Elizabeth: July 1589, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Elizabeth: July 1589, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp374-393 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1589, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp374-393.

"Elizabeth: July 1589, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp374-393.

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July 1589, 11–20

July 11/21. Jacques Valcke to Walsingham.
After delivering to his honour the Elector of Cologne's letters [not found], Valcke wrote to the Elector of his honour's remarks about the difficulties of obtaining the prisoner of quality for whom he asked. His honour afterwards sent Ortel to tell Valcke that there was no hope, but asked him not to write of this to the Elector until he himself wrote. Has just received a letter from the Elector with the enclosed letter to his honour [not found]. Desires him to answer it and send the answer to Valcke, who knows to whom to address it. The Elector means soon to depart. —London, 21 July, 1589, stylo novo.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 2/3 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 155.]
July 11. Edward Barton to [Walsingham?].
Wrote last by Mr. Richard Mallory on June 29. The beglerbey of Grecia still journeys slowly to hasten the coming of the long expected great Polish ambassador. These people “have no great stomach to deal with the Poles, and therefore rather desire that the ambassador come to confirm the peace."
The Hungarian nuncio is still detained. New letters are sent to the Emperor, threatening war unless he release 3,000 Turkish prisoners and pay the tribute. He is two tributes in arrears.
Andrea Doria is said to be at sea with 80 galleys. If so, thetwo admirals will probably meet, for Doria knows of this man's slender appointment and Hassan Bassa will be ashamed not to display his valour in this his first enterprise.
The exiled bassas are recalled to the city, but not to government: all their possessions are taken from them and they are allowed for their housekeeping, Chiaus Bassa 1,600 gold ducats, Ebrahim 1,200, and Mahemed 1,000, “being not sufficient to pay for the attire of their wives' heads, two of them having two sisters of the Grand Signor's and the third his daughter.”
No news from Persia, except renewed rumours of peace and of an ambassador coming. The Vicerey threatens the Imperial and Venetian ambassadors that when this peace is made he will remember all their injuries during these Persian wars.
Three or four galleys go to the Black Sea ports for masts, timber, cables, and ropes for next year, when, if the Vicerey “perform but the half of that he braggeth, the Spaniard shall have greater occasion to defend those Mediterranean parts of his dominions than commodity to offend others his neighbours on the ocean side….”—11 July, 1589.
Signed. Endd. 1⅓ pp. [Turkey I. f. 176.]
July 12/22. William Lyly to Walsingham.
This siege goes slowly. Many men have been put into the town, and the churches almost prevent any approach to it.
“The King and his folks have left no attempt, as well by mine as escalade, but all is yet in vain.” Three cannon arrived last night from St. Lys: to-day they prepare places for them and make a battery and already have beaten down a tower which much annoyed them. “At a sally they made out upon the English quarter, our captains behaved themselves wonderfully well, and so did one of them show himself cunning in the mine. We are assured that Hoteford is slain, embalmed here, and buried at St. Onerie's at Paris with much solemnity; and Hallingiert hurt. But this was the first day of our approach. He was a man of their greatest account. We think la Chatre now must come also to Paris for want of good chiefs.” The King made a bridge at St. Twyn, where last night 5 or 600 horse passed, under the King of Navarre. Another will be ready to-day on the other side, near l'lsle Adam, where M. de Chastillon will to-night put over 2,000 shot. Then this town will be environed on all sides. No artillery will be placed on the Paris side of the river, as the enemy has burned all the fauxbourgs: forces will only be put there to blockade it. “And so, well battered with the cannon and followed with an assault, make these folks within think on their consciences.” It is regretted that the King did not go direct from Villepreu to St. Clou and take St. Dennys, which is now very strong. The Swisses were yesternight at St. Tournon, about 20 leagues hence, awaiting the King's direction to come hither or to go towards Paris. “They are conducted by Longueville andla Noue. With them many gentlemen, 1,800 French horse, 2,000 footmen, 2,500 lansknechts, 200 voluntary reiters, gentlemen, and Swisses 11,500, with 14 pieces of artillery. There are 4,000 reiters coming, which the King never thought to be but some 1,200, under the conduct of the Baron of Creuance, whose coming hath caused certain companies sent unto the Duke of Lorraine from the Prince of Parma (who is yet at the baths)— which men came hither—to return towards Saverne where he hopeth they will pass and so fight with them. It is hoped that they have taken the way of Langres and so escaped that danger. Now it is doubted that having failed there, so near Jametz, that he will employ them there, for that he would never at any request of the King give over the assiegement thereof, and that otherwise their arrival hither will be very late.”
“Amyens, the royalists and leaguers there have been together by the ears and are still. The royalists have required M. de Humyres and other gentlemen to aid them,” but whether they dare and what has become of them is not known. “At Paris they are held in with opinions of the weakness of the King; that these Swisses are brought down for them at the King of Spain's cost; that they have defeated the King's; and the defeat of the English army in Spain cried. From Spain there is nothing but the re-embarkment of our army, with opinion that they are gone to the Isles, with some loss of men at Lisbone, having been nothing aided of the country there. Italy: God's Vicar continueth his rage, and of his bull I cannot get a copy, it is here kept so secret, but at Paris contrary. It is only the Cardinal that is gone to Venize. The ambassadors are at Florence, to take there some resolution for their return. Savoy hath 8,000 footmen and 1,600 horse, and is towards Geneva. They of Berne have increased their forces 8,000, but I doubt they do no good. Here they stand in fear that Count Charles should have some design in Picardy, and to remedy that have no other course but her Majesty, that she send forces into Flanders; and for this and divers other considerations would now enter into a perpetual league with her Majesty. All the greatest counsel this as necessary for both sides, and the time fit. I know not what an absolution may change upon such an occasion, but now there is great need of friends and money. Revol desired me to write to your honour to speak to her Majesty to lend the French King sixty 'milliers' of powder, whereof at this time there is great need….”—The camp before Pontoyse, 22 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Words in italics in the Stafford-Burghley cipher. 2⅓ pp. [France XIX. f. 180.]
[July 12.] Memorial for the Low Countries.
“Order that the 1,050 footmen be sent to the Low Countries.” To Flushyng:—Captains Richard Wyngfeld and Hynder, one forFulford (dead: Hart is also dead and to be replaced); 450. To Ostend:—Sir Edward Norryce, Anthony Wyngfeld (with a full band supplied from the 500 sent thither: he brought but 40); 300. To Brill:—one to be named by Lord Willoby [and Burgh crossed out] instead of Brett (dead); 150. To Barges:—Champernon's company, which came from Utryct (to be named by Lord Willoby); 150.
The 6 companies, of 600 horsemen, to be converted into 8 companies of 1,200 foot. Medenkyrke's might be one. The fewer need be transported since 500 have been sent already from London. The captains of horsebands to be offered footbands: Sir John Borogh, Sir Thomas Knolls, already have footbands; Sir Robert Sydney is Governor of Flushyng; Sir Christopher Blunt is not to go; Anthony Shurley goes to France; Matthew Morgan. Consideration to be given to Captains Waynman, Smyth, Aldridg, Pekfyn, George Morton, Jackson, and Dolfyn. Sir John Norryce has a special good band of his own. Transportation to be paid by the sale of the goods taken in the hulks. The 1,050 and the 1,200 have been paid lendings and weekly victuals to August 11. To be considered whither they shall be sent, and the increased charge of victualling the 1,200 by poll—200 foot cost 2,591l. 16s. yearly, 100 horsemen cost 2,880l.
Necessary observations for her Majesty's better service. A general muster to be held. To begin at Ostend—9 old and 4 new bands, 1,755 polls. Next at Flushyng—deficiency to be made up from the 500 recently sent from London: 6 cautionary and 8 auxiliary bands, 1,800 polls, less 30 dead pays [should be 15 in future] allowed to Sir Thomas Shyrley and the 30 [also to be 15] to Erryngton. Next at Berghes. Next at Brill.
Certain general notes to be observed. Only 6 [over 4, crossed out] in a band to be allowed absent by passport, and any so absent more than 6 weeks to lose their pay during their absence unless delayed by sickness or want of passage. Any absent over 9 weeks to be replaced and the pays to be saved to the Queen. Only 12 [over 6, crossed out] strangers in a band to be allowed. Weekly pays, to be paid by poll with no allowance for those absent until they return:—captain 40s. [2s. of pay remains due], lieutenant 20s. [1s.], ensign 10s. [6d.], 2 sergeants 10s. [2s.], 2 drummers the same, 1 surgeon 5s. [2s.], each soldier present 2s. 4d. in money and 8d. in bread and beer [remains 2s. 8d.]. Sick to be paid by poll in the place where they are sick. Prisoners' pay to be given to the captain, who shall answer it to them. If a band has about 40 less than 129 present (i.e. 150 less 15 dead pays and 6 absent), the captain shall lose 5 dead pays, and so on proportionately. That the soldier be relieved of the 100th penny: it might be made ½d.
Orders for due answering to the soldiers of weekly lendings in victual. To be as good and as cheap as in the town. An officer or two to be appointed to examine it, aided by the town clerk of themarket. Two examiners of apparel to be appointed in London: to seal every fardel: separate fardels for each town.
Rough notes by Burghley. Endd. with date. 5 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 159.]
[July 12.] Request by George Lecester, victualler of her Majesty's garrisons in the Low Countries, that one of his deputies, Nicholas Francklyn, may transport weekly from Sandwiche to Ostende 6 [over 8 crossed out] oxen, 25 [over 30 crossed out] sheep, 10 ‘porks,’ and some tallow for candles.
Endd. with date. ¼ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 158.]
July 13. Captain E. Bannaster to Walsingham.
Was in Holland and Zeeland on the 7th. Great preparation of the best shipping is made there, to go, it is said, with corn to Spain where there is a great dearth. Great store is also said to be making ready in North Holland.—Bargan-op-Some, 13 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 162.]
[July 13.] Schedule of her Majesty's rates of pay for the cavalry and infantry in the Low Countries.
Endd. with date. 1 large p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 164.]
[July 13.] Note of Leicester's order for the distribution of the 10 dead pays allowed in every 100, viz.:—1 to increase the pay of 2 corporals, 2 for 4 gentlemen, 3 for 12 musketeers; also 1 to the captain and 3 for rewards to officers, etc., at the captain's discretion.
Checks for defects of officers, gentlemen, or musketeers to be made after this rate. A guilder to be deducted monthly from the pay of each ‘shot’ for powder used at the watch, exercise, etc. The corporal to be changed monthly by consent of the majority of the company.
“We like it most convenient that this course of distribution of the said dead pays accustomed be continued.”
Certified as a true copy of the original signed by Leicester and remaining with the muster-master.
Endd. with date. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 165.]
July 14/24. De Chatte to Walsingham.
Sees, by the memoir which his honour sent him, what happened to the army sent into Portugal. Don Antonio found less support than he expected. Regrets that he is unfortunate in his enterprises. It would be a great honour for her Majesty if she could establish him in his kingdom. All praise her for attempting it and for beating the enemy in so many encounters and under such disadvantages.
The King batters Pontoyse with the guns which the Duke of Aumâle left at Senlis and those of the army of M. de Longueville, who has joined M. de Tinteville and gone to meet the 3,000 reiters. The Duke of Aumâle is in Roan.—Dieppe, 24 July.
Postscript. Autefort has been killed in Pontoyse, where he commanded for the Duke of Mayne.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 1 p. [France XIX. f. 184.]
July 14. John Lobetius to Walsingham.
Has not written oftener because the lack of letters from Walsingham showed that his letters were not so welcome as formerly. The sieur Zolcke at his return from England brought none from Walsingham, Sedney, Waad, or Rogers.
Wrote on March 7 last [letter not found] of M. Sturmius' death and sent a programme printed in his honour. On April 29 sent M. de Brye's epitaph on Sturmius [not found].
The Swiss levied for the King of France have marched through the Franche Comté of Burgundy and have joined the troops of the Duke of Longueville, the Marshal de Chaumont, and the sieurs de la Noue and Tinteville. The reiters and lansknechts levied here could not be ready so soon. They have followed the Swiss through the Franche Comté, where they are probably at this moment. The sieur Dietz de Schomberg is their general. The reiters' colonel is the Baron Thomas de Gerange or Krickingen. M. de Fresnes, alias Canaye, is the King's representative with them, and the Count de Tavanes awaits them on the frontiers of Burgundy, to lead them to the King. The Count de Nanteuil, Gaspar de Schomberg, has long been expected in Germany.
The war of Savoy continues. Those of Berne and Geneva have continuously defeated those of Savoy, but have not yet taken the Pas de l'Escluse, a mountain pass opening the road into Savoy or Bresse. The sieurs Alfonse Corse and Lesdiguières, who are on the King's side, may also attack from Dauphiné. The Duke of Lorraine masses troops to prevent anyone from passing through his dominions. Despite the King's request, he still seeks to occupy Jametz castle, which may be forced to yield for lack of assistance.
The Emperor has at last sworn to observe the peace with the Poles, so the Archduke Maximilian will be released. The ceremony took place at Prague on July 10, N.S. The Emperor summoned Cardinal Radville and the Palatine of Cracow, the Polish ambassadors, to his room, where there was an altar with two candles burning before it. He told them in private audience that he agreed to their demands and was willing to take an oath in the prescribed form. They accepted his offer, and he knelt before the altar and read aloud the oath, written upon a paper held by the sieur de Rosemberg and the Grand Master, George Popel. The Nuncio was present. Then the deputies of Bohemia and other provinces, except Hungary, were called in and took the oath. The Palatine of Cracow then agreed upon the restitution of Lubula by the Emperor. The Vice Chancellor Curtz thereupon asked for the release of his Majesty's brother, the Archduke Maximilian, and promised that the Hungarians would ratify the peace at their next assembly.—Strasbourg, 14 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. French. 1½ pp. [Germany, States, V. f. 238b].
July 15/25 Du Pin to Walsingham.
The affairs of the King, his master, go from good to better. Du Pin's last news from him was from the camp before Pontoise, whose speedy taking was expected. Has sent several packets to Walsingham from him whom Stafford left at the Court [i.e. Lyly]. They were sent on from Tours. There are still some English here, recovering. Offers his services in all things.— la Rochelle, 25 July, 1589.
Postscript. Recommends the bearer.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 1¼ pp. [France XIX. f. 185.]
July 15. Thomas Bodley to Walsingham.
Wrote on the 9th [letter not found] by Mr. Charles, to his honour and the Council, of the General States' answer to the articles which he (Bodley) proposed, and of his dealings with the Council of State about Vasseur. They have resolved to write to her Majesty touching the reasons he propounded. Will seek to delay their proceeding until he hears from his honour.
Gilpin and Bodley have perused the particular notes sent by the lords. They find that some points “are sufficiently provided for already, some not practicable among them, and some others that will but minister occasion of jealousy and suspicion and yet make very little for the weal and good of the country.” Sundry points also should be added. Gilpin and Bodley will note them down and send them to Walsingham.
Encloses a copy of the sentence passed at Utrecht against Deventer, “which is as much favour as I did ever look for at their hands.” Deventer has gone to Colonel Baxe, his cousin-german, at Cullenborche. Barnevelt told a servant of the Colonel that the Count of Cullenborche would hardly allow such a man as Deventer in his town,—he had better receive a garrison of Englishmen. He said this “very scoffingly against the nation and with many malicious speeches against the poor man,” whom he seems inclined still to persecute.
This bearer, Mr. Undrewood, can tell how things stand with Sir Martin Schincke, from whom he has just come. Schincke has defeated two enemy cornets, capturing 100 men and 60 horse.
The enemy increases his forces around Hoesden and has taken the houses of Brakell and Poieroyen in the isle of Bommel. He tried to cross the Wael in flat-bottomed boats near Herwijnen, but was repulsed and is believed to have marched towards the house of Heel. Letters sent to inform Schinck of the danger to these parts and to ask for some part of his forces. Fears that Hockelum, Asperen, Leerdam, Vianen, and Cullenborche, will be lost if the enemy crosses the river.—The Hage, 15 July, '89.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 169.]
Sentence (fn. 1) of the Court of the town of Utrecht in the suit brought before it by Nicolaas van Zuylen van Draechenburch, heer van der Zevender, etc., prosecutor nomine officii as schout of the town, against Gerrit van Pruyninck, called Deventer, at present prisoner; that Deventer is to be banished for ever from the town and liberty, and that he must depart within 24 hours of his release from prison, and that he shall be incapable of serving in any town or office.—Utrecht, 11 July, 1589.
Copy. Endd. by Bodley. Dutch. ⅓ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 170.]
July 15. Sir John Conway to the Privy Council.
Upon the arrival of Captains Weynman, Smyth, and Alldredge, Conway held a muster on June 24 of their companies and of the rest of the garrison, according to their lordships' orders. Noted their arms and the defects thereof.
Delivered the muster books to the commissary resident here, Richard Smyth, to be put into meet form of certificate and warranted by the captains' hands. Gave him also his letter “whereby I would join with him in certificate.” Smyth, after some delay, said he could not get the captains to conclude. Conway asked for the books, to conclude them. Smyth replied that “he hath delivered the original books to the captains, showeth me new books translated, and saith he hath certified the service himself.”
Writes this to show that he has not been negligent. After the review, he caused his man to draw up the enclosed abstract, which he willed the commissary to compare with his, that they might make joint certificate.
The 50 disbanded men sent over were very unfit for the service. However, he placed them in the defective bands. The three captains brought over as many more loose men, so the companies are well strengthened. As the new men are “the outcasts of the city and the suburbs,” he fears they will go over to the enemy within three months, “so soon as winter shall pinch them….”—Ostend, 15 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 172.]
Abstract of the review taken June 24.
Conway's company: 1 absent. Sir Thomas Knollis, 115; absent 12; lacks 9 rapiers, 18 headpieces, 1 gorget, 3 corslets. Sir Charles Blont, 112; absent 18; lacks 7 rapiers, 5 headpieces, 3 armours. Oliver Lambert, 131; absent 2; lacks 5 rapiers, 46 headpieces. Protherch, 122; absent 3; lacks 19 rapiers, 14 headpieces, 2 corslets. Deccomb, 122; absent 4; lacks 14 headpieces, 14 armours. Souderman, 110; absent 16; lacks 2 rapiers, 1 armour. Wenman, 135. Aldrige, 133; returned 2. Smith, 135.
Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 173.]
July 15. Edward Payne to Walsingham.
Has been in these countries ever since her Highness “had here to do,” so is but a stranger to all who might help him. Appeals to his honour, as he is reported to be “the only favourer and preferrer of soldiers.” His readiness to serve his honour, though he has as yet done him no service. Heard through Mr. Fowlk Greeuyll and Mr. Conwaye the good opinion which Walsingham has of him for his conduct during the mutiny, of which he will leave Sir John Conwaie to speak, although he did “no more than my duty.”
Since then, in Captain Brakenbury's absence (who is still prisoner at the Sluce), Sir John Conwaie has given Payne the office of sergeant-major of Ostend until Brakenbury returns.
Desires that he may have his pay for the time he was lieutenant to Sir Walter Waller, who deals “not like a knight,” having sold his company and left many of them unsatisfied. Cannot pay his debts, incurred on behalf of the company. Waller was not with them 13 days in 13 months, nor did he furnish them with arms or other necessaries. Desires also to be given the next company which falls vacant here.—Ostend, 15 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 175.]
[July 15.] Notes by Burghley.
R. Wyngfeld, Hender, and one for Fulford, to go to Flushyng. Only 4 in a band to be absent by passport, and for only 6 weeks. Only 6 strangers in a band. “No marshal, deputy-governor, gentleman-porter, watch-master, provost-marshal,sergeant-major, to have bands or double offices. No petty merchants or sutlers to be in bands. No dispensation for absence for 'bootehallyng' [plundering]. The errors of certificates for guest houses, for burghers' certificates, for service money.” Erryngton and Sir T. Shyrley's 30 dead pays. “Thomas Maria Wyngfeld. Sir William Drury.”
In Burghley's hand. Endd. with date. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 177.]
July 15/25. Edmund Palmer to [Walsingham?] (fn. 2).
Three months ago he wrote twice by way of Tradath, sending one letter by John Sparrowe and the other by Giles Brockes, master of a Lyrpoole barque freighted by Tradath merchants. Wrote in them of the abuses of Pierce Stronge and other Irishmen. Stronge is friendly with an Irish priest in St. Sabastians and with another priest who served in the Spanish Army and whom he carried hence into Spain, where he went to the court and obtained a reward of 60 ducats as well as the King's ‘sedola’ [cedula] for the payment of his wages for the time he served.
This bearer, George Wood, a Scottishman, and his merchant, the Mayor of Dublin's man, sold their goods here and would not take them into Spain or sell them to Spaniards.
Four score ships of this town and district have been arrested by the Spaniards in the Passage, a good harbour 15 miles hence. They seized 4 of the best ships and took sureties from the rest to furnish them with 400 mariners “at all times demanded: which the French were contented to do so that they might have the rest freed. So, Spaniards were given in for sureties and all the French ships released and departed, except the 4; and were twice at the court of Spain about it. In the end the French ambassador released the other 4 ships and the sureties, that bond was given in for the 400 men. As yet the Frenchmen cannot get their ships from thence till that the Army be departed.”
Eleven great ships and 4 small pinnaces are ready to leave the Passage in 4 days for St. Andero, where there may be fifty more ready. All these are to waft home the Indies fleet, the King greatly fearing Sir Francis Drake's forces.
Sir Francis left Lisbon on June 14: he went to the island of Bay on in Galicia, and burned Vigo. He has now gone with 50 sail to encounter the Indies fleet. The rest of his ships were sent home, as many of their crews “did die with diseases.” These are the Spaniards' reports.
“If Sir Francis had gone to St. Andero as he went to the Groine, he had done such a service as never subject had done, for with 12 sail of his ships he might have destroyed all the forces which the Spaniards had there, which was the whole strength of the country by sea. There they did ride all unrigged and their ordnance on the shore and some 20 men in a ship only to keep them. It was far overseen that he had not gone thither first.” However, if he meets with the Indies fleet, “it will be a great abating unto the Spaniards' pride, whose hearts be as big as ever they were. When they went for England, the King took the fifth man of his country; and now the third, man. These ships are manned with cobblers, tinkers, and shoemakers, and horse boys and labourers, for that all his country is destroyed for mariners.”
Dearth of wheat in southern Spain: it costs 60 reals a hanega, “which may be a bushel and half, Winchester measure.” It is dear also in Castille, and very dear in Aragon. No rain these nine months: “a just plague of God.”
Sir Francis seized many hulks and Frenchmen laden with victuals at Cascales. He put certain captains with 8 or 10 men into some of them but during the night, when they were at sea. they gave him the slip and carried the Englishmen to Lysbon, “for want of putting in some one mariner of knowledge into each ship.” A Breton barque also got away and came hither, bringing one of Don Antonio's captains with his two English servants and 8 Portuguese gentlemen. They arrived when the French ambassador was at Bayon from the Spanish court and went with him towards Paris, whence they go on to England.
“The King of Spain hath sent into Portugal the Duke of Alva his bastard son, called the Grand Prior of Malta, who hath executed more Spaniards than Portugals, saying that they did not their endeavour. General Norris was with his power 3 days in the suburbs of Lysbon and, for want of great ordnance to batter, retired back again to Cascales and so, as the Spaniards say, embarked themselves.”
The Marquis of Santa Cruse's brother commands this army. They brag of an attack on England next year, but they will probably have little stomach for that, “now their chief pillar is gone, the Duke of Guyes….”
Four great galleons are building for the King at Bilbo and four at St. Andero, and two galleys at Castro Oreyales. Mariners are scarce. The galley royal is still at the Passage, unready: she is to go with 4 other ships with victuals after the army.
“The King polls and peels all his commons and nobility for money.” Palmer will write whenever he can send, but “no Irishman will carry any letter for your honour”: this one would take them, but Palmer felt this would be “surer with the Scotsman.”
Cannot now get news so easily from Spain. By Pierce Stronge's means, all Englishmen who used to dwell in the Spanish ports “are forced to dwell 4 leagues into the country.” Stronge told the justices that these Englishmen accused them to their government and made them unable to trade thither.—[Dated at head] St. John de Luze, 25 July, 1589.
Signed. Not add. Endd. 2⅓ pp. [Spain III. f. 85.]
July 16. Thomas Bodley to Sir John Conway.
The enemy has been about Bommel, has taken Brakel and Poieroyen, and attempted to cross the Wael near Herwijnen where he was valiantly repulsed by Captain Edmond. His forces increase every hour and the Duke himself is said to be joining them for the invasion of Umbilicum Reip. If the passage be won, “we may bid farewell to Leerdam, Asperen, Cullenborch, and Vianen, and to Utrecht shortly after.” The Council here is much troubled, since all their forces are with Schincke, who can spare none without risking the loss of all Gueldres. Count William, in Friesland, can spare none, for Verdugo “doth give his hands full.” They have accordingly written to Conway, to the Brill, and to Flushing, for men. Urges him, for the service of her Majesty and the safety of these countries, to send two companies hither at once. Should he not do so, and should the countries suffer any notable loss, he knows where the blame will be laid.— Hage, 16 July, '89.
Postscript. Commends the bearer, Mr. Matrut, whose report of Conway, made to the Council, was “honourable and very respective.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Conway. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 179.]
July 16. Thomas Bodley to William Borlas.
As in the letter to Conway, above. Asking for two companies at least. Desires him to disregard any charge he may have from the Governor to let no bands leave the town. The service is urgent and will certainly be approved by her Majesty.—Hage, 16 July, '89.Postscript. Commends Matrut.
Copy. Endd.pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 181.]
July 17. The Privy Council to Sir John Conway. (fn. 3)
He is to receive into garrison at Ostend Captain Salisbury's foot company from Bergen, according to directions which Lord Willoughby will send to him. Letters have been written to Sir Thomas Morgan.—The Court at Nonsuch, 17 July, 1589.
Signed, Chr. Hatton, Cane.; W. Burghley; C. Howard; Hunsdon; James Croft; J. Wolley. Add. One of the Conway Papers. ¼ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 183.]
July 18/28 William Lyly to Walsingham.
On Sunday morning the eight pieces of great artillery, planted in battery on the side of the hill between St. Martin's abbey and the church of Our Lady in the north-western fauxbourgs [of Pontoise], battered the church so furiously that they could scarcely cool the pieces, by which the King stayed all the time. They beat down the upper part and made a sufficient breach. Next morning they battered a little turret and a barricade which beat upon the King's forces. Thereupon the town began to capitulate: this was welcomed since the place was commodious and the delay there hindered many designs, and also because there was wine and bread in it, which the camp was beginning to lack. Also de Mayne had left Paris to fight the Swisses, “who,understanding also thereof, made head towards him; but he, seeing that, fairly retired. So it was accorded that the gentlemen and captains should part only with a ‘bydet,’ (fn. 4) upon condition that if the sons of the Marshal d'Omond were not delivered within two months—who are now at Marselles and kept there at de Mayne's devotion, and taken coming out of Italy—then they should return prisoners of war unto the King.” So Tuesday was spent. In the night there was some pillaging of the town by their own soldiers, and a second pillaging is likely by Pernon who “is thought most cunning in fleshing of a town.” On Wednesday, as the King means to get 60,000 crowns and all the wine and wheat for his camp from this town, the sick and hurt passed out first, over 300 in all besides those sent out before the cannon spoiled the church where 200 were slain. Amongst them was la Bourdesire, carried like divers others in a ‘brancarde.’ Then followed the governor, captains, and 2,500 soldiers disarmed to the sword, mostly of Lorraine and Flanders. Among them were Tremble-cort, the marquis of Caniliac, Medavid, and Boyjoyly. The King of Navarre treated them very courteously and used some jests as is his wont. They were conducted over the plain of Memorency, which they accounted dangerous as they, who had always made war thereon, were now unarmed. “Pernon's entry hath made himself most wonderfully hated of all parties and ill effects are likely to follow, divers particulars seeking their reason, the King of Navarre not esteeming him, the French King overcharged with his importunyty, and Marshal Biron [and] Marshal d'Aumont hating him to the utmost.” Lyly watched this sortie instead of going to see the Swiss army led by M. Longueville and la Noue. The King saw them after they passed Poissy, and confessed that he never saw fairer or in better order. “These people, contrary to nature, demand the entry of breaches and assaults, that army being esteemed, of all sorts, greater than the King's. So as now we, in contempt of the enemy, march this Saturday towards St. Clou and so to Paris; Thursday and Friday having stayed upon the rendition of Mulan, which is done. The like of Corbel, the governor whereof, mistrusted at Paris and thereof advertised, parted thence and sent to the King that he should send him forces and that the town was at his commandment: whereupon Gyvry is sent thither with 160 horse. Melun treateth and so doth Mante, the horsemen left there by Brisac hath so discontented them. So as now the affairs of the King begin to take shape, but all attributed to St. Lys, which was la Noue's work.” One has just come to tell la Noue that Jametz is besieged with 22 pieces of cannon and cannot endure long. An engineer of the Duke of Lorraine and one come from the Prince of Parma were slain there. Another 400 horse sent from the Low Countries to the Duke, whose son, the Marquis, with 6,000 men attends the King's reiters, who “are passed by Langres another way. St. Paul spoileth all the French gentlemen's houses near Lorraine. The States, which were appointed the 15 of this month at Paris for the election of the said Marquis King of France and de Mayne his lieutenant, by reason of the King's approach cannot be held there … but must now be appointed in some other place, which will be colour for de Mayn to run away; for in reason he cannot fight with the King, his forces are too few; and to remain in a town I doubt his courage will not serve him….”—28 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. Words in italics, in the Stafford-Burghley cipher, undeciphered. 2⅓ pp. [France XIX. f. 187.]
July 18/28,last date. John Welles to Walsingham.
“The suburbs of Pontoyuis taken by the two kings with the loss of 200 men; and on the other side 150 slain. The great loss was at the winning of Our Lady church. Captain Sherborne slain. The King of Navarre very angry for it. They would yield, but the King will not but at his mercy, with a great sum of money. Sagonie is in it with 1,500 men … and will stay till all his forces be come together.” The King of Navarre and he defeated 2,000 men that came from Paris with powder and victuals. Sent Poll is hurt; and Captain Jhonis, “one [of] the greatest that Mayne had of counsel,” slain. The King of Navarre gave the King eighteen ancients and four cornets that his men took. “Two bridges made over the river. The two Kings lodged within a quarter of a league. Duke Longeville and la Noue is at Corbill with the Swichis, and two cornets of horsemen of the Duke Dimine is yielded to him. The King doth stay to have half the Swices, which shall join the 20th day of this present. He hath sent to all places to have powder, and to Pond Larche he sent M. the Larchant and M. the Niueborke with 800 horse and had 30,000, and [they] returned with speed. The King doth but stay for Morysonin and so will march to Paris, for Pont Toyets he is sure of.” No powder should be allowed to reach the enemy: West Countrymen here offer to deliver it at Niue Haven: it' is here worth 65. a pound, and they now begin to make it. “The Swicis hath given an overthrow in Champany and taken two pieces of ordnance. Victual in the camp good cheap, for it doth come from all places. At Paris all things dear: a shoulder of mutton 4 [francs?]. All the passages taken round about Paris if Pontoyeis were taken; and so march straight to Paris. The Count Suicon is at Vitorye with 3,000 horse, 6,000 foot. All the gentlemen in Britene is come to him. No man, as we can learn, saw the Duke of a long time. D'Omall is here with two cornets of Allbinis, ill mounted: money he hath none. The town doth find him his diet: no great account made of him. The Duke Mirkire is at Eviris, very ill accompanied. Count Brisake is in Mant with 200 horse. The Count[ess] Salynie, the Queen's brother's wife, is prisoner with Mme. Jouise for to yield Mme. Longeville and Mme. Niueborke who is prisoners here, with two of her sons, brave men. This town doth make account to hold out, for they do fortify daily. The council cannot agree. Some of them be gone and some come not these twelve days to council. They be all lost and cannot tell what way to save them for their ill dealing against the King. For the forces of Dipe, … they brave us here daily. Mompenser is in the field once again, coming hitherward, 3,000 horse, 10,000 foot, and 10 pieces of cannon. God send the town be taken shortly or else I look not to be delivered. God put in your honours' hearts to think on me. The court of Parliament at Can hath condemned 27 of the chiefst of this town and hanged them in effigy. All this is true for certain. They say that Lyonis is in great mutiny, one part for the King and the other not as yet: and that Fervakis, governor of Digon, is slain and divers towns is turned. Pirnon hath a brave regiment of 1,200 horse, 3,000 footmen. The King and the King of Navarre is every day together and doth run at the ring afore Pontoyeis and doth go all in purple full of white crosses and ermine.”
“The forces of the camps:—the King's, 4,000 horse and 25,000 foot with 15 pieces of ordnance; the King of Navarre, 1,500 lances, 4,000 harquebusiers on horse, with 5,000 afoot, 14 pieces of ordnance, brave men; the Duke Longevill, with la Noue and the Swichis, with M. the Corse, the which hath not been with the King—Longevill and la Noue 2,000 horse, 8,000 foot, Swicis 16,000; 3,000 French foot and 1,500 horse, 24 pieces of ordnance and great store of powder; Count Swichon 3,000 horse, 10,000 foot, 10 pieces of ordnance; Mompanser 3,000 horse, 1,000 foot, and 10 great pieces. I count not them of Dipe. They have taken a post of the King and racked him to confess what he shall do at Pond Larch.” Wrote on the 6th and 10th of the King's excommunication. Hopes his honour will remember him, a poor prisoner.—Ron, 23 July, 1589, “their account.”
Postscript.“This town is governed by four men,—a comb-maker, a shoemaker, a boatman, and a goldsmith. They will not let d'Omall come into none of the two castles nor command.” Those of this town took Killbife; but next day, the 19th, the King's men retook it. The river is closed so that nothing can come hither, and everything is very dear. M. the Moniransie, M. the Matinon governor of Bordox, and M. the Valet, are said to besiege Tolose: some think it is taken. They have 25,000 men. Here they sell all the goods of those who have fled: they have put a hundred men and women at 200 crowns apiece, which must be paid out of hand. Welles and another sent one to the camp at Pontoyeis who brought back this news on the 19th. He could not find Lylye. Monpansir entered Valleis on the 21st, without the loss of a man. [Blank in MS.] in Picardy has yielded to the King and it is thought that all the other towns there will yield. The messenger returned on the 21st and then went to Monpansir's camp: to day, the 27th, he is gone to Pontoy. Will send his news to Walsingham through Smit at Dipe.—Ron, 28 July, 1589.
Further postscript. The French ambassador wrote against Welles, who, they say, shall not “go out afore the wars” unless he “pay 600 crowns and 200 taken from a boy, or else 12 papist prisoners in England” for him. “Charges is 6s. a day…. They put me in a casart where that I neither saw sun nor moon. For God's sake think on me.” His anxiety about his wife and child: desires Walsingham to see them provided for. Has charged Otill Smit with 30 crowns: desires that payment be delayed till his release, which will not be before the town is ‘illidid’ or taken. Desires Walsingham to stay the French secretary and let him write to his master to deliver Welles: they say he is all against the King. The papists here hate Walsingham. Paris is ready to starve, everything is so dear, and nothing can come to it.
Further postscript. “Dorlane in Picardy is revolted. Count Brisak hath quit Mantes and is here. M. Canveil is taken prisoner by d'Omall this day. It is he that should have given the town to the King.” He hid in the town. He was of this town. Pontoyes is said to be taken. “Millirey would give over his government and was flying. Remember me for God's sake.”
Further postscript. At five o'clock this evening two friars of this town were taken on their way to the King with letters, they say to yield the town to him. “More letters found, that some of the captains would take Duke d'Omall prisoner….”
Holograph. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France XIX. f. 193.]
July 18. Captain Anthony Sherley to Walsingham.
The governor heard this morning that Pontoise was taken last Tuesday, the chief soldiers and others being held prisoners at the King's mercy, the rest of the burghers ransomed at four score thousand crowns, and the garrison departing “with white rods in their hands and halters about their necks.” Reports here of the King's intentions are uncertain. Goes in a few days to the camp.—Deipe, 18 July, 1589.
Postscript. News has just come from the court that Remes and Corball are yielded to the King.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XIX. f. 189.]
July 18/28. Baldwin de Meetkerke to Walsingham.
His gratitude to Walsingham. The King besieges Pontoise against the advice of the King of Navarre, as he himself writes. (fn. 5) The siege may be long, for the place has munitions and a large garrison. It has so far been murderous, especially in the King's quarter. All but one of the maitres de camp are slain or wounded. The King of Navarre's men are lodged within a pike's length with no great loss. M. de Mayenne was able to provision it, since the King had no men on that side of the river: but now that l'lsle Adam is for the King, he may be able to prevent succour from going thither. The Duke made a show with some forces, but was too weak to offer battle. He has under six hundred good horse, whereas the King has fully 2,600. The Swiss are believed to have joined the King. The King of Navarre is well, and on good terms with his Majesty.—Saumur, 28 July, 1589.
Probably holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of crossed swords. French. 1¼ pp. [France XIX. f. 191.]
July 18/28. The Council of State to the Queen.
Have instructed their deputies to inform her of the enemy's great effort to invade the heart of these countries. The States' principal forces are away with Colonel Schenck. Desire that the English forces released for General Norreys' enterprise may be now returned, and that the rest be brought to full strength, according to the Treaty. The troops should have been back at the beginning of June.—The Hague, 28 July, 1589.
Signed, Teellinck. Countersigned, G. van Zuylen. Add. Endd. with note of contents. French. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 187.]
July 18/28,last date. The Council of State to Bourlace.
The enemy's forces are around Heusden and seek diligently to cross the rivers and invade the heart of these United Provinces. They have already taken several houses around Bommel. It is high time to organise resistance. There would be sufficient men for this were her Majesty's forces at full strength according to the Treaty or were those English troops returned which went with General Norreys and which should have returned at the beginning of June. The States' forces are employed elsewhere under General Schenck. The enemy being engaged in these ways, there is the less danger to Flushing, so they earnestly desire Bourlace to send away as soon as possible all the auxiliary companies there, or at the least two good companies. They should join with those called from Ostend and the Brielle and with the States' troops under Count Philip of Nassau. Send the commissary Matruyt to conduct the forces towards Heusden. Desire him earnestly to grant their request: it will be for only a short while and will greatly advantage the common cause.—The Hague, 27 July, 1589.
Copy. Original signed, Chr. Huygens, and add. Received July 31. French. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 189.]
Count Maurice to Borlas.
The enemy prepares to cross the Wale and to lodge at Tieler-wert, whence he may invade Holland. Desires him to send away promptly the troops for which the Council of State write.—The Hague, 28 July, 1589.
Copy. Original signed and add. Endd. French. ½ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 190.]
July 18/28. George de Bie to Jacques Valcke.
Could not let this messenger pass without writing to him. Blyenbeeck surrendered just when Colonel Schenck with some 3,000 men was at hand to relieve it. The enemy, who were scattered around the place, would have been compelled to concentrate their forces and leave the way open for 200 men or so to be sent in. As Schenck's vanguard advanced from Cleve, they learned of Blienbeeck's surrender. Schenck thereupon marched along the Rhine towards Barck. An attempt on Roebeerk proved impossible, so he returned to Rees at the end of last month and there fortified himself on a vuyterwaert. (fn. 6) On July 2 the enemy fell upon him with 2,000 foot and 13 troops of horse. The dyke in front of the camp was lost, but recovered at the third attempt, and the enemy was eventually routed with loss of 500 slain and some 7 or 800 wounded. Schenck, according to the list sent to the Council, lost some 50 slain, among them Wolff. Captain Vere, leading the English from Bergen, acquitted himself well. On the evening of the 3rd the Colonel surprised 200 of the enemy in a cloister near Santen: they were all burned. On the 8th (fn. 7) he carried 300 measures into Barck by ways unguarded by the enemy. He did not lose a man. The enemy has been reinforced and still keeps up a distant blockade of the town. The Colonel builds a fort at the place where he is encamped, and another across the Rhine opposite the gate of Rees. He writes that in 10 days they will be as defensible as Sgravenwaert. The enemy around Heusden have thrown a bridge over the old Meuse and fortified the house of Hemert. They have also built bridges at Wyck and, above Heusden, at the cloister of Bern. It is still possible to get into the town and the garrison makes daily raids into the neighbouring villages, having once of late brought back many cattle. A week ago some 2,000 of the enemy appeared before Poderoyen, which was defended by but 20 men. The enemy had cannon. Poderoyen surrendered, as did the house of Braeckel after some seven volleys from the cannon. Then they tried to cross the river at Herwynen by flat-bottomed boats [pleyts]and bridges which they brought upon waggons, but those of Bomel repulsed them after a long skirmish. They retired towards Hemersche-waert, leaving the flat-bottomed boats behind in the river. They left garrisons in Braeckel and Hemert houses. This is the very plan of which Adrian Menninck confessed. More forces are needed to frustrate it. The rest of the succours of her Majesty should be returned: the six months have already expired. Cannot now recall Schenck, and have but few forces without him.
In Friesland Count William attacked Emitelle fort. Verdugo, to quiet those of Groningen, built a fort on the Opslach, below Nyezijl, to guard the supplies of Nyezijl and Emitelle. The Count found the ground opposite unsuitable for building a fort upon, so he shipped his men and attacked the fort of Reid, beyond Otterdom. The garrison, seeing him bring up his artillery, yielded the fort and several others in the neighbourhood. His men foraged to the gates of Groningen, where there has grown such confusion that Verdugo dare not show himself there. Mistrusting the burgher garrison in Delffszijl, Verdugo fortifies the village of Femersiun, and, from hatred of the town, has allowed the country people to brew, bake, and use other trades. Some good issue is hoped, for if a few more men could be sent to Fries-land the town could hardly escape them. Many opportunities are lost for lack of means.—The Hague, 28 July, 1589.
Postscript. Commends himself to MM. d'Egmont and Lozen.
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley, and also as received on 7th, August, 1589, stylo novo. Marginal notes of contents by Burghley. French. 3¼ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 185.]
July 18/28 Don Antonio to Walsingham.
Thanks him for his letters and his speedy despatch, as well as for his advice. Will reply to the other points in two or three days. —Topsan, 28 July.
Holograph. Signed, Rey. Add. Endd. 18 July, 1589. From the King Don Antonio. Italian. 1 p. [Portugal II. f. 81.]
[July 19.] Rough notes by Burghley upon the imprests of the forces in the Low Countries.
Endd. with date. ¾ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 191.]
July 20. Sophia, Queen Mother of Denmark, to the Queen.
Requests her to give licence to Strang Matthew of Copenhagen for the export, free of customs, of one hundred white cloths for the King's use. Matthew used to buy goods for her late husband, King Frederic II, and has been now similarly commissioned by her son, King Christian IV.—Friderichsborg, 20 July, 1589.
Add. Endd. with note of contents, Latin. 1⅓ pp. [Denmark II. f. 5.]
July 20. Captain George Aldryche to Walsingham.
Now that the fleet has returned from the voyage, some of them fear that they may be discharged. Desires his honour's favour for his own continuance here. Desires him to thank Conway.— Ostend, 20 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. ⅓ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 193.]


  • 1. Printed in Bor, XXV. f. 35.
  • 2. There is another copy of this letter in S.P. Ireland cxlvi. no. 6. II.: it is not addressed, but is endorsed by Burghley. In the Irish Calendar, 1588–92, p. 226, it is described as addressed to the Lord Deputy.
  • 3. There is a note of this letter and an abstract of that to Morgan in Acts of the Privy Council, XVII. 388.
  • 4. Bidet = a small horse [O. E. D.].
  • 5. See Lettres Missives de Henri IV, II, 501.
  • 6. I.e. uiterwaard, the land between a river and a dyke.
  • 7. Schenk actually revictualled Rheinberg on July 18/28 [Japikse, Resolutiēn der Staten Generaal, VI. 321; Bor, XXVI, f. 41d].