Index: P

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Padua [Prov. Padova, Italy], 529.
-, Pope establishes prebend in, 426.
-, Wroth retires to, 476, 477, 539.
-, letter dated at, 540.
-, news from, 506.

Paget, Charles, 105, 663.
-, Arundel poisoned by (?) 660; in evil case with Mendoza, 661; Lilly's relations with, 662; and Gifford, 670.
-, share in Babington plot, 96, 97; French King asked to hand over, 190, 195, 205, 240, 270, 467.
-, at liberty, 254; pensioned by Philip, 284; intrigues of, 340; Mendoza promises repatriation to, 597; Mendoza confers with, 598; informed of English affairs, 599; takes leave of Guise, 641.
-, letters referred to, 353.

-, Thomas, Lord, 105, 364, 663.
-, pensioned by Philip, 284; intrigues of, 340; Mendoza promises repatriation to, 597; Mendoza confers with, 598; takes leave of Guise, going with Armada, 641; Gifford's dealings with, 666, 669.

Palatinate, of the Rhine, Pfalz, County Palatine, 338, 422.
-, danger of, 308; well provided with men of war, 339; alarm in, 502.
-, Casimir's absence would have imperilled, 618, 619; forces standing ready to attack, 620.

-, Administrator of. See John Casimir.

Palatine, Count, of the Rhine, contribution to French Huguenots, 61.

-, Countess. See Dorothea Susanne.

-, Elector. See Frederick III.; Frederick IV.

Palavicino, Fabritio, 11, 25, 45, 83, 680–2.

-, -, Cassandra wife of, 11, 101, 680.
-, letter from, 90.
-, letters to, alluded to, 112.

-, Horatio, Pallavesine, Palavisin, Palvezin, 22, 35, 47, 89, 109, 195, 196, 262, 282, 366, 378.
-, letters from, 14, 26, 39, 40, 42, 61, 64, 76, 77, 81, 86, 87, 91, 105, 107, 108, 111, 113, 116, 117, 120, 121, 133, 134, 138, 142, 149, 151, 152, 155, 159, 169, 171, 182, 183, 187, 188, 199, 200, 202, 218, 219, 222, 223, 225, 226, 236, 239, 243–5, 262, 274, 281, 496, 659, 683.
-, -, alluded to, 123, 158, 247, 249, 258, 397.
-, letters to, 11, 25, 44, 53, 55, 82, 86, 90, 94, 100, 104, 109, 112, 135, 155, 235, 238, 678, 680.
-, -, alluded to, 423.
-, mission to Saxony, 14–16, 18, 42; and Brandenburg, 17, 20, 42, 178.
-, treats for levy, 46, 100, 124, 141, 148, 149, 162, 172, 225, 226; hopes held out by, 293, 330.
-, Walsingham's treatment of, 133; Stafford defends, 159; friend of Stafford, 485, 486.
-, payment of moneys through, 146, 148, 149, 164, 165, 179, 181, 186, 233, 255, 471–3, 487, 682.
-, needs larger powers, 163; proposal of, 165; safe conduct asked for, 228; ship for, 284, 291.
-, letters sent to Pisa by, 191; testimonial to, 261; at Frankenthal, 262.
-, French King aware of operations in Germany, 208; Stafford's reply upon, 210.
-, Pope's action against, 222, 224; memorandum of directions to, 233; message sent by, 305; account for loss by exchange, 471.

Palermo, Sicily, galleys building at, 445.

Pallotta, Giovanni, archbishop of Cosenza, a candidate for the red hat, 419, 420, 425, 436; promoted cardinal, 443.

Pamiers [Ariége, France], Audou takes Mas de, 4.

Pampelona [New Grenada, Spain], book printed at, 177.

Pangeas, M. de. See Pardaillan d' Armagnac, Francois Jean Charles de.

Paoli, Annibale, bishop of Cervia, candidate for the red hat, 420, 425.

Papal legates and nuncios. See under Ambassadors.

Pape, Francois le, merchant of Brittany, 33.
-, claim for goods of, 64, 65, 80, 164, 309; men of Totnes wish to stay debt to, 124; payment of promised, 294; waiting for payment, 410.

Papists. See Catholics, Roman.

Papon, Jean, opinion quoted, 115.

Pappo, Lord Cobham's post, 556.

Pardaillan d'Armagnac, Francis Jean Charles de, Seigneur de Panjas, M. de Pangeas, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Pardaillan. See Segur Pardailhan.

Pardino, Captain, 422.

Pardo, Jeronimo, at Lisbon, 83.

Paris, France, 34, 35, 60, 66, 154n, 191, 196, 201, 351, 392, 429, 433, 480, 538, 654, 656.
-, letters dated at passim, letters sent via, 122.
-, news from, 275, 417, 439, 472, 500, 517, 535, 592, 629, 631, 676, 685.
-, fear of revolt in, 20, 37; King unlikely to leave, 21; amount due from by edicts, 37.
-, bears cost of victuals and rigging for navy, 54; amount paid, 55.
-, German ambassadors start for, 61; Waad at, 189n.
-, Queen Mother returning to, 103; Queen Mother at, 257.
-, Pisa wishes Walsingham had Italians in, 160; Danish ambassadors should be at, 683.
-, excitement in over English persecution of Catholics, 316; mutiny about curate of St. Severin, 359.
-, Joyeuse back at, 355, 356, 359; attempts to fire, 439; Mayenne at, 515; Morgan back at, 572.
-, book sold in on English defeats, 499; letters detained at, 604.
-, Condé mourned in, 531; Queen Mother ordered not to leave, 610.
-, King at, 577; he retains Swiss near, 597, 607; King leaves suddenly, 609, 610, 623, 633; King discharges of all blame, 612.
-, Spanish force against, 588; Guise coming to, 597; taken by Guise, 615, 623, 624.
-, Chateauneuf asks for news of, 610; King's terms to, 624; League works to prevent reconciliation with King, 631.
-, sends against St. Cloud, 625; condition under Guise, 631; mistake to bring Swiss to, 634.
-, the barricades of, 637; forces from Picardy advance towards, 638; fear of broil in, 650, 651.
-, Leaguers mean to hold fast to, 637; citizens intend to keep Bastille and Arsenal in their hands, 640.
-, people seize Epernon's goods in, 639; League puts forth writings in, 642.
-, artillery sent out of, 641; but recalled, 642.
-, States announced in to discontentment of people, 642; people grow very insolent, 651.
-, bishop of. See Gondi, Pierre de.
-, Chambre des Comptes, 20.
-, Council at, 28, 30.
-, Governor of. See Villequier, Réné de, Baron of Clairvaux.
-, merchants of, 312.
-, Parlement of, 37, 549, 551, 651.
-, King has edicts passed in, 8; objects, 12; King informs of Condé's death, 531.
-, -, president of. See Brisson.
-, places in and near:
-, Arsenal, 640.
-, Bastille, 38, 52, 96, 125, 353, 382, 631, 633, 640.
-, Bois de Vincennes. See Vincennes.
-, Conciergerie, 651.
-, Faubourg St. Germain, 497, 603.
-, Hotel de Ville, 38.
-, house of Filles repantyes, 257.
-, La Roquette, La Rochette, 366.
-, Louvre, Lover, 3, 37, 157, 180; Council held at, 606, 607.
-, Pont Notre Dame, 606.
-, Rue S. Jacques, sign of Elephant, 654.
-, St. Severin, 316, 359.
-, Ste. Chapelle, 497.
-, prevost of. See Perreuse.

Parker, Leonard, prisoner in Spain, 168.

Parliament, urged proceedings against Queen of Scots, 97; applies law on yew staves to Hanse, 173; Leicester engaged in, 229; Hatton detained by, 241, 250.

Parma, Italy, Alexander Farnese will succeed to Dukedom, 173.

-, Duchess of. See Margaret, Duchess of Parma; Maria.

-, Duke of. See Farnese, Alexander; Farnese, Ottavio; Farnese, Pietro Alvise.

-, Prince of. See Farnese, Ranuccio.

Parrye, Durie, 33.

Partenay, Jacques, merchant of Brittany, complaint about plundering, 632.

Parthenay, Catherine de, Madame de Rohan: letters of, 477, 615.
-, should have passport from Queen to protect against English ships, 565; journey of, 580.

Pastrana, Pastrano, Passerana, Duke of. See Gomez, Ruy; Silva y Mendoza, Rodrigo de.

Passage [Guipuzcoa, Spain], naval preparations at, 12.

Pau [Basses Pyrenees, France], Soissons has mass said at, 595.

Paulet, Sir Amyas, 96.

Paulin, Vicomte. See Rabastens, Bertrand de.

Pavia [Prov. Pavia, Italy], Philip to maintain Lucerne students at, 324.

Pawlowsky, Stanislaus, bishop of Olmutz, 506.
-, Emperor sending to estates of Poland, 325.

Peacock, Pecok, Robert, Governor of the Society of Adventurers, letter from, 221; letter to, 652.

Peden, Jehan, Zeeland captain, takes Breton ship, 29.

Peeter. See Petre.

Pelican, French navy, 54.
-, ship, 318.

Pellegrini, Pompeo, letter from, 283; intelligence from, 335.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, Henry.

Peniche, Penniche, Portugal, armed with Portingals, 332.

Penirol. See Puymirol.

Penthievre, Pontievre, Count of, party to treaty of Cambrai, 626.

Pepoll, Michael, Commissioner for piracies, 33.
-, ship of captured, 62.

Pepper, Peppard, Robert, surety, 114, 169.

Perche, France, Navarre's party in, 517.

Percy, Henry, ninth Earl of Northumberland, brother of, 538.

Perdin, Captain, 95.

Peretti, Alessandro cardinal Montalto, godfather to Orsino's son, 419; entertains new cardinals, 444.

-, Camilla, sister of Pope Sixtus V., Allen made Cardinal for gain of, 356, 363; godmother to Orsino's son, 419.

-, Felix. See Sixtus V., Pope.

Perez, Ludovico, and Co., 239, 472, 473.

Perez de Guzman, Alonso, Duke of Medina Sidonia, Duke of Sidonia, ordered to release Easterlings, 277; made commander of Spanish armada, 533, 569, 572, 679; not ready, 541; will not acknowledge Parma as superior, 572.
-, said to be going against Algiers, 570; has instructions, only to be opened at sea, 578; gone to Lisbon, 591; Governor of Cadiz asks help against English, 658; arrives with forces, 659.

Periere. See Priere.

Perle, French navy, 64.

Pernon, Pernowe, Pernoton, Duke of. See Nogaret, Jean Louis de, Duc d'Epernon.

Perrenot, Anthony, Cardinal de Granvelle: Philip puts off, 1; Philip angry with, 17; opinion on pacification with England, 25; sees peace terms, 98; death, 105, 120.

-, Frederic de, Seigneur de Champagny, Champigny, Campagni, Champygny, 511.
-, mission to England, 220, 460; recalled, 437, 444.

-, -, nephew of, 511.

Perreuse, — de, prevost of Paris, released from Bastille and recommitted, 631.

Perron. See Du Perron.

Perrot, —, Sieur de la Tour, 149.

Persia, Persians: Turk harassed by, 345; war continued in, 418, 460, 461, 477, 505; possible peace, 558; report of Turkish successes in, 648; Turkish reinforcements sent to, 649.

-, Shah of. See Abbas I.; Ismail III.

Perthemuth. See Portsmouth.

Pertot, M., letter to, 216.

Peru, S. America: Santa Cruz stops fleet of sailing, 162; fleet from, 338.
-, salt from Spain for, 233.

Perugia, Italy, bishop of, cardinal of. See Corneo, Ippolito; Galli, Antonio Maria.

Pesaro [Prov. Pesaro, Italy], 571.
-, Prince of Bessignano expected at, 411.

Pesse, Advocate de, King sends to Italy, 640.

Petechau, ? Piotrkow, Poland, 412.

Peteliano, Count of, party to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 627.

Peter, Palatine of Moldavia, letters from, 650.

Petersen, Dirick, master of Dutch ship, 646.

Petite Pierre, La. See Lutzelstein.

Petite Normande, French ship, 318.

Petreschko, Petrasco, Prince of Walachia, malice of Vizier Rustan against, 674.

-, -, son of. See Tschertschel, Peter.

Petre, Peeter, Robert, teller of the Exchequer, 195.

Petrocovia. See Piotrkow.

Pets, Colonel, commands forces against Turks, 296.

Petschino. See Pitschen.

Peyre [Aveyron, France], 130.

Pfalz. See Palatinate.

Pfalzburg [Lorraine, France], reported designs on, 307, 308; danger to, 334; Haussonville leaves open passage at, 365; pledged to Duke of Lorraine, 430, 431, 434; proposed redemption, 435.

Phelippes. See Philips.

Pheodor. See Feodor.

Pheru? Faroe, 653.

Philip II., King of Spain, 295, 374, 464.
-, heir to England after James, 328; Stafford to move France to curb, 467.
-, ambition insatiable, 482; and treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 627; stays all shipping, 678.
-, 1586:
-, supports faith in France, 1; dislikes policy but driven on by clergy, 12.
-, plan to use Turkish fleet against, 11; Queen's use of Drake against, 13.
-, Doria does not hear from, 11; naval preparations, 12, 42, 43; Doria's influence with, 25; negotiations through Doria, 679, 680.
-, forbids dealing with English goods, 12; a powerful enemy for Queen, 14.
-, Danish mediation with, 13, 55, 183; zeal for welfare of Low Countries, 182; scorned, 183.
-, angry with Granvelle, 17; anxious about Indies and Low Countries, 18; raking up money for Flanders, 679, 681.
-, Cambrai delivered to, 21, 24; advantage to Elizabeth of peace with, 45, 101.
-, incensed about Drake, 25, 42; will not listen to peace without satisfaction, 25, 44; satisfaction required by, 42, 43, 64, 78, 83, 104.
-, France unwilling to join in English quarrel with, 28– 30, 32; England not at war with, 31; irritated by English procedure, 680, 681.
-, offers to King of Navarre, 48; peace in France would make more trouble for, 51.
-, complains to Pope and Italian princes about Drake, 49; stops Doria sailing, 53, 64.
-, powerless through lack of money, 56; replaces old soldiers by new, 80.
-, compassion for imprisoned English sailors, 56; ready to foment rebellion in England, 96.
-, League would hold Auxonne for, 65; supplied Guise with money to buy it, 73.
-, sincerity about peace, 82; discussion of terms, 83, 84, 91, 98, 99.
-, losses through Drake's activity, 88; easy to invade England if could make up mind, 100.
-, supplies troops to besiege Turin, 93; preparations for war, 112, 123.
-, plenty of help for against England, 101; Fuggers supply with money, 140.
-, proposed delivery of Scots' King to, 105; declares war on England, 141; preparations against England, 152.
-, French wish to keep occupied, 146; Mendoza hints at English desire to compound with, 154; Bellievre may suggest some plan to annoy, 155.
-, not going to Lisbon, 161; designs against Geneva, 165; sends embassy to Catholic Swiss, 235.
-, surprise at choice of Cifuentes for Milan, 161; book on Charles the Bold dedicated to, 177.
-, order about release of English prisoners, 167; many who had dealings with may become bankrupt, 655.
-, Pope to make Emperor of East and West Indies, 174; points showing enmity to Elizabeth, 177, 178; will not seek her assasination, 181; tried to do Elizabeth ill turn through Mary, 657.
-, 1587:
-, French think impossible to come to terms with England, 193; warlike preparations, 233, 277.
-, Henry III. resents Elizabeth showing more consideration for, 208, 210, 212; Queen's attitude to, 254.
-, Portuguese petition to for trade with English, 227; not afraid of Teligny, 260.
-, Pope allows a great sum monthly, 231, 235; going to Lisbon, 235; asks Archduke Ferdinand to raise regiments of landsknechts, 283.
-, will profit by quarrel between France and England, 252, 253; pensions to Englishmen, 284.
-, alliance with Swiss Catholic Cantons, 259, 423; friendly relations with Swiss, 260.
-, likely to join forces with Guise, 275; French not to send victuals to dominions of, 309.
-, dissolving preparations, 279; instructs Parma to carry through peace negotiations, 280.
-, gives abbey to Dr. Allen, 284; naturalisation of subjects to be stopped, 310.
-, plan to take frontier town of, 298; German expedition to mate, 305.
-, will help Hanse in asserting privileges, 314; Allen's pension from, 356, 363.
-, Denmark's mediation with, 323, 678, 679; in league to conquer England, 332; memorial to move to attack England, 341–5.
-, in league against Protestants, 324, 370; efforts about Polish crown, 325; pardons outlaws to employ in fleet, 329.
-, sends discourse to Santa Cruz, 335; Drake sailing for confusion of, 350.
-, Colonna raising troops for, 338; great fleet of, 356, 357; orders ships to be made ready, 416, 423.
-, Pope's contradictory behaviour to, 356; Pope rails against, 364, 365; threatens to excommunicate, 365.
-, desires attack on Sedan, 360; sends help to Guise, 370; Guises fomented by, 385.
-, raises difficulties on point of religion, 370; La Noue's complaint against, 391.
-, German troops stayed from serving, 372; a member of the Hanse, 401.
-, wintering at Lisbon to furnish forces for England and Ireland, 373; raising army, 412.
-, Turkish trouble may induce to make peace in Netherlands, 389; unlikely to make Savoy Governor of Flanders, 410.
-, terms for treaty with, 394–5; not sincere in peace advances, 451.
-, partiality of Hamburg for, 402, 429, 456–60.
-, Scotland gives leave to enter all his ports, 411; increases rate of 'regales,' 427.
-, letters concerning Nicholas Ouseley, 413, 414; moves for canonising St. Diego, 420.
-, measures to defend fleet from Indies, 427; treasure from Indies, 447, 456; hold over Italy, 453.
-, sends money for Poland affair, 446, 462; may buy Denmark against England, 452.
-, France will not hinder enterprises, 453; makes Gonzaga Governor of Flanders, 455; satisfies Pope about titles, 462.
-, indisposed, 461; answer to calumnies against Queen, 464–7; relations with Scotland, 472.
-, 1588:
-, Queen supposed to prefer peace with, 488, 489, 491; false report of victories, 500.
-, injury to fleet will damage prestige, 490; Drake at sea will keep in suspense, 502.
-, sick, 493, 507; better, 508; sick of fever, 553.
-, dislikes Pope's alliance with Parma, 501; difference with Grand Duke, 533, 534; made up, 571.
-, gets Lewis Cassano, 503; keeps Piero de' Medici and Prospero Colonna to serve him, 505.
-, appeal to Turk to take sides against, 504; Aerschot taking investitures for, 505; gets Ghent for Vanderlinde, 512.
-, wants fleet to sail in February, 508; naval preparations of, 512, 515, 558.
-, expenditure on Armada, 508; makes Medina Sidonia admiral, 572.
-, not sincere in peace negotiations, 526, 531, 533, 539, 557, 564; English hopes of peace from, 560.
-, Pope enters league with, against England, 532; relations with Pope, 534; sends Mendoza to Rome, 569; some think making fool of Pope, 590.
-, Parma might fear French move against, 551; considering attack on Ireland, 557.
-, will agree to any reasonable thing to have quiet in Netherlands, 552.
-, confidence in Rome over success of English expedition, 552; hopes to destroy Elizabeth, 559.
-, relations with James, 557; to make James King of England, 572.
-, designs against England, 557– 9, 602; news of preparations, 578; going to Lisbon to despatch fleet, 595.
-, English make trouble in Portugal to detain forces, 561; makes peace with Dom Antonio, 602, 603.
-, Italy given up to, 563; enemy of John Casimir, 620; Ragusans' assistance of, 648.
-, device to turn French King against Huguenots, 563; interest to prevent Navarre succeeding to France, 574.
-, decision about Poland expected, 569, 571; with Elizabeth and the French King, 583; can never forgive English, 621; Mendoza says will celebrate mass in St. Pauls, 640.
-, report that gone mad, 592; very well, 599.
-, cannot spare forces out of Netherlands against France, 634; well handled by Arundel, 663.
-, letter from, alluded to, 281.
-, letter to, 528.
-, natural son of, going to Flanders, 505.
-, secretary of. See Escovedo.

Philip, Infant of Spain:
-, illness of, 18; godfather to Savoys' son, 53, 679; recovery, 101; ill of small pox, 283; reported plots against, 106; seriously ill again, 328.

-, Duke, of Brandenburg, a great army with on behalf of King of Denmark, 334.

Philip Emanuel, Prince of Savoy:
-, Doria to attend christening, 53; christening of, 283, 679.

Philip Ludwig, Duke of Brunswick Grubenhagen, cousin of Duke Julius, at the Convention at Luneburg, 71.

-, -, might lead the reiters into France, if Duke Casimir declined, 140; may at any time demand the money [for the reiters], 307.

-, -, report that he is to be General of the reiters, 327.

Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, 433.

Philip of Macedon, Demosthenes warning about, 639.

Philips, Phelippes, Thomas, alias M. Wilsdon, 529, 548.
-, endorsement of, 191, 257.
-, letter in writing of, 284; letters of among Gifford's papers, 660– 4, 666, 667, 670.

Piacenza [Prov. Piacenza, Italy], news from, 505.

-, bishop of. See Sega, Filippo.

Picardy, France, 449, 479, 588.
-, Aumâle's operations in, 257, 279, 540; Nevers in, 297; Aumâle withdrawing from, 550.
-, Soissons administrator of, 378; evil state of, 474; great preparations in, 556.
-, King sends troops to, 535, 540, 541; Queen Mother offers to go to, 551; measures to prevent King going to, 551, 552.
-, D'Aumâle wants government of, for Guise, 577; Cardinal Bourbon to induce League to leave, 595; gentlemen and peasants of rise for King, 638; King going to, 642.
-, regiment of, with King, 610.

Pico, Galeotto II., Count of Mirandola, party to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 627.

picture of execution of Catholics in England, shown in Paris, 316.

- of Queen Mary sold at Venice, 455.

- of Drake taken to Ferarra from France, 572; draws crowds, 573.

Piedmont, Italy, supplied with corn from Spain, 162.

Pierre Assise, ? castle of, Mandelot seizes, 5.

Pierson, Nicholas, deputy of Merchants Adventurers at Stade, letter of, 611.

Pigot, —, confession of forces of the Low Countries, 552.

Pilkington, John, 80.

Pin, Sieur du. See Lallier, Jacques.

Pinard, Pinart, Claude, Sieur de Camailles, French Secretary of State, 28, 30, 44, 270, 312, 520, 521, 628.
-, favours League least, 51; brings Queen Mother letters from Scotland, 53; colloquy with Villeroy, 53, 54; goes away with Queen Mother, 54; returns to Paris with her, 259.
-, treats with Stafford, 264, 265, 267, 322, 564, 565, 580–3, 597, 663; gone with Queen, 295; away, 353.
-, sorry at way things going, 289; commissioner about depredations, 392.
-, supports Maulevrier's claim to Sedan, 491, 498; holds for League, 415; growing feeling against League, 601.
-, Stafford complains to about books, 499, 500, 586; Stafford sees about depredations, 554.
-, admiration for Elizabeth, 581; at Council, 583; urges need of peace, 595.
-, Villeroy enemy of, 601; representations to be made by Leighton to, 635.
-, letter from, alluded to, 316, 317.
-, letter to, alluded to, 317.

Pinard, the younger, going as French ambassador to Scotland, 309; stayed, 601.

Pinelo, Juan Batista, letter of, 687.

Pio, Rodolfo, Cardinal Carpi, party to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 627.

Piotrkow, Petrocovia, Poland, Maximilian sends force towards, 458, 440; Sigismund at, with Queen and nobles, 450; Sigismund driven back to, 455.

-, ? Petechau, 412.

Piper, —, of Ipswich, 26.

piracy, consideration of measures for preventing, 28; memorial of conference about, 32; resolution upon, 33; French complaints about, 205.

pirates: depredations by French, on English ships, 62, 63.
-, English, complaint of insolence, 494; constantly in Spanish waters, 513.

Pisa [Prov. Pisa, Italy], 505.
-, Grand Duke going to, 572.

Pisani, Marquis of. See Vivonne, Jean de.

Pissa, Captain Jacopo da, letters of, 122, 160, 191, 235, 284.

Pistor, Nicolas, merchant at Rouen, 92.

Pitbrun, Pitebron, —, a messenger, 157, 309.

pitch, shipped from Sweden to Spain, 295.

Pitebron. See Pitbrun.

Pitschen, Petschino, Silesia, Maximilian retires to, 512, 513; accepts battle at, 514.

Pitts, —, Danes' complaints against, 373.

Pius V., Pope, bull excommunicating Queen, 177.

Pizzes, M. de, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

-, at Antwerp, 173; in Burgundy, 198.
-, Navarre's men dying of, 223.
-, reported in Spanish fleet, 652.

Plassac, M. de. See Pons, Jean de.

platforms, meaning schemes, 409.

Pleasure, of Lyme, seized by Mercoeur, 63.

Plemue. See Plymouth.

Plessis Gete, M. du, Governor of La Grenasche [Garnache], a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Plessis Marli, Sieur du. See Mornay, Philippe de.

Ploet, Colonel John, officer in Casimir's force, 327.

Plumaux, —, betrays Auxonne to Guise, 73.

Pluscardine, prior of. See Seton, Alexander.

Plymouth, Plemue, co. Devon, 468.
-, plundered ship taken to, 632; spies going to, 666.
-, mayor of, 633.

Plympton, Plynton co. Devon, salt at, 308.

Po, River, N. Italy, bursts banks, 418, 426.

Poictiers, Diane de, Duchess of Valentinois, party to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 626.

Poigny de Rambouillet. See Angennes, Jacques d'.

Poilly, Jehan, of Treport, fishing boat of plundered, 633.

Poines, Pointz. See Poyntz.

Poissy, Poissi [Seine et Oise, France], ambassadors lodged at, 96.

Poitiers [Vienne, France], 531. news from, 4.
-, Condé's page seized at, 544.

Poitou, France, 553.
-, news from, 359.
-, troops of Mayenne returning to, 4; Queen Mother, wishes to be near, 5.
-, Navarre does what he likes in, 297; Condé in, 389; danger of Navarre alienating, 544.
-, note to governors in, 470; King's journey to, 500; King sends for forces of, 610.
-, chief men of Navarre's party in, 516; Epernon made lieutenant general in, 625.

-, Governor of. See Chourses, Jean de, Seigneur de Malicorne.

Poland, 419, 435, 442.
-, news of, 412, 417, 443, 450, 504, 517, 649.
-, insolent treatment of English in, 172; English trading with, 173.
-, Emperor sends ambassadors to, 188; Philip sends ambassador to, 325.
-, nobility incline to elect Sweden's son to crown, 201, 202; election of King, 237, 337, 418.
-, Matthias candidate for crown, 297; and Maximilian, 325, 423, 461; date for election, 328.
-, desires peace with Muscovy, 328; influence on other affairs, 422.
-, Stafford recommends gentleman of, 355; Tuscan mediation offered for, 424.
-, Swedish Prince's oath to ambassadors of, 411; Emperor warns him off, 423; Emperor raising money for, 506.
-, nobles favour Maximilian, 439; diet accepts him, 446; his difficulties in, 462.
-, Maximilian's efforts to secure, 476; Muscovite approval of choice, 477; troops held back, from, 572, 607.
-, defeat of Maximilian in, 502, 512, 514; nobles mean to drive out Maximilian, 507; reported revolution in, 599.
-, decision of Philip about expected, 569; Emperor waiting for, 571.
-, Cossacks take refuge in castles of, 650; Prince of Wallachia retires to, 678; Sieur de Fontaine escapes through, 689.
-, chancellor of. See Zamoiski, John Sarius.
-, King of. See Bathori, Stephen; Sigismund; Sigismund Augustus.
-, Queen of. See Anne, Queen of Poland; Bona.

Polteat, Richard, dispute with Hamburgers, 569.

Polviller, Bolviler, Baron, party to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 626.

Polveiler, Polweider, Baron Nicolas de, 307.

Poly. See Pooley.

Pommern [German Empire], contribution to French Huguenots, 62.

Pons [Charente Inf., France], Governor of. See Pons, Jean de, Seigneur de Plassac.

Pons, Jean de, Seigneur de Plassac, Governor of Pons, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Pont à Mousson [Meurthe, France], Gifford retires to, 671.

Pontarlier [Doubs, France], 449.

Pont de l'Arche, Pounte l'Arche [Eure, France], surprised by Guise, 633.

Pont St. Esprit [Gard, France], Montmorency takes, 631; in great danger, 652.

Ponta del gada. See Punta Delgada.

Pontcarré, Sieur de. See Camus, Geoffrey.

Pontievre. See Penthievre.

Pooel. See Powle.

Poole, co. Dorset, French goods sold in, 361.

- Road, 468.

Poole, Mr. 539.

Pooley, Poly, Robert, letter from, 228.

Pope, German force to ruin, 293; sentence against German counts, 324; not a judge of Augsburg confession, 325.

- See Alexander VI; Gregory XIII.; Leo X.; Pius V.; Sixtus V.

Porchemue, Porchmouth. See Portsmouth.

Porcian, Prince of. See Croy, Antoine de.

Portalis, Thomas, printer, 177.

Portland, co. Dorset, 540.

Porto [Prov. Roma, Italy], cardinal Joyeuse at, 425.

Porto Cavallo. See Puerto Cabello.

Porto Rico, Puerto Rico, West Indies, ship from, taken to London, 56; hides and money sent from, 402.

Portory, John, prisoner in Spain, 168.

portrait, Palatine desires, of Queen, 198; three or four sent to Duke of Bouillon, 216.

-, See also pictures.

Portsmouth, Porchmouth, Porchemue, Perthemuth, co. Hants, 231, 468.
-, plundered ship taken to, 632.

Portugal and Portuguese, 231.
-, news from, 557.
-, goods shipped from, 62.
-, war preparations in, 99, 232, 560; galleys of, under Recalde, 161; ships at Lisbon, 332.
-, Queen should have informants in, 167; unsettled state, 245.
-, passport for two natives of, 178; Pointz goes to, 182; Wotton's mission to, 466.
-, Florence galleon seized in, 283; sugar belonging to, 515.
-, men in Spanish fleet, 372; ships in fleet, 471.
-, articles for relief of, English trading to, 394, 395; English enter rivers of, 504; fear of English attack on, 561.
-, Philip desires son's quiet succession in, 453; claim of Parma's son to, 501.
-, fleet driven back to, 476; troops poured into from Spain, 508; pick of troops for Armada, 558.
-, spy of Don Antonio taken in, 513; hopes to recover by English aid, 560; treason discovered in, 561; severely dealt with, 562.
-, to be given to James with Infanta, 571; claim of Castro to, 601.
-, Spanish dealings with, 602, 603; appeal for English help, 603.
-, Infant of. See Luis, Dom.
-, King of. See Henry, Cardinal; Sebastian.
-, pretender of. See Antonio, Prior of Crato.
-, Queen of. See Caterina.
-, Viceroy of. See Albert, Archduke of Austria.

Possonio. See Presburg.

Pouet, M. de, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Pougny, Seigneur de. See Angennes, Jacques d'.

Pougues [Nièvre, France], King at baths of, 103.

Poulter, Thomas, report of, 278.

Pounsford, John, letter from, 296.

Pounte l'Arche. See Pont de l'Arche.

Poupet, Charles de, Seigneur de la Chaux, provision for in treaty of Madrid, 626.

Powel, —, prisoner for religion, release asked, 672.

Powle, Pooel, Stephen, at Frankfort, 263.
-, letters from, 444, 451, 460, 475, 503, 511, 529, 569, 594.

Poyntz, Pointz, Poines, Anthony, offers to murder Elizabeth, 181; goes to Portugal, 182.

Pozzuolo [Prov. Napoli, Italy], Grand Master of Malta at, 425, 436.

Prague, Bohemia: news from 1, 337, 411, 424, 438, 440, 442, 443, 446, 447, 455, 462, 475, 502, 504, 505, 507, 511, 513, 569, 571.
-, Sboroschi at, 463; diet to be held at, 506.
-, letter dated at, 687.

Pre, Sieur de la. See Taffin, Quintin.

Preau, Camille de, Seigneur de Courcelles, Corchelle, Corselles, French ambassador in Scotland: sent to Duke of Lorraine, 362; plotters against Queen referred to, 647; reports close understanding between James and Spain, 652.

-, -, news sent by, 259.

Prepostuari, Sieur, commander of Hungarians, 476.

prescription, for preserving health, 313.

Preslavia. See Breslau.

Pressburg, Possonio, Hungary, Archduke Ernest at, 424.

Prettywell, Spirituel, John: post at Dover, 608.
-, Bornstra owes for service, 624.

Prevost, M., lieutenant of M. Gourdain, 196.

-, Gabriel, Seigneur de Charboniere ?, 516.

Pridieux, Arundel corresponded with, 663.

Priere, Periere, Prior, Pryere, Geoffrey: order about, 33, 34; wine taken from, 65.
-, acting for French claimants, 114, 115; Chateauneuf appeals for, 138.

priests, English, explain to French pictures of execution of Catholics, 316.

printing, protection asked for new method and new editions, 27.

Prior, Grand, of France. See Angoulême, Henri de; Charles, bastard of Charles IX.

Prior. See Priere.

Privy Council, Lords of the Council, 126, 408.
-, petition of Merchants Adventurers to, 102; petition of English prisoners in Spain to, 167.
-, trial of Queen of Scots, 119; des Trappes examined by, 189, 216; examinations by, 211.
-, may confide in Palavicino, 163; Mendoza charged before, 210.
-, complaint against Bristol citizens before, 179, 233; stay of goods by, 329.
-, urged execution of Mary, 241; Queen displeased with, 241, 242, 249, 266, 274, 276; James blames for death of mother, 259, 276.
-, Chateauneuf confers with, 291; agreement to restore French goods, 361; agreement with him about reprisals, 428.
-, letters to, 26.
-, letters from, 90.
-, clerk to. See Beale, Robert.

Procida, island of, Italy, Aragon back from, 437.

Provence, France, King makes Epernon Governor, 4, 7; Epernon going to, 6, 8, 21, 37, 49; Montmorency successful in, 37; reported defeat of Epernon in, 153.

-, Governor of. See Nogaret, Jean Louis de, Duke d'Epernon.

proverbs and sayings, quoted, 57, 58, 136, 178, 255, 453, 575.

Provincia in Piamonte, 161.

Prunele, Charles de, Baron d'Esneval, M. d'Aisneval, French ambassador to Scotland, 78; newly come from Scotland, 95.

Prussia [German Empire], 431.

Puerto di Sta Maria, St. Mary Port [Cadiz, Spain], 63.

Puerto Cabello, Porto Cavallo [Venezuela, S. America], Drake raids, 42.

Puerto de Plata, hides and money from, 402.

Puerto Rico. See Porto Rico.

Puis, Battista de, talks of levy in Germany, 599.

Punta Delgada, San Miguel, Azores, Ponta del Gada, St. Michells, letter from, 228.

Puteo, Antonio, papal nuncio in Germany, letters from, brought to Rome, 439.

Puy, Charles du, Seigneur de Montbrun, M. de Mombrun, Languedoc seeks help of Prince of Petite Pierre by, 434; a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Puymirol, Penirol [Lot et Garonne, France], Governor of. See Belsunse, Antoine, Seigneur de.