Index: M

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Maas, Maes, Mase, river, 269:
-, Schenck and Vijgh will stop trade on, 268; intercept Holland trade on, 302.
-, declared open for all but victuals, 361.
-, Geertruidenberg seizes shipping on, 397.

Machelin, Macklen. See Malines.

Maddox, Griffith, clerk of munition at Flushing, 410.

Madrid [Spain]:
-, letter dated at, 395.
-, -, referred to, 12, 154.
-, premature rejoicings at, for Armada's victory, 154.

Maes, Meas, John, councillor to Brabant chancery, peace commissioner, 72, 95; ship of, 399.

Maes, river. See Maas.

Mahomet, Mahumet, the prophet, 173.

Mahomet Khuda Banda, shah of Persia, abdicated, 172.

Mahomet Pasha, Mehumet Bassa, 174.

Maillezais, Malzay, Malesieux [Vendée, France], reported taken by Navarre, 13; Navarre will besiege, 145.

Malines, Machelin, Macklen, Mechlin [Antwerp, Belgium], Parma garrisons, 306, 310, 323; Stewart makes no claim against, 286.

malt, 297.

Maltizen, Stein, marshal of the hall of Denmark, 80.

Manchester, Robert, provost-marshal of Flushing, weekly imprests of, 129, 291; money due to, 411.

Mandossa. See Mendoça.

Mangrieff, captain, 286.

Mann, Man, Dr. John, English ambassador to Spain, 415.

Manon, Manno. See O, Jean d'.

Mansfeld, Mannsfelde, Mannsfelt, Mansfelde, Mansfelt, count Charles of, son of Peter Ernest:
-, letters from, referred to, 236, 397.
-, letters to, 232, 235.
-, Verdugo calls scheme of, impracticable, 233; Peter Ernest protests against it, 235.
-, League send la Planche to, 392.

-, count Peter Ernest of, the old count, governor of Luxemburg, 232, 233:
-, letters from, 234, 235.
-, -, referred to, 253, 267.
-, will threaten Gelderland when Bonn falls, 186; may attack Utrecht, 245.
-, asks Parma for money, 234, 235–6.
-, complains of Chimay, 234.
-, protests against proposed Veluwe campaign, 235–6.
-, summoned Verdugo to Venlo, 237.
-, forces from Bonn besiege Wachtendonk, 247, 302, 323, 372, 379; three assaults by, fail, 306; has not planted cannon, 309; hampered by rains, 321, 342, 361, 370; troops of, mutiny, 382; takes the town, 383, 387.
-, estimate of forces of, 374.
-, St. Aldegonde warned States of plans of, 381.
-, fear of attack on Utrecht by, 388; moves towards Brabant, 396.
-, steward of, letter from, 236.

-, count, 332; paid, 298; to govern Netherlands, 350; goshawk of, 390.

Mansilla, Francisco de, 264.

Mantes [Seine et Oise, France], 61.

Marans [Charante Inf., France], 13.

-, governor of. See Blanchard, François.

Marcellus, L., 293.

Marcos. See Marques.

Marcury, duke of. See Lorraine, Philippe Emmanuel de.

Margate, Margatt [co. Kent], 302.

Margittes, George, Russel's servant, 269.

Mariani, Paulo, 282.

mariners. See sailors.

Marnix, Philippe de, sieur de Ste. Aldegonde, Allegond, d' Aldegonde, St. Alldegonde, 11, 306:
-, letter from, 382.
-, -, referred to, 2, 49, 60.
-, letters to, referred to, 381, 382.
-, searches for copies of Allen's book, 2, 49; presses Killigrew to pay printer, 60.
-, would dedicate book to Queen, 2; dedicates it to church, 140; writes commentary on bull against Queen, 267, 268.
-, is poor, 49, 82; may go to France, 177.
-, States and Maurice dislike, 82; lacks influence, 177.
-, Bodley confers with, 381, 382.
-, wife of, at Antwerp, 49.

Marques, Marcos, Marquite, Francisco, captain, Armada prisoner in Zeeland, 111, 116; examination of, 112.

Marseille [Bouches du Rhône, France], letter dated at, 360.

-, English merchant at. See Kellet, William.

Marsh, Marshe, Anthony, 351–2.

Marten, Cleynen, captain, 149.

Martinengo, count, 393.

Martines. See Meynarts, Simon.

Martinez. See Recalde, Juan Martinez de.

Martiny, Guillaume, greffier of Antwerp, 323.

Martman, Hans Cornelis, captain, 149.

Martruyt, Joris, commissary of the States, 66.

Marule, Henrick van, burgomaster of Deventer, captured, 342.

Mary, queen of Scots, 120, 123:
-, papers on death of, reprinted in Paris, 153.
-, portrait of and verses on, sold at Hague, 309.

Mase, river. See Maas.

Massi, Cosmo, Parma's secretary, 196.

Masterman, —, 410.

Mastricht, Jan van, letter signed by, 320.

Mateus, John, 409.

Mathewe, George, 409.

Matignon. See Goyon, Jacques.

Matterup [? Mottrup, N. Jutland, Denmark], 80.

Matthias, archduke of Austria, 79.

mattocks, 228.

Maugiron, Laurent de, Henry III's lieutenant in Dauphiné, 107.

Mauléon, Mollione [now Châtillon-surSèvre, Deaux Sèvres, France], 363.

Mauléon, Girault de, seigneur de Gourdain, Gordayn, Gourdan, governor of Calais:
-, letter from, referred to, 121.
-, letter to, 98.
-, entertained English peace envoys, 97.
-, Queen upbraids for firing on her ships, 98.
-, will keep Calais against English or Spaniards, 108.
-, Stafford thinks, acted rightly, 121.
-, seizes galleass's guns, 122.
-, king orders to restore galleass, 158.

Maurice, count. See Nassau, Maurice, count of.

Maximilian, archduke of Austria, 173, 335:
-, efforts to induce Poles to release, 79.
-, Pope seeks to unite Sigismund and, against Turks, 282.

Mayenne, duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Meas. See Maes.

Mechlin. See Malines.

Mecklenburg, duchy of, 77.

-, duke of. See Ulrich.

Medemblik, Medenblic, Medenblick, Medenblicq [N. Holland, Netherlands], 250, 363:
-, Sonoy awarded redress against, 70; he is disliked because of affair of, 267; he resigned government of, 300.
-, treatment of. makes Geertruidenberg suspicious, 154.
-, mutiny at, referred to, 328.

Medici, Catherine de. See Catherine de Medici.

- Ferdinand I de, grand duke of Tuscany, duke of Florence, arms against Turk, 5; ship of, in Armada, 115; proposal should mediate Anglo-Spanish peace, 295.

-, Don Giovanni, John, Juan, de, brother of Ferdinand, in debt, 298; leaves Antwerp for Spain, 305, 349, 351.

Medina, Medina de Cidonya, Medina Sidonia. See Perez de Guzman, Alonso.

Medrano, Don Diego, general of Armada galleys, 127.

Meeteren, Jan van, 225.

Meetkerke, Medkerke, Meetkercke, Meetkerque, Meetquerque, Metkerke, Mettkerke, Adolf van, president of Flanders, 58, 217.

-, Nicolaes van, captain, Groenevelt's lieutenant-colonel:
-, letter from, 289.
-, sent by Utrecht to Queen, 134; credentials, 86.
-, takes 500 men from refugee churches to Bergen, 220.
-, Norris to deal with States for, 248.
-, reported imprisoned at Utrecht, 253.
-, returning, 259.
-, desires to enter Queen's service at Ostend, 289.
-, opinion of, on Utrecht, 289–90.

Mehumet. See Mahomet.

Meine. See Lorraine, Charles de, duke of Mayenne.

Mellema, Minne, letters signed by, 287.

Melvyn. See Elbing.

Memorancy. See Montmorency.

Mondez, Mendas, Don Alvaro, Portuguese Jew, now called Don Solomon Abymincis, 281:
-, plan of, to get Turks to attack Spain, 138, 174.
-, supports Barton in decrying Turks' awe of Armada, 200.
-, sent released English to Harborne, 201.

Mendoça, Mandossa, Mendosa, Mendoza, Don Bernardino de, Spanish ambassador to France, 126:
-, letters from, referred to, 107, 391, 392.
-, spreads idle rumours of Armada, 5, 99, 100.
-, Navarre captures courier of, 13.
-, sent English rebels to Parma, 52.
-, thinks Armada still at Coruña, 62.
-, Stafford's friend often confers with, 64.
-, has courier from Spain, 64.
-, angry with Parma, 108, 154.
-, requires king to restore galleass at Calais and not to aid Queen, 121, 123; had very brief audience, 125; Henry III grants request of, for galleass, 144, 147; demands of, printed, 153.
-, mistrusts Nuncio, 122.
-, Lilly gives lie to Armada reports of, 127.
-, left money at French ports for Armada, 146.
-, expects overthrow of League, 392.
-, Ogilvie to meet, 401.

-, Don Juan de, the elder, slain, 264.

-, Don Juan de, the younger, minor, prisoner at Bergen, 264; Wingfield deprived of, 307; Willoughby will pleasure Walsingham about, 398.

Menevilla. See Roncherolles, François de.

Menin, Menyn, Dr. Joos van, 44.

Menninck, Adrian, letters of, referred to, 362; examination of, 330–2; further examination of, 345–6; van Dorp's evidence about, 362.

-, captain, letter to, 319.

Meppel [Drenthe, Netherlands], 342.

Merchants Adventurers, the company of the, 385:
-, Hamburg privileges of, revoked by Hanse, 39.
-, Beale and Saltonstall to seek residence for, at Hamburg, 39, 40; Queen's answer to S. à Bergen on Hamburg residence of, 226–7.
-, Knibbe wishes to serve, 58.
-, Stade would enlarge town if sure would stay, 310.
-, Hogskens' practices against, 350.
-, money paid through, 177.

-, governor of. See Saltonstall, Richard.

-, deputy-governor of, at Flushing. See Esherstone, Richard.

-, -, at Stade. See Pecok, Robert.

-, See also Atwood, Edward; Cullenar.

-, Middelburg residence of:
-, should advance English troops' lendings, 91, 122, 155, 156.
-, money paid through, 103.
-, money for lendings to be delivered by, 129.
-, money paid to Flushing garrison by, 170; money due to, for victualling Rammekens, 314; money advanced by, to Wingfield and Randolph, 318; Russel's debts to, 412.
-, sell cloth well, 253.

Merchant Royal, 21.

-, news brought by, 1, 330.
-, suggestions for control of, and of exchanges, 385–6.

-, English, 274:
-, from Stade and St. Nicholas can reinforce fleet, 90.
-, goods of, confiscated at Knigsberg, 208; by duke of Prussia, 309.
-, refuse to pay Ostend customs, 212.
-, avarice of, 213.
-, goods of, stayed at Morlaix, 364.
-, to provide army's pay by exchange, 368, 374, 383.
-, Harborne gets privileges for, in Moldavia, 404.
-, horse captains' petition on pay by, answered, 413.

-, of Antwerp, 214; Spanish and Portuguese, pay Stanley, 398.

-, of Cologne, 60, 155.

-, of Delft, 148.

-, of United Provinces, Dutch, 275; buy guns in England for Zeeland, 309.

-, named. See Allen, Thomas; Allington, Henry; Belleman, Anthonis Willem; Bourman; Boyl, James; Browne, John; Cox, Henry; Doyen, Thomas le; Fontaynes, Jacques; Foran, Job; Gac, François le; Gilbert, Adrian; Gondalo; Hals, Nicholas; Jans, Adrian; Jorden, Edward; Kellet, William; Lenaerts, Pieter; Leynkins, Cornelis; Loo, Andrea de; Marsh, Anthony; Scott, Robert; Smyth, Abraham; Spiernicx, Cornelis; Stockes, Thomas; Suwers, Simon; Targer, Valentin and Nicolas; van den Veken, Hans; Welser, Mark and Matthew.

Mercoeur, Mercury, Mercurye. See Lorraine, Philippe Emmanuel de.

Merrick, Francis, 409.

-, Geldy, 409.

Merryke, John, English agent in Russia, 352.

Mers [Indre, France], 395.

Merwe, river [Netherlands], 332, 346.

Metkerke, Mettkerke. See Meetkerke.

Metz [Moselle, France]:
-, Epernon will keep, by German aid, 14; Miron sent to demand his surrender of, 62.
-, will declare against Lorrainers, 59.

Meurs. See Solms, Adolf von.

Mewse, —, 408.

Meyer, Jan de, of Hamburg, 319.

Meynarts, Martines, Meynertsz., Simon, member of Council of State, 253; paper signed by, 340; confers with Willoughby about Wachtendonk, 374.

Micheas, 200.

Michel, Mychel, Jean le, minister of Grootebrouch, letter from, 207; Leicester gave annuity to, 208.

Micheldever, Mycheldever [co. Southampton], letter dated at, 318.

Middelburg, Middelborgh, Middelborough, Middelborow, Middelborowe, Middelborrow, Middelbrow, Middelburgh, Middleborough, Middleborowgh, Middleborrowe, Middlebourgh, Middleburgh, Midelborgh, Midelboroughe, Midelborow, Midelbroughe, Midellborowe, Midelborow, Midleborgh, Midleburgh, Myddelborough, Myddelborowgh, Myddelbourgh, Myddelbrowghe, Myddleburgh, Mydelborow, Mydleborough [Zeeland, Netherlands], 87, 156, 224, 225, 235:
-, letters and papers dated at, 8, 46, 47, 84, 103, 106, 110, 112, 113, 115, 120, 130, 134, 136, 143, 144, 148, 150, 151, 159, 161, 163, 181, 182, 192, 220, 280, 281, 284, 289, 299, 305, 306, 309, 330, 350, 381, 396, 398.
-, guns made in England for, 1, 57.
-, peace rumours at, 48.
-, burghers of, going to England for money due by Flushing garrison, 58.
-, prices of armours at, 82; Walsingham's made at, 158.
-, Willoughby going to, 89; he and Russel reconciled near, 134.
-, plan to make prisoners work on fort at, 159.
-, money for Ostend sent to, 190, 202.
-, good sales of English cloth at, 253.
-, creditors of English captains request payment, 278; Ortel presses for their payment, 307; their petition, 313.
-, money payable at, 327.
-, trade between Antwerp and, 351.
-, provincial council at, 373.
-, exchange rates on London, 384–6.
-, English house at, 301.
-, merchants of, 176. See also Boyl, James; Browne, John; Jorden, Edward; Smyth, Abraham; and Merchants Adventurers.
-, armourer of. See Hore, William.
-, burghers of. See Charles the Taylor; Duquecborne, Daniel.
-, pensionary of. See Roelsius, William.
-, T. Sherley's deputy at. See Kennell, Christopher.

Miderben, — van, 158.

Midina, duke of. See Perez de Guzman, Alonso.

Midleton, Thomas, late in Waller's company, 194.

Midsturp [Denmark], 80.

Mihnea III, vaivode, prince, of Wallachia, 174.

Milan [Italy], castle of, 5; king's council at, 393.

Mildmay, Myldemaye, Sir Walter, chancellor of the exchequer, letter signed by, 7; letter to, 307.

Minzon, —, 208.

Miron, Myron, François, Henry III's physician, 209:
-, sent to Epernon; hated by League, 62.
-, Epernon's answer to, pre-arranged with king, 99.
-, rules about the king, 208.

-, Robert, sieur de Chenailles, Chenaylles, intendant-general of finances, brother of François, 209; dismissed, 178; ruled about the king, 208.

mirror, 367.

Mocenigo, Giovanni, Venetian ambassador to France, 5, 120.

Modet, Hermann, Utrecht minister, 310.

Moesberghen. See van de Wael, Bartholomeus.

Moeurs, count of. See Solms, Adolf von.

Moffet, Thomas, captain, English fugitive at Rouen, 122.

Moldavia, Harborne gets trade privileges in, 404:
-, prince of. See Peter.

Mole, —, under-treasurer at Ostend, 190, 202.

Moller, Dirick, councillor of Copenhagen, 6.

Mollione. See Mauléon.

Mompensier. See Bourbon-Vendôme, François de.

Moncada, Moncado, Don Hugo de, son of viceroy of Valencia:
-, letter to, 75.
-, orders from Sidonia to, 75.
-, galleass of, spoiled at Calais, 97, 116.
-, See also San Lorenzo.

Mondragon, Dragonne, Cristobal de, governor of Antwerp, 320; comes to Parma's camp, 85; glad Russel leaves Flushing, 306; letter to, referred to, 396.

monks. See under priests.

Monsieur. See Francis, duke of Anjou.

Montaigu, Montegne, Montigue [Vendée, France], Navarre said to have taken, 13; Nevers takes, 363.

Montauban [Tarn et Garonne, France], 332.

Montegewe, John, 408.

Montessin, 395.

Montholon, Montelon, Mountelon, François de, advocate-general of Paris parlement, appointed garde des sceaux, 178, 208, 209.

Montmorency, Memorancy, Honri I, duke of, marshal of France, 209; joins Epernon and Savoy, 13; Buzanval urges Queen to send to, 54.

Montpensier. See Bourbon-Vendôme, François de.

Montreuil, Mountril [Pas de Calais, France], 399.

Moor, Joos de, vice-admiral of Zeeland:
-, letter from, 266.
-, blockades Dunkirk, 8.
-, his orders from Maurice, 25.
-, takes 12 sail more to Dunkirk, 65.
-, with Justinus, 148.

Moors, Muttigers, 102; revolt of, in Aragon, 157; revolt of, in Barbary, 335.

Moorton, Redman, in Russel's troop, 194.

Morat Bassa. See Murad.

Moravia, Murua [Czecho-Slovakia], 336.

Morcan, colonel, 331.

Morgan, Morgaine, Matthew, captain, nephew of Sir Thomas, 224, 410:
-, signs horse captains' petition. 163
-, uncle desires Bergen company for, 396.
-, money paid to, 262.
-, troop of, at Rhenen, 14, 138, 264; going with Schenck, 162; not mustered by States since Oct., 1587, 296; to go with Norris, 390.

-, Richard, 408.

-, Sir Thomas, lieutenant-colonel, colonel, governor of Bergen-opZoom, 176, 307, 410:
-, letters from, 20, 45, 92, 93, 237, 278, 308, 320, 346, 366, 370, 381, 389, 396.
-, -, referred to, 246, 252.
-, letter to, 266.
-, States lothe to replace Drury by, 11; petition of, 20–1; complaints of, 45; complains of Willoughby and Charles, 48; Killigrew thinks hardly dealt with, 65; will go with Schenck, 92–3; complains to Queen against Willoughby, 93.
-, ashamed of weakness of English forces, 41.
-, to lead 1000 shot to England, 89, 91; at Middelburg, 106; report on troops brought by, 132; has landed, 136.
-, Drury protests at appointment of, 164.
-, gone with troops to Bergen, 192.
-, could not defend Bergen without other's counsel, 206.
-, boasts has charge of all English at Bergen, 209; commissioned as governor by Council of State, 212.
-, arrives at Bergen, 210; demands command of all English, 211; opinionated, 219.
-, writes for men and supplies, 237; note of supplies received by, 297.
-, given government of Bergen, but not forts, 246, 260; Willoughby promises command of forts to, 308.
-, Norris and Willoughby to settle disputes between captains and, 249.
-, Russel going to reconcile Willoughby and, 252.
-, Russel commends, 266.
-, asks for pay, 279; asks for pay as lieutenant-colonel, 346, 347.
-, sends news of plan to attack Ireland, 320.
-, bad relations with captains, 346; reasons for their dislike, 347; Udall denies disrespect to, 372; Drury and Udall attack, 390.
-, intercepts a spy of Willoughby's, 382; attempts to set Willoughby against, 389.
-, sends Walsingham a goshawk, 390.
-, Basilius will not help Vasseur against, 391.
-, pay of, 291; money paid to, 261, 262, 277; due to, 411; due by, 353, 355.
-, company of, at Utrecht, 137; at Bergen, 263, 291.
-, servant of, 346, 347.

-, Thomas, English traitor, 128.

-, William, 390.

Morges, Morgap [Vaud, Switzerland], governor of. See Boustreten, Jacques de.

Morlaix [Finisterre, France], governor of, 364.

-, merchant of. See Gac, François le.

Mornay, Philippe de, sieur du Plessis Marli, letter from, 6; referred to, 62; says Armada dispersed, 62.

Moro, Giovanni, Venetian ambassador, bailo, bailoe, to Turkey, 281:
-, has frequent news from home, 200.
-, fears attack on Venice, 201.
-, master of house of, helps Christians to escape, 335.

Morosini, Giovanni Francesco, cardinal, papal nuncio in France, made cardinal, League mistrusts, 121; given hat, 145.

Morris, Morrice, Edward, Croft's man, 73, 74, 95.

-, John, of Sidney's troop, 195.

Mortama, Salvius, letters signed by, 287.

Mortine, Stephen, 293.

Moryce, count. See Nassau, Maurice of.

Moscow, the Mosco, Russia, 352.

Mostaert, Mustart, William, Sonoy's agent, 70.

Mountelon. See Montholon.

Mountril. See Montreuil.

Mucio. See Lorraine, Henri de.

Muelenpeert, Franz, 112.

Munes, Juan, 264.

Munk, Munck, Peter, of Estvadgaard, admiral and a governor of Denmark, 80; letters signed by, 6, 10, 87, 158; Rogers deals with, 75–6.

Murad, Morat, Pasha, Bassa, 165.

Murcia [Spain], 102.

Mures. See Solms, Adolf von.

Murrey, William, Scottish captain, serving States, 286; company of, at Bergen, 291.

Murua, land of. See Moravia.

Muscovites. See Russia.

Muscovy Company, merchants trading Russia, the, Tsar demands payment of Marsh's debts by, 351–2; house of, at Moscow, 352.

-, Sonoy could take 1000 to England, 8, 9; Willoughby could take 1000 to Leicester, 106.
-, 1000 sent to England from Netherlands, 115, 143; return advisable, 142; imprests of, 277.
-, from Geertruidenberg at Bergen, 265.
-, higher lendings should be continued, 298, 356.

muskets, calivers, carabins, 67, 287, 412:
-, sent to Ostend, 81.
-, prices of, 82.
-, best barrels English, 158.
-, Bergen needs, 207; sent to Bergen, 297.

Musse, John, 293.

Mustart. See Mostaert.

musters, auditor of, could also be controller of checks, 150.

-, English commissaries resident of, 129, 137, 147, 356:
-, too few, and inefficient, 14, 297.
-, Queen instructs, to take stricter musters, 141.
-, appointed to each garrison, 215.
-, should have good lendings, 229.
-, some would live without controlment, 230.
-, has always been one in each of chief garrisons, 231.
-, T. Digges' policy regarding, 255–6.
-, J. Digges' requests about, 272, 294, 295, 296; Council's replies, 280.
-, entertainment of, 272; imprests of, 291; full pay of J. Digges and, 344.
-, to have half pay in weekly lendings, 298.
-, report bands full, 333.
-, to be removed if corrupt, 357.
-, Queen's and States' should muster English, 402.
-, See also Heigham, Arthur; Rogers, John; Thorisby, George; Wyatt, Thomas.

-, United Provinces' commissaries of, 367:
-, have to pay Geertruidenberg as soldiers dictate, 63, 67.
-, States to be asked to send to Ostend, 170, 179.
-, none sent to Flushing, Brielle, Doesborch, 229, 231.
-, Bodley to urge States to place in all garrisons, 316.
-, States will not appoint, 334, 394.
-, See also Martruyt, Joris; Parasis, Lancelot.

-, officer general, overseer, of, and clerk of the check. See Digges, James.

muster-master-general, office of, abolished in new establishment, 109. See also Digges, Thomas.

Muttigers, Moors in Spain called, 102.

Muy, de. See Quincampoix, François de.

Muyden, Derick van, 408.

Mychel. See Michel.

Mycheldever. See Micheldever.

Myddelborough, Myddelborowgh, Myddelbourgh, Myddelbrowghe, Myddleburgh, Mydelborow, Mydleborough. See Middelburg.

Myldemaye. See Mildmay.

Myron. See Miron.