Index: S

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Sabionetta, Duke of, 306.

Sagonne, M. [le Comte] de, prisoner taken by, 361.

St. Aignan (Airman), Count, slain at Antwerp, 476.

Ste. Aldegonde. See Marnix.

St. Andrews, [Patrick Adamson] Bishop of, a letter to be written to, 93.

St. Anthony's Hook, fort of, captured from the enemy, 398;

an “ensign of men” to be taken from, 452.

St. Bartholomew, massacre of, alluded to, 129, 307, 494;

kind treatment of the Huguenots just before, 184;

those killed in, called martyrs of the devil, 511;

anniversary of, should be kept six times a year, 524.

St. Bartholomew's Fair, horses to be bought at, 12.

St. Cloud, troops lodged at, 378.

Santa Croce, Cardinal, leaves Rome, 330.

Ste. Croix, Madame de, Abbess, sister of the Duke of Montpensier, 10.

St. Denis, travellers to, 234;

Stafford meets Lord Derby at, 276.

-, letter dated at, 276.

St. Dizier, given in pledge to the Duke of Guise, 618.

-, governor of. See Entragues;

former governor of, see Castelnau.

St. Esprit, Order of. See Knighthood, Orders of.

St. Etienne. See San Stefano, Cardinal of.

Saint-Florian (Florian), maître-de-camp in Guise's army, 361;

forces under, 408.

Ste. Foy, Saintefoy, the King of Navarre going to, 371.

St. Gelais, Louis de Lusignan de, Seigneur de Lanssac, 141;

levies men in Poitou, 429, 488;

has command of the sea, 556.

St. Germain-en-Laye (St. Germains), the Court going to, 103;

the King at, 106, 138, 286.

-, palace of, “pulled down and patched,” 71.

St. Gomme, M. de, gathers men in Poitou, 488.

St. Gouard (Singola, La Garda, Singuard), Seigneur de. See Vivonne, Jean de.

St. Gregorio, Cardinal Santa Croce goes to, 330.

St. Jean d'Angeli, the Prince of Condé goes to or from, 125, 371, 488, 501;

Huguenot chiefs leave, 488;

report that it is to be besieged, 516.

St. Jean de Luz, news from, 378.

St. John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta), Order of, the Grand Master of, sends thanks to the Senate of Venice, for releasing their commende, 271;

orders of, alluded to, 561;

the Pope mediates with, to restore Venetian galley, 641.

-, English Prior of. See Shelley.

-, a knight of, at Venice, 271;

knights of, prisoners in Barbary, 600.

-, galley B of, capture a Turkish galliot, 560.

St. John, John, Lord St. John of Bleteho, to have custody of the Queen of Scots, 161.

St. Luc. See Epinay.

St. Malo, plan to surprise, 189;

letters of mark said to be granted to those of, 359;

poor people of, recommended to Walsingham, 547.

Sainte Marie de Boys, near Boulogne, Huguenots murdered at, 449.

St. Mark, “the golden oil of Our Lady made by” [i.e. Venetian money], 269.

St. Maur-des-Fossés (St. Mort), the Queen Mother's house at, proposal to entertain the States' deputies at, 248;

the King confers with the Queen Mother at, 373;

the King meets the chiefs of the League at, 581n, 610.

St. Nicolas, in Russia, Sir Jerome Bowes' journey to, 86;

wax shipped from, 222.

St. Omers, traveller to, 359.

Saintonge, the King of Navarre going to, 323.

St. Paul, quoted, 156.

[St.] Pol, [Antoine de], gentleman of the horse to the Duke of Guise, comes to Paris, 355.

Saint Soulene, M. de, arrest of and accusations against, 184;

corruption of, alluded to, 206;

is brought to the Bastille, 259.

St. Thomas, in Flanders, fair at, 91.

St. Thomas, island of, in rebellion against Spain, 353.

St. Valery, in Picardy, 449.

Salazan, Juan Vasquez of, secretary of the chamber to the King of Spain, 137.

Salic law, alluded to, 176.

Salignac, Bertrand de, Seigneur de la Mothe-Fénelon, his embassy to England, alluded to, 15;

to be sent into England, 297;

brings answer to Stafford concerning Morgan, 328;

sent to the Cardinal de Bourbon, 340;

returns from the Cardinal de Bourbon, 361;

promise given to, 379;

sent to the King of Navarre, 430.

Salinas, Dr. Ferdinand de, auditor general of the Prince of Parma's camp and superintendent of the Admiralty, points proposed by, 654;

document countersigned by, 655.

Salinghen, Simon van, sent by the King of Denmark to England, 463.

Salisbury (Salsebore), Mayor and Recorder of, 515.

-, rents to be collected at, 111.

Salisbury, Captain [Ralph], 626;

sent out of Antwerp, 454;

returns, 481.

Salkins, William, deputy for the Eastland Company, as envoy to the King, of Poland, declaration of, 452.

Salo, in Italy, Proveditore at, order of, alluded to, 290;

earthquake at, 608.

Salusses, Michel de, Sieur de la Mante, governor of the citadel of Lyons, said to be displaced, 194.

Saluzzo or Saluces, Marquisate of;

the French King warned to look to, 363;

Marshal de la Vallete goes into, 536.

Salviati (Antonio Maria), Cardinal (the Cardinal Legate), goes against the bandits, 363;

appointed legate at Bologna, 468;

Giovanni Pepoli captured by, 662, 663.

-, vice-legate of. See Gambara.

Sampson, one, appointed captain of the Duke of Joyeuse's ship, 345.

San Clemente, Don Guilielmo de, provisional ambassador from Spain to the Emperor, at Prague, 538, 615.

Sancton. See Laicton.

Sanders. See Saunders.

San Domingo, island of. See Hispaniola.

San Domingo in Hispaniola, letters dated from, 573 (2);

ships to depart from, for Spain, ibid.

Sandwich, burghers of, petition of, alluded to, 25;

resident at, 465.

-, factors of, say that provisions may be sent to Flanders, 68.

-, letter dated at (?), 269.

-, mayor of, complaint of, 145.

-, merchants of, complaints of, alluded to, 76, 128.

-, ships of, restored, 25;

ships at, laden with corn for Dunkirk, &c., 128.

Sandys, Sandes, William, Lord, going to France, 234.

San Georgio (Francisco Sforza), Cardinal of, going as nuncio to Naples, 469;

sings mass in S.Peter's, 539;

one of those approved by the King of Spain for Pope, 651.

San Giovanni in Edvino, conflagrations in, 540.

San Juan de la Paz, town of, in Quiriquiros, “erected,” 385.

San Lucar, in Spain (St. Lucar, San Lucas, St.Lucques), English at, 528;

ships going to or from, 307, 528, 561.

Sans, Cardinal of. See Sens.

San Sebastian de los Reyes, town of, in Quiriquiros, “erected,” 385.

San Sisto, Cardinal [Filippo Buoncampagni], at the Duke of Sora's house, 304;

mass sung by, 304, 657;

Eastern princes banquetted by, 364;

meets his father, 469;

pension taken from, 539;

his office of the Penitentiary, 540;

mediates for Cardinal Guastavillani, 560.

-, -, house of, 469.

San Stefano or St. Etienne, Cardinal [Matteo Contarelli], said to be ill from anger at Pope Sixtus' elevation, 540;

in disgrace with the Pope for favouring the old Treasurer, 666.

Santa Croce, Marcello, release, marriage and exile of, 270.

-, [Prospero], Cardinal di, goes to St. Gregorio, “his place,” 330;

reasons with the Pope, concerning the French ambassador, 639.

Santa Fé, monastery of, the King of Spain at, 304.

Santa Marta, late governor of, 385.

Santa Severina, [Giulio Antonio Santori], Cardinal di, consecration of patriarch by, 656.

Santiago de Leon, letter dated at, 385.

-, governor of. See Rozos, Don Luys de.

Santi Quattro [Coronati], Cardinal, [Gio. Antonio Facchinetti, aft. Innocent VII], pension taken from, 540.

Santo Spirito, island of, travellers to Venice arrive at, 546, 593.

Sanudo, Matteo, private chamberlain to the Pope, 521.

San Vitale, Monsignor, of Cardinal Farnese's household, 469.

Saragosa. See Zaragoza.

Saravia, Adrian de, letters from, 214, 237, 533, 543.

Saria, Signor Prudencio de, desires “a service of pewter,"434.

Sarno, Count of, will not accept command of the Pope's forces in Avignon, 608.

Sas [de Gand], letter dated at, 661.

Sassetti, Capt. Tomaso, letter from, 482.

Sassoferrato, bandits at, executed, 656.

Sattin, Gillis, wickmaster of Antwerp, a commissioner to Parma, 623.

Sault (Saux), [Louis d'Agoult de Montauban], Comte de, in arms for the Duke of Guise in Provence, 460, 461;

reported to be defeated and slain, 460.

Saumur, in Anjou, siege of, 488.

Saunders, Sanders, Nicholas, journey of, from Constantinople, prevented, 181;

a ransomed Arab sent with, to England, 186.

-, -, letters sent by, 167, 268, 605.

-, Mr., prebendary of Bristol, reported resignation of, 713.

Savelli, Cristoforo, convicted of forgery, 559.

-, or Savello [Jacques], Cardinal, supports the candida ture of Cardinal Farnese for the Papal chair, 651.

Saventhem, Sieur de, a man of account in Brabant, 701.

Savoie, Charles Emanuel de, Prince de Genevois, son of the Duc de Nemours, sent to the French King, 31, 36;

is said to be going to Spain, to fetch the Duke of Savoy's bride, 52, 72;

returns from Spain, 602.

-, Jacques de, Duc de Nemours, the Duke of Savoy does not trust, 206;

in relation to the government of Lyons, 460;

death of, 602.

-, -, sons of, 206.

Savomar, differences concerning, settled, 331.

Savona, the Duke and Duchess of Savoy going to or at, 560, 561, 602, 614.

Savorgnano or Savorignano, Count Germanico, is advancing on Venice, 540;

reward offered for the killing of, 594.

Savoy, danger of its annexation to the Spanish dominions, 52;

troops going to, 213.

-, Dukes of:—

Charles III, former Duke of, his “matching with Spain” said to have lost him his estate, 52. Charles Emanquel, is at Chambery, 20;

his marriage projects, 21, 36, 68;

negotiation of, with the French King, 31;

proposed marriage of, to the second Infanta of Spain, 36, 52, 156, 272;

his relations with Spain, 69;

is advised not to go himself for his wife, 72;

marriage of, said to be deferred, 125;

in relation to Montmorency, 164, 169, 320;

preparations for sending his wife to, 188;

his journey to Spain, 206, 213, 281, 283;

in relation to Geneva, 213, 276;

his bride's speech concerning, 213;

his arrival in Spain, marriage of, and festivities in honour of, 304, 324, 442;

as inciter and promoter of the League, 355, 370, 528;

is said to intend an attempt upon Saluces, 363;

report that he is to command an enterprise against Algier, 442;

made a knight of the Golden Fleece, 453, 694;

consecrated hat and sword sent to, by the Pope, 468;

still in Spain, 494, 520, 530;

expected arrival of, in his own dominions, 546;

and see Duke and Duchess, below;

sends to announce his marriage to the Pope, 592;

and to “congratulate his pontificate,” 593;

about to make his entry into Turin, 609, 657;

a post sent to, from Rome, 630;

congratulations sent to, on his marriage, 657.

-, physician of, to be made a bishop, 640;

messenger from, to the French Court, 52.

-, grandfather of. See Charles III, former Duke of, above.

-, Catalina, Duchess of (the Archduchess), consecrated rose sent to, by the Pope, 468;

is with child, 494, 530;

Spanish escort of, 661.

-, Duke and Duchess of, to embark at Barcelona, 421;

envoys sent to congratulate, 469;

movements of, 546, 560, 561, 602, 614;

the King of Spain's letter concerning, 593.

-, [?] Don Amadeo Filliberto of (fn. 1) [natural brother of the Duke], at the oath taking to Prince Philip at Madrid, 136.

-, Gio. Battista of, formerly ambassador at Rome, death of, 530.

-, Idumée of, base brother of the Duke, in Spain, 125.

Saxe-Lauenburg, Frederick, Duke of, Canon of Cologne, made Dean of Strasburg, 173;

desires to succeed his brother as Archbishop of Bremen, 694.

-, Henry of, brother of Duke Frederick, Archbishop of Bremen, and administrator of Osnabrück and Paderborn, 173;

desires the bishopric of Münster, 195;

dies, much lamented by the people, 467;

is believed to have been poisoned, 472;

competitors for his bishoprics, 694.

Saxony, troops levied in, for the Duke of Guise, 511;

no foreign levies to pass through, 639.

-, Lower, Circle of, chief princes of, named, 511;

session of, at Halberstadt, see Halberstadt;

diet of, 566, 567.

-, Dukes of, have invaded bishoprics with impunity, 156;

two dukes of, at Prague, 264, 270, 290, 305;

“certain” of, must be at proposed Diet, 511.

-, Augustus, Elector and Duke of, illness of, 113;

his fear lest Duke John Frederick should be liberated, 113;

said to be neither dead nor ill, 161;

forbids his ministers to speak or write against other [Reformed] churches, 181;

shows no disposition to aid Truchsess, 209;

Truchsess hopes for help from, 253;

belief that he will consent to have mass in his country, 311;

quarrel of, with the Duke of Saxonia Colidicano, 364;

relations of, with Duke John Frederick, enquiry concerning, 429;

said to have granted a levy for the French King, 468;

Duke Casimir is going to send to, 499;

Bodley's proceedings in regard to, 509 et seq.;

illnesses of, 557, 565, 566, 606;

the King of Denmark will write to, 565;

to have conference with other princes, 566;

congratulations sent to, on the birth of his son, 599;

a letter to the King of Navarre subscribed by, 606;

is recovering, 609;

has been told he is bewitched, 613;

to act as arbitrator, 631;

views of, concerning Elizabeth's proposal for an assembly, &c., 636 et seq.

-, -, letter from, 636.

-, -, letter to, 582;

letters to, alluded to, 405, 433, 447, 509, 510.

-, -, wife of, is no friend to “this cause,” 565.

-, -, youngest son of, birth of, 580, 599.

-, -, [Dorothea], second daughter of, to marry Duke Henry Julius of Brunswick, 161, 195, 255, 475, 631.

-, -, [Anne] third daughter of, to marry Duke John Frederick's son, 113, 161, 255.

-, -, councillor of. See Pauli.

-, -, nephew of. See Nassau, Maurice of.

-, -, uncle of. See George, Duke of, below.

-, Duke [Christian] of, eldest son of the Elector, “a very hopeful youth,” 161;

at a conference of princes, 566, 606;

all business left in his hands, 609.

-, George, Duke of, treaty with (temp. Henry VII), alluded to, 217.

-, Duke John Casimir, son of Duke John Frederick, intended marriage of. See Duke Augustus, third daughter of, above.

-, Elector John Frederick I of, taken prisoner in 1548, 217.

-, -, grandson of, see Duke John Casimir, above.

-, Duke John Frederick II of, held prisoner by the Emperor, 113;

report that he is to be liberated, 113, 161;

enquiries concerning, 429.

“Saxonia Colidicano” [Kolditz], Duke Frederic of, quarrel of, with the Elector, 364.

Sborowski, Andrew, brother of Samuel, articles preferred by, against the Chancellor, 143.

-, [Christopher ?], a rebel to the crown of Poland, 331;

surrender of, demanded by the King of Poland, 474.

-, Christopher and his brother, leave the Polish diet, 353.

-, Samuel, execution of, alluded to, 143.

-, -, death of, narrative of, 144.

-, -, -, the Chancellor's reply concerning, 144.

-, -, a great friend of, 271.

-, -, kinsmen of, allegations of, 143, 144.

Schalkau, Schelcalous. See Shalkau.

Scheldt, the, or the river of Antwerp, measures for closing, 14, 18, 89, 199, 252, 284, 290, 293, 294;

navigation of, almost stopped, 92, 153;

obstructions on, carried away or broken down, 125, 162;

ships able to pass up and down 148, 162, 307;

passage of, very dangerous, 26, 171, 185, 194;

is entirely closed, 292–294, 325, 334, 344, 347;

enterprise to free, all things ready for, 366;

and see palisade below.

-, dyke on, attacks upon, see Couwenstein dyke;

sluice on, 252.

-, the enemy on, have reinforced their troops, 185;

strength of, 242;

in great want of victuals, 282;

sconces of, 121;

quitted, 167.

-, palisade, bridge, or stockade built across, 244, 331, 353;

attempt to burn, 325;

the States men said to despair of breaking, 569;

preparations for breaking, finished, 579, 580;

another attempt to break, 610;

might easily have been broken, 659, 667, 679;

attack upon, alluded to, 675.

-, places on, still safely held for the States, 517.

Schellenberg or Schulenborg, in Friesland, burghers of, are treating with Verdugo, 470;

castle of, taken, 486.

Schenk, Colonel Martin, threats of, against Le Sieur, 79;

the author of Mr. Rogers' capture, 80, 215;

abandons the Spanish party, 452, 470, 476;

holds an entrenchment below Gueldres, 474;

falsely reported to have been the cause of the taking of Neuss, ibid;

has given up his house of Blienbech to the States, 476;

is about Calcar with a good force, ibid.;

reported to have taken the Count of Mæurs prisoner, 486;

defeat and flight of, 536, 540–542, 558, 581, 601;

reported capture of, 601;

false report of his death, 613;

is said to have taken forces into Neuss, 627.

-, Martin (?), a canon of Utrecht in Count Neuenaar's service, at the taking of Neuss, 474, 492.

Scheveningen (Skeveling), letters sent by way of, 437.

Schiavus. See Siavus.

Schoenenberg, Jehan van, Archbishop and Elector of Trier, punishment of sacrilege by, 532;

a messenger of, 633;

memorial of, mentioned, 637.

Schoenhoven (Skonehoven), in South Holland, 343.

-, deputies of, object to the articles sent by the French King, 82.

Schoeten, Gillis de, a commissioner to Parma, 623.

Schomburg or Schonberg (Chomberg, Chonbert), Caspar von, German colonel, sent by the French King to levy reiters, 372;

held in arrest by Guise, 467n;

capture of, alluded to, 516;

sent to the Queen Mother, 570;

the Leaguers are trying to obtain the aid of, 591.

-, -, kinsmen of, 37.

-, -, reiters of, 467.

-, Hans Woolfe von, takes his brother Caspar's reiters to France, 467.

Schoonhoven (Sconhoffen, Schonbourg), Jehan de, eschevin and “old burgomaster” of Antwerp, a deputy to the Prince of Parma, 590, 621, 623.

-, (Skonehove) the Sieur Jorge de, refuses to accept the French King, 82.

Schulenborg. See Schellenberg.

Schulte (Schultzen, Sculten), Dr. Johan, senator of Hamburg, deputy from the Hanse towns to England, 617, 669.

-, -, instructions signed by, 140.

-, -, letter from, 673.

Schwartz, Frederick, of Ruissengen, servant of Elector Truchsess, inquires for Davison, 168.

-, -, letters from, 196, 212, 522.

Schwarzburg, Count Gunther of, late captain of the Spanish Guard, 137.

-, Countess of, widow of Count Gunther. See Nassau, Catherine of.

Schwarzenberg, Otto Henry, Count of ("the Emperor's ambassador") at Mons, (in 1578), 316.

-, Count of, reiters of, defeated, 492.

Schwarzenbourg (Suassenbourcq), [de Herle], governor of Maestricht (in 1578), 218.

Scio, a French sattia taken at, 271.

Scobar. Licenciado, Corregidor of the Signory of Biscay, orders to, from the King of Spain, 485.

Scory, Scorie [Sylvanus], a follower of the Earl of Leicester, interceded for, by Mauvissière, 547, 548, 584, 589.

-, John, Bishop of Hereford, father of the above, 547 n, 548, 589.

Scotland, 95, 99; affairs of, threaten the welfare of England, 3;

proposed inclusion of, in negotiations between France and England, 16, 17;

Lord Seton's desire to return to, 28;

the “papishes” hope shortly to have mass erected in, 30;

talk of a “stir” in, 39;

Lord Seton expected in, 53;

martial men likely to be employed in, 54;

“some delay in, of the army of the Pope," 170;

sending of English forces to, alluded to, 217;

discontented people in, enquiries concerning, 225;

the Catholic Princes may draw, to their devotion, 245;

hopes of planting popery in, 248;

a traitorous papist offers to go to, as spy, 259, 313;

is greatly at the Queen's devotion, 424;

soldiers of the French Scottish Guard in, summoned back, 435;

plotting in, against Elizabeth, 451;

possible attack upon, by the English, 455;

“relief" of, by Elizabeth, alluded to, 571;

probable practices of the House of Guise with, 705;

proposed invasion of England by way of, 716.

-, Council of, clerk of. See Andrew, John.

-, priests and Jesuits sent to, 33, 87, 659, 715.

-, travellers to or from, 30, 39, 107, 169, 248, 468, 650, 659.

Scoto, Count Paolo Emilio, 470;

murdered, 658.

Scots or Scottish captains in the Low Countries, return home, 54;

captain, sent to Antwerp, 451;

gentleman, desires to serve in the Low Countries, 209.

Jesuits. See Addy; Creichton;


-, magician, a famous, death of, 468.

-, noblemen, at Newcastle, 209.

-, pedlars, in Poland, 4.

-, priests, taken on the sea, 87.

-, rebels in England, may aid in an attack upon Scotland, 455.

Scotsman, a, in trouble, letters to be written on behalf of, 93.

Scott, Capt. John, in the Low Countries, 635.

-, -, company of, soldiers for, 691.

Scudamore, Mrs., sends to France for her niece, 618.

Seaford (Schauffort), the States' deputies driven into the Road of, 369, 375.

Sédan, 508;

arms sent from, 29;

money sent to, 524.

-, letters dated at, 10, 595, 643.

Sega [Filippo], Bishop of Piacenza, nuncio in Spain, takes oath to the Prince of Spain, 136;

receives the oath of the Cardinal de Toledo, 137;

deputed to reform the ecclesiastics, &c., 629.

Ségur Pardailhan or Pardeilhan, James, 262, 412, 473, 566, 643;

sent to the Queen by Elector Truchsess on his affairs, 76, 77, 90, 94, 151, 180;

desires to take leave of the Queen, 118;

opinion and advice of, concerning Dr. Sturm, 155;

still in England, 160;

greeting sent to, 171;

kept at Southampton for lack of a vessel, 189;

information received from, 314, 334, 594;

his devotion to the Queen, 315, 335;

is returning to England, 435, 438 (2), 440;

in England, 487, 488, 501, 504, 505, 562;

is going into Germany, 557;

offers to tell the Princes that the Queen has aided them, “with double what she does, 578;

leaves England not well-satisfied, 618;

at Leyden, 653;

in Germany, 658;

charge given by to Villiers, to deal for the King of Navarre with the States, 676;

his good report of matters in England, 719.

-, -, letters from, 135, 151, 188, 189, 197, 322, 534, 556, 577, 584, 585, 587, 588, 597, 611;

alluded to, 412, 555.

-, -, letter to, 570;

alluded to, 182, 499, 552.

-, -, commission to, book containing, 512.

-, -, memorandum by, 113.

Segura. See Sigura.

Sein, George von, Count of Wittgenstein, provost of Cologne, 174.

Selim III, late Sultan of Turkey, said to have drunk wine, 46.

Selles, Baron de. See Noircarmes.

Semelier,—, 170.

Senlis or St. Lis, the States' deputies at, 237, 248, 257.

Sens, Queen Mother to meet the Guises at, 549;

an assembly to meet at, to consult concerning the army, 550;

suspicion of the plague at, 581.

-, officers of, killed by Guise's reiters, 612.

Sens (Sans), [Nicolas de Pellevé], Cardinal Bishop of, 492;

meets the Duke of Nemours, 529;

goes to Tivoli, 529.

Sermoneta [or Gaetano (fn. 2) ], Abbot, may be patriarch of Alexandria, 629;

made patriarch, 639;

consecrated, 656.

Serpa, Captain, murder of, alluded to, 385.

Serres, Sieur de, letter from, 542.

Servaressa or Salvaricho, Andrea, letter from, 288.

Seton, George, Lord, desires a passport for England, 2, 28, 37, 39;

his intimacy with Creichton, 33, 107;

the Master of Forbes goes to, 35;

intended return of, to Scotland, 53, 107;

at Rouen, 113;

desires Lord Hamilton's return to Scotland, 117;

move ments of, 169;

poverty of, ibid.;

should be thanked for his care of Thomas Morgan, 419.

-, -, [Alexander], son of, the Prior” [of Pluscardine], in Paris, 107.

-, -, Sir John, son of, shipping stayed for, 39;

said to be coming from Spain to Scotland, 53.

-, (Ceton), Captain, treason of, alluded to, 220.

Sevenhus, near Rotterdam, excise of, farmed out, 358.

Severie, means for recovery of, by Poland, debated, 143.

Seville, Seviglia, goods to be sent to, 528;

the King's factor at, ibid.;

English or Holland ships at, to be arrested, 580.

-, letters dated at, 113, 188, 527.

-, Prior and Consuls at. See Indies, Prior and Consul for.

-, river of, a great fleet in readiness in, 485.

-, Cardinal of, with the King of Spain, 281.

Sforza. Cardinal [François], is going into Lombardy, 330.

-, -, fine place of, for fishing, 364.

-, Lodovico, made Duke of Valmonte, 608.

-, Marquis, a candidate for the Venetian generalship, 306.

Shaegen, M. de, of the house of Bavaria “par bastardise,” 701.

Shalkau, Andreas, Russian Chancellor, one of the rulers of Russia, 21, 22;

rude behaviour of, to Sir Jerome Bowes, 84–86.

-, -, a follower of, 83;

brother of, 84.

-, Schalkau, Schelcalous, Andrea [qy. same as above], chief secretary to the Emperor of Russia, 133, 692, 693.

-, Vacille, also chief secretary to the Emperor, 693.

Sheffield, Douglas, Lady, wife of Sir Edward Stafford, messages to, 12, 37, 425, 555;

receives her husband's letters in his absence, 107, 138;

mention of, in “Leicester's Commonwealth,” 386;

illness of, alluded to, 387;

means to “pluck up a good heart,” 400.

-, -, letter to, alluded to, 459.

-, -, a gentlewoman of, 618.

-, -, daughter of. See

Ormond, Countess of.

-, (Shefeld), Robert, 69.

Shelley, Sir Richard, [Prior] of St.

John's, negotiations of, at

Venice, 144, 145; his con-

stancy to his religion, 182.

-, -, letters from, 144, 145, 182.

-, William, nephew of Sir Richard, imprisonment of, alluded to. 145;

writings against, 717;

dealings with, denied, ibid.

Shelton, Mr., desires a cornet of horse, 687.


Charity, of London, 386, 441.

Diane, the Duke of Joyeuse's ship, 522;

efforts to secure the restoration of, 500;

proceedings of, in English hands, ibid.

Emanuel (Manuwell), of London, embargoed by the Spaniards, 527-529.

Esperance, seized, 196.

Fortuna, of Venice, 521.

Grand Laurence (French), Admiral's ship, 631.

Joachim Grunbach, of Hamburg, 695.

Julian or Gillian, of London, embargoed by the Spaniards, 527, 528.

La fin de la guerre, the great ship of Antwerp, taken by the enemy, 536.

Nicolas, French ship, taken by pirates, 561.

Primrose, Spaniards carried to England in, 574.

Proprio, Spanish dispatch boat, 503.

St. Michael the Archangel, of Hamburg, 267.

San Francisco, 420.

Solomon, 529.

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot.

Shute, William, a servant at the English embassy at Paris, 301;

conduct of, praised, 312, 526;

present at the taking of Thos.

Morgan's papers, 457.

Siavus, Schiavus, Ciaus, Grand Vizier of Turkey, dismissed from his office, 45;

disgrace of, alluded to, 65;

a priest bastinadoed by order of, 603.

-, -, wife of, sister of the Sultan, 45.

Sicily, an abbey in, 363;

corn brought from, to Rome, 629.

-, “a man of small quality of,” said to be chosen Pope, 412.

-, viceroy of. See Colonna, Marc Antonio di.

Siculo, Father, a famous preacher at Venice, 264.

Sidney. See Sydney.

Sigura, Segura (Sigour).

Captain Jeronimo de, agent for the Prince of Parma in Ghent, 73;

killed at the attack on the palisade, 384.

Silesia, plague in, increasing, 589;

a militia desired for, 599.

-, Dukes of, at Prague, 599.

Silva Garlebiensi [Gadenleben ?], Netzling in, conference of Princes at, 566, 606.

Sinam Bassa, late Vizier of Turkey, the Sultan refuses to reinstate, 45.

Sion, Order of, English woman belonging to, 716.

Sipion, confession of, alluded to, 483.

Sirleto, Cardinal [Guilielmo], one of those approved by the King of Spain for Pope, 651.

Sixtus V. (Felix Peretti) Pope, creation of, 468, 474;

Pope Gregory's brother graciously received by, 469;

refuses to make his nephew governor of Fermo, ibid.;

proclamation of plenary Jubilee by, 493, 519;

desires to confer with the Duc de Nevers, 493;

movements or personal notices of, 519, 520, 539, 544, 560, 592, 607, 608, 629, 639, 657;

makes the Japanese Princes Knights of the Golden Spurs, 520;

reported league between the Catholic Princes and, 528, 637;

gives the staff to the new Senator of Rome, 539;

anger of Cardinal Santo Stefano at the elevation of, 540;

disturbances in France said to be raised by, 541;

alliance of, with the League, 582;

fondness of, for Monte Cavallo, 592;

“a cruel enemy" to those “professing the Gospel,” 583;

kindness of, to the Bishop of Ancona, 600;

Cardinal Guastavillani brought before, ibid;

sentence by, 602;

all Protestants urged to draw together against, 607;

promises by, 608;

claims brought before, 628;

matters referred by, to the Camera, 629;

would gladly “set up again his ruined kingdom,” 638;

his anger with the French King, and dismissal of the French ambassador, 639, 645, 715;

answer of.

to the French King, concerning alienation of Church property, 642;

reforms instituted by, 639;

mediation of, for liberation of a Venetian ship, 641;

strong measures taken by.

and ambitious designs imputed to, 646, 651, 665;

intrigues at the creation of, 651;

report made to and answer by, 656;

corn demanded by.

from the King of Spain, 662;

promotes restoration of reformed bishoprics to the Papacy, 694;

desires a pension for Duke Otto Henry of Luneburg, 695.

-, appointments by, on his creation, 469.

-, banco made by, 629;

Monte della pace set up by, 639.

-, bandits to be sent to, 493;

his efforts to extirpate, 539, 592;

pardoned by, 545.

-, bishops created by, 658.

-, bulls of, alluded to, 592.

-, consistories held by.

See Rome, consistories held in.

-, Court of, reforms in, 663.

-, envoys sent to congratulate and offer obedience to, 469, 492, 529, 540, 599, 607;

ambassadors, &c., take leave of, 560.

-, grants by, 469, 470, 492, 539, 593, 599, 600;

indulgence granted by, 520;

presents given by, 493;

consecrated hat, sword and rose sent by, 468, 493.

-, guards of, captaincy of, taken from Duke Altemps, 539;

Swiss guards of, 529, 657;

horsemen of, 539;

personal guard of, to be recruited from the Swiss, 608.

-, household and officers of, 529.

Chamberlains. See Guastavillani, Cardinal;

Sanudo, Matteo;

Baden, Marquis of, brother of.

Clerks of the Chamber, 492.

Secretary, 593.

-, legates appointed by, 468;

legates of, to have audience and depart, 492;

sent into France, 520;

legate extraordinary from, to the French King.

See Nazareth, Bishop of.

-, letter of, alluded to, 493.

-, money given by, for the Jesuit College in Japan, 520;

stamped with the image of, 657.

-, nuncios of. See Ambassadors.

-, offices or pensions taken away by, 539, 540.

-, orders of, alluded to, 519, 540, 559, 592.

-, petitions or requests to, answer to, 545;

not granted, 560, 663;

alluded to, 600, 613.

-, plenary indulgence granted by, 544.

-, taxes imposed by, 545, 592, 593, 600.

-, tribute to, from the kingdom of Naples, 560.

-, his vigna, outside Rome, 608.

-, sister of, See Peretta, Donna.

-, a nephew of, will probably be made General for Holy Church, 469.

And see Montalto, Cardinal of; see Michele.

-, nieces of, proposed marriages for, 469.

-, relatives of, “continually arrive,” 469.

Skins, beaver and squirrel, brought from Russia, 94.

Slavonia, Beglerbey of, 226.

Sluys or L'Escluse, to be demanded as assurance by the Queen, if she sends troops, 50, 446, 452, 706;

granted to Don Antonio for a “retreat,” 63;

proposed as security for the French King, 89, 178;

the enemy believed to intend something against, 89, 348, 350, 496, 667, 674;

still held by the States, 179, 517;

Admiral Treslong ill at, 283;

measures to be taken for “assuring,” 336, 367;

money to be collected from, 518;

a trumpet sent to, 633;

those of Bruges pray to be delivered from, 681;

town of, may be kept by the “patriots,” 686.

-, States' garrison at, 3;

suffering from dearth of provisions.

plague, and lack of money, 23, 62;

companiesfrom Ghent sent to, 74;

mutiny in, 272, 280, 336;

mutiny in, quieted, 357;

raids by, 401;

men taken or to be taken from, 406, 452;

not half the men in, that there should be, 633;

money sent for, 648;

necessary strength of, 686;

troops needed for, 704;

kept by Prince Maurice's soldiers, 721.

-, castle of, reports concerning, 282, 290;

Parma urged to recover, 669;

should be garrisoned by English, 686;

fort near, 633.

-, governor of, see Grunevelt;

former greffier of finances at, see Espallart.

-, letters dated from, 334, 632, 634;

extract from, 604.

-, prize ships to be carried to, 116;

vessels at, armed by Don Antonio, 305.

Smith, Sir John, to be sent to the Prince of Parma, instructions for, 671;

his former mission to Spain, alluded to, ibid.

Smithe, Simon, oils shipped for, in Spain, 528.

Smolensk (Smolenskie), means for recovery of, by Poland, debated, 143.

Smyth, Smythe, Thomas, commissioner of Customs, 132;

goods in custody of, 94.

-, Thomas, jun., 95.

Soete. See Zoete.

Soissons, granted to the Cardinal of Bourbon, for security, 551.

Solcher, George. See Zolcher.

Solms, Adolf von, Count of Moeurs and Neuenaar, made governor of Guelderland, in recompense of all he has lost, 80;

still holds Rheinberg, 202;

quarrel of, with Hohenlohe, ibid.;

differences between Elector Truchsess and, 202, 397, 438;

visit of, to Bonn (a former), alluded to, 219;

Truchsess to “take order with, for the safety of Berck,” 253;

goes to Nimegen, “to assure it,” 280;

the Elector Truchsess with, ibid.;

saves Arnhem from compounding with the enemy, 347;

loyalty of, suspected, 383, 398;

said to be bringing men to the fleet, 428;

protests his devotion to her Majesty, 438;

his surprise of Neuss, 449-51, 470, 472, 492;

Kempen surrenders to, 492;

proceedings of, at Neuss, 465, 474;

reported to be taken prisoner by Schenk, 486;

is to be included in “the present treaty,” 502;

rumour that the new Elector of Cologne has been taken by, 532;

said to be coming to succour Antwerp, 539;

defeat and escape of, 341, 542, 558, 581;

rumoured death of, 601, 613;

as a leader of the States' forces, and governor of Gueldres, Zutphen and Oberyssel, 703.

-, -, letters from, 413, 670 (2);

alluded to, 476, 479.

-, -, a canon of Utrecht in the service of. See Schenk.

-, -, Council of, letter from, 449.

-, -, troops of, village burnt by, 353;

defeated, 540, 541;

at Neuss, 627.

-, Hermann Adolf, Count von, a canon of Strasburg, 174.

Solyman [II], Sultan of Turkey, times of, alluded to, 45, 66.

Somere, Jan van, [pensionary of Ghent], made prisoner by Ryhove at Dendermonde. 220.

Somers, John, visit of, to Monsieur, alluded to, 316, 317.

Somersetshire, justices of, soldiers “delivered” by, 691.

Somerset Herald. See Glover, Robert.

Somme, the river, Guise's horsemen near, 449.

Sora, Duchy or State of, 520, 529.

-, governor of, wine drugged by, 662.

-, Duke of. See Buoncompagni, Giacomo di.

-, Luca de, bandit chief, titles claimed by, 304;

said to have been killed by a fellow bandit 493;

proceedings of, 640;

and his band, wine for, drugged, 662.

Sorano, in Tuscany, bandits killed at, 493.

Sorbier, Roch des, Sieur des Pruneaux, 90, 103, 105, 106, 107;

good offices of, with the French King, 14;

his dispatch to the Low Countries and arrival there, 17-19, 23, 26;

commission given to and offers to be made by, 20, 41, 82;

negotiations of, 27, 42, 55, 61, 73, 101, 123;

is returning to France, 63, 69, 72, 78, 101, 108, 110, 115, 119, 127;

carries the States' full intent to agree” with the French King, 118, 124;

letters brought by to the States, alluded to, 129, 157, 168;

audience procured by, for [former] States' ambassadors, 131;

has had conference with the King and Queen Mother, 139, 140;

no answer yet given to, 141;

urges the States to hasten away their commissioners, 147;

negotiations of, alluded to, 161, 177;

offers made by, to the late Prince of Orange, 179;

news from, 185;

statement by, 207;

conference of, with the French King, and interview with Stafford, 229;

dealings of, for or with the States' deputies, 233, 242, 244, 247, 273–275, 277;

looks upon Davison as a hinderer to the French treaty, 234, 241, 321;

visits Botelho, 243;

information from, 257, 311.

-, -, letter from, 140.

-, -, letter of credence for, 234.

-, -, negotiations of, in 1578, notes of, 42.

Sorbolongo, Michel Angelo, to be vice-legate in Romagna, 493.

Sorbonne, doctors of, sent to the King of Navarre, return without seeing him, 715.

Sorentino, Baroness of, marriage of, 263.

Sound, the, 481;

dispute concerning, 658.

Souteroon, M. de, 701.

Southampton (Hampton, Hautonne, Antona), pirates near, 188, 189;

merchandise detained at 515;

soldiers embarked at, 691.

-, letters dated at, 188, 190, 197, 421.

-, mayor of, kindness of, 197;

orders of, alluded to, 515;

soldiers delivered by, 691.

-, merchants of, 421.

-, ships at, 420;

ship of, taken by pirates, 269.

Southworth (Sotherhet), Sir John, of Lancashire, a son of, 40.

Spa, the Dr. Allen goes to, 717.

Spaduco, canon of St. Peter's, Rome, quarrel of, with another canon, 264.

Spain, is making great strides in the Empire, 47;

and Scotland, much “sending” between, 54;

victuals sent to, from Holland, 74;

greatness of, peril from, 120, 332;

resistance to, discussed, 129 et seq.;

misery of, relieved from England, France and Flanders, 188;

false rumours that the English mean to “reconcile” with, 207;

the Guises will not easily be embarked against, 275;

great scarcity in, 304;

suspected supporters of, in the French Council, 308;

reported league of, with Rome, Savoy, the Guises, &c., 528;

leather from, 539;

want of money in, 572;

prospect of war with, 610;

support given by, to the Bavarian Princes, 694;

strengthening of, “by power and alliances, ibid, And See Philip II.

-, (Castile), King John (II) of, defeat of. See Aljubarrota.

-, King of. See Philip II.

-, Philip, Prince of, ceremony of taking the oath to, at Madrid, 135 et seq.;

alluded to, 252;

youth of, 279, 672;

is going to Zaragoza, 281;

at his sister's marriage, 324;

swearing to, at Lisbon, alluded to, 718.

-, Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia of, eldest daughter of King Philip, proposed matches for, 52;

takes oath to her brother, 136, 137;

proposed marrage of, to the Cardinal Archduke Albert, 279, 348;

at her sister's marriage, 324;

said to be going to her “ancient affianced husband” the Emperor, 403.

-, Infanta Catalina of, second daughter of the King, to marry the Duke of Savoy, 21, 36, 52, 206;

to be fetched into Italy, 72;

marriage of, said to be put off, 125;

takes oath to her brother Philip, 136, 137;

preparations for sending, to Savoy, 188;

approaching marriage of, 213;

speech of, about the Duke of Savoy, ibid.;

marriage of, 324, 442;

is believed to think she has made a bad match, 324;

marriage of, alluded to, 694. And see Savoy, Duchess of.

-, Infantas of, reports as to their marriages, 272;

going to Zaragoza, 281.

-, heir presumptive to. See Austria, Archduke Albert of.

-, royal family of, all in good health, 530.

-, an abbey in, 363.

-, ambassadors from, in England, the Queen's “favourable allowance” to, 225.

-, ambassadors, English, in, indignities offered to, 224.

-, archbishops, bishops, &c. of, at the oath-taking to Prince Philip, 136 et seq.

-, cities of, procurators of, take oath to Prince Philip, 136.

-, collatraria [colecturia] of, money assigned upon, 520.

-, corn going to, 271;

regulations concerning, 528;

sending of, prevention of, desired, 699;

but would do more harm than good, 700.

-, Cortes of, to be held, 324.

-, courier from, 124;

corrieromaggiore of, 281.

-, Court of, travellers from, 289, 695.

-, English merchants and goods in, 574;

English subjects, ships or goods stayed or “embargoed” in, 378, 528, 572, 602, 610, 641, 642.

-, galleys sent to, ordered back, 520.

-, grandees, &c., of, at the oathtaking to Prince Philip, 136;

go to receive the Duke of Savoy, 323.

-, Knights of the Teutonic Order in, representative of, 491.

-, letters sent to, 185.

-, ministers of, in England, their favour to rebels, 98.

-, money sent from, 217, 488, 546.

-, news from, 33, 36, 72, 252, 283, 329, 364, 494, 530, 630.

-, pension from, 695.

-, ports of, foreign ships to be “stayed” in, 485.

-, ships to or from, 271, 385, 496, 572, 580, 632;

captured, 305, 345.

-, traveller to, 1, 2.

-, treaty with, Elizabeth's vain attempts to renew, 521.

“Spains, the,” the young Duke Otto Henry desires to be General of, 695.

Spaniard, in Paris, 72, 127;

wishes to do the Queen service, 400.

Spaniards or the Spaniards, intentions of, against England, 98, 604, 679;

invasion of Ireland by, alluded to, 98;

revolt of (1566) mentioned, 219;

“the proudest kind of people in Christendom,” 223;

at Calloo, many of their commanders killed, 384;

said to wish to make themselves masters of Cologne, 487;

believed to intend to possess themselves of the river Ems, 566;

in ship taken by English, killed, 580, 581;

little loved in Germany, 589;

in the Low Countries, see Low Countries.

Spanish arms, set up in Antwerp 650;

camp, Englishmen said to have died in, 125;

dominions, ships going into, may be taken as prize by Don Antonio, 63;

gold, bribery by means of, 228, 230, 255;

jennet, presented to the Pope, 560;

merchants in England, goods of, seized, 641, 642;

party, in France, 130;

reports given out by, 276;

pensioners in France and England, plan for discovery of, 206;

pistolets, troops to be paid with, 276;

renegade, in Turkey, 354;

spy, in England, 128;

subjects, ships or goods of, seized, 641, 642, 655;

tricks, 258.

-, commissioners for arrest of foreign ships, captured by the English, 580.

-, fleet or navy, augmentation of, 314;

not intended against the Turk, 403.

-, guard, captain of, See Lodron;

late captain, see Schwarzburg, Count Gunther of.

-, halbardiers, in the French King's service, 135.

-, Indies, proposal to send a fleet into, 51. And see Indies.

-, King at arms, at the oathtaking to Prince Philip, 136.

-, referendary at Rome, 304.

-, ships, said to be taken by Drake, 642;

stayed in English ports, ibid.;

galleys, bringing the Duke and Duchess of Savoy, 546;

at Gaeta, 608.

-, troops, passing through France, 184;

going to Savoy, 213;

sent to the League, 361;

fresh regiments of, assembling, 645;

escort the Duchess of Savoy to Piedmont, 661;

proposed invasion of England and Ireland by, under English and French leaders, 716.

Speier, Diet of (in 1570), 158.

Spes, Guerau d'(Gyrald d'Espes), former Spanish ambassador in England, a turbulent and unskilful person, 225.

Spezzia, soldiers to embark at, 719.

Spicery, clerk of the, 222.

Spinelli, Carlo, brings news from Naples, 519.

Spinola, Baptista, debt to, from the Low Countries, 634.

-, [Felipe], Cardinal, receives the Pope at church of Sta. Sabina, 304;

appointed legate for Perugia, 468.

-, -, vice-legate of. See Rivaruola.

-, [Ottavio], Imperial Chamberlain, 305, 626.

-, -, Alfonzo, nephew of, 626.

Spoleto, Bishop of. See Orsini, Pietro.

-, bishopric of, 329.

Spekelsen or Sprekels, Vincent van, merchant of Hamburg, going to England, 503, 617 (2);

in London, 695.

Spritwell, John, 465;

reports by, 448, 449.

Stabbia, Anverso di, quarrel of, with Paolo Giordano Orsini, 364.

-, Gio. Battista di, quarrel of, with the Marquis di Riano, 270.

Stabroecke, village of, the States' forces should march to, 406.

-, dyke near. See Couwenstein dyke.

-, the enemy's principal camp at, 153, 162, 722;

attack upon, failure of, 200;

the camp raised, 282;

forces from, at the attack on the Couwenstein dyke, 478;

Hohenlohe's men near, 480.

Stafford, Sir Edward, ambassador in France, 30, 75, 112, 348, 713;

interviews of, with Secretary Pinart. See under Pinart;

the Queen angry with, 19;

illness of, 64;

feigns sickness, 77, 78, 103, 104;

orders sent to, alluded to, 78, 86, 103, 106;

his up-bringing in France, alluded to, 104;

professes to get adispatchfrom the Low Countries, ibid;

calls the late Prince of Condé his “old master,” 106;

is to set down materials points, in his letters, without enlarging on them, 119;

the Queen blames, for intercourse with the fugitives, 138;

wishes to join the “Association,” 139;

his reasons for not visiting Mendoza, 165, 207;

not in the realm, so cannot be a member of the “Association,” 175;

does not think the French King will accept the States' offers, 204;

reported to have had secret conference with the Spanish agent, 207;

advice to, from Walsingham, 234;

speeches of, alluded to, 241;

said to have earn-estly solicited the French King, 244;

his cautious conduct in regard to the States' deputies, 248;

his acquaintance with the French tongue, alluded to, 262;

demands proof of his servants' alleged treachery, 266, 267;

information received from, 287;

interview of, with States' ambassadors, 296;

private conference of, with Belliévre, 320;

his difficulty about the Fête Dieu, 322;

in relation to the surrender of Thomas Morgan and of his papers, 327-329, 417, 457, 458;

commended by the Queen, 333;

Waad is to get information from, 338;

perplexity of, concerning “Leicester's Commonwealth, 386, 387;

conference of, with Brulard, concerning Morgan 391-393;

dealings of, with a French councillor [Belliévre], 409;

is anxiqus concerning Arthur Champernon, 517;

information sent to, of abusive speeches against the Queen, 525;

asks for audience, 526;

in relation to the “hanging” of his house for the Fête Dieu, ibid;

complains of Walsingham, 548;

defends his conduct to Walsingham, ibid.;

messages given to, 555;

has helped Edward Prynn with money, 592;

is chidden by the Queen, 653;

news brought to, 713.

-, -, his audiences of the French King, 275, 311, 315, 359, 373;

mentioned, 177, 358, 675;

of the Queen Mother, 275, 319.

-, -, letters from, 1, 16, 19, 20, 21, 30, 35, 36, 51, 64, 68, 69, 71, 77, 81, 103, 106, 108, 116, 117, 123, 124, 126, 127, 138-40, 148, 149, 152, 164, 169, 170, 182, 184, 190, 206, 207, 228, 230-32, 237, 243, 247, 257, 259, 260, 266, 273, 276, 285, 295, 297, 301, 309, 312, 313, 315, 319, 322, 326, 334, 339, 342, 349, 354, 359, 362, 371, 373, 378, 380-382, 386, 387, 389, 400, 408, 411, 415, 457, 461, 462, 468, 518, 525, 526, 541, 548, 551, 574, 635, 645, 651, 653, 664, 680, 681, 714.

-, -, alluded to, 210, 306.

-, -, letters to, 49, 54, 86, 119, 161, 174, 185, 234, 235, 262, 277, 332, 369, 504, 527, 537, 659, 711, 714.

-, -, endorsement by, 170.

-, -, petition to, 216.

-, -, house of, in Paris, 1.

-, -, wife of. See Sheffield, Lady.

-, -, mother of, 19, 714.

-, -, brother of. See Stafford, William.

-, -, secretary of, 166;

secretary and chaplain of, see Hakluyt, Richard.

-, -, servant of, 247. And see Grimston;





-, William, brother of the above, desires a charge in the Low Countries, 635.

-, -, letter from, 714.

Stalling, Richard, letters sent by, 285, 323.

Stanley, Henry, Earl of Derby, intended mission of, to take the garter to the King of France, 107, 234, 239;

precedency of, 234, 249;

in relation to the affairs of the Low Countries, 238, 262, 286;

arrival, reception and entertainment of, in France, 273, 274, 276, 284-7, 291, 302, 312;

his kindness and good-nature, 285, 312;

interviews the States' ambassadors, 296;

lack of money for his mission, 313;

no reason for his further tarrying, 319;

his demands for the delivery of Thomas Morgan, 327, 332, 417;

embassy of, alluded to, 331, 332, 359, 712, 714;

return of, to England, 348, 349, 358, 417.

-, -, letters from, 284, 295, 315, 316, 348;

alluded to, 284, 285;

letters to be written by, 301.

-, -, instructions and credentials for, 265.

-, -, herald in the train of. See Glover, Robert.

-, -, kinsman of, drowned, 302.

-, Sir William, 51.

Stansfield (Stansfide), Edmund, a servant of Stafford, 117.

Stapleton, Dr. [Thos.], appointed to attend on the Prince of Parma, 466.

Statius, M., a councillor of the Duke of Brunswick, 508.

Steenwinckle, Jan, imprisoned, at Antwerp, 115.

Stefano, Master, a maker of fountains, murdered, 364.

Steffano, Giovanni secretary and deputy to Gio. Marigliano at Constantinople, peace made by, with Spain, 228n.

Steffanus, John, a leading jurisconsult in Germany, 159.

Stella, Monsignor, to be vice-legate to Cardinal Colonna, 493.

Stephen Bathori, King of Poland, negotiations with, on behalf of the English merchants, 4 et seq., 8;

desires John Herbert to go to him, 6;

sends army to the frontiers, 65;

intends to call a Diet and send an ambassador to the Sultan, 66;

his good-will towards Elizabeth, 75;

in relation to the business of the English merchants, 59, 75;

plot to surrender a castle to, 80;

matters propounded by, to his assembly, 142, 143;

the Hanse Towns to lay their controversy before, 140;

the Poles striving against, 264;

has suborned the chief men at the Diet, 271, 353;

affairs of, go from bad to worse, 282;

strife of, with his nobles, 291;

differences of, with the Emperor, settled, 331;

Herbert and Salkins obtain ratifications of privileges from, 452;

demands surrender of the rebel Sborowski, 474;

said to be dangerously ill, 626.

-, -, letter of, alluded to, 303.

-, -, letter of, to, 60.

-, -, petition to, 43.

-, -, chamberlain of. See Veselini.

-, -, chief secretary of. See Baranovski.

-, -, commissioners of, proceedings of, 58, 59.

-, -, gentleman of his Chamber, 65.

-, -, niece of, married to the Chancellor, 143.

-, -, referendarius of. See Jaranowski.

Stewart, James, Earl of Arran, letter from, read, 249.

-, Col. William, “the great man in Scotland,” invites Scottish captains to return, 54.

Stienvik. See Wijk by Duurstede.

Stinter, an Englishman so calling himself, brings books from England, 126.

Stokes, Thomas, at Antwerp, letter from, 480.

-, -, child of, 480.

-, Thomas, merchant in London, letter to, 480.

Stoloskey, Peter, captain of the King of Poland's guard, promises of, mentioned, 65.

Stourton, John, Lord, going to France, 234.

Straele or Straelen, [Jan van], one of the deputies to France, 87, 151;

death of, alluded to, 203.

-, -, house of, taken by the enemy, 580, 590.

Strasburg, city of, privileges of, from the Emperors, 70;

supports the Protestant canons, 160, 161;

sends envoys to Switzerland, 161, 173.

-, bishop of.See Manderscheit.

-, bishopric of, 172.

-, canons of, strife amongst, 160, 161, 173, 174, 252, 253;

high birth and small duties of, 172;

the Protestant, excommunicated, 161, 173.

-, city Council of, complaints to, 173;

proceedings of, 174.

-, College of, the Papal party have got control of, 70.

-, -, treasury of, 70.

-, -, late provost of. See Palatine, Richard, Count.

-, Dean of, the late, see Truchsess;

the new, see Saxe Lauenburg, Frederick, Dukeof.

-, letters dated at, 155, 614.

-, notes concerning, 172.

-, officers at:—

the tormentor, 173;

treasurers, 173.

-, senate of, 154, 173;

takes the Protestant side, 70.

-, wines at, 155.

-, “the parts of,” canons of, summoned to purge themselves from heresy, 173.

Strasoldi, Count, mission of, from the Emperor, 546.

Stratford, letter dated at, 147.

Strozzi, Strossi [Filippo], overthrow of, alluded to, 206.

-, governor of.See Torey.

Stukeley, Stuckley, Thomas, 99.

Sturm, Dr. John, agent for the Queen in the Palatinate, 43;

money due to, from the French churches and King of Navarre, 153-155;

has aged much, 613.

-, -, letters from, 153, 156, 157.

-, -, his country house, 613.

-, -, nephew of, drowned, 153.

Subiaco, abbey of, 560.

Subiaur. See Çubiaur.

Subsidy, collectors of the, officers of, 668.

Sucke, —, a Fleming, opinion of, 679.

Sudermann (Suetermann), Dr. Henry, agent of the Hanse Towns, said to be “espagnolizé and a Jesuit,” 658.

Sueinhao, letter dated from, 303, Suffolk, gentlemen of, request of, to her Majesty, mentioned, 457;

men levied in, 691.

Sulmona, Bishop of, [Vincenso Donzelli], ceremony conducted by, 544.

Sulmone, Prince of. See Lannoy.

Sumaca, abbey of, bestowal of, 270.

Sumana, city of, has no kine or other beasts, 385.

Surmanegows, or people of Sumana, 385.

Sussex, justices of, soldiers “delivered by,” 691.

Sutelinge, Joachim, imprisoned and fined at Antwerp, 115.

Sweden, King of. See John III.

-, Princess of, said to be going to marry the King of Scots, 641.

-, ships of, English goods taken by, 13.

Swieten, M. de, 701.

Swigo or Sevigo, a Milanese gentleman, said to be going from Elizabeth to the Spanish King, 35;

a son of, is going to his mother, 421.

Swiss, the, have cut to pieces some Italian companies, 355;

the Spanish King tries to win, 430;

of the Reformed Cantons, to be dealt with to join in the proposed Assembly in Germany, 499;

dissensions amongst, concerning the affairs of France, 614.

-, troops, levied or to be levied for the French King, 341, 361, 462, 487, 493, 520, 525, 530, 536, 602. 612. 642;

colonels of, money to be paid to, 487;

will not act against the Catholic faith, 602;

dismissed by the King, 684.

-, -, going to aid the League, 536, 540, 552, 602, 614, 654.

-, -, proposal to levy, for the King of Navarre, 535.

Switzerland, envoys sent to, from Strasburg, 161;

levies of men in, enquiries concerning, 429;

a “barrier” to the neighbouring princes, 619.

-, Catholic cantons of, send troops to the Duke of Guise, 536. And see Swiss troops,above.

-, Evangelical cantons of, opinion of, to be “drawn out,” 495;

(“the heretic Swiss”) send troops to the French King, 520.

Swolle. See Zwolle.

Sydney, Sidney (Chedenay), Sir philip, 427, 631 (?);

journey of, to France, stayed, 16, 17;

alluded to, 18;

advice of, to Sir E. Stafford, 19;

has been at a bad school, 20;

the French King will receive, on his return from Lyons, 24;

favours of, to Mauvissière, 39;

as Le Sieur's “master,” 53, 54, 299, 650;

Civille regrets not to see, 103;

intercession of, for Rowland Yorke, 146;

messages to, 214, 247, 614, 626;

called his “good bruder” by the Duke of Bouillon, 595;

stay of, in Antwerp, alluded to, 633;

the Queen to “take order for,” 682;

proposed as governor of Flushing, 687.

-, -, letters to, 679, 682;

alluded to, 53, 335, 524.

-, -, instructions to (for his intended mission to France), notes of, 220.

-, -, major domo of, in France, 12.

-, -, a great friend of. See Pauli, Andreas.

-, -, servant of. See Le Sieur.

-, [Frances Walsingham], Lady, wife of Sir Philip, 12;

messages to, 142, 425.

-, Robert, none fitter to be sent to the King of Navarre, 108;

marriage of, to Mr. Gamage's daughter, 202, 613;

greetings to, 595, 614;

as captain in the Low Countries, 635.

Sylla, Dr., pensionary of Amsterdam, 422.