Elizabeth: July 1589, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Elizabeth: July 1589, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp393-411 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1589, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp393-411.

"Elizabeth: July 1589, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp393-411.

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July 1589, 21–31

July 21/31. M. Cordaillot to Walsingham.
Writes because when he went yesterday to the court with M. de Buhy he could not see his honour to thank him for forwarding the letters from the ambassador. Has showed the letter to de Buhy. It is a month and four days old and tells of the ambassador's difficult passage; his four audiences with the King; his leave to go for a month or two to his house; the King's will about his return hither; the forces of the King (some 25,000 or 30,000 men); his taking of Jeargeau; the way he would go towards Paris; the stranger forces which were near; the capture and escape of the Count of Soissons; a dispatch from the Pope sternly requiring the release of the Cardinal of Bourbon and the archbishop of Lyon; the sending to the Pope of the avocat Duret, very learned in the canon law and the Gallican church's privileges; etc. Doubtless the ambassador has written to his honour. Thanks God for the taking of Pontoise. The chastisement of Paris, which will astonish other towns, is thereby made easier.—London, the last of July.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with brief note of contents. French. 1¼ pp. [France XIX. f. 197.]
July 21. Anthony Sherley to Walsingham.
Goes to-day to the King of Navarre.—Diep, 21 July.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents and year date. ½ p. [France XIX. f. 195.]
July 21. William Borlas to Walsingham.
Encloses letters received to-day [see above, pp. 390, 391]. Has refused the request, as Sir William Russell ordered him to let no companies go out unless he had warrant under her Majesty's own hand. Sir Robert Sydne also bade him send no company out without receiving another in its place. Could send none if he would, for the companies here are so weak that the nine will make but seven full companies. They have sent also to the Brell and to Hostend for men. Promised to do as he should be directed out of England, so desires speedy answer. “Their want of men is great, for they are forced to draw out of all their garrisons men.” Wishes that the Governor might be sent over.—Flusschyng, 21 July, 1589.
Postscript. Awaits his favour for christening his son, “whose name must be Francis.”
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 195.]
July 22./Aug. 1. William Lyly to the Queen.
Upon his [Majesty] of France arriving at St. Clou and so prospering in all his enterprises, the enemy, “trusting no more in their forces, mistrusting God, ran to the practices of Spain; sent hither a Jacopin who desired to speak to the King under colour to render him a gate of Paris; whereof the King was no less glad than the other desirous to execute his devilish intent, permitted him entry in his chamber: who, in making him a monastical reverence, with a knife which he held in his sleeve struck the King under the short ribs to have pierced his bowels, which the King with his own hand, seeing the motion, did in part rebate so as no one of them was pierced; and with great courage and force got the knife from him and therewith gave the Jacopin two blows, the one on the face, the other in the breast, with which, and the servants' assistance, the felon was presently slain. Amongst the rest which desired to see his Majesty, I was one; to whom he said ‘I am sure the Queen, your mistress, will be sorry for this, but I hope it shall quickly be healed, and so I pray write unto her from me.” I told him that no prince in the world would so much sorrow it, nor none more joy that his Majesty did comport it with so much magnanimity; and with that told him that all the world might see and testify with what reason your Majesty punished that race, repairing into your country to attempt on your royal person and sow sedition; their colour piety but the end to serve the Spanish tyranny, projected over all the world, opposed only by these two monarchies. With which, I took my leave: but immediately he recharged me, by M. de la Vergne, hereof to write a particular letter to your Majesty, with which warrant I attempt the same.” Assures her of his own devotion.—St. Cloue, 1 August, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 1¼ pp. [France XIX. f. 199.]
July 22. G. d'Averly to Buzanval.
Wrote on the 13th. Mme. de Clervant has news from Strasbourg fair, sent on June 20 by her son who is at Estampes, that M. de Segur is dead. Hears no confirmation of it. Hopes it is false. Non fuit blandus aut χρυσολογς sed beneficus, boni bono-rumque studiosus. Hears certainly that Jamets castle has surrendered; that the Duke of Lorraine is strong; that two thousand five hundred reiters have entered France for the League, as well as the Swiss sent by the little cantons. The Duke of Meyne tried vainly to save Pontoyse: six or seven hundred are said to be slain on both sides in the fight.
The sieur Barradat is here, awaiting news from the Count of Nantueil, who was, he is assured, at Dresden, though he is not now. M. de Schonberg of Bischerveiller asks to be remembered, regarding his privilege of making salt. Buzanval, in reply to Averly's former letter, said that M. Walsingham would write about it. Desires Buzanval to remind him of it and to give him the letter and portrait which Dr. Lobetius sends to him. Has not heard from Buzanval since June 7; nor from M. de la Tuillerye since June 21, to whom he sends only a few lines as he may have gone to Holland. If the Queen shows herself well affected to the King, the princes here will speak like Frenchmen. Delay and slackness may be harmful, so desires him to hasten the Count of Nantueil and M. de la Tuillerye. Wishes he could speak to the Count before he begins to treat here.—Franckfort, 22 July, 1589.
Postscript. If the Count and M. de la Tuillerye come in time there is good hope of aid. This slow procedure increases the League's strength.
Holograph. Add. French. 1 p. [Germany, States, V. f. 238d.]
July 23./Aug. 2. The States' Commissioners to Burghley.
In accordance with the decision lately taken by his lordship at his lodging, the sieur Digges has visited them and discussed the affairs of musters, especially certain projects of their lordships' touching imprests and dead pays. As some matters cannot be directed or remedied from hence, they desire that the soldiers of her Majesty's succours should be made more obedient to the orders of the Council of State (in which her Majesty's Lieutenant and Councillors sit) than they have been since the late Earl of Leicester's time. They especially desire that the troops may be mustered unexpectedly, by the Council of State's order, without even the Governor-General being informed if he is absent from the Council. The Earl of Leicester's orders should be observed, and payments and imprests made with the knowledge of the States' commissaries, as the Treaty requires. It would be well for her Majesty to send over someone of quality to deal with the Council of State and to establish some sufficient order regarding the musters. There is little to be gained by discussing here questions which arise there and which change from day to day. They are, however, willing to confer upon them if their lordships desire it.—London, 2 August, 1589, stilo novo.
Signed by all three. Add. Endd. “… Touching the articles for the lendings sent by Mr. Digges.” French. 1⅓ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 212.]
July 24./Aug. 3. Sir Martin Schenck to Walsingham.
Credence and commendation for the bearer, M. Sidney's cornet, who can report the events of this campaign.—The camp near Rees, 3 August, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. 2/3 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 198.]
July 25. Sir Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.
Hears certainly to-day that the Spaniards, who have long kept their garrisons, “are now gathering a head together.” The common report among them is that they will besiege Husden, but Morgan has very secret intelligence that they mean to surprise either the land of Tretoule or that of Tergouse. Great provision of boats and bridges is made at Antwarpe. The river to Barges passes between the two islands and it would be a serious annoyance if either were held by the enemy. Hears they have also 30 victuallers or more, each with his wagon, and 205. Flemish given him beforehand. As some of this garrison have lately died and others are on service in Gelderland, Morgan desires that a supply of 200 men be sent over. Asks that George Wray may have “one of these new companies that come now over”: also Captain Dormer, who has lately come over here.—Bargen-ap-Zom, 25 July, 1589.
[On a separate page, annexed.] Hears just now from a boor that above 500 wagons, escorted by 3 cornets of horse, have come to Antwarp to-night, to carry artillery and munition to Husden. “The report goeth that he meaneth to batter the town presently. Nevertheless I am advertised of a certainty that there cometh 4,000 Spaniards and Italians to surprise the land of Tertoule: therefore, I ‘besecke’ your honour, send the captains away.”
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. 1⅓ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 200.]
July 25./Aug. 4. John Gylles to Walsingham.
Received letters today from Anwarp dated August 2, N.S. His friend there writes that the Prince of Parma is still at Spa, where he is likely to stay another two months. Most people put his disease down to his disagreement with the King's bastard, who lies at the English house in Anwarp. Some think he stays for lack of money. His troops in Lere, Macklen, and Herentalles, are ready to mutiny for want of payment; “but the towns are so poor that they should get little.” The merchants do not keep their promises to him, as their bills are not well paid in Spain. Hennegou and Artoyes will not contribute money as they have done. “Letters come from the King for prolonging the Prince in government for 3 years, upon condition to employ 7 Spaniards such as the King shall appoint, and those 7 to be the only government of the council and direction of the wars, and no other to deal or meddle therein. Whereunto those of Hennegou will not agree, nor those of Artoyes; so as Marquis Rente, Askot, and all the nobility of those parts, remain in Hennegou and Artoyes and come not at the Court till further order. The President Rytchardot is gone for Spain to see these matters ended, both for provision of money and also for agreement among themselves.“ The Prince sought to send Rente, but he would not go,—“I think he remembered the slack return of his uncle.” The enemy forces are going mostly towards Gelderland and Cleve. Skincke is said to be surrounded by the enemy near Cleve and in grave danger. The States have sent for men from the Bryll, Ostend, and Flising, but they will probably get few. Fears for Utreght, Berk, and places in Holland. Those of Anwarp have again licensed the traffic to be open, but have set the rate higher. A cloth which paid 26s. 8d. must now pay 40s. People come daily thence, 100 at time, “but all of the poorest.” Some of the best, as Mallepert and John Dereme, have been arrested in Anwarp by one Rooke, who sold the castle long ago and now pretends he was not fully paid. Count Hollacke is said to be at Amsterdam. Some of the English rebels are weary of Anwarpe and fear their pensions will be taken away: so they make friends to come home.—[At head] Laus deo, le 4 August, styllo novo, Mydelburg.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 203.]
July 25./Aug. 4. The Magistrates of Ostend to Burghley and Cobham. Wrote on July 17 [recte 18]. The season for repairing their dykes, etc., passes rapidly; they lack the means. Desire their lordships to remind her Majesty's Council of their requests.—Ostend, 4 August, 1589, N.S.
Add. Endd. Seal of arms. French. 2/3 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 197.]
July 27. Richard Scofeld to Walsingham.
His honour has doubtless heard “these dolorous news,” now certainly affirmed, that “on Friday last, being the 23rd of July according to the style of England, (fn. 1) the King of France was murdered by a Jacobin friar in a cloister by Pounthowse, with a dagger; a thing which is no small joy to the wicked Leaguers and truly will make a wonderful alteration in this state. M. Gordaine taketh it very grievously”: the governor of Ardres visited him to-day and to him Gordaine declared himself a “faithful servant unto the right inheritor of the crown of France. Yet grieveth him the same is a Protestant. And in the camp they have cried vive Bourbon, vive Vandome. The Lord give might unto the Bang of Navarre, whom we hope by the next to hear that he shall be elected King. A secret report is here that her Majesty should be in like order slain…. She hath enemies too many by thousand men. The Duke of Parma sendeth to aid the Leaguers. He is yet at Spawe.” The King of Spain has sent him two millions, half in money, half in silks and velvets.
There is a secret report that certain Picardy towns will be given to Parma as assurance for the money the King of Spain sends to the League. Fears that most of France will be at his commandment, “such credit have the sons of Belyell in this kingdom of France.”
Has ordered the searcher of Dover to imprison one Arnold Rolffe, a Fleming, born at Brudges, and who has been servant to Scofeld's son Julian Edred de Mallynes. He brought letters from Lisbon. Mallynes is greatly indebted to Scofeld, who hopes to recover some of the debt from a ship laden by this servant. Rolffe here pretended that he had not enough to pay the freight, but in fact he is secretly carrying pepper, etc., worth 600l. sterling to one Giles Martens, a Fleming. He gets 120 crowns for this and is going into England. Scofeld finds small justice in this town, so desires his honour to write to the mayor of Dover to see this man, with his notes and bills, safely kept until Scofeld has further certified his wicked behaviour. Can prove that all the goods shipped for Malynes' account are his (Scofeld's). Desires his honour also to be a means to the Lord Admiral that the goods at Padstow may be for his use. He owes Scofeld 3,000l. sterling.— Calles, 27 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Syttyngborne, July 29, 5 p.m.: Gravesend, July 31, past noon: London, Aug. 1, 6 a.m. 3 pp. [France XIX. f. 201.]
July 27. The Privy Council to Sir John Conway. (fn. 2) The Commissioners lately sent over by the States General have complained that many captains receive full weekly imprests for bands from which a third of the numbers are wanting. Their lordships have accordingly set down certain articles touching the weekly imprests, to be recommended, in Lord Willowby's absence, to the Governors of the cautionary towns and other places where her Majesty's forces are serving. James Digges, chief commissioner for the musters, is to go over to see these orders put in execution and to take a view of the bands. Conway shall assist Digges in every way and see that the orders now sent over are from henceforth duly observed.—Nonsuch, 27 July, 1589.
Note added, signed by Walsingham, that as James Digges' services are required in England, Thomas Wyat and John Sparhawk, commissaries of musters, are to go in his place.
Signed, Chr. Hatton, Canc.; W. Burghley; C. Howard; James Croft; T. Heneage; Fra. Walsyngham; J. Perrot; J. Wolley; John Fortescue. Add. One of the Conway papers. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 216.]
[July 27.] Order for the payment of weekly imprests to her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries. (fn. 3)
The commissary of musters, sworn before her Majesty's Governor-General or Councillor and the Council of State, shall muster every band in her Majesty's pay in his garrison. He shall make a perfect roll of the names and surnames of all present, of the defects of armour and weapon, of the names of those absent with the time and reason of their absence, and of the number deficient after allowing 10 [dead pays] in every 100. He shall deliver, before Friday morning in each week, a signed copy of this roll to the Governor or marshal of the garrison, who also shall sign it and send it to the Treasurer or his deputy. The Treasurer shall make payment thereupon, according to the following limitation, to the captain of each band, who shall pay the soldiers.
The Dutch commissaries shall be required to join in taking the musters and signing the rolls. A copy of the roll, thus signed, shall be sent to the Queen's Councillor, who shall present it to the Governor-General (if there resident) and Council of State. The Council shall send quarterly to the Lord Treasurer a certificate of the checks and defects of each band.
None to be allowed pay unless present and properly furnished with armour and weapons. Six may be allowed absent from 150 footmen or 100 horse if they have passport, registered with the commissary, from the Governor of the place. None shall be allowed absent for more than 6 weeks in a year, unless through sickness or lack of passage. Any absent sick shall be allowed if certified by the fourrier, or the host of the house, with an officer of the band. Freebooting not an excuse for absence, unless the journey be made by a good number under a captain or lieutenant at the Governor's command. 6 strangers allowed in a band. Prisoners allowed, if avouched by the Governor.
Weekly imprests of 150 footmen:—captain 42s., lieutenant 21s., ensign 10s. 6d., two sergeants 10s., two drums 10s., surgeon 5s., each soldier 2s. with 8d. in victuals. Also 35s. and 13s. 10d. to the captain from the dead pays (to be distributed according to the annexed order of the Earl of Leicester). Total 24l. 6s. Of this, the Treasurer shall detain the pays for the numbers deficient according to the rolls. Those lawfully absent shall be paid at their return. Those who overstay their leave shall be unpaid from the day of their departure, unless the Governor-General (or the town Governor in the cautionary towns) and Council of State decide otherwise. The 8d. in victuals to be delivered in the same way. Likewise the 30l. weekly lendings of each horseband.
That each soldier may receive his weekly due, the Treasurer or his deputy shall deliver the lendings, according to the roll, weekly in some open space to the captain, lieutenant, ensign, or clerk, in the presence of the corporals and sergeants or of six of the longest service soldiers or gentlemen. Any who fail herein shall be punished, and if they do so fraudulently they shall, upon complaint to the Treasurer or his deputy, be put out of pay.
Any who refuse to allow or who hinder the weekly muster shall, upon complaint to the Governor, be suspended and put out of pay.
Leicester's order for the distribution of the 10 dead pays [as in the first paragraph of the order on p. 378 above].
Copy. Original signed, W. Burghley, C. Howard, H. Hunsdon, James Crofte, Tho. Henedge, Fra. Walsinghame, Jo. Fortescue. Dated at head. Endd. 4 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 214.]
Another copy of the above.
Endd. with date. 4 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 210.]
July 27. Sir Francis Vere to Walsingham.
Has received his reply about the arrearages and is content with the course set down. Beyond all men's expectation, M. Schincke has put four months' victuals into Bercke. He filled some small boats with corn and drew them upstream from his camp until they were in sight of the enemy's forts below Wessell. There all was landed and “our horsemen taking every one a sack before him, carried it behind Wessell where we embarked it again (fn. 4), and having with two pieces we brought for the purpose beaten their ships of war back, our boats passed freely up the river. Whereof those of Bercke being advertised, sallied, and with a piece of ordnance beating another ship of war from his road, received them into Bercke without any loss. He hath gotten great credit by this exploit and not without desert.” His forces are to be divided, part going into Bomells Wertt, where the States gather their troops. Vere's forces also go thither. They seek earnestly to draw men thither from the garrisons. Bodley has written to the Governors. Hopes they will spare some. “Without doubt, if her Majesty help them not with more men, this winter the enemy will have good footing in Holland. For their own army it is very small, and much out of order by reason they have no great soldier to command, except M. Schincke, who they desire not in these parts….”—The Hague, 27 July.
Postscript. A gentleman of Count Hollocke's, lately come from Germany, tells him that the Count is returning, at the States' earnest wish.
Holograph. Add. Endd., and with a trefoil.pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 204.]
July 27. Sir Francis Vere to Willoughby.
Could not be present at the agreeing of his [Vere's] brother and Mr. Audley, as Willoughby in his letters desired. Wrote instead. Hears that his brother has gone over, so Willoughby may learn thereof from him.
The victualling of Bercke; forces to go to the Bomells Wertt, etc. [as in the above letter to Walsingham].
News of Count Hollocke [as to Walsingham], given him by Mr. Yaxlye. The Count is likely to marry the Countess of Burin.
Sir John Poley tells him that Willoughby is offended with him (Vere) for going on this journey to Bercke. Bodley practically charged him not to refuse it. Willoughby at his departure “left me under your handwriting that I should not refuse to go or send, when the States should request, with as many as ‘mought’ be spared out of the garrisons.” Desires to content them, yet also to obey his lordship, the rather “for that I have always been exceedingly favoured of your honour and injured of them….”—The Hague, 27 July.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. 2½ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 206.]
July 27. Captain E. Bannaster to Burghley.
On the 23rd the old [sic] Count Mansfelde came to the camp before Hewsdon. Next day he thought to raise a ‘mount.’ Those within sallied forth “and gave a great overthrow, took two captains, two ensigns, and one cornet bearer.” Their names are not yet known.
On the 26th most of the forces in Brabant were drawn forth to be ready to march, and imprest was given to all the victuallers. Their objective is unknown. Suspects it is Tartoyle. 1,000 waggons for carrying boats and bridges came that day to Andwp.
Intercepted letters show that “Count William hath taken a fort adjoining to Grinoinge and is in great hope to have the town.”
Is very ready to send his honour advertisements if they would be acceptable.—Bargen-up-Zoam, 27 July, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. 2/3 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 208.]
July 27. Edward Barton to [Walsingham?].
Turkish demands of the Emperor [as in the letter of July 11, above]. Meanwhile, the Tartars, assembled on the confines by the Grand Signor's command, grew ‘unpatient’ and sent a band of light horse to spoil the villages of Podolia, which is under the Pole, while the Tartar himself entered with the rest of his army “to invade the whole country.” However, the Poles slew the 5,000 who had already entered and defeated the Tartar himself with his whole power. (fn. 5) The Beglerbey, hearing of this conflict, hastened his journey, but the Tartars' defeat and the Poles' preparations stayed him at the Danubium which he will not cross until he has greater forces—or, as some say more probably, until he has further orders. He has been there 20 days. “As for the Polish ambassador, never less hope of him, for that the Princes of Bugdania and Wallachia, who have their spies in Poland, certify that they see no preparation for him.”
“These tumults have happened well for the Hungarishen nuncio, who got leave to depart as the 20 of this present, but, as is suspected, with secret order to be retained in Buda till advice come of the Emperor his answer to the demands of the Grand Signor….”
Six days ago Levent Ogly, a Georgian prince formerly accused by Ferat Bassa of disobedience to the Grand Signor and who has yielded neither homage nor tribute for five years, sent his son with the tribute—65,000 gold ducats' worth of raw silk, as his land lacks gold and silver—“to excuse his father of former false accusations” and to regain the Grand Signor's favour, which the Vicerey has promised to secure.
One of Barton's janissaries, whom he sent to conduct Mr. Henry Cavendishe and Mr. Richard Mallorye into Wallachia, returned to-day. He says that the Beglerbey is at the Danubium, solely occupied in enriching himself, handling the byes, callies, etc. very severely “and, finding them faulty, assoileth them to their great charge and his exceeding enriching….”—Rapamet, 27 July, 1589.
Signed. Endd.pp. [Turkey I. f. 178.]
[July 28.] [A. de Chatte, governor of Dieppe], to—. He has doubtless heard that on Tuesday last the King was killed in his cabinet by a Jacobin, who stabbed him while pretending to speak with him by order of the premier président of Paris. It is said that the leaders and all the army have sworn to avenge the King's death. M. de Montpensier now goes to the army with this intention. De Chatte's loss is great, for he employed all he had in his Majesty's service and now God has deprived him of hope of reward. Prays that God will not abandon in this trouble the person to whom de Chatte writes this letter.
Endd. “28 July, 1589. The copy of the letter from the governor of Dieppe.” French. ¾ p. [France XIX. f. 203.]
July 28. Solomon Aldred to Walsingham.
After receiving his despatch from his honour, he went to Porchmouthe and departed thence on the night of July 22. Reached Newhaven at 5 p.m. on Thursday, the 24th. Took with him 16 Newhaven mariners who had been taken, with their ships, and brought into Portchemouth on the day he left. Three Depe men-of-war boarded them, but, understanding who Aldred was, let them go. Rewarded them for this. The Depe men said that they would go to see if they could meet the Queen's ships and take the galleass in the Road. Immediately afterwards, saw the galleass under full sail, with two small barks which some English men chased in. The barks were laden with money and the governor said that he had 60,000 crowns in them which he is keeping. (fn. 6) They had embarked 200,000, but, being better advised, divided it into three parts, whereof two are yet to come. Supped with the governor on Thursday night, and conferred with him for three hours next morning, chiefly upon the last article which Walsingham set down, “touching his reconciliation to the King, with promise that her Majesty would use her credit to bring it to pass.” Found that he became a Leaguer because of his hatred of M. d'Epernon, who would have deprived him of his government. “I assured him that her Majesty would salve all that matter. He seemed to request time to think of it, but the night following at midnight the news came to him of the killing of the King by a Jacobin.” Next morning he sent for Aldred and showed him the letter, saying he hardly believed it; but while they were talking a packet came from the Duke Demall saying that there was one with him who confirmed that the King was dead. The governor sent for M. de Portes, “who is all of his counsel,” and the three of them walked long together “in a shadowed place by the seaside, where they both seemed to lament very much the manner of the killing of him. But by noon he had news … he lived twenty-four hours after the blow given and called his nobles together, requesting them to revenge his death; whereupon the marshals of France with the rest of the nobility came to the King of Navarre and made him swear to maintain and defend them in their religion, and made him protector for the revenging of the King's death. Since the death of the King, they have taken Meulan. If they continue together, as I hope they will, no doubt but all will be well shortly.”
After this news, the governor gave Aldred leave to come to Depe and sent a gentleman of the Religion to conduct him. This gentleman said that there is still intelligence between the governors of Newhaven and Depe, for whatever may be their outward show “they are brother and sister's children.” The governor of Newhaven promised to send to Rouen to deliver John Welles: also he will give Aldred his pass “when I will or where I will, so far as it can extend.”
“For the merchants' affairs … he shall take no advantage of the time for the delivery of the 7,000 crowns which is in caution. In the meanwhile, I am to request your honour that his papers may be sent, that we may come to a just reckoning what his goods come unto, with his charges; and, at the rendering of the bark, look what wanteth to be answered, and then the merchants to be discharged of the caution of the 7,000 crowns….”
He also offers to answer any loss sustained by the merchants in his government since he came to it.—Depe, 28 July, 1589.
Postscript. The governor here says that the night before Aldred came he sent one to his honour. Encloses a letter [not found] from M. de Viliars, which he gave him at his departure.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [France XIX. f. 205.]
July [28]. [Walsingham] to Thomas Bodley.
Received his letters [not found] of June 26 and July 9. Is not surprised to hear of Barnevelt's hostility to her Majesty and England, for in some of the conferences between the States' deputies and their lordships hard speeches have been used of him, (fn. 7) and some of the deputies no doubt reported them to him. Gathers from private advices that many dislike his course, which is more likely to ruin than to benefit those countries.
Can give Bodley no better direction than he has already received. All will depend “upon such conference as by more ample commission given to these deputies will be had with them, or with such other as they shall think good to send over.” He should seek to hasten this matter. Their lordships are very well pleased with his proceedings and the Lord Treasurer has often commended him to her Majesty. He should write oftener to his lordship.
If the matter of sending hither ampler commission or other commissioners had not been so far proceeded in, her Majesty and their lordships would rather have sent a commissioner thither, for the sake of speedier dealing, but now “the course is not to be altered.”
Their lordships and the deputies had almost agreed upon some reasonable satisfaction for Lord Willughby, “but the coming forth of his lordship's apology brake off that purpose.”
Heard to-day of the French King's murder by a Jacopin and that the nobility and captains of the army swore loyalty to the King of Navarre.—The Court at Nonesuch,—July, 1589.
Copy. Endd. with date and a trefoil. 12/3 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 218.]
[July 29.] [Buzanval] to [the Queen].
In olden time the son of a King of Persia, born mute, found his voice when he saw the edge of a sword threaten his father's life. Buzanval craves leave, after the blow which has just fallen, to break his silence because of the danger which threatens the King, his master. Her Majesty has been the preserver of Christendom and the only refuge of the King, whom she should aid effectively now that he is to face yet greater dangers, and dangers which affect her Majesty almost as much as him. She aided his master when the League stirred his King against him; she has since won and kept Boulogne for him; she should continue her benefits to a prince who is devoted to her and who will ever be grateful. Anything may happen, if he is not supported now, for there is legerité in France.
Her Majesty should expedite matters in Germany and spare nothing to bring terror to the League from thence, so that there may be leisure to provide for the security of the rest of the State. Secondly, she should give order to all the coasts of France nearest to her own. The sieur de Bernet, who alone can be entirely trusted, should be sent to and comforted, as also should Calais and Dieppe where greater disturbance is to be feared. Her Majesty may take it as a maxim qu'il n'y a gueres papiste bien superstilieux qui n'ait quelque partie de l'ame capable à recevoir des impressions ligueses.
Prays for a speedy resolution. Asks pardon for his boldness.
Endd. “29 July, 1589. Copy of M. Buzenvall's letter to her Majesty.” French. 1½ pp. [France XIX. f. 209.]
July 29. Buzanval to Walsingham.
After reading what his honour wrote this morning to M. de Buhy and himself, he feels bound to write to her Majesty to move her in his master's favour after this new and strange accident. Sends copies of the letter first to Walsingham and the Lord Treasurer, though his honour needs rather a bridle than a spur as his past actions have proved.—London, 29 July, 1589.
Postscript. The maxim of which he writes to the Queen was sent to him by the premier president of Rouan three months ago: believes it is true.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. ¾ p. [France XIX. f. 207.]
July 29./[Aug.] 8. John Welles to Walsingham.
(fn. 8) Wrote twice [letters not found] of the rejoicings here, “‘ti diom’ sung and all councillors in [s]carlet; bonfires and the shooting of the great ordnances; with a ‘general prison’ three days; and of the giving of the colours of the Duke d'Omall, given by himself in the church, green, white, and yellow, and himself all in green. The ‘biuge’ did sound ‘the King is dead,’ and after him did sound a herald ‘God save the King.’ It was done by consent of all the nobility there. The King did pray the King of Navarre to live and die a Catholic, and so he hath promised all the nobility and doth go to Mass. And not a nobleman doth leave him, but doth profess to live and die with him to revenge the death of their King and maintain their King. Mompanser is gone to the camp with great troops and hath left here M. the Halot, with M. Bacvill, to look to this country till his return, which we think will be within ten days. Their forces is 500 horse, 3,000 foot. Duke d'Omall hath sent to Can and to Dipe and to all other places hereabout, to render … and for the president that is at Can with the rest to come to take their places here. Answer none is returned.”
Tholose was besieged on June 10 by 3,000 horse and 13,000 foot. Those of Paris are said to have made a sortie: it is thought that few returned, but nobody dare speak against them. Would send oftener to Dipe but for the expense and danger. A letter costs 4 crowns. One of Welles' letters to Ly[ly?]e, asking him to get the King to speak to Shitivenife and get him to write for Welles' release as he wrote to get him stayed, has been taken. Does not expect to see his honour again, unless Shitivenife's secretary be stayed. Has daily petitioned Duke d'Omall and the council. Hopes God will forgive his sins, if they put him to death.
The Paris suburbs are all taken. Great famine in the town. Men sent out to treat of peace. They say that there are plots against her Majesty and the King of Navarre: vile speeches used here—“the devil is abroad with them. The man that did the deed is said to be a Capicon [sic] of this town. This Sunday the preachers did say that three Capichons went together and one of them did kill the King; and he was slain in the place, the other drawn with horses, the third and he hath confessed great things.” Desires that the French secretary be stayed: his master is now all against the King. They would exchange Welles for him without ransom. Otherwise they want 800 crowns.
“This day, being the seventh day, was received in the palace letters sent from Paris to the council here. [They] cried ‘God save Charles the 10, King of France, chosen by the princes and peers of France, and for his lieutenant-general of all provinces in France the Duke Diman’: and that all men must go and get their King out of prison and in the meantime the Duke to be regent till the coronation. The Duke d'Omall was at it himself: for, they say, although that the King of Navarre is choosed in the camp and hath made protestation to live Catholic, it is but to dissemble as a heretic. Great mourning that Paris is taking. Two Kings in France, the King of Navarre and the Cardinal of Borbon….”—Ron, 8 July [recte August], 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with same date. Seal. 1⅓ pp. [France XIX. f. 215.]
July 29./Aug. 8. The Council of State to Sir John Conway.
Wrote on July 26 [letter not found] and sent by the commissary Matruyt to ask him to send two companies to Louvestein, to help their forces against the enemy who sought to take Heusden and cross the rivers into the heart of these United Provinces. Have received further intelligence that these are the enemy's intentions, and that he has boats ready. Require Conway to send the two companies with speed. Should he fail they will lay the blame for any failure upon him.—The Hague, 8 August, 1589.
Signed, J. Matenesse. Countersigned, G. Van Zuylen. Add. French. Stained by water. ¾ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 221.]
July 29. Sir Thomas Morgan to the Privy Council. Received their letter of July 17 (fn. 9) on the 29th. Will send Captain Sallsburie's company to Austend. Craves pardon for not sending it until another comes thence to replace it: the time “is something dangerous.” Had intelligence yesterday that all the Spaniards and Italians were to rise out of their garrisons at three this morning and assemble at Endoven or at Turnhoult. Seven hundred wagons with munition, bridges, and small boats, are to join them. On Saturday 300 mariners left Antwerp for Lyre on their way to join the rest. The speech goes that they will batter Husden. Hears secretly that they will attack the town and forts of Barges and the land of Tertoule. Some Englishmen and freebooters in this town practise with the enemy. On Saturday last four of Salsburie's company ran to the enemy,—two private men, a corporal, and the captain's man who lately came from England, Thomas Lewse. Lewse got the rest into the forts under colour of drinking, and then excused himself from drinking and went round to view the forts. At night he and the rest ran to the enemy. One John Edwardes went with them. He came over with Lewes but stayed at Midelborowe until four days before, when he came hither and entered, as it was thought, in Salsburie's company. The day he went away, he enrolled under Captain Scott. Has confined Salisburie to his house until he can hear that Captain Harington will give his word for his appearance before their lordships, if occasion shall require.—Bargen-ap-Zom, 29 July, 1589.
Postscript. Has just heard that the enemy are at Hogestrate. Desires that the captains may be sent away and that they may have a supply of 200 men, as divers have died lately.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. 1½ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 219.]
July 30. Richard Scofeld to Walsingham.
Wrote three days ago of what passed here. As Mr. My lines is here, he omits to write of it now, except that it is assured to the strongest party. “Blessed be the Almighty, it is passed contrary to the opinion of the wicked messengers running for life. But the grave policy the King taketh stayeth the wavering Papists and … among so great a camp of sundry opinions. There is nothing wanting in the King's camp but money. One hundred thousand crowns presently would do more than four hundred thousand employed upon cowardly Allman horsemen…. If the King had treasure, he would be in one month twenty thousand stronger.” Seven thousand men march from the Duke of Parma, and the Dukes of Savoy and Lorraine enter France, for they hope that all towns not held by the King of Navarre's garrisons will revolt. The good union in so great a camp now alters these murderers' imaginations. Ostend is said to be besieged: believes the report “is but policy.”
Received the enclosed yesterday. Fears a wicked man called William Manwaringe is arrived there, as may be seen by his salutations to Hoult and others; “his arrival in Scylla and the desire he hath that such holy men should pray for him to be delivered from Charibdis demonstrateth a further matter, for no doubt, most honourable, the enemies of Christ and his church hope to work the destruction of her Highness.” As Scofeld wrote in his 'formals,' some in England have sworn her death and Hoult is the only practiser. Doubts Manwaring: he has long been a prisoner, as he says, but he was at Spawe with the Duke before he came away. Asks that none may know how these came to Walsingham's hands.—Calles, 30 July, 1589.
Postscript. Again asks for letters to this governor to obtain Scofeld justice, and that he may get back the goods which Malynes' man at Dover has conveyed to Giles Martens.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [France XIX. f. 210.]
July 30, last date. Lord Willoughbye's reckoning, for his service in the Low Countries.
Money due:—as colonel-general of infantry, 15 June, 1587, to 3 December, 1587, 688l.; as lieutenant-general, 4 December, 1587, to 30 July, 1589, 3,630l.; horseband, 15 June, 1587, to 11 October, 1588, 5,368l. 5s.; footband, for same period, 4,240l. 19s. 8d. Total, 13,927l. 4s. 8d.
Whereof paid:—by Sir Thomas Sherley, 10,960l. 12s. 4d.; two issues from the Exchequer, 2,500l.; to be repaid by Sir John Norreys or defalked from Willoughbye (paid to Norreys as colonel-general and for his horse and footbands, 15 to 24 June, 1587), 348l. 2s. 8d. Total, 13,808l. 15s.
So remains due, 118l. 9s. 8d.: whereof defalked from the horse and foot bands in 1587, 36s. 4d.; due to Henrick van Zouste, 16l.; checks, 12 October, 1587, to 11 October, 1588, 141l. 9s. 4d. So his lordship is overpaid, 40l. 16s., which shall be defalked from the pay of his horseband for 1589.
Endd. by Burghley. Undated. 1 large p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 225.]
July 31. Anne de Coligny to Walsingham.
Asking his favour for her hostess.—London, last of July.
Holograph. Add. Endd. “from Mlle. d'Andelott in favour of her hostess, Fischett.” Seal. French. 2/3 p. [France XIX. f. 214.]
July 31. Richard Tomson to Walsingham.
Found on arriving here another letter from Captain Solorzano, saying that the money for the Spanish prisoners will be provided very shortly, the Duke having appointed to be in Bruzels on August 5 at latest, Another Spaniard writes that the King has ordered their ransoming and has sent money for it, with other 400,000 crowns for the wars. Will settle the matter finally before returning home.
Finds that the tragedy committed on the King by a hypocritical friar has much lessened the affection of the people and chiefs of this place towards those religious orders, “and that they are well affected to the succession of the King of Navarre, the rather because they understand he hath sworn to maintain the Catholic religion.” The governor and town of St. Quintaine and also those of Depe and Bolleine have certified those here of their fidelity to him. Those here will follow their governor, to whom Tomson delivered his honour's letter and who has accepted the passport thankfully.
It has been bruited in many places in France and Flanders that her Majesty had died “distract of her senses.” Takes these bruits as a warning. The gentry hereabouts flock to M. Gourdan: “his wise government establisheth many wavering minds….”—Callais, last of July, 1589, English style.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XIX. f. 212.]
[July 31.]/[Aug. 10.]] Ottywell Smyth to [Walsingham?].
Kept this until August 10. (fn. 10) Letters have come from the captain who went with Mr. Sherley. They arrived safely at the camp, which increases daily, all the nobility acknowledging him [i.e. Navarre] for King. M. de Tavannes joined, with 3,000 foot and 500 horse. Divers other noblemen, as M. de Nevers, acknowledge the King, who has taken “the Charterowes hard by Paris, where were four cannons, and hath beset round about St. Denys, which doth begin to ‘parlement’ with him. It is thought Paris will not hold out long.” The King has sent the Duke d'Espernon, with 3,000 harquebusiers and 600 horse, for the prisoners, who will, some think, be taken to Rochell or another strong pl[ace]. (fn. 11) “The governor hath received never a letter from the King, which griev[eth] (fn. 11) him sore. They of Roane be gone to take Pountoudmaere, with 6 pieces of ordnance and 800 men and 400 horses. I do think they will be spoken withal,” though this town cannot get at them on the other side of the river. The League proclaims the Cardinal of Borbon as King and will all go to release him if they [can]: (fn. 11) “but he is fast enough kept for them to get him.” The King put to the sword all those in the Charterowes of Paris, “which angers the Leaguers very much.”
Holograph. Endd. with date. ¾ pp. [France XIX. f. 213.]
[July.] Sir Roger Williams to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, and Walsingham.
Excuses his boldness. Often heard the great captain M de la Nowe say that the greatest warriors should listen to their under officers and basest captains. In armies some of the captains are as good soldiers as their great officers, and they will never be known unless they can practise their art before their superiors either in action or in audience. Successors for the great officers will thus be always at hand.
Did his best to advance the southern journey, and would readily do so again for “there can be [no] safety comparable to our estate…. Had we gone to Lichborne and not touched at the Groyne, we had found the town unprovided of men of war. In such sort, with the favour of God, we had carried it away without blows. Then might we have placed in it 8,000 of our best men, with all or the most of our victuals and munition. We needed not to ‘a’ drawn any victuals from our ships, for the town and suburbs was plentifully furnished. Then ‘a’ returned the most of our ships with all the rest into England, the which should have been loaden with rich merchandise and great treasure. With that lading our Sovereign and your honours ‘mought a’ returned our shipping unto us with a new supply. In going into the Groyne we lost a number of brave men in dislodging. Then at the least 2,000 took their course, some for England, some for France. There we took our sickness, partly by the hot winds, but chiefly by the old clothes and baggage of those which returned with the Duke of Medyna out of the journey of England. There we lost many a day, in the which time the enemy armed and placed his forces where he thought most necessariest, chiefly in Lichborne. Notwithstanding, when we arrived we gave the law in the field that none durst fight with us in 12 days with 5,000 footmen,—God knows, poor people saving some 2,000, and those were all voluntary men.”
“All the horsemen we had, not amounted to 45. We had not any Portuguese to speak of; but such that were, did us more hurt than good. Under colour of them we lost the few men that were executed with the sword. Some will say, how could they have kept Lychborne? Believe it not. We would have kept it with 6,000 against all Spain and Portugall, during our victuals and munition,—the which would have dured, with our government, all the next winter; besides that we should ‘a’ found in the town, we had at the least 1550 Easterlings and French loaden with wheat and other things.” Six thousand men in possession of the town could easily master 2,000 in the castle, and there were but 300 there, under Don Gabriell de Manis the Castilian, before the County of Fontes arrived. The castle can easily be battered or mined, being unflanked for the most part.
The journey was very honourable and profitable. First, “the world will speak how 5,000 Englishmen dared the Spaniards to battle at the gates of Lichborne,—not stealing, but after giving leave to arm two months. For the world must think they knew where we meant to direct our course when Don Anthonio dislodged from his house at London; besides we were in their country almost 30 days before we came to the place. Secondly we spoiled the preparations that they meant for England at Lichborne and at Groyne, besides some seven score Easterlings and French that were laden to victual them, with a number of other necessaries for wars. Thirdly and principally, we discovered their government's ability, means, and weakness, and how to undo them.” Meanwhile “it were necessary to send six of her Majesty's good ships, with 12 good merchants and some six pinnaces, with store of fireworks in some six old vessels, resolutely conducted, into St. Anderos, there to burn their 58 ‘armathos.’ Then are you sure from Spanish forces, I mean out of Spain, this two years…. If your honours send, it must be out of hand. But all your captains must be resolute and valiant, else excuses will be made. The island and the castle is mended since we saw it last.” Craves pardon for his boldness and desires “your honours' favourable words unto my sacred Sovereign to forgive….”—“From my purgatory garrison, melancholy He that made me can bear me witness.”
Signed. Add. Endd. July, 1589. Seal of arms.pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 223.]
[July.] Sir Thomas Sherley's articles, with Burghley's answers.
Wyllughby's patent is dated 24 December, 1587: the warrant for his pay is from December 4. Answer: To have 4l. daily as Colonel until December 24.
Willughbye's own warrant for his entertainment is for 10l. 14s. daily from 4 December, 1587, to 25 March, 1588: is he to be paid this or only 6l. daily? Answer: To be paid at the rate stated in the Queen's warrant.
Desires order about money imprested upon the Council's warrant to Sir Thomas Morgan as lieutenant-colonel, the office being in dispute between Morgan and Sir Thomas Wilford. Answer: “To know from what day Sir Wm. Read was paid: to certify what money hath been paid.”
The last establishment allows only 4 commissaries of musters and adds 6s. 8d. (from the checks) to the sergeant-major's pay that he may act as the fifth commissary: he refuses to do this, so Willughby has appointed 5 commissaries and also made warrant for paying the 6s. 8d. to the sergeant-major. Desires direction.
Willughby appointed Captain Martyn provost-marshal-general at 13s. 4d. daily (from the checks): the establishment allows no such officer, so no payment has been made. Answer: “To inquire for what time.”
Willughby has Leicester's warrant as Colonel General from 15 June, 1587, to 11 October, 1587, but Sir John Norreys has the Council's warrant for 40l. for the same from June 15 to 24, 1587: is this 40l. to be defalked from Willughby? Likewise 135l. 4s. for Willughby's horseband, and 152l. 18s. 8d. for his footband.
Endd. July 1589. 2 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 228.]
[July.] Note of captains serving at Ostend.
Endd. July, 1589. ⅓ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 226.]


  • 1. July 23, o.s. was a Wednesday: Henry III was stabbed at St. Cloud on the morning of July 22, o.s., and died at about 2 a.m. in the following night [Aubigné, Histoire Universelle (ed. de Ruble), VIII. 77, n. 4].
  • 2. A similar letter to the Governor of Flushing is printed in Acts of the Privy Conned, XVII. 446, without the added note, but mentioning this letter.
  • 3. Printed in Acts of the Privy Council, XVII. 438–43: see also ibid. pp. 364–7.
  • 4. In other boats which they found there, according to the following letter.
  • 5. See also de Thou, lib. xovi.
  • 6. See also Spanish Calendar, IV. 547.
  • 7. Compare Bor, XXVI. ff. 37–8.
  • 8. The beginning of the letter seems to be missing.
  • 9. See above, p. 385, and Acts of the Privy Council, XVIL, 388.
  • 10. The earlier part of this letter is not now among the State Papers.
  • 11. MS. torn.