Index: A

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Aachen, Acon [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], Spiernick gone to, 38; Milward seeks loan at, 269; Parma at, 328.

Aalborg, Alburg [Jutland, Denmark], inhabitants of. See Bannicks, Helen; Mathew, Christian; Poppe, Paul.

A. B., 86.

Abbas I, shah of Persia, the Persian:
-, will not send son to treat with Turks, 12, 62; Turks say he will, 15; unlikely to make peace, 63.
-, Usbec makes peace with, 88.
-, Turks desert to, 164.

-, See also Persia.

Abbeville, Abbeveell, Abvill, Abville, Abvyell, Abvylle [Somme, France]
-, against king, 44; king's declaration against, referred to, 92 sends forces against Dieppe, 230.
-, accepts Spanish protection, 328; but not garrison, 342.
-, governor of, 35.

Abbyné, d', 70.

Abire. See Hâvre de Grace.

Achates, Queen's ship, 35.

Achez, Jerome d', sgr. de Toraise, Terrayze, di Therese, Tirasse, Champagny's nephew, prisoner of war, projects for exchange of, 43, 332; dealings of, with Menninck, 253.

Acon. See Aachen.

acquittances, referred to, 244; of captains, 83, 181; of J. Norris, 362; of Gilpin, 373.

A. D., extract from letter of, 337.

admiral, the lord. See Howard, Charles.

-, of France. See Nogaret, Bernard de and Jean Louis de.

-, of Turkey. See Hassan Pasha; Ibrahim Pasha.

-, -general of United Provinces. See Nassau, Maurice of.

-, lieutenant-, of Zeeland. See Nassau, Justinus of.

-, vice-, of Holland. See van der Does, Pieter.

-, vice-, of Zeeland. See Moor, Joos de.

admiralty, 267.

-, high court of, admiral court, lord admiral's court:
-, French complaints of, 113.
-, answers to Ortel about delays in, 144, 145; his proposals about, 162–4; States' envoys' proposals about, 369.
-, cases in, referred to: Decker v. Leveson, 149, 160, 369; Hendrickson v. Brokebancke, 161; Hulcher v. Flicke, etc., 150, 160–1; Leynssz. v. Flicke, 53, 149–50, 160; Linters v. Miller, 161.
-, judge of. See Caesar, Julius.

-, See also United Provinces, admiralties of.

Adolph IX, duke of Holstein, 285.

Adolphus, duke of Saxony, 153.

Adriaensz., Aelbrecht, shipmaster, of Flushing, 170.

Adrian, 244.

Adventurers, company of. See Merchants Adventurers.

Aeneas, Eneas, 70.

Aerschot, Auscote [Brabant, Belgium], 372.

Aerssens, Cornelis, greffier to States General:
-, letters and papers signed by, 8, 31, 34, 43, 46, 58, 76, 77, 106, 110, 111, 128, 217, 257, 278, 373.
-, presented answer to Willoughby, 30; and to Bodley, 66, 67.

Africa, 62, 84.

agents. See ambassadors.

Ager, —, 282.

Ailva. See Aylva.

Aisma. See Aysma.

Alansone. See Alençon.

Albanians, Albanoys, Albenes, Albinis, defeated on way to Mayenne, 165; Parma sends, to League, 299; Aumâle's, at Rouen, 387. See also Verdet.

Albert, cardinal-archduke of Austria, viceroy, governor, legate, of Portugal:
-, pope licenses, to go to Philip II, 19.
-, Mendoza sends cipher to, 197.
-, to replace Parma, 279.
-, defends Lisbon, 353.
-, house of, 361.

Albert, duke of Saxony, 2.

Alburg. See Aalborg.

Alcantara [Estremadura, Spain], 354.

Aldegonde, d'. See Marnix, Philippe de.

Aldobrandini, Ipolito, cardinal [aft. pope Clement VIII], papal legate, nuncio, to Poland:
-, mediates Polish-Imperial peace, 14, 63, 134; ill, 19; Zamoiski's terms to, 193; at ratification of peace, 379.
-, suggested as bishop of Arezzo, 20.

Aldred, Solomon, letter from, 402–3.

Aldrich, Aldridg, Aldrige, Aldryche, Alldredge, Alldrich, George, captain, formerly Bannister's lieutenant:
-, letter from, 393; letters brought by, 22.
-, to have footband, 377; asks to keep it, 393.
-, money due to, 293.
-, company of, sent to Ostend: musters of, 298, 339, 381, 382.

Alegria, Gabriel de, report on mission of, 135–6.

Alençon, Alansone [Orne, France], 97, 228.

-, duke of. See Francis.

Alessandro, captain, 90.

Algarve, the Algarves, province of [Portugal], 194.

Algiers, Argier [N. Africa], 165.

Aliaga, Francisco de, fiscal of Santo Domingo, 345, 346.

Alldredge, Alldrich. See Aldrich.

Allen, Alin, Allam, Alline, Allyn, Richard, gentleman of the chamber:
-, letters to, 115; referred to, 137.
-, can report on Portugal horse-bands, 100, 143.
-, mission to Utrecht: instructions, 102–3; declaration by, 112; proceedings of, 137; references to mission, 114, 115, 130; returns, 116.

-, William, cardinal, 325:
-, Parsons and Crispe go to, 34; Griffith and, 290, 302; Irish plans of, 338.
-, chaplain of. See Sebright.

-, —, Vere's lieutenant, 224.

-, —, money paid to, 175.

Allmans, Allmaynes, Almains, Almanes. See Germans.

almanac, Bylly's, 74.

Alost, Alste [E. Flanders, Belgium], 35, 118.

Alphonse, 248.

Alps, the, 234:
-, Savoy forces cross, 24, 62.
-, papal policy will bring Huguenots over, 302; Pope cannot stretch sword over, 326.
-, Lesdiguieres said to cross, 351.
-, passes of, 48, 379.

Altemps, cardinal. See Sittich, Mark.

Altoviti, the, merchants at Rome, 20.

Alva, duke of. See Toledo, Ferdinand Alvarez de.

Alvey, duke of [?for Ascoli, Antonio Luis de Leyva prince of], 225.

ambassadors, agents, commissioners, deputies, envoys, legates, nuncios, orators:
-, to France, 64, 69, 80–1, 92.
-, to Turkey not paid by Sultan, 88.
-, Bourbourg peace commissioners [1588], 43.
-, Bremen, to Emperor, 331.
-, Danish, to Parma, 338.
-, English, to Denmark. See Rogers, Daniel.
-, English, to France. See Lilly, William; Stafford, Sir Edward; Wootton, Edward.
-, English, to Germany. See Milward, William: Paul, John.
-, English, to Russia. See Fletcher, Giles.
-, English, to Scotland. See Ashley, William.
-, English, to Turkey. See Barton. Edward; Harborne, William.
-, English, to United Provinces, 137, 144, 146.
-,-, -, See also Allen, Richard; Beale, Robert; Bodley, Thomas: Caron, Noel de; Clarke, Dr. Bartholomew; Killigrew, Henry; Norris, Sir John; Sackville, Thomas; Wilkes, Thomas.
-, Ferrara, to France, 78.
-, Florentine, to France. See Cavriana, Filippo.
-, Florentine, to Spain. See Figliazzi, Gian Galleazzo.
-, Florentine, to Venice, 201.
-, French, to England. See de l'Aubespine, Claude; Mornay, Pierre de.
-, French, to Germany. See Barradat, Guillaume de; Schomberg, Gaspard de.
-, French, to Lorraine. See de la Jugie, François.
-, French, to Pope. See Angennes, Claude d'; Arques, François d'; Gondi, Pierre de; Vivonne, Jean de, sgr. de St. Gouard.
-, French, to Savoy. See Angennes, Jacques d'
-, French, to Spain. See Longlée.
-, French, to Swiss. See Harlay, Nicolas de.
-, French, to Turkey. See Savary, Jacques de.
-, French, to Venice. See Hurault, André Vigni.
-, Grisons, to Venice, 326.
-, Hamburg, to England. See Bergen, Sebastian à.
-, Imperial, to Poland, 47, 48, 193. See also Hungary, bishop of.
-, Imperial, to Rome and Venice. See Orimberg.
-, Imperial, Hungarian, to Turkey, special nuncio, 347, 348, 374, 375, 402; resident. See Sinzendorf, freiherr von.
-, League, to Parma, 50. See also Montlimart.
-, League, to Pope. See Brisson, Pierre.
-, League, to Spain, 202.
-, Morocco, to England. See Mushac Reyz.
-, Morocco, to France, 90.
-, Navarre, to England. See Bongars, Jacques de; Choart, Paul; de la Tuilerie, Coignet; du Faur, A.
-, Navarre, to Scotland. See Lysle.
-, Navarre, to United Provinces. See Hurault de l'Hôpital, Michel.
-, Papal, to Bologna. See Canobio.
-, Papal, to Cologne, 110.
-, Papal, to Florence. See Priuli, Lorenzo.
-, Papal, to France. See Cajetan, Henry; Morosini, Giovanni Francesco.
-, Papal, to Poland. See Aldobrandini, Ipolito. 27—(12)
-, Papal, to Portugal. See Albert, cardinal.
-, Papal, to Spain. See Speciani, Cesare.
-, Papal, to Venice. See Matteuccio, Geronimo.
-, Polish, to Emperor, 193. See also Cracow, palatine of; Radzevill, George.
-, Polish, to Pope. See Reschia.
-, Polish, to Turkey, ‘the great,’ 165, 346, 374, 401; resident. See Zamoiski, John. Portugal (i.e. Antonio), to Fez, 16.
-, Portugal (i.e. Antonio), to France. See Escobar, Antonio de. quom, duke, to France, 196, 212.
-, Ragusa, to Turkey. See Cervi, Orsato da.
-, Savoy, to France, 188.
-, Scottish, to Denmark, 285.
-, Spanish, to England [temp. James I]. See Sarmiento, Diego.
-, Spanish, to Florence, 304.
-, Spanish, to France. See Alegria, Gabriele de; Mendoza, Bernardino de.
-, Spanish, to Hanse Towns and Denmark. See Lopez, Ferdinando; van der Bergh, Hermann; Westendorp, George van.
-, Spanish, to Poland. See Gonzaga, Vespasiano.
-, Spanish, to Pope. See Guzman, Enrique de.
-, Spanish, to Venice, 303, 327, 351. See also Aragon, Charles de. Tartar, to Turkey, 164.
-, Transylvanian, to Turkey, 134.
-, United Provinces, to England, 137, 144, 145. See also Egmont, Jacob van; Loosen, Sebastian van; Moucheron, Pieter van; Ortel, Joachim; Valcke, Jacob; van den Warck, Jan; Voocht, Leonard de.
-, United Provinces, to Germany and Denmark, 1. See also Hohenlohe-Langenberg, Philip; Junius, John.
-, United Provinces, to Scotland. See van den Warck, Jan; Voocht, Leonard de.
-, Venetian, to France. See Mocenigo, Giovanni.
-, Venetian, to Spain. See Contarini, Tomaso.
-, Venetian, to Turkey. See Moro, Giovanni.
-, Zurich, to Venice, 326.

Amblise, d'. See Anglure, African d'.

Amboise, Ambois, Amboys, Amboyse [Indre-et-Loire, France], 236:
-, king sending League prisoners to, 27; the Longnac affair, 28, 47, 72–3, 78, 94; king takes prisoners to, 85, 94, 95; plot to release them, 126; Larchant at, 96.
-, royal forces cross Loire at, 237.
-, castle of, 47, 94.
-, governor of. See Gast, Michel de; Rilly.

Amond. See Aumont.

Ambrose, Ambrosie, captain, 286.

Amerongen, Ameronghen [Utrecht, Netherlands], 315.

-, fort near. See Vechtsche Schans.

Amersfoort, Amersford [Utrecht, Netherlands], English troops at. See Burgh, Sir John.

Amiens, Ameens, Aminis, Amyans, Amyens [Somme, France]:
-, for League, 44; kills heretics, 48; la Chatre at, 63; king's declaration against, referred to, 92.
-, accepts Spanish protection, 328; refuses garrison, 342; royalist rising at, 376.

Amsterdam [N. Holland, Netherlands], 116, 285:
-, deputies of, not at States, 65.
-, trades with enemy, 296.
-, Hohenlohe at, 397.
-, inhabitants, etc., of. See Jasperson, Berrent; Linters, Peter.

ships of, seized by English, 162; not ready for Norris, 168. See also Post Horse; Rose; St. Peter; White Falcon.

Amurath III, sultan of Turkey, the grand signor:
-, letters from, 135; referred to, 87, 133, 134, 350.
-, letters to, referred to, 87.
-, patent of, referred to, 134.
-, demands Ragusan tribute, 13.
-, executes 40 youths, 13; complaints against beglerbeg made to, 88; fines him, 134.
-, disputes with Venice, 87, 88; threatens Venice, 375.
-, treasury of, empty, 88,132,133, 164.
-, janissaries threaten, 133; averts their mutiny, 134; they mutiny 254, 319.
-, executes and exiles pashas, 254; recalls exiled pashas, 375.
-, Levant Ogly sends tribute to, 402.
-, relations with Emperor:
-,-, Emperor sends tribute to, 63.
-,-, demands tribute, etc., 87.
-,-, Emperor refuses to compensate defeated raiders, 88.
-,-, threatens war, 347–8; and demands arrears of tribute, 374, 375, 401; will detain envoy, 402.
-, relations with England.
-,-, will not send fleet against Spain, 12–3; Barton has little hope of it, 87, 88; Barton again urges it, 132.
-,-, forbids Ragusa to aid Spain, 88, 133.
-,-, value of English embassy to, 112–3, 348.
-,-, promises to send fleet against Spain, 133, 135, 350; no news of its preparation,
-,-, 165; Barton would bribe ministers of, 348.
-,-, fleet sails: to attack Spaniards, 347; it will do much good, 375.
-, relations with Persia. See under Persia.
-, relations with Poland:
-,-, prepares against Poles, 88; they will not send to, 134.
-,-, Tartar embassy to, 164; forbids them to attack Poles, 165.
-,-, supports Tartars against Poles, 346, 348; Tartars routed, 401.
-,-, sends army against Poles, 346, 347, 348; does not want war, 374; stays army at Danube, 401, 402.
-, sisters and daughter of, 375.
-, son of, 13, 254.
-, son-in-law of. See Ibrahim.
-, seraglio of, 133, 134.

Amyans, Amyens. See Amiens.

Ancisa, marquisate of [Italy], 49.

Andelott. See Coligny, Anne de.

Andernach, Andannack [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 299.

Anderson, Joyce, baker, of Flushing, 169.

Andrada, Manuel de, ‘David,’ Spanish spy, Don Antonio's servant, 197.

Andrews, Androwes, —, formerly of J. Burgh's company and ensign to T. Sherley, 227.

Andwarp, Andwerp, Andwerpe, Andworp. See Antwerp.

Angel Gabriel, of Holland, 149, 160.

Angennes, Claude d', cardinal of Rambouillet, Rambouliet, Rambolyt, archbishop of le Mans:
-, mission of, to Rome, 71, 74, 78, 179; Pope threatens, 326; at Florence on return, 376.
-, Henry III's chief counsellor, 94.
-, brothers of. See Angennes, Jacques d' and Philippe d'.

-, Jacques d', sgr. de Rambouillet, sr. de Poigny, Poigne, 179; mission of, to Savoy, 24; Leaguers take, 63; projects for release of, 70, 78.

-, Louis d', sr. de Maintenon, 70.

-, Philippe d', sgr. du Fargis, Forgit, 179; prisoner at le Mans, 95, 351.

Angers, Angeres, Angiers, Angiris [Maine-et-Loire, France]:
-, Longnac asks for castle of, 73; Henry III grants it, 77; the terms, 78.
-, for League, 126; for king, 182; king at, 220; gives it to Navarre, 227.
-, Soissons at, 285, 351, 357, 361.

Anglure, African d', baron of Bourlemont, prince of Amblise, chamberlain of duke of Lorraine, 90.

-, Anne d', sgr. de Givry, Gitire, Gyvry, defeats Leaguers, 96; attacks Bois de Vincennes, 245; hurt, 342; sent to Corbeil, 386.

Angoulême, Angolesme, Angoulesme [Charente, France], 7; Epernon and, 28, 70; truce in, 71; Longnac sent to, 96.

Anjou, duchy of [France], 236; for king, 285.

-, duke of. See Francis.

-, Mme. d', 285.

Anne, younger daughter of Frederick II of Denmark, to marry James VI, 270, 285.

anritgeld, 321, 360.

Ansbach [Bavaria, Germany], letter dated at, 57.

Antichrist, 62, 364.

Antoneli, John Bontista, 350.

Antonio, Anthonio, Antony, Don, prior of Crato, pretender, king, of Portugal, 277:
-, letters from, 197, 301, 360, 392.
-, Drake prepares forces for, 16; going to Indies, 17; reply of, to Drake and Norris' articles, 138–40; going to Lisbon, 152.
-, treats with Morocco, 17; Queen thanks Moroccans for favouring, 193.
-, intrigues in Portugal for, 24; prospects of, 180, 282.
-, sends Vega to Parma, 188; Mendoza sends Andrada to, 197.
-, in Portugal, 301, 336, 353; Lisbon friends of, 363; found little support, 378.
-, thanks Queen, 360.
-, gentlemen of, in France, 384.
-, London house of, 410.
-, See also Portugal, expedition to.

Antragues. See Balsac, Francois de.

Antwerp, Andwarp, Andwerp, Andwerpe, Andworp, Antwarp, Antwarpe, Antwarpt, Antwerpe, Anwarp, Anwarpe, Anwerp, Anwerpe [Antwerp, Belgium], 183, 244:
-, letter dated at, 104.
-, siege of [1585], referred to, 3, 180.
-, news from, 9–10, 11, 16, 20, 26, 50, 102, 279, 299, 327, 396–7.
-, Giles' wife at, 9, 10; Giles would send to, 272, 299, 327.
-, States' fleet before, 9, 102, 272, 299.
-, some of English exiles at, would return, 10, 397; Stanley at, 10, 35; he leaves, 102; Paget at, 10, 102; Scottish plotter leaves, 118.
-, Bergen troops near, 20.
-, D. Vasseur ready to spy at, 34.
-, Tympel, etc., gone to, 38; Menninck's activities near, 253.
-, Protestants leaving, 102, 272, 284, 397.
-, ‘French Fury’ at, referred to, 180.
-, R. Tomson at, 217.
-, English army's corn sold to, 219; Spain buys corn through, 224; customs increased at, 397.
-, Ascoli and Pastrana at, 292.
-, warships at, 296; boats prepare at, 396; sailors sent to Heusden from, 407.
-, Philip II repudiates Parma's loan from, 337.
-, preparations at, 396, 401.
-, Rooke's ill deeds at, 397. bishop of, 118.
-, former burgomaster of. See Junius, Dr. John.
-, garrison of, 10, 102, 148.
-, merchants of, 337, 396. See also Vaccket, Stephen.
-, castle of, 204, 397.
-, English house at, 102, 396. new town, 102.

Apostell, Dr Richeus, Frisian exile, 4, 108.

Aragon[Spain], 384.

Aragon, Charles de, duke of Terra Nova, Terrenova, viceroy, governor, of Milan:
-, deals with Mantua, 15, 26, 48, 62.
-, deals with Mayenne, 15.raises troops, 24.
-, Savoy visits, 24.
-, sent to Venice and Rome, 201–2.

Arbelais, Jacobo de. See Lorraine, Charles de, duke of Mayenne.

Arbitri, —, 90.

Arche, captain l', 90.

Archipelago, the, 303, 348, 350.

Ardabil, Ardevill [Azerbijan, Persia], 12.

Ardres [Pas de Calais, France], governor of, 397.

Arel, earl of. See Hay, Francis.

Arenburgh, earl of. See Ligne, Jean de.

Argentan, in Berri [Indre, France], 233.

-, —d', 335.

Arezzo [Toscana, Italy], 20.

-, bishop of. See Bonucci, Stefano; Usimbardi, Piero.

Argier. See Algiers.

Armada. See Spain, navy of.

Armewe, Armuy, Armuyden. See Arnemuiden.

armour, 215–6, 324, 382: captains rob men of, 82.
-, Dieppe wants, from England, 165, 203, 231.
-, imprest for, 192.
-, provided for Norris, 246.
-, muster orders about lack of, 399.
-, burgonettes, 215, 216.
-, corslets, 165, 203, 231, 382; price of, 246, 301.
-, cuirass, 73.
-, gorgets, 382.
-, headpieces, 382; price of, 301.
-, morions, 215, 216; price of, 301.
-, polderns, 215, 216.
-, taches, 215.

army. See under Farnese, Alexander; Spain; United Provinces.

army, English, in Netherlands:
-, Ste. Aldegonde's views on replacing, by subsidy, 23; answer to Ortel thereon, 144; Ortel's reply, 256.
-, proposal to replace horse by foot, 39, 68, 123; States' reply on it, 77; not all horsebands weak, 53; some reinforced, 50, 54; estimates of them, 110, 111.
-, States think Queen dare not withdraw, 46; its value to them, 122.
-, States will neglect, 58; they maltreat, 60, 238; Bodley urges better treatment, 123; States disregard treaty towards, 230.
-, Willoughby gives States authority over, in his absence, 111; his authority not limited to, 121; it is not at States' entire disposal, 235.
-, will observe treaty, 122; reply to Ortelon, 143–7; notesforamending treaty about, 304–8; proposals for better ordering of, 325.
-, States calumniate, 200; Oldenbarnevelt denounces, 311; leaders hostile to States, 313.
-, withdrawals from, against Armada, 250.
-, should obey C. of S., 255; Egmont, etc., ask it, 395.
-, treaty allows, to garrison another town, 310.
-, Vasseur sought to concentrate, at
-, Flushing, 338.
-, operations of:
-,-, States seek forces for Schenk, 279; Vere takes them, 280, 287, 288, 289.
-,-, fail to save Blienbeck, 338; in action at Rees, 339, 391; at relief of Rheinberg, 400–1
-,-, States seek forces for Heusden, etc., 397; Bodley writes to governors, 385; letters from C. of S., 390; letter from Maurice, 391; Borlas refuses, 393; C. of of S. write again, 406.
-,-, Vere's forces go to Bommelerwaard, 400, 401.
-, withdrawalsfor Portugal expedition:
-,-, lists of bands going, 9, 71–2; referred to, 40, 61, 99, 101.
-,-, Digges asks C. of S. to muster, 9, 62; some mustered by States, 100–1, 110, 111.
-,-, six horsebands to go, 9, 23, 30, 45, 60, 71, 110, 199, 220; at Rotterdam, 19; mustered, 100–1, 111, 142–3; weak, 112.
-,-, some at Rotterdam, 19; difficulties with States about them, 100–1, 102, 111.
-,-, States' agreement with Norris, referred to, 22, 29, 30, 37, 40, 45, 57, 60, 71, 110, 199, 273, 279, 284, 309.
-,-, Queen's orders on, 22; Willoughby informs States, 29; States' replies, 30, 31; reply, referred to, 36–7, 50; Ortel to inform Queen, 33–4.
-,-, should not be sent back till treaty reformed, 23, 58–9.
-,-, unduly weakens rest, 29, 37, 40, 46, 58, 110, 111; Bodley regrets, 195; Parma will take advantage of, 199, 200, 224.
-,-, Willoughby protests at, 37, 38, 54; his memorial on, 53–5; he expects disasters to follow, 58.
-,-, States protest at orders for, 40, 50; their letter to Queen, 45–6; they deny promise to replace, 53.
-,-, horsebands need money, 50, 54,59.
-,-, Baskerville not going, 52.
-,-, States protest at despatch of, 57–8; protest, referred to, 58, 59, 64; they meant all to be taken from cautionary towns, 60–1, 65; Willoughby's answer, 64.
-,-, instructions to Willoughby on, 71–2; he informs States, 98; he protests at instructions, 99–100.
-,-, Willoughby denies slackness about, 79; Bodley praises him, 80.
-,-, Willoughby despatches troops, 101–2; their weakness, 112, 309; some at Brielle, 114; reason for Bergen delays, 166–7.
-,-, frosts delay horsebands, 103; off Brielle, 114; Willoughby to hasten, 128.
-,-, lendings paid to, 129, 199, 220; paid till 11 August, 377; Council order on it, 147–8; amount paid, 176.
-,-, imprests to Norris for horsebands, 129, 298, 362; Council's order on them, 147–8; sum due, 158–9.
-,-, horsebands discharged, 158–9, 249, 374; their muster, 158–9; their checks, 210, 215, 246.
-,-, Queen asks States to replace, 199, 273; their reply, 279.
-,-, Boulogne seeks 50 of horsebands, 260.
-,-, States require return of, 278, 392; Egmont, etc., ask it, 310; C. of S. ask it, 390.
-,-, memorials on return of, 376–7, 382; the six horsebands to be replaced by twelve foot, 377, 396.
-,-, actions in Portugal. See Portugal, expedition to.
-,-, notes of bands in, 71–2, 100, 138; referred to, 249.
-,-, Borlas' remarks on, 243.
-,-, complaints of weakness of: by Ortel, 109, 143, 255; by States to Queen, 110–2; by States to Council, 217; by States to Bodley, 278, 370; by Egmont, etc., 283, 309–10; by C. of S., 390; complaints, referred to, 8, 328, 369, 398.
-,-, denials of weakness of: by Digges, 8, 32, 60; by Bodley, 39, 68; by Willoughby, 252; some bands reinforced, 281; bands stronger than States', 352.
-,-, enemy as raw as, 158.
-, captains absent from, 249:
-,-, States dislike it, 32.
-,-, Digges' queries, 61.
-,-, some go with Willoughby, 132; he is to send them back, 225; he does so, 252.
-,-, bad effects of it, 243; few should be allowed, 274.
-,-, some wholly neglect bands, 262.
-, aliens in band few should
-,-, Digges' queries on, 61; Parker asks ruling on, 324.
-,-, evil effects of, 82, 243.
-,-, States allow six, 129, 166, 167.
-,-, should be allowed, 143.
-,-, Council allowed twenty, 250.
-,-, many Scots, 281.
-,-, Council allows six, 377, 399.
-, musters of
-,-, abbreviates of, 9, 159; rolls, etc., of, referred to, 8, 9, 53, 60, 68, 159, 191, 242–3, 262, 274, 281, 349, 399.
-,-, book of checks [1587–8], 249–50.
-,-, lack of orders for, 31, 60, 251, 281–2; Leicester's orders, referred to, 31, 32, 251, 310, 395.
-,-, proposals for reform of: by Digges, 274; referred to, 282; by Council, 305, 325.
-,-, Council's new orders for, 377, 382, 398–400.
-,-, disputes with States over, 30, 282; Digges' accounts, 8–9, 32, 60–2. 250–1; memorial on, 191–2; Beale's notes on, 238.
-,-, Egmont, etc., complain about, 310, 395.
-,-, States require surprise, 68, 69, 77, 122–3, 230, 395.
-,-, States' orders on, 69, 129–30, 310.
-,-, general, to be taken, 29.
-,-, Borlas takes general, 226, 262; his report, 242–3; Digges' criticism, 281; Borlas' excuse, 349.
-,-, Council orders general, 377, 398.
-, new establishment of:
-,-, Digges asks C. of S. to accept, 9; States not informed of, 32, 170.
-,-, differences from old, 100, 251, 411.
-, warrants for payments to:
-,-, referred to, 8, 176, 181, 411. Leicester signed, without checks, 32, 50; Huddleston's payments without, 82–4.
-,-, disputes with States hinder signing of, 60.
-,-, for horsebands, referred to, 143, 159.
-,-, Errington asks for, 158.
-,-, Willoughby asks for, for Digges, 211; granted, 246.
-,-, Willoughby signed, for 1587–8, 249, 282; Council orders their stay, 252.
-,-, cannoneers ask for, 261.
-, full pay of:
-,-, rates of, 21, 192, 238, 251, 304, 352, 377, 378.
-,-, disputes with States hinder, 8, 32; Digges blamed for delay, 60; contractors to blame, 219.
-,-, evil effects of delay of, 37, 50, 54, 170, 190–1, 324; causes Ostend defects, 339.
-,-, made to horsebands, 175; advanced by merchants, 147, 362.
-,-, to 31 new bands [1587], 176.
-,-, petitions for, 190–1, 211, 246, 261, 330, 371; discharged men pester Council for, 275.
-,-, amount due to Oct., 1587, 253.
-,-, should be equally in lendings and apparel, 275.
-,-, how used, 324.
-, weekly lendings, 239:
-,-, rates of, 147, 352, 377, 399; not adequate, 50, 54, 59, 167, 170, 190, 249, 324; special imprests needed also, 190, 274, 362.
-,-, issues for, 75, 175, 177, 298; note of, 220; Sherley's account, 175–6.
-,-, contractors provide, 117, 362; their gains on, 219.
-,-, formerly paid in gross sums, 258; now partly in victuals, 147, 170, 257.
-,-, captains' frauds in, 82, 340, 382, 398; States would pay, to men, 310.
-,-, requests for regular, 41, 255.
-,-, Digges' proposals on, 274; Udall's opinion on, 352; Burghley's notes on, 382, 392.
-,-, to be paid by poll, 190–1, 257, 362, 377, 399.
-,-, Council's orders on, 398–9. States' commissaries should witness payment of, 192, 310, 395.
-, special imprests, 249:
-,-, by States to be repaid, 39, 68, 122; States require it, 77; promised to Ortel, 137, 144–5; Bodley, etc., to settle, 205; Beale's notes thereon, 238; Ortel asks repayment, 256.
-,-, Huddleston's, disallowed, 82–4. to States' troops, 137, 144, 146, 205, 217, 238.
-,-, T. Morgan asks for, 167; Flushing captains ask for, 190.
-,-, Sherley's account of, 175–6; his gains on, 219.
-, checks and allowances, 181, 219:
-,-, book of [to Oct., 1588], 249–51.
-,-, Huddleston's claims of, 83.
-,-, notes of Flushing, 174, 249.
-,-, Digges seeks orders on, 31, 282; Leicester paid many without check, 32, 54, 59.
-,-, to be made on lendings, 190, 377, 399; C. of S. to send quarterly certificates of, 399.
-,-, what made for, 250–1; for absentees and defects, 61, 110, 192, 250–1, 274, 377, 399 for deserters, 61, 190, 250; for prisoners, 61, 377, 399; for aliens, 61, 250–1, 399; for lost horses, 9, 61, 251; for powder, 378.
-,-, treasurer-at-wars' 100th penny, 83, 181, 258, 328; deducted from lendings, 352; worth 2,6001. p.a., 219; to be reduced, 377.
-, dead pays, 100, 143, 178, 339:
-,-, insufficient, 190.
-,-, States disallow, 191, 192, 250, 395.
-,-, lendings on, to be reduced in weak bands, 377.
-,-, Leicester's order on distribution of, 378; confirmed, 399, 400.
-,-, special allowances of, to general officers, etc., 32, 61, 83, 175, 382; to be reduced, 377,
-, victualling of:
-,-, rates for lendings, etc., of, 147, 166, 219, 257, 293, 305; new orders on rates and delivery of, 328, 377, 398–9.
-,-, money issued for, 75, 176; yearly cost of, 377.
-,-, victuals in garrisons, 41, 308–9.
-,-, dearness of, 138, 190.
-,-, treasurer's gains on, 219; contractors' gains on, 219–20, 352; captains' gains on, 340.
-,-, States levy excise on, 39, 69, 77, 123, 190, 239.
-,-, imprests by States to be repaid, 39; States require it, 77; promised to Ortel, 137, 144–5; Ortel asks repayment, 256.
-, apparel of, 52:
-,-, rates for, 147, 311–2, 352; orders on rates and delivery, 328, 378.
-,-, cost of, 311–2; price high and quality poor, 138, 275, 353.
-,-, money issued for, 175, 176, 362; issued to Flushing, 176, 190.
-,-, treasurer's and contractors' gains on, 219–20.
-,-, captain has to buy, 324.
-, accounts of:
-,-, notes of Exchequer issues, 75, 175, 177, 298; tellers' percentage disallowed, 84.
-,-, loss on delivery of money by exchange, 83; its keeping and transport, 83–4; staff required for it, 258.
-,-, treasurer's gains on, 219.
-,-, Huddleston seeks settlement, 52, 82–4.
-,-, declaration of Sherley's [Oct., 1587, to March, 1589], 175–7.
-,-, precedent for, between treasurer and captain, 181.
-,-, cautionary and auxiliary, should be separated, 239.
-,-, States dispute Leicester's, 8, 32, 60, 251.
-,-, States require repayment of imprests, 77, 217; promised, 39, 68, 122, 137, 144–6; note of it, 205; accounts should be made, 238; Ortel asks settlement, 256.
-,-, States dispute rates of pay, etc., 192, 238, 251, 304.
-,-, States disallow field officers' pay, 145, 192, 238, 305.
-,-, States dispute checks, 110, 192, 238, 250–1, 304–5, 399.
-,-, States disallow dead pays, 191, 192, 250, 395.
-,-, States disallow extra forces' pay, 68, 77, 122, 145–6, 191–2, 238.
-,-, Digges asks C. of S. to settle, 8; States ask settlement, 256.
-,-, commissioners should be sent to settle, 32, 60, 144; Burgh, Bodley and Gilpin to settle, 137, 146, 205; this postponed, 251.
-,-, should be settled yearly, 192; or every six months, 306.

auditor, audit-master, of. See Hunt, Edmund.

colonel-general of, 305.

colonel, lieut.-, unnecessary, 274. See also Morgan, Sir Thomas; Read, Sir William; Wilsford, Sir Thomas.

commissaries of musters, the Queen's, 8, 61, 238:
-, need orders, 9, 62, 281; Digges' proposals, 274; Council's, orders 398–9.
-, complaints against, 32, 82, 262–3, 349.
-, deny troops' weakness, 39, 68.
-, muster horsebands, 142.
-, checks presented by, 249–50.
-, new establishment only allows four, 411.
-, See also Digges, James and Thomas; Heigham, Arthur; Rogers, John; Smith, Richard; Sparrowhawk, John; Thorisby, George; Wyatt, Thomas.

commissaries of musters, the States', 281:
-, not appointed in garrisons, 8, 60; requests for appointment of, 9, 61–2, 305.
-, muster Portugal forces, 29, 62, 100–1, 142–3; did not muster extra forces, 77.
-, do not attend musters, 39, 60, 68, 192, 238; reasons, 30, 77; should witness payments, 310, 395.

complaints against, 60, 68–9, 100–1, 123, 143.
-, States' orders for, 129.
-, Council's orders about, 399.

corporals of the field, 305.

general, lord, of:
-, treaty authority of, 191; should be restored, 305–8, 310.
-, should not have company, 274.
-, has seat in C. of S., 395.
-, commissaries to be sworn before, 398; and muster rolls sent to, 399.
-, See also Bertie, Peregrine; Dudley, Robert.
-, judge marshal of. See Clarke, Dr. William.
-, marshal of the field of, 305. See also Pelham, Sir William.
-, master of the horse of, 305.
-, master of the ordnance of, 305. See also Bingham, Sir Richard.
-, overseer, commissary general, chief commissary, officer, of musters, muster-master-general, in. See Digges, James; Digges, Thomas.
-, provost-marshal-general of, 305. See also Martyn; Spencer, James.
-, quarter-master-general of, 305.
-, sergeant-major-general of, 274, 305, 411. See also Vere, Sir Francis; Wilsford, Sir Thomas.
-, treasurer at wars of. See Huddleston, Richard; Sherley, Sir Thomas.
-, treasurer, vice-, of. See Lecester, George; Meredith, William.
-, treasurers, deputy, of. See Humphrey, John; Jeffrey, Richard; Keynell, Christopher; Mole, John; Pope, George; Puleston, John; Thorisby, George; Yate, George.
-, victuallers of. See Cox, Henry; Lecester, George.
-, See also Bergen-op-Zoom; Brielle; cautionary towns; Flushing; Ostend.

Arnemuiden, Armewe, Armuy, Armuyden [Zeeland, Netherlands], 181, 287; utiny at, referred to, 175, 176; trades with enemy, 296.

Arnhem, Arnam, Arnham [Gelderland, Netherlands], Villiers saw English troops at, 19; Mörs at, 31; he returns from, 114; weak garrison in, 271.

Arques, François d', cardinal of Joyeuse, at Rome, 19, 25; gone to Venice, 303, 358, 376.

Arriaga, Gabriel de, 345, 346.

Arrol, earl of. See Hay, Francis.

Arsinack, 28.

Artaxerxes, 54.

Artigotti, Rotigoti, Chrétien d', the duke of Lorraine's chamberlain 90.

artillery. See guns.

Artois, county of [Spanish Netherlands], 328; troops sent to, 10, 45; trade with, 36; Cambrai raids in, 272; Parma's troubles with, 396.

-, president of. See Grussot, Jean de.

Artson, Walter, ship of, 160.

Arzay. See Azay.

Ascoli, Ascule. See Leyva, Antonio Luis de.

Asfellde, —, 46.

Ashenden, William, captain, 293.

Ashley, Ashely, William, English ambassador to Scotland, 103.

Asia, 88.

Askot. See Croy, Philippe de.

Asmi Effendi, hogia, schoolmaster, of Turkey, 13.

Asperen [S. Holland, Netherlands], fears for, 271, 381, 385.

Assan Aga. See Hassan Pasha.

Asseliers, Philip d', captain, 175, 249, 287.

Astell, Henry, late Flushing gentle-man-porter, 175.

Astrakhan, Astracan [Russia], 246, 247.

Ataguia, Atauguia, Toguia [Estremadura, Portugal], 336, 353.

Atlantic Ocean, 375.

Aubrey, Awbrey, Dr. William, 163.

Auburges, 282.

Audicidialas, 354.

audiencia, of Santo Domingo, 345, 346.

Audley, Awdeley, Awdley, Elvathan, captain, dies, 287, 289.

-, John, lieutenant, recommended for Elvathan A.'s footband, 287, 289; goes to England, 371.

-, lord. See Touchet, George.

-, —, 400.

Augsburg, Augsberg, Augsburgh, Augsburghe, Ausbourg, Ausbourgh [Bavaria, Germany], 132, 269:
-, news from, 63; Grebner offers to send news from, 319.
-, Milward seeks loan at, 279, 331.
-, magistrates of, letter from, 218.
-, merchants of, 319. See also Sulzer, George.

-, Confession of, referred to, 140, 148, 149, 156.

Aumale, Aumalle, 90.

-, chevalier d'. See Lorraine, Claude de.

-, duke of.Claude de. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Aumont, Amond, Omond, Omont, Antoine d', son of Jean, 386.

-, Jacques d', son of Jean, 386.

- Jean d', marshal of France, letter from, referred to, 78; present at Guise's death, 47; repulsed at Orléans, 33, 85; at Étampes siege, 334; to attack le Mans, 355; hates Épernon, 386.

Ausbourg, Ausbourgh. See Augsburg.

Auscote. See Aerschot.

Austend. See Ostend.

Austria, house, princes, of:
-, Polish king poisoned by, 10.
-, want legate to settle with Poles, 14; differences with Poles, 16; must renounce Polish crown, 63.
-, Tartar raids favour, 134.
-, to swear to treaty with Poles, 193.

-, archdukes of. See Albert; Charles; Ferdinand; John; Matthias; Maximilian; Philip.

Auvergne, Charles, count of, grand prior of France, bastard of Charles IX, marriage and legitimation of, 27; blamed for Nemours' escape, 70; and Bellegard alone enter cabinet, 74, 81.

Auxerre [Yonne, France], 95.

Auxonne, Ossone [Côte d'Or, France], 28.

-, governor of. See Beauffremont, Claude de.

Averly, G. de, letter from, 394–5.

Avignon [Vaucluse, France], 292.

Avrillé, Avril [Vendee, France], news from, 285.

Awbrey. See Aubrey.

Awdeley, Awdley. See Audley; Touchet, George.

Axel, Axele [Zeeland, Netherlands], 114, 189.

Ayamontes, marquis of, 194.

Aylva, Ailva, Aylwa, Duvus van, 131.

-, Wybrand van, 4, 107, 131.

Aysma, Aisma, Ayssma, Doeche, 5, 107, 108, 131.

-, Dr. Hessel, president of Friesland:
-, letters from, 182, 344; letters to, referred to,.5.
-, missions of, referred to, 3.
-, imprisoned, 4.
-, English intercession for, 18, 38, 80; States' reply, 42; Frisian States' reply, 107.
-, petition for restoration of, 131.
-, States seek to weary out, 141.
-, Caron to deal for, 182; promises to Caron about, broken, 344.
-, his defence, 183–5.
-, house of, 4.

Azevedo, Pedro Enriquez d', count of Fuentes, county of Fontes, 353, 410.

Azay, Arzay [Indre-et-Loire, France], 237.

Azores, islands, 376.