Index: M

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

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M., 28. See also Prounincq, Gerard de.

Maas, Maes, Mase, Meuse, river, 6; enemy will close, 270; Parma sends troops towards France over, 299; enemy seeks to cross, 406.

-, the old, river, 224; Geertruidenberg threatens shipping on, 159; enemy bridge, 299, 391; in flood, 328.

Macklen. See Malines.

Macon [Saône-et-Loire, France], 47, 233.

Mademburg, Maghdenborgh, administrator of. See Brandenburg, Joachim Frederick of.

Madrid [Spain], 346, 355:
-, letters from, 66; referred to, 23.
-, Irish take news to, 152.
-, news from, 292.

Maes. See Maas.

Magnesia, Magnasia [Aidin, Turkey], 13.

Mahieu, P., letter signed by, 372.

Mahomet, Mahumed, the prophet, sepulchre of, 165.

Mahomet, Mahemed, Pasha, Bassa, disgrace of, 375.

Maille-sur-Loire [Indre-et-Loire, France], 236.

Main, Maine, duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Maine, Mayne [France], 342.

Maintenon. See Angennes, Louis d'.

Mainz, Mayence [Hessen, Germany], 366.

Maitland, Sir John, of Lethington, chancellor of Scotland, 366.

Maldonado, Francisco, of royal council in Galicia, letter to, 273.

Malines, Macklen [Antwerp, Belgium]:
-, preparations at, 148.
-, enemy march to Geertruidenberg from, 182.
-, troops at, mutinous, 299, 396.
-, troops go to Flanders from, 372.

Malins, Malinns, Mallynes, Garat, 36; Proby sends news from, 34; trades with enemy, 35.

-, Julian Edred de, 398; servant of. See Rolffe, Arnold.

Mall, de. See Lorraine, Charles de, duke of Aumâle.

Mallepert, —, 397.

Mallory, Mallorye, Richard, at Constantinople, 348, 349; gone to Wallachia, 374, 402.

Malo, Pedraca Francisco, Spanish captain, 354.

Malta, island of, 49, 348.

-, grand prior of. See Toledo, Ernando Alvarez de.

Malvagia, —, clerk of Roman camera, 20.

Malvezzi, Pirro, colonel, 49,

Manchester, Robert, provost-marshal of Flushing, money paid to, 175; lendings of, 249; does not deliver prisoners to town, 257.

Mandricardo, captain, 90.

Manis, Gabriel de, 410.

Mannaie, 285.

Mannutio, Jacopo, letter to, 304.

Mans, le, Mannes, Mantes [sic] [Sarthe, France], 97:
-, Boisdauphin holds, for League, 95, 355; for League, 126.
-, for king, 98; his army near, 203.

-, bishop of. See Angennes, Claude d'.

Mansfelt, Mannsfeld, Mansfeld, Mansfelde, Mansfielde, count Charles of:
-, in Geertruidenberg, 204.
-, repulsed at Heusden, 223–4; near Heusden, 292, 299; defeated, 401.
-, designs on Picardy feared, 376.

-, count Peter Ernest of, governor of Luxembourg:
-, troops in winter quarters, 2; no news of them, 50; discharges troops, 64.
-, seized Wachtendonk garrison's baggage, 21.
-, goes to Luxembourg, 65, 188.

Mantes, Mant, Mante [Seine-et-Oise, France]:
-, Aumâle and Brissac secure, 357.
-, treats with king, 386.
-, Brissac at, 388; he leaves, 389.

-, See also Mans, le.498

Mantua [Lombardia, Italy], news from, 15; munitions for, stayed, 26; Terra Nova at, 62.

-, duke of. See Gonzaga, Vincenzo I.

Manwaring, Manwaringe, William, English exile, 407–8.

maps, plans, referred to, of Ostend, 44; of Dieppe fortifications, 127; of German mines, 153.

Marec, René de, sgr. de Montbarot, Mombarrot, governor of Rennes, 182.

Marguerite de Valois, queen of Navarre, 63.

Margui, lord, 366.

market, clerks of the, 328, 377.

Markire, duke. See Lorraine, Philippe Emmanuel de.

Mamix, Philippe de, sr. de Ste. Aldegonde, d'Aldegonde, Sanallegonde, Sante Hallagonde:
-, letter from, referred to, 180.
-, letter to, 180.
-, thinks 50,000l. would be as useful as English army to States, 23.
-, should not go to Portugal or England, 180.
-, deciphers intercepted letter, 278, 284, 287.
-, great offences of, 291.

Marquis, the. See Pacheco, Juan de.

Marquise [Pas de Calais, France], 211.

Marsan, 286.

Marseille, Marselles [Bouches-du-Rhône, France], 48, 386.

Marsh, Anthony, 247.

Marshal, Thomas, S. J., 367.

Martel, François, sgr. de Bacqueville, Bacvill, 405.

Martens, Giles, a Fleming, 398, 408.

Martine abbey, 360.

Martson, Adrian, master of a Flushing ship, 368.

Martyn, —, captain, Willoughby appointed, provost-marshal-general, 411.

Marueces, Marueco. See Morocco.

Mary, queen of Scots, 104; the Bellamys and, 365, 366; Heath examined about, 368.

Mascal, Robert, 116, 155.

Mase. See Maas.

Masières. See Mezières.

Masselin, Nicolas, French merchant, 88.

Massi, Cosmo, Parma's secretary, letter from, intercepted, 278.

Masson, captain, 248.

Mathenesse, Matenesse, Jan van, heer van Lisse en Riviere, member of C. of S., letter signed by, 406; sent to Culemborg, 323.

Mathew, Christian, of Aalborg, 325.

Matinon. See Goyon, Jacques.

Matruyt, Matrut, Matryte, Joris, States' commissary of musters, sent to view Ostend, 283, 284; sent to Ostend for troops, 385, 390, 406.

Mattei, Girolamo, cardinal of Sta. Maria in Cosmedin, 16.

Matteuccio, Geronimo, papal nuncio to Venice, 327, 351.

Matthew, Strang, of Copenhagen, 392.

Matthias, archduke of Austria, 107, 180.

Mattignon. See Goyon, Jacques.

Maugiron, Maugeron, Laurent de, lieutenant-general of Dauphiné, 84.

-, Timoléon de, son of Laurent, 84.

Mauléon, Girault de, sgr. de Gourdain, Gordaine, Gorden, Gourdan, governor of Calais:
-, letters from, 21, 198; referred to, 35, 97.
-, letter to, 123; referred to, 21, 409.
-, Walsingham sent horse to, 21.
-, annoyed by stay of Calais ships 35.
-, deals with Abbeville, 35.
-, Queen promises aid to, 123; thanks Walsingham, 198.
-, Captot disbelieves report about, 211.
-, Boulogne forces seize follower of, 282.
-, sends forces against night-raiders, 336.
-, declares for Henry IV, 397; acts wisely and gentry flock to, 408, 409.
-, Tomson gives Walsingham's letter to, 409.

Maupin, Maupyn, Jacques, of Boulogne 359, 373.

Maurescini. See Morosini.

Maurice, count, grave. See Nassau, Maurice of.

Mauvissière, Mavasiere. See Castelnau, Michel de.

Maximilian, archduke of Austria:
-, still hopes to win Poland, 12.
-, conference to settle claims of, 14; hope of agreement, 47, 48; peace terms, 193.
-, still prisoner, 124; to be released, 379–80.
-, Tartar raids strengthen party of, 134.

Mayen, Mayene, Mayenne, Mayn, duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Mayence. See Mainz.

Maynard, Henry, 75.

Mayne. See Maine.

-, duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

-, arroba, 161.
-, bushel, Winchester, 384.
-, firkins, 309.
-, hanega, 384.
-, lasts, 1, 23; equals 18 barrels of beer, 267.
-, pottles, 293.
-, quarters, 293, 308, 309.
-, semmes, 373.
-, shides, 356.
-, tennes, 118.
-, tuns, 293, 308, 309.
-, weys, 293.

Meaux [Seine-et-Marne, France], 335, 358.

Mecca [Hejaz], 165.

Medan, companion of Aeneas, 70.

Medavid. See Rouxel, Jacques.

Medea, 88.

Medemblik, Medemblick, Medenblick [N. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, Leicester went to, 4, 184.
-, States' attack on, referred to, 156, 237.
-, Houfflin's services at, 181.
-, Sonoy's debts at, 214–5.
-, magistrates of, 214.

Medenkyrke. See Meetkerke.

Medici, Medices, arms, etc., of family of, 70:

-, Catherine de. See Catherine.

-, Ferdinand I de, grand duke of Tuscany, Florence, 368:
-, Lucca suspects, 15, 26, 63, 78; and prepares against, 20.
-, musters cernité, 15; large forces of, 26; levied men at Pisa, 63.
-, pensioned Bonucci, 19.
-, grand master of order of St. Stephen, 19; feasts knights of St. John, 49.
-, fears Spain, 19, 20.
-, wants Arezzo bishopric for Aldobrandini, 20.
-, seeks title of king, 25.
-, marriage of, with Christine of Lorraine doubtful, 26; he sends escort for her, 49; she goes to, 92; marriage arranged, 135.
-, rewards del Monte, 50.
-, Catherine leaves palace to, 63.
-, Henry III should get aid of, 91; defends Henry III to Pope, 201; should aid Henry III, 303.
-, nephew of, marries Pope's niece, 201.
-, asks cardinal's hat for brother-in-law, 291.
-, Philip II sends Golden Fleece to, 302; and congratulates, on marriage, 304; aids Spain against England, 358.
-, galleys of, plunder Turks, 348.
-, secretary of. See Usimbardi, Piero.

-, Giovanni de, bastard of Cosimo I, 326.

-, Pietro, Pedro, de, brother of Ferdinand:
-, letter to, referred to, 304.
-, rumours about marriage of, 16, 26.
-, to command Spanish levies in Italy, 302, 304.
-, not going to Spain, 326.

Medina, Juan Gomes de, general of Armada hulks, 194.

Medina Cely, duke of, 212.

Medina Sidonia, Medyna, duke of. See Perez de Guzman, Alonso.

Mediterranean Sea, 375.

Meetkerke, Medenkyrke, Meetkerchen, Adolf van, president of Flanders, letters to, referred to, 86, 315.

-, Baldwin van, de, son of Adolf, letter from, 389.

-, Nicolaas van, captain, son of Adolf, goes to Portugal, 285; may be given footband, 377.

Mellema, Minne Liuwez, 131.

Melun [Seine-et-Marne, France], 357, 386.

Memorancey, Memorancy, Memoransee, Memoransi, Memorency. See Montmorency.

Mendez, Alvaro, now called Don Solomon Abymincis, Portuguese Jew, 13.

Mendoza, Bernardino de, Don Bernardino, Spanish ambassador to France:
-, letters from, 196, 197, 208, 212.
-, letters from, referred to, 109, 208, 212.
-, letters to, 109.
-, letters to, referred to, 179, 197, 209.
-, Stafford to arrange Valdes' ransom through, 69.
-, lodges outside Blois, 70; cannot get audience, 74; receives terrible ‘escornes,’ 92; Henry III will never receive, 209.
-, Powrie's dealings with, 178–9.
-, goes to Paris, 188, 209; presence saved League, 212.
-, blind, 188, 212.
-, letters of, to Philip II and Parma about dealings with League, 196–7, 208–9, 212.
-, Tassis to replace, 338.

-, Juan, John, de, minor, the younger, taken prisoner at Bergen, 125, 332.

Menin, Menyn, Dr. Joos van, 280.

Menninck, Adrian, captain, Baudimont's letter to, 38; examination of, 253–4; confession of, referred to, 392.

Mer [Loir-et-Cher, France], 78.

Merchant Royal, 53, 150.

merchants, counters, factors, 296, 382:
-, news brought by, 103.
-, Portugal trade dangerous for, 137.
-, Rouen imprisons, 153; none there, 228.
-, slain in Turkey, 164.
-, Russian restrictions on, 247.
-, bankers, 127, 338; financiers, 70.

-, English, 268:
-, Vega's suit against, 33.
-, army contractors, 52; contract for paying of troops by, referred to, 117, 147; money now due for it, 298, 362; abuses of, 219–20, 352.
-, trading to France, 95; to la Rochelle, 247.
-, Ortel's proposals on grant of letters of reprisal to, 162.
-, trading to Morocco, 193.
-, Ostend might menace, 266.
-, interlopers, 280.
-, Gabriel's suit against, 320.
-, always well treated at Hâvre, 329; Villars offers settlement with, 403.
-, See also Eastland company; Levant company; Merchants Adventurers; Muscovy company; Venice company.

-, French, 268:
-, of Calais stayed by English, 35.
-, losses of, by storm, 44.
-, corn of, stayed and sold, 80, 95.
-, restored goods of, not to pay customs, 89.
-, complaints of English admiralty by, 113.
-, Spain will need corn from, 363.

-, German:
-, get letters from England, 63.
-, are all at Frankfurt fair, 197.
-, of Augsburg, 218, 319.
-, great losses of, by loans to princes, 232; will not yet lend, 269.
-, meet at Kiel fair, 331.
-, See also Eastland; Hamburg; Hanse Towns; etc.
-, -, Greek, 88.

-, Italian:
-, Florentine will leave Lyons, 49.
-, paid for Geertruidenberg, 222.
-, at Hamburg, 241–2.
-, Parma's debts to, 292.

-, Low Country, Netherlands:
-, finance Hamburg—Spain trade, 232, 241; await result of Portugal expedition, 269.
-, would follow Adventurers to Stacle, 241–2.

-, of Spanish Low Countries, 35, 224:
-, Parma not to pay: to be paid in Spain, 243; his credit fails with, 266; king will not pay Parma's debts to, 275, 337; break promises to Parma, 396.

-, Spanish, 202, 224.

-, Turkish, 87, 88.

-, of United Provinces:
-, of Ostend, 91, 370.
-, dominate States and councils, 120.
-, complaints of English seizures upon, 149–51, 160–3, 164, 170, 198, 210, 255, 256, 283, 343.
-, Sonoy's debts to, 215.
-, arms, etc., supplied to Norris by, 246.
-, de la Faille's troubles with, 271.
-, envoys' answers about trade of, 296.

-, named. See Altoviti; Basse, Humphrey; Bauwensz., Jan and Jasper and Leyn; Belleman, Anthony Williamson; Bouwensz., Bouwen; Boyle, James; Bridges; Brooke; Cocq, Jan Pieterss.; Colston, William; Cordall, Thomas; Cox, Henry; Dane, Balten Adriaen; Fuggers; Hulcher, Adam and Edward; Jones, Roger; Letherborowe, Ralph; Leynssz., Cornelis and Peter; Linters, Peter; Loo, Andrea de; Malins, Garat; Marsh, Anthony; Masselin, Nicolas; Matthew, Strang; Reynerson, Albert; Smith, Ottywell; Stockes, Thomas; Strong, Piers; Sulzer, George; Vaccket, Stephen; Wachter, Pieter de; Woodlacke, Francis.

-, of the Staple, Staplers, 280.

-, marks of, referred to, 53, 163, 164, 218.

Merchants Adventurers, company, fellowship, of the, the company of Adventurers, 128:
-, imperial rescript against, 51–2; referred to, 197; Bremen asks its suspension, 241; suspended, 331.
-, Queen might get loan on bonds of, 80; to issue bonds for loan, 127.
-, Huddleston borrowed from, 83.
-, Hamburg invites, 106; should be established at Stade, 241–2.
-, interlopers undersell, 280.
-, should convey loan for Henry III to Germany, 349.
-, governors and assistants of, at London, 127.
-, assistants of, at Stade, 127.
-, deputy governor of, at Stade. See Pecok, Robert.
-, See also Milward, William.

Mercoeur, Mercure, duke of. See Lorraine, Philippe Emmanuel de.

Mere, George, Flemish Carthusian, at Cologne, 367.

Meredith, Meredithe, William, vice-treasurer of army in Netherlands, at Flushing, paper signed by, 259; letter to, referred to, 333; pay of, 258.

Merode, Meroda, Bernhard van, heer van Rummen, Runen, lieutenant-governor of Friesland, 2, 107, 184.

Merode-Pieterfex, Meroda, Merode, Peterson, baron of, 222.

-, Marguerite de Pallant, baroness of, 11, 51.

-, Anna de, daughter of Marguerite, Morgan marries, 11, 51, 106, 222.

-, Ottilia de, daughter of Marguerite, T. Knollys marries, 11.

Merwe, Merue, river [Netherlands], 270.

messengers. See posts.

-, brass: coins, 164; guns, 267, 304.
-, chalybim, 153.
-, copper, 202, 218; coins, 164; guns, 202, 350; mines, 153.
-, gold: Pope's hoard of, 25; mines, 43, 67, 75, 153; coins, 50, 73, 258, 307, 375; thread, 218; gowns trimmed with, 254; money for Henry III's German levy should be paid in, 321; Pope offers Savoy, 326; chain, 339; Georgia lacks, 402.
-, iron, 212, 359; guns, 44, 106, 170, 253, 267, 356, 368; mines, 153.
-, lead: Irish take, to Spain, 172; sent to Brielle, 176; Ostend's needs, 193; Brielle's needs, 292; mines, 153.
-, quicksilver, 164.
-, silver, 402; mines, 43, 67, 75, 153; thread, 218; coins, 307; clocks, 347. metridatum, 349.

Metz, Mets [Moselle, France], 311, 324.

Meulan, Mulan [Seine-et-Oise, France], 386, 403.

Meurs, Mewers. See Solms, Adolf von.

Meuse. See Maas.

Mexia, Marco Antonio, 115, 157.

Mexico, 346.

Meynarts, Meynartson, Meynertsen, Simon, member of C. of S., paper signed by, 130; sent to Geertruidenberg, 157.

Meyne, duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Mezières, Masières [Ardennes, France], 286.

Michaele, Mychael, Dr. Joseph, 180.

Michele, Don, Sixtus V's great-nephew, 49.

Michiels, Jacques, letter to, 243–4.

Middelburg, Middelborgh, Middelborough, Middelboroughe, Middelborowe, Middelburgh, Middellborghe, Middleborough, Middleboroughe, Middlebourgh, Middlebouroughe, Middleburgh, Midelborowe, Midelbourg, Midelbroughe, Midleboroughe, Midlebrugh, Myddelboro, Myddelboroughe, Myddleburgh, Mydelborow, Mydelbourow, Mydelburg [Zeeland, Netherlands], 35, 332, 407:
-, letters dated at, 1, 8, 10, 102, 125, 131, 164, 199, 262, 299, 313, 328, 356, 397.
-, army creditors of, in England, 18.
-, Bodley saw Ste. Aldegonde at, 23.
-, Huddleston rented house at, 83.
-, J. Digges at, 143.
-, hostile to English, 200.
-, trades with enemy, 268, 296.
-, will accept German garrison, 272.
-, quarrels with Holland, 286.
-, Vasseur writes about prisoners at, 286; Vasseur arrested at, 299, 313; Flushing garrison quarrels with, 310, 311; Errington releases burghers of, 337.
-, builds new town, 287.
-, sugar for, seized, 297; cheese sent from, 309; logs for, seized, 356.
-, Maurice at, 336.
-, deputy-treasurer at, 373.
-, merchants, etc., of. See Boyle, James; de la Parma, Salvator; Hulcher, Adam and Edward.

Mihnea III, vaivode, prince, of Wallachia, 88, 347, 401.

Milan, Millen [Italy]:
-, Mayenne's envoy at, 15.
-, news from, 24, 48, 62.
-, duke of Savoy at, 24; duchess going to, 49, 286.
-, Philip II asks grant from, 49.
-, Spaniards hated in, 201.
-, Spanish levies in, 302, 326; money for them at, 304.
-, governor of. See Aragon, Charles de.
-, English exile at. See Harris.

Mildmay, Sir Walter, 332.

Millen, 20.

Miller, captain, of Weymouth, 161.

Millington, —, English spy, 35.

Millirey, Milliris, Millroy. See Moy, Charles de.

Mills, Myllnes, James, at Calais, 407.

Milward, William, Merchant Adventurer:
-, letters from, 197, 232, 233, 234, 239, 241, 242, 269, 279, 330.
-, letters to, referred to, 234, 279, 330.
-, Queen sends, to borrow 100,000l. in Germany, 127; instructions for, 127–8.
-, at Stade, 197, 232.
-, seeking horses for Walsingham, 198, 234, 332.
-, cannot hope for more than 20,000l. at Hamburg, 232; Germans will not yet lend to princes, 269; useless to go inland yet, 270, 331; may get loan later at Augsburg and Frankfurt, 279, 331; also at Kiel, 331; start hard to make, 280.
-, aim of mission of, not guessed, 232.
-, sends news from Frankfurt, Geneva, and Emden, 233–4.
-, stops English exporting guns, 239– 41.
-, would establish Adventurers at Stade, 241–2; protests about interlopers, 280.
-, going later to Frankfurt, 331.
-, cipher of, referred to, 128, 198, 279, 280.
-, servants of. See Moore, Adrian; Walker, Leonard.

mines and mining, 153; States have no gold or silver, 43, 67, 75; military, 342, 353, 375.

Mirandola, la [Emilia, Italy], countess of. See Correggio, Fulvia de.

Mirkire, duke. See Lorraine, Philippe Emmanuel de.

Missia, Greater. See Bosnia.

Mitchell, Mychell, John, English spy:
-, letter from, 263; referred to, 282.
-, deals with Holt, etc., at Brussels, 263; expelled, 264, 312; at Calais but in touch with Holt, 282; offered to burn ships, 312.
-, wife of, 282, 312; her uncle. See Ager.

Moat, Moate, la. See Pardieu, Valentin.

Mocenigo, Giovanni, Venetian ambassador to France, Lilly visits, 70, 71; cannot get audience, 71, 74, 78.

Moeurs, count. See Solms, Adolf von.

Moffat, Thomas, captain, letter from, 126–7.

Molan, Pierre, trésorier de l'épargne, the treasurer, 196.

Moldavia, 165; a prince of, 15.

Mole, John, deputy-treasurer at Ostend, 258.

Mollins. See Moulins.

Mombarrot, de. See Marec, René de.

Mompanser, Mompenser, Mompensier, Mompensir. See Bourbon-Vendôme, François de.

Mon, captain de, of Dieppe, 361.

Mondragon, Cristobal de, governor of Antwerp, mourns Guises, 10; Morgan seeks to exchange prisoners with, 278; passport of, referred to, 217.

Monford. See Montfort l'Amaury.

Mongirine, Mongromy. See Lorges, Jacques.

Mongomery. See Montgomery, captain.

Monier, —, Calais post, 36.

Moniransie. See Montmorency.

Monluc, Jean de, sr. de Balagny, Ballagny, Ballani, Balleni, Ballynin, Ballyny, Balynie, governor of Cambrai, 188:
-, may yield Cambrai to Parma, 11, 189.
-, is for League, 50.
-, makes himself governor of Picardy, 117.
-, reported capture of, 275; at Paris hurt, 327.
-, routed at Senlis, 282, 291.
-, cannot enter Cambrai, 342; secures it, 359.
-, lieutenant of, 189.

-, Renée de [née Clermont], wife of Jean, 50, 328, 342.

Monpanser, Monpansiere, Monpansir, Monpansyer, Monpansyre. See Bourbon-Vendôme, François de.

Mon Plaisir. See Mont Plaisir.

Montalto, cardinal. See Peretti, Alessandro.

Montargis [Loiret, France], 335.

Montbéliard, Montbelliard, count of. See Frederick I.

Monteauto, Francesco de, 49.

Monte Carlo [Toscana, Italy], 19, 26.

Montelimar. See Montlimart.

Montereau-Faut-Yonne, Montreau [Seine-et-Marne, France], 335.

Montescot, sr. de, treasurer of Henry III's chamber, 78, 84.

Monte Verde, 62.

Montferrat [Italy], 26.

Montfort l'Amaury, Monford [Seine-et-Oise, France], 351.

Montgomery, Mongomery, —, Scottish captain, 189.

Montholon, François de, garde des sceaux, 27.

Monti, cardinal. See del Monte, Francesco Marie Bourbon.

Montigny, —, 179. See also de la Grange, François.

Montlimart, Montelimar, Montlymarte, vice-seneschal of, Mayenne sends to Parma, 197, 208, 209.

Montmorency, Memorancey, Memorancy, Memoransee, Memoransi, Memorency, Moniransie, Montmorenci, plain of [Seine-et-Oise, France], 386.

-, Guillaume de, sgr. de Thoré, the Torye, 231, 342.

-, Henri I, duke of, marshal of France:
-, deputies of, at Huguenot assembly, 7.
-, troops of, 28; they join Navarre, 220.
-, for Henry III, 196.
-, assured Navarre of king's goodwill, 233.
-, besieges Toulouse, 282, 388.
-, daughter of, 27.

-, Henri de, count of Damville, 48.

-,, 196.

Montmorency-Laval, Urbain de, sgr. de Boisdauphin, Beaudolphin, 95, 355.

Montpansier, Montpansyere, Montpensier, duke of. See Bourbon-Vendôme, François de.

-, duchess of. See Lorraine, Catherine Marie de.

Montpezat, Honoré de, sgr. de Longnac, Lognac, Lognak, Logniac, Loignac, Loignak, Loinak, captain of the quarante-cinq, 95:
-, letters from, referred to, 78.
-, has League prisoners but on bad terms with Henry III, 28; leaves court, 72–4.
-, Lilly's news about, 77–8.
-, king offers troops to, 81.
-, is no Leaguer, 85.
-, Stafford's opinion about, 93–4.
-, sent to Angoulême, 96.

Mont Plaisir, Mon Plaisir [Pas de Calais, France], 211.

Montreau. See Montereau-Faut-Yonne.

Mont St. Michel, Mont St. Mychell, Mont Sin Mychill [Manche, France], 227, 231.

Moor, Joos de, vice-admiral of Zeeland, 194.

Moore, Adrian, Milward's servant, 269.

-, George, 176.

Moors, in Barbary revolt, 13, 88; Gondi's, 90.

Moreton, James, clerk of munition at Brielle, 175.

Morgan, Morgant, George, 176.

-, Matthew, captain, nephew of Sir Thomas:
-, letters carried by, 86.
-, at Rotterdam, 101.
-, Sir Thomas asks promotion for, 123, 167, 171.
-, desires not to go to Portugal, 166.
-, Walsingham suggested, as Bergen sergeant-major, 225.
-, answer by, for Sir Thomas against Willoughby, 320.
-, to be offered footband, 377.
-, money paid to, 175.
-, troop of, to go with Norris, 9; embarks: very weak, 111; Willoughby to hasten, 128; mustered, embarks, arrives, 142; discharged, 159; horses brought by, 168; States sent to Rheinberg, 237; lieutenant of. See Wilcocks, Walter.

-, Sir Thomas, lieutenant-colonel, colonel, governor of Bergen-op-Zoom, 47, 111, 119:
-, letters from, 51, 98, 105, 108, 117, 123, 166, 167, 171, 204, 223, 278, 289, 298, 339, 359, 371, 396, 406.
-, letters from, referred to, 105, 106, 223, 224, 225, 269, 289.
-, letters to, 99, 277, 338.
-, letters to, referred to, 98, 117, 166, 167, 223, 278, 340, 385, 406.
-, Anna de Merode elopes with, 11; this incenses States against, 51; Parma makes much of her father, 222.
-, States' orders to, on troops for Portugal, 30, 46; sends bands, 57; will send none, 98; sends none till replacements come, 106; his reasons for staying them, 166, 167.
-, (?) tampers with captains' letters, 46.
-, asks Walsingham for loan, 51.
-, States send orders on musters to, 69; but he dare not discharge aliens, 167.
-, fears disaster if garrison reduced, 98; Russell warns, 99; keeps good watch, 132.
-, requests pay as lieutenant-colonel, 106, 123, 223, 224; Willoughby objects, 288.
-, asks promotion for M. Morgan, 123, 167, 171; asks company for J. Audley, 289, 371; recommends Wray and Dormer, 396.
-, likes new victualling order, 166.
-, asks Walsingham's favour against Willoughby, 167; who has faction among captains, 223; Willoughby complains of, 252; his grievances against, 319–20; M. Morgan's reply for, 320; Willoughby calls Wyatt to witness against, 374.
-, Conway asked, for men, 185.
-, Bodley warns, of Salisbury's treason, 196, 204; urges his punishment, 223, 224; will replace him, 340; will send his band to Ostend, 406; confines him to his house, 407.
-, captains practise against, 204, 223; violence of, drives them away, 253; Zeeland asks Queen to restore obedience to, 262; C. of S. also asks it, 278.
-, Queen writes and sends Bodley to secure obedience to, 277; Bodley secures obedience to, 280; thanks Queen, 289; thanks Walsingham, 298; Bodley commends, 290.
-, deals with Mondragon for ex-exchange of prisoners, 278.
-, grants States troops for Schenk, 279.
-, grants Barker leave, 298.
-, Vasseur's plan to trick, 314.
-, keeps English troops in, 339; fears attack and asks for absent captains and 200 men, 396, 407.
-, to exchange Udall's band for Darcy's, 349; sends Udall's, 372.
-, appointment of, to Bergen, referred to, 352.
-, troops taken to England in 1588 by, 176.
-, money due from, 83; money paid to, 175, 176; Sherley's questions on pay of, 411.
-, company of, at Bergen, 71, 100, 138, 312; lieutenant of. See Wray, George.
-, servants of, 204, 319, 320.

-, Thomas, English exile, letters from, 104–5, 109, 110.

Mornay, Philippe de, sr. du Plessis, Méditations sur les psaumes of, referred to, 235.

-, Pierre de, sgr. de Buhy, Buhuy, Buy, 359:
-, letters from, 330, 360; referred to, 297, 330.
-, letter to, referred to, 405.
-, comes from Henry III: is at Dover, 297.
-, explains why he refused Queen's offer of credit for German levy, 330; Queen complains to king of, 340–1.
-, returns to France, 341.
-, Buzanval urges cash grant to, 341, 405; Pallavicino's opinion, 349, 362.
-, asks for 100,000 crowns cash, 360.
-, at Elizabeth's court, 393.

Moro, Giovanni, Venetian ambassador to Turkey, dissuades Turkish attack on Spain, 12; Vizier threatens, 87, 375; news from, 254.

Morocco, Marueces, Marueco, 90; English traders to, 193.

-, emperor, king, of. See Mulay Ahmed el Mansour.

Morosini, Maurescini, Giovanni Francesco, cardinal, papal legate, nuncio, in France:
-, letters from, referred to, 110, 179, 180, 196.
-, letter to, 110; referred to, 179.
-, showed displeasure at Guise's death, 15; gave king sacrament before it, 47.
-, Pope angry with, 25; may deprive, 49.
-, king gives abbey to, 64.
-, Henry III's offers to League through, 179, 180, 209; Mendoza warns Mayenne against, 196.

Morsyte, —, 203.

Mortama, Salvius, 131.

Morton, George, 377.

Morysonin, 387.

Moscow, Musco, Muskowe [Russia], letter dated at, 247.

Mose, M. the, 343.

Mote, Mothe, Mott, Motte, la. See Pardieu, Valentin.

Moucheron, Mosherone, Pieter van, Zeeland agent with States' envoys to England, 299.

Moulins, Mollins [Allier, France], 73, 233.

Mouy, Claude de: widow of Georges de Joyeuse, wife of Henri [de Lorraine, count of Chaligny, Salynie, and Marquis of Mouy], prisoner, 388.

Moy, Charles de, sr. de la Meilleraye, Millirey, Milliris, Millroy, vice-admiral of Normandy, Leaguer, 228; ill, 231; would flee, 389.

Muffes. See Germans.

Mulan. See Meulan.

Mulay Ahmed el Mansour, Mulay Hamet, emperor, king, of Morocco and of Fez:
-, letters to, 96, 130.
-, Don Antonio seeks loan from, 17.
-, war preparations of, 66; marches to Fez, 90.
-, Queen's replies to, 96, 130–1; Mushac Reyz' requests for, 125; Queen's reply to him, 193.

munitions, 139, 410:
-, for Mantua stayed, 26.
-, States forbid transport of, to Spain, 43, 256, 296; they should forbid it, 164, 308.
-, Parisians seize, in arsenal, 47.
-, brought to Antwerp, 50.
-, C. of S. to deal with mishandlers of, 142.
-, enemy prepares, near Ostend, 158.
-, required at Ostend, 193, 209; at Ostend, 248; list of Ostend, 267.
-, lading for Spain at Hamburg and Lubeck, 198, 232, 241.
-, Geneva gives, to Henry III, 234.
-, Brielle's needs of, 292.
-, States' magazines of, 295; they should provide, in cautionary towns, 306; and in frontier towns, 307.
-, Hautefort's boat carrying, 303, 342.
-, Heusden well supplied with, 323; enemy there prepares, 373, 396, 407.
-, at Pontoise, 390.
-, match: Ostend needs, 41; sent to Brielle, 176; Zeeland sends, to Ostend, 185, 198, 267; provided for J. Norris, 246; Brielle needs, 292.
-, nails, 197, 226.
-, oil, 161.
-, vinegar, 193, 292, 304.
-, See also gunpowder.

Musco, Muskowe. See Moscow.

Muscovite. See Feodor I; Russia.

Muscovy Company, Tsar's letter about, 246–7.

Mushac Reyz, Moroccan ambassador to England:
-, Queen's replies sent by, 96, 130–1.
-, requests of, 125; reply to, 193.
-, departure of, delayed, 130.

-, in England, 77, 123.
-, in Ireland, 123.
-, of Portugal expedition, 139.
-, of German levies, 292, 321.
-, of Italian levies, 351.
-, See also army, English, in Netherlands.

Mychael, Dr. See Michaele, Dr. Joseph.

Mychell. See Mitchell.

Myddelboro, Myddelboroughe, Myddleburgh, Mydelborow, Mydelbourow, Mydelburg. See Middelburg.

Myllnes. See Mills.