Index: J, K

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Jackson, William, 293.

-, —, 410.

Jacobson, Conrave, 408.

Jacopsz., Symon, captain, 149.

Jaffer Pasha, Bassa, vizier of Tabriz, defeated by Tokmak, 139; burns Ardabil suburbs, 166.

Jamais. See Jametz.

James VI, king of Scotland:
-, Spanish hopes of, disappointed, 19.
-, said to allow Armada crews to land, 85.
-, Queen sends money to, 120; goodwill of, to Queen, 175, 176.
-, States sending Voocht to, about Stewart's claims, 198; sent herald to States to demand payment, 221; Queen should be careful how she supports States against, 244; States' articles against, 285; Voocht urges Queen to intervene with, 289; Queen's dealings with, 372.
-, Turkish reports of Spanish league with, 200.
-, Spaniards hope to buy support of, 231, 401.
-, could take ships going to Spain from Baltic etc., 330.
-, will attack England, 351.
-, reported marriage of, 398.
-, Powrie expects letters from, 400.
-, peril of, 401.
-, mother of. See Mary, queen of Scots.

James, Joseph, captain, 195, 409.

Jametz, Jamais, Jamets [duchy of Bouillon, now Meuse, France]:
-, Henry III sends Montpensier to, 4; who protects, 62.
-, duke of Lorraine blockades, 58, 179; surrenders, but castle holds out, 382.
-, Guise's death should relieve, 394.

janissaries, 173, 335.

Jans. Adrian, merchant, of Holland, 148.

Jansz., Pieter, captain, 149.

Jarsay. See Bourcy, Réné.

Jasperson, Peter, of Hamburg, 228.

Jeames, Thomas, 408.

Jermin, Jermyn. See Germain.

Jersey, island of, Gersey [Channel isles], Armada reported off, 69; Spain will try to seize, 351.

Jesuits. See under priests.

Jever, Jeveren [Oldenburg, Germany], lordship of, disputed between Edzard II and John XVI, 156.

Jews, Antonio sends one to ask aid of Turks, 281; Moors slaughter in Barbary, 335.

-, See also Mendez, Don Alvaro.

Joannes. prince of Denmark, 404.

John, duke of Holstein, brother of Frederick II of Denmark, 77.

John, king of Sweden, letter to, 143; Rogers sends to, about Allen, 79, 143; holds parliament on Russian affairs, 79.

John XVI, count of Oldenburg, quarrelling with brother, Edzard II, 44; agreement being made, 156.

John Adolf, duke of Holstein-Gottorp, 310.

John Casimir, Casimir, Cassemier, count palatine and administrator of Rhenish Palatinate:
-, letters from, referred to, 186, 348.
-, sending de la Noue with men to Sedan, 58.
-, sent Podelitz to Denmark, 75, 79–80.
-, G. Ranzau served with, 78.
-, report that comes into Netherlands, 172.
-, States envoys' negotiations with, 186.
-, seeks loan of States for Truchsess, 253, 267.
-, cannot get States to pay Schregel, 347, 348.
-, chancellor of, 186.
-, counsellor of. See Schregel, George Erasmus.

John George, elector, duke of Brandenburg, 404; Hohenlohe's negotiations with, 186.

Johnson, Thomas, 408.

-, —, 290.

Jones, —, of Utrecht, 409.

Jonghe, Justins, 259.

Joorisz., Meens, captain, 149.

Joosten, Jacop, captain, 149.

Jorden. Edward, merchant, of Middleburg, 412.

Jordeyne, —, 408.

Joyeuse. See Arques, Anne d'.

Jugurtha, Jughurta, 67.

jubilee, 2, 20.

Jul, Absolom, Danish secretary, 80.

Jülich, Julick [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 345.

Junius, Dr., son of, 186.

Justinus, Justens, Justin, Justyns, Justynus. See Nassau, Justinus of.

Jutland [Denmark], viceroy of. See Bellow, Henry.


Kaas, Nicholas, lord of Torupgaard, chancellor of the king, and a governor, of Denmark, 79, 80:
-, letters signed by, 6, 10, 87, 158.
-, Rogers deals with, 75–6.
-, 'the pearl of all Denmark,' 77.
-, friend of Rammel, 78.

Kadzand, Cassand [Zeeland, Netherlands], 407.

Kaiserswerth. See under Schrenerswert.

Kanisa [Hungary], letter dated at, 336.

Kara Dagh, Caravag [Azerbijan, Persia], 165.

Kasbin, Casbin [Irak, Persia], 172.

Kaster, Castre [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 234.

Kellawe, George, Christopher Blunt's lieutenant, widow of, 194.

Kellegrey, Kelligrew, Kellygre. See Killigrew.

Kellet, William, English merchant, at Marseilles, 359.

Kelly, Francis, 293.

Kennell, Christopher, T. Sherley's deputy at Middelburg, money to be delivered to, 129; pays imprests to Ostend troops going to Bergen, 206; money due to, 409.

Kent, co., 330.

Kerpen, Cerpin [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 234.

Khurasan, Horosan [Persia], 172.

Killigrew, Kellegrey, Kelligrew, Kellygre, Killegrew, Killegrewe, Killegrey, Kilgrewe, Killigray, Killigree, Killigrewe, Killigry, Killygrewe, Kylligrewe, Kyllygrew, Henry, member of the Council of State, 21, 57, 163, 340, 373, 394:
-, letters from, 2, 18, 60, 64, 68, 90, 91, 104, 118, 140, 182, 183, 184, 187, 221, 222, 233, 245, 250, 266, 268, 348.
-, -, referred to, 82, 90, 168–70, 183, 193, 215, 233, 244, 267.
-, letters to, 45, 66, 69, 229, 231, 237, 245, 349.
-, -, referred to, 18, 48, 64, 233, 248.
-, searching for copies of Allen's book, 2; Roels presses, for printer's payment, 46, 60; sends portraits of Allen's factor and a Jesuit, 60; Roels complains of, 83, 84; order sent to, to pay the debt, 213; has paid it, 253.
-, has good opinion of Ste. Aldegonde, 2.
-, Council informs, that more ships to go to Queen, 2.
-, helped to pacify Veere and Arnemuiden, 7; and other disorders, 24.
-, at the Hague, 11.
-, thinks forces in Netherlands too small, 19; urges reinforcement, 141.
-, asked Maurice to favour Bacq and Groenevelt, 20.
-, Burnham sends to, 32.
-, to solicit States to victual ships better, 51.
-, cannot send safely to peace commissioners, 60.
-, can find no means by Villiers of reconciling Maurice and Russel, 65, 175.
-, wishes Provinces would accept Maurice as ruler, 65, 184.
-, tells Oldenbarnevelt peace articles are false, 68–9.
-, thinks Gilpin could be useful in Council of State, 87.
-, sees no hope of special levy in States, 90, 175, 176.
-, going to Utrecht, 104; Mörs' dealings with, 109; no news of, 118; got Utrecht to grant 20,000 florins, 140, 154.
-, is at the Hague, 130.
-, sends note of Armada action, 140.
-, bond to pay for powder sent to England, 158; powder obtained on credit of, 183, 185.
-, to hear Ostend mutineers' grievances, 168, 170.
-, notes of Walsingham's replies to, 175–7.
-, desires recall, 183, 185, 233, 251.
-, is unwell, 184, 233, 250, 267, 268, 348.
-, has written of plan for enterprise in Flanders, 185, 216.
-, knows no Dutch, 185.
-, can report of new bailiff of Flushing, 188.
-, memorial from, 214–6.
-, commends Voocht, sent over about Stewart's claims, 221, 222.
-, Morgan thanks, 237.
-, asks van der Aa to help Deventer, 245.
-, Bodley to replace, 250, 315, 318, 324, 325, 356, 369.
-, advertisements from, 252–4.
-, efforts of, to pacify Friesland failed, 287.
-, often complains of posts, 302.
-, is fully informed about Geertruidenberg, 303, 322.
-, portrait, etc., of Mary Stuart brought to, 309.
-, thinks reform of States' government needed, 343.
-, sought to reconcile Deventer, Cleerhagen and Mörs, 348; Deventer wishes to justify himself before, 349.
-, returning home, 349; eager to return, 361.
-, Bodley going to see, 381; confers with him, 400.
-, pay of, 128, 291, 409.
-, money paid to, 129, 276.
-, servant of, 253.

-, William, brother of Henry, 233, 267, 268.

Kintsky, Kinsque, Ferdinand Christoffel van, captain, 374.

Kirkham, Kirkhame, W., news from, 399.

Kirton, —, Russel's lieutenant, 140.

Kitlich, baron Otto of, 302.

Knibbe, Dr. Paul, letter from, 58.

Knollys, Knolles, Knollis, Knolls, Knowles, Knowllis, Sir Francis, comptroller of the household, privy councillor, letters signed by, 7, 142.

-, Sir Thomas, captain, 224, 410:
-, absent since June, 175.
-, will not raise horseband, 292.
-, pay of, 131; money paid to, 261, 262; due to, 411; due by, 353.
-, company of, at Ostend, 132, 137, 141, 264. See also Bull, Thomas.
-, troop of, 214, 264; wholly broken, 390.

-, Sir William, 410; money paid to, 261; Kyen has business with, 223.

Knot, William, 293.

Knuthsthorp, Knudsturp [Seania, now Kristianstad, Sweden], 80.

Knyvett, Thomas, marshal of Brielle, 276.

Kolding, Colding Kolbing [Jutland, Denmark], 404.

-, captain of castle of. See Bellow, Henry.

Königsberg [Prussia, Germany], letter from magistrates of, 208.

-, prince, lord of. See George Frederick, duke of Prussia.

Kronborg, Croenburgh, Cronenburche, castle of [Helsingörs, Zeeland, Denmark], very strong and fine, 75; Ranzau would keep Germans in, 310.

-, constable of. See Ranzau, Gerard.

Kurds, Chuirdians, 139.

Kyeboom, Hendrick, letter signed by, 320.

Kyen, Kien, Cornelis, burgomaster of Ostend:
-, letters from, 223, 235.
-, brought news of Ostend mutiny, 166, 167, 168; is to return, 170.
-, reasons for delaying in England, 223.
-, unwell, 235.
-, petition of, referred to, 247, 248.
-, Conway accuses, 341.

Kylligrewe, Kyllygrew. See Killigrew.