Index: P

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Padilja, Dom Pedro de, his house in Terceira, 123.

Padua, travellers to, 464.

-, letters dated at, 465.

Page, William, postmaster at Middelburg, sent with letters to England, 581, 586, 594.

Paget, Charles, a servant of the Scots Queen in Paris, assurances of loyalty by, 172;

intimacy of, with Thomas Morgan, 259, 269, 282, 299;

“a dangerous instrument,” 272;

mission of, to England, alluded to, 301, 333;

visits Sir Edward Stafford, 347, 348;

Stafford hopes to find out his secrets, 357;

in attendance on Lord Paget, 420;

said to be detected of practices against the Queen, 483;

meetings of, with other refugees, 504.

-, Thomas, Lord, is reported to have gone to Germany, 249;

goes to Paris, 252, 259, 657, 658;

protests that he will do nothing against the Queen, 269;

Elizabeth approves of Stafford's dealings with, 272;

character and movements of, 281;

said not to deal with suspected persons, 299;

reasons of, for leaving England, 347, 348, 658;

praises “the Englishmen's mass,” 349;

movements of, 357, 400;

is much “reverenced” by the English in Paris, 420;

reported “practices” of, 483;

enquiries by, 505;

resolves to go to Scotland, 515;

the French King refuses to take notice of anything done in England by, 521;

money sent to, by the Pope, 534, 535.

-, -, brother of. See Paget, Charles.

-, -, house of, searched, 348.

Painter, Paynter or Le Peintre, Jacques, a messenger, 168, 240, 272, 320, 330, 382, 400.

Palatinate, the Lower Circle of, to hold an Assembly, 50;

administrator of, see John Casimir.

Palatine of the Rhine, Ludwig or Louis, Elector, marriage of, 55, 99, 111;

head of the Protestant Princes, 93;

will follow rather than lead in the Cologne business, 94;

has joined Truchsess, 96;

reported death of, 128, 178;

said to be recovering, 134;

death of, 203, 206;

his support of Truchsess, 235;

death of, alluded to, 235, 263, 313, 405, 409;

had appointed an Assembly for appeasing the troubles of Cologne, 409;

good foundation laid by, will have no result, 632.

-, -, brother of. See John Casimir.

-, -, conference summoned by. See Mulhausen.

-, -, preachers of, 360.

-, Frederick, the young Count, son of the above, a minor, 129, 235, 313;

is only ten years old and sickly, 207;

report of his death, 302;

cannot go to Rotenburg, 385.

-, George John, Prince, Duke of Bavaria and Lutzelstein, or “Petit Pierre,” sells the comte of Pfalzburg, 61.

-, -, letters from, 400, 449.

-, -, letter to, 471.

-, -, counsellor of, sent to England, 400.

Palavicino, Pallavicino, Fabrizio, in Paris, 18;

spies set over, by the Pope, 181.

-, Horatio, expected at Paris, 18;

debt due to, from the Low Countries, 32, 73, 120122;

agrees to the business negotiated at Antwerp, 88;

in Paris, 158;

complaints against, 260;

payments by, 288;

letters of exchange procured by, 325;

will have a book translated into Italian, 333;

in relation to Monsieur's debt to the Queen, 637, 638.

-, -, letters from, 66, 566.

-, -, servant of, 352.

Palermo, English mariners in prison at, 301.

Palesieux, the Queen of Navarre lodges at, 53.

Pall-Mall (Payle-Mayle), game of, played at the French court, 216.

Palmiez or Pamiers, the King of Navarre at, 581, 582.

Pammelius, President of the Spanish Privy Council in the Low Countries, opinion given by, 48.

Panet [qy. Paget], is not in Paris, 222.

Papacy, the, the great ones of, have sworn to ruin those of the Religion, 204.

Papal States, soldiers on the frontiers of, 107.

Papist priests or “ministers,” the Low Country towns crammed with, 354.

Papists, Catholics, Roman Catholics, betrayers of, in England, are enrolled in a book, 48;

and Jesuits, coming into England, order for apprehension of, 185, 186;

called “Theomachi” and “Sarcophagi,” 228;

are all united and of one mind, 274;

disturbances between those of the Religion and, feared, in Germany, 355;

English, list of, 534. And see England, Papists in.

Pardieu, Valentine, Seigneur de la Motte, is offended with the Prince of Parma, 10;

in command at Dunkirk, 21;

at Furne, 24;

is wounded, 30, 35;

practises for the surrender of Furne, 33;

a resolute and faithful servant to his King, ibid.;

is in parley with those of Bergues-St.-Winock, 77, 78;

the town surrendered to, 78, 126;

boasts that he can burn the Queen's ships at Gravelines, 266;

as governor of Gravelines, 270;

the Spaniards seek to put out, from his government, 326;

secret meetings of, with the governor of Calais, 326;

at Lillo, 580;

sea captain to be recommended to, 653.

-, -, letters from, 79, 325.

-, -, letters to, alluded to, 332, 525.

Pardo, a Spanish merchant in Bruges, banished the town, 144, 149.

Paris, casual notices of, passim;

Assembly of Notables to be held at, 54;

Dr. Parry going to, 65;

a young Italian at school in, 114;

Sir Edw. Stafford arrives in, 128;

processions, penances and prayers in, 244;

a traitor hidden in, 289;

Huguenots in, have been so often bitten that they fear everything, 300;

Italians in, 318;

letters intercepted in, 340;

Monsieur escorted out of, by the court, 349;

Lord Northumberland's sons in, 351;

death of Queen Elizabeth reported in, 356;

plotters in, 367;

talks and assemblies in, 399;

no news from “save devotion,” 423;

King of Navarre's agents at, 480;

decorations for the Fête Dieu in, 512, 515;

news from, 615;

Italian merchants in, lend money to the King, 566;

example of, followed by other towns, 577;

pensions to be paid in, 623.

-, Bishop of, see Gondi, Pierre de;

captain of the watch of, see Testu;

deputy for, bold speech of, 267;

governor of, see Villequier;

librarian of, see l'Huillier.

-, a book set out in, 219, 651;

libellous books or pictures printed in, against Elizabeth, 218, 270, 299, 305, 321, 344;

printers of, 306, 315, 317, 331, 332, 342.

-, English and Scots refugees, Papists or “rebels” at, 3, 29, 47;

dismissal of, demanded, 82;

names and practices of, to be learned, 117;

names of, 282;

in attendance on Lord Paget, 420;

meetings of, 504, 505;

have answered The Execution of Justice, 522.

-, the King, Queen-Mother or Monsieur at or coming to, see Henry;



-, letters and despatches dated at, or sent to, passim.

-, Parlement of, at Cardinal Birague's funeral, 239;

enquiry to be made by, 314.

-, -, a president of, see La Guesle.

-, travellers to or from, passim.

-, places or buildings in:Augustine's College, 218.

Arsenal, 363.

Bastille, 28, 268.

-, captain of. See Testu.

Bayeux College, letter dated at, 624.

Charterhouse, 400.

Chastelet, 306, 319.

Church of the Cordeliers, 281.

College or school at, 114.

English ambassador's house, 515.

Faubourg St. Jacques, monastery of St. Magloire in, Monsieur's body brought to, 562, 573.

Faubourg St. Marceau, Notre Dame de Liesse in, 505, 515.

gates, ordered to be guarded, 17.

Huguenot church, minister of, 300.

Jesuits [College of], 356.

Louvre, 47, 315, 577.

Montagu College, 218.

Notre Dame des Champs, near, Monsieur's body to be brought to, 549.

Notre Dame de Paris, Monsieur's body carried to, 549, 562.

Place de Greve (now Place de l'Hotel de Ville), gibbet in, before the Town House, 218.

Place Maubert, 515.

St. Catherine's [du Val-des Ecoliers], 257.

Tuileries gardens, 51, 58.

Parma, plotters driven out of, 367.

-, Duke of. See Farnese, Ottavio.

-, Duchess of. See Margaret.

-, Prince of. See Farnese, Alexander.

-, Princess of, married to the Prince of Mantua, her marriage to be dissolved, 209.

Parry, Parrie, Dr. William, 158, 268, 269;

is returning to England, 283, 285;

believed to be honest to his prince and country, 285;

matter undertaken by, 658.

-, -, letters from, 65, 75, 76, 143, 657, 658.

Parsons, Thomas, alias Edward Bassett or Robert Bickforde, disguises of, 534.

Parvis, Henry, of Nuremberg, 437.

Paschal, one, to be sent to Spain, 162.

Pasquier (Paquier) [qy. late secretary to Mauvissière], his bitterness against England, 201, 270.

Paulet, Sir Amyas, as ambassador to France, allusions to, 167, 515.

Paulmier, Claude, physician to the French King, 65;

takes a packet to England, 491, 494.

-, -, letters from, 168, 257.

Paulo, (Pawle), Cobham's Italian messenger, 19.

Paz (Pass, Passa, Passo), Pedro de, a Spanish commander, 100, 150, 372.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert.

Péna, M. de, letters from, 146, 279.

Peñas, one of the, to go to Cubiaur, in England, 467;

arrangement with, deferred, 468.

Penitentiaries of St. Francis, Order of, erected by Monsieur, 71.

Peper Hill, co. Stafford, resident at, 534.

Pera of Constantinople, a “Greekish” goldsmith of, and his daugher, 328.

-, letters dated at, 181, 329, 355, 444, 503.

Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland, prisoner in his house, 272;

plot of, 281;

discontent of, 299;

sent to the Tower, 301;

his “trouble,” 352;

is under guard, 652.

-, -, his three sons in Paris, aided by Walsingham, 333, 351, 352;

tutor of, 333, 351;

money for, 345.

Peres, one, of Divodan, escapes from prison, 198.

Pergamo. See Bergamo.

Perrenot, Anthony, Cardinal de Granvelle, the Vice-roy of Naples to take his place in Spain, 105;

is said to be going to Flanders, 113;

reported to be left governor of Portugal, 214;

King Philip wishes Waad to have audience of, 392, 393, 395, 396;

his appointment as governor of Spain in the King's absence, alluded to, 398;

recovery of, from illness, 650.

-, Frederick, Seigneur de Champagny, proposed exchange of, 119, 246, 293;

practices of, 152;

counsel of, alluded to, 175;

plot of, at Ghent, 177, 186;

to be removed to a straiter prison, 193;

a dealer in the treaty between Flanders and the Malcontents, 361, 381, 382, 384, 389, 473;

(Schiampigni), taken prisoner at Ghent, 403;

practises to yield Ghent to the enemy, 415;

kept in stricter custody, 423;

taken to Tournay, 472;

still a prisoner, 488.

Perrot (Pirrot), Sir John, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 559, 623.

Persall, James, his hospitality to a Frenchman, 44.

Persia, Turkish army in, 41, 180, 438, 443, 572;

cities in, 86;

war of, with Turkey, 355;

affairs of, the Sultan consults upon, 438.

-, King of, 108, 428;

means to meet the Turks in battle, 443.

-, -, son of, 108, 443.

Persian army, victory of, 41, 108;

defeat of, 180;

general, see Topmack;

language, motto in, 329;

kingdom, desired by the Sultan, 440.

Peru (Peroie), ships sent to, for gold, 185.

-, Spanish governor of. See Oropese.

Perugia, a soldier of, aids a prisoner in Rome to escape, 649.

Pesaro, in Italy, travellers to, 464, 650.

Peschiera (Pescara), in Italy, travellers to, 464.

Pesclius, superintendent of the churches of Bremen, 547.

“Petite Pierre,” Duke of. See Palatine, George John, Prince.

Petou, Roger, restitution to, for goods seized at sea, 146.

Petre, Peter, [Robert, Teller of the Exchequer], a bill sent to, 453.

Petri, John and George, merchants, recommended by the King of Denmark, 432.

Petro Vaivode. See Alexander.

“Petythyt,” war of, in France, alluded to, 616.

Pevensey (Pemezay), mayor of, 557.

Pfalzburg, comte of, sale of, 61.

-, letters dated at, 400, 449.

Pfalzgrave, the. See Palatine of the Rhine, Elector.

Pfalzgraves, “the other,” 94, 95.

Pfyffer (Fifer) Colonel Lodovic, tries to persuade the Swiss to make league with Spain, 231.

Phanale, gallies taken, off, 87.

Phelippes, Thomas, papers in the hand-writing of, 190, 191.

Philip II, King of Spain, supposed understanding of, with the King of France, 6;

foreign nobles in pay of, 11;

measures of, for protecting Madrid from the plague, 18;

is desired to send ships to Flanders, 20;

Parma's assurances to, 20;

a Spanish gentleman offers to work against, 28;

is making provision to maintain the Prince of Parma, 55;

proposed marriage of, to la reine blanche, 55, 99;

intentions of, against England, reported or suspected, 75, 163, 214, 221, 301, 339, 342, 345, 470, 471, 654;

his banishment of English rebels alluded to, 82, 118, 156, 158;

his forwardness to help the new Elector of Cologne, 94, 95;

(Medea) “practise” for an agreement between the French King and, 97;

the Prince of Orange will not treat with, 101;

borrows money from the Duke of Florence, for Flanders, 105;

his warnings to the Pope, 107;

an Englishman going to, 108;

makes the Duke of Urbino his general in Italy, 113;

is uplifted by his easy winning of the Terceiras, 114;

the French King is said to have promised to declare himself against, 125;

his victory at Terceira leaves him at “good leisure,” 133;

the French King does not desire war with, 136, 234;

his favour to Pietro de' Medici, 136;

will try to hinder the Duke of Nemours from becoming Duke of Savoy, 151;

money received by, from the Indies, 151;

demands Portuguese to send against the Turkish fleet, 154;

report that Monsieur will deliver Cambray to, 162, 197;

chief aim of, is to crush “the Religion,” 169;

is said to have given orders for the exchange of La Noue etc., 183, 296;

suggestions for an “accord” with, 190;

said to love and reverence Elizabeth, 199;

prospect of France declaring war against, discussed, 204;

rumoured treaty of Elizabeth with, 204, 233, 258, 261, 434, 455;

is sending troops into the Low Countries, 208, 478;

his i great preparations, 211, 231, 271, 336, 362, 654;

has I offered no composition to Don Antonio, 214;

report that he has left Cardinal Granvelle governor in Portugal, 214;

will bend all his forces to the Low Countries, 214;

indisposition of, 215;

is said to intend to recall Parma, 215;

report that he means to go himself to the Low Countries not credited, 215;

Elizabeth's relations with, 227;

recommendation to, desired, 228;

is in good health, 229;

movements of, ibid.;

the Swiss Catholic cantons are leaning towards, 230;

messengers sent by, to Parma, Duke of Bavaria and others, 232;

his devotion to the Pope, 233;

his war against protestantism, 235;

reported new plot of, against the Prince of Orange, 242;

suspected dealings of Montmorency with, see Montmorency;

disposition of troops by, 251;

suspicion that the plot against Monsieur was prompted by, 274;

request of, for the passage of his forces through France, 295;

Don Antonio said to have come to an agreement with, 295;

sends letters and great offers to Ghent, 296;

Don Antonio planning to annoy, 298;

is believed to have sent large sums to be given to keep France occupied, 300;

Waad's embassy to, see Waad;

some great enterprise intended by, 304;

death of, feared, 305;

aid from, for Scotland, reported or feared, 326, 339;

in relation to Mendoza's dismissal, 330, 331;

promises of, to the English Papists, 333;

report that he is to marry the Queen of Scots, 337;

negotiations on behalf of, with the cities of the Low Countries, see under their names;

alliance of, with the King of Fez, 349;

reports of his “arming,” 349;

intended practices of, against France, reported or suspected, 350, 351, 359, 370;

his sharp answer to those of Artois and Hainault, 361;

the French King's intentions in regard to, discussed, 363;

his accord with the Pope and Venetians, 367;

makes the Bishop of Liége a Knight of the Golden Fleece, 369;

speech of the French King concerning, ibid.;

intelligence of, with the Duke of Savoy, 378;

good friends of, in France, 388;

his indignation at Mendoza's dismissal, 391, 393;

refusal of, to give audience to Waad, 391 et seq., 422;

his marriage to Queen Mary, alluded to, 392;

indisposition of, 395;

his stay in Portugal, alluded to, 397;

his dismissal of Waad, 399, 446;

“endeavours” of, against Elector Truchsess, 410;

desires to make a defensive league with Savoy and Florence, 419;

the Duke of Anjous “dissuasion” against an agreement with, 421;

will “avow” Mendoza in all he has done, 422;

is making a new levy in Italy, 426;

reported intention of the Pope to give Avignon to, 427;

rumour that the Turk means to trouble, 428;

is said to have intelligence with a great person in France, 433, 445, 454;

future proceedings of, fear of, 446;

having once taken a thing in hand, never forgets it, 454;

is more dangerous to France than to England, 455, 477;

sends Philip II, King of Spain -cont. money to the Prince of Parma, 460;

East Friesland said to be sold to, 465, 482;

share to be given to, of Drake's plunder, if restored, 467;

money given to, by the Pope and the Spanish clergy, 470;

death of, may make great alterations, 471;

is the cause of disturbance in Languedoc, 477;

is not likely to live long enough “to bring his greatness to pass,” 478;

the French Jesuits are “at his devotion,” 479;

the Prince of Parma will write to, 487;

claims of, if allowed, would make him monarch of all Germany, 496;

“division and diffidence” his chief instruments, 497;

aid promised by, for the Queen of Scots, 501;

affection of the English refugees for, 512;

may join with France to extirpate the Religion throughout Europe, 527;

may give the Low Countries to Monsieur or the King of France, in return for aid in his conquest of England, 528;

importance to England of keeping him occupied elsewhere, 529;

report of his death, 563, 608;

reasons for making peace with, 568, 616;

his invasion of Portugal, alluded to, 576;

is not dead, but has been ill and has the gout, 585;

assassination of the Prince of Orange said to be contrived by, 597;

the question whether peace or war with is best, discussed, 616;

has invited all men to kill a rebel, 627;

should be excluded from Embden, 629;

death of, hoped for, 630;

his offers to the King of Navarre, 632;

orders the execution of a pretender in Portugal, but pardons his followers, 633, 634;

is worn and sickly and is to take some ease, 634;

every day more melancholy, 643;

is to leave all affairs to his Council, ibid.;

debts of, money for, 644;

goes to the Forest of Segovia, 650;

(Rul) matter signified to, by Mendoza, 653;

intends to ruin both the Low Countries and Elizabeth, 654;

possessions of those of Ypres farmed for his profit, 655.

-, his power and greatness, 310;

danger from, and plans for abating, 310, 321, 338, 345, 346, 364, 389, 432, 433, 454, 455, 481, 614, 639, 602–604, 647, 653, 654.

-, letters from, alluded to, 361, 422, 468.

-, letters sent to, 4;

letter to, alluded to, 361.

-, army of, near Cleves (in 1581), 538. And see under Low Countries and Spanish forces.

-, fleet of, see Spanish fleet.

-, arms of, set up instead of the Duke of Anjou's, in Flanders, 118.

-, faction of, in England, see England.

-, islands subject to, see Levant islands;

reported league of, with Scotland, see Scotland;

orders of, alluded to, 643;

pensions granted by, 505, 514, 515, 562;

ships built for, 367;

treasure of, 334, 346.

-, banker for, in Paris, 198;

a confidant of, see Sega, Bishop of Piacenza;

a councillor of, 578;

courier of, packets of, seized, 98;

a favourite of, see Grimaldo, Don Nicolaio de;

ministers of, 15;

prisoners of, see La Noue;

see Brunswick, Henry Duke of;

servants of, complaints of, in France, 98;

a vassal of, but not in his service, 617.

-, daughters of, marriage projects for, 123, 311, 366. And see under Spain, Isabella Clara Eugenia, and Catalina, Infantas of.

-, sons of, said to be in good health, 229. And see Spain, Philip, Prince of.

Philips, Mr., paper given by, to Cobham, 167.

Philipsbourg, Spanish forces coming towards, 303.

Piacenza, King Philip refuses to take his garrison out of, 215.

-, (Plaisance), Bishop of. See Sega.

Pibrac, Pibroc, Sieur de. See Faur, Guy de.

Picardv, regiments of, 2;

frontiers of, troops on or going to, 38, 370;

garrisons in, 452;

fortresses in, to be fortified, 550.

Piedmont, Frenchmen cut to pieces in, 164;

troops in, recruited, 367.

Piers, John, Bishop of Salisbury, letter to, alluded to, 35.

Pietra Peana, in Tuscany, 54.

Pigott (Pigid), Captain and SerjeantMajor, to conduct English troops from Bruges, 31;

betrays Alost, 238, 240, 245, 246;

money received from, 517;

as betrayer of Alost, 641.

Pilloran (qy. Puylaurens), memorandum concerning, 289.

Pin, Sieur du. See Du Pin.

Pinart, Claude, Sieur de Camailles, French secretary of state, conversation of, with Cobham, 103;

sent in haste to Monsieur, 114;

sends answer to the ambassadors, 157;

paper received from, 167;

Stafford has written “roundly” to 168;

information given by 201;

is sent to Monsieur, 217;

returns from Monsieur, 231;

matters to be laid before, 253;

is sent again to Monsieur, 265, 275;

hard words given to, by Monsieur, 267;

matters passing through the hands of, 270;

spoken to, about the libellous pictures against the Queen, 299;

matter to be referred to, 316;

interviews of, with Stafford, accounts of, 416, 521, 604, 611, 638;

mentioned, 418;

message sent by, 476;

sent to Stafford, 551, 610;

character of, 621;

mentioned, 644;

opinion of, sounded, 645.

-, -, letter to, 305.

-, -, documents signed or countersigned by, 143, 145, 146, 264, 457.

-, -,eldest daughter of, marriage of, 104.

-, -, chief 'man of. See Mandat.

-, Claude (young Pinart), son of the above, to go with Mauvissière to Scotland, 517, 522, 536, 603, 604, 622;

his journey stayed, 533;

reasons for wishing to send him, 638.

Piracies, orders for redress of, given to Cobham, 167.

Pirates or corsairs, on the English coast, 297, 298.

Pitou, the post, 549.

Plantin, “Dominus,” servant of, 610.

Plaet, the, island of, between Walcheren and Holland, 580.

Plessis, Francois du, Sieur de Richelieu, message sent by, 113;

will do nothing without hope of gain, 493,

Plessis-Marli, Sieur du. See Mornay.

Pleurisy, the Greek name for mal di punta, 437.

Plymouth (Plemua), pirates or corsairs near, 297.

Poisons, an Italian said to be carrying, 119.

Poissy, Don Antonio at, 105;

election of an abbess for, 265;

the English ambassador at, 316, 317.

Poitou, the Queen of Navarre in, 104;

traveller to, 273;

a nobleman of, 440.

Poland, ministers of the Religion in, conference of, 64;

nuncio to, may be changed, 114;

treaty with, negotiations for, 141;

merchants in, 328;

travellers in, 557;

approaching Convocation of Estates in, 558.

-, Henry III's return from, see Henry III.

-, King of. See Stephen.

-, Queen Dowager of, Warsaw granted to, as her widow's portion, 558.

-, Chancellor of, marriage of, 64, 99, 141;

causes Samuel Sborosky to be beheaded, 557, 610.

-, Council of, 141, 142;

nobles of, wish to restrain the King's authority;

Palatines of, see Costa;


Poles, on the frontiers, carried away captive by the Tartar, 439;

“called Cossacks.” See Cossacks.

Polish gentleman at Constantinople, 179;

personage, formerly ambassador, 650.

Pomerania, Pomerland, traveller in, 62;

noble of, see Ramelius.

-, [Bogislav ?], Duke of, in relation to the Hanses, 589.

“Poncsot,” herald of the empire, 128.

Ponte, Nicolas de, Duke of Venice, promises of, to Shellev, 586.

-, -, letter to, 463.

Pontremoli or Pont Tremoli, the Duke of Parma has intruded upon, 55.

Poole, Dorset, note of “depredations” by those of, against French subjects, 287.

Pope or Apostolic See, preaching against, 649.

Pope, the. See Gregory XIII.

Pope, Dr. Gabriel, “a very good and learned doctor,” 44.

Popelsdorf, near Bonn, taken by the Bishop of Liége's forces, 225.

Popham, “that lewd fellow,” 580.

Poppoli [qy. Pepoli], Count Cesare de, 275.

Portland, haven of, ship seized in, 132.

Portugal, army of, has returned from the Terceiras, 108;

ship going to, 132;

is now peaceable, 133;

annexation of, by Spain, alluded to, 290, 304, 433, 602;

troops from, 334, 440;

a pretender in, executed, but his followers pardoned, 633, 634;

reported change of ruler in, 634.

-, Henry the Cardinal, King of, reign of, alluded to, 399, 537;

death of, alluded to, 433.

-, Sebastian, King of, alluded to, 632;

a pretender professing to be, 633.

-, governor general of, see Mary of Castile;

governor of, see Austria, Albert, Cardinal of;

lieut.-governor of, see Candia, Duke of;

reported successors to,-Prince of Parma, 123;

Santa Cruz, 378;

report that Cardinal Granvelle is governor in, 214.

“Portugal Billy,” the. See Robles, Seigneur de Billy.

Portuguese in the Terceiras, hanged, 105;

in the Low Countries, report by, 154;

ill-arrangements of, 367.

-, captives in Turkey, rescue of, 330;

friars, 113, 215;

mariners, 419;

soldiers, fear to leave their country, 154;

troops, see Terceira.

Post, Seigneur de, lieutenant of the Duke of Guise at Chalons in Bassigni, put to death, 257.

Pouchel, Ambrose, master of a ship taken by the English and he himself killed, 287.

Pounds, a pirate [qy. same as the following], “is practicing for shipping” to serve the enemy, 78.

Poyntz (Poins), Captain, ship taken by, 287.

Prague, the Emperor at, 225, 360;

news from, 421;

traveller to, 437;

Imperial decree published at, 514.

-, letters dated at, 321, 421, 558.

Pralion (or Braillon), German interpreter to the French King, sent to the Duke of Deux Ponts, 38.

Prat, Guillaume de, Baron de Viteaux, slain in a duel, 54.

-, M. de, a magistrate of the Free, to go to Monsieur, 253.

Prester John, wars of, alluded to, 554.

Preston, Col. Richard, murder of, alluded to, 11.

-, -, murderers of, hanged, 42.

-, -, brother of, 42.

Premier, Breuner or Preyner, Hans, Baron von, gentlemen of the Emperor's Privy Chamber, sent to the Protestant Electors, 14;

sent to Cologne and to the Duke of Saxony, 93.

Prin or Prim (“Prin Corea”), Edward, letter from, 123.

Priuli, Lorenzo, Venetian ambassador to Rome, entry and audience of, 209.

Privy Council (the Lords), Mendoza applies to, on behalf of Spanish subjects, 28;

directions of, to Cobham, 51;

in relation to piracies, 115, 132;

examinations of Papists to be notified to, 186;

the Spanish ambassador desires an answer from, 250;

dilatory proceedings of the States General to be excused to, 320;

matters to be laid before, 355;

a captain recommended to, 390;

Mendoza's summons before, alluded to, 393, 394, 396, 398;

reported dismissal of Mendoza by, 467;

charge by, against Mauvissière, alluded to, 486;

warrant of, alluded to, 519;

said to have “spoiled” Lord Paget, 534;

send Carenzone to the States General, 567;

in relation to the Hanse towns, 588, 591;

resolution of, asked for, 593;

decide upon a league with Holland and Zeeland, 642.

-, letter from, alluded to, 291.

-, letters to, 7, 279;

alluded to, 134, 286, 300.

-, petition to, 556.

Privy Councillors, certificate of, alluded to, 651.

Prodigies seen in the heavens, 411.

Protestant religion or churches (the Religion), casual allusions to, passim;

dissensions in, 5, 274, 276;

a captain of, speech of, 14;

Kings and princes of, indifference and blindness of, 274. And see Germany;

Low Countries;


Provence, Turkish depredations on the coast of, 40;

report that Marshal Joyeuse is to be governor of, 104;

Monsieur seeks to curry favour in, 162;

deputies of, stand to their privileges, ibid.;

is in arms, 229;

Huguenots of, surprise Colmar, 230;

ships preparing in, 285;

troops marching to, 370;

practices in, by the Duke of Savoy, 371;

ships passing the coast of, 585.

-, Grand Prior of, 370;

Parle ment of, 230.

Proverbs and proverbial sayings:—

Apres la mort, le medicin,” 375.

Aut Cœsar aut nullus,” 440.

Bailler les poules a garder au renard,” 152.

Bien se dize tierra di vilano sin tratto, Donde por falta del dinero cada cosa va barratto,” 329.

Bon a prendere, mal a rendere,” 40.

Clauditur oranti sed panditur aula ferenti,” 443.

Excludere facilius quatn ex pellere,” 12.

exitus acta probat,” 274.

farli entrar la pulice in Vorecchio” 564.

“He that went barefoot upon hope of dead men's shoes was in danger to be ' surbated' before he could cover his bare feet,” 478.

“Hungry dogs must follow such as gives them bread,” 432.

pendre au croc,” 325.

Piscator ictus sapit,” 12, 448.

prendre Vecorce pour le fruit,” 593.

Se sard ora rilucera,” 137.

“stirring coals,” 231.

“The head must be served if the body conserved,”443.

“Though all of exiles be rebels by name, Yet known to their Prince least part of the same,” 86.

“To take advice of one's pillow,” 394.

Turdus sibi caccat malum,” 181.

Volat irrevocabile verbum,” 181.

Pruneaux, Seigneur des. See Sor biers, Roch des.

Prussia, George Frederick, Duke [or Administrator] of. See Brandenburg-Anspach.

-, Maria Eleanora, Duchess of, daughter of the Duke of Cleves [wife of the mad Duke, Albert Frederick], her melan choly or mad humour, 490.

Psalms, the, a verse in, “includes the number of this present year,” 340.

Purbeck, Vice-Chamberlain Hatton's island, 535.

Purmerend, in North Holland, “States” of, entertained by the Prince of Orange, 254.

Puthram, Mr. [qy. Puttenham], 519.

Puygaillard. See Leaumont.

Pyne, —, has done Mr. Unton much wrong, 66.