Index: O

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Index: O', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: O', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: O". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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O,François d', goes to recall Longnac, 73; king sent, to Mer, 78; king's chief counsellor, 94.

Oastend. See Ostend.

Obrey, 74.

Octavo, signor, bailiff of Nieuport, 258.

Offley, Mr., 126.

Ogilvie, Henry, laird of Powrie, Pory, Porye, Powry, letters from, 178–9, 188.

Ogly, Levent, Georgian prince, 402.

Oillaerts,Oillarts, Adrian, secretary of Flushing, letters signed by, 170, 198, 368.

Oise, river [France], 358, 390; Henry III builds bridges over, 375, 387.

Oissans. See Ouessant.

Oldenbarnevelt, Barnevelt, Barnivell, Oldenbernevelt, Jan, Jean, van, advocate and grand pensionary of Holland:
-, letters signed by, 34, 257.
-, letters to, referred to, 11, 114.
-, Bodley meets, 11; Bodley confers about oath with, 31; Bodley's opinion of, 51; wrote States' reply to Bodley, 79, 116;
-, Bodley's proposals about, referred to, 116; Bodley cannot win over, 117; overtures to Bodley by, 218–9.
-, States proceed very slowly when, absent, 140.
-, Bodley offered to aid, with Geertruidenberg, 155; is chief author of the siege, 155, 195.
-, great offences of, 291; violent speech about English by, 311; bitter against Deventer and English, 380.
-, urges severe punishment of Vasseur, 338.
-, Council's hard speeches to States' envoys about, 404.

Olivares. See Guzman, Enrique de.

Omaell,Omal,Omale,Omall,Omalle, duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de, duke of Aumâle.

-, chevalier d'. See Lorraine, Claude de.

Omond,Omont. See Aumont, Jean d'.

Oneglia, 304.

Ongembergh, count, 50.

Oorderen,Ordam,Ordame [Antwerp, Belgium]:
-, letter dated at, 218.
-, Tomson detained at, 10, 217; he returns from, 272.
-, governor of. See Burlote, la.

Oostend,Oostende. See Ostend.

Oostergo,Oostergoo,Ostergo,Ostergoe, and Oostergonians [Friesand, Netherlands],183, 184:
-, position of, in Frisian states, 2–3.
-, remonstrance of, referred to, 5.
-, request to Queen by, 5–6.
-, States' letter to Queen about, 106–8.
-, petitions of, to Queen and States, 131.
-, co-operates with rest of Friesland, 294.

Opslach, 344, 392.

Oquendo,Oqueyndo, Miguel de, 151.

Orange, prince of. See William.

-, princess of. See Coligny, Louise de.

orators. See ambassadors.

Ordam,Ordame. See Oorderen.

ordonnance, bands of, 53, 117.

ordnance. See guns.

Orimberg, —, Imperial ambassador to Venice and Rome, 47.

Orléans,Orleins,Orlyance,Orlyans [Loiret, France]:
-, treats with king, 6, 15, 48.
-, chevalier d'Aumâle goes to, 16; leaves, 71; duke of Aumrle goes to, 24.
-, importance of, to king, 17, 32, 44, 137.
-, defeat of Parisians sent to, 27, 44; Parisians reinforce, 33, 63.
-, assault on citadel fails, 28, 33; Aumont sends to king for men, 33; king sent men to, 50; Aumont driven from, 85.
-, is revolted, 47; townsmen take citadel, 62.
-, Mme. de Nemours gone to, 70.
-, Mayenne at, 71, 85; he leaves and garrisons, 74.
-, la Châtre gone to, 81.
-, king's declaration against, published, 92.
-, Mayenne will relieve, 136.
-, Mayenne retires on, 228; Mayenne defeated near, 355.

-, Catherine d' [née Gonzaga], wife of Henri, 388.

-, Henri d', duke of Longueville, Longafelld, Longevill, Longeville, Longvill, Longville:
-, letter from, referred to, 291.
-, in Picardy, 231.
-, routs Aumâle at Senlis, 275, 291, 342.
-, at Auburges, 282.
-, joined Swiss, 335, 379; brings them to king, 375; joins king, 386, 387; forces of, 388.
-, would attack Meaux, 358.
-, goes to meet reiters, 379.

Otegeoun, Bernave de, late contador of Santo Domingo, 345, 346.

Ortel,Ortell, Joachim, agent of United Provinces in England, 229, 374: letters from, 18, 23, 103, 130, 210, 278, 356.
-, letters from, referred to, 116.
-, letters to, referred to, 103.
-, credence for, 262.
-, urges cautionary towns ‘creditors’ suit, 18; requests of, about cautionary towns' governors, 39. unwell, 23.
-, to answer queen about troops for Portugal, 34, 45.
-, articles of, referred to, 67.
-, Bodley would be told of any proposals of, 80.
-, money delivered to, 83.
-, requests to Queen by, 103, 108–9; memorial by, 136; answers to, 137, 143–7.
-, to discuss reducing Queen's charges, 103.
-, not to go to Scotland, 113.
-, Walsingham complains of States to, 116.
-, Burghley asks, to send ‘last resolution’ to States, 130.
-, complaints by, of piracies, 149–51, 160–3, 163–4; asks Johnson's release, 356.
-, Council discuss Geertruidenberg siege with, 172, 173; urges Queen to send special envoy, 210.
-, articles presented by, 254–6.
-, requests about Bergen by, 278.

Ortez,Ortesse,Orteyse, Geronimo, Spaniard, prisoner of war, 332.

Ossone. See Auxonne.

Ost, Adriaan, captain, 249.

Ostend, Austend, Hostend,Oastend,Oostend,Oostende,Osteand,Osteeand,Ostende [W. Flanders, Belgium], 239, 285:
-, letters and papers dated at, 14, 41, 42, 165, 166, 186, 209, 227, 246, 258, 259, 260, 261, 264, 267, 269, 277, 284, 298, 301, 372, 381, 382, 393, 397.
-, sea defences weak, 14; repaired, 22; town petitioned Willoughby to repair, 29; he fears loss of, 58.
-, States sending commissary to, 30.
-, Willoughby protests at Carlisle's mission to, 37; Carlisle to report on, 40–1; Carlisle at, 42; his instructions referred to, 53.
-, estimates for repairs at, 44–5, 243, 265–6, 292, 297, 300.
-, Queen makes grant for repairs at, 91, 176.
-, should not be handed over to States, 143; Borlas advises it, 243; Conway advises it, 245; Conway dissuades it, 259, 260–1, 266–7, 283.
-, Conway can hold, 158.
-, Zeeland sending supplies for repairs at, 185; note of supplies sent, 198.
-, Treaty does not cover expenses at, 192.
-, high tide damages defences of, 198, 209; Conway fortified, 226; Dackombe says no repairs done, 226–7; needs 5,000 l., 243; States do not aid, 259, 261.
-, States send engineer to, 243.
-, Bodley to require States to fortify, 251; they have provided for it, 273, 279; they grant 15,000 guldern and send commissary to, 284; grant delayed, 323.
-, defences very weak, 259; sea defences need 2,000 l., 265–6; Queen should get grant from States, 266; Carlisle advises spending 5,000 l. on, 268–9; danger increases and States do nothing, 276; too weak to stand siege, 283; States do not aid, 293.
-, Council will urge Queen to repair, 293; magistrates petition her for it, 372.
-, note of prices at, referred to, 298.
-, States' ships protect, 327.
-, Franklin asks licence to export cattle to, 378.
-, garrison of:
-,-, enemy threatened, 14; siege unlikely, 30; Parma promised to besiege, 41; he may besiege, 99.
-,-, Suderman wishes not to serve in, 14.
-,-, Willoughby to ask States to replace Portugal withdrawals from, 22; his request, 29; States' reply, 30, 31; reply referred to, 37, 40; they protest to Queen, 45–6.
-,-, Flushing can spare none for, 37; Willoughby will urge cautionary towns to reinforce, 64; C. of S. orders it, 65; Queen orders it, 71. forays of, 41.
-,-, Conway's requests for, 41–2.
-,-, only one captain at, 42; Conway ignores captains, 227; some of them would retain their prisoners, 229; captains' articles against Conway, referred to, 260; Conway unpopular with, 284; captains careless, 339.
-,-, Willoughby protests at withdrawals from, 53, 54; States' resolution against withdrawals, 57; resolution referred to, 60–1, 64.
-,-, list of bands to stay in or go from, 71–2; Willoughby's criticism, 99; seven bands to stay in, 100; withdrawals referred to, 114, 309.
-,-, town asks for new governor of, 91, 370; Willoughby asks States to appoint Drury, 111; Walsingham would not appoint T. Knollys, 259.
-,-, town asks for six bands to be kept in, 91, 370.
-,-, Parma will attack, 102, 114, 123, 167; la Motte prepares against, 118; enemy weak around, 166.
-,-, Flanders urges attack upon, 158, 235, 257, 276, 312; costs enemy 100,000 l. p.a., 224.
-,-, Willoughby asks States to reinforce, and they ask Queen, 110; they are slow to aid, 158; they do nothing to relieve, 166.
-,-, traitors in, 118, 272; Barnard's plot against, 277; Flemish captain would betray, 301.
-,-, needs reinforcing, 165, 209.
-,-, enemy will besiege, 185, 189, 198; siege of, reported, 199; enemy retreats, 185, 199, 200, 202, 211, 218, 221.
-,-, Queen levies 1,500 men for, 187, 199; note of men, etc., togo to, 192–3; the levy cancelled, 199 its cost, 293–4.
-,-, munitions, etc., needed by, 193, 197.
-,-, queries about retaining or withdrawing, 204–5; rumours Queen will withdraw, 227; Borlas advises it, 243; Conway advises it, 245.
-,-, la Motte again prepares against, 224, 226; Council warns Conway, 235; and asks his needs, 236; siege likely, 245, 248, 251; enemy prepares against, 257, 260; enemy marches against, 258.
-,-, Borlas going to muster, 226; musters, 242.
-,-, Conway asks for reinforcements, 245–6, 283; he wants six more companies, 259, 260–1; Borlas urges reinforcing of, 262, 284; town urges it, 265–6; Knollys urges it, 269.
-,-, plans for withdrawal of, if siege likely, 248; Bodley to threaten withdrawal of, 251; he does so, 273; States' reply, 279.
-,-, party from, defeated, 257–8, 269.
-,-, Conway urges retention of, 259, 260–1, 283; he can hold for summer, 266–7; his estimate of men, etc., in, 267; Carlisle's reasons for retaining, 268–9; Coriway asks for decision about, 276; Walsingham's memorial about, 300.
-,-, frequent desertions from, 260. enemy fails to surprise, 265, 276; his forces still around, 266; they will besiege, if another surprise fails, 283; intercepted letters show enemy will attack, 284, 287; Conway expects attack, 293; Zeeland expects it, 327.
-,-, Queen sends 500 to, 293, 377; their muster, 298; arrive, 339; their poor quality, 381.
-,-, estimates of victuals for the 500, 293; their lendings, 298; cost of equipping them, 301.
-,-, two Flushing bands to go to, 293; Borlas refused States' request to send them, 327.
-,-, no meat left for, 297–8; estimate of victuals at, 308–9.
-,-, Conway keeps, within walls, 298.
-,-, States send to Queen about, 322.
-,-, abbreviate of muster of, 339, 382; Conway's report on it, 381; to be mustered again, 377.
-,-, lacks arms and wants full pay, 339.
-,-, enemy marches against, 356; and says he will attack, 371; enemy retires, 372.
-,-, note of Portugal bands to return to, 377.
-,-, Salisbury's band transferred to, 385, 406.
-,-, C. of S. seeks men for Heusden from, 385, 390, 393, 397; asks for two companies, 406.
-,-, Aldrich would stay in, 393.
-,-, report of siege of, 407.
-,-, notes of bands in, 71, 138, 411.
-,-, debts of, to Kyen, 99; to Janson, 115; States' advances to, 137.
-,-, imprests of, reduced, 170; payments to, 176; States' claims for checks on, 250.
-,-, mutiny of, referred to, 14, 382; Kyen's conduct in it, 99; payment to mutineers, 176.
-,-, captains and companies in. See Aldrich, George; Bhmnt, Sirl Charles; Conway, Sir John; Dackombe, Robert; Huddy, Nicholas; Knollys, Sir Thomas; Lambert, Oliver; Norris, Sir Edward; Pretherch, John; Smith, William; Suderman, William; Waynman, Edmund; Wingfield, Anthony.
-,-, commissary of musters at, 339. See also Smith, Richard; Wyatt, Thomas.
-,-, commissary of victuals at. See Stilman, Adriaan.
-,-, engineer at, 292, 297; said to have deserted, 293; this false, 298.
-,-, governor of. See Conway, Sir John.
-,-, provost-marshal of, 229.
-,-, sergeant-major. See Brackenbury; Payne, Edward; Wolffwinckel, Martin.
-,-, deputy-treasurer at, 297. See also Mole, John; Pope, George.
-, magistrates and inhabitants of:
-,-, letters from, 372, 397; referred to, 293, 397.
-,-, petition of, about sea defences, referred to, 29.
-,-, articles for, presented by Kyen, 91; his letter thereon, 99; notes about, 370.
-,-, many would return if defences repaired, 91, 268, 370.
-,-, only a third left, 209; run away daily, 243, 246; will all go if defences unrepaired, 265–6.
-,-, offered to rebuild church, 227.
-,-, hear enemy will attack town, 258.
-,-, favour enemy, 260; unreliable, 267.
-,-, petition Queen for 2,000 l., 265–6; ask again for grant, 372, 397.
-,-, were parties to treaty with States, 266.
-,-, dislike Conway, 284.
-,-, trade little, 298.
-,-, burgomasters of, 44, 292, 297. See also Kyen, Cornelis.
-,-, treasurer of, 99.
-,-, merchants of, 91, 370.
-,-, fishery of, 91, 268, 370.
-, places in ·
-,-, Bruges port, 40, 226.
-,-, the haven, 44, 205, 245, 248, 259, 267, 269, 327.
-,-, the old town, 40, 44, 259, 284; church there, 226.

Ostergo,Ostergoe. See Oostergoo.

Otterdum,Oterdom, fort of [Groningen, Netherlands], 344, 392.

Otto II. duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Brunswick and Luningborowgh, Luneburg, and of Harburg, Harborgh, 270, 285.

Otto Heinrich of Brunswick-Lüneburg, son of Otto II, raises troops for League, 270, 285; levy forbidden, 286.

Oudenarde,Owdenartdt [E. Flanders, Belgium], 10.

Oudenborg [W. Flanders, Belgium], 266.

Ouessant,Oissans, isle of [France], 248.

Ourslye,Owerslye, Mr., 228, 232.

Overijsel,Overisell,Overysel,Overyssel, one of the United Provinces:
-, Bodley asks representation of, in (C. of S., 38; sends deputies, 42; Bodley again asks, 67; States write again to, 75.
-, ‘all in one terms,’ 65; quiet, 114.
-, troops sent to Geertruidenberg from, 167.
-, Ortel asks Queen to write again to, 255.
-, pays certain companies, 294.
-, secularised church property in, 295.
-, council of, 130.
-, States of, 130.
-, See also Deventer.

Overstein,Oversteyn, count. See Falkestein, Johan Philip.

Owdenartdt. See Oudenarde.

Owen, Dr. Lewis, bishop of Cassano, letter to, 104–5

Orslye. See Ourslye.