Index: T

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Tabriz. See Tauris.

Taeller, Captain, and his company, serving the Prince of Parma, 196.

Taffin (Tappin). See La Pré.

Taillagambi, the new French guard, mostly Gascons, 206.

Talbot, George, Earl of Shrewsbury, restitution of a ship of, demanded, 93;

“the matter of,” 128.

Tarrye, Walter, English merchant imprisoned in France, 216.

Tartar Khan, the late, 45.

-, -, son of, put to flight, 268, 313;

but returns, 314;

reported to have besieged Caffa, 403.

Tartar prince, Sultan Islam, uncle of the preceding, reinstated, 268;

but again deposed, 314.

Tartarian war, the, 65.

Tartars, reported defeat of, 306;

the frontiers must defend themselves against, 599.

Tartary, things of importance have happened in, 67.

Tassis or Taxis, Juan Bautista de, agent in Paris for the King of Spain, l;

conferenceswith, 107;

reasons “given out” by, for Mendoza's coming to Paris, 107, 108;

is very melancholic, 124;

interview of, with the Bishop of Glasgow, 126;

is to leave France, 139;

takes leave, 148;

his visits to Stafford, 165, 186, 207;

reports given out by, 258.

-, -, servant of, 2.

-, -, house of, in Paris, 107.

-, [Juan Bautista de, commander of Spanish Friesland regiment], soldiers of, forts taken by, 290;

captures barks in Friesland, 486.

Tauris or Tabriz, Osman Bassa going to, 494;

Persian forces at, 513, 599;

dearness of provisions at, 513.

Taylor, James, a grocer in Fleet Street, letters to be received by, 717.

Teligny, Sieur de. See La Noue, Odet de.

Temisvar [in Hungary], Beglerbey of, 268, 313, 314.

Tempell, Oliver Van den, governor of Brussels, in relation to Rowland Yorke, 19, 53, 147;

said to be governed by his wife, 53;

seeks to satisfy the garrison, 111;

reported arrest of, for having intelligence with the enemy, 185;

suspected of inciting a mutiny, 198;

puts his forces in ambush outside Brussels, 199;

is cleared of the accusations against him, 205;

his summons into Flanders (in 1576) alluded to, 219;

illgovernment of, 245;

orders of, alluded to, 271;

if assured of French aid, could hold out till Easter, 304;

with his men at Bergen, 367;

imprisoned at Middelburg, 398;

statement by, 604.

-, -, letters to, alluded to, 55, 73.

-, -, brother of, 73, 148.

Tempest, —, goes to Spain, 1 (2).

-, —, death of, 125, 127;

alluded to, 466.

Tenneker, Thomas, agent of the King of Denmark, 541.

Teobaldo. M., of the Dataria, dismissed, 289.

Terceiras [or Azores], the, soldiers returned from, 442.

Tergoes or Tergoesland; hesitation in, to accept the French King, 63;

soldiers sent to, ibid.;

a spy in, 205;

rendezvous in, 366-68;

the troops of Holland have returned from, 378.

-, deputies of, object to the articles sent by the French King, 82.

Termes [Caesar-Auguste de St. Lary, Baron] de, commander for the French King, has returned without doing anything, 525.

Terneuse, Terneusen (Derneuse), fort of, still held by the States, 179, 292;

English serving in, 414, 431;

an attack on, repulsed, 472.

-, States' garrison at, 3;

lack of provisions at, 23;

Count Hohenlohe goes to, 89.

Terracina, merchants robbed at, wish to treat with the bandits, 281;

government of, resigned by Cardinal Como, 520.

Terranuova, Terranova, Charles d'Aragon, Duke of, Governor of Milan, orders sent to, 289;

sends troops into the Valtoline, 304, 341;

proceedings of, 520, 546;

to give up the castle of Piacenza to the Duke of Parma, 560;

orders sent to, 593;

in relation to the new Archbishop, 629, 664;

is to have the Golden Fleece, 602;

comedy presented to, 640.

-, -, orders of, alluded to, 304.

-, -, Don Blasco, son of, 602.

-, -, Don Cesare, son of, 593.

-, (Simon de Tagliavia d'Aragon de), Cardinal, receives his hat, 468;

lays the first stone of the church of San Spirito, 544.

-, Bishop of [sic], mass sung by, 330.

Ter Veere, See Veere.

Tervent, fort on the Scheldt, captured from the enemy, 398.

Tettoni, Count Rinaldo, condemned to the galleys, 602.

Teutonic Order, Grand Master of, see Bobenhausen.

-, -, co-adjutor of. See Austria, Archduke Maximilian of.

-, -, knights of, come to Prague, 491.

-, -, a congregation of, to be held, 491.

Texel (Tassell), island of, ship cast away on, 169;

person drowned “upon,” 195.

Thales, “the Milesian,” quoted, 121.

Thames, the, ships going from to Dunkirk, 121.

Theone, Urban, a famous bandit, feigns to be a Turk, 603.

Thielement, document signed, 232.

Thierry, M., a Norman, 714.

Thin, Floris, advocate of Utrecht, 257.

Tholen, Tertole, Tertollen, island of, the States' fleet at, 307, 347;

probable rendezvous for the English troops, 674.

-, (la Thele), town of, to be given as a cautionary town to Elizabeth, 587.

Thormoye, Theodore, of Hamburg, part owner of ship taken by a pirate, 267.

Throckmorton, Throgmorton (Frogmorton), Anthony, captured, 414, 431.

-, Francis, treason and execution of, alluded to, 99, 138, 217, 225, 261.

-, -, kinsman of. See Throckmorton, Anthony.

-, Thomas, book believed to be written by, 138;

in relation to Thomas Morgan, 311, 327, 419;

translation by, stopped, 387;

said to be plotting an invasion of England, 716;

is going into Spain, ibid.;

in Paris, 716;

book against, alluded to, 717.

Tiepolo, proveditor of the [Venetian ?] fleet, ship recovered by, 521.

Tiflis, surrender of, alluded to, 314;

president of, ibid.

Tillman, Robert, English merchant imprisoned in France, 216.

Tivoli, [Cardinal d'Este's palace at,] visitors to, 539, 592, 639;

the Cardinal at, 639, 645, 662.

Todi, Bishop of. See Cesis.

Toledo, Cardinal Archbishop of, [Gaspard de Quiroga], assists at the oath-taking to the Prince at Madrid, 136, 137;

report that the government of Spain is to be partly left in the hands of, 295.

-, procurator of, oath-taking of, to the Prince of Spain, 136, 137.

-, Ferdinand Alvarez de, late Duke of Alva, mentioned, 99;

his government of the Low Countries, alluded to, 121;

his indifference to the action of the Prince of Orange, 130;

service under, 434.

-, -, a servant of, 218.

-, Don Luis de, gives a comedy at Naples, 330.

-, -, Don Rodrigo, the young son of the above, 330.

-, Don Pedro de, his garden at Naples, 281.

Tomas, Juan, of the Spanish Privy Council, 136.

Tomson, Laurence, drafts or notes by, 709, 710.

-, Richard, letter from, 683.

Tonneins (Tunnings), enterprise against, has failed, 501.

Toplif [qy. Topcliffe the informer], 459.

Toqueville, Jacques (alias Jehan Courmont), letters from, 269, 359.

Torcy (Torse), M. de, “Strossi's governor,” sent by Stafford to the States' deputies, 276.

-, -, brother of. See La Pré.

Torelli, Count Pomponio, comes from the Prince of Parma, 289;

at Parma, 560.

Torre in (or de) Leone, Signori Dominico and Ottaviano della, newsletters sent to, 290, 306, 332, 354.

Torres, [Ludovico de], the late Archbishop of Monreale, 263.

-, Abbé, nephew of above, ibid.

Torsy, Sieur de, killed at the attack on the stockade, 384.

Totoni, Renaldo, sent by the Governor of Milan into the Valtelline, 341, 342.

Toul, demanded as security by the Guises, 390, 460;

and by the King of Spain, 409;

given to the Duke of Guise, 551, 559.

Toulouse, holds for the King, 488;

news from, 581.

-, Archbishops of. See Foix;

see Arques, François.

Toupet. See Tupper.

Tour d'Auvergne, Henri de la, Vicomte de Turenne, with the King of Navarre, 335, 371, 501.

-, -, letters from, 415, 439, 594.

Tournay, prisoner at, 219;

government of, should be restored to the Prince d'Epinoy, 414, 432;

news from, 475, 535, 601;

ammunition taken from, 496;

a native of, 701.

-, magistrates of, 25.

Tournoir, M. de, at Southampton, 197;

is going to Walsingham, 556.

Tours, the Queen Mother goes to, 21.

Tramsom alias Barber, a papist, token given by, 716.

Transylvania, frontiers of, the Turks march into, 486;

no Turkish garrisons on, 599.

-, Prince of, cares for nothing but to keep at peace with the Turk, 486.

-, Vaivode of, the late Vaivode of Wallachia captured by, 598.

Trasam [qy. William Tresham], in Flanders, 466.

Trautzen, Paul, Marshal of the Imperial Court, mission of, to Saxony, 580, 599.

Travers, Mr., sent to Davison, 426.

Treaty Papers, 699 et seq.

Trent, Council of, endeavours or intention to bring about the execution of the decrees of, in France, 416, 499, 582, 583, 638;

plans for preventing the design, 433;

decrees of, to be accepted by all of the “Catholic Romish church,” 531;

pluralities forbidden by, 695.

Treport, travellers from, 715.

Tresham [William], at Rouen, 716.

And see Trasam.

Treslong, M. de. See Bloys.

Trêves. See Trier.

Treviso, formerly belonged to the Empire, 155.

Trezzo [in the Milanais], garrison at, 520.

Trier, Treves, church of the Predicatori [? Dominican Friars] in, sacrilege at, 532.

-, Archbishop and Elector of. See Schoenenberg.

Triest, [the Sieur Joost, a chief man at Ghent], made prisoner by Ryhove at Dendermonde, 220.

Trieste, traveller to, 608.

Tripoli, galliot of, taken by the Venetians and all in her slain, 181;

Turkish demands in consequence, 269, 270;

the Venetians are “quit of the difference for,” 314;

ships of, meeting English ships, negotiations concerning, 269.

-, Romadan, Beglerbey or Bassa of, death of, 181;

galliot of, taken, see above.

-, -, Mohamed, son of, killed by the Venetians, 181.

Triultio, Count of, pension for, 329.

Troilo di S. Secondo, Count of, at Venice, 353.

Troyes, will hold for the King, 404.

Truchsess, Gebhard, deprived Archbishop and Elector of Cologne, 95, 99;

suggested as governor of Holland and Zeeland, 19;

the King of Navarre writes on behalf of, 47;

now only holds Berck and a castle or two, 80;

aid for, promised or hoped for, from Elizabeth, 98, 135, 151, 160, 203, 204, 209, 212;

Ségur's memorandum on behalf of, 113;

his marriage, deprivation, &c., alluded to, 156, 173;

cause of, in danger to be lost, 156, 157;

desires to see Davison, 168;

as late Dean of Strasburg, 173;

Davison's interviews with. 179, 180, 253;

princes who may help, 180, 253;

affairs of, commended to Walsingham 197, 323;

quarrel of, with Count Neuenaar, 202, 397;

his “dismissal” by the Emperor, alluded to, 202;

money granted to, by her Majesty, 208, 212, 250, 253, 451, 585;

not likely to prevail against his antagonist, 209;

character of, 214;

at Utrecht, 280, 470, 479;

sends a letter to the Queen, ibid.;

Elizabeth's enquiries concerning, 228, 336;

cause of, concerns all Christendom, 314;

Paul Buys cannot be spared to, 337;

is “taking order” for levying troops, 397;

his chances of success, enquiries concerning, 429;

“all in good train" between Count Neuenaar and, 438;

the taking of Neuss will greatly aid, 451;

vestments said to have been “acquired” by, and lost at cards, 468;

is on his way to Neuss, 474, 492;

matters to be put before the Queen on behalf of, 502;

his German reiters did him more harm than his enemies, 578;

Ségur desires to take, into Germany, ibid.;

does not wish to go into Germany, 597;

said to be “one of those nominated” for the Bishopric of Bremen, 614.

-, -, letters from, 76, 77, 94, 231, 260-2, 303, 329, 359, 473, 502, 503, 505, 579, 595, 658;

alluded to, 76.

-, -, letters to, 204, 430;

alluded to, 81;

lost at sea, 188.

-, -, passport from, 596.

-, -, wife of, letter to, 431.

-, -, younger brother of, killed at Bois-le-Duc, 251, 255, 353.

-, -, servant of, see Schwartz;

squire of, see Leuvestein.

Tunbridge, traveller attacked by robbers near, 677.

Tunis, conquest of by Turkey, alluded to, 46.

-, ships of, negotiation concerning English ships meeting, 269.

-, Tripoli and Argier, coasts of, the Florentines wish to do some exploit on, 598.

Tupper, or Toupet, John, messenger, 257;

letters or news brought by, 313, 382, 471;

his dutiful service, 381.

Turin, Court of,"great moan made" at, for the death of Cardinal Borromeo, 148;

the Duke and Duchess of Savoy's expected entry into, 593, 602, 609, 657.

-, palace at, being made ready for the Duke and Duchess of Savoy, 561.

Turk, the, the United Provinces will negotiate with, rather than with Spain, 586.

Turkey, drinking of wine contrary to the law of, 46;

French ambassador in, recalled, and his secretary left as agent, 66;

and Persia, reported peace between, 155;

English merchants in, undersold by those trading to Venice, 167;

yearly tribute to, from the Emperor, 181;

Christians in, tribute paid by, 227;

custom in, to sacrifice the brothers of a new Sultan at his father's funeral, 269;

prayer for rain in, 482, 483;

the Maltese wish to do something “on the parts of,” 598;

much impoverished by the wars with Persia, 599.

-, a great fleet to be made in, next year, 603;

strong forces levying in, for Persia, 608.

-, Sultan of (Grand Signor, Grand Turk). See Murad III.

-, -, former.See Solyman.

-, Prince of, wishes Sinam to be restored as Vizier, 45.

-, “Queen” of, opposes the preferment of Osman to be Grand Vizier, 45, 46.

-, ambassadors from, to Spain, granted audience by the King, 351.

-, ambassador to, from Venice, not a “liege[r],” 227;

from Spain, peace made by, 228.

-, Court of, pensioners, &c., at, part of their money taken to buy corn, 483.

-, courts of law in, reform of, by Osman, 46.

-, English secretary in, proposed as agent, 168.

-, officials in, lists of, payments to and functions of, 226, 227;

their bribery and extortion, 482.

Admiral, functions of, 227. And see Occhiali.

Aga (captain) of the janissaries, 46, 226.

Bassas, in service against the Persians, 51;

offer to provide galleys, 603.

Bustangi Bassa (head gardener), commander of the Sultan's guards, 45.

Cadi (judge), bold speech to, 482.

Chancery clerks, punished for forgery, 513.

Chaous or Chiaus (envoy or messenger), sent from, to Vienna, 353;

Chaouses sent to buy provisions, 483.

Cogi (Master of the Rolls), functions of, 227.

Generals. See Osman;


Grand Vizier, Vice-re or Viceroy, is also High Treasurer, 227. See Osman;



Mufti, “in degree of a pope,” 483.

Nisangi Bassa (Lord Chancellor), functions of, 227.

Sanjaks, taken in a French boat, 271.

Seraglio, chief officers of, 227.

Vice-admiral. See Jafes.

Testasleri (vice-treasurers) for Europe, Asia and Africa, 227.

-, Privy Seal of, always worn by the Vizier, 46.

-, ships, taken or chased, 492, 494, 560.

-, troops :-

in Asia, re-inforcements for, 513, 530;

sent into Persia, 603. And see Turks, the, below.

spahis, clamour for their pay, 45;

arrears of, paid, 46;

disposition of, 314.

Turks, in a ship from Brittany, 521.

Turks, the, a Polish nobleman “of great service against,” 143;

inroads of, into Christendom, importance of averting, 183, 638;

assail the Austrian frontiers, 213;

rout of, by the Persians, 290, 306;

the French may join with, against Spain, 455;

are sending as many men as possible to Persia, 486;

march into the frontiers of Transylvania, ibid.;

in relation to the taking of a Tripoli galliot, see Tripoli.

Turnbull, William, agent of the Muscovy Company in Russia, 133;

assault upon, 94.

Tuscany, ambassador of, at Rome, a bishopric “granted” to, 607.

-, farmers of alum in, 693.

-, galleys of, 469;

great booty gained by, 600;

galliots captured by, 640.

-, Grand Duke of, See Medici, Francesco Maria de'.

-, Grand Duchess of, 540;

presents given to, 330;

acknowledges Vittoria Accorambona, 657.

Tutbury, the Queen of Scots to be removed to, 161.

Tymberman, Maurice, alderman of the Hanses' house in London, a commissioner to treat in England, 669.