Index: Q, R

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Quatreguillen, —, messenger, 148.

Queteller, M. de, 235.

Quilleboeuf, Kilbeafe, Kilbeufe [Eure, France], pilots of, 589; declares for League, 642.

-, Governor of. See Hurault, Michel de.

Quincampoix, Francois de, Seigneur de Muy, Mouy: distinguished himself after defeat of reiters, 492; a chief man of Navarre's party, 517; mission from Navarre to Queen, 586, 587.
-, letter of, 592.

Quintingal, Jehan, of Tortenez, contract to take supplies to La Rochelle, 495.

Quitri, Quitry. See Chaumont, Jean de, Baron de Guitry.


R.B. See Bruce, Robert.

Rabastens, Bertrand de, Vicomte Paulin, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Radziwil, George, bishop of Vilna, absent from Sigismund's coronation, 504.

Ragazzoni, Geronimo, bishop of Bergamo, papal nuncio in France, 60.

Ragusa, Dalmatia, assistance to King of Spain, 647; Sultan orders to stop, 648; French and Spanish secretaries in, 649.

Raigny, M. de, Auxonne will accept as Governor, 65.

Rainton, Nicolas, suit against, 239.

Raleigh, Ralley, Rawley, Ralle, Raulle, Sir Walter, 33, 50, 65.
-, Sarmiento captured by ship of, 154n; Navarre's desire to satisfy, 260; licence of a hindrance at Hamburg, 321, 348, 400; restitution of ship demanded, 331.
-, lord of the Stanneries, generally hated, 655.

-, -, letters of, referred to, 248.

Ramefort, Baron de. See Espagne, Onufré d'.

Ramel, Ramelius, Henry, Danish chancellor, ambassador in England, 369.
-, negotiations with about trade at Schonau, 2; to persuade Queen to accord with Spain, 13.

Rammekens, Ramekins [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], 511.

Ramsgate co. Kent, provisions shipped from, 556.

Ranco, Frederick, rittimaster, joins French expedition, 305.

Randall, mission to Alencon, 255.

Rantzow, Henry, Count of, 450.

Rapamet [near Constantinople], letter dated at, 649.

Rappoltstein, Count of. See Egenolphus.

Ratcliff, Mr., 580.

Raucroy. See Rocroy.

Raulle. See Raleigh.

Ravario, Monsignor, 442.

Ravenell [Giles, merchant of Vitre], 33, 65.

Ravenna [Prov. Ravenna, Italy], President of, 424, 439.

Rawley. See Raleigh.

Raymond. See Remond.

Re, Ray, isle of, France, 469.

Realmont [Tarn, France], Seneschal of Toulouse does not venture to attack, 5.

Rearsbye, Leonard, 80.

Reaux, Reau, Seigneur de. See Moret, Antoine de.

-, Reux, Reaulx, de, the young, confidant of Abbé del Bene, 374.
-, sent to Stafford, 484.

rebellion of 1569 referred to, 177.

Recalde, Juan Martinez de, Martino de Ricaldi, squadron of, 161.

Recullard, Mathieu, mate of the Marguerite, 318.

Reggio [Prov. Modena, Italy], Cesare d'Este wants investiture, 461; granted by Emperor, 505, 506.

Regnard, Richard, of Barneville sur Seine, master of the Chappon, 318.

Regnier, Etienne, master of the Roche, 318.

Reiters, reystres, ruyters, ryters, reisters, ritters, schwarzreiters, reuters, the German, 450, 573.
-, pay of, 217; in Casimir's force, 234, 307, 327; cost of, 243; earnest money for, 275.
-, Philip irritated at Queen engaging, 681.
-, proposed levy for French King, 258; rumours of coming, 297.
-, Hesse raising more, 305; Elizabeth urged to support, 351; peace likely to be made before arrival in France, 685.
-, measures to prevent levy for Catholics, 326; force raised for King, 374.
-, approaching Burgundy, 351; enter Lorraine, 355, 365.
-, Guise expects musketeers to check 356; Guise reports defeat, 359; La Chastre repulsed by, 360; said to be returning, 417; quartered about Berry, 439.
-, proposed junction with, 373; close to Montargis, 388; progress of, 422.
-, contradictory reports about, 383; reported defeat, 417, 436, 440, 456, 474; terms of capitulation, 428; capitulation of, 447, 448.
-, Saxony and Brandenburg contribute to, 427; arrests in Paris on account of, 439; effects of failure, 450; ready to give up the French, 480.
-, Bohemians provide for Maximilian, 440; Queen should engage to defend England, 518, 519.
-, account of defeat of, 491, 492; effect of defeat, 516; Navarre not to blame for not joining, 536.
-, French King's hopes of, 521; and criticisms, 522.
-, triumph in Rome at collapse of, 559; hopes from victory over, 561.
-, prisoners from battle of, 588; John Casimir on, 617–9; Casimir's credit required for engaging, 684.
-, fresh levy of, 599; and note of charges for levy, 653.

Religion, the. See Huguenots.

Remond, Raymond, Captain, charged with robbery, 81, 361, 632.

Renel, Marquis of. See Clermont, Louis de.

Rensell, Henrich, citizen of Hamburg, 611.

Requescens, Commendador Luis de, 466.

Retz, Charles de, Marquis of Belle Isle, ? Belisre, 169.
-, proposed marriage to Longueville's sister, 356.

Retz, Duc de. See Gondi, Albert de.

Reullard, Matthew, mate of the Marguerite, complaint of depredations, 312.

Reux. See Reaux.

Reynolds, Reynalls, William, at Malaga, 414, 416.

Rheims [Marne, France], 34.
-, Ballard trained at, 96; Queen Mother meets Guise at, 297; requiem for Mary Queen of Scots at, 535, 541; Jesuits Holt and Creswel go to from Rome, 672.

Rhine, River, 223, 307, 338.
-, forces against Turk from district, 296; growing Spanish control of, 563; keeping closed against enemies, 620; English soldiers obstruct free passages of, 686.
-, bishops upon, fear of von Stein, 339.
-, circle of the, 502.

Rheinberg, Berck, Bergh [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], Spaniards expecting storming of, 83; defence of, 326; Spanish companies lying about, 327; Comte, de Moeurs offers to give up, 444; English soldiers said to have taken possession of, 686, 687.

Rheinhausen [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], news from, 338.

Rhodes, island of, Petrasco's son sent to, 674.

Ricaldi. See Recalde.

Richmond, co. Surrey, 222.
-, letter dated at, 173.

Ridolfo, Grand Duke sending to Spain, 191.

Rieux, Sieur de, to go to Guise, 498.

Riff, Ryffe, Morocco, 300.

Rischia, —, envoy of Poland to the Pope, expected at Rome, 571.

Ritters. See Reiters.

Rizzo, Francesco, factor of Palavicino, 472.
-, letter from, 146.
-, -, alluded to, 224.
-, receipts from, 164, 165.
-, money sent by, 239.

Roan. See Rouen.

Roanne [Loire, France], floods near, 92.

Robert, John, citizen of London, agent of Dr. Schulte, 67.

Roberts, Captain, 614.

Robin, Jehan, captured at sea by English, 28.

Roche, ship, 318.

Roche, M. de la, a chief man of Navarre's party, 517.
-, Sieur de la. See Brehaut, Antoine de.

-, Captain La, takes Rouen ship, 632.

-, Philip de la, Baron de Fontenilles, Fonteneilles, imprisoned by Balagny, 535, 541.

Roche-Chandieu, Antoine de la, M. de Rochandieu, mission to Germany, 543, 544.

Rochechifart, M. de la, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Rochechouart, Louis de, Sieur de Montigny, reply to, 385.

Rochefoucault, Francois, Comte de la, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Roche, Giffard, M. de la, despatches carried by, 166; sent to Burghley, 167; and Walsingham, 175.

Rochelle, La. See La Rochelle.

Rocherenac, Baron de la, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Rochester, co. Kent, des Trappes caught at, 189.

Rocroy, Raucroy [Ardennes, France], taken by Huguenots, 147, 152, 171, 188; beleaguered by Guise, 158.

Rodrigues, Baltazar, 402.

-, Jorge, da Costa, letter of, 402.

Rodway, Stephen, 529.

Roger, —, groom of chamber of Henry III., 227, 240.
-, sent to Elizabeth, 199, 268; sent back, 239; arrival, 243, 248; brings deposition of des Trappes, 254; received at once, 275.
-, letters to, 218, 231.

Rogers, Thomas, letter from, 34.

-, —, 181, 422.
-, letter to, referred to, 122.

-, Daniel, English envoy to the King of Denmark, 486.
-, instructions, 369–71; epigram by, 450; missions of, 471.
-, Truchsess confers with, 490; commission of, 646.
-, letters from, 371, 427.

Rohan. See Rouen.

Rohan, Madame de. See Parthenay, Catherine de.

Rolle [Vaud, Switzerland], plan to seize frustrated, 93.

Rolzhausen, Frederick de, Marshal of Hesse, mission to France, 432.

Romans, King of the, 170, 201.
-, intention to choose, to bridle Emperor, 326; Denmark wants son made, 333.

Rome, 136, 202, 335, 391, 453, 680.
-, threats to prevent German intervention in France, 17.
-, news from, 18, 123, 338, 363, 409, 427, 436, 442–4, 452, 454, 455, 461, 475, 489, 505, 512, 557, 559, 560, 569, 571, 597.
-, posts from, 532, 534.
-, priests from, in England, 34n, 35; Ballard frequents, 96; Prior Shelley summoned to, 161.
-, French nobles from at Milan, 123; legate returns to, 337.
-, Dr. Allen makes brave show in, 191; remains at, 284, 666.
-, agent of Walsingham at, 286; embassy to Florence, 425; imperial mission to, 439, 440.
-, attacks on Elizabeth from, 293; libel on her printed at, 455; confidence at, in success of Armada, 552; prayers at for success, 571, 590.
-, sack of, by Bourbon, 343; Pope devoting funds to adorn, 569.
-, alarm in, 445; Cardinal of Seville coming to, 513; Aerschott going to, 594; Holt and Creswell, Jesuits, leave for Rheims, 672.
-, Governor of. See Benedetti, Giovanni Battista, bishop of Civita de Penna.
-, merchants of, 425.
-, places in:
-, Castle of S. Angelo, 475.
-, Cajetan palace, 357, 364.
-, Capitol, 445.
-, column of Trajan, 426.
-, hall of Constantine, 445.
-, Our Lady of Monserrato, 573.
-, San Lorenzo, 571.
-, Sta. Croce in Jerusalem, 443.
-, Sta. Lucia della Tenta, 419.
-, Sta. Maria Maggiore tomb set up in, 365, 475.

Romford. See Espagne, Onufre d', Baron de Ramefort.

Rone. See Rosne, Rouen.

Ronquenalz, M. de, 334.

Rontigonti. See Artigotti, Chretien de.

Roque. See La Roque.

Roscoff, Rosco, Roscou [Finistere, France], 468.
-, ships preparing at, 43.

Rosne, Rone, Chretien de, believed dead, 361.

Rosny, Baron of. See Bethune, Maximilian de.

Ross, bishop of. See Lesley, John.

Rostin, Mons., defends Melun for King, 642.

Rosy, Sieur de, at Brussels, 1.

Rotterdam [Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands], 624.

Rouen, Roan, Rohan, Rone [Seine Inf., France], 22, 44, 169, 179, 233, 538, 566, 589, 600, 606, 656, 659.
-, news from, 578, 642, 651, 652.
-, injustice done at, 26, 205, 213; proposed reprisals for arrests at, 124.
-, supplies victuals and rigging for navy, 54; cost of, 55.
-, English merchants threatened at, 206; severity shown to, 322, 329, 331.
-, bishop of Ross at, 416; Mayenne expected at, 515; Epernon expected at, 596, 600; Epernon at, 638.
-, plot to murder King's officers, counter measures, 590; King goes to, 639; greatly welcomed, 640.
-, decapitated bodies found near, 639.
-, convent of English nuns at, 608.
-, Governor of. See Le Veneur, Tanneguy, Sieur de Carrouges.
-, merchants of, 26, 50, 81, 96, 169, 311, 361, 361, 632.
-, -, memorial to Stafford, 91.

-, Parlement of:
-, will not register edicts, 20.
-, Chief President of, 515.

-, river of, places on declare for League, 642.

-, Tournelle at, 27.
-, letters dated at, 91, 417, 460, 609, 643, 656–8.
-, Côte St. Katherine near, 639.

Rouergue, France, expedition of Joyeuse to, 4, 36.

Rouille, Sieur de, commanding ships to guard coast, letter of, 313.

Rovere, Francesco Maria I. della, Duke of Urbino, included in Anglo French, treaty, 626.

-, Francesco Maria II. della, Duke of Urbino, reported going to government of Milan, 411; hands Duchy over to cousin, 420.
-, pensioner of Spain, 453; cannot like alliance of Parma with Pope's family, 501.

-, Marquis della, government of Urbino handed over to, 420.

Roy, John le, messenger, 361.
-, appeal for, 641.

Royere, Francois de, Seigneur de Lons, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Rubempré, Mons., defends Melun for King, 642.

Rudolf II., the Emperor, the King in Vienna, 201, 461.
-, Saxony doing homage to, 6; opposes concessions to Merchant Adventurers, 7; misrepresentation of Merchant Adventurers to, 70, 75.
-, dislikes idea of levy for France, 16, 17; representatives of at Worms, 72; sends ambassadors to Poland, 188.
-, elector of Saxony delays seeing, 122; wants Ober Lausitz, 198.
-, will do nothing to annoy Swiss Catholic cantons, 260; Schomberg thwarts Guitry for, 264.
-, forces supplied to against Turk, 296; Hanse appeal to about England, 314; Elizabeth might complain to, of Hanse, 320.
-, making levy for Matthias, 297; feared league against Protestants, 324.
-, electors reply to legates of, 311, 325; threatens recourse to army, 311, 312.
-, strives to make Archduke King of Poland, 325; Swede's appeal to, 418; tells Swede not to interfere in Poland, 423.

Rudolf II.
-, Princes bent on choosing King of Romans to bridle, 326.
-, Casimir tries to put off scent of expedition, 327; Hanse complains to of Count Edzard, 393, 408.
-, Savoy sends to, 424; complimentary mission to Tuscany, 439.
-, mission to Rome, 439; wants red hat for archbishop of Naples, 439, 443.
-, Bohemians give troops to, for Maximilian, 440; Maximilian expecting help from, 63.
-, summons council for resisting Turks, 502; Turk encourages Sigismund against, 650.
-, invests Ferrara with Modena and Reggio, 506; wants to borrow from Venice, 540.
-, distressed at brother's defeat, 514; mind about Poland uncertain, 571.
-, promises to get satisfaction for Montbeliard, 535, 541; enemy of John Casimir, 620.
-, to attend conference at Linz about Poland, 569; decree upholding rights of Stade, 646– 7; English sailors make light of majesty of, 653.
-, letter from, 686, 687.
-, letter to, alluded to, 221.

Rue, M. La, letter of, 97, 105.

Ruremonde [Limburg, Netherlands], bishop of. See Vanderlind.

Russeau, Michael, of Dieppe, master of the Little Brissac, 54.

Russell, solicitor for merchants of Toulouse, 33.

Russell, Lord, 216.

-, Sir William, letter to, alluded to, 263.

Russia, 222.
-, approval of Maximilian as King, 442.
-, Czar of. See Feodor I.

Rustan, Bassa, Vizier of Turkey, malice against Petrasco, 674.

Rustici, M. di, candidate for red hat, 419, 420, 425.

Rusticucci, Geronimo, cardinal, made vicar of Pepi, 436.

Ruyters. See Reiters.

-, shipped from Scotland to Dunkirk, 18.
-, contraband for Spain, 90; shipped at Calais for Spain, 577.
-, shipped at Hamburg for Calais, 106.

Rye, co. Sussex, 59, 360, 538, 592.
-, money seized at, 81; spies going to, 666.

Ryffe. See Riff.

Ryters. See Reiters.