Index: Q, R

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Queenborough, ship forced into, 652.

Querini, Antonio, 238.

Quesnoy, in Artois, Monsieur going to, 107.

Quilleboeuf, a ship plundered near, 146;

(Killebeuf), ship of, taken by the English, 287.

Quinsay or Cuinchy (Kinsy), M. de, Gougnies confers with, 232.


Racconigi, M. di. See Draconis.

Rack, the, persons put to, 424.

Ragazzoni, Jerome, Bishop of Ber gamo, late Bishop of Arsinoe, goes as nuncio to France, 222, 233;

news from his house ob-' tained by Stafford, 267;

hopes for a general broil in England, 282;

orders of, for arrest of an English subject, 287;

consultations at his house, 298, 299;

interferes on behalf of Verstingham and the Paris printer, 315, 319, 331, 342, 416;

carries cardinals' hats to French dignitaries, 316;

is to have audience, 365;

audience of, 369;

his protection of the Queen's rebels, 417;

a spy upon, 452;

indignation of, that Stafford has audience before him, 562;

orders to, alluded to, 623,

Ragusa, letters sent by way of, 181.

Raigny, one, opposition of the Mignons to, 165.

Ralegh (Rawlye), Sir Walter, illspeeches concerning, 78.

-, -, brother of, going to the Indies, 463, 501.

Ram, Frederick, troops under, serving Truchsess, 96.

Rambouillet, Marquis of. See Angennes.

Ramelius, Henry, a noble of Pomerania, 100.

Rammekens by Flushing, Castle of, Count van den Berg and his wife prisoners in, 247;

garrison at, 554.

Randan, Charles de, quarrel of, with Lavardin, 445.

Randolph or Randall, Thomas, former ambassador to Scotland, 45, 378.

Rapamat, near Pera, letters dated at, 441, 572.

Ratclif, —, jurat of Rye, 557.

Ratcliffe, Ratclyfe [Egremont], plotter, alluded to, 109.

-, Thomas, Earl of Sussex, lord chamberlain, 309.

Raust, Captain, men of, killed, 148.

Ravenna, travellers to, 464.

Ravestein, Reustum, letter dated at, 610.

Reault (Reux), Constantin de, to go to England, 39.

Rebours (Rebous, Reaburse), Captain, a gentleman of Monsieur's, 149;

sent to the States, 152, 177;

his attempt to over come Bruges, alluded to, 255.

Recenti, Paolo, an Italian dealing in poisons, 119.

Rechtere, C. de, greffier of Holland, document signed by, 132.

Regol, Hans, servant of a merchant at Dunkirk, 635.

Reiffenberg, Count, holds Kaiserswerth, 96.

Reifferscheit (Rederskaithe), Count of, of the chapter of Cologne, said to be killed, 255;

joined the new bishop to annoy the Count de Mœurs, 490;

made governor of Kaiserswerth, ibid.

-, -, kinsman of. See Solms, Adolf, Comté de Mœurs.

Reinsh, Captain, Truchsess threatens to stab, 112.

Religion, public exercise of, all princes claim power to regulate, in their own dominions, 568;

those of the, see Huguenots;


Rem, Carlo, formerly ambassador from the Emperor to Castile, imprisoned at Ghent, 177.

Rennes, parlement of, moneys demanded from, by the King, 162.

Repentis, Order of. See Battus.

Requesens, Don Luis de, Comendador of Castile, his government of the Low Countries alluded to, 524;

plots of, to murder the Queen and the Prince of Orange, 525;

time of, alluded to, 569.

Retz, Isle of, Brittany, 37.

-, Duke and Marshal of. See Gondi, Albert de.

Revell, William, goes from Spain to England, 470.

Reynolds, -, a fugitive in Paris, 282.

Reysschot, Pierre van, commissioner from Ghent to treat with the Malcontents, 375.

Rheims, English papists at, 3;

death of an Irish bishop at, 108;

English “rebels” at, 117;

kind treatment of English fugitives at, 289;

English at, misery of, 420;

Dr. Allen at, 534.

-, seminary of, a member of, letter from, 288;

President of, see Allen, Dr. William.

-, university of, 289.

Rheinberg. See Berck.

Rheindorf, taken by Truchsess, 96.

Rhine, the, boats or travellers captured on, 7;

troops on or crossing, 49, 128, 255, 277, 313, 324, 372, 408, 422, 489, 554, 561;

traffic on, stopped, 91, 286;

between the armies of the two Electors, 153;

places on, belonging to Truchsess, alluded to, 235, and see Berck, Ordingen;

persons thrown into, 411;

passes or tolls taken on, 462.

-, Circle or Kreis of, ordered to “break” Ségur's negotiation, 546.

-, wine, difficulty of conveying, 150, 286, 313.

-, Palatine of the. See Palatine, Elector.

Rhodes (Rodus), Turkish galleys of, capture Maltese galleys, 107;

Turkish admiral at, 180.

Ribiera, Giovanni de, complaint against, 276.

Richebourg, Marquis of. See Melun.

Richelieu, “the great provost,” preparation of ships by, 264, 266, 418;

his intimacy with the Duke of Guise, 265;

is gone towards Rochelle, 423.

-, Sieur de. See Plessis, Francois du.

Richmond, Surrey, letters dated at, 580, 603, 607, 622.

Ridderland. See Roderland.

Ridolfo, Signor, killed in the war of Siena, 275.

-, Baglioni Perugino, Signor, in the service of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, 275.

Rimini, travellers to, 464.

Robinson, John [qy. Walsingham], 518, 549;

letters to, 504, 514.

-, William [qy. George Norton], letters from, 504, 514;

alluded to, 518, 549.

-, -, illness of, 505.

-, -, payment to, 549.

-, William, sent from the Inquisition at Rome to the galleys, 301.

Robles, Gaspard de, Seigneur de Billy, son-in-law of, taken prisoner, 223;

“the Portuguese Billy,” 496.

Robles, Lordship of. See Vittemont.

Rochelle, La, travellers at, 65;

doings at, known to Stafford, 223;

a naturalized burger of, 290;

Richelieu goes to, 423;

no fear of an enterprise against, 452;

the Queen's hesitation to give aid to, alluded to, 529;

design of, broken, 572.

-, people of, Rochellois, alarm of, 6;

warning to be given to, 273;

are suspicious of Epernon's mission to Navarre, 519;

keep good watch, 572;

writings of, against La Noue, alluded to, 575.

-, letter dated at, 56.

-, mayor, bailiffs, etc., of, letter from, to the Queen, 56.

-, ships of, captured, 56;

injured by storms, 572;

lost, 605.

Rochepot, Count de la. See Silly.

Rochester bridge, plot against, 658.

Rochet [qy. La Rochette], goes to see Stafford, 197.

Roderland or Ridderland, the Malcontents enter East Friesland by way of, 465;

Malcontents “spoiling and spending in,” 482;

an appanage of Count John of East Friesland, the Spaniards in, 496.

Rogers, Daniel, the Queen writes on behalf of, 110;

efforts for his release, 377, 415;

negotiation on behalf of, 489–491;

the Duke of Cleves recounts the circumstances of his capture, and his own vain attempts to procure his release, 538.

-, -, brother of, has presented a petition to the Queen, 462;

brothers and kinsmen of, petition of, alluded to, 538, 539;

should sue their claim by ordinary law, 540.

-, Dr. John, his embassy to the Hanse towns, alluded to, 8, 191.

-, -, notes by, 588.

Roghes or Rogghe, Eustace, letter from, 566;

letters to be sent to, 40.

-, -, wife of, 40.

Rohan, damoiselle de, the Duke of Nemours' son by, 83.

Roman adage, quoted, 440;

expedition of the Emperor, money for, 407.

-, barons, possessions of, taken by the Pope, 68;

fortify themselves against the Pope, 105;

the Pope warned to cease proceedings against, 107;

the lieutenant-general of the Pope slain by, 114.

-, Catholics. See Papists.

-, States, 18;

banished men in, 19, 68.

Romans, King of, may perhaps be chosen by the Electors, 95.

-, the ancient, considered terror to be important to victory, 407.

Rome, a young Englishman sent to, 3;

the Due de Joyeuse at, 17, 19, 60;

troubles in, 18;

court of, unpopularity of Spaniards at, 19;

forces arriving at, 55;

travellers to or from, 75, 481, 534, 623, 636;

the Due de Joyeuse leaves, 99;

people of, skirmish with the Pope's new garrison, 107;

murders in, 114;

news from, 114, 133, 209, 649;

English and Irish rebels at, 156;

bands of bravoes near, to be disbanded, 209;

Due. de Joyeuse's visit to, alluded to, 252;

an Englishman conveyed away to, 416;

former French ambassador at, mentioned, 441;

travellers staying in, 464;

posts sent to, 505;

a Council at, 530;

English spy at, see Engleby.

-, ambassadors to and from, see Ambassadors;

clerk of the Chamber at, 209;

datario, 650;

governor of, 209;

inquisition at, 68, 236, 301;

protector of the Spaniards in, see Medici, Cardinal de';

procurator of, see Fitzsimons.

-, signatura di brevi at, 650.

-, Cardinal d'Este's house in, 17;

Castle [of St. Angelo] at, 133, 649, 650;

castles round about, to be razed, 105;

towns near, garrisons sent into, 55;

Transpontina, 650.

-, Church or religion of, upholders of, 5, 619, 620, 621.

-, letter dated from, 301.

-, see of, believed to be endangered by the “business of Cologne,” 97;

consistory held at, proceedings in, 209, 650;

“the old Catholic and Apostolic religion of” should alone be permitted in France, 216.

Roquelaure (Rockelore), Antoine, Sieur de, Master of the Wardrobe to the King of Navarre, his “garderobe” or lodgings, 582, 584;

discourse of, concerning the King of Navarre, 592.

Rosco, a Spanish merchant at Bruges, sent out of the town, 149.

Ross, Bishop of. See Leslie, John.

Rossell (Rosello), Jaques, Commissary, sent to pacify the garrison at Bergen-op-Zoom, 195.

Rotenburg, Assembly summoned at, but not held, 112;

Imperial Assembly summoned at, 385, 408, 429, 530;

the Emperor's faction overpowers the Protestants at, 632.

Rotterdam, merchants of, ship of, taken by Englishmen, 132;

cardinal at, 341;

a suspected person examined at, 524, 525.

-, burgomaster of. See Meliss.

-, letter dated at, 341.

Rouen, English at, 5;

Jesuits' books sent to, 28;

an English prisoner at, pardoned, 48;

travellers to or from, 57, 340, 504, 505, 514, 652;

young Englishmen en pension with priests at, 58;

ships going to or from, ibid.;

English rebel subjects at, 82, 117;

resident at, 169;

English at, watched, 173;

enquiries, “what stir” the English Papists keep at, 199;

English “fathers” in, hated, 219;

money borrowed from, by the King, 249;

English subject arrested at, 286;

Dr. Allen goes from, to Paris, 315;

a letter to be sent from, 331;

merchants of, bill of credit to be paid by, 333;

French King's farmers at, 357;

news from, 414, 469;

book sent to be printed at, 522;

the States' deputies leave, 645.

-, (Rone), letters dated at, 109, 185, 200, 335, 340, 357, 519, 549, 657.

-, Archbishop of, see Bourbon, Cardinal de;

suffragan bishop of, see Leslie, Bishop of Ross.

-, captains of, 173.

-, Parlement of, refuses to stop “the preaching of the gospel” in Normandy, 37.

-, shrine of Saint Romain at, “pernicious privileges” formerly granted to, 205.

Roy, Jaques, master of a ship taken by the English, 287.

Ruan, Sieur de, sent to the Queen by Monsieur, 74.

Ruan, in Persia, yielded to Osman Basha, 86;

fortresses built in, 180.

Rucellai (Rucelay), Jerome, a noble Florentine, going to England, 614.

Rudolf II, Emperor, refuses to act against Protestants of Aix, 12;

orders Protestant Electors to maintain the constitutions of the Empire, 14;

efforts of, to settle the business of Cologne, 63;

William Waad sent to, 85, 224;

has lost a faithful servant, 88;

great service done to, against the Lutherans, ibid.;

the Electors appeal to, concerning the Archbishop of Cologne, 93;

absence of, from Vienna, 97;

orders those of the Empire to serve neither Elector of Cologne, 107;

Elizabeth has appealed to, for Daniel Rogers, 110;

his proposed marriage to the eldest Infanta of Spain, 123, 558;

sends Archduke Mathias to Saxony “to effectuate the Concordia,” 128;

a soothsayer predicts ruin to, 130;

is about to bring in the new Calendar, 134;

in relation to the cause of the Hanse towns, 224;

his resentment against Count Edzard of Embden, 224, 225;

embassies to, proposed, 225, 436;

money granted to, 354, 407;

orders Assembly of Imperial towns, 360;

summons Assembly at Rotenburg, 385, 408, 429;

his attempts at arbitration will be in vain, 410;

resolution sent to, by the Electors, 421;

has given orders for Ségur's arrest, 442, 449, 546;

Ségur has written to, 450;

resolves not to enforce the decree of the Diet of Augsburg against the Merchants Adventurers, 514, 518;

is enjoying the chase, 558;

the Hanse towns complain to, against the Merchants Adventurers, 589, 590, 591;

faction of, successful at Rotenburg, 632.

-, decree of, concerning the Merchants Adventurers, 513.

-, letters from, 90, 71, 102, 321, 517;

alluded to, 139, 178, 224, 421, 422.

-, letters to, 450 (2);

alluded to, 223, 546.

-, ambassadors of, see Ambassadors;

counsellor of, 11;

French secretary resident with, 558;

gentleman of his chamber, see Preuner;

vice chancellor of, 224, 225.

-, commissioners or deputies of, at Frankfort, 127, 133, 178;

to Dunkelsbuhl, 360;

to the Assembly at Rotenburg, 385, 408, 429;

at Aix-laChapelle, 403;

at Cologne, see Curtius;

envoy of, to Cleves, 490.

-, court of. See Imperial Court.

-, sister of. See Spain [Anne of Austria], late Queen of.

Rueil, Ruel, near Paris, Don Antonio at, 38, 214;

the poor of, complain of the taking of their provisions, 215.

Rugghenhill, a village of Holland, fortified, 151.

Ruggieri, Cosimo di, sent with letters by Monsieur, attacked and robbed, 104.

Ruisseau, M. de, advocate and counsellor of the Scottish Queen, recommended to Walsingham, 35.

Rupel, the river, “which goes towards Brussels,” 153.

Rupelmonde (Riblemont), 211, 270, 324;

soldiers of, go to Antwerp, 154;

troops of the enemy at, 210;

the enemy at, ships taken by, 213, 237;

strong houses near, taken, 219.

-, castle of, given up to the enemy, 151, 153, 169, 171, 175, 182, 186, 194, 208;

proposal to batter, 176;

troubles I the passage of the river, 246;

captain of, see Waes, bailiff of.

Ruremonde, governor of, taken prisoner, 247.

Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford, 6;

greetings sent to, 266;

book dedicated to, 316;

as Bizarri's “old lord and master,” 551.

-, “Lord,” message to, 559.

-, Sir William, proposed as “colonel of the horsemen,” 312.

Russia or Muscovy, English merchants to have free trade into, 99;

trade with, by the Society of English Merchants, 138;

and Denmark, possible war between, 139;

English trade into, negotiations concerning, 191;

and Sweden, peace between, 293;

English ships going to, 294.

-, Czar of. See Ivan;


-, “The Four Wise Men” appointed as rulers of, by the Czar Ivan's will, 558.

-, nobles and people of, desire j the King of Poland for their ruler, 558, 609.

Rusticucci (Jerome), Cardinal, 99.

Rustie, Averell or Gabriel, a gunner. See Gabriel.

Ruthven Raid, the, “partakers of,” not to be prosecuted further, 172.

Ruthven, William, Earl of Gowrie, is said to have escaped to Berwick, 465;

is apprehended, 471, 517;

said to have negotiated with Leicester and Walsingham, 501;

plot of. See Scotland, plot in.

Rutland, Earl of. See Manners.

“Rutyncque,”or “Rutyucque,” 147.

Rydall, Artus, a Papist, going into England, 186.

Rye, travellers to, 6;

officers of the port of, order to, 185;

searchers of, have opened Stafford's letters, 387, 457;

a Frenchman imprisoned at, 556;

travellers from, 652.

-, letter dated at, 45.

-, mayors of, see Didsbury, William;

Carpenter, Robert.

-, jurats of, see Edolf, Thomas;

Jackson, Robert;

Ratclif, —.

Ryhove, Sieur de. See Kethulle.