Index: Q, R

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Queenborough (Quinborough), troops embarked at, 668.

Quernmoor (Warmour, Anermore) Park, the Earl of Leicester desires an assignment of, 309, 399.

Quilgraec, Monsieur [qy. Killigrew], 7.

Quinze, Quinchy or Cuinchy, Baron de [a nobleman in the service of Spain], ships of, captured, 218.

Quiriquiros, province of [now part of Venezuela], silver and gold mines in, 385.

Quitry. See Guitry.

Qurenus, John, dissertation by, 502.


Rademaecker, Jehan, a commissioner to Parma, 624.

Ragazzoni, Jerome, Bishop of Bergamo, nuncio in France, 107, 141, 186, 231, 257;

declares that the Pope is not “the stirrer up of these coals” in France, 372, 379;

his care of Thos. Morgan, 418;

false rumours spread by, 713.

Ralegh (Rawley), Carew, sent with orders to the Newfoundland fishermen, 573;

is to seize Spanish ships, ibid.

-, (Rawley, Ragllay), Sir Walter, late voyage of, alluded to, 576;

French ship stayed by, ibid.

-, -, letter to, alluded to, 335

-, -, ships of, designed for Noronbega, have returned, 467;

fleet of, rumour concerning, 713.

-, -, voyage of, book on, by Hakluyt, 713.

Rambouillet [Charles d' Angennas], Cardinal, 492;

meets the Duc de Nevers, 529;

has audience of the Pope, 639.

-, le sieur Poigny de, brother of the above. See Poigny.

Ramel, Henry, [German] chancellor of the King of Denmark, 564, 631;

intercourse of, with Bodley, 564.

Rammekens, by Flushing, castle of, ships lying near, 102;

to be offered to the French King, 178;

to be given as caution to Elizabeth, 446, 706;

troops arrived at, 610;

garrison for, necessary strength of, 686.

-, letter dated at, 595.

-, Road before, forces necessary to assure, 686.

Ran, castle of, in Friesland, restored to the Prince of Parma, 470.

Randolph (Rendoll), Thomas, former ambassador to Scotland, 259.

-, -, letter from, 426.

Rangona, Giulio, gentleman of Duke Altemps, captured, 663.

Rapamat, near Constantinople, letters dated from, 47, 168, 182, 186, 314, 386, 442, 483, 513, 599.

Raphaelo, a postmaster, his house in London, 86.

Raspone, Captain, and his horsemen, said to be captured by bandits, 263;

the report not true, 264.

Rasse des Neux, François, letters from, 134, 355, 537.

Ratisbon. See Regensburg.

Ravenna, Archbishop of [Cristofer Buoncompagni], brother of Cardinal San Sisto, 540.

Ravenna, Filippo, is bringing corn to Rome, 629;

licence obtained in the name of, 663.

Rawlin, Robert, rescued from a galley of Algiers, 269.

Ré or Rhé (Rees, Rez), Isle of, M. St. Luc threatens to take, 488;

plan to assail, 501.

Read, Captain William, 572.

Rebours, the Sieur de, should have a charge of soldiers, 644.

Rechera, fortress of, restored to the Prince of Parma, 470.

Rechtere, C. de, greffier of the States of Holland, documents signed by, 91, 187.

Regal, Jehan, water-bailiff at Dunkirk, a Spanish spy in England, 81, 82;

is sending corn to Dunkirk, &c., 128.

Regensburg or Ratisbon, Bishop of. See Bavaria, Philip, young Duke of.

-, Diet of (in 1576), 158.

Reingout. See Ringout.

Religions-friede, the Electors of Mainz and Trier in favour of, 637;

princes “vowed to,” in Germany, 638;

hoped for, 689.

Rengers, Jehan, a deputy to France, letter signed by, 234.

Requesens, Luis de, Comendador-Major of Castile, his government of the Low Countries, alluded to, 217.

Retz, Marshal (“Count the Rayes”). See Gondi, Albert de.

Rezheuskey, governor of. See Belaoye.

Rheims, books printed at, 33, 386, 387;

armour, &c., sent to, 339;

the Cardinal of Guise at, 354, 361, 404;

will hold for the King, 404;

granted to the Cardinal of Guise as security, 551.

-, Archbishop of. See Lorraine, Louis de, Cardinal de Guise.

-, Cathedral church of, prebend in, given to Dr. Allen, 420.

-, English papists at, 123;

the Cardinal's goodness to, 420.

-, forces of the League at, under St. Florian, 409.

-, people of, have sent to assure the King of their fidelity, 380;

their treatment of the Duke of Guise, 412.

-, seminary at, dissension in, 191.

Rheinberg (Berck, Bergen), the only town left to Truchsess, 80;

danger of losing, 180;

expected enterprise against, 195;

still in the hands of the Comte de Mœurs, 202;

order taken for its safely, 253;

Comte de Mœur's officers at, 449;

importance of, 502.

-, letter dated at, 450.

Rheinfels, letters dated at, 499, 500.

Rhine, the, Count Neuenaar's “business” upon, 280;

he is said to have crossed, 539.

-, -, Circle or “Crytz” of, nobles of, send to the States to persuade them to agree with Spain, 119.

-, -, Palatinate of. See Palatinate of the Rhine.

-, -, towns on, suffering extremely from the plague, 80;

having intelligence with the Elector Truchsess, 180.

Rhodes, the old patriarch of the Greeks a prisoner in, 403.

Riano (Riamo), Marquis de, 270, 364;

resigns his office, 469.

-, -, Gio. Battista, son of, 364.

Riario, Cardinal [Alessandro], patriarch of Alexandria, pension taken from, 540;

is dangerously ill, 592;

death of, 608, 629.

Ribot, memoire of, alluded to, 424.

Ricardes or Richards, Captain Henry, practices of, with the enemy, 256;

apprehension and examination of, 292, 293;

execution of, alluded to, 626.

-, -, letters from, 55, 109, 203.

-, -, company of, 326.

-, -, lieutenant of, 481.

Richardot [Jean de Grusset], M. de, President of Artois, the Prince of Parma highly exalted by, 621;

Ste. Aldegonde said to have sent letters to, 689.

Richebourg, Marquis of. See Melun, Robert de.

Ridaghusen, Abbot of, entertains Bodley, &c., 510.

Ridolfo [Roberto], mission of, to the Pope, alluded to, 99.

Rieux, Reaux [François de Coligny], Sieur de, brother of, sent to the Princess of Orange, 51.

Rimena [qy. Rimini], governor of, 603.

Ringout, Reingout, Sieur de, of Antwerp, Clerk of the Finances to the States, 649, 701.

Rivalli, Giles, report by, 632.

Rivaruola, Monsignor, to be vice-legate to Cardinal Spinola, 493.

Rivers, one, son of Alderman Rivers, in relation to his seizure of the Duc de Joyeuse's ship, 345, 500, 584;

arrested, but released, 500.

Roberts, Captain, in the Low Countries, 636.

-, John, merchant of London, 512.

Robinson, John [qy. Walsingham], letter to, alluded to, 39.

-, Thomas, of Sandwich, letter from, 465.

-, William [qy. George Norton], letter of, alluded to, 39.

Robles, Gaspard de, Seigneur do Billy, killed at the attack on the stockade on the Scheldt, 384.

Rocellai, Horatio, comes to Rome, 599.

Rocetor, Mr., 712.

Rochefoucault [François, Comte de la], with the King of Navarre, 501.

Rochelle, la, travellers to, 189, 501;

former siege of, alluded to, 395;

threat to take the Isle of Ré away from, 488;

siege of, expected, 577, 589;

Don Antonio (“the King”) at, 592;

is besieged by land and sea, 633;

a ship to be taken to, 652;

rumour that the Duc de Mercœur is a prisoner at, 656;

English merchants trading at, complaints of, 700.

-, -, corn supplied or to be supplied to, 547, 556.

-, -, letters dated at, 421, 473, 488, 577.

-, -, Mayor and bailiffs of, letter from, 577.

Rochellois, the, will not let the King set a garrison over them, 130;

ships taken by, 719.

Rochester Water, should be watched, 466.

Rochette, M. de la, escapes from Paris, 340.

Roels (Rolsius), Cristofer, to be a commissioner to England, 425;

letters from, 585, 647.

Roeulx, Comte de. See Croy, Jean de.

Rogers, Ambrose, 214;

supplications of, alluded to, 210.

-, Daniel, negotiations for his liberty, 52, 53, 79, 201, 210;

Martin Schenk the “author” of his capture, 80;

liberation and proceedings of, 119, 202, 211, 215, 216;

accusations of, against Le Sieur, 212, 216;

has been at Augsburg, 471.

-, -, letter from, 214.

-, -, letters to, alluded to, 613;

greetings to, 614.

-, -, payments for or by, 212, 216.

-, George, brother of Thomas, 715, 718.

-, Thomas, letters from, 715 (2), 718

Rohan [René de, Prince de Léon], goes to the King of Navarre, 488, 501.

Rokeby, [Ralph], 7.

Romadan Bassa, galiot of, captured, 482;

is delivered up, 512.

Romagna, the, a priest killed in, 289.

-, -, legate to. See Canani.

Roman gentlemen, going to Flanders, 608.

-, nobles, news concerning, 263. And see Rome, advertisements from, passim.

-, post, office of, bestowed by the Pope, 470.

-, States, bandits constrained to relinquish their enterprise against, 330;

bandits in, the Pope's measures against, 364.

Romania, Sanjak Bey of, 512.

Romanovich, Mykita or Meekeeta, one of the rulers of Russia, 21, 22;

general of Great Novgorod, sent to Sir Jerome Bowes, 692.

Rome, carnival festivities at, 281, 304;

oath taken in, 302;

Indian [i.e. Japanese] Princes at, 364;

Spanish party in, 408;

the Jubilee published in, 519;

the Spanish ambassador leaves, 529;

creation of the new Pope at, 651;

scarcity of victuals in, 656;

government of, resigned by the Bishop of Acqui, 657;

the French have nearly all left, 662;

French ambassador dismissed from, 715.

-, advertisements or news from, 263, 264, 269, 270, 281, 282, 288, 289, 304, 305, 329, 331, 352, 363, 468, 474, 492, 519, 529, 539, 544, 559, 592, 599, 607, 628, 639, 656, 662.

-, bandits near, proceedings of, 263, 545;

in prison at, 263;

severe bull against, 592, 600;

heads of, brought in daily, 656;

sent prisoners to, 657.

-, couriers sent to, 645;

persons sent from, to the galleys, 599;

post from, 425.

-, customs of, rent of, increased, 629;

price of corn in, 592, 593, 629;

increased taxes in, 592, 593, 600.

-, letter addressed to, 416;

packets sent to or from, 231, 526.

-, travellers to or from, 182, 193, 311, 472, 521, 716. Also in advertisements from, passim.

-, buildings and places in:—

Borgo, the, Imperial ambassador's palace in, 545.

Campidoglio or Capitol, the Senator of Rome admitted to his office at, 539;

the Pope going to, 544;

consistory held at, 592.

Campo di Fiore, Paolo Giordano Orsini's palace in, 263, 304;

body of a heretic burned in, 364.

English college at, church of, 281;

cardinals entertained at, ibid.

“liberty” of the French ambassador in, 600.

Monte Cavallo (the Quirinal), the Pope at, 281, 304, 544, 592, 608, 639, 657;

“congregation of the Holy Office” at, 540;

pleasant air and situation of, 592;

garden of the Cardinal d'Este on, 539, 607, 629;

palace built by Pope Gregory on, 539;

wood of, bandits killed in, 593.

Monte Giordano, chapel of, 539.

Osteria del Borghetto, 263.

Palace of Cardinal d'Este, the sign of the Eagle in, 529.

-, of the Duke of Sora, 304, 519.

Piazza Giudica [qy. Giudea], dispute in, 593.

-, di Santi Apostoli, feats of arms in, 270.

Ponte Sisto, a man hanged on, 607.

Porto del Popolo, 468.

St. Angelo, bridge of, bandits' heads on, 493, 539, 544, 560, 593, 657;

criminals hanged on, 600, 657, 662.

-, castle of, 545;

money sent into, 640, 662;

prisoners in, 519, 559, 600, 601.

-, -, governor or castellan of, 608, 662.

the Seminary, a scholar of, preacher at Sta. Maria Maggiore, 544.

Torre di Nona, 520;

heretic beheaded in, 364;

prisoners in, 559, 560, 629;

governor of, 559.

Vatican, the, the Pope's palace in (the palace of St. Peter), 539;

services in, 304, 329, 363, 545, 560;

ambassadors go in state to, 529;

establishment of, reduced, 540, 657, 663.

-, Sala Regia in, 468;

Sistine Chapel in, 545.

the Pope's Vigna near, 544, 639, 657.

-, churches in :—

Ara Cœli, 493, 519;

procurator of, 363.

Madonna dei Angeli in Terme, 304.

Sta. Cecilia, 364.

San Giacomo dei Spagnuoli, 560, 629.

San Marcello, fathers of, protest of, to the Pope, 545.

San Marco, the Pope at, 519.

Sta. Maria Maggiore, the Pope at or going to, 493, 520, 540, 544, 608, 657.

Sta. Maria sopra Minerva (the Minerva), “chapel” at, 304;

procession to, 545;

procurator of, 330.

Sta. Maria in Transtevere, forty hours of prayer in, for Cardinal Riario, 592.

Sta. Maria in Via, made titular, 545.

S. Peter's, the Pope at, 288, 304, 330, 545, 560;

his devotions in, on Good Friday, 364;

gives his benediction to the people from, 520;

goes to mass in, pontifically, 539;

consecration service in, 656.

-, chapel of, the Pope celebrates the Papal mass in, 560;

sacristy of, quarrel in, 264.

-, canons of, quarrel between, 264;

chancellor of, ibid.;

Jesuit Fathers, penitentiary of, 330;

vicar of, 264 and see Fiesso, Monsignore.

-, the Volto-Santo exhibited at, 520.

Sta. Sabina, the Pope goes to, 304.

Santo Spirito, the first stone of, laid, 544.

“the seven,” visited, 539.

-, Consistories held in, and business dispatched at them, 288, 330, 363, 364, 468, 592, 599, 607, 639.

-, “the court in,” persons punished for having resisted, 593.

-, ecclesiastical offices &c.:—

Camera, money for, 305;

corn to be sold to, 592;

matters referred to and demands made by, 629.

-, auditor of. See Mattei.

-, clerk of. See Glorierio; see Pinelli.

-, commissary of, 592.

Inquisition or Sacred Office, person condemned by, 657.

Dataria, the, 289;

given to Cardinal Aldobrandini, 492.

Papal Chancery, Collateria of, 492.

Penitentiary, 540.

Rota, Auditor of. See Visconte.

Signatura di giustizia, claims brought forward in, 628;

office of, not yet conferred, 630;

matters discussed in, 662.

-, officials of:—

bargelli or lieutenants of police, new, appointed, 545.

fiscal of, 592.

governor of, 601, 607, 629, 657.

a judge of, 592.

magistrates of, a banquet given by, 520.

senator of, has audience of the Pope, 592;

banquetted, 608;

may have the Signatura, 630;

orders given to, 657.

“the old Treasurer” begs for a superintendent for the Clerks of the Chamber, 492;

imprisonment of, 519, 520;

examination of, 592;

“the business of,” 629;

declares that his indictment will be drawn up unfairly, 656;

bribe received from, 663;

is expected to be executed, 665;

cardinals favouring, ordered to keep their houses, 666.

-, Redemzione, Order of, in, slaves redeemed by, 520.

Roncke, William, English merchant imprisoned in France, 216.

Ronsset, Captain, ship of, 232.

Roon, M. de, 701.

Roper, George, information against, 133.

Roquelaure (Rokelor), [Antoine, Sieur de, Master of the Wardrobe to the King of Navarre], sent to the French King, 190.

Roscoff (Roscou, Rosco), in Brittany, ship going from, 561;

a vessel of, taken, 576;

traveller to, 590.

Rosenberg or Rosemberg, William von, senior Burgrave of Bohemia, banquet given by, 531;

made a Knight of the Golden Fleece, 613, 694.

-, -, and his son, a claim between, 282.

Ross, Bishop of. See Leslie, John.

Rossell, Jaques, commissary, has addressed many memoires to the Duke of Anjou, 498;

money owing to, 649.

-, -, letters from, 175, 498, 542, 562, 578, 630, 643, 648, 660, 666, 680.

Rota, Jehan Baptiste, minister and overseer of the poor at Geneva, letter signed by, 56.

Rotenburg, a congregation of the Teutonic Order to be held at, 491;

commissions appointed to go to, by the Emperor, 637.

Rotterdam, English ships carried to, 25.

-, the burgomasters of, “would be good English with small persuasions,” 674.

-, pensionary of. See Oldenbarnevelt.

-, places in the jurisdiction of, farm of the excise of, 358;

a ship of, 543.

Roubaix, Marquis of. See Melun, Robert de.

Rouck or Ronck, William, clerk [of the Finances], imprisoned at Brussels as a traitor, release of, 688.

Rouen, the States' deputies said to be come to, 107;

the Duc de Joyeuse at, 169;

news from, 248;

report that the deputies will have audience at, 271;

divided opinions in, 376;

reported to be taken by the League, 389;

murmurings at, are dying down, 413;

goods to be sent to, 497;

a popish book printed at, 524;

abusive speeches concerning Elizabeth at, 524, 525;

persecution of the Protestants at, 632;

complaints of English merchants trading at, 700;

debts owed at, 715;

“profession” of English men and women at, 716.

-, Archbishop of, see Bourbon, Cardinal of the Scottish Bishop [suffragan] of, see Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross.

-, a cordelier in, preaches in abuse of Elizabeth, 524;

councillors of, letter from, alluded to, 457;

merchants of, 292, 378, 515;

grand vicar of the Cardinal de Bourbon at, 524;

reformed minister of, see La Tour.

-, English or Scots “popish rebels” at, 39, 40, 113, 123, 169, 471, 524, 715, 716.

-, fair at, 269;

gates of, 358;

English house at, letter dated from, 525.

-, letters dated from, 40, 113, 142, 189, 324, 355, 358, 386, 420, 434, 436, 471, 537, 712, 715, 717, 718;

alluded to, 453;

to be sent to, 112.

-, the river of [i.e. the reach of the Seine at], 719.

-, travellers to or from, 9, 40, 64, 126, 169.

Rovigo, “Polisene” of, near Venice, 354.

Rowles, Captain and his company, sent to Ostend, 685.

Roys, Abbate, death of, 282;

abbey of, vacant, ibid.

Rozos, Don Luys de, governor of Santiago, letter from, 384.

Ruan, “the Persian” reported to be coming against, 403.

Ruber, General in Hungary, death of, 491.

“Rucksbe” [qy. Rokesby], Thomas, letter to, alluded to, 39.

Rudolf II, Emperor, 223, 371;

projected marriage of, to the Infanta of Spain, 52, 403;

very forward in the Spanish King's cause, 119;

going to Cologne, ibid.;

in relation to the business of the Hanse Towns, 140, 201, 615;

supports the Papist canons of Strasburg, 160;

at the Assembly at Prague, 195, 213, 282;

arranges a match for the young Prince of Cleves, 195;

supports the new Archbishop of Cologne, 202;

proceedings of, 270;

the lords of Bohemia have audience of, 289;

titles granted by, 290;

expected visit of, to Vienna, 305, 331, 486;

his kind usage of the Dukes of Saxony, 305;

altogether governed by Padre Possevino, 311;

not of the “mould and judgment” his father was, 318;

differences of, with the King of Poland, settled, 331;

no preparations for his marriage, 353;

loyalty to, 371;

has granted Duke Casimir the administration of his nephew's electorate, 474;

surrender of a Polish rebel demanded from, ibid.;

vam Holtz's mission to, 503, 614 et seq.;

banquet given by, 531;

precautions and suspicions of, 535;

at the Cathedral church on Ascension Day, 537;

made a Knight of the Golden Fleece, 538, 613, 693;

sends Count Strasoldi to Italy, 546;

is sending the Vice-Chancellor to Breslau, 557;

hunting excursions of, 557, 579, 626;

wishes to begin the Holy Jubilee, 580;

is urged to go to the Hungarian Diet, 599;

ill-satisfied at the Pope's choice of a nuncio, 609;

does not wish to go to Hungary, 609, 641;

visit of, to Vienna, postponed, 626, 641;

the matters of East Friesland committed to arbitration by, 631;

has no confederacy with foreign princes against members of the Empire, 636–8;

has forbidden any to go from the Empire to aid in France, 638;

is remaining at Prague, 641;

candidate favoured by, for the Archbishopric of Bremen, 694.

-, ambassadors from. See ambassadors;

chamberlain of, see Spinola;

chaplains of, banquet given to, 468;

commissioners of, to the Assembly at Liége, 203, 213;

confessor of, 580.

-, decrees or orders of, alluded to, 183, 290, 353, 503, 616, 617.

-, dominions of, the late Vaivode of Wallachia flies into, 442;

jurisdiction of, a castle in Italy within, 663.

-, letter from, 200;

alluded to 637.

-, Privy Council of, member of. See Harrach.

-, resolution of, “upon the aggravation of the cities,” 220, 221.

Rue, in Picardy, to be granted to the Duc d'Aumâle, 551.

Rugenhill, Rogen Hill. See Willemstad.

Ruiolo, Duke of Savoy at, 609.

Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford, M. de Civille is going to visit. 76;

letter to, alluded to, 335,

-, Commissary, at Antwerp, 152.

Russia, the power in, usurped by two of the ministers, 22;

Feodor Ivanovich crowned Emperor of, 22;

wax from, 221, 222;

Bowes' embassy to. See Bowes, Sir Jerome.

-, agent for the Muscovy Company in. See Turnbull, William.

-, Council and Councillors of, 84, 85.

-, Dutch [i.e. German] faction in, 85.

-, goods brought from, 94, 133.

-, Emperor of, “the Mosco,” territory “long time” detained by, 143. And see Ivan; see Feodor.

-, interpreter of. See Beckeman.

-, Principal Secretaries of. See Shalkau, Andrea and Vacille.

Russians, vain attempt of, to take the castle of Onsell, alluded to, 80.

Rustan Bassa, Grand Vizier in the time of Sultan Solyman, 45.

Rustici, Camillo di, death of, 560.

-, Ottavio, widow of, marriage of, 270.

Rusticucci, Jeronimo, Cardinal, has been deprived of the Collateria of the Chancery, 492;

at St. Peter's, 545;

in attendance on the Pope, 608;

movements of, 657.

-, -, niece and nephew of, married, 662.

Rye or the Rye, in Sussex, French refugees at, 576, 656;

traveller at, 555.

-, letters dated or written at, 29, 554, 559, 576.

-, mayor and magistrates of, 677

-, minister at. See Morel.

-, officers of, orders to, asked for, 260. And see Dydsbery.

-, passports and letters for, 112.

-, prison at, letter dated at, 189

-, prisoner at, 656. And see Le Breton.

-, residents in, 677.

-, searcher of, 29.

Ryhove, Sieur de. See La Kethulle.