Index: S

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Sackville, Thomas, Lord Buckhurst, sent to Netherlands, 247.

Saell, Wilhelm, citizen of Hamburg, 539.

St. Bertrand de Comminges [Haute Garonne, France], Turenne takes, 4.

St. Bonnet, Sieur de. See Escars, Leonard d'.

St. Brieuc, St. Brien [Cotes du Nord, France], English ship stayed at, 63, 88; English take ships of, 89.

St. Claude, St. Glodo [Ain, France], 448.

St. Cloud, St. Clou [Seine et Oise, France], refuses bridge to Guise, 625.

St. Diego, a Franciscan of Alcala, 420.

St. Gall, Switzerland, news from, 337.

St. Gelais, Louis de Lusignan de, Seigneur de Lansac, Lanssac, Lansack: wishes to meet Mayenne, 4; warships of, 168.
-, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516; likely to stay English ships, 678.
-, letter from, 595.

St. Germain en Laye, St. Jermain [Seine et Oise, France], 355, 590.
-, King at, 95, 96.
-, letters dated at, 106, 119.

St. Giorgio, Cardinal of. See Sforza, Francesco.

St. Glodo. See St. Claude.

St. Gouard, St. Goard, Seigneur de. See Vivonne, Jean de.

St. Jacques. See Santiago.

St. Jean d'Angely, St. Jhan [Charente Inf., France], Condé dies at, 531, 563; Navarre at, 542, 553; Condé's wife prisoner at, 553.
-, proposal to hold assembly at, 543.
-, Governor of, 678.

St. Jean de Luz [Basses Pyrennes, France], 62, 361.
-, arrests at, 214; ship of stayed at Southampton, 285, 312.
-, letter from, 658.

St. Jehan, ship, 318.

St. Luc, St. Luke, Seigneur de. See Epinay, François.

St. Lucas, St. Lukques. See San Lucar.

St. Maixent [Deux Sevres, France], Queen Mother going to, 118.

St. Malo [Ille et Vilaine, France], 63, 81, 566.
-, ships preparing at, 43; English ships stayed at, 88; hatred of English at, 654.
-, merchant of, 50.

St. Martin de Ré [Char. Inf., France], letter from, 416.

St. Mary Port. See Puerto di Sta. Maria.

St. Maur [Seine, France], Court at, 5, 37; Swiss ambassadors go to, 6; deliberation of Council at, 28, 30.

St. Mesme M. See Hôpital, Anne de l'.

St. Michael. See San Miguel.

St. Nicolas du Port, St. Nicholas [Meurthe, France], reiters near, 359.

St. Omer, St. Omers [Pas de Calais, France], 29, 577.
-, war materials furbished up at, 608.
-, news from, 656.

Saintonge. See Xaintonge.

St. Quentin [Aisne, France], reported fall, 257.

St. Rambert, Lambert or Ranbert [Ain, France], Turenne takes, 423.

St. Romain, M. de. See La Fayette, Claude Motier de.

St. Valery [Somme, France], d'Aumâle takes, 257.

St. Vast in Portugal, 468.

Ste. Aldegonde, Seigneur de. See Marnix, Philippe de.

Ste. Colombe, Seigneur de. See Montesquieu, François de.

Ste. Foy la Grande [Gironde, France], Huguenot assembly put off to, 542, 554.

Ste. Marie M., a chief man of Navarre's party, 517.

Sainte Maure, François de, Seigneur de Montausier, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Ste. Menehould, St. Mennehou [Marne, France], priest of, plot to poison Queen, 647.

Salamander, French navy, 54.

Salbourg. See Sarrebourg.

Salcedo, Nicolas, 464.

Salcombe, co. Devon, merchant of, 64.

Salettes, Sallettes, Jean de, 376, 380. put in Bastille, 38; released, 52;
-, Abbe del Bene jealous of, 375.

Salignac, Baron de. See Gontaut Biron, Jean de.

Salluces. See Saluzzo.

Salm, Salma, Jean, Comte de, Marshal of Lorraine and Governor of Nancy, 685.

Salneuve, Sieur de. See Sarrazin, Theophile.

salt: shipped from Scotland to Dunkirk, 18; cargo from Portugal, 468.
-, shipped from Portugal, 62; shipped from Spain to Newfoundland, 233; in Plympton castle, 308.

Saltash, Saltache, co. Cornwall, 468.

Saltonstall, Richard, Governor of the Merchants Adventurers, ship of, 644.
-, negotiations at Hamburg, 314, 315, 398, 399, 404–7; and at Stade, 320, 321, 406.
-, letters from, 313, 320, 348.

saltpetre, contraband for Spain, 90; request for export of, 473; bought for La Rochelle, 495.

Saluste, Guillaume de, Seigneur du Bartas, gentleman in ordinary to the King of Navarre, mission to England, 260, 261; sends a sonnet to the Queen, 287.
-, letter from, 382.
-, letter to, 382.

Saluzzo, Salluces [Prov. Cuneo, Italy], Marquisate of, 4, 409, 454.
-, designs of Savoy on, 410; Lesdiguieres going against, 446.
-, Margrave of, party to Anglo French treaty, 626.

Salvagnac [Tarn, France], Seneschal of Toulouse does not venture to attack, 5.

San Clemente, Don Guillen de, Spanish agent at Imperial Court, letters from brought to Rome, 439.

-, -, Spanish ambassador in Poland, helps settle differences between King and Maximilian, 649.

San Domingo, West Indies, galleys for, 57; loss of guns at, 58; note of goods from, 471.

San Lucar, St. Lucas, St. Lukques [Cadiz, Spain], 414, 658.
-, letter from, 58.
-, news from, 277, 350.
-, ships stayed at, 231; ships lading at, 233; stores sent to Lisbon from, 272; greatest galleons of fleet at, 578.

San Marco, bishop of. See Trevisano, Giovanni, Patriarch of Venice.

San Miguel, St. Michael, San Michele Azores, 232.
-, French defeat at, 342, 344.

San Pier d'Arena [Prov. Genova, Italy], 90, 678.

San Salvador, Bahia [Brazil, S. America], hides and money sent from, 402.

San Sebastian, Guipuscoa, Spain, English prisoners at, 168.

Sandwich co. Kent, provisions shipped from, 556.

Sansue, French ship, 318.

Santa Croce, Prospero di, Cardinal, creature of France, 454.

Santa Cruz, John Bautista de, of Veles Malaga, 414.

Santa Cruz, Marquis of. See Bacan, Alvaro de.

Santa Fiore, Cardinal. See Levis, Antoine de.

Santen, Cornelius van, a Dane, complaint of piracy, 357.

Santiago [Cape Verde Islands], Spanish loss of guns at, 58.

-, St. Jacques, Galicia, Spain, letter from, 330.

Santori, Giovanni Battista, bishop of Tricarico, papal envoy to the Swiss, asks Swiss not to move about Geneva, 93; arrives at Rome, 420; candidate for red hat, 425.

Savne, River, reiters pass, 448.

Saracinelli, Cipriano, of Orvieto, Florentine agent at Rome, succeeds Gerini, 420.

Saracino, —, bringing money, no news of, 61; arrives, without money, 81; back from John Casimir, 138.

Saragossa, Aragon, Spain, Escovedo's cousin sent to and slain, 281.

Sardinia, island, stripped of shipping by Spain, 462.

Sardoal, Alvaro Fiz do, 144.

Sardon [? Ain, France], 448.

Sarmiento, Don Pedro, de Gamboa: trickery of, 150, 155; Mendoza takes advantage of release, 154; taken going post to Spain, 167; Navarre writes about, 248, 261.
-, exchange for La Noue's son, 248, 260, 261.

Sarrazin, Sarazin, Theophile, Sieur de Salneuve, Condé's Secretary, sent to Duke of Lorraine, 362.

Sarrebourg, Sarbourg, Salbourg [Meurthe, France], 308, 334.

Sauli, Antonio, archbishop of Genoa, candidate for red hat, 436; promoted cardinal, 443.

Sault, Saux, Comte de. See Agoult, François d', de Montauban.

Saulx, Jean de, Vicomte de Tavannes, commands forces against Auxonne, 49.

Saumur [Maine et Loire, France], Navarre approaching, 359; Mercoeur expected at, 373.

Savage, —, accuses Gifford before Council of plot against Queen, 671.

Savaillan, M. de. See Mauleon, Denys de.

Savard, Lewis, of Rouen, petition of, 659.

Savart, Pierre, factor of Rouen merchants, 361.

Savary, Jacques de, Sieur de Lancome, French ambassador at the Porte: tries to get Harborn dismissed, 123; quarrel with Venetian Bailo, 513; threatens to kill Mariani, 648; allowance for diet paid in bad money, 649; enquiry and report on Bogdanowich, 689.
-, letters of referred to, 690.

Savelli, Bernard, 436.

-, Jacques cardinal, Burleigh's thanks to, 125, 136; admiration of Burleigh, 136, 137; hopes to be Pope, 137; sick, 419, 426; dead, 436.

-, Monsignor, 436.

Savignac, Baron de. See Alain, M. d'.

Savoie, Charles Emanuel de, Duke of Nemours, 52.
-, promised government of Lyon, 7, 21; King refuses, 8.
-, proposed marriage to Princess of Lorraine, 384; broken off, 591.

Savona [Prov. Genova, Italy], 90.

Savoy, 155.
-, Fuggers raise money for, 141; gets corn from Spain, 162; reiters passage through, 448, 619.

-, Duke of. See Charles Emanuel I.

-, Prince of. See Philip Emanuel.

Saxe Lauenburg, Henry of, archbishop of Bremen's appeal to, 349; English negotiations with, 407.

-, -, and his Council the Syndicus of Stade sent to, at Foorde, to lodge a complaint against those of Hamburg, of demanding moneys from ships within his jurisdiction, 611; his Grace promises to send letters, 612.

-, -, to meet some of the Hamburghers, 644.

-, -, Commissioners of, proposals made by, 645.

-, -, a royalty belonging to. See Freiburg on the Elbe.

-, -, may make a castle between Stade, and Hamburg, 644; is mighty and hath good friends, 645.

-, -, Commissioners of, proposals of peace propounded by, to the legates of Hamburg and Stade, in the matter of the residence of the Merchants Adventurers of England, 645; decision of the cities to be notified to, ibid.

Saxony [German Empire] : mission of Palavicino to, 55, 138; Guitry behaves ill in, 275.
-, contribution for French Huguenots, 61; Archduke Matthias in, 247; forces from against Turk, 296; troops for Maximilian from, 506.
-, chancellor of, 14.
-, Duchess of. See Sophia.
-, Elector of, Duke of. See Augustus; Christian I.; John Frederick.
-, Prince of. See Joachim Ernest.

Sbarra, M. Virginio, a Lucchese merchant, 19.

Sborowski, Sboroschi, house of, 461, 514.

-, Christopher, arrives at Prague, 463; coming to ask Venice to help Maximilian, 506.

Scamino, —, at Heidelberg, 171.

Scelegro. See Schregel.

Schaffhausen, Switzerland, news from, 337.

Scheel, Joachim, protection asked for, 295, 296.

Schel, near Antwerp, Gueux burn, 421.

Schenk, Shinkes, Col. Martin, 444, 623.
-, reported death, 367; takes Bonn, 462; suggested Queen should succour, 620.

Schmalkalden [Hesse, German Empire]: letters dated at, 109, 110.

Schneck. See Sneek.

Schomberg, Caspar von, M. de Chomberg, Shombergh, Duke of Saxony writes to, 6; sent from France, 172; talk of sending for reiters, 258.

-, Hans Woolfe von, brother of, Wolf Chomberg, recommended to King of France, 6; helps to thwart Guitry, 264.

Schonau [German Empire], to treat with Danish ambassador about trade to, 2.

Schonenberg, Johan VII. von, bishop of Trier, Verriere going to see, 41; founds colleges for Jesuits, 325.

Schregel, Scelegro, Sieur, councillor of John Casimir, 124.
-, takes Duke Casimir's terms, 124, 138; takes papers from Palavicino, 134.

-, George, former ambassador to France, commander of lands knechts, 328.

Schultz, Schulte, Shulte, Dr. Johan, senator of Hamburg, 103, 644.
-, letters from, 67, 402, 412.
-, leave to ship white cloth, 102; report of, 145; treats with Merchants Adventurers, 314, 320.

Schultz, Andrew, 145.

Schwarzreiters. See reiters.

Schweiz, Sweitz, Switz, canton, Switzerland : letter to, 260.
-, agreement with Spain, 324; about to profess reformed religion, 517.

Sciavus Pasha, Grand Vizier of Turkey, sent against Persians, 505.

Scilly Islands, Sorlingues, 94.

Scofeld, Mr., 556.

Scotland, 66, 80, 95, 196, 285, 304, 647.
-, news from, 258.
-, salt, wheat and rye shipped from to Dunkirk, 18; naval preparations in France for, 43; French dealings with, 289, 290; French squadron to succour, 297.
-, letters to Queen Mother from, 53; stir in, Glaude Hamilton, chief actor, 54.
-, anti-English intrigues in, 94; Philip's refusal to break with, 177.
-, nobility of intended to take life of Queen Mary, 97; enquiry as to havens in and entry to England, 232; communication with England forbidden, 259.
-, Stafford desires information about, 257; all quiet in, 277; state doubtful, 319.
-, paper on causes of justice between and English, 280; Queen assailed from through intrigues of Guises, 294; Villeroy's assurances about, 302.
-, proposed French embassy to, 291; ships from Baltic go about to avoid England, 300; Spanish fleet sailing for, 416, 439.
-, Pinard to go ambassador to, 309.
-, intrigues of Morgan, etc., about, 340; and Danish marriage, 349; suspicion of attitude to England, 452, 478.
-, Pope sends priests of to Spain, secret mission to France, 454; Spanish intrigues with, 489.
-, Queen delivered from French conquest, 465; Queen denies interrupting amity with France, 467.
-, reported hostilities with England, 486, 499; Danish mediation offered, 487.
-, Parma to take army to, for attack on England, 507; need to provide defence against, 518.
-, news in France of, 554; enquiry as to talk in, against England, 567; Guises and, 574.
-, hopes of bringing back to Rome, 557, 560, 564; report there will shortly be change in, 598.
-, Spanish hopes of treason in abandoned, 561; letters from Mendoza for, 577.
-, report that Spanish forces to be landed in, 578, 598; Spanish designs solely upon, 588; Scottish fears of, 598; report of Spanish landing in, 624, 652.
-, Pinard's son going to, 601.
-, chancellor of. See Maitland, Sir John.
-, King of. See James VI.
-, men of war of, 632.
-, parliament of, 97.
-, Queen of. See Mary, Queen of Scots.
-, regent of. See Douglas, James, Earl of Morton.

Scuriall. See Escurial.

Sebastian, King of Portugal, 602.

Secretary of State. See Davison, William; Walsingham, Sir Francis.

- of the French tongue. See Edwards, Thomas; Yetsweirt, Charles.

- Latin. See Wolley, John.

Sedan, Sedam [Ardennes, France], 216, 387, 592, 600.
-, letters sent via, 43, 47.
-, designs of Guise on, 158, 186, 187; Guise before, 258, 275.
-, Devray sent to, 273; threatened siege, 360; Guise's forces near, 553.
-, La Noue goes to, 491, 498, 511; La Noue detained from, 541.
-, succession to, 491, 499; Montpensier at Paris about, 517.
-, suspected design of Parma on, 499; fear of loss, 500, 593, 597, 639.
-, Montpensier, going to, 597; John Casimir and, 622–4; French King urged to forsake, 629.
-, letter dated at, 594.

-, Governor of. See Nue, M. de.

-, Lord of. See La Marck, Robert II. de.

Sega, Filippo, bishop of Piacenza, papal nuncio to the Emperor, gets Dee and Kelly expelled from empire, 18.

Segovia [Old Castile, Spain]: letter from, 415.
-, proposed monastery in, 426.

Seguier, Jean, Seigneur de la Verriere, French envoy to Princes of Germany, Palavicino reaches Dresden before, 14; leaves dissatisfied, 41.

Segur Pardailhan, Sigeurs, Segeurs, Jacques, Sieur de Pardaillan, 434, 685.
-, letters from, 27, 261.
-, letters to, 317.
-, -, alluded to, 141.
-, considers terms for John Casimir reasonable, 124; urges him on, 133.
-, treats with Palavicino, 149, 187; selfish policy of, 151; ill behaviour to Palavicino, 182; Palavicino fears ill will, 249.
-, capitulation with Casimir, 186; dealings upon, 200, 432; Casimir displeased with, 275; ill treated by Casimir, 435.
-, tries to recover Pfalzburg, 430; prevented from raising levy, 431; Casimir denounced, 618.
-, reports gift from Denmark, 493; Palavicino at rest about, 496; near death, 541.

Seine, River, France, 386.
-, head, 589.

Selim I., Sultan of Turkey, struggle with Vayvode of Wallachia, 673; French intervention with, 675.

Semelier, —, Secretary to La Noue, letters from, referred to, 511.

Semer. See Seymour.

Sempill, Simple, Simpell, William, Scottish captain, sent by Mendoza to Scotland with letters, 577; goes with Earl Morton, 590, 598; betrayer of Lierre, goes with Maxwell to Parma, 672.

Senarpont, M. de. See Monchy, Antoine de.

Senecey, Baron of, commanding forces against Anxonne, 49; takes it, 73.

Sens [Yonne, France], Biron goes towards, 359.

Serguenoez, Guillaume, master of the Mary, 468.

Serpente, French merchantman, captured by English, 44.

Sery, John, 468.

Seton, Alexander, prior of Pluscardine, the Prior Seton, James sends to Pope, 259.

-, Sir John, James sends to Spain, 259.

Seure, Chevalier Michel de, Le Seure, Guise's Secretary, League sends to King, 92.

Seville, Syvull, Andalusia, Spain, 402, 413, 476.
-, Santa Croce arrives at, 162; provisions for fleet going to, 220.
-, ships lading at, 233; goods taken from Calais to, 493.
-, citizens of, 414.
-, Council of the Indies at, Philip blames for damage done by Drake, 42.
-, English merchants at, 415.
-, Archbishop of. See Castro, Roderigo de.
-, fleet of, sent after Drake, 1; preparing at, for Spanish main, 57.
-, letters from, 283, 688.

Seymour, Semer, Seymer, Mr., 33, 65.

-, Edward, Danes' complaints against, 372.

Sfondrati, Niccolo, cardinal of Cremona, expected at Rome, 437.

Sforza, Francesco, cardinal of St. Giorgio, 419.
-, expected at Rome, 425; arrives, 437.

Shapwith, Stafford wants, 53.

Shattullion. See Chatillon sur Seine.

Sheares. See Xeres.

Sheffield, Lady Douglas, wife of Sir Edward Stafford, 463.
-, reported jar with him, 131; advances of Queen Mother to, 252; sends Grimston to Princess of Condé, 547.

Shelandre, M. See Thin, Robert.

Shelley, Sir Richard, Prior Sielle, remains at Venice, 161.

Shemereaux. See Barbezieres, Mery de, Seigneur de Chemerault.

Shene, Calixtus, son of the Syndic of Lubec, messenger, 304.

Sheparde, Richard, negotiations with Stade, 315.

Sherbrook. See Cherbourg.

Sheres. See Xeres.

Shinkes. See Schenk.

ships, Dutch, Hollanders, 300.
-, sequestered in Denmark, 304.

-, English, fleet of would be stayed by French Hispanophiles, 678.
-, fight galleys of Sicily and Malta, 77; Doria goes after three, 236.
-, depredations on by French, 62, 199; seized in France, 213, 242, 246, 267, 268, 270, 275, 277, 279, 287, 294, 331, 351, 374; release asked, 467.
-, account of fight with galleys, 63; fight with French, 313.
-, six good merchant would beat all Spanish fleet, 93; captures by irritate Philip, 681.
-, taking corn from Hamburg, 106; carrying corn, 300, 319.
-, solicited by Navarre, 118; hired by French merchant, 360; to Dunkirk, 664.
-, confiscated at Konigsberg for infringing regulations, 143, 144.
-, Joyeuse hinders release, 290; release promised, 291, 292, 295, 306, 311, 317, 319, 329.
-, Lubeck ships go about Scotland to avoid, 300; could be easily taken, 301.
-, with cloth, for Hamburg, 306; trading to Elbe, 612.
-, better to keep away from France, 385; wrong done to Rochellese by, 566.
-, mischief done by off Portugal, 503, 560; reported in Strait of Gibraltar, to cooperate with Turks, 507.
-, the finest and best equipped in the world, 518; reported success against Spanish fleet, 652.
-, with wheat for Rochelle, 592.

-, Flemish: stayed at Cadiz, till fleet sails, 578.
-, at Havre for Lisbon, 588.

-, French: reprisals on, 242, 268, 287, 290.
-, from East parts with corn, 247; carrying corn, 300.
-, fight with English, 313; depredations on, by English, 318, 483.
-, ships stayed at Cadiz till fleet sails, 578.
-, of Havre, reports of Armada, 589.

-, Italian, built at Antwerp, motto on prow, 437.

-, Scottish, 300; at Havre for Lisbon, 588.

-, Venetian at Constantinople, 513; at Nantes, 589.

-, names of. See Angel; Anne of Havre; Anne Rose, of Dartmouth; Bon Vouloir; Bull; Chappon; Christopher, of Croiset; Christopher, of Dartmouth; Courant; Daniel la Barge; Diana; Dolphin; Elizabeth; Elizabeth Bonaventure; Emanuel; Esperance; Galli; George; George Bonaventure; Gilded Dragon; Grace of God; Great Brissac; Greyhound, of Havre; Henry; Jesus, of Dartmouth; John Kennaway, of Dartmouth; Jonas; Jonas, of London; Lepurier; Little Brissac; Marguerite; Marie; Martin; Mary; Matthias; Merchant Riall; Mignon; Neptune; Nicolas; Nightingale; Nostra Senora del Rosario; Osprey; Pelican (2); Perle; Petite Normande; Pleasure, of Lyme; Roche; St. Jehan; Salamander; Sansue; Serpente; Soleil; Stella; Stere Stoad or Undohambrowe; Steven Hudson; Tiger; Trinity, of Topsham; William, of Yarmouth.

Shitmia, ? Szigevar, Hungary, Turkish raid on, 337.

Shombergh. See Schomberg.

Shommeer, Seigneur de, ? John Somers, 511.

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot, George.

Shulte. See Schultz.

Shute, William, servant at embassy, Paris, 61, 107, 302, 472, 685.
-, money to be paid by, 141, 682.
-, letter from, referred to, 301.

Sicily, island of, 455.
-, galleys of fight English ships, 77; capture merchantman, 437.
-, provisions for Spanish fleet in, 220; officers go to Spain, 235.
-, munitions of war from for Spain, 278; ships and troops leave for Lisbon, 284, 471, 687; troops at Lisbon, 470.
-, proposed monastery in, 426; Spain denudes of ships, 462; galleys under Doria, 570.

Siclos, ? Wiglosh, 337.

Sidney, Sir Philip, book of Aurellio on, 150.
-, death of, 150, 153, 160, 169, 657; Navarre's grief at, 166, 175; Turenne's condolences on, 176.

-, M. de, Sidné, 422.

Sidonia, Duke of. See Perez de Guzman, Alonso.

Sielle, Prior. See Shelley, Sir Richard.

Siena [Prov. Siena, Italy], 505.
-, quarrel between Philip and Medici over, 535; Medici seeks investiture from Spain, 571.

Sifontes. See Silva, Juan de, Conde de Cifuentes.

Sigeurs. See Segur.

Sigismund, Prince of Sweden, 461.
-, Poles incline to elect as King, 202; oath to Polish ambassadors, 411; goes to Thorn, 412; candidate for Polish crown, 418, 419; near Marienburg, 424.
-, Emperor warns, 423; English support for suggested, 431; supporters desert, 438, 443.
-, Maximilian sends troops against, 438, 440; flees, 440; returns home, 447.
-, at Piotrkow, 450; Maximilian repulses, 455; Muscovite against, 477.
-, entry into Cracow, 476; crowned King, 504; defeats Maximilian, 517.
-, Pope's mediation offered to, 503; Turk supports, 506.
-, letter from, 295.

-, King of Poland, measures to besiege in Cracow, 507; Lithnanians declare for, 513; sends to Pope to announce election, 571; a wise and mighty Prince, 599; settles differences with Maximilian, 649; Sultan's advice to about him, 650.
-, letter to, 650.

-, -, sister of. See under Anne.

-, Augustus, King of Poland, favours Prince of Wallachia, 674.

Silesia, Germany: forces against Turk, 296; Emperor levies forces in, 325; succours for Maximilian from, 418, 420, 423, 424; Maximilian withdraws to, 463, 476, 512, 513.
-, Zamoisky, sends to ravage, 504, 514; troops mustering in, 506; Zamoisky keeps watch on, 569.

Silva, Juan de, Condé de Cifuentes, Cifonta, Fuentes (sic), Sifontes, going to Milan as castellan, 161; expected at Milan with money, 191; sent to Lisbon, 508; staying there, 572.

Silva y Mendoza, Rodrigo de, Duke of Pastrana (Passerana), and Francavella, starts for Flanders, allowance to, 462; going as adventurer with Armada, 508; at Milan on way to Flanders, 570.

Simier, Symier, Jean de, Baron of St. Mark, 86, 125, 132, 586.
-, Stafford met Arundel at house of, 34; Stafford borrows house of, 96.
-, Stafford not ruled by, his affection for, 129; del Bene hates, 130.
-, gets Deury put with Montpensier, 377; got Salettes arrested, 382.

Simon the Georgian, defeats Turks, 418.

Simons, Laurence, prisoner in Spain, 168.

Simpell, Simple. See Sempill.

Sinzendorf, Freiherr von, imperial ambassador at Constantinople, allowance for diet restricted, 649.

Sitticus, Marcus II., Count of Altemps (Hohenems), cardinal, is cured of his catarrh, 419; supports Borromeo for red hat, 425.

Sixtus V., Pope (Felix Peretti), 252, 437.
-, efforts to prevent German intervention in France, 17; measures against Drake, 43; Philip complains to about Drake, 49.
-, attitude to peace in France, 60; French promise to extirpate heretics, 123.
-, supplies troops to besiege Turin, 93; collecting money, 123.
-, will help Philip against England, 101, 341; designs against Elizabeth, 109; and England, 332.
-, tries to keep northern heretics apart from western, 123; Stafford has no dealing with, 130; William Cecil promised to serve turn, 133.
-, share in attack on Geneva, 161, 165; great sums collected by, 286, 370.
-, levies men in Italy against England, 174; contributions to Spain against England, 231, 235, 284.
-, severity with Palavicino, 222, 224; sends money for Guise and Parma, 301; League encouraged by, 385.
-, James sending to, 259; grant to Duke of Bavaria, 324; present to Archduke Ernest, 337.
-, supplies troops against Turk, 296; sentence against Truchses, 327; desires Morgan's release, 352, 357.
-, authorises levy by Guise, 338; threatens to excommunicate Philip, 365.
-, contradictory action about Allen and Philip, 356, 363, 364; gives Allen Cajetan palace, 357, 364.
-, opinion of Philip, Henry and Elizabeth, 365; all apparatus directed against Elizabeth, 380.
-, in league against Protestants, 370; receives Gaetano, 419; and promotion of Cardinals, 425, 436, 443.
-, Parma sends to thank, 420; licences ambassadors to Florence, 426.
-, displeased at delay of Card Lenoncourt, 425; right to impose tax denied, 439.
-, relieves knights of Malta of contribution, 426; patronage of, 436; means to devote income to poor, 569.
-, one German Prince to fight, 435; mission from Emperor to, 439.
-, assent desired for Maximilian's coronation in Poland, 440; offers mediation in Poland, 503.
-, reception of Grand Master of Malta, 445; receives Nau, 461; makes tomb for Pius V., 475.
-, informed of Navarre's death, 446; grants loan to France against Huguenots, 454; French mission to, 461.
-, forward for attack on England, 453, 509; enters alliance against England, 532.
-, sends Scottish priests to Spain, 454; satisfies Philip about titles, 462; relations with Philip, 529, 533.
-, French King's relations with, 481; ready to receive Navarre, if comes, 489; relations with Navarre, 535.
-, fury against Protestant Princes, 487; Jewish embassy to, 512.
-, alliance with Parma by marriage, 501, 505; no more talk of, 540.
-, Emperor dissatisfied with, 506; believed dead, 532; mission from Sigismund to, 571.
-, and Duke of Florence, 533; offered pension for murdering Elizabeth, 658.
-, schemes against England, 556, 557; hopes to bring back England to allegiance, 559, 562; supposed to be relying on treason, 560.
-, pleased at Condé's death, 563; Jubilee proclaimed by, 571.
-, galleys in Spanish fleet, 570; some think Philip tricking over Armada, 590.
-, enemy of John Casimir, 620; offers French King to bring League to any reasonable terms, 629; French King sends to inform of accident, 640; urged to write to King about Gifford, 663.
-, confessor of. See Spello, Fra. Gieronimo da.
-, great nephew of. See Michele, Don.
-, sister of. See Peretti, Camilla.

Sluys, Sluse, l' Escluse [Zeeland, Netherlands], Parma may be obliged to abandon siege, 319; fall of, 350, 356, 458; Parma keeps war ships at, 437.

smallpox, Duchess Casimir ill of, 148; Infant of Spain ill of, 283.

Smith, Smyth, Sir John, mission to Spain, 466, 471.

-, Ottywell, letter from, 416.

-, Robert, Commissioner for piracies, 33; ship of plundered, 62.

-, proctor, 169.

-, young man named, Chateauneuf asks release, 59.

Sneek, Schneck [Prov. Friesland, Netherlands], deputation to Leicester, 421.

Sobolle, Seigneur de. See Comminges, Roger de.

Soderini, Alfonso, Grand Duke pardons, 426.

Soissons [Aisne, France], 605.
-, League assembled at, 92; Queen Mother meets D'Aumâle at, 577; Guise unlikely to leave, 590; Cardinals go to meet Leagues at, 592; no news of negotiations at, 596; Bellievre badly treated at, 600.

-, Comte de. See Bourbon, Charles de.

Solcker. See Zolcker.

Soleil, ship, 318.

Soleure. See Solothurn.

Solines, Count of, Pope's sentence against, 324.

Solms, Adolf von, Count of Mors and Neuenaar, 82.
-, fate of army of, 136; seeks reconciliation, 444.

-, Count of. See Herman, Adolphus.

Solothurn, Soleure, Canton, Switzerland, 554.
-, to send ambassador to Governor of Lombardy, 122; agreement with Spain, 324.

Solyman II., Sultan of Turkey, struggle with Wallachia, 673; imposes Michel on them, 674.

Somaglia, Count Alfonso della, daughter of, 424.

Somers, John, ? Shommees, 511.

Sophia, Duchess of Saxony, wife of Christian I., gives birth to daughter (Sophia), 325.

Sorlingues. See Scilly Islands.

Sound, the, 304.
-, Danish control of, 349.
-, rentmasters of, 371.

Sousa, Dom Dioguo de, 144.

Southampton, Hampton, Hanton, co. Hants, 80.
-, ship of St. Jean de Luz stayed at, 285, 313.
-, French goods sold in, 361; corn loaded at, 540.
-, letter dated at, 331.

Spa, Spawe [Liége, Belgium], Lord Paget going to, 340.

Spain and Spaniards, Marani, 82, 229, 447, 574.
-, news from, 1, 80, 143, 283, 297, 300, 329, 335, 412, 416, 418, 425, 427.
-, Genoa, Savoy and Piedmont get corn from, 162; attitude of German Princes to, 170; barbarous usage of English trading to, 177, 465; English breach with over ambassador, 289.
-, defences of Antwerp made by, 291; partiality of Hamburg for, 402, 427, 457.
-, English help Netherlands against invasions of, 465; Italians hostile to, 501.
-, 1586:
-, naval preparations, 1; fleet at Lisbon, 92; strength, six English merchantmen would beat them all, 93.
-, Doria's influence in, 11; Charles Arundel's visit to, 34; Doria going to, 42.
-, forbidden to buy English goods, 12; hopes from treason against Elizabeth, 18.
-, merchants trading at Calais, 19; French will not stop trade with, 29.
-, demands of Elizabeth, 40, 42, 43, 112; crusade preached against Elizabeth in, 49.
-, ships preparing against Drake, 43; Genoese galleys leave for, 55; galleys at Savona, 90.
-, measures for invasion of England, 49, 123; plots for annoyance of England, 57; open war expected, 680.
-, unpopularity in France, 49, 50; victim of going to Queen, 89.
-, parlous state of, 56; pinch through being cut off trade with Indies, 57.
-, ill treatment of English sailors in, 56; cargoes in English ships, 62.
-, cannot replace ordnance lost in Indies, 58; list of contraband of war for, 90.
-, storm Neuss, 71; importance of Drake's diversion of forces, 77, 78; believe Drake will not land in Indies, 83; all save rejoice at Drake's return, 655.
-, Danish mediation in, 77, 678; year of war in Indies will cost more than three in Low Countries, 88.
-, Swiss occupation of Mont Cenis would render helpless in Low Countries, 89.
-, consider invasion of England easy, 100; hope to win by guile rather than fighting, 123.
-, Granvelle dies in, 120; Genoese slaughter, 125; Genoese embassy to, 161.
-, troops for Flanders, 123; Bellievre enemy of, 147; force not passed Franche comte, 155; troops assemble at Lisbon, 161.
-, 1587:
-, petition from English prisoners in, 167; agent of Walsingham in, 181, 182.
-, need of strong army, in respect of, 171; fresh troops for Parma, 174.
-, desire for peace, owing to exhaustion, 173; French suspect England making composition with, 193, 194, 207, 210, 220.
-, great show of recruiting in, 174; note of preparation of shipping in, 177; ships trading to, 179.
-, Doria to go to with galleys and soldiers, 191; notes on preparations (naval) in, 231–3, 235, 332.
-, Ridolfo going to, 191; complaints of English in, 220, 221.
-, raid at Aldersam, 197; King of Fez may hinder naval preparations, 245.
-, proposed union with France against England, 240; reported landing in Wales, 241.
-, union with England would unseat Henry, 242; position of England between, and France, 246, 247, 249, 253; French suspect English leaning to, 299, 303.
-, and Teligny, 260, 262; exchange for prisoners in England, 278.
-, alliance of Catholic Cantons with, 275, 324; Cardinal for, 421.
-, Swedish ship going to, 280, 295; ships for go about Scotland, 300.
-, Naples galleys for, 283; weakness at sea known, 286; English seizure of goods, 313.
-, practices and conspiracies against England, 293; strong enough to conquer England, 341, 342.
-, troops against Turk, 296; raids into Munster, 326; troops about Juliers, 327.
-, Frenchmen naturalised in, 319, 310; auxiliaries in League forces, 377.
-, reiters enrolled in Germany against, 312; fears for treasure fleets, 335.
-, commission from her troops, 338; troops for Low Countries, 388, 411, 422; Low Countries serve for bestowal of rubbish, 455.
-, disturbed by Drake, 341; difficulty for enemy to land in, 344; sailors fear Drake, 658.
-, position of treaty with, 369; reported treaty with England, 385; English peace negotiations with, 421.
-, Dutch said to prefer to English as masters, 390; proverbial slowness of, 453.
-, articles for relief of English trading to, 394–5; orders discharge of officials in Naples, 426.
-, warlike preparations in, 449, 472; reasons for, 452, 453; troops ready for embarcation, 470.
-, relations with Scotland, 454, 472; English preparations to resist, 462; preparations against England, 557–9, 658, 687.
-, designs of, after Queen's defeat, 557.
-, 1588:
-, news from, 487, 489, 493, 503, 532, 553.
-, England's breach with definite, 481; peace with more advantageous to England, 482.
-, book printed in upsets French, 483; fear of revolt in, 493; fear of English invasion, 502; food becoming dear in, 556.
-, appeal to Turk to take sides against, 504, 507–9; France might stir Turk against, 563.
-, troops sent from, to Portugal, 508; memorial from France on threatened invasion of England, 517–9; preparations against England, 560, 570, 572.
-, French suspicion of English dealings with, 520, 526, 533, 536, 552; peace negotiations not sincere, 563, 621.
-, Venetian dislike of proceedings, 540.
-, corn taken from prize, 540; ships and cargoes from Hamburg for, 542, 565; Swiss cantons abandon France for, 554.
-, policy to overthrow Elizabeth at earliest moment, 560; likely to find conquest difficult, 643.
-, sickness among troops, booty captured by English from, 560; fear of English attack on, 561.
-, France likely to fall into power of, 562; Germany submitting to, 563.
-, enquiry as to preparations, 566; or talk of injury to England, 567.
-, wheat and rye from Paris for, 577; intervention in France, 588, 622, 623; not to be mentioned in League's negotiations with King, 630.
-, Infanta said to be governing, 592; desire to get Sedan, 593, 622; Scottish havens to be put in hands of, misgivings, 598; Maxwell has good means to understand practices of, 672.
-, Mendoza sends reassuring reports of English fleets to, 599; Arundel got quickest news of, 663.
-, Jesuits from, taken to Rochelle, 616; England expected to make peace with, 639.
-, Council, 152.
-, policy resolved in, 452.
-, fleet, armada:
-, purpose of Philip to form, 678.
-, at Lisbon, 92; strength, six English merchantmen would beat all, 93.
-, stores for, 220; Drake's instructions about, 279; Drake receives reinforcements against, 320.
-, ready to sail in a month, destination unknown, 329; strength of, 343.
-, sailing confirmed, 353; talk about, 356; great strength, 357, 372; manning of, 372.
-, much battered unlikely to put to sea, 409; orders for refitting, 418; reported sailing, 425; sailing suspended, 445; sailing confirmed, 462.
-, Drake should attack at home, 453; Drake going to visit, 490; fear of Drake, 493.
-, not ready for sea, 476; ships badly furnished, 493; diminishing daily, 502; badly off for supplies, 504.
-, Algiers pirates capture galleys, 489; Galeasse at Havre to be returned, 515.
-, still in port, powerful and well provided, 503; intended against England, 504; provisioned for 8 months, many adventurers, 508.
-, despatch expected, 508; Sta. Croce against hurrying, 513.
-, advertisement in Rome of, 512; report of at Dieppe, 515.
-, date of sailing, 532, 533, 556, 559; delayed by Sidonia, 541; delayed by storms, 559, 560.
-, Medina Sidonia appointed to command, 533, 569; unique strength, intended to frighten Elizabeth, 558, 559; slow progress with, 561.
-, men embarking on, numbers, 570; all ready, 572; ships sighted sailing eastward, 589.
-, Breton's report of, 578; English prisoner with particulars, of, 595; to sail in May, 589, 591, 595; not likely to sail till June, 624.
-, some think Philip fooling Rome over, 590; may go to Algiers, 597.
-, particulars of strength, 597; reported sailing of, 637, 640; perhaps only a part, 641.
-, Mendoza busy praying for success of, 640; reported returned with plague, 652.
-, said to have made landing in Scotland, 652.
-, Infant of. See Philip, Infant of Spain.
-, Infanta of. See Isabella Clara Eugenia.
-, King of. See Philip II.
-, Secretary of State. See Idiaquez, Juan de; Zayas, Gabriel de.

Spawe. See Spa.

Spello, Spelo, Fra Gieronimo da, confessor of Pope Sixtus V., candidate for red hat, 425; given church of Nazareth, 436.

Spezzia, Liguria, Italy, ships wrecked at, 419.

Spidech, Giordano, 476.

Spino, Theodoro, 688.

Spinola, Ambrosio, mission to Grand Duke, 529.

-, Zanettino, Gianettino, going with the galleys, 53; enterprise of, 475.

Spinolo, —, agent of exchange, decamps, 442.

Spire [Bavaria, German Empire]: Protestants can get no right at, 324.
-, decree dated at, 647.
-, bishopric of, sends provisions for Casimir's force, 338.

-, bishop of. See Dienheim, Eberhard son.

Spirituel. See Prettywell.

Sprekellsen, Henrick, Commissioner of Hamburg, 611.

Stack, John, 85.

Stade, Stada, Stoad [Hanover, German Empire], 231, 644.
-, negotiations of Merchant Adventurers with, 315, 320, 321, 397– 402, 404, 406–8, 429; reasons for maintaining residence at, 457, 458.
-, Merchants Adventurers leave Emden for, 393, 409.
-, Hanse and relations with English, 457–9; help English against Hamburg claim to Elbe tolls, 612; peace proposals to, 645.
-, better for English than Hamburg, 645; Emperor upholds rights, 646, 647.
-, consuls and senators of, 107; letter of, 397.
-, letters dated at, 398, 612, 645.

Stafford, Dorothy (Judith), mother of Sir E. Stafford, jar with Leicester, 194; Leicester favoured, in trouble, 298.

-, Edward, Duke of Buckingham, 666.

-, Sir Edward, English ambassador in France, 275, 604.
-, letters from, 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 20, 22–4, 26, 36, 38, 48, 50–3, 60, 65, 72, 86, 92, 94, 95, 117, 123, 125, 132, 136, 146, 150, 153, 156, 158, 181, 191, 194, 195, 198, 215, 220, 227, 229, 236, 249, 250, 256, 257, 264, 266, 267, 271, 272, 273, 288, 290, 297, 298, 300, 301, 303, 304, 312, 315, 321, 340, 345, 347, 350, 352, 353, 355, 360, 363, 366, 368, 381–3, 397, 463, 478, 483, 487, 488, 490, 491, 497, 499, 509, 515, 519, 530, 531, 540, 542, 546, 549–52, 564, 568, 580, 585, 589, 596, 597, 599, 600, 604, 606, 609, 613, 624, 627, 631, 637, 640, 641, 650, 655, 656, 660, 661, 667, 670, 672.
-, letters to, 91, 118, 159, 174, 184, 190, 239, 246, 276, 278, 291, 306, 310, 318, 347, 351, 381, 382, 657, 665, 668, 669.
-, referred to, 30.
-, sends books to Walsingham, 13, 50, 123, 290, 315, 347, 366, 586, 641.
-, answer to French objections to Leicester's placard, 30–32.
-, charges against, 34, 35; question of precedence, 96.
-, warns Soissons not to come to Paris, 39; to get recommendation for Alveris, 99.
-, forward Palavicino's letters, 43; Palavicino without news of, 76; communications with him, 496.
-, Queen Mother's suggestion to about mediation, 51; Wootton to inform of instructions, 98; King speaks to, for Queen of Scots, 119; feels sure she will come to no harm, 120.
-, complains of Walsingham's conduct to him, 125–8, 130, 132; defends conduct, 129, 130; keeps things from Walsingham, 159.
-, denies reports of negotiations with Spain, 154; Casimir wishes to keep arrangement from, 188.
-, relations with Sarmiento, 154, 155; correspondence with Palavicino, 199, 200, 202.
-, to inform King of arrest of des Trappes, 189; Queen censures, 190; response, 192, 193, 195.
-, reported to favour Queen of Scots and Guise, 194; defends action to Bellievre, 208, 209.
-, "diet" stopped, 195, 196; motion to set a guard upon, 214; admission to King demanded, 275, 277, 279.
-, request to French King about ships and goods seized, 213; negotiations upon, 322.
-, private matter with Walsingham, 215; reconciliation with Walsingham, 266, 271; relations with him, 483–5, 568.
-, negotiations with Bellievre, 250–5, 267–70; question of audience, 295; dismisses Morgan with flea in ear, 357.
-, complains of French representations of persecution of Catholics, 316.
-, and King of Navarre, 346, 347, 547; del Bene's charges against, 367, 368; and comments on, 374–80; on del Bene's intrigues, 547, 548.
-, negotiations about depredations, 392; certificate concerning maritime causes, 469.
-, Dolfin to treat with about currant duty, 409; principal points negotiated by, 467; asks about leave, now due, 586.
-, French King anxious to confer with, 485, 488, 509, 515, 516; important audience of King, 519–28; referred to, 564.
-, money in hands of, 486; resents Queen's treatment of servants, 628; memoranda on brother's connection with plot, 657.
-, says Mendoza may get hanged at Tyburn, 640; and Gilbert Gifford, 660–71; Hakluyt consults about seeing Westmorland, 671.

-, -, wife of. See Sheffield, Lady Douglas.

-, William, implicated in conspiracy, 189, 190, 218; concern of brother about, 195, 204, 211; confession of, 203, 209, 211, 269, 657; relations with Chateauneuf, 207, 208; accuses des Trappes as originator, 210.
-, confronted with Chateauneuf, 215; report of speech to Chateauneuf, 658.

Stalleng, William, 58.

Stanbank, Anthony, Master of the Common Pleas, Bristol, 179.

Standen, Sir Anthony: letter to, 286.
-, letter sent by, 335.

Stanlac, Sieur Antoine, merchant of London, 473.

Stanley, Henry, Earl of Derby, documents signed by, 105; said to be going for treaty with Spain, 385.

Stanley, Sir William, treachery of, 368.

Stanley, —, a tailor, agent of Walsingham at Paris, 131.

Staper, Richard, commissioner for piracies, 33.

Stapers, James, 469.

-, Richard, merchant of London, 62.

States. See Low Countries.

Stein, Heinrich von, Stayn, Colonel, Alencon dealt direct with, 163; Lorraine and Rhine bishops fear arrival, 339.

Stekhussen. See Stickhausen.

Stella Evidale, la, wrecked off Wight, 529.

Stere Stoad or Undohambrowe, Hamburg ship, 644.

Steven Hudson, English ship, illegal action of Hamburgers against, 646.

Stickhausen, Stekhussen [E. Friesland, German Empire], 197.

Stoad. See Stade.

stockings, worsted, charge of exporting without paying duty, 641.

Stoven, Stove, Hermann, citizen of Hamburg, 539, 568.

Straits. See Gibraltar, Strait of.

Strasburg, Argentina [Bas Rhin, France], 188, 274, 362, 434, 502.
-, money expected at, 47; contribution to French Huguenots, 62; ecclesiastical counts flee to, 327; town near burned, 338.
-, Germans moving on, 338.
-, bishopric of, proposed sale to Lorraine, 325.
-, canons of complain of Emperor, 324; Denmark makes son one, 333.
-, citizen of, 285, Dr. Sturm at, 422.
-, fair of, 684.
-, bishop of. See Manderscheid, John IV. von.
-, letters dated at, 122, 422.

Strigoine. See Gran.

Strozzi, Filippo, defeat of French fleet under, 342.

-, Lorenzo, Cardinal, party to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 627.

Strozzi, Strossi, Philip and Robert, parties to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 627.

Stuart, Esmé, first Duke of Lennox, 178.

Sturm, Sturme, Sturmius, Dr. John, 122, 198.
-, at Strasburg, 422.

-, from Canaries, 22, 25.
-, from Porto Rico, 56.
-, claims for cargo of, 515.
-, from Viana, 536.

Suifth. See Swift.

-, relations with Mendoza, 671.

Surch. See Zurich.

Surrey, high sheriff of. See Bostock.

Suse, M. de, asks King for lieutenancy, 6.

Swabia, Germany, forces against Turk, 296.

Sweden, 201, 433, 435.

-, King of. See John.

-, Prince of. See Charles, Prince of Sweden; Sigismund.

-, Queen of. See Catherine.

Sweitz, Redix von, commands Swiss Catholic forces, 337.

Sweitz, Switz. See Schweiz.

Swiderski, Albert, a Pole, sent by Prince of Moldavia to Queen, 690.

Swift, Jasper, Gaspard Suifth, serjeant of the Admiralty, 514, 515.

Swing, the, 644, 646.

Switzerland and Swiss, 201, 389.
-, mission to France, 2, 5, 6, 24, 48, 683.
-, occupation of Mont Cenis would paralyse Spaniards in Netherlands, 89; hostile measures against Savoy, 93.
-, hold diet at Baden, grievances of Catholic cantons, 122; not entirely united, leaving Geneva exposed, 141.
-, to form part of John Casimir's force, 141, 234, 682; Navarre arming levy of, 162.
-, of guard send to Queen of Navarre 155; Clervant going to, 187; Clervant in, 238; Clervant's negotiations with, 243.
-, troops in Casimir's force, 293, 328, 396, 397, 417, 432, 559; very resolute, 362; retreat reported, 436; quarrel with reiters, 440.
-, La Valette intercepts force, 353; royal forces defeat, 355, 359; King's reliance on, 384; no news of, 449; reported fled from France, 456; cost of levy, 653
-, troops with Joyeuse, 360; guard of Pope, 445.
-, forces separate from reiters, 492, 496; Reaux sent to, to complain, 493, 536, 586.
-, troops to drive French out of Montbeliard, 507
-, division between Catholics and Lutherans, 513; King sends troops to Picardy, 535, 541; John Casimir on troops in France, 617, 618.

-, Catholic Cantons, Pope sends bishop to, 93; league of, 202; Philip makes league with, 235, 259, 275, 324, 423; articles between and League, 504.
-, efforts to stop Casimir's Switzers, 328; troops from defeated by Navarre's horse, 337.
-, King appoints Montmorency colonel of troops, 356.
-, quitting French alliance for Spanish, 554.
-, letter to, 260.
-, guards of French King, kept ready, 597, 606, 607; King takes, from Paris, 610; mistake to bring to Paris, 634.

Sylvii, Portuguese family, lady of imprisoned, 562.

Symier. See Simier.

Symondexe, John, master of Dutch ship, 646.

Sympson, Daniel, 455.
-, servant of Stephen Powle, 477.

Syvull. See Seville.

Szigevar, Hungary, ? Shitmia, 337.