Index: N

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: N". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Namuers, Namurs, See duchess of. Este, Anne d'.

Namures, duke of. See Savoy, Charles Emmanuel of.

Nantes, Nantis [Loire Inf., France]: restraint of trade irritated. 93. Brielle ship seized on way from, 149.
-, said to be for king, 182; Soissons escapes from, 342; is revolted, 351.

Nanteuil, count of. See Schomberg, Gaspard de.

Naples [Italy]:
-, Dovara's mission to, 16, 19.
-, troops levied at, 49; levy goes slowly, 201; 10,000 levied at, 290; 3,000 levied at, 302, 326.
-, galleon to take corn from, 63.
-, Parma to have mother's rights in, 63.
-, Spaniards hated in, 201.
-, viceroy of. See Zuniga y Avellaneda, Meria de.

Narrow Seas, the, 192.

Nassau, house of:
-, prefers France to England, 6.
-, Geertruidenberg belongs to, 159;
-, loses 8,000l. yearly by its loss, 210.

-, Justinus, Justenues, of, lieutenant-admiral, admiral, of Zeeland:
-, letters to, referred to, 299.
-, hears Parma will attack Ostend, 102; sends news of plot there, 272; tells Borlas of letter about it, 287.
-, will send news to Walsingham, 299.
-, Giles deals with, about anti-English books, 299.
-, will not let Giles send man to Antwerp, 327.

-, Maria of, countess of Buren, Burin, 400.

-, Maurice, count of; count, grave, Maurice; admiral- and captain-general of Holland and Zeeland, 43, 75, 295:
-, letters from, 18, 52, 159, 160, 356, 391.
-, letters from, referred to, 142, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 207, 297, 356.
-, letters to, 142, 154, 172, 173.
-, letters to, referred to, 155, 156, 159, 160, 171, 206, 207, 286.
-, ill: Bodly visits, 11; relapses, 18; is better, 65.
-, Queen would satisfy, about Geertruidenberg, 21.
-, urges Leynkins' suit, 52.
-, musters orders issued by C. of S. and, 69; to enforce them, 130.
-, ignores C. of S., 140, 141.
-, prepares secretly against Geertruidenberg, 141; forces at Willemstadt, 148.
-, Geertruidenberg refuses men to, 142, 174.
-, summons Geertruidenberg, 154, 156; Willoughby protests to, 154; C. of S. informed by, 155; Valcke and Meynarts sent to, 157; asks Bodley's aid, 195.
-, attacks Geertruidenberg dykes, 154, 156; prepares to batter it, 164, 168; assault fails, 166, 194; builds forts and cuts dykes, 167; batters town, 171; loses forts, 195.
-, to be consulted on Friesland, 156.
-, will provide for defence of Zeeland, etc., 157.
-, writes to Queen about Geertruidenberg siege, 159, 160; projected answer to, 168–9; Queen and Council's replies to, 172, 173–4.
-, Willoughby's dealings with, over Geertruidenberg (July, 1588) referred to, 159, 168–9, 173, 329–30; told garrison of Willoughby's promise, 195.
-, danger of proceedings of, 167; blamed for Geertruidenberg's loss, 195, 200; States' placart on it, 205–8; referred to, 329–30; States uphold, 21.
-, takes forces to Tholen, 196; gone to Gorcum, 271.
-, Princess of Orange moves, for Teligny's release, 199.
-, Sonoy's agreement with, referred to, 214.
-, appointed governor of Brabant and Flanders, 237; in States' council of war, 237.
-, escape of, 286.
-, says Parma sends men to League, 311.
-, Flushing loyal to, 314; at Middelburg, 336.
-, warns Conway, 356.
-, asks Borlas for troops, 391.
-, troop of, from Heusden routed, 141, 148, 272.
-, guard of, 194.

-, Philip, count of, 295:
-, at Geertruidenberg siege, 194.
-, in States' council of war, 237.
-, goes to Gorcum, 271.
-, to command forces around Heusden, 390.

Nassau-Dillenburg, William Louis, count of, count William, governor of Friesland, 2, 295:
-, letters from, 278; referred to, 141, 156.
-, Oostergonians' complaints of, 3; relations of, with them and Leicester, 4.
-, H. Aysma's practices against, 107; Aysma's defence, 183–4; has not performed promises about Aysma, 344.
-, to enforce placart on musters, 130.
-, asks States about Frisian' safeguards' and landstag, 141.
-, asks for troops and urges offensive, 156.
-, will see Caron in Holland, 278.
-, successes of, on Ems, 344, 392, 401.
-, Groningen favours, 345; is near it, 373; threatens it, 392.
-, cannot spare forces for Heusden, 385.
-, lieutenant of. See Kintsky, Ferdinand Christoffel van.

Nau, 78.

naval stores:
-, Bodley asks States to forbid transport of, to enemy, 38; States' reply, 43; States will forbid it, 163, 164, 256; they should do so, 308.
-, Spain gets, from Eastland, 296.
-, anchors, 101, 308.
-, cables, 101, 172, 308, 375.
-, cordage, 96, 202, 308.
-, masts, 308, 375.
-, pitch, 308.
-, ropes, 172, 375.
-, sails, 308.
-, tar, 172, 308.

Navan, captain, 90.

Navarin, le. See Henry IV.

Navarra, Navarre, Navere, king of. See Henry IV.

-, queen of. See Marguerite.

Naviers, duke of. See Gonzaga, Louis.

negroes, slaves, 345, 350.

Nelle, marquis de, lord of Château Renault, Chasteau Regnault, 236.

Nemours, Nemurs [Seine-et-Marne, France], 335.

-, duchess of. See Este, Anne d'.

-, duke of. See Savoy, Charles Emmanuel of.

Nestor, 32.

Netherlands. See Low Countries; United Provinces.

Neubourg, le, Newbarke [Eure, France], 203.

Neudon, Dr., 105.

Neufville, Charles de, sgr. d'Alincourt, Hallingiert, League governor of Pontoise, 375, 386.

-, Nicolas de, sgr. de Villeroy, 236.

Neuss [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 20.

Neuwenar. See Solms, Adolf von.

Nevers. See Gonzaga, Louis.

Nevill, Charles, earl of Westmorland, 10.

Newbarke. See Neubourg; Vieux Ponts, Louis de.

Newcastle, New Castell [co. Northumberland], ships of, wrecked, 36.

Newfoundland, fishery, 151, 232, 361.

Newhaven. See Hâvre de Grace.

New Spain, Nova Espagne, 97.

Nieuport, Newport, Newporte [W. Flanders, Belgium], 266, 301:
-, la Motte's preparations at, 118, 257; he takes forces to, 258.
-, guns sent to, 158.
-, enemy ships at, 296.
-, prison at, 258; English charterhouse at, 104.
-, bailiff of. See Octavo.
-, inhabitant of. See Spellman

Nieuwdam, Nyvandam [W. Flanders, Belgium], 266.

Nieuwenaar, Nieuwenaer. See Solms, Adolf von.

Nijmegen, Nimmegen, Nimmeghen [Gelderland, Netherlands], 114; warship of, 323.

Niort, Niors [Deux Sèvres, France], Navarre takes, 24, 89.

Niue Haven. See Hâvre de Grace.

Niuborke, Niuborkis, Niueborke. See Vieux Ponts, Louis de.

Noell, George, 176.

Nogaret, Bernard de, sgr. de la Valette, la Valet, the Valet, made admiral, 28; in Dauphiné, 233; will attack Savoy, 234; besieges Toulouse, 388.

-, Jean Louis de, duke of Épernon, Epernone, Espernon, Espernone, Pernon, Pirnon, admiral of France:
-, Navarre to meet, 7.
-, to be compensated for Angoulême 28; king partly satisfies, 70.
-, levies Germans, 35.
-, Guise sought marriage alliance with, 48.
-, joins king, 62; recalled to court, 63; sends 2,000 men, 74; coming to king, 90; king near, 98; waits till Mayenne advances, 220.
-, Longnac friendly with, 73; the affair will benefit, 78; not involved in it, 94.
-, will regain credit, 74; abuses king, 85, 86; is not well with king, 94.
-, defeats Mayenne's vanguard, 230; joins king at Tours, 245.
-, in Dauphiné, 233.
-, forces of, annoy Lorraine, 324.
-, at Étampes siege, 334; quarrels with king, 335; contented, 336.
-, at sack of Poissy, 357.
-, at Pontoise: many hate, 386; brave forces of, 388.
-, Villars joined League through hatred of, 403.
-, Henry IV sends, for the prisoners, 409.

Nogera, Diego de, 346.

Noisy-le-Roy, Noysy [Seine-et-Oise, France], 357.

Nonsuch, Nonesuch [co. Surrey], letters dated at, 341, 385, 398, 404.

Noremberg, Norembergh. See Nuremburg.

Normandy, duchy of [France]:
-, towns of, against king, 97.
-, turns to king: wars will devastate, 203.
-, Montpensier routs gautiers in, 227, 228.
-, Navarre going to, 228.
-, news from, 263.
-, 1,000 English could reduce, 343.
-, forces join king from, 358; Halot and Bacqueville left in, 405.
-, governor of. See Bourbon-Vendäme, François de; Cossé, Charles de.
-, See also Caen; Dieppe; Falaise; Hâvre; Rouen.

-, Basse-, 203, 263.

Norris, Noreis, Nores, Norits, Noritz, Norreis, Norreys, Norrice, Norries, Norriss, Norritz, Norryce, Norrys, Nourreis, Sir Edward:
-, letters from, referred to, 64, 98.
-, letters brought by, 18.
-, has prepared to receive troops for Portugal, 37; to deal with States about them, 40; all money arrangements left to, 54; accused captains of delays, 101; his purveyors to blame, 143.
-, absent from Ostend, 42.
-, Bodley commends, 80.
-, money paid to, 176.
-, company of, at Ostend, to go with J. Norris, 9, 71; gone, 138; to return, 377.

-, Sir Henry, licence to, to go with J. Norris, 119; money paid to, 176; company of, at Brielle, 72, 138.

-, Sir John, colonel, general, 217:
-, States rejoice at plans of, 8.
-, notes of bands to go with, 9, 71–2; Ostend troops to go with, 22; list of bands to be left probably made by, 99; note of bands with, 138.
-, Antwerp news of preparations of, 16.
-, Willoughby not privy to States' agreement with, 29; States' declaration on it, 30; they protest at breach of it, 40; they summon Willoughby to observe it, 57; it shows their cunning, 60–1; they broke promises to, 284; their agreement with, referred to, 71, 110, 199, 309.
-, should take only captains acquainted with him, 38; did not inform Baskerville, 52; Udall not going with, 112; licence to H. Norris to go with, 119; Meetkerke went with, 285.
-, Bodley repeats demands of, to States, 38; was to get States to aid Ostend, 99.
-, accuses Willoughby, etc., of slackness, 79.
-, Willoughby's objections to withdrawals for, 100.
-, not to await delayed Netherlands forces, 103; horsebands to follow, 128; States' ships unlikely to go with, 168.
-, States ask answer to requests to, 109; Ortel asks answer to them, 136; notes on their propositions to, 146–7.
-, States should stop Spanish trade during enterprise of, 137, 145.
-, Antonio's answer to articles of Drake and, 138–40; he asks Queen to thank, 360.
-, dealings of, with Geertruidenberg, referred to, 206–7.
-, arms, etc., left in Netherlands for. 246.
-, reported dead, 298.
-, States ships seized by, 369.
-, was three days in Lisbon suburbs, 384.
-, cost of forces sent to Bergen under (1588), 175, 176.
-, allowance to Huddleston by, 83.
-, money paid to, 129, 176; money due to, 147–8; money due by, 408, 411; acquittance of, referred to, 362.
-, footband of, 377.
-, troop of. Queen gave 4,000l. to raise, 54; taken into Queen's pay, 147.

-, Mr., at Dieppe, 361.

-, —, W. Knollys' cornet, 181.

North, Robert, lord, 59.

-, Thomas, 176.

North Foreland [co. Kent], 211.

Northkern, —, 235, 260.

Northumberland, earl of. See Percy, Henry.

Norway, 366.

Noue, la, le Nowe. See de la Noue, François.

Nourries. See Norris.

Nova Espagne. See New Spain.

Novilara, Novellara [Marche, Italy], 15, 48.

Noysy. See Noisy-le-Roy.

Nuenar, countess of. See Solms, Walburga.

nuncios. See ambassadors.

Nunez, Nunies, Dr. Hector, Portuguese exile, 34.

Nuo, la. See de la Noue, François.

Nuremburg, Noremberg, Norembergh [Bavaria, Germany], 269, 270.

Nyenaer, count of. See Solms, Adolf von.

Nyezijl, Nyesyl, 344, 392.

Nyvandam. See Nieuwdam.

Nyvers. See Gonzaga, Louis.