Index: L

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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lading, bills of, referred to, 161, 163.

Lalain, Emmanuel Philibert de, marquis of Renti, Rente, Reynte, repulsed at Cambrai, 328; refuses mission to Spain, 396; uncle of, 397.

Lalaing, Lalayne, George van, lord of Rennenburg, governor of Friesland, 2.

Lallier, Jacques, sgr. du Pin, letters from, 89, 152, 247, 380; letters to, referred to, 209.

Lambert, Oliver, captain, 333:
-, money paid to, 175; warrants to, stayed because of abuses, 249.
-, company of, at Ostend, 71, 138; musters of, 339, 382.

Lamote, Lamott. See Pardieu, Valentin.

Lancellotti, Lancilotto, Scipione, cardinal of S. Simeon, 16, 20.

Landgrave, the. See Philip, landgrave of Hesse.

Landoys, M. de, 237. See Landas.

Langres [Haute-Marne, France], king's Swiss at, 335; his reiters come by, 376, 387.

Langstraat, Longstrate [N. Brabant, Netherlands], 324.

languages, 218, 234:
-, Dutch, 119, 155; Wingfield knows no, 169.
-, English, 29, 86, 268, 372; de la Fall knows no, 271; Morgan needs secretary for, 290; Flushing church services in, 344.
-, Flemish, 34; C. of S. proceedings in, 67, 75, 80, 121.
-, French, 34; Wingfield knows no, 169, 174; Morgan needs secretary for, 290; C. of S. should debate in, 308.
-, Hebrew, 242.
-, Italian, 46.
-, Latin, 308, 319.
-, Scots, 281.
-, Spanish, 34.
-, Turkish, 319, 347.

Languedoc [France], 233, 292.

Lanowe. See de la Noue, François.

Lanti, —, clerk of Roman camera, 20.

Lanzavecchia, Odoardo, governor of Breda, 207.

lanzknechts. See Germans.

Larchan, Larchant. See Grimonville, Nicolas de.

Latham, John, 176.

Laureto, Madonna de, 202.

Lausanne, Losanne [Vaud, Switzerland], Savoy plot at, 32, 48; some plotters escape to Savoy, 63; others executed, 124.

Lavardin. See Beaumanoir, Jean de. law, 131.

-, canon, 393.

-, civil, 161.

-, the common, 163:
-, statutes, referred to, 162; 27 Ed. III, st. 2, c. 13, 163; recusancy laws, 365.

-, Scots, 366.

-, written, of United Provinces, 40, 317.

Lawrens, John, 44.

Lawrine. See Lorraine.

Leae. See Lee.

League, the Catholic, Holy, the Catholic party in France, the Catholic Union, Guisards, Guisarts, Leaguers, 153, 198, 300, 395:
-, danger of practices of, 7; use religion as eloak, 15.
-, fail to capture Queen of Navarre, 63; capture Retz, 73, 78; would exchange Poigny for Épinac, 78; hate Nevers, 94; seize Châteauneuf's property, 126.
-, keep provincial governors busy, 63; most towns for, 97.
-, Paris pays army of, 63; forces will dwindle, 84.
-, hate Stafford, 69.
-, king's declarations against, referred to, 71, 78, 90, 92, 96.
-, Chataigneraye joins, 78.
-, Elizabeth urges king to join Navarre against, 91.
-, defeat of, would benefit Dutch, 114, 322; success of, would menace Italy, 303.
-, king offers terms to, 126; offers through legate to, 179, 180; king may agree with, 341; Pope will urge it, 364.
-, Alegria's report on, 135–6.
-, States General of, to meet, 180; king's advance prevents it, 387. Germans levied for. See under Germans.
-, Swiss levy for, 188, 208, 394.
-, army at Étampes, 188; operations of. See under Henry III, relations with League; Lorraine, Charles de, duke of Mayenne.
-, disputes in, 222; peasantry desert, 228; poor prospects of, 244; good chance to root out, 292; nobles desert, 358; lacks good leaders, 375.
-, not alarmed at king's union with Navarre, 236; hold towns ‘to all extremity,’ 334.
-, routed at Senlis, 245, 275, 286, 291, 342, 379, 386.
-, Truchsess to move Germans against, 324.
-, letter of, to Pope intercepted, 326.
-, raids of, near Calais, 336; many, in Channel ports, 342.
-, Welles urged to swear to, 343.
-, Balagny confers with leaders of, 359.
-, W. Countrymen bring powder to, 387.
-, sent Clément to kill Henry III, 394; rejoice at king's death, 397.
-, Villars joined, because hated Épernon, 403.
-, Queen should raise Germans against, 404.
-, all papists liable to be attracted by, 405.
-, proclaim cardinal of Bourbon king, 405, 406, 409.
-, artillery of. See under guns.
-, council-general of, 179, 180.
-, lieutenant-general of. See Lorraine, Charles de, duke of Mayenne.
-, relations with papacy. See under Sixtus V, relations with France.
-, relations with Savoy. See Charles Emmanuel I.
-, relations with Spain. See Farnese, Alexander, relations with France; Mendoza, Bernardino de; Philip II, relations with France.

Leake, George, 240.

leather, 152; hides, 152, 172, 218.

Lecester, Leicester, George, vice-, under-, treasurer and victualler of army in Netherlands:
-, money paid to, 176.
-, report on victuals by, 309.
-, petition of, 378.
-, deputy of. See Franklin, Nicholas.

Ledigyres. See Bonne, François de.

Lee, Leae, Gilbert, 162.

Leeman, Leman, Michael, 160.

Leerdam [S. Holland, Netherlands], enemy may attack, 271, 381, 385.

Leere, Leeren. See Lier.

Leeuwarden, Leuwarden, Lewarden, Lewerclen [Friesland, Netherlands], 6; letters dated at, 108, 131, 183, 185, 278, 344; plot at, 190.

Leffinghe, Leffynge [W. Flanders, Belgium], 266.

legates. See ambassadors.

Legir, M. the, 228, 231.

Leicester. See Lecester.

-, earl of. See Dudley, Robert.

Leiden. See Leyden.

Leman. See Leeman.

Lenoncourt, Philippe, cardinal of, 64, 74.

Lenson. See Leynssz.

Lentall, —, 86.

Leoninus, Elbertus, chancellor of Gelderland, member of C. of S., 146:
-, advised attack in Netherlands rather than Portugal, 38.
-, at Bergen, 279; secures obedience to Morgan, 280; leaves, 289.
-, sent to Culemborg, 323.

Lepe [Huelva, Spain], letter dated at, 194.

Lere. See Lier.

Lesdiguières. See Bonne, François de.

Leskines Howcke. See Liefkenshoek.

Leslie, John, bishop of Ross, Rosse, letters from, referred to, 165; asks Gray about Portugal expedition, 153; bastard of, 153.

Letherborowe, Letherbouiris, Ralph, letters to, referred to, 232; could aid Welles, 228; who asks stay of goods of, 352.

Lethum. See Lydd.

Leuwarden. See Leeuwarden.

Levant, the, 88.

-, company, merchants trading Turkey, Harborne urges continuance of, 112; he thinks its monopoly essential, 113; should increase Barton's allowance, 348.

Leveson, Lucen, Lusson, Sir Walter, States' ships seized by, 149, 160; envoys ask restitution, 369, 374.

Lewarden, Lewerden. See Leeuwarden.

Lewes, Lewse, Thomas, deserter from Salisbury's company, 407.

Lewis, Allen, captain, of London, 293.

Ley, John, 176.

Leyden, Leiden [S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, Caron to deal for exiles from, 18.
-, Bodley urges exiles' cause, 38, 67, 121; States promise justice, 42; but will not restore them, 75; Bodley can do little, 79–80.
-, troubles at, referred to, 183.

Leynssz., Lenson, Leynsen, Lynson, Cornelis, merchant, of Flushing, Maurice urges admiralty suit of, 52–3; Ortel urges it, 149–50, 160; Zeeland sends, to buy guns, 356.

-, Peter, of Flushing, slain in Brazil by English, 52–3.

Leyva, Alonso de, general of Milanese cavalry, in Armada, lost, 152.

-, Antonio Luis de, prince of Ascoli, Ascule, reputed son of Philip II, 292, 337. See also Alvey, duke of.

Libertines. See under Protestants.

licences. See passports.

Lichborne. See Lisbon.

Liefkenshoek, Leskines Howcke, fort of [N. Brabant, Belgium], 10.

Liège, Lige, land of Luke, principality, bishopric, of [Belgium], 292.

-, prince-bishop, of. See Bavaria, Ernest of.

Lier, Leere, Leeren, Lere, Liere, Lire, Lyre [Antwerp, Belgium]:
-, Simple betrayed, 118.
-, enemy at, mutinous, 299, 396.
-, toll of oxen at, 299.
-, troops march from, 372; sailors go to, 407.

Lieven, Charles de, heer van Famars, Fama, Famas, governor of Heusden, 295:
-, before Geertruidenberg, 156.
-, in States' council of war, 237.
-, may go to Gorcum, 271.
-, sure can hold Heusden, 323.

Ligne, Jean de, count, earl. of Aremberg, Arenburgh, governor of Friesland, 2.

Lille, Lyle [Flanders, now Nord, France], 35.

Lillo [Antwerp, Belgium], 9, 10.

Lilly, Lilie, Lillye, Lylly, Lyllye, Lyly, Lylye, William, Stafford's servant:
-, letters from, 27, 69, 72, 77, 81, 84, 89, 95, 244, 334, 357, 375, 385, 394.
-, letters from, referred to, 17, 78, 86, 92, 93, 94, 97, 357, 358, 380.
-, letters to, referred to, 228, 406.
-, at Blois, 26.
-, deals with w, 28; who informs him about Longnac, 77–8.
-, deals with Revol for Stafford's audience, 69, 70, 74, 81.
-, visits Venetian ambassador, 70, 71.
-, Revol asks, to get king powder, 376.
-, cannot get copy of bull against Henry III, 376.
-, du Pin forwards letters from, 380.
-, watches surrender of Pontoise, 386.
-, Welles' man could not find, 389; he appeals to, 406.
-, letter informing Queen of Henry III's assassination, 394.
-, informants of, 95, 96.

Lindsay, David, earl of Crawford, CrafTort, 366.

Linters, Lyntors, Peter, merchant, of Amsterdam, 161–2.

Lions. See Lyons.

Lire. See Lier.

Lisbon, Lichborne, Lisboan, Lisbone, Lishbone, Lishborne, Lychborne, Lysbone, Lysborne, Lyxborne [Portugal], 140:
-, letters dated at, 362, 363.
-, Armada prepares at, 23; only few ships prepare at, 36; Gest's report, 202; twelve galleys at, 282, 336, 354.
-, expects attack by Antonio, 152; expects English attack, 282.
-, 7,000 troops at, 336; 10,000 at, 353.
-, English in suburbs of, 351; accounts of English attack on, 353–4, 361, 362–3; they lost men at, 376; they have left, 383; they failed for lack of guns, 361, 384.
-, English attack ruins trade at, 363.
-, Jews at, 363.
-, Rolffe brought letters from, 398.
-, Williams' opinion of attack on, 410.
-, castle of, 410.
-, churches of, 353.
-, warehouses at, 353, 363.

Lisieux, Lyseues, Lysyouexe [Calvados, France], 220, 230.

Lithuania and Lithuanians, 63.

Little, Jaques, R. Sidney's lieutenant, 168.

Littlejohn, Litlejohn, —, 258.

Littleton, Litleton, Lyttleton, Francis, captain:
-, money paid to, 176.
-, company of, at Flushing, 72, 138; checks of, 174; muster of, 216.

Liverpool, Lyrpoole [co. Lancaster], ship of, 383.

Lo. See Loo.

Lobetius, Dr. John, letters from, 123–4, 379–80; referred to, 395.

Lochem, Lochum [Gelderland, Netherlands], 65, 156.

Loches [Indre-et-Loire, France], 47, 73.

Locres, M. de, baron of, 295; in States' council of war, 237, in Hemertsche Waard, 271.

Lodrin. See Drin.

Loe. See Loo.

Loevestein, Louvestein [Gelderland, Netherlands], 406.

Lognac, Lognak, Logniac, Loignac, Loignak, Loinak. See Montpezat, Honoré de.

Loire, Loyre, river [France], 95, 212:
-, all beyond, is for king, 92.
-, Blois bridge over, 208.
-, Navarre given passage over, 209; he crosses, 220, 244; he returns over, 236; the kings' forces to cross, 237.
-, Tours bridge over, 244, 245.

London, 104, 234, 279, 304, 398: letters dated at, 7, 18, 23, 43, 99, 103, 104, 113, 123, 130, 180, 210, 262, 263, 275, 278, 283, 292, 297, 300, 330, 333, 341, 343, 344, 356, 362, 373, 374, 393, 395, 405, 408.
-, Caron in, 4.
-, Antwerp news from, 16–7, 20.
-, trade with enemy from, 35; guns sent to Hamburg from, 240, 241.
-, Leynssz. recovered goods at, 53; Leveson in, 374.
-, Châteauneuf has left, 97.
-, ship bound for, 160; Bayonne ships lading for, 232.
-, troops for Ostend levied in, 187, 377; muster of them, 298; their poor quality, 381.
-, Mendoza sends Andrada to, 197; spy going to, 351.
-, Carouges' envoy in, 228.
-, Huguenot refugees at, 231.
-, prices of arms, etc., at, 246.
-, Rasse des Neux in, 265.
-, interlopers from, at Static, 280.
-, army apparel to be examined at, 328, 378.
-, Kyen at, 372.
-, bonds on city of, referred to, 127.
-, Antonio's house in, 410.
-, places in:
-,-, Barbican, 211.
-,-, Fresh Wharf, 240.
-,-, Leadenliall, 298.
-,-, Marshalsea, 227, 242.
-,-, Newgate, 365, 366, 367, 368.
-,-, St. Botolph's, Buttolphe, Lane, 268.
-,-, St. Katherine's, Golden Fleece inn, 38.
-,-, St. Paul's, 20.
-,-, Tower of, 260, 365, 367.
-,-, Wapping, 241.
-,-, aldermen of. See Billingsley, Henry; Hart, John; Starkie.
-,-, citizens of. See Bellamy, Robert; Bredcake, John; Byam, William; Eliff; Lewis, Allen.
-,-, customer of, 170, 240.
-,-, Merchant Adventurers at, 127.
-,-, merchants of, 320. See also Brooke; Stockes, Thomas.
-,-, ships of. See Black John; Centurion; Golden Lion; John Bonaventure.

Longafelld, Longevill, Longeville. See Orleans, Henri d'.

Longlée, — de, sr. de la Motte, French ambassador to Spain, 383, 384.

Longstrate. See Langstraat.

Longueval, Jean Antoine de, sgr. de Haraucourt, 233.

Longueville, Longvill, Longville, Longvylle [Seine Inf., France], castle of, 230.

-, duke of. See Orléans, Henri d'.

Loo, Lo, Loe, Andrea, Andres, de, Flemish merchant, letters from, 43; referred to, 176; Giles' cause with, 10.

-, Hans van, captain, takes troops to Boulogne, 260, 275.

Looe [co. Cornwall], ship of, 172.

Loosen, Loozen, Losa, Lozen, Sebastian van, member of C. of S., 265, 392:
-, letters signed by, 283, 333, 343, 344, 374, 395; referred to, 338.
-, letters to, referred to, 283, 333, 344.
-, sent to Queen, 257; Bodley commends, 264.
-, expected at Flushing, 275.
-, mission to England. See under Elizabeth, relations with United Provinces.

Lopez, Lopes, Fernando, governor of Kerpen, 20, 331.

Lorges, Jacques, count of Montgomery, Mongirine, Mongromy, 227.

Lorraine, Lawrine, Loreine, duchy of, Lourraynoises:
-, Mme. de Montpensier gone to, 28.
-, Estates of, meet, 124.
-, Mayenne seeks troops from, 136.
-, troops from, with Parma, 324.
-, king's Germans spoil, 359.
-, Pontoise garrison mostly from, 386.
-, St. Paul raids near, 387.

-, cardinal of, 70.

-, duke of. See Charles II.

-, Catherine Marie de, duchess of Montpensier, sister of Henri, duke of Guise:
-, raises Paris against king, 15; executes royal officials, 16.
-, goes to see Parma, 24; gone to Lorraine, 28; enlists Parma's discharged Germans, 62.

-, Charles de, duke of Aumâle, Aumalle, Demall, de Mall, Omaell, Omal, Omale, Omall, Omalle:
-, letters from, referred to, 15, 403.
-, raises Paris for League, 6, 15, 16, 24; chosen as its governor, 10, 16, 47, 48.
-, gone to Orlèans, 24.
-, men of, wear red, 48; colours of, green, white, and yellow, 405.
-, king's declaration against, published, 92, 96.
-, gone to Parma for troops, 96; at Paris, 126; in Picardy, 188.
-, seizes money from Parma, 197.
-, ‘not a man of government,’ 197.
-, routed at Senlis, 275, 286, 291; references to this, 245, 379, 386.
-, gathers forces at St. Denis, 282.
-, at Louviers unattended: Rouen will not pay, 342; at Rouen, 351; puts guns into Mantes, 357; back at Rouen, 379, 387; not admitted to castles, 388; plot against, 389.
-, Chatte defeats, 360–1.
-, gives Rouen his colours and summons Caen, etc., 405; proclaims ‘Charles X,’ 406.
-, Welles petitions daily, 406.
-, wife of, 15.

-, Charles de, marquis of Elboeuf, 15.

-, Charles de, prince of Joinville, son of Henri of Guise, imprisoned at Blois, 15; sent to Amboise, 47; was to marry duchess of Bouillon, 48.

-, Charles de, duke of Mayenne, Main, Maine, Mayen, Mayene, Mayn, Mayne, Meyne, Dimine, du Mayne, Jacobo de Arbelais, 379:
-, letters from, 180; referred to, 179, 208.
-, letters to, referred to, 17, 48, 179, 180, 196.
-, asks Milan for troops, 15; awaits Italian princes' decision, 47; asks Ferrara for men, 62.
-, escapes from Lyons, 17, 47, 48; at Dijon, 24, 28, 32, 33; at Châlons, 32, 47; at Troyes, 44, 62.
-, invites Savoy to join League, 24.
-, king tempts and threatens, 24; will not agree with king, 28; will be loyal till Pope declares, 47.
-, goes to Paris, 33, 63, 69, 73; Paris sends for, 47; Paris raises troops for, 63.
-, sends to Parma, 50; who sends money to, 62; Alegria's report to Parma about, 135–6; Albanians defeated on way to, 165.
-, men of, imprison Poigny, 63.
-, king sends Mme. de Nemours to, 69, 71, 85; she will do little with, 73, 74; blames counsellors not king, 70, 74; demands prisoners' release, 96; will not agree with king, 135.
-, at Orleans, 71, 74, 85; at Étampes, 81; at Chartres, 84, 89.
-, makes overtures to Navarre, 81.
-, Soissoils promises to intercept, 90.
-, king publishes declaration against, 92, 96.
-, at Paris, 96, 126; goes from Rouen to Paris, 151, 233; welcomed Setoune at Paris, 153; is at Paris, 227, 232.
-, Givry takes chief counsellor of, 96.
-, goes to besiege king in Blois, 126.
-, king makes offers through legate to, 179, 180, 196; rejects them, 208.
-, sends Brisson to Pope: instructions, 179–80.
-, king sent to slay, 180.
-, elected League general, 180; takes oath, 188.
-, goes to army, 180, 196; at Étampes, 203, 220, 233; some forces of, beaten, 220; vanguard of, beaten, 227, 228, 230, 232.
-, dealings of Mendoza and Parma with, 196–7, 208–9, 212; sent Montlimart to Parma, 197, 208.
-, forbids speaking ill of king, 227, 231.
-, plot to deliver king to, 228.
-, defeats Brienne at St. Ouen, 231, 236.
-, has only 8,800 men, 237.
-, attacks king at Tours and is repulsed, 244–5; cruelties of troops of 245.
-, Navarre routs horsemen of, 285, 355.
-, king and Navarre advance against, 285.
-, promised to relieve Pithiviers, 334; failure to relieve towns discredits, 336, 358.
-, troops desert, 335, 358.
-, forces around Meaux and Senlis, 335.
-, defeated and wounded, 342, 351.
-, at Paris, 351; gets grant and goes to St. Denis, 358; gone to meet Nemours, 361; back at Paris, 362; went to fight king's Swiss, 386.
-, asks Rouen's prayers, 351.
-, expects 2,000 reiters, 358.
-, met Parma at Spa, 358.
-, imprisons Aumont's sons, 386.
-, desperate plight of, 387.
-, Longueville takes horsemen of, 387.
-, victualled Pontoise but too weak to fight, 390; repulsed in attempt to relieve it, 394.
-, proclaimed ‘Charles X's’ lieut.-general, 406.
-, gentleman of. See St. Germain.
-, wife of. See Savoy, Henrietta of.
-, mother of. See Este, Anne d'.

-, Christine de, daughter of duke Charles II:
-, marriage of Tuscan duke to, doubtful, 26; duke sends escort to meet, 49; Paris vainly seeks to stop, 92; is French not Spanish, 94; marries duke, 135.
-, asks Pope to make her brother a cardinal, 291.

-, Claude de, chevalier d'Aumâle, Omal, Omale, Omall:
-, goes to Orléans, 16; leaves Orléans, 71; gone to Paris, 69.
-, king publishes declaration against, 92, 96.
-, recalls League troops from Tours, 245.
-, at Poissy, 335.

-, François de, duke of Guise, Mayenne's father, 135.ç

-, François de, duke of Vaudémont, son of duke Charles II, 135.

-, Henri de, duke of Guise, Guyes, Guyse, Gwyse, 92:
-, Holland welcomes news of assassination of, 1; it encourages Dutch, 58.
-, king's declaration about execution of, 7; referred to, 6, 14, 16, 24, 48.
-, Parma mourns, 10; grieves Philip II more than Armada, 66; was chief pillar of Spaniards, 384.
-, due to intercepted letters from Aumâle, 15; due to letters from Elizabeth, 26.
-, Mayenne hears of death of, 17; his anger, 28; he blames king's counsellors, 70; he swears to avenge, 73–4.
-, king's visit to Catherine after death of, 19; her distress, 24; he was warned against executing, 48; he gains nothing by it, 105.
-, nothing said about process of, 27; king making it, 33.
-, Nevers given government of, 28.
-, description of execution of, 47.
-, Walsingham informed Châteauneuf, 72.
-, king's answer to Queen about papers of, 93.
-, Lancôme's comment, 134.
-, Lorraine mourns, 135.
-, lieutenant of, 63.
-, death of, referred to, 85, 89, 91, 94, 179, 196, 358.

-, Henri de, marquis of Mouy, count of Chaligny, Salynie, wife of. See Mouy, Claude de.

-, Henri de, marquis of Pont-à- Mousson, son of duke Charles II, 387.

-, Louis de, cardinal of Guise:
-, king's declaration on execution of, 7; referred to, 16, 24.
-, legate showed displeasure at it, 15; Pope angry he did not protest, 25; Pope may deprive legate, 49; Pope's anger about, 16, 19.
-, king offers place of, to Montalto, 15; king disposes of offices of, 64.
-, Queen Mother's distress about, 24; king was warned against slaying, 48; king gains nothing by it, 105.
-, Parma hears of death of, 20; Lorraine mourns, 135.
-, nothing said at States about, 27.
-, Sorbonne excommunicates king for it, 33.
-, description of execution of, 47.
-, Mayenne will avenge, 70, 73–4.
-, death of, referred to, 179, 196, 358.

-, Marguerite de, widow of duke of Joyeuse, Mme. Jouise, imprisoned, 388.

-, Philippe Emmanuel de, duke of Mercoeur, Markire, Mercure, Mirkire:
-, gone to Brittany, 24; retires to Nantes, 182.
-, said to join king, 227.
-, raises his siege of Vitré, 342; batters Vitré, 355.
-, ‘laughed at of all,’ 357.
-, no news of, 387.
-, at Evreux, 388.

Losa. See Loosen.

Losanne. See Lausanne.

Loudun [Vienne, France], 17.

Loughton, Thomas, 181.

Louis XI, king of France, 16.

Louise de Lorraine, queen of France:
-, recovering, 32.
-, going to Paris, 84; not going yet, 96.
-, at Angers, 285.
-, half-brother of. See Lorraine, Henri de, marquis of Mony.

Lourraynoises. See Lorraine.

Louvain [Brabant, Belgium], 224.

Louvestein. See Loevestein.

Louviers, Loviris [Eure, France], 342.

Lovell, Thomas, captain, appointed Bergen sergeant-major, 225; Willoughby blames Morgan, 319; abrickmaker, 319; States appointed, 320.

Low Countries, Netherlands, 91, 186, 218:
-, contraband trade prolongs wars in, 36.
-, Leoninus advised offensive in, 38.
-, freebooters of, in Flushing bands, 82.
-, Junius' property in, 177.
-, Houfflin's services in, 180.
-, 1578 States General of, 183.
-, man of, executed for slandering Danish nobles, 252.
-, merchants at Hamburg, 269.
-, manufactures of, 296.
-, governors-general of, temp. Charles V, 307.

-, See also United Provinces.

-, Spanish, obedient provinces, 187.
-, Parma demands guns from, 10; to furnish men for League, 118.
-, French fear attack from, 25.
-, ‘at an end for poverty,’ 45.
-, Parma assembles governors of, 117.
-, Griffith pretends to go to, 290.
-, States of, meet at Brussels, 117, 148, 257, 258; vote grant for League, 118; disputes over grant in, 222, 224; did little, 292.
-, English refugees in. See England, exiles.
-, governor-general of. See Farnese, Alexander. See also Antwerp; Artois; Brabant; Flanders; Groningen; Hainault.

Loyre. See Loire.

Lozen. See Loosen.

Lubeck, Lubecke [Germany]:
-, ships lading for Spain at, 198, 202, 241.
-, prefers Adventurers to be at Stade, 241.
-, Parma sends van den Bergh to, 331.
-, Lisbon letters to, 362–3.

Lublau, Lubowlia, Lubula [Czechoslovakia], 193, 380.

Lublin [Lublin, Poland], 193.

Lucca [Toscana, Italy], 19:
-, fears Florentine attack, 15, 26, 63, 78; preparations at, 20.
-, accepts Italian garrison from Spain, 48.
-, S. Romano convent at, 48.

Lucen. See Leveson.

Lucerne, canton of [Switzerland], 326.

Luckener, —, English exile, 102.

Ludwig III, duke of Würtemberg, 124.

Luke, land of. See Liiège.

Lüneburg, Luningborowgh [Hanover, Germany], duke of. See Otto II.

Lupiac, N. de, sgr. de Tagen, lieutenant-general of Angoumois, Saintonge, etc., 70.

Lusson. See Leveson.

Lutherans. See under Protestants.

Luxembourg, Lusembourghe, Lutsenborgh, Luxemborg, Luxemborgh, Luxenburgh, duchy of:
-, Mansfelt returns to, 65.
-, Parma sends troops to, 188, 328; his cavalry at, 196.
-, Épernon's men spoil in, 324.
-, governor of. See Mansfelt, Peter Ernest of.

Luxembourg, Charles de, count of Brienne, Briant, Briennes, Épernons brother-in-law:
-, brings troops to king, 71.
-, Mer will not admit, 78.
-, malcontent, 81.
-, Mayenne defeats, 231, 236.

Lychborne. See Lisbon.

Lydd, Lethum [co. Kent], 325.

Lyle. See Lille.

Lylly, Lyllye, Lyly, Lylye. See Lilly.

Lynson. See Leynssz.

Lyntors. See Linters.

Lyons, Lions, Lyonis [Rhône, France]:
-, Mayenne's escape from, 17, 47.
-, Corso at, 48; expelled from, 63; it joins League, 126.
-, Florentine merchants may leave, 49.
-, king's death reported at, 62.
-, news from, of Dauphine truces, 124.
-, king's forces prepare to besiege, 233; besieged, 270.
-, Nemours at, 234.
-, dissensions at, 388.
-, bishop's palace at, 17.
-, archbishop of. See Épinac, Pierre.
-, governor of, 17.
-, post of, 47, 63.

Lyre. See Lier.

Lyrpoole. See Liverpool.

Lysbone, Lysborne, Lyxborne. See Lisbon.

Lyseues, Lysyouexe. See Lisieux.

Lysle, sr. de, 246.

Lyttleton. See Littleton.