, whereof the Pope had intelligence. The Cardinals being in the Council house, the Pope sent for them, and he commanded them, upon pain of death, that whatsoever he said unto them to make him no answer, nor to ask him any question. He knows the cause of calling this Council was to put him off, whereof he marvels; he has done and will do his best to observe such orders as others have done before him; if he does amiss tell him and he will mend. He forgives them for the past, for he knows the doers thereof, but if he may hear of the like they are to look for no pardon. So those that are in fault are in much doubt.
16. The Prince of Orange has departed for "Docheland" to be married to the daughter of Duke Maurice, with a small company; he thought to have had divers noblemen of this country with him. The King has given commandment that no man bearing office in the Low Countries shall go with him, upon pain of losing the said office, and the King's displeasure, because they shall not be infected with any of the heresies used in that country. It is thought that the Dukes will not take this in good part. The Prince is now getting great by this marriage, and his officers sell most of the lands that he has in this country, which is much spoken of now.
17. The nails of Mr. Sakefyllde [Sackville] are bought and shipped in Bartholomew Pall's [ship], who departed from hence yesterday. All Gresham's commissions, by his last letters, he has observed, whereof he wrote answer at large by his last.
18. Sends enclosed a packet of letters which he received from Sir Thomas Chamberlain from Spain. The exchange passes at twenty-two shillings usance, small store of money and takers.—Antwerp, 4 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 15.
August 4.
Burgon, i. 391.
376. Clough to Gresham.
Sends his last letter this day at ten o'clock, by the English post, since when, a post arrived here from Hamburg, with letters from Benedict Goderman to Christopher Prowyne, wherein he writes that the King of Denmark and the Duke of Holst arrest all the ships they can get, especially those of Hamburg and Bremen. Whereas the King was in readiness to go to the marriage of the Prince of Orange, he will not go now. Sends this letter in post, because there may arise more matter than is expected.—Antwerp, 4 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
August 4. 377. Thos. Windebank to Cecil.
They are placed in the gentleman's house of whom he wrote in his last, after the rate of 3,000 crowns a year. "The occasion of courting" being now taken away, hopes that Mr. Thomas will apply himself to the French tongue, for which reason he begs Cecil to write to him to avoid English company, "and not to neglect the Latin tongue, which (to say the truth), he hath little regarded." If they should travel with Lord Hertford, to see the country, the time must be taken in September. Thinks that they had better not go in the Earl of Hertford's company, both for avoiding the English tongue, and for other respects.—Paris, 4 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
August 5. 378. The Bishop of Aquila to Cecil.
Hears that the pirates Pole and Champney have been captured in the isle of Man. They were detained in the Canaries for divers depredations, but managed to seize a ship lying in the harbour whilst its crew were at church, on Christmas Day, and carried her and her cargo to the island of Man. Hears that Champney has escaped, and is sorry that the law should be so negligently administered. Understands there are some Spaniards amongst those captured, and begs that these persons may be brought to London to be interrogated concerning the plundering of a ship belonging to the King, which they barbarously scuttled, with her crew on board. He desires also that the ship and cargo may be preserved, as they doubtless belong to Spanish subjects.—London, 5 Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
August 5. 379. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Although the Treasurer of Berwick received Cecil's letters for the payment of 120l. due to the writer, which he ap pointed for the relief of his wife and household, yet his wife writes that she cannot receive one penny. Is also advertised that the under Marshal can receive no part of his wages. Desires Cecil to write to the Treasurer to make payment of the premises without further delay. Has to express the passions of his mind against the said Treasurer for his unfriendly usage, till he may discourse it more at large. Reminds him to have some good order in his ransom. Was very sick at the writing hereof, and prays that he may tarry somewhat from the Court.—Whaddon, 5 Aug. 1561. Signed.
2. P. S.—Is advertised that Sir Thomas Dacre has discharged the under Marshal at Berwick; is sure he is as honest and trusty as any that Dacre will put in his place. If the writer is to be thus weakened and defaced by others, it will avail him little to return.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[August.] 380. Remembrances for Lord Grey.
1. To answer Thomas Carlisle's claim for the fishing by Mr. Barrow's writings.
2. To be means for licence to transport horses and timber into Scotland.
3. To pray that he may be answered in such requests by letters as concern the better proceedings in the Queen's affairs in the north.
4. To declare the fortification and state of the works at Berwick.
5. The opinions of the captains in payment of their soldiers by parcel.
6. The necessities that soldiers are driven to for want of money.
7. The occasion of motion to the Lords of Scotland for articles of Border matters.
8. The office of searcher in Berwick.
9. The commission for Oyer and Terminer, for warrants of extraordinary charges.
10. For alteration of constables.
11. The unworthiness of the old garrisons.
12. For the entertainment of the Marshal's place.
13. For the Marshal's retinue.
14. The chamberlain's retinue is not paid.
15. The tipstaves are not paid.
16. The clerk of the watchmen and the constables are not paid.
17. The repair of Scotchmen into England.
18. To declare Lord Hume's delays and trifling in justice on the Borders.
19. To avoid all Scots born that have come in since the siege of Leith, upon penalty of being prisoners, and the lords of the ground where they inhabit to forfeit 40s.
20. To remember Mr. Goodale for the patent of his wages during life.
21. To remember the tithes in lease incident to the offices of Berwick.
22. The amendment of the Marshal's entertainment.
23. A meet house for the Marshal; where Sir George Bowes lay, is thought convenient.
24. Arrearage of certain rents charged upon John Selby, gentleman porter.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
[August.] 381. Lord Grey's Complaints.
A memorial from Lord Grey to Cecil, containing other heads of matters to be attended to, viz.:—
1. A letter to Sir Richard Lee, to cause him to repair to the Court, touching the works at Berwick.
2. Ditto to Mr. Brown, to pay Lord Grey, 120l.
3. The ungentle dealing of Brown towards Lord Grey.
4. To show a copy of the letter Lord Grey wrote to him.
5. The letters that come from Mr. Selby.
6. Book of the last muster at Berwick and the order of the pay.
7. Particulars of things requisite to be bought for the Queen's use at Berwick.
8. To have the book of Lord Grey's account, touching the 400l. due to him for victuals at Guisnes.
9. Order for his ransom.
10. A commission for a swainmote in Whaddon Chase.
11. A letter to the Earl of Northumberland, touching Lord Grey, of Scotland.
Copy, with two marginal notes by Cecil, and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
[August.] 382. Remembrances for Berwick.
1. Every captain that has one hundred men, watches and wards four times in the week.
2. That every band of fifty men watch and ward twice in the week.
3. The whole garrison watch every sixth night.
4. Every sixth night twenty of the town watch.
5. To remember the old garrison for the 2d. a day that is taken from them.
6. The watchmen, who had 6d. a night, have now but 3d.
7. That a new supply of 300 must be had this winter.
8. To know the Queen's pleasure for the going forward of the fortifications this winter.
9. That money be sent down to make a pay, until Michaelmas next, to the workmen and labourers employed about the fortifications.
Endd. by Cecil: Berwick, Sir Richard Lee. Pp. 2.
August. 383. John Bennett to Cecil.
Since coming home he has been to Berwick, and there perused all things. wherein he perceives certain gunstocks need reparation, which his artificers have furthered. They have been behind of their wages a whole year and more, unto whom he has disbursed certain money, and his servants have imprest them much more of his. They have gone upon credit a long time with other poor men for victuals, who come to him for their money, which has caused him to lay out his own, which should have served his own household. As he can have no order with Mr. Browne for the payment of the said artificers, he desires Cecil to stand his friend, that some one may see his books, how the money is employed, as he is daily at great charge for the ships that come with munitions from the Tower. If there might be a thorough pay of the artificers, he would discharge some of them. Encloses a schedule of the powder here and at Berwick, and trusts that within ten days the new powder house shall be finished, and the powder laid therein, and reminds him that he has no warrant for the money for the same. "I have sent unto my good lady your bedfellow [blank] cast of merlions," and has also shipped two barrels of salmon for Cecil's household.—Newcastle, Aug. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.


  • 1. Three lines are here so effectually defaced as to be illegible.
  • 2. Written with ink different from that used in the earlier part of the letter.