Index: N, O

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Index: N, O', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: N, O', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: N, O". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Namur, Namewer [Prov. Namur, Belgium], 174, 577.

Nancy [Meurthe, France], 534.
-, reiters pursue Leaguers to, 35961; assembly at, articles resolved, 622, 624.

-, Governor of. See Salm, Jean Comte de.

Nantes [Loire Inf., France], 29, 616.
-, letter dated at, 89.
-, piracy by ships of, 62; king's letters not obeyed at, 469; Stafford sees Pinard about, 554.
-, floods near, 92; King reaches, 625.
-, letters from, 351, 589.

Nantonye, the. See Antonio, Prior of Crato.

Nantua [Ain, France], 448.

Naples [Prov. Napoli, Italy], 436, 437, 455, 571.
-, news from, 283, 419.
-, naval preparations at, 42, 372; officers from go to Spain, 235; ships and troops leave for Lisbon, 284, 687; troops at Lisbon, 332, 470.
-, doubt of rising in, 56; troops leave for Genoa, 338; ships wrecked at, 419; galleys retained at, 461.
-, Allen given abbey at, 363; all officers in suspended, 426; destruction by thunderbolt at, 442, 446.
-, galleons for English enterprise, 462; galleys under Doria, 570;
-, gentleman of, expecting share of English plunder, 572.
-, archbishop of. See Capua, Annibale di.
-, Castellan at. See Toledo, Garcia de.
-, Viceroy of. See Giron, Pedro de, Duke of Ossuna; Toledo, Pedro de; Zuniga v Avellandea, Maria Conde de Miranda.

Narbonne [Aude, France], Montmorency blocks, 631.

Nassau, Henry Count of, party to treaty of Madrid, 626.

-, Maurice of, States propose to make governor, 247.

-, William of, Prince of Orange: party to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 626.
-, plot to murder, 464n; missions to, 466, 471; murder of, 561.

Nau, Naw, Jacques, Secretary to Queen of Scots, 105.
-, Elizabeth sends for, 79; Chateauneuf asks for kind treatment, 80; brother wants to go to England for release, 290; release, 290; release expected, 353; arrives at Rome, 461; means to be party against Stafford, 667.

Naumburg [Saxony, German Empire], assembly of Protestant Princes at, 312, 326, 338.

Navarre: ministers of, rejoiced at Queen's support of John Casimir, 87.
-, John Casimir's idea of enterprise differs from, 138; consider it best to gratify him, 139; payment to him, 141; agreement made by, 142; open to invasion, 344.

-, King of. See Henry, King of Navarre.

-, Queen of. See Margaret of Valois.

navy, fleet, Queen's men of war, Dieppe fishermen in fear of, 49; takes Dieppe ship, 50.
-, Spaniards hope to defeat easily, 100, 342; need to attack very quickly, 343; Howard's praise of sailing of great ships, 614.

navy, French, state of, 54, 55; bickering with Rochellese, 93; Spanish victory over, at Azores, 100.

Nay, M. de, letter to, 216.

Nazareth, church of, 419; given to Pope's confessor, 436.

- archbishop of. See Frangipani, Fabio Mirto.

Nemours, Duchess of. See Este, Anna d'.

-, Duke of. See Savoie, Charles Emanuel de.

Nepeville. See Neufville.

Neptune, ship plundered, 468.

Nérac [Lot et Garonne, France], 491.
-, conference at, 153.

Nesmond, Jean de, Sieur de Verac, 36.

Nesbosa, ? Podolia, Russia, Cossacks take refuge in, 650.

Netherlands. See Low Countries.

Neucklin, Thomas, 604.

Neuenaar, Count of. See Solms, Adolf von.

Neufville, Nicolas de, Seigneur de Villeroi, French Secretary of State, 191, 297, 354, 532, 642.
-, object in encouraging Swiss mission, 2; brings King word of Grand Prior's murder, 3.
-, conference with Pinard, 53; commends Elizabeth, 54.
-, forges letters for King, 95; King's confidence in, 146, 153; influence of, 240; King calls a fool, but will not disgrace, 527.
-, talk of sending to Rochelle, 153; passes Stafford's declaration to King, 192; daily conference with Belleville, 193; gives King bad impression of Chateauneuf affair, 214, 215.
-, Stafford speaks with, 302, 322; notifies approval of agreement, 311.
-, son of, taken prisoner, 360; Marsilier confers with, 366; Princess of Condé complains to, 554.
-, has sole copy of objectionable book, 483; mortal enemy of Pinard, 601.
-, will make most of supposed English preference for Spain, 489; tells King about Gifford, 670.
-, present at Council, 583; King sends to Paris about nuncio's offer, 631; not yet gone, 637.
-, representations to be made by Leighton to, 635.
-, sudden despatch from Paris, 640; expected back, 641, 651; to leave Rouen with everything for peace, 651.

Neufville, Nepeville, Niepville, Capt., likely to go with fleet, 54; warships of, 169.

Neukum, Thomas, of London, debt to Furleger, 244.

Neunner, Jeremias, of Strasburg, appeal for pension of, 188, 191; reply about, 285, 286.

Neuschloss, Neusceles, Niuscelos [Rhenish Palatinate], 682.
-, agreement made at, 138, 166, 237, 683n.

Neuss, Nüys [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], stormed by Spaniards, 72; siege of, 622; English soldiers hold by force, 686, 687.

Neustadt, Newstad [Bavarian Palatinate, German Empire], 172.
-, letters dated at, 79, 238.
-, provisions sent to, 338.

Nevers, Duke of. See Gonzaga, Louis.

-, -, daughter of. See Gonzaga, Maria.

Neville, Charles, Earl of Westmorland, Allen writes to, 364; Mendoza promises repatriation and restoration to, 597; pleads lack of means, for which Mendoza offers nothing, 598; could have had passport to England, 664; confers with Hakluyt, 671; anxious to do some special service, 672.

Newbo, Dr., of Hamburg, treats with Merchants Adventurers, 314.

Newfoundland, salt from Spain for, 233; fish from, taken, 361.

Newhaven. See Havre de Grace.

Newport. See Nieuport.

New Spain, Nova Hispania [N. America]: Drake's depredations in, 49; ships sent to, others coming home, 57.
-, rich fleet from, 162; note of goods from, 471.

Newstad. See Neustadt.

Nicolas, William, plunders goods of Moirant, 50.

Nicolas, French ship, 318.

Nicolas, chief d'hotel at Vateville, owner of Roche, 318.

Nicole, Thomas, of Havre, plundered at sea, 632.

Nidenfelt, Nidenfel, 165, 166.

Niepville. See Neufville Captain.

Nieuport, Newport [W. Flanders, Belgium], naval movements at, 18; ship stores brought to, 416.

Nightingale, of Ipswich, English ship, 62.

Nîmes [Gard, France], 430.
-, churches of, 435.

Nion. See Nyon.

Niort [Deux Sevres, France], 103.
-, news from, 531.
-, Joyeuse retires to, 355.

Niuscelos. See Neuschloss.

Noamborgo. See Nurnberg.

Noel, Martin, claim of, 81.

Nogaret, Bernard de, Seigneur de la Valette: Epernon to resign Metz to, 4; King will not give Lyon to, 7; gets it, 21.
-, repulsed near Ambrun, 4; Epernon leaves as lieutenant, 154.
-, takes Montelimar, 353; reported victory, 361; junction with Lesdiguieres and Montmorency, 652.

-, Jean Louis de, Duc d'Epernon, Espernon, Duke of Pernon, Duke Pernowne, Pernoton, du Pernon, 36, 176, 474.
-, King visits, 3; and makes Governor of Provence, 4, 7; going to Provence, 6, 8, 21, 37, 49.
-, libel against, 9; gets King to insist on edict, 12.
-, King stops going to Boulogne, 37; expected at Calais, 43; King sends away from route of German army, 47.
-, army goes slackly forward, 61; King deceives, 95; reported defeat, 153; announces successes, 154.
-, alleged design to kill Aumâle, 258; accord with Mayenne, 273.
-, expected at Paris, hated there, 258; marriage of, 352; very odious to Parisians, 625.
-, capitulation with Prince of Conti, 428; negotiations for return of reiters, 448.
-, too wise to declare about succession, 470; differences with d'Aumâle, 577, 588.
-, upset over dinner with Gondi, 497; King's declaration for, 498; advised Stafford's audience of King, 510.
-, compliments Chatillon on retreat, 545; del Bene's double dealing with, 547, 548.
-, ill and melancholy, grieved at Condé's death, 552; Princess of Condé complains to, 554.
-, present at Council, 583; going to Normandy, 590, 596; at Rouen, 608.
-, offers resignation, 595, 625; King's anxiety for, 600; Queen Mother's comb almost cut by going, 601.
-, Stafford to observe, 606; goods in Paris seized by people, 639; book in Paris against, 641.
-, goes to Loches, in great favour, 625; desired King to give Normandy to Montpensier, 626; sent to Guienne, 630; accompanies King to Rouen, send to Gascony, 639; reported surprise of Amboise by, 642.
-, peace terms concerning, 651; talk of joining counter league, 652; secret practises with Guise, 685.

Nogarola, Count Ferdinand of, 438.

Nombre di Dios, Nomera de Dios [Mexico], Drake passes, 57; Drake's taking of false, 73.

Nonsuch [in Cuddington co. Surrey], grant to Hanse made at, 68, 69, 71, 74, 75, 102, 306, 321, 348, 401, 456–9; Council held at, 329n.

Norfolk, Duke of. See Howard, Thomas.

Norimberg. See Nurnberg.

Normandy, France, 497.
-, villages in refuse to pay taille, 20; Joyeuse in, 258; Aumâle and Elboeuf in, 600.
-, cargoes of corn for, 371; Navarre's party in, 517; Guise surprises chief places in, 633.
-, Epernon going to, 590, 596, 600; takes up government, 608.
-, King thinks of giving Government to Montpensier, 625, 626; Government demanded by Guises, 637; King makes Montpensier Governor of, 640.
-, merchants of, 469.
-, Vice Admiral of. See Moy, Charles de, Seigneur de la Meilleraye.

Norres, —, a priest, 228, 229.

Norris, Norrys, Captain John, 65.

Norris, Nourriz, Sir John, 387.

North Foreland, co. Kent, man landed at, sworn to kill Queen, 656.

Northumberland, Earl of. See Percy, Henry.

Norway, 357.
-, ships from, 57; Gilded Dragon stayed in, 358.

Nostra Senora del Rosario, ship, 686.

Noue. See La Noue.

Nova Hispania. See New Spain.

Nowell, case of, 33.

Nue, M. de, Governor of Sedan castle, a chief man of Navarre's party, 517.

Nunez, Gaspar, 402.

-, Dr. Hector:
-, letters from, 84, 98.
-, letter to, 83.
-, -, alluded to, 79.

Nurnberg, Norimberg, Noamborgo [Bavaria, Germany], 19, 40, 604.
-, letters dated at, 26.
-, news from, 71.
-, merchants of, 244, 472.
-, contribution to French Huguenots, 62; moneys at, 200.

'Nuts,' to be, signifying delight, 266.

Nuys. See Neuss.

Nyfus, Dr., Chateauneuf appeals for, 55.

Nyköping, Sweden, letters dated at, 64, 106, 115.

Nyon, Nion [Vaud, Switzerland], plan to seize frustrated, 93.


Oatlands, Otelands, co. Surrey, 228.
-, letter from, 366.

Ober Lausitz, Overlausints [Saxony, German Empire], emperor desires, 198.

Occhiali, Ochiali, Turkish admiral, replaced, 338.

Oeuemut. See Weymouth.

Offley, Hugh, 3.
-, letters sent by, 23, 664; letter directed to, 665.

oil, 56.
-, from Portugal, 62.
-, from Spain, 64.
-, of Le Pape, 124.

Oldenburg [German Empire], contribution to French Huguenots, 62.

Oldersum, Aldersam [E. Friesland, German Empire], 197.

Oliphant, Elliphant, Capt., a Scot, privateer with commission from Navarre, 371.

Olivares, Count of. See Guzman, Enrique de.

Ollam, George, searcher, Bristol, 179, 233.

Olmutz [Moravia], bishop of. See Pawlowsky, Stanislaus.

Onduras. See Honduras.

Oporto, Portugal, bishopric of, 436.

Oradon, John, of Chichester, plunders goods in French ship, 179, 233.

Oraison, Antoine Baron d', summons Montmorency to help, 37, 49.

Orange [Vaucluse, France]: Epernon does not interfere with, 154.
-, Princes of, 670.
-, - See Challon, Philibert de; Nassau, William of.
-, Princess of. See Coligny, Louise de.

Orchel [? Rhenish Prussia], 411.

Orcinuovi. See Orzinuovi.

Oren. See Hoorn.

Orkneys, Islands, Orcades, James will not surrender to Denmark, 349.

Orleans [Loiret, France], 60, 479.
-, King at, 411, 417; King moves forces from, 515; Guise to have as surety, 651.

Ormy, Claude Andreu d', bishop of Boulogne, secret return after flight, 607.

Orsino, Fabio, candidate for red hat, 425, 436.

-, Lelio, papal legate in Germany, invests Archduke Ernest with hat and sword, 337.

-, Virginio, christening of sons, 419.

Ortel, Giovanni, agent for Holland and Zeeland in England, reported mission upon peace, 421.

Ortona [Abruzzi, Italy], 420.

Orvieto [Prov. Rome, Italy], 420.

Orzinuovi, Orcinuovi [Prov. Brescia, Italy], 418.

Osbrau, Gianuschi de, a Hungarian, brings troops to Maximilian, 447.

Oseley. See Ouseley.

Osimo, Osmo [Prov. Ancona, Italy], 436.

Osprey, royal ship, 556.

Ossonville. See Haussonville.

Ossuna. See Auxonne.

-, Duke of. See Giron, Pedro de.

Ostend [West Flanders, Belgium], projected surprise of, 174; Parma besieges, 438; English commissioners confer with Parma near, 597.

Ostia [Prov. Roma, Italy], Cardinal Joyeuse at, 425.

Ostrog, Ostioch, Janusch, Duke of, Palatine of Volhynia, Maximilian expecting, 439.

Otelands. See Oatlands.

Otto, Duke of Brunswick, Luneburg, Lunenburg, Luneburch:
-, might take reiters into France, mediation of, 197; letter for, 284, 291.
-, commander in army for France, 327; going to Zabern, army of, 338; excuse for not commanding Germans in France, 619.

Oudenarde, Audenarde [Prov. East Flanders, Belgium], scarcity in, 173.

Ouseley, Oseley, Francis, 413.

-, Margaret, 413.

-, Nicolas, English merchant at Malaga, document concerning, 413–5.

Overlausints. See Ober Lausitz.

Oxford, co. Oxford, 76.