Elizabeth: July 1589, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Elizabeth: July 1589, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp355-374 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1589, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp355-374.

"Elizabeth: July 1589, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp355-374.

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July 1589, 1–10

July 1/11. The Magistrates of Wesel to the Queen.
Received on June 13 her letter of March 27 on behalf of Jane Richards' claims upon the estate of her late husband, Elyzaeus Bomely. Admit that Jane and Elyzaeus were lawfully married: but Elyzaeus afterwards went to the Ruthenes and there married and ended his days with one Magdalena Benthamy: so he may have been in Ruthenes and married to Magdalena before he went to England, and, if so, Magdalena would be his lawful wife. It is useless to discuss whether Jane's marriage were dissolved by death or by letter of repudiation: the real question is one of priority.—Wesel, 11 July, 1589.
Add. Endd. Latin. 11 pp. [Germany, States, V. f. 233.]
July 1/11. Count Maurice to Walsingham.
Desiring his favour for the bearer, Cornells Leynssz., sent by the States of Zeeland to buy 50 or 60 guns to furnish six pinnaces which they have built.—Middelburg, 11 July, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents, and with a trefoil. French. 1⅓ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 156.]
July 1. J. Ortel to Burghley.
Some five weeks ago Goesen Johnson, master of the small boat Eagle of Rotterdam, was freighted by William Barnes of Earithe in Kent with 28 loads and 11 shides of logs or talwood for Myddelboroughe. One Willson of Erithe, after vainly searching under the logs for cast pieces of ordnance, declared the said logs to be timber (though her Majesty's officers of the town had passed them as logs), which might not be sent out of the realm, and thereupon arrested Johnson. Desires that Johnson, who with four others has lain here these five weeks, may lade the logs again or be paid the 20l. which he paid to Barnes and was to receive again at the sale of the logs in Middelbroughe.—London, 1 July, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. ¾ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 118.]
July 1. William Borlas to Walsingham.
This morning the Lord has bestowed the blessing of a son upon him. Desires his honour “to make him a Christian, in company of the Princess and Sir Robert Sydne.” Has also written hereof to Sydne. Captain Heryngton could act as his honour's deputy.
This bearer, his wife's kinsman, together with his (Borlas') wife and two of her brothers, have bought the tallest ship in this town, the Honde. She is ready to sail but needs some 15 pieces of iron ordnance. Desires his honour to favour them herein. His own share in the vessel is all that he has to leave to his son.
Received a letter from Count Maurice informing him that the enemy marches towards Hostend and asking him to warn Conway. If victuals, etc., are needed, they should be sent from England. The States have nine or ten ships lying before Donkerk.— Flusschyng, 1 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 120.]
July 2/12. William Lyly to Walsingham.
Wrote last from Estempes. Since then, Melun has refused to admit the King, so he could not join his Swisses. To besiege the place would take time, and the gentlemen who came with the King of Navarre and have already stayed longer than they promised, desire to return home. They have promised to stay another month and in that time the King must block Paris. Last Thursday he arrived at St. Tournon, leaving Petro Paolo as governor of Estempes with three companies. There Brynneux and his regiment came to him, leaving M. le Fort to keep Gergeue for the King of Navarre. Mme. de Rets came to excuse her husband's departure towards Bretaign and the Princess of Condy to ask the King's favour for her son [the Count of Soissons], who escaped out of the castle in the pannier in which his meat was brought from his lodging in the town. He then got out of the gates in woman's apparel, went afoot to Rhenes, and is now at Angiers. “Her journey cannot be to great end for Prince Dombes is possessed of that government and made challenge to the same before it was granted to the other…. Lavardin accused of great treason towards that Prince, and in fault of all. Mercury laughed at of all. From thence Friday we parted towards Villepreu, a little bourg belonging to Cardinal de Condy [Gondi], who with the said Mme. de Rets” and a fellow Italian came from Noysy to crave the King's pardon. The King stayed there that day, understanding that d'Omal and Brisac had entered Mantes, whither artillery was sent from Paris: “that being the King's design; but, thus frustrated, he sent to Poyssy which refused him, saying he was dead and that he had no artillery, which when they should see they would open the gates. So as the King was fain to send his army thither and to win it by force, and so spoiled within two hours. Pernon conserved the religieuses and the King ceased the spoil with his present access thither on Sunday morning. In this time the religieuses were visited by those Kings. One captain hanged and some three with him: another saved with some others at the request of the said ladies by the mouth of the King of Navarre. That morning d'Omal and Brisac, having disposed their business at Mantes and carried with them the servants of the King, parted thence to Roan, not daring He so near the King's nose. Monday the artillery parted hence over the bridge, and the next morning all the King's troops. But as the King of Navarre hath the vanguard and all this time hath put himself between the enemy and us, so was he the last that passed; and therefore the King stayed at the same bridge to see those troops pass, who were very fair in cavalry, having in his own cornet, the same of the Prince of Condy [Conti] and la Bollie, with certain other troops of particular gentlemen, besides light horsemen and his own guards, 1,035 masters; footmen some 2,000, whereof English four ensigns, but ill-apparelled some of them and many sick. In this time, which was from nine of the clock until three in the afternoon, the Marshal Biron put all his men in order, his cavalry in battle and his infantry in battalion and so covering his artillery, attending order, which not having and seeing the time spent, approached the town [Pontoise] and put some to skirmish and presently gained the fauxbourgs on this side the river, the enemy having stayed all the boats on that side and so we can make no bridge over, which will stay the winning of it for some days. They hold upon assurance that de Mayne will come with his army, which he hath promised to all the rest of the towns yet gained. In this are five companies and Hoteford with three cornets, and those use most vile words to our soldiers, calling the King Henry de Valloys and Bourreau de Blois…. If now at this time he [Mayenne] come not forth, we esteem him lost and that he will put himself upon the defensive, which is dangerous in his popular estate, his noblesse debanding every day from him and to the King every day increasing, nothing holding him in hope, but 2,000 reiters which he attends and for which he gained 40,000 crowns but last day out of Paris where they do all indignities to the servants of the King there. Yet our forces in cavalry, by reason of the continual access out of Normandy of the gentlemen there, and M. de Force (son-in-law to the Marshal Biron) [being] repaired to the King of Navarre out of Poitou who brought 200 masters 400 footmen with him, and out of Normandy are come 450 masters and 800 footmen—so as our cavalry is twice more than the enemy and our footmen as many, his cavalry being but 700 at the most yet and ours 3,000” besides the Swisses and those French joined with them which now draw near Meaux, “to which place Longville carrieth a great despite and would upon it if the King countermand it not. Yesterday de Mayne parted Paris and went with fifty lances only to St. Denys, and now we attend what he will deliberate to do.”
“Yesterday arrived here one from Cardinal de Joyeuse to advertise the King that the said Cardinal and the ambassador are retired to Venize, for that the Pope hath published a bull against the King of excommunication if he render not the prisoners of the church within twelve days after signification thereof.” Wrote hereof by way of Brytaign long ago: hopes the letter arrived.
It is said that “the Duke of Florence will lend money and 5,000 men to the King of Spain for the conquest of England”: also that the said King is dead—“but I fear he will not die so fitly for all affairs”—and that the Duke of Parma narrowly escaped being poisoned. Parma and de Mayne certainly talked together at the Spau, where Parma is now.
Good hope of success now, “if fortune play not her part and upon the fragility of the nation, ill blood being engendered amongst some meaner ones, already practised by the greatest” The remedy, as he has written to Stafford, will be his lordship's repair hither, “for the propriety he hath for these affairs and the reputation that all men allow him here.” Excuses this hasty letter, written without a table.—Camp before Pontoyse, 12 July, 1589.
Postscript. The Swisses will be at Estempes within seven days. There is hope that Paris will be invested on both sides. Only the church hinders them at Pontoyse, “the post house being taken, Katerine la Fragée's house destroyed, and all those fauxbourgs.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. 22 [sic] July, 1589. Seal. Words in italics in the last paragraph in cipher, deciphered. 2¾ pp. [France XIX. f. 170.]
July 2/12. Guerin de Captot to Buzanval. (fn. 1)
Asks for a passport for five or six months for the bearer, M. de Bernet's servant, to bring hither what his master gives him charge to bring. Hears that Jacques Maupin, a god-fearing man such as are rare in the lower town, has told Buzanval their good news. Maupin went to Dover for meal, corn, flour, and iron, for making beer and mounting artillery here, but could get none although he had Bernet's testimonial. The officers required a passport from the Council. Bernet desires Buzanval to get this as soon as possible, and to have it addressed to the officers of Dover, Sandwich, Rye, and that neighbourhood. Those of Dover make difficulties because they hope to take advantage of the scarcity of these things here to sell them at unreasonable rates. So, if the passport be made available for all these places, what is wanted may be obtained wherever it suits best. Offers his service to M. de Walsingand and M. de Buy.—Boulogne, 12 July, 1589.
Postscript. This night a sortie was made and two of the enemy were killed and several wounded.
Holograph. Add. French. ½ p. [France XIX. f. 183.]
July 2. Sir Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.
Two soldiers, who arrived to-day from Bruselles, report that one Firshot, once the Lord General's lieutenant, told them yesterday that the Prince of Perme is alive, but so lame that he cannot walk or ride. They also say that on June 25 the Duke of Pastrana went from Bruselles to the Spawe, with a very strong escort for fear of this garrison. A great number of chief colonels and governors followed two days later.
Many ‘rutters’ and Swishers are in Lawrine, spoiling the country. The Governor of Cambray returned from his conference with those of the Holy League and pacified the dissension between town and castle: so M. Lanowe was prevented there.— Bargen-ap-Zom, 2 July, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 122.]
July 2/12. Don Antonio to the Queen.
Thanks her for her favours and hopes for still greater. At this time, when he wishes himself buried with his misfortune, he offers her his service and asks her to advise him what he should do. Will not weary her with an account of this journey and its results, of which she will have heard already. Merely reminds her that it is in severe misfortunes that kingly spirits show themselves worthy of the greatness which he trusts God will give her Majesty. Asks her to thank the generals for their admirable conduct of the enterprise, and the colonels and other gentlemen for their valour. Unfortunately, his own sins outweighed all this. Awaits here her commands.—Torras, 12 July.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. Portuguese. 1¾ pp. [Portugal II. f. 79.]
July 2/12. Don Antonio to Walsingham.
Will not weary him with an account of this journey, of which he will hear from many sources. Admits that his own sins merit even greater punishment. Asks Walsingham's favour with her Majesty. Hopes to march into Portugal and then into Spain in such force that no mischance or human power can make him turn back.—12 July, Torras.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. Portuguese. 1 p. [Portugal II. f. 75.]
July 3/13. M. de Buhy to Burghley.
Asks him, as the father of this state, to persuade her Majesty to lend a hundred thousand crowns in cash for the reiters' anritgeld, so that, while awaiting the muster which may be taken in three months, the King may seek at leisure the rest of the sum which her Majesty is pleased to lend him. Is assured of Burghley's desire to strengthen the alliance between the two crowns. Such a grant would benefit M. de Staffort's negotiation. —Martine abbey, 13 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 1 p. [France XIX. f. 172.]
July 3/13. Ottywell Smith to Walsingham.
Since he wrote last, this governor, with the nobility and all the forces he could muster as well as three great pieces of ordnance, attacked the abbey of St. Victor, seven leagues away, which was held by two captains of Roanne with 120 men. They took the place after ten days, brought the captains and chiefest of them hither, and let the rest go. The chief captain is M. Vymonde, a goyntiere (fn. 2) of Roanne, “a man that hath done much mischief against the King.” Afterwards M. d'Omall came from Roanne with all the forces he could get, some 450 horse, 600 foot, and two great pieces of ordnance. He met with this governor's company about three o'clock in the morning. The governor had with him only his own and Captain de Mon's cornets, for most of his footmen had been sent with the ordnance and the rest of the horse lay three miles away in the villages. He sent for all his horse, but the enemy had so enclosed him that they could not come to him. Yet, with his mere 60 horsemen, he presented himself in the field and the enemy, fearing an ambuscade durst not meddle with him. “Then comes Captain de Vardes with 40 horsemen and was amongst the enemy before he knew who they were till they charged him.” He and his men ran thrice right through them. If the rest had come up, d'Omalle and all that were with him might have been taken, but the gentlemen of this town were astonished by the enemy's sudden arrival and would not fight. There were ten or twelve Englishmen with de Vardes: one of them, Mr. Norrys, who fought valiantly, rescued his captain three times and was shot through the cheek. Three of de Vardes' men, including his lieutenant, were slain, and seventeen taken prisoner, including several Englishmen and a young trumpeter who came from England about eight days ago.
Two ships which left Lysborne three weeks ago bring news that Sir Francis Drake with all his forces was then in the suburbs, where he was repulsed with a loss of 3,000 men. They say that he would have taken the town if he had brought any great ordnance ashore. 2,000 Portyngalls joined him. They saw them ‘borne’ the slain Englishmen: the others were put in the galleys. A young gentleman who was taken is at liberty in the Cardinal's house, because Drake threatened to hang and burn any Spaniards he could take if they did him hurt. The English, when they embarked, left the 2,000 Portyngalles behind. They are thought to be gone to take the fleet coming from the islands of Callycowe, for one ship has come home marvellously rich. The English have taken sundry good ships from Brassell, etc. Hopes Walsingham has better news than this which he hears from the French ships.
The governor sets out five great ships, the least of 100 tons, against Newhaven, etc., and those that bring fish from the Newfoundland. When he goes forth in person he can raise 2,500 foot and 600 horsemen: if they were men of courage, they might be masters of the ‘campanye.’ “The Duke de Mayene is gone to see if he can gain the Duke Denmours, which is coming with some forces. The Count de Soysons is now at Angers, assembling of his forces. Duke Monpansyer yesterday went forth of Caenne with his ordnance to besiege some town.” The King is at St. Germayens, hard by Paris, whose suburbs are for him. Paris offers a great sum if the King will take them without pillage, but he requires them to bring all their arms and chains to St. Vynsantes' wood and to yield at discretion.
Hopes that his next will tell of the yielding of Paris, which is so surrounded that it can get no victuals. The King of Navarre besieges Pontoysse, which he has probably taken by now. Mayene is said to be back in Paris where a loaf of bread, here worth 6 d[eniers], is worth 4 sous. The King was excommunicated at Roanne last Sunday. Here are letters from John Welles. —Dyepe, 13 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 2 pp. [France XIX. f. 174.]
July 3. Horatio Pallavicino to Walsingham.
Sends him the writing which he has drawn up concerning the German journey. It should be studied in close conjunction with the instructions. Has altered the preface; the Germans are ill-informed about French affairs and know still less about de Buhy's negotiation, so it would be well to say as little as possible and that in terms more honourable to the Queen. Rogers should adopt the same style both in speech and writing.—London, 3 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. Italian. ½ p. [Germany, States, V. f. 303.]
July 3. Sir Thomas Sherley to Burghley.
3,432l. is due on June 24 to the merchants for credit given for the full pay of the horse companies sent on the voyage towards Spain. The wares were delivered at Christmas. Has Sir John Norreys' acquittance and the merchants have Sherley's bond, and according to the agreement this is the time. Has not yet received the merchants' bills for the credit given by them to divers horsebands on the other side. The money for lendings is due to the merchants on July 1.
Desires that a privy seal be issued for all this, as he cannot bear the burden himself.—From his bed, 3 July, 1589.
Postscript. Thanks his lordship for his favour during his great sickness.
[On an annexed sheet: holograph.] If payment be made by poll, one or two difficulties may arise. Hears that some sue for imprests: if once they get the money, some of them will never pay the poor creditors who will come and petition her Majesty when there is nothing left for them. Would willingly certify what he knows in any such case.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. 2 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 124.]
July 3/13
last date.
Abstracts of letters to lubeck.
The letter marked A, from Lisbon, 8 July, 1589.
Those of Lisbon, hearing that the English army had arrived upon the Spanish coast, put their forces into a camp, but they were so small that, fearing lest the English should learn of their weakness, they retired into the town, taking with them all provisions from the suburbs.
They cast into the river all the King's ordnance planted in the suburbs and burned the garners and storehouses for corn, to the undoing of the Easterlings who trade there.
That friends of “the new King,” living in houses on the walls, told the English of the state of the town. One was a gentleman of the court, who was beheaded.
After three days the English, without damaging the suburbs, retired to Cascalis, where the castle surrendered to them: its captain was executed upon his coming to Lisbon.
On their return homeward the English took 50 or 60 ships “which brought the summer provision of corn”: knows not whether they will be released. Great scarcity will ensue, especially as the garners were fired and a poor harvest is probable.
The letter marked B, 13 July, 1589.
Repeats the last paragraph of the above. Their traffic is small as yet, since the Jews have not returned to the town. Corn will be scarce unless the French supply it.
“The other letters import nothing but the general hurt they have received by the burning of the garners … and the taking of their ships….”
Endd. 2 pp. [Spain III. f. 87.]
[July 4.] M. de Hautefort to Walsingham.
Is detained as a man in opposition to his King, though he has never done anything contrary to his Majesty's service since the taking up of arms. He saw the King at Tours last February, after the States: then went to Broages until mid-April. Then, with the governor's passport (which will be found among his papers), went to Dieppe. The ship put him ashore at Hable, to go on by land. Arrived on the 22nd. On the 27th the powder in the mill caught fire. The governor asked him to go for some more. Reached Donquelque on May 3 in a little brigantine. Had difficulty in getting any powder and stayed there three weeks or more. Was taken, on his return, by the Queen's ships on the ground that the governor of Hable was an enemy of the King and her Majesty. Assures Walsingham that the governor said that he was the King's servant, that whatever he did was only to get money for his garrison, and that at the end of the game he would declare himself and make messieurs of Paris and Roan sorry. Has never seen him do anything contrary to her Majesty's service, of whom he speaks with the utmost honour and respect.
Knows that his own liberty depends only upon Walsingham, and will be ever obliged to him if it may be granted.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with date. French. 1½ pp. [France XIX. f. 176.]
July 4. Casimir to the Queen.
Is holding prisoner an English papist. Desires to know what her Majesty would have done with him. Walsingham will inform her more fully hereof. Also writes to Walsingham about the affairs of France and especially about those of Geneva, a town which has been a light to other churches in its struggle against Antichrist and upon which her Majesty, he hopes, will have compassion.—Heidelberg, 4 July, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. ½ p. [Germany, States, V. f. 223.]
July 4. Casimir to Walsingham.
Wrote last on June 10 [not found], promising to send to her Majesty as soon as possible the resolutions of the German princes. Now asks him to present to her the enclosed letter and to inform her of three matters which Casimir, to avoid troubling her with long letters, has asked her to hear from Walsingham.
1. Wrote thrice some seven weeks ago [letters not found] of his desire to further the affairs of France. Has had no resolutions from the other princes since his June letter, except that M. Joachim Frederick, Administrator of Mademburg, wrote on June 4 that the princes were considering aiding the King of France and that he was surprised that the King had not sent someone with authority to negotiate with them thereof. The aid would have been ready long ago had the King been diligently served. Has asked the King of Navarre and M. de la Noue to tell the King of this. The Administrator (as Casimir informed the King of Navarre and M. de la Noue) also wrote that the Pope means to exhort the King to make peace with the League and to move certain German papist princes to divide the two Kings and so ruin both. Has learned since that the Duke of Saxony and the Landgrave of Hesse are to meet in Thuringia: they will certainly discuss French affairs.
2. Geneva is much embarrassed since M. de Sancy, the French King's ambassador, led a Swiss army to the King. The Duke of Savoy in person, with 6,000 footmen and 2,000 horse, attacks the town, though he has retired somewhat after being worsted in a skirmish on June 3 by a mere 500 footmen, who lost only two men with five or six wounded whereas the Duke lost fully 300, mostly gentlemen and including his grand maître de camp, a Count de Saleneuve, besides many wounded. The town has appealed to its friends for aid, and sent first of all one of the council, Chevalier, to ask Casimir for help, which he could not refuse. He also promised to write to those whom he knew to be interested in the matter. So he desires Walsingham to impress upon her Majesty the importance of this town, which for 56 years has been a bulwark against Antichrist and a torch to light other churches; so that her Majesty may help them speedily with a good sum of money, if possible at the next Franckfort fair. The distance and their sad state prevent them from sending directly to her Majesty.
3. One calling himself a Scot recently passed through Casimir's town of Germersheim. He seemed to be a spy or a fugitive, and there were found upon him letters to cardinals and priests of Rome, of which copies are here inclosed. He was brought by the officers to Heydelberg castle. Found from the letters that he was a subject of her Majesty, that he had escaped from prison in London, had gone to Scotland, and was now going to Rome. (fn. 3) Casimir therefore put him into a close prison where the gehenne was and had him straitly examined. The first time, June 28, he confessed that his name was Robert Bellamv; that he was aged 45 years, a native of London, son of William Bellamy and Catherine Pelch; that he had four brothers, Richard, Thomas, Bartholomew, and Jerome; that Bartholomew and Jerome, with fourteen others who attempted to save the late Queen of Scots, were hanged about the time of the feast of St. Matthew two years ago for harbouring plotters; that his mother was condemned to be burned for the same offence, but owing to her name being given as Elizabeth instead of Catherine in the sentence, (fn. 4) had been sent back to prison, where she died before the execution could be carried out. He professed to be a poor gentleman, having 40l. yearly from his father and a sum of 300l. from his wife, as well as some few cattle. Had never studied or followed the art of war. Had always lived at the sign of the Tambourin in Holborn, London. Had six children, who are now with his brothers at Harou. Had always professed himself a Catholic, would not attend the Reformed preachings, and was imprisoned for three years at London because he could not pay the 20l. sterling a month imposed on those who refuse to attend the Reformed Church. Once harboured certain Jesuits, whose names he did not know, who had been prisoners in the Tower of London and who were hanged there soon afterwards: this was a capital offence, but by favour he escaped with 100 marks' fine. Had refused to swear that the Queen was head of the English Church, saying that she could neither administer the sacraments nor celebrate Mass: this was also a capital offence, which conscience forced him to commit. Otherwise he professed himself a faithful subject of the Queen whom he would obey in anything that his conscience allowed, even to the laying down of his life. In prison with him were George Stocker, a north of England man, servant to the Earl of Northumberland for ten years, imprisoned for planning to carry the Earl's daughter to the Duke of Parma; and Thomas Haythe, imprisoned only for his love of the Catholic religion. The three of them escaped by a cord attached to the window. They tore up a great plank, so got down into a cellar, and thence into the street. This was about the beginning of February. The other two were now serving the Duke of Parma. Bellamy went to Scotland and stayed there until the end of May, spending a week at a time in the houses of divers gentlemen whom Stocker knew, amongst them Lord Margui and Lord Wembs. Knew not whether they be of the court or not, nor what is their religion, though they attended the Reformed preaching. Waited three weeks for a wind at Kraneguin and another week at l'Haverdin, whence he was driven by contrary winds to Norway. Went thence to Friesland, Hamburg, Cologne, Mayence, and the Palatinate. Being asked what he had seen in Scotland that he was (as the letters said) (fn. 5) to report at Rome, he said nothing, except a report that the Earl of Hontelay had written asking the Duke of Parma to lead an army into Scotland and thence into England: that the Chancellor of Scotland had taxed him with this in the King's presence and that a secretary called him a traitor, but that he had denied it, would have slain the secretary, and had challenged the Chancellor to fight: and that he, with the Earls of Craffort, Boduell, and Arel (great enemies of the Chancellor because he governed alone), immediately armed but that the King, who arrived immediately with the Chancellor, would not allow the combat and imprisoned Hontelay, that the others escaped, and that Hontelay, after submitting himself to the King's mercy, was released. Bellamy had seen nothing of all this, but only heard it from others. Had no other news, as he had no business at the King's court and had not meddled with the King's affairs or with those of the late Queen of Scots, the Queen of England, or any other prince: nor, whatever the letters said, had the King of Scots written for him or any of his companions, though letters were given to them by certain Spanish captains. Denied that he was to deal of some treason against her Majesty with the Spanish cardinals and priests at Rome. He was going there because he had made a vow to see some holy relics. Would then go to the Duke of Parma with letters from Olivares, the Spanish ambassador at Rome, for his entertainment by the Duke. Dared not return to England, but would not serve the Duke against his Queen or his country. At his second examination, when he was bound by the executioner and threatened with the torture of which he saw the engines ready and attached to the frame, he would confess no more except that, when the English demanded him, the Scots King refused because of the law of his realm and the agreements between the two realms. Some at the court told him that. He still denied that the said King had written anything for him in spite of what the Scottish monk's letters say.
Will keep Bellamy until he hears what her Majesty would have done with him. Desires to know as soon as possible.—Heydelberg, 4 July, 1589.
Holograph postscript. Sends copies [not found] of this by three different ways, so that one may be sure to arrive.
Signed. Add. Endd. with brief note of contents. Seal of arms. French. 5¾ pp. [Germany, States, V. f. 225.]
(1) Henry Breye to Thomas Marshal, S.J., at the English College in Rome. His regiment is in Gelderland, but is himself at Collen with Father Engelbert de Hetre, who is not yet recovered from a fall from his horse. One of Marshal's old scholars of Dowau, Mr. George Mere, a Flemish Carthusian, is also here. Commends the bearer, Mr. Robert Bellomy, who “would willingly use you for his ghostly father whiles he there remaineth in Rome,” and who will tell the news of these parts.—Collen, 28 June, '89.
Postscript. Commends himself to any of his old acquaintances who may be with Marshal.
(2) George Stoker to Mr. Sebright, chaplain to the lord Cardinal, at Bullonia. If this bearer, Mr. Bellamy, needs money, desires Sebright to let him have it: Stoker will repay it. “He hath suffered much for God's sake, for one of his brothers was executed with the 14 gentlemen and another of them was racked to death for the same cause, and his mother was condemned and before execution died in the Tower of London.” Leaves him to report what Stoker has suffered since he and Mr. Geoffrey Poole were with Sebright.—Collen, 19 June, 1589.
(3) Stoker to Mr. Harris, at Millen. As to Sebright. Commends himself to Mr. Fernesley.—Collen, 19 June, 1589.
(4) Stoker to Sir Anthony Standen, at Florence. Met Standen's brother-in-law and Mr. Bellamy in prison at London: all three escaped together. Desires him to favour this bearer and to obtain such letters for him and for his (Standen's) brother-in-law as shall be for their most preferment, sending them by this bearer, who, he hopes, will procure such letters from others. The bearer has nearly spent all his money by travel and expenses: desires Standen to help him: Stoker will repay it. Sufferings of Bellamy's brothers and mother [as to Sebright, above]: his wife's “days were shortened, as the days of your sister, by the tyranny of Justice Young and the pursuivants.” Refers him to the bearer for English and Scottish news.—Collen, 19 June, 1589.
(5) Thomas Heythe to Standen, his brother [-in-law], at Florence. Good brother, though unacquainted: being come on this side of the seas, thought it my part to make you acquainted with my misfortunes, which have happened by the cruelty of our English heretics; who hunting me and my wife, your sister, from place to place and not permitting us to rest long anywhere quietly, at length, spying their opportunity in my absence, by the aid and assistance of Sir John Bowes brake up my doors and put my wife into such a fear that within five days after she departed this world. (fn. 6) After which, they arrested all my goods for the Queen and laid wait for me, and not long after by great misfortune apprehended me. After divers examinations touching the Queen of Scotland, the gentlemen that were executed for her cause, and lastly touching the coming of the Spanish army, I was committed by warrant of 7 of the Council to Newgat, (fn. 7) from whence I should ‘a’ been carried to be condemned and after executed. But Mr. Stoker, Mr. Bellowme, and myself joining together, found means to break out of prison the Wednesday before the sessions, which was on Friday following, which was but one week before Candlemas last past. The manner of our escape, Mr. Bellowme, the bearer hereof, will declare unto you at large. Wherefore these are most heartily to request you, who hath felt adversity as well as we, to … procure the Duke of Florens' letter in Mr. Bellome's behalf and mine to the Prince of Parma or any other who you think may do us most pleasure”: also to help the bearer with the charges of his journey to Rome. “He hath neither language neither knoweth the manner of the country.” Heythe's brother, Anthony, was with him three days before his escape: told him nothing of it, lest he be put to his oath. Left his brother Robert in the White Lion, for his conscience. Never heard of his brother Edmund nor his wife during his imprisonment of almost a year. Anthony has a son and two daughters by his last wife. Left his sisters Denam and Ryche, and their husbands, very well. His aunt Millicent died a fortnight before last Christmas.—Colyne, 19 June, 1589.
Postscript. Desires him to send the letters as soon as possible to Mr. George Stoker, with whom he will be.
Copies. Marginal note by Burghley of the six brothers and sisters in the last letter. Endd. by Walsingham's clerk. 5¾ pp. [Germany, States, V. f. 229.]
July 4/14. The Magistrates of Flushing to Walsingham.
This bearer, Adrian Marts on, burgher and master of a ship of this town, goes to England to purchase 15 pieces of iron artillery for furnishing certain merchant vessels belonging to divers burghers, most of them magistrates or councillors. Desire his honour to get him a licence to export the said guns from England hither. Appeal to Walsingham, because they know of none there more gracious and helpful towards their requests.—Flushing, 14 July, 1589.
Signed, A. Oillarts. Add. Endd. with note of contents and a trefoil. French. ¾ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 129.]
July 4. Bodley to the States General. (fn. 8)
Her Majesty finds with regret that their deputies in England have commission only to ask for the redress of certain pretended depredations, and for the reinforcement of her forces in the Low Countries. They have no charge to deal of important matters, such as the remedying of the disorders in these provinces or the reforming of the defects in the Treaty. She requires them to give their deputies full power to discuss with herself or her Council the articles sent from the Council by the deputies; or, if they prefer, to join other deputies, thus authorised, with those now there. They should have power to discuss all matters of importance and to conclude promptly thereupon. Desires them to resolve speedily upon this.—The Hague, 4 July, 1589.
Copy. French. 1½ pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 166.]
[July 5.] Requests of the States' deputies to the Privy Council.
That Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake be called before the lords and ordered to satisfy the spoils specified in articles 6 to 11 and 65 to 67.
That Sir Richard Greenfild send money for the spoil named in article 27, or else appear before the lords, together with the captain and master of the ship which committed the spoil.
Sir Walter Raleigh and his servants to answer to articles 36, 39, 49: his men to be imprisoned until they find surety to answer the complaints.
Thomas Flemming to be imprisoned till he find surety to answer articles 37 and 48: Carey, of Clavellie in Devon, and other buyers of the stolen goods, to be sent for to answer these complaints.
Article 38, against Sir Walter Leveson. “The case is pitiful, the parties poor, the matter evident as appeareth by proofs exhibited before the lords.” He once agreed in writing to refer it to indifferent hearing on a given day. That day is passed, and he refuses to perform his promise. Desire that he be committed until he make satisfaction.
For remedy of article 63 and all disorders in general the only sure means is a yearly circuit of the Judge about the sea-coasts, which the States desire may be established.
Article 64. The States desire compensation for their ships arrested here for three months by her Majesty's command.
Endd. with date. 12/3 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 131.]
July 5/15. The States General to Bodley.
(fn. 9) Have considered the proposals which he made to-day, in which he required the States to authorise their Commissioners now in England (or others to be sent thither) to treat of certain articles delivered to them on behalf of her Majesty and tending to the explanation and reforming of certain pretended defects in the Treaty. Rejoice in her Majesty's continued care for their welfare, but cannot resolve of this matter until they are officially informed of her pleasure. Their Commissioners have only sent them certain unauthenticated articles, with the information that her Majesty would make proposals thereupon to the States. Desire Bodley to give them authentic notice of her Majesty's pleasure in this weighty matter.
Desire him also to inform them of her Majesty's pleasure touching (1) the repayment of the money disbursed for her troops at the Briele; (2) the coming over of a person of quality, of which Bodley spoke in May, to settle all misunderstandings, etc.; (3) the reinforcement of her auxiliary forces, which they find, now that they come to draw up their estat de guerre, contain barely half the due number of footmen and less than a quarter of the horsemen; (4) the promised redress for the burdens imposed upon the cautionary towns by the excessive garrisons of the last two years; (5) the publication of her Majesty's disavowal of all the mutinies, etc., among the common people and the soldiers.—The Hague, 15 July, 1589.
Copy. French. 3½ pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 170.]
[July 5.] Notes touching Ostend.
That her Majesty would send as Governor a gentleman of reputation and credit, under whose rule the inhabitants would return to the town.
That she would also maintain there five companies of 200 soldiers apiece, each company serving for about a year.
That she would declare that she holds Ostend as a town of Flanders, in conformity with the Contract to which Flanders was a party.
Thereupon the town government will be restored according to ancient custom; the inhabitants who have fled will return; and, above all, the great fishery will be restored, which formerly was the basis of the town's prosperity and which could easily supply this realm with all kinds of fish, especially if her Majesty exempted those of Ostend from the duties levied upon all fishermen entering her realm. Thereupon, merchants and craftsmen would (as they promise) return to Ostend and the town would pay larger contributions. Moreover, the commons of the Religion still dwelling in the Flemish towns and countryside would send secret contributions, as well as regular intelligences.
Endd. with date. French. 1 p. [Treaty Papers XXXIV f. 168.]
July 6. William Borlas to Walsingham.
Charles arrived and left to-day. Fears he will do little good in Holland, for they are wonderfully bent against Vassuer and will at the least banish him.
Desires him to ‘deputate’ a captain here for his child's christening. A daughter of Egmond (the eldest, it is said) is dead. No certain news of the Prince.—Flussyng, 6 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 137.]
July 6. Captain Nicholas Errington to Walsingham.
Hears that Sir Robert Sydney is to come as Governor in Sir William Russell's place. Some alteration of officers is expected. Desires that he may keep his present charge [of Ramekins castle, endt.], by which he has lost rather than gained money even were all his accounts settled.
Some shoot at his place, thinking that he should retire and live at Barwyk. Gets but 64l. yearly at Barwyk, with no extra-ordinary profits in peace time. Gives his deputy there 20l. yearly, so has only 40l. for himself. This is not much to keep a house upon, as he must do if he lives there. Mr. Jeneson was 14 years absent in Ireland: his deputy at Barwike, at a better time than this, died 300l. in debt. Errington therefore desires not to be discharged from this place until his accounts and arrears are fully paid, so that he can satisfy his creditors here. Has no doubt of Sir Robert Sidneye's goodwill. Left an honourable place to serve Sidney's brother. If he might be paid for time past, would be willing to yield his office upon reasonable consideration to any whom Sidney might name.
Desires his honour to assist this bearer, his kinsman [endt. nephew] and lieutenant, Cuthbert Erington, to pass with horse and arms into France. The Princess of Orange has written in his favour to the King of Navere and to her brother, M. Chatillion. —Flushing, 6 July, 1589.
Postscript. Refers him to Borlase's letters for news, “as also the joy of his young son, to his great contentment in this his old age.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 135.]
July 6. Captain E. Bannaster to Walsingham.
The news of Portugal is so bad that the enemy draws his men out of garrison into Flanders, giving out that he will besiege Ostend, which is not believed.
The Prince is said to be alive and to have received commission to command for three years more. He will “never go more on his feet.”—Bergan-op-Some, 6 July, 1589.
Postscript. His readiness for any service.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 139.]
July 7. Sir Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.
Desires him to hear Lieutenant Audley and so to show him his favour that he may “proceed captain.” Last Tuesday, July 1, Morgan according to his honour's commandment sent Captain Viudall's company to Vlishinge. At that time 2,000 Spaniards marched from Macklen, Lire, Dist, and Auscote, into Flanders: they returned on Friday night. The Prince is one day said to be quick, the next day dead.—Bargen-ap-Zom, 7 July, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal. ½ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 143.]
July 8/18 The Magistrates of Ostend to Burghley and Cobham.
They petitioned the Privy Council long ago by writing and through their burgomaster, Cornille Kien (who is still in London), to obtain for them a loan from her Majesty for the repair of the town dykes against the winter. Have heard nothing of her Majesty's resolution hereupon. The summer passes, and three times as much work can be done for the money in summer as in winter. They eagerly await her Majesty's decision. Desire their lordships' good offices.—Ostend, 18 July, 1589, stylo novo Flandrie.
Signed, P. Mahieu. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. French. 2 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 147.]
July 8. Bodley to the States General. (fn. 10)
Their answer to his proposal merely repeats certain matters formerly communicated to him by word of mouth. These seem to him beside the point, for they can be treated of when the powers have been sent (as her Majesty requires) to their deputies in England or to others whom they may appoint. He referred them to the articles which their said deputies had sent, because he himself had received the articles in English and wished to avoid any ambiguity which might arise from a diversity of translations. Refers it to their judgment whether articles sent to the States' public assembly by their deputies, who received them from her Majesty's ministers, are not sufficiently authenticated, especially as he also presented signed copies to them before their assembly ended. Requires them to leave delays and give him a categorical answer in writing. He will then use his good offices in the particular points which they recommend to him.—The Hague, 8 July, 1589.
Copy. French. 1¼ pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 172.]
July 8/18. The States General to Bodley. (fn. 11)
They declare, upon the writing to-day exhibited by Bodley at their assembly, that they replied at once and in writing (as he wished) to his proposals of the 15th, although the articles sent to him in her Majesty's letter of June 20 were not delivered to them until after the break up of their assembly, namely, at seven in the evening of the 15th. Have considered the letter and articles and have resolved to send them to the provinces, their principals, to learn their opinions.—18 July, 1589.
Signed, Heermale. Countersigned, C. Aerssens. Endd. French. ¾ p. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 174.]
July 9. Buzanval to Walsingham.
Has been long silent. Asks passport for Mile, de Civille, with her goods and trunks and her husband's furniture, to go to Dieppe where she is to meet her husband. Also for M. de Bernet's servant, sent hither for provisions for that garrison; and for Jacques Maupyn, of Boulogne, to transport three hundred semmes of oatmeal or malt to make beer for M. de Bernet's household. Encloses M. Captot's letter [above, p. 359], written at Bernet's command.—London, 9 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. French. ½ p. [France XIX. f. 178.]
July 9. G. Gilpin to Walsingham.
Refers Bodley's dealings with the States to his own letters. Has assisted therein.
The treasurer's paymaster at Middelborgh begins to make some difficulty about paying Gilpin his allowance without the Lord General's warrant. Was formerly paid as one of the standing officers, upon his own acquittance. Desires his honour's favour herein. Cannot continue his service without this allowance.
The Prince of Parma is still at the Spaa, “recovered, but not fully cured.” His illness has kept the enemy quiet. His 'variance' with the Duke of Pastrana.
Schenck is near Rhees, not far from Santen, seeking to get more supplies into Berck. More men are sent to him. The enemy lies within half a league of him. He fortifies apace.
The frontier towns of Gelderland are quiet. They desire to spoil the corn of Deventer and Sutphen, “which standeth very fair.” Those of the said two towns carried off 5 or 600 horned beasts from near Vytrecht last week.
Count William is about Groeninghen: the people there are greatly stirred by the loss of the forts. Verdugo can hardly keep them quiet by promising to get forces from the Prince of Parma. For fear that the town should agree with the Count, Verdugo is said to have occupied Dam, between it and Delftsyle, and licensed the country around to bake, brew, or do any handicraft. This is apparently contrary to the privileges of Groeninghen. He has sent to Parma for men, who, it is hoped, must be those from Berck if they are to reach him in time.
The enemy does nothing around Heusden, though there are reports that he prepares bridges and munitions.—The Haeghe, 9 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 149.]
July 9. William Borlas to Walsingham.
Wyatte, commissary of Bergen, is “sent for over” by Lord Wylloby to ‘justify’ a report of certain speeches of Sir Thomas Morgan against Wylloby. Desires his honour to speak sharply to Wyatte, who is “a busy young man” set on by others to disgrace Morgan.—Flusschyng, 9 July, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 151.]
July 10/20. The States' Commissioners to Walsingham.
Sent him recently a packet from the Judge of the Admiralty, touching the complaints of their merchants. Desire answer thereupon, and to be informed when and where they may confer with the Council.
Hear that Sir Walter Lusson, who figures prominently in the complaints, is in this town. The complainants can get no settlement. Desire that Lusson be forced, by imprisonment if necessary, to give reasonable satisfaction.—London, 20 July, 1589, stilo novo.
Signed by all three. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. French. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 153.]
[July 10.] Note of the 5 horse companies cashiered, 11 March, 1589.
Endd. with date. ¼ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 154.]


  • 1. Enclosed in Buzanval's letter of the 9th, below, p. 373.
  • 2. Probably, gontier, a "substantial fellow" [Cotgrave].
  • 3. See also Bellamy's examination, 25 November, 1589.—S.P. Domestic, ccxxviii, no. 31.
  • 4. See Howell's State Trials, I, 1141 ff.
  • 5. This probably refers to the letter from Fr. John Hay to Cardinal Allen, 26 June, 1589, printed, from the Lansdowne MSS., in Letters of Cardinal Allen (ed. T. F. Knox), pp. 313–4.
  • 6. See Foley, Records of English Jesuits, VI. 163.
  • 7. See Acts of the Privy Council, XVI. 207.
  • 8. Printed in Utrecht Hist. Genootschap, Kronijk, XVII. 32–3.
  • 9. Printed in Utrecht Hist. Genootschap, Kronijk, XVII. 35–7: see also, Japikse, VI. 403.
  • 10. Printed in Utrecht Hist. Genootschap, Kronijk, XVII. 39–40.
  • 11. Printed in Utrecht Hist. Genootschap, Kronijk, XVII. 40.