Index: L

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Laaland, Loland, island of [Denmark], 78.

Lacy, S., letter from, 363.

ladles, 81.

Lake, land of. See Liège.

Lalain, Emmanuel Philibert de, marquis of Renty, Renti, Rentti:
-, Verdugo asks Mansfeld to deal with, 233.
-, at Terneuse, 271; will attack Tergoe from Flanders, 273.
-, regiment of, at Hoogstraeten, 308; mutinies, 366.

Lallier, Jacques, seigneur du Pin, marquis Depien, 363.

Lambert, Lambarte, Lamberd, Oliver, captain, 224, 410:
-, absent from company, 175.
-, commands Ostend men at Bergen, 265.
-, 200l. saved on checks of, 272; suspected abuses in checks of, 280.
-, pay of, 131; money paid to, 261, 262; money due to, 411.
-, company of, at Ostend, 132, 137, 141, 264; mutinies, 203; at Bergen, 291. See also Younge, Reynolde.

Lambeuson, Thomas, captain, letter signed by, 320.

la Mothe, Lamot, Lamott, la Motte. See Pardieu, Valentin.

"Lams," 335.

lancers, lances:
-, Willoughby offers to raise 300 for England, 8.
-, Dale has escort of, 35.
-, Wingfield to have company of, at Geertruidenberg, 67.
-, imprests of English, 147.
-, Leicester converted all English horse into, 403.

Lanckhaer, captain, 149.

Lancomo. See Savary, Jacques de.

Landgrave. See Philip, Landgrave of Hesse.

Land's End [co. Cornwall], 104.

Langstraat, de, Langstrade [N. Brabant, Netherlands], 397.

Languedoc, Languedock [France], 54:
-, governor of, may join Epernon, etc., 14.
-, no forces yet come to Navarre from, 110.

lansknechts, lanzknechts. See Germans.

La Panta. See Lepanto.

Larchant. See Grimonville, Nicolas de.

Laredo. See Alaredo.

Laundon. See London.

Lautrec, —, 251.

Lauwenberch, Lawenburch, duke of. See Francis II.

Lavardin, Lavardine. See Beaumanoir, Jean de.

law, international, 227, 228.

- of nature, 227.

Lawson, —, 333.

Laxley, Andrew, 293.

Layden. See Leyden.

Lea, Sir Henry, 168.

lead, sent to Ostend, 81; sent to Bergen, 210.

League, the Catholic, Holy, the Leaguers, the Union, Guise's faction:
-, agreement of king and, likely, 1; articles of agreement, 2, 16; two points not settled, 4; amazed at king's compliance, 5; agreement published, 53, 69.
-, cease to urge breach of English alliance, 5.
-, annoyed by news of Epernon's success and Lorrainers' withdrawal, 13.
-, Guise and Parisians to meet king: agreement laughed at, 61–2.
-, Montpensier and Soissons join, with reservations, 62.
-, hates Miron, 62.
-, and Parma have designs on Boulogne, 63; reverses of, at Boulogne, 90.
-, devastates duchy of Bouillon, 103.
-, very unpopular S. of Loire, 110.
-, mistrust Nuncio, 121, 145.
-, lacks money, 125, 126.
-, say Parma betrayed Armada, 146.
-, Henry III may fortify himself against, by telling news of Armada's defeat, 221.
-, will seize Jersey, etc., 351.
-, Parma thinks Guise's death will ruin, 391; bad position of Spain, if overthrown, 393.
-, Parma asked to aid, 392; will aid, 400.
-, Artois levies sent to, 399.
-, loses ground in Picardy, 395.

Leathario, Geffrei, letter from, 367.

Lecester, Lester, George, vice-treasurer of the forces in the Low Countries:
-, paper signed by, 169.
-, can give account of abuses at Ostend, 132.
-, contracted to victual Portugal expedition, 232.
-, asks States to pay Wachtendonk relief, 374.

Leche, Leck. See Lek.

Lede, Don Juan, Jan, de, 116.

Lee, Gilbert, captain of Heye, 148.

Leekes, baron de. See Recourt, Philippe de.

Leeman, Michel, gets guns for Middelburg, 57, 309.

Leer, Lier [E. Friesland, Germany], 156.

Leeuwarden [Friesland, Netherlands], letters dated at, 269, 287, 288.

Leghier, captain, 149.

Legir, captain, 148.

Leguiçamo, Don Tristran de, entretenido of Parma, 264.

Leicester, earl of. See Dudley, Robert.

Leiden. See Leyden.

Leighton, Leython, Sir Thomas, letter to, 351.

Lek, Leche, Leck, river [Netherlands], Parma's plans for crossing, 332, 345; closed to trade, 361.

Leke, —, 408.

Lenaerts, Pieter, merchant, of Holland, 148.

Lennep, Lennet, Rodolf van, captain, 269.

Leolinus, —, 408.

Leon, Pedro de, letter from, 305.

Leoninus, Elbertus, chancellor of Gelderland, member of the Council of State:
-, letter signed by, 234.
-, at Utrecht, 43; detained by fresh questions arising, 68.
-, going again to Utrecht, 104; no news of, 118; persuades Utrecht to grant 20,000 florins, 140, 154.
-, sent again to Utrecht, 234.

Lepanto, La Panta [Corsolary islands], battle of, referred to, 97.

Lerma, Don Alonso Martinez de, 396.

Lernkulen [Denmark], 80.

Lesdiguieres. See Bonne, François de.

Lesley, captain, 286.

Leslie, John, bishop of Ross. See under Roosois.

Lester. See Lecester.

Lestre, conte de. See Dudley, Robert.

Leva. See Leyva.

Leverpoole. See Liverpool.

Leveson, Lewson, Luson, Sir Walter, spoiled fishermen, 21; spoiled Danes, 157.

Lewes, Lews, John, 410; money due to, 408.

Leyden, Layden, Leiden [S. Holland, Netherlands], 135:
-, Paul Buys at, 44.
-, Killigrew at, 140.
-, Saravia protests at false accusations by, 213.
-, Norris to urge States to restore exiles of, 248; no proceedings against them since Queen wrote, 300; Queen urged their restoration, 301; Council of State intercedes for them, 340; Bodley to deal for them, 356; Bodley has written to them, 400.
-, Caron commends one of, 260.
-, disorders at, referred to, 328.
-, de la Faille at, 350.
-, burgomaster of. See Adrians, Pieter.
-, clerk of. See Hout, Jan van.

Leynkins, Leysson, Cornelis, merchant, of Flushing, admiralty suit of, 21, 198.

Leython. See Leighton.

Leyva, Leva, Don Alonzo de, general of Milanese cavalry, in Armada, 116; commands a division of the rearward, 75.

-, Antonio Luis de, prince of Ascoli, Ascholla, Ascoly, Auskala, reputed son of Philip II:
-, in Armada, 116.
-, leaves Netherlands, 305.
-, is malcontent, 308.
-, going to Spain, 349, 351.

-, Don Diego de, brother of Alonzo, 116.

Liège, principality, bishopric, of, land of Lake (Luyck) [Belgium], 396.

-, prince, bishop, of. See Bavaria, Ernest of.

Lier [Antwerp, Belgium], 323.

-, See also Leer.

Lieven, Charles de, heer van Famars, Famas, Famasse, governor of Heusden:
-, Maurice wholly led by, 82.
-, Maurice puts into Heusden, 215, 216.
-, Maurice asks help of, against Schenck, 342.
-, averts mutiny, 371.

Ligne, Charles de, count, earl, of Aremberg, Arenberghe, Arenborgh, peace commissioner:
-, lodgings of, 10.
-, complaint by, against Bergen garrison, 6; answer desired, 32, 38.
-, sends to Derby, 151.
-, wanted artichoke roots, 298.

Lille [Flanders, now Nord, France], letter dated at, referred to, 108.

Lillo, Lullo [Antwerp, Belgium]:
-, Parma's army near, 136.
-, prisoners taken to, 253, 267.
-, R. Tomson at, 320; Parma will let him return to, 321.
-, States' fleet off, 349.

Lilly, Lilie, Lillye, Lylly, William, Stafford's servant:
-, letters from, 124, 146.
-, -, referred to, 98, 99, 107, 108, 121, 123, 144.
-, letter to, referred to, 98.
-, Stafford has news from, 89.
-, deals about Madame Châteauneuf's speeches, 98.
-, does not know his friend is Stafford's friend, 99; unnamed friend of, at court, 124, 127.
-, Stafford sends news of Armada to, 100; uses it to give lie to Mendoça, 127.
-, Guise offended he is at court, 107.
-, asked Henry III how he would answer demands to aid Armada, 121.
-, Stafford blots out 'biting words' in letter of, 123.
-, deals against Mendoca's demand for galleass, 123, 146, 147.
-, spends like an ambassador on intelligences, 126.
-, indisposed, 126.
-, deals with Pinart about Placin, 128, 146, 147.

Limoges [Haute Vienne, France], 13.

linseed oil, 81.

Lion, Elias de, drossaard of Bergen, 211; will not lay out one penny, 237.

Lisbon, Lisborne, Lixbona, Lixbone [Portugal], 319, 367:
-, letters dated at, referred to, 156.
-, Armada leaves, 1; left 30 May, 104, 112.
-, corn sent from Dieppe for, 63.
-, no warships left at, 157.
-, 60 hulks equipping at, 171.
-, money coming to Dunkirk from, 231.
-, 90 sail ready at, 232.
-, importance of having regular news from, 330.
-, have to keep 1500 soldiers, 351.
-, cardinal Albert at, 395.
-, lacks corn, 399.

Liseman, George, 227.

Lithuania, the Lithuanians, Lituanians, truce between Russia and, 79; Sigismund in, 308.

Littleton, Litleton, Lytleton, Lyttelton, Lyttleton, Francis, captain, 410:
-, money paid to, 261, 262, 412; due to, 411; due by, 354.
-, company of, at Flushing, 30, 137, 263, 273.

Liverpool, Leverpoole [co. Lancaster], ship of, 3.

Livonia, 79.

Lixbona, Lixbone. See Lisbon.

Lloyd, Lloyde, Sir Jevan, captain, 410; money paid to, 261.

Lochem, Locchum, Lochum [Gelderland, Netherlands], mutiny pacified at, 309; horsemen of, take enemy convoy, 342.

Loches [Indre et Loire, France], 62.

Lockton, John, 409.

Loesa, Don Juan, ensign of Antonio Flores, 331.

Loire, river [France], 179, 311:
-, unpopularity of League S. of, 110.
-, Navarre intends enterprise near, 120.
-, Nevers' army crossed, 363.

Loland. See Laaland.

Lombards, 315.

Lon. See Loon.

Lonck, Lonche, Cornelis, van Roozendael, admiral of Flushing, 148.

-, Dirck Jansz., Jans, burgomaster of Gouda, 363.

London, Laundon, 122, 214, 321, 367, 373:
-, letters dated at, 1, 18, 22, 23, 24, 57, 63, 88, 130, 193, 221, 223, 224, 235, 260, 277, 278, 285, 286, 289, 307, 314, 355, 364, 378, 394.
-, should be trenched around like Paris, 91.
-, gates shut during Armada, 120.
-, Ostend asks for alms from refugee churches in, 223.
-, customs of, 259, 390.
-, lecture on fortification at, 311.
-, Spirnich in, 319.
-, de la Faille's children in, 350.
-, St. Bartholomew's fair at, 362.
-, Dunkirkers captured bark of, 368.
-, exchange rates at, 370, 383–6.
-, places in:
-, Bishopsgate, 23.
-, Bridewell, Bridouel, 88.
-, Marshalsea, 17.
-, alderman of. See Pullison, Sir Thomas.
-, merchants of. See Allen, Thomas; Allington, Henry; Cox, Henry; Stockes, Thomas.
-, ship of. See Swallow.

Loo, Andrea, Andrees, Andrew de, Vanloe, Flemish merchant, 10, 95:
-, letters from, 47, 116, 150, 151, 195, 196, 197.
-, -, referred to, 26.
-, writes frequently to England, 3.
-, Crofts often confers with, 26.
-, Parma's assurances to, after Dale's audience, 34, 47.
-, does not despair of peace, 116.
-, desires reward from Queen, 116, 151, 195, 197.
-, suggests fresh overtures to Parma, 150, 151, 196, 197.
-, French report of fresh overtures through, 153.
-, attempted assassination of, 198.
-, Giles seeks redress against, 281, 350.

Loon, Lon, Cornelis van, 331.

-, —, captain, Menninck's relations with, 331.

Loosen, Albrecht van, 363.

Lopes, Gregorio, 264.

Lorraine, duchy of, 62, 396:
-, Germans said to invade, 13.
-, fort of troops of, at Bonn burnt, 157.
-, Parma sends troops of, towards France, 391.

-, duke of. See Charles II.

-, house of, Metz may declare against, 59.

-, Charles de, duke of Aumâle, Aumall, Aumalle:
-, letters from, referred to, 391.
-, has given up siege of Boulogne, 7, 13.
-, asks Parma's help, 391.
-, chosen governor of Paris, 392.

-, Charles de, prince of Joinville, Genevill, eldest son of Henri, 363.

-, Charles de, duke of Mayenne, Meine:
-, Henry III promises Valence citadel to, 5.
-, to send forces to Saluzzo, 266.
-, declared governor of Paris, 392.
-, Parma sends Allegria to, 392.

-, Claude de, chevalier d' Aumâle, d' Omale, d' Omall:
-, gone to join Parma, 108; going for England, 126.
-, asks for grand priory of Champagne, 108; said to be given it, 124; this untrue, 146.
-, cries out against Parma, 146.

-, Henri de, duke of Guise, Guyse, Mucio, lieutenant-general of France, 209, 396:
-, document signed by, 16.
-, raises Germans with Spanish money, 4.
-, followers warn, against Henry III, 5, 61; Henry III has design against, 99.
-, awaits Henry III at St. Germainen-Laye, 54; and Parisians to meet Henry III, 61–2.
-, weak position of, in Paris, 99.
-, lieutenant-generalship will ruin, 107; patent appointing him, 109.
-, objects to Lilly being at Court, 107.
-, Navarre eager to encounter, 110.
-, disputes between Nevers and, 124.
-, is very sad, 125; does what he will, 126.
-, dare not lose control of King's person, 126; and Henry III very good friends, 158.
-, quarrel between harbingers of Soissons and, 154.
-, duke of Lorraine claims share with, in these Salic matters, 232.
-, promised Boulogne to Spain, 311.
-, money due to, by Spain, 391.
-, Parma's views on death of, 391–2; Italian princes encouraged, 393; English should not show undue joy, 395.
-, King's declaration on death of, mentioned, 394.
-, poem on death of, 405.
-, See also Henry III; League, the Catholic.

-, Louis de, cardinal of Guise, death of, 391, 395.

-, Philippe Emmanuel de, duke of Mercoeur, Marcury, Mercury, Mercurye, Navarre routs company of, 145; retires to Nantes, 363.

Louis XI. king of France, 53.

Louise de Lorraine, queen of France, king causes to favour Soissons, 61; entertains lady Sheffield well, 145.

Louvain, Lovaine [Brabant, Belgium], university of, 71.

Lovell, Louvel, Lovel, Loven, Thomas:
-, letters borne by, 119, 130, 154.
-, Killigrew commends, 118.
-, knows States' plots against Flushing, 133, 163, 188.
-, Bergen desires services of, 337; Morgan desires his services, 347.

Low Countries, the, 135, 207, 251, 377:
-, Spaniards refuse to withdraw foreign forces from, 29, 37; this delays peace treaty, 71, 74; reasons for Queen's demand, 405.
-, Queen's proceedings in, show she does not covet others' lands, 52; dangerous to England if possessed by papists, 71.
-, peace treaty discussions upon armistice in, 96.
-, Queen's demands for, in peace treaty, 74, 96, 97.
-, States General of whole, would ratify peace treaty, 151, 196, 197.
-, duke of Lauenburch arrests those of, 310.
-, answers to questions about exchanges in, 385.
-, notes on English relations with, 415.

-, refugees from:
-, a plan for troops to be waged by, 134–6; exhortation to, 181; those in England should pay for Flemish offensive, 216–7.

-, See also United Provinces.

-, Spanish, 73, 153:
-, Parma's heavy expenditure in, 7.
-, rich revenues of United Provinces from licences to trade with, 212, 234, 254; this raises prices, 334.
-, ransomed Armada prisoners not to be sent to, 214.
-, Ostend desires to licence trade with, 248.
-, no talk of duke of Savoy coming to, 298.
-, Estates of, to meet, 305, 323.
-, States should pay for Willoughby's spies in, 324.
-, Emperor's kinsman to be governor of, 349.
-, France may take advantage of war in, 391.
-, Geertruidenberg seizes boats going to, 397.
-, no money in, 398.
-, Sedan cannot get salt from, 414.
-, See also Antwerp; Artois; Brabant; Farnese, Alexander; Flanders; Groningerland; Groningen; Hainault; Ostend.

Lubeck, Lubecke, Lubicke [Germany], 39, 310; sends munitions to Spain, 360; Harborne passed through, 404.

Lullo. See Lillo.

Luson. See Loveson.

Lygons, Ralph, English fugitive, 203.

Lylly. See Lilly.

Lyngbygaard, Lyngbui [Scania, Denmark, now Sweden], 80.

Lyons [Rhône, France]:
-, exchange rates at, 370, 386.
-, Henry III going to, 382.
-, Mayenne at, 392.
-, king assured of, 395.
-, archbishop, bishop, of. See Epinac, Pierre.

Lytleton, Lyttelton, Lyttleton. See Littleton.