Index: N, O

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Index: N, O', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: N, O', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: N, O". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Namur, the Duchess of Parma at, 50, 69;

an Englishman captured near, 108;

Spanish forces at or near, 513, 550, 561.

Nantes, travellers to or from, 136, 333, 387;

ship of, 173;

ship of, captured, 287.

Naples, galleys of, 107;

news from, 209;

Englishmen sent to the galleys at, 301;

money sent to, 644;

Spanish forces sent to, 650.

-, kingdom of, 427, 464;

subjects of, 68;

forces in, for the King of Spain, 292.

-, vice-roy of, see Giron, Duc d'Ossuna;

the Prince of Parma said to be appointed, 310.

Narbonne, in Languedoc, 252, 371.

-, Bishop of. See Arques.

Narva, the, English ships going to, captured, 292.

Nassau, Catherine of, widow of the Count of Schwarzenburg and sister of the Prince of Orange, goes into Zeeland, 11;

is going into Germany, 177.

-, Countess of [qy. Prince of Orange's mother], courtesy received by Roger Williams from, alluded to, 553.

-, Henry Frederick of, youngest son of William of Orange, birth of, 321;

not yet christened, 504.

-, Count John of, the Emperor writes to, 91;

has joined Truchsess, 96.

-, -, regiment of, 51, 55, 96.

-, Justin of, natural son of the Prince of Orange, 171.

-, Ludovic of. See Count William Louis of, below.

-, Mary of, the Prince of Orange's sister, wife of Count van den Berg, with him in prison, 242, 247, 255.

-, Count Maurice of, second son of William of Orange, made general of the camp, 194;

a student at Leyden, 563;

will probably be accepted as chief, 581;

to have his father's seigneuries and title, 630;

takes possession of his father's papers, 631;

description of, ibid.

-, -, grandfather of. See Saxony, Duke Maurice of.

-, Philip of, Count of Buren, eldest son of William of Orange, in Spain, 630.

-, William of, Prince of Orange (the Prince, his Excellency), aid from, desired, 1;

has no money with which to aid Flanders, 8;

goes to Middelburg to meet the States General, 10;

proposal to make, Count of Holland and Zeeland, 10, 204, 555, 560;

in Zeeland, 11, 20, 21, 25, 32;

believed to wish to make himself “Earl,” 21;

the “Four Members” have written to, 22;

is hated by the commons of Flanders, ibid.;

“shall be delivered into the hands of the King of Spain,” 24;

urges the return of the French, 25, 42, 43, 81;

sends to the Governor and Four Members of Flanders, 25, 26;

measures taken by, to protect Sluys, 27;

reported feeling against, at Antwerp, 28;

has given orders to redress matters in Flanders, 32;

says that their not receiving Monsieur is the cause of their troubles, 33;

refusal of Zeeland to accept, as Count, 34;

is to meet the States General, ibid.;

has few friends in Bruges, 42;

is thought to make no account of England, 43;

explains his views to Norreys, 45;

unpopularity of, in consequence of his support of Monsieur and the French, 56, 75, 189, 237;

the Four Members of Flanders act without advice or consent of, 56;

factions for and against, at Ghent, 69;

escorts Biron to Flushing, ibid.;

at Middelburg, with the States, 74, 80;

the Hollanders call him a traitor, 78;

to be chief of the Council of State, 80, 127, 150;

does not like the proceedings of the Prince of Chimay, 81;

is “loth to be forward,” ibid.;

advice of, to Monsieur, 98;

is going to Dordrecht to meet the j States General, 100;

is I resolved not to treat with Spain or the Malcontents, 101;

is much talked against in Holland, 110;

at Dordrecht, 110, 169, 192;

Palavicino and Spinola's debt to be “recommended” to, 121;

Ghent will have nothing to do with, 127;

goes to Geertruydenberg, 137;

Monsieur will leave all in charge of, if received again, 144;

information sent to, 149;

will get the opinions of the provinces, whether to continue the war, 150;

will be made Count of Holland and Zeeland at the Assembly at Dordrecht, if at all, 150;

fortifies villages on his own property, 151;

grieves to see disorders, but cannot remedy them, 152;

fear that Brabant and Flanders will separate from, 169;

hesitancy of, to accept the titles offered him, 171, 177;

favour of, sought by Flanders, 183:

SégurPardailhan goes to, 186;

still urges the return of the French, 188, 202;

chosen as “chief governor over all,” by the States, 192;

said to be made “Earl of Holland and Zeeland,” 195, 254, 261, 560;

succours sent by, to Flanders, 196;

answer of, to Elizabeth, alluded to, 203;

is going to the Hague, 207;

fresh offer to, from Monsieur, 219;

the burgomasters and magistrates of Bruges in favour of, 219, 383, 389, 425;

messages sent by Elizabeth to, 233, 234;

Walsingham asked to write to, on behalf of the English troops, 239;

gives order for money for Alost, 240;

reported plot against, 242;

sends pay to the mutineers at Bergen, 246;

Mendoza demands to know whether England considers him a rebel or no, 250;

has agreed to receive Monsieur again, 253;

divided opinions concerning, 262;

gives licence for victuals to be sent to the enemy, 271;

sends for Col. Morgan into Holland, 297;

his opinion of Roger Williams, 309, 310;

Villiers' arguments to. 311;

friends of, wish he would give up “the French humour,” ibid.;

Roger Williams complains that he gives him a command, “but never a penny,” 313;

sends troops to Terneuse, 319;

if he had been believed, the Spaniards would long since have been chased out, 336;

captains of Flanders urged to leave, 337;

asks Norreys to stay at Delft, 339;

at Delft, 346, 415;

his entanglement with France, 346;

advice of, not taken, yet calamities attributed to, 353;

reiters levied by, 354;

Princess of Chimay is for, 374;

ill-results of not following his advice, 375;

relations between the Prince of Chimay and, 382, 404, 426, 453;

small hope of help from, in Flanders, 383;

seeks to win Sluys and Ostend to his side, 384;

puts a garrison into Sluys, 403, 404;

expense to, of the maintenance of foreign horsemen, 409;

garrisons placed by, in Flanders, 423;

Truchsess is going to, 431;

might have saved Ypres, 447;

sends men to Zutphen, to “mine” the forts, 458;

goes to confer with Truchsess and Neuenaar at the Hague, 469;

dislike between Hembyse and, 473;

Sluys remains “at the devotion” of, 473;

intercepted letters sent to, 474;

Scots soldiers will not serve against, 484;

present popularity of, in Ghent, 488;

Elector Truchsess with, 489;

still in Holland with the States, 504;

Rowland Yorke ! may be sent to, 507;

former, plots against, 524–526;

may not be able to hold Holland and Zeeland, 527;

good service to, ! by English captains, 554;

will never be Count of Holland while the two Villiers manage his state and wars, 555;

a commissioner at Delft apprehended for speaking against, 560;

opposition to, at Middelburg, ibid.;

orders villages and corn “in the power of the enemy,” to be burnt, 561;

is pleased by Sir Philip Sydney's remembrance of his son, 563;

Carenzone lays his scheme before, 564;

directions from, to Carenzone, 565;

case recommended to, 566;

is liberal of promises to Flanders, but nothing more, 568;

expected at Middelburg, 569;

patience and magnanimity of, and calumnies against, 575;

unpopularity of his last marriage, ibid.;

views of, concerning the debt to the Queen, 576;

if he has not followed advice, it is because he thought “other counsel” better, 577;

his friendship for the King of Navarre, 578;

of late “slenderly accounted of,” 595;

sought above all God's glory and the liberty of the Provinces, 601;

believed to be working for his own ends, 617;

murder of, see below;

was deceived by Gerard's statements, 627;

buried at Delft, but to be translated, 628;

offers to, from the French King, 628;

had not a hundred guilders in hand at his death, 631;

funeral of, alluded to, 632;

invitation of, to Truchsess, alluded to, ibid.;

Roger Williams much beloved by, 642;

his confidence in Carenzone, 648.

-, -, murder of (this miserable accident), 573, 578, 580, 587, 592, 594, 597, 598;

alluded to, 593, 596, 599, 600, 601, 604, 607, 609–611, 617, 618, 622, 628–630, 646, 648;

said to have spoken never a word, 580, 592, 594;

his last words, 598, 601, 607;

death of, condolences upon, 698, 606;

resolution to avenge, 587, 626;

consequences of, 595, 600, 602, 617, 635;

epitaphs on, 610;

report of the physicians concerning, 587;

alluded to, 628;

easy access given by Villiers to the murderer, 626, 627;

death of, public fast for, 641.

-, -, articles presented to, and answers by, 653.

-, -, letters from, 43, 72, 260, 320, 352, 353, 362 (2), 486;

alluded to, 134, 563.

-, -, letters to, 118, 373;

alluded to, 513, 564.

-, -, wife of. See Orange, Princess of.

-, -, sons of, see Nassau, Philip, Maurice, and Henry Frederick of;

natural son of. See Nassau, Justin of.

-, -, orphan children of, recommended to Elizabeth, 574, 578, 579.

-, -, commissions granted by, 11, 255;

credentials to, alluded to, 567;

libellous placard against, 336;

papers and memorials of, 631;

proposals to be taken to, 508 510;

“Reasons for aiding,” 187;

will of, not fully “absolved,” but perfect and sufficient, 630.

-, -, adherents of, try to surprise Ghent, 451;

commissioners or envoys sent to, 190, 295, 402, and see Burnham;

officer recommended to, 373;

party of, information from, not trustworthy, 618;

persons put in office by, displaced, 366.

-, -, court of, at Delft, 513;

promises of help from, 296;

money granted to, for the wars, 311;

money sent to, from England, 312;

palace of, fire at, 70;

places assured to, see Dendermonde, Ostend, Sluys.

-, Count William Louis of, proposed as general in Friesland and Gueldres, 150;

camp marshal in Elector Truchsess' army, 429;

“the marshal,” 431;

sent to be governor of Guelderland, 516;

will probably continue governor of Friesland, 581.

Navarett, Contador, his capture by Monsieur (in 1581) alluded to, 387.

Navarre, King of. See Henry.

-, Queen of. See Margaret.

-, Margaret, Princess of, proposed match of, with the Duke of Savoy, 164;

hopes of diverting, from the Religion, 181;

report that the French King wishes to marry, 480, 512, 545.

-, Spanish governor of. See Almazan, Marquis of.

Needham (Nedham, Nidem), Francis, a servant of Walsingham's, 401, 414.

-, -, letter from, 419.

Nemours, Duke of. See Savoie, Jacques de.

-, Duchess of. See Este, Anne d',

Nérac, 251, 592:

document dated at, 5;

the King and Queen of Navarre to meet at, 419, 427.

Nesle, Francoise, Marquise de, daughter of the Cardinal de Birague, receives the Queen of Navarre's ladies, 59, 99.

Neuchatel, Neuf-Chatel, soldiers imprisoned at, 79.

Neuenaar, Neuenahr, Count of. See Solms, Adolf von.

Neufville, Nicolas de, Seigneur de Villeroy, secretary of state, the Duke of Anjou lets himself be governed by, 16;

ambiguous answers drawn up by, 215;

prompts the King to ask about Ségur's journey, 230;

apologises for the King's hot speeches, 251;

in relation to the prospect of war, 370;

speech of, concerning Montmorency, 378;

packet of, stolen, 380;

has been with the Spanish agent, 387;

complains of England's want of trust, 399;

says the King will see nothing unless constrained, 476;

letters to be shown to, 511, 512;

character of, 621;

at audience, 633.

-, -, letters of, alluded to, 445.

-, -, house of, 365, 428.

Neuilly, Etienne de, President of the Parlement of Paris, a council held in his house, 537.

Neuss, Nuys on the Rhine, Malcontents at, 257.

Neux, Francois Rasse des, letter from, 44.

Nevers, Duke of. See Gonzaga, Louis di.

Nevill, Nevil, Charles, Earl of Westmorland, in Flanders, 23, 495;

made colonel of English soldiers serving Parma, 278;

pretended attempt to kill, 516, 517;

narrow escape of, 615, 641.

-, -, lieutenant of. See Samson;

ensign-bearer to, 517.

-, Edmund. See Latimer,

Newcastle, ships should be kept at, 339;

officers at, 358.

Newfoundland, Terre Neuve, ships going to, for fish, 185;

ships from, 287.

Newhaven (le Hableneuf), Sussex, resident at, 557.

Newhaven, in France. See Havre de Grace.

New Spain, Spanish governor of. See Enriques.

Nice or Nizza, bishopric of, given to the Duke of Savoy's ambassador, 114;

the Duke of Nemours puts a Spanish garrison into, 151.

Nicolls, John, arrested at Rouen, 286.

Nieuport (Newport), in Flanders, 10, 338, 381;

besieged by the Spaniards, 19, 21, 22;

Flemish troops in, allowed to depart, 23;

surrender of, 23, 24;

surrender of, alluded to, 27, 33–35, 45;

provisions sent to, from England, 30, 42, 523, 635;

and from Holland, 56;

Viscount of Ghent reported to be at, 71;

churches of, to be repaired, 77;

government of, given to the Spaniards, 126, 270;

castle to be built at, 195;

Spanish ships going to, 220, 271;

victuals allowed to pass to, 488;

carrying of provisions to, prohibition of, 497, 504;

troops from, leaving the enemy, 615;

“Hungars” from, 641.

-, burgomaster of, letter to, 1.

-, Malcontent governor of. See Nimierleet.

Nimeguen, Nimweghen, 431, 462;

garrison of, beaten, 148;

intended delivery of, to the Spaniards, 247;

“licences” paid at, 363;

Diet at, matters discussed at, 462.

Ninnerleet, M., governor of Nieuport, 79.

Ninove, loss of, alluded to, 375.

Nogaret, Bernard de, Seigneur de la Vallette, eldest brother of the Due d' Epernon, governor of the Marquisate of Saluces, 164;

report that he is to be governor of Lyons, 106, 445.

-, Jean Louis de, Due d' Epernon, is coming from his government of Metz, 39;

the King goes to his house, 37, 200;

is gone to take possession of his government, 47;

is sent to the Queen Mother, 54;

the Queen of Navarre thinks he has influenced the King against her, 59;

has been received with great pomp in Lorraine, 60;

will accommo date matters between the Kings of France and Navarre, 67;

has appeased the wrangles between the French King and his sister, 71;

comes to Paris, 103, 106;

power'of, over the King, 159, 165;

suggested marriage of, to the Princess of Lorraine, 159, 334;

jealousies between Joyeuse and, see Arques, Due de Joyeuse;

keeps the King “in a jealousy” of the Duke of Guise, 163, 164;

his quarrel with the Duke d'Aumâle's brother, 216, 217;

report of his death, 217;

anger of, against Monsieur, 298;

says they will be “set awork” against Spain, 363;

in rela tion to the prospect of war, 370;

urges Joyeuse not to “egg the King on,” for their private ambitions, 379;

packet of, stolen, 380;

refuses to exempt a town from garrison, 423;

side taken by, in a quarrel, 445.

-, -, mission of, to the King of Navarre, 463;

leaves Paris, 486;

causes of his journey into Gascony, 480, 481, 493, 494, 497, 512, 519, 521, 533, 535, 536, 548, 548;

emnity between the House of Guise and, 493, 522, 620;

the Queen Mother intrigues against, but the King holds hard to, 522;

news of Monsieur's death sent to, 533;

report that the King will make him Constable, 545;

return of, to court, expected, 550;

treaty of, with the King of Navarre was “concerning Monsieur's life and death,” 563;

is said to have been sleeping in the King of Navarre's chamber, 573;

a matter bruited by, 578;

subsequent proceedings, 581;

et seq.;

is but the cadet de la Valette, 583;

the Queen of Navarre consents to see, 592;

is said to have written that the King of Spain was dead, 608.

-, -, father of, honour and reputation of, 583.

-, -, a captain of, 17;

his house in Paris, '18, 37, 200, 494;

household of, member of, 159;

followers of, Stafford gains information from, 494;

train of, entertainment of, by the King of Navarre, 582.

Noircarmes, Jean de, Baron de Selles, to be exchanged for La Noue, 183, 296;

release of, expected, 520.

-, -, letters to, alluded to, 525.

Noisy, the Duke of Retz's house at, a wedding at, 104.

Norcia, abbey of, 650.

Nordheim, near Strasburg, letters dated at, 145, 404, 407, 412.

Norfolk, ships from, take succours to the enemy, 615.

Normandy, defence of the Religion in, 37;

English merchants trading to, 51;

ships making ready in, 82, 285, 298, and see under names of ports;

pre parations in, to be watched, 117, 223;

Duke of Joyeuse in, see Arques;

imposts in, complaint of, 167;

a gentle man of the Religion in, 201;

forces levying in, 325;

pro posed journey of the King into, 517, 536.

-, privy counsellors and governors of, orders to be given to, 52;

deputy of, makes a bold speech to the King, 267;

and is believed to have been taken to the Bastille, 268.

-, Basse, town in. See Honfleur.

Norreys, Norris, Colonel or General John, 311, 373, 431;

has gone to England, 7;

presence of, desired in Flanders, 22, 27, 30;

comes to Zeeland, 26, 42, 56, 66;

with the Prince of Orange, 43–46;

at Ghent, 74;

the marshalship of Ber wick offered to, 102;

cloak borrowed from, 123;

suggest ed as general for Flanders, 150;

receives letters from Don Antonio, 151;

expected at Antwerp, 193;

appointed lieutenant-general or chief marshal of the States' camp, 194;

quarrel of, with Col. Morgan, 204, 211, 239, 247;

instructions to be communicated to, 234;

encourages the garrison at Alost, 240;

at Antwerp, 245;

his “disquiet” at the betrayal of Alost, 246;

sent to quiet the soldiers at . Alost, but came too late, 257;

suggested for colonelgeneral of the foot in the Low Countries, 312;

challenges Col. Morgan, 352;

the Prince of Orange praises, 352;

goes to England, 352, 353, 381, 382;

“jar” between Rowland Yorke and, 554;

intimacy of Villiers with, 575.

-, -, letters from, 45, 46, 61, 101, 203, 223, 238, 285, 339.

-, -, letters to, 25, 30.

-, -, father of, 102.

-, -, brother of, sent to England, 340.

-, -, regiment of, 26, 30, 123.

-, -, troops of, 457;

gone over to the enemy, 10;

said to be gone to Alost, 70.

North, Captain John, “simplicity” of, 124;

his sinister dealings, 204.

North Sea, English merchants trading by way of, regulations for, 139.

Northumberland, Earl of. See Percy.

-, Countess of, 333, 352;

sends money to her children, 345.

Norton, George (qy.) under name of William Robinson. See Robinson.

Norway, navigation by way of, negotiations concerning, 99, 191.

Notre Dame de Hau, near Brussels, 353.

Nova Aquilla, Count of, Mondragon said to be taken prisoner bv, 408.

Nugent, William, brother of the Baron of Delvin, letter to, 623.

Numantia (Numentia), retreat of the Romans under Mancinus from, alluded to, 554.

Nuremberg, lanzknechts levied in, 96;

resident at, 437;

courier from, 527.

Nuys. See Neuss.

Nyenoort, (Nienort), the Sieur de. one of the colonels of Friesland, proceedings of, 143, 144.


Oatlands, the court at, letters dated from, 74, 83, 84, 100, 118.

Occhiali (Ouchaly, Oluchelie, Coluchely), Turkish admiral, movements of, 20, 40, 103, 108;

loses five galleys, 87;

has “agreed” with the Bassa of Algiers, 180;

conduct of Turkish army committed to, 438;

not permitted to go to Barbary, 443;

advices sent from, 502;

return of, to Turkey, 570;

goes to protect the islands of the Archipelago, 572.

O'Higgin, Miler, made Doctor of Law, 623.

Oils, imposts upon, letter concerning, 463.

Oldenbourg, county of, 496;

aid of, desired by Count John of Embden, 497.

Olivares, Olivarez, Henri de Guzman, Conde d', Spanish ambassador to the Pope, 292.

Ollainville (DoUenville), 249;

the French King going to or at, 37, 54, 239;

Joyeuse goes to, 217.

Olonne (Aulonne) near Fyochelle, seamen of, in London, 376.

Oodenburch, Oodenburg, Oldenburg, English troops go to, 31;

is “stuffed with soldiers,” 33.

Orange, Prince of. See Nassau, William of.

-, Princess of (Louise de Coligny) is with child, 10;

journeys of, with her husband, 20, 81, 110;

near her “lying down” 312;

birth of her son, 321;

“the poor widow” recommended to the Queen, 574, 578, 579;

Elizabeth's letters to be given to, 599;

sympathy with, 606;

her “house” devotion of, to the Queen, 607;

offer sent to, 628;

receives Herle in “a dark little melancholic chamber” 631;

sends messages to Elizabeth, 632.

-, -, letter to, 606.

-, -, first husband of. See Teligny, Charles, Seigneur de.

-, -, palace of, at Flushing, 632.

-, -, steward of. See Tundorff.

Ordingen or Urdingen (Ording, Orden), on the Rhine, besieged by the Chapter of Cologne, 3;

horsemen in, 51;

held by the Count of Moeurs, 96;

still in the hands of Truchsess, 469;

is expecting a siege, 489, 490. And see Dorne.

Oresund, dues to be paid at, 99.

Orleans (Orlyang), quarrels at,“nation against nation,” 13;

Dr. Parry going to, 65;

a traitor hidden in, 289.

-, Henry de, the young Duke of Longueville, his sister's marriage, 104.

Ormond, Earl of. See Butler, Thomas.

-, Elizabeth, Countess of, 388.

Oropesa, Count d', Spanish governor of Peru, 292.

Orsino, Orsini, Signor Catino, going to Zara to review the militia, 651.

-, Ludovico, is reconciled to the Pope, 98;

causes the Pope's lieutenant-general to be slain, 114;

in Tuscany, 209.

-, -, brother of, to disband his bravos, 209.

-, Raimondo, death of, revenged by his brother Ludovico, 114.

-, House of, 107.

Ortell, Ortel, Joachim, agent from the States of Holland to England, 52;

detained by contrary winds, 72;

warning against, 246;

is to inform Walsingham of all things, 320, 321;

sent again to England, 461;

matters conferred on with, 508;

to be shown “how forcibly her Majesty is solicited,” 564;

exhorts Carenzone to his undertaking, 564;

sends a young man to Holland, 565;

sent by Privy Council to the States, 642;

in the Low Countries, 647.

-, -, credentials for, 43;

alluded to, 72.

-, -, letters from, 134, 135, 307, 538, 550, 566, 592, 600, 601, 605, 622, 636.

-, -, letter to, 636;

alluded to, 320.

Orthez in Béarn, traveller to, 163.

Ortona, the Duchess of Parma escorted to, 649.

Osborne, Edward, merchant of London, 292.

Osman (Osmond) Pasha, Turkish general, defeat of, by the Persians, 41;

city yielded to, 86;

defeats the Persians, 180;

ordered to put the Tartar Khan to death, 438;

his defence of Caffa, 502;

triumphal return of, to Constantinople, 570;

present given to, 571;

towns conquered by, ibid.;

is the first Bassa after the Vizier, although not of the seraglio, 571.

-, father and mother of, were both Turks, 571.

Osnabruick (Ossemburgh), episcopal city of, witches burnt in, 213;

prodigies seen at, 411.

Ossonville. See Haussonville.

Ossuna, Duke of. See Giron, Pedro de.

Ostbourg, a village called, near Sluys, the enemy at, 337.

Ostend, besieged by the Spaniards, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27;

is well furnished with victuals and munition, 22, 30;

the Duke of Parma retires from, 30;

will be defended to the uttermost, 33;

cutting of the dykes at, has baffled the enemy, ibid;

the enemy withdraws from, 34, 35, 45;

four hundred of the enemy killed before, 35;

continues in the same state as before, 39;

the sea water let in near, 41;

provisions sent from, to Ypres, 186;

a plan to join, to Holland and Zeeland has “missed,” 296;

said to be offered to Monsieur, 315;

is under the government of Bruges, 361;

the Prince of Orange seeks to gain, 384;

mutiny at, money to be sent to appease, 402, 473;

has accepted a garrison from the Prince of Orange, 423;

mutiny at, appeased, 425;

pay sent to, from Bruges, 447, 460;

sends captains to the Prince of Orange, 460;

Prince of Parma said to be going against, 466;

discord at, so that it hangs in the balance, 472;

but in the end will be for Prince of Orange, ibid.;

is now wholly affected to the Prince of Orange, 473, 482, 485;

not at King of Spain's devotion, 489;

intended siege of, 482, 522;

Parma's forces to lie before, 498, 500;

still in the balance, 503;

garrison of, not yet paid, Ibid.;

well provided for a siege, 520;

the Prince of Parma calls upon, to surrender within a certain time, 526;

to be offered to the French King, 554;

offered to the Queen as a pledge, 630.

-, “those of,” have joined Holland and Zeeland, 466;

said to intend to burn the town and depart, on approach of the enemy, 545.

-, governor of. See Martigny. Osterweele, the dyke near, cut, 586, 595.

Ottoman, Mr., goes to France, 259.

Oudenarde, governor of. See Manuy.

Overstein, the young count of, 429.

Overyssel, Zutphen will be an evil neighbour to, 110;

cannot be kept, save by foreign help or a miracle, 576.

-, deputies of, not gone to the States General, 80, 101.

Oviedo, Matteo, Franciscan friar sent to Ireland, afterwards titular Archbishop of Dublin, 624.

Oxford, Earl of. See Vere.

Oxley, Simon, of Newhaven, a Frenchman imprisoned on the suit of, 557.