Index: M

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Maas or Meuse, the river, 626, 642;

a Spanish camp to be made near, 310;

the enemy's forces beyond, 372.

Madeira, traveller from, news brought by, 326.

-, governor of, 326.

Madran, a gentleman of the Queen of Navarre, 58, 99.

Madrid, 446;

measures taken to protect, from the plague, 18, 55;

meeting of the Cortes at, 55;

news from, 108, 113, 650;

“the bulls of the crusade” proclaimed in, 229;

a Council called in, 304;

curiosity at, concerning Waad's embassy, 419;

business to be despatched in, 467, 468.

-, letters dated at, 229, 391.

-, Council of the Hacienda at, 467.

-, Pardo or Prado at, 228.

Madril, near Paris, the French King at, 28, 37;

Madrid, matters treated at, 58.

-, chapel built for the Repentis at, 28;

a village near [i.e. Passy], 38.

Madrucci (Ludovico), Cardinal, report by, 209;

demand of, as Papal Legate, against the English, at the Diet of Augsburg, 224.

-, -, secretary of. See Minucci.

Maastricht, to be given in pawn to Duke Casimir, 630.

Maffei (Marc' Antonio), Cardinal, illness of, 209;

death of, 650.

-, -, his natural son and nephews, ibid.

-, one, a church given to, 209.

-, the Signori, a follower of, beheaded, 650.

Magdeburg, on the Elbe, a general synod to be held at, 276;

answer of, to the King of Navarre, 531.

-, bishopric of, may be given to the Bishop of Liége, 496.

-, administrator of, see Brandenburg, Joachim Frederick of.

Magellans (Magalains), the, ships going to, 305.

Mahieu, Pieter, letter sent to, 2.

Mahomet, the prophet, mentioned, 86.

Mahumed Bassa, Vizier in the time of Sultan Soliman, 443.

Maillet, M., counsellor of Geneva, 280.

Maine, Duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Maineville (Menevill, Maningvill), François de Roncherolles, Seigneur de, at the court, 222;

said to be going to Scotland, 231;

movements of, 249, 275.

Maintenon, Marquis de. See Angennes, Louis d'.

Mainz, Mentz, Mayence, Maguntia, troops coming to, 50;

Assembly at, 112;

the baths near [qy. Wiesbaden], 547;

meeting of princes near, 565.

-, Elector and Archbishop of. See Dalberg.

Malatesta, Lamberto, is reconciled to the Pope, 98.

Maldeghem (Malingham), English soldiers at, 271, 278.

Maldonato, Diego, secretary of the Spanish embassy in Paris, Stafford hopes to win, 198;

at the nuncio's house, 298.

Malleroy, Seigneur de. See Heu, Robert de.

Malta, galleys of, danger from, 40;

“those of,” wish to bar English traffic, 87;

commissioner sent to, 114;

galleys of, defeated or taken by the Venetians, 136, 181;

a ship of Venice “spoiled” at, 636.

-, Order and Knights of. See St. John of Jerusalem.

Maltese, the, molestation of English ships by, 536.

Man, Isle of, ships should be kept at, 339.

Mancinus (Macynus), Hostilius, retreat of, from Numantia, alluded to, 554.

Mandat, Pinart's chief man, Stafford desires to “win,” 201, 270.

Mandelot, François de, governor of Lyons, French King lodges at house of, 76;

feasts the King, 103;

to be recompensed for giving up his government, 106;

false report of his death, 445.

Manderscheid, Count Hermann of, sent by the Emperor to Cleves, 490.

Manners, Edward, Earl of Rutland, said to be discontented, 299;

not to go ten miles from the court, 652.

Mannins, LieVin, commissioner from Ghent to treat with the Malcontents, 375.

Mannucci, Signor (perhaps the same as the following), 244, 368.

Mannuci, Jacomo, payment to be made to, 347, [388 ?].

Manrique, Don Juan de, commander of Spanish forces, 372, 429;

lieutenant-general under Duke Ferdinand of Bavaria, 490;

Bedburg given up to, 490, 550.

Mansel, Messrs. de, 279.

Mansfeld, —, owes money to Pena, 146.

Mansfeldt, Agnes of, marries Archbishop Truchsess, 92.

-, Count, at Eccloo, 139.

-, Count Ernest of, signature of, counterfeited, 627.

-, (Mansfield), Counts of, compel Archbishop Truchsess to marry their sister, 92.

Mantes, traveller to, 119.

Mantua, church of, business of, 209;

travellers to, 464, 650.

-, Duke of. See Gonzaga, William di.

-, Prince of. See Gonzaga, Vincenzio di.

-, postmaster of. See Assolini.

Mantuan poet, the. See Virgil.

Manuy-St.-Pierre (Maneues, Mannewy), Nicolas d'Aubremont, Sieur de, governor of Oudenarde, 374;

in treaty with the Malcontents, 381;

has been at Ghent, 384;

discontented with the Spaniards, 389.

-, -, regiment of, 27.

Marburg, in Hesse-Nassau, letter dated at, 532.

Marchaumont, Seigneur de. See Clausse, Pierre.

Marches, Counts of the, town of. See Bouillon.

Margaret of Valois, Princess of France, Queen of Navarre, letters sent to, 3;

Monsieur visits secretly, 4;

is still in Paris, 17;

is ordered by the French King to go to her husband, 53;

discourteous treatment of, ibid.;

her dismissal from court, narrative of, 58;

accusations by, against the King, 58, 59;

at Chateâudun, 65;

goes to La Fleche, 67;

justification of, to be published, 71;

cause of the French King's anger against, 99;

is on her way to her husband, 104;

talks against the King, ibid.;

intended visit of, to the Prince of Condle, 105;

disgrace of, alluded to, 136;

matter of, has gone too far to be hushed up, 163;

Monsieur sends for, 197;

Bellievre despatched for her causes, 218;

not yet with her husband, 231;

goes to Cadilhac, 239;

the French King takes the part of, 250;

but is declared to be the cause of her dishonour, 257;

is going to her husband, 258;

is said to have declared herself a Protestant, 265;

report not confirmed, 266;

is said to be coming to the court, 273;

suspected of prompting the plot against Monsieur, 274;

agreement of her husband to receive again, see Henry of Navarre, in relation to his wife;

pension paid to, 288;

her husband pressed to take her again, 298;

false reports of her illness and death, 315;

said to be with her husband, 349, 420;

not yet with him, 378;

has gone to Nerac to meet him, 427;

refuses to see Epernon, 584;

but afterwards consents, 592.

-, letters of, alluded to, 54.

-, gentleman of. See Madran.

-, ladies of, dismissed. See Duras, Béthune, Vau.

-, physician of, 65.

Margaret, Duchess of Parma (late Governess of the Netherlands) is returning to Italy, 6, 50, 69;

writes to Brussels, 89;

a priest sent to Paris by, 98;

provision for, alluded to, 113;

report that she is to be one of the governors of Spain if the King dies, 123;

desires to return to the Low Countries, 190;

said to be discontented with King Philip, 215;

tries to break alliance between France and the Swiss, 334;

escorted with royal pomp to Ortona, 649.

Marienburg, Spanish forces coming towards, 303.

Marilano, Marigliano, John de, no news of his coming to Turkey, 180.

-, -, comptroller of his house. See Stephano, Giovane.

Marius, one of the banished men near Rome, 55.

“Markaie” [qy. Marquette, governor of Ypres], 457.

Marmet, M., minister of the King of Navarre, discourse of, 592.

Marnix, Philippe de, Sieur de St. Aldegonde, to be governor of Antwerp, 33;

his journey [to Cologne], alluded to, 50;

chosen one of the rulers of Brabant, 126;

ability of, 152;

not yet at Antwerp, 153;

despair and inaction of, 170 (2);

sent for, to Antwerp, 171;

to be chief burgo master of Antwerp, 210, 212;

Elizabeth's envoy to seek interview with, 233;

messages sent to, 234;

made chief burgomaster, 241, 245;

sum moned to quiet the mutiny at Bergen, 241;

at Antwerp, 246;

not sent to Bergen, 256;

his recall to public life, 258;

Bizarri visits, 261;

orders the Queen to be prayed for in the Antwerp churches, 262;

keeper of a gate at Antwerp refuses to open it for, 295;

abortive enterprise of, upon Lierre, 302–304, 307;

is one of the Estates of Bra bant, 303;

(Saint a la Gundy) is “half discontented” with the Prince of Orange, 311;

seeks to bring in Monsieur again, 319;

matters at Antwerp go on more hope fully under, 323, 324;

visit paid by, 335;

libellous placard against, 336;

re ported to be slain, 404;

said to have been present at the attempt upon Ghent, 451;

returns from Zeeland, 461;

weighty charges of, 601;

as “the chief magistrate,” pro clamation by, mentioned, 608; 624;

has suffered forts to be lost and Herentals to be abandoned, 629;

urges the people to rely on the French, 631.

-, -, letters from, 258, 275, 326, 390, 462, 598, 610, 632, 636;

alluded to, 637.

-, letters to, alluded to, 641.

-, -, statement by, 213.

Marquette (Marchetto), M. de., governor of Ypres, 296, 457 (?);

ransoms himself and his wife and children, 474;

is going to Berck, 489.

-, Captain, narrow escape of, 609.

Marron, Maron, M., secretary to the Due de Joyeuse, order signed by, 145;

letters sent by, 460, 483.

Marseilles (Marcelia), 585;

news from, 40.

Marsh [qy. English merchant in Spain], 470.

Marsovie, province of, in Poland, 558.

Martel, Nicolas, Sieur de Bacqueville, at the court, 185.

-, -, house or chateau of, 37, 57.

Marten, Capt. William, in commis sion to examine prisoners, 517.

-, -, letter from, 516.

-, -, officers under, 516.

Martenengo, Francesco, master of the camp to the Duke of Savoy, 17.

Martial, quotation from, 572.

Martigny (Matayne, Mortagne), Philibert de, governor of Os tend, 27;

imprisoned by his soldiers, 473.

-, lieutenant of, 473.

Martin, Martyn, Bartelmy, in Paris, 269.

-, Gabriel, 545.

-, George, confessions of, 524, 525.

-, Alderman Richard, Gilpin to be proctor for, 67;

a bond to be ratified by, 89;

as governor of the Muscovy Company, signature of, 553.

Mary, Queen, time of, alluded to, 591, 651.

Mary, Queen of Scots, her flight from Scotland, alluded to, 29;

Mauvissière begs Walsingham to “bear her in mind,” 32;

negotiations in favour of, 44;

rumoured escape of, 111;

report that Walsingham is practising against, 222;

the Queen Mother recommends, to Elizabeth, 264;

the Duke of Guise's speeches concerning, 299;

Mendoza accused of plotting on behalf of, 301, 333;

report that the King of Spain is going to marry, 337;

the Queen Mother's commendations of, 344, 386;

her “practices” against Elizabeth, 344;

business of, with the King of Spain, 351;

a plot known to, 387;

marriage of, alluded to, 392;

courtesy due to, from the French King, 413;

conveyance of secret letters to, and conferences for her delivery, 436;

money said to be provided by, for her son, 465;

talk of her removal, 475;

the French King will not forbid Mauvissière to deal for, 479;

her son writes on behalf of, to the French King, 499;

the Earl of Leicester thought to be going to, 501;

a messenger sent to, 523;

desires to go to the baths at Buxton, 540, 557;

does not wish Mauvissière to go to Scotland, 541, 603, 639;

news of, got by means of Mauvissière, 563;

proposal to send Mauvissière to, 593, 638;

will never cease her practisings, 596;

commissioners said to be going to treat with, 638.

-, letters from, alluded to, 3, 593;

letters for, alluded to, 486, 511;

letters or packets of, not to pass through Mauvissière's hands, 143, 344, 413.

-, advocate of, see Ruisseau, M. de.;

chancellor to, see Vergier;

kin of, see Guise, House of;

messenger sent to, from the Duke of Joyeuse, 465;

minister of, in France, reported complaints of, 639.

-, servant of, see Paget, Charles;

servants of, at the French court, the Pope sends money for, 136.

-, dowry of, in France, 172, 344;

the Duke of Joyeus wishes to compound for rights appertaining to, 456, 460.

Mary of Castile (the Empress), sister of Philip of Spain, widow of the Emperor Maximilian, governor-general of Portugal, 292.

Mass, vessels and vestments for the service of, &c., 181;

more reverently celebrated in England than in France, 349.

Massora, governor of. See Cerbellone.

“Masteyke” [qy. Maestricht or Maeseyck], Italian forces at, 554.

Matignon, Marshal. See Goyon, Jacques de.

Mauger, the widow Jehan, and her children, case of, recommended to Burghley, 358.

Mauvissière, M. de, French ambassador to England. See Castelnau.

-, Jeanne, Madame de, wife of the ambassador, 23, 61;

is with child, 499;

illness of, 519;

Walsingham's kindness to, 546.

Maximilian [I], son of Emperor Frederic III (afterwards Emperor), grant to, alluded to, 496.

Maximilian [II], Emperor, an ambassador of. See Rem.

Mayenne, Mayne, Duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Mayneville. See Maineville.

Mechlin or Malines, 70;

navigation of, impeded, 154;

supplies to be sent to, 176, 193;

the enemy's attempts to “straiten,” 353, 363;

those of, join in the attempt to surprise Ghent, 451;

plan to hinder the closing in of, 528;

to be offered to the French King, 554;

the enemy's attempted surprise of, failure of, 560;

a village near, burnt, 561;

cannot be kept, save by foreign help or a miracle, 576;

provisions sent to, 596;

depends upon the passage to Antwerp being free, 608;

straitened by the enemy, 629;

enemy's forces pass by, 643.

Mecklenburg, traveller in, 62.

-, Ulric, Duke of, Ségur visits, 441, 449;

in relation to the Hanses, 589.

-, -, letter from, to the King of Navarre, 531.

Medici, Ferdinand, Cardinal de', his “party” among the Roman nobles, 18;

escorts visitors to the Pope, 98, 99;

gift of, to the Due de Joyeuse, 99;

expected in Rome, 209;

protector of the Spaniards in Rome, 292;

greyhounds for, 646;

reported movements of, 650.

-, Francesco Maria de', Duke of Tuscany or Florence, opinion of, in Rome, 18;

takes part with Lucca, 20;

money restored to, by the Sultan, 87;

gifts from, to the Due de Joyeuse, 99;

lends money to the King of Spain, 105;

tries to mediate between the Pope and barons, 107;

the Pope going to visit, 209;

the Pope and King of Spain desire to make a league with, 419.

-, -, letter from, to the Queen, 19.

-, -, agent from, to the Pope, 209;

to Venice, 136.

-, -, daughter of, marriages proposed for, 17, 71, 239.

-, -, servant of. See Ridolfo.

-, -, subjects of, 276.

-, Don Pietro de', going as general of Spanish forces in | Italy, 136, 229;

in command of Spanish infantry in Italy, 378.

Medina, Juan Alonzo de, letter from, 466.

Meeching, Miching [now Newhaven], officers of the port of, order to, 185.

Meetkerke, Adolf van, president of Flanders, has lost all he had at Bruges, 564;

character of, 631.

-, -, wife and children of, 564.

Meliss, John, burgomaster of Rotterdam, his flyboat taken by Englishmen, 132.

Mellowes, -, 36.

Melun, Jesuits at, 360.

Melun, Pierre de, Prince of Epinpy, is with Monsieur, 90;

is going to France, 137.

-, Robert de, Viscount of Ghent and Marquis of Richebourg, 71, 372;

will retire into his government of Artois, 137;

at Eccloo, 139, 451;

said to have killed Mondragon, 149;

takes charge of Parma's army, 174, 183;

is coming to block up Brussels, 177;

disposition of forces by, 196;

comes almost to Bruges, 237;

in charge of the camp at Eccloo, 253, 278, 319, 361;

quarrel of, with Mondragon, 270;

not at the Assembly at Tournay, 326;

commends Hembyse, ibid.;

in favour of peace with Spain, 374, 381;

asked for a safeconduct by those of Bruges, 383;

thought to be discontented with Spaniards, 389;

at Ghent, 424;

orders to, from Prince of Parma, 425;

sends directions to Bruges, 426;

musters troops in Flanders, 460;

illness of, 474;

besieges Terneuse, 484;

is going to move the camp from Eccloo, 498;

received into Bruges, 516;

“for pity sake” lets pass the poor people turned out of Ghent, 523;

news brought to, 545;

sent to take a ferry in Flanders, 586;

enterprise of, prevented, 595;

is going to relieve Zutphen, 615, 641;

is at Lillo, 635.

-, -, lieutenant of, 374, 384.

Mendoca or Mendoza, Bernardino de Hurtado de, Spanish ambassador in England, information given by, 123;

conference with, 179;

said to be reconciled with Elizabeth, 220;

gives out that he is much made of by the Queen and Leicester, 222;

Admiralty judge's answer to, 249;

his reply, 250;

is plotting for the Queen of Scots, 301, 333;

said to have dined with Privy Councillors, 314;

his “objections” against the Queen, 334;

in Paris, 358, 364;

rails at England, 358;

said to be at Tournay, 374;

said to be going to remain in Paris, 379;

has audience of the Queen Mother, 387;

no news of, in Spain, 419;

King Philip will avow, in all he has done, 422;

wishes to go into Spain, 422;

asks for passport, 427;

has audience of the French King, 444–5;

is “stolen away” towards Spain, 448;

report that King Philip has recalled, 471;

(Fu) said to stir up the Catholics against Elizabeth, 501;

in Paris, 505.

-, -, dismissal of, by Elizabeth, and the reasons for it, 301, 323, 325, 330, 331, 333, 337, 391–395, 397, 467;

notes on, 444.

-, -, letters from, 7, 17, 661, 653;

to be deciphered, 322.

-, -, house of, privileges for mass at, exceeded, 301.

-, -, servants of, 320, 325;

sent into Spain, 333, 337, 422.

-, Don Pedro de, Spanish agent at Genoa, 292.

Menin, Meenen (Meannyng), in Flanders, murder of Col. Preston at, 11;

Scottish garrison at, 21, 23;

garrison brought away from, 25, 27, 33, 35;

the enemy at, 45;

dismantling of, 67, 74.

Menson, Mr., protestant minister at Embden, 547.

Merchants Adventurers, or “English Society,” antagonism to, on the part of the Hanse towns, 85, 223, 224, 589;

complaints of, 135;

Count Edzard's favour to, 85, 223;

the Emperor resolves not to enforce the decree of the Diet of Augsburg against, 514, 518;

trade of, said to be a monopoly and forbidden by the laws of the Empire, 518;

members of, at Middelburg, 641.

-, Residences of. See Embden;


-, secretary of, at Embden. See Moer, John.

Mercoeur, Duke of. See Lorraine, Philip Emanuel of.

Merle, M. de, a follower of, 198.

Merode, M. de, a principal lord of Flanders, house of, at Antwerp, 265.

-, -, Marquis of Bergen, daughter of, disinherited, 628.

Meru, Comté de. See Montmorency.

Mesnages, M. de, refuses to “leave the exercise of the Religion,” 37.

Messina, galleys at, 99.

Metz, 17, 68;

the Duc d' Epernon's reception at, 60;

messenger captured near, 359, 442.

-, governor of. See Nogaret, Duc d'Epernon.

Meurs, defeat near, 247.

-, Moeurs, Count of. See Solms, Adolf von.

Meuse, the. See Maas.

Mezieres, the French King at, 6, 16 29, 58.

Mezieres, François Perrot de, letters from, 548, 554, 559.

Middelburg in Flanders, 525, 615;

the Duke of Anjou's arms pulled down at, and the King of Spain's set up, 118;

castle of, English regiment sent to, 140;

yielded to the enemy, 174, 183;

the enemy drawn from, by cutting the banks, 194.

Middelburg in Walcheren, 2, 245, 374;

the Prince of Orange going to, 10, 21;

the States General to meet at, 10, 21, 34, 45;

troops quartered at, 31;

objects to receive the Prince of Orange as “Earl,” 34;

assembly of the States General at, 46, 69, 74, 80, 89, 101;

the States General “adjourned” from, 149, 152;

English merchants may have to leave, 224;

a convenient place for the Assembly of the States, 354;

merchants of, money desired from, for the English soldiers, 390;

ships arming at, 504;

people of, profess religion, “but otherwise worldlings,” 560;

news from, 594;

captured ships brought to, 615.

-, letters dated at, 21, 34, 66, 70, 75, 82, 101, 102, 108, 110, 123, 126, 140, 154, 169–171, 246 (2), 260, 261, 307, 415, 482, 483, 504, 507, 508, 520, 560, 570, 581, 586, 596, 606, 615, 625, 641, 643.

-, late burgomaster of, see Bekerke;

magistrates of, 560;

a pensionary of, “a papist and suspected person,” 245;

“Mr. deputy” at, 560.

Middelton, Captain, 31.

Mignons, the, of the French King, loathe the King to spend money except to fatten their purses, 163;

the King's infatuation for, 164, 165;

the Queen Mother “cannot abide,” 165. See Arques, Duc de Joyeuse;

Nogaret, Duc d' Epernon.

Milan, travellers to or from, 19, 66, 75;

entertainment of the Duc de Joyeuse at, 66;

cannon taken from, 378;

troops to go by way of, 440;

money sent to, 644.

-, governor of, his preparations to receive the Duc de Joyeuse, 54;

his care for preserving peace in Italy, 55;

the Queen's letters to, not answered, 75;

and see Grimaldo, Duke of Terra Nova.

-, letter dated at, 52.

-, Duchy or State of, 52;

Spanish forces in, 292, 650;

Spanish forces leaving, 378;

general of, see Buoncompagni, Jacomo.

Milanese, Sieur Mariano, Spanish ambassador at Constantinople, 292.

Mildmay, Sir Walter, assistance of, requested, 309.

Milford Haven, ships should be kept at, 339.

Miller, Peter, Serjeant to Captain Marten, information given by, 516.

Milon, Benoit, Intendant des Finances, presents statement of revenue to the French Assembly, 205.

Minucci, Signor, 244.

-, Minuccio dei, Cardinal Madrucci's secretary, sent into Spain, 133.

Miossens (Meausent) Baron de, first gentleman of the chamber to the King of Navarre, 584.

Miron, François, chief physician to the French King, character of, 621.

Moer, John, secretary of the Adventurers at Embden, 111.

Moffet, Captain, in Paris, 446.

Moldavia, Turkish forces in, 179.

Mollem, on the Rhine, forces marching to, 72.

Moller, Dr. William, chancellor of East Friesland, proposed embassy of, to the Emperor, 436.

Moncada, Don Miguel de, vice-roy of Sardinia, 292.

Monceaux, the Queen Mother's house, the King at, 16, 29;

the Queen Mother at, 28, 29, 161, 165;

the two Queens at, 584.

-, letter dated at, 24.

Moncon in Aragon, the King of Spain going to, 229.

Mondragon, Cristobal de, Marshal General of Parma's camp, at Eccloo, 139;

false reports of his death, 149, 615, 629, 641;

news received of, 151;

left in charge of Parma's army, 174;

proposed delivery of towns to, 247;

quarrel of, with Richebourg, 270;

forces under, 401, 569;

said to be taken prisoner, 408;

intended enterprises of, 580;

(Dragone), narrow escape of, 609;

in command at Lillo, 635.

Monferrato, Marquisate of, a castle in, 54, 55;

a place in, see Casale.

Mongolians (Mengealience), firearms used by, 439.

Mongomery, Montgomery, Count, the French King's request concerning, alluded to, 521;

servant of, 573.

-, -, letter from, 469.

-, Babeau de la Touche, Countess of, letters from, 470, 484.

-, -, daughter of. See Champernon.

Monluc, Jean de, Seigneur de Balagny, governor of Cambray and Cambresis, Monsieur wishes to remove, 11;

a castle taken by, 17;

objects to give up government of the citadel of Cambray, 104;

evil government of, 162;

proposal to displace, 265.

-, -, his wife and father-in-law, 252.

Monnikendam (Mynekeydam) in North Holland, the “States” of, entertained by the Prince of Orange, 254.

Montagu, Viscount. See Browne, Anthony.

Montargis, the King going to, 67.

Montauban, the King of Navarre calls an Assembly at, 584.

Montbe1iard (Monpleard), Count of, birth of a son to, 55.

Mont-de-Marsan (Pont-de-Marsan), taken by the King of Navarre, 251, 258, 266.

Monte, Cardinal del, nephew of, an abbot, 107.

Montfort, comte' of, given to Aurilly, 298.

Montgomery. See Mongomery.

Monti, Monty, Jacobo, a Florentine, Walsingham's poor opinion of, 388.

-, -, letter from, 347.

-, -, cousin of. See Mannuci, Jacomo.

Montigny. See Lalaing, Emanuel Philibert de.

Montmirail, the Queen of Navarre's ladies apprehended at, 53.

Montmorency, Montmorenci, Charles de, Comté de Meru, brother of the Duke, has gone to make levies in Languedoc, 367.

-, Guillaume de, Seigneur de Thore, youngest brother of the Duke, sent for, to Monsieur, 423.

-, Hallet de, sends letters to the Queen, 83.

-, Henry de, Due de Montmorency, Sieur de Damville and Marshal of France, 83;

Monsieur's assurances to, 16;

the French King seeks to win, 104;

efforts of, on behalf of Viscount Turenne, 118;

relations of, with Monsieur, 161;

is marvellously beloved, 162;

stir against, by Joyeuse's means, 173;

plot to kill, 198;

reported scheme of, 230;

intended conference of King of Navarre with, 230, 251;

raises the siege of Montreal, 249;

the French King offended with, 249, 252, 266;

suspected dealings of, with Spain, 249, 266, 350, 359, 367, 370, 371, 380, 420, 427;

influence of, with the King of Navarre, feared, 300;

intelligence of, with the Duke of Savoy, 300, 371, 380;

schemes to displace, from his government of Languedoc, 314;

proposed enterprise by, upon Avignon, 350;

the Queen Mother said to be going to appease, 359;

the King's intentions concerning, discussed, 363;

is determined to remain governor of Languedoc, 367, 371;

expected overthrow of, 370;

friendly messages between the King and, 378;

defended by Epernon, 380;

is confirmed in his government, 420;

Monsieur will mediate on behalf of, 423;

the King's threats to, 427;

and subsequent efforts to content, 427, 445;

Epernon going to, 480, 493;

the King of Navarre to have conference with, 497;

character of, 620.

-, -, eldest son of, is to marry the Duke of Guise's eldest daughter, 285.

-, -, mother of, seeks a match with the Guises, 285;

the King threatens to imprison, 427.

-, -, friends of, 197.

Montpensier, Duke of. See BourbonVendôme, François.

Montreal (Montroyal), reported taking of, by the Huguenots, 198;

siege of, 248, 249, 266, 272;

siege of, raised, 273.

Montreal, Monreal, Count of, sent to the French King from the Duke of Savoy, 113.

Monty. See Monti.

Moody, Modey, Michael, a servant of Sir E. Stafford, 347;

in disgrace with his master, 456.

Moors of Granada. See Granada.

Moravia, travellers through, 557.

Moresini, Giovanni Francesco, Venetian “Bailo” in Turkey, at the funeral of the German ambassador, 88;

offers restitution of captives to the Sultan. 181;

bribery by, alluded to, 308;

letters thought to be intercepted by, 327;

orders of, concerning intelligence, 440;

orders sent to, from Venice, 443.

Morgan, Capt. Mathew, his troop, 489;

fear that he is drowned, 597.

-, -, letters from, 247, 488.

-, Col. Thomas, proceedings of, in Flanders, 25;

those of Bruges threaten to give all the troops to, 31;

at Antwerp, 32;

contracts with Flanders for service of English troops, 57;

has accepted an ill composition, 62;

“simplicity” of, 124;

sent to Middelburg in Flanders, 140;

quarrel of, with Col. Norreys, see Norreys;

going into Holland, 297 (2);

challenge to, from Norreys, 352;

complains of being hardly used and ill-recompensed, 513;

in commission to examine prisoners, 517;

commission sent to, from Brabant, 625, 626;

troops to be levied by, 635;

despatch of, to be hastened, 647.

-, -, letters from, 65, 182, 196, 211, 247, 352, 513;

alluded to, 489.

-, -, nephew of. See Morgan, Mathew.

-, -, troops of, 30, 174, 352;

disposition of, 236;

run away to the enemy, 278;

going into Holland, 297 (2).

-, Capt. Thomas, 26, 30.

-, Thomas, refugee, is with the Duke of Guise, 57;

in Paris, 259, 269, 270, 357;

“hand in hand” with Bishop of Glasgow, 269;

the Scottish ambassador's “mignon,” 282;

goes to the Duke of Guise, 282, 400;

at the nuncio's house, 298;

traitorous practices of, 483;

meetings of, with other refugees in Paris, 504;

means to go into Scotland, 505, 515.

-, -, letter to, 658.

-, -, “of the Chapel,” in Paris, 282.

Mornay, Philippe de, Sieur du Plessis-Marli, sent by King of Navarre to French King, 105, 337, 350;

in very evil case, 178;

assures Stafford that the French King will make a league with the Queen, 351;

mentioned, 357;

Sir Edw. Stafford talks with, 370, 415;

fear of treachery towards, 448;

views of, concerning Epernon's journey into Gascony, 481;

is going into Gascony, 483;

Stafford has conference with, 494;

a messenger to be sent to, 579 (2);

lodgings of, 584.

-, -, letter from, contents of mentioned, 548.

Moro, Giovanni, Venetian ambassador in France, full of words but very wise, 164;

and Stafford, are to end a dispute, 268;

Stafford and Waad visit, 325;

gives Waad letters to the ambassador in Spain, 325, 331;

Elizabeth sends thanks to, 342, 345;

complains of the English, 358.

-, -, letters to, alluded to, 381, 419, 633.

Morocco, rich Jews in, 443.

Morostega, men of, executed' for killing their enemies in a feud, 651.

Mortimer, with Lord Northumberland's children, is suspected to be a Papist, 345.

Morton, Earl of. See Douglas, James.

Moscow, travellers to, 44, 180.

Motte, Sieur de la. See Pardieu.

Mouillerie, Sieur de la. See Lalaign.

Moulins, the French King going to, 104.

Mouy, M. de, memory of, honoured, 170.

Moy, Charles de, Sieur de la Meilleraye, vice-admiral of Normandy, 358.

-, -, letters of, alluded to, 146.

Mulhausen in Thuringia, Assembly or Diet of Protestant princes to be held at, 129, 178, 257, 263.

Muller, Andrew van, eschevin of Antwerp, 228, 236.

-, Lazarus, commander in Casimir's army, horsemen under, 51, 55, 96.

Minister, the Bishop of Liége may have the bishopric of, 496.

-, Bishop of. See Cleves, young Duke of.

Murad or Amurath III, Sultan of Turkey, “the Grand Signor,” 86, 133, 327;

makes an imposter Vaivode of Wallachia, 41;

is displeased with the admiral, 87;

said to be sending an ambassador to France, 163;

demands restitution of ships, 180, 181;

Polish ambassador murdered by order of, 179;

may help Don Antonio against Spain, 244;

his good affection towards the English, 308;

grants two requests to each new ambassador, 309;

wishes to be free to pursue his ancient enemy, the Persian, 355;

means to trouble the King of Spain, 428;

said to have ordered the Tartar King to be slain, 438;

greedily desires the Persian kingdom, 440;

his reception of Tartar princes, 441;

the Patriarch of Constantinople removed and imprisoned by, 442;

will not expel the English unless their government is “too close fisted,” 443;

places the brother and murderer of the Tartar Khan in power, 570;

false reports of his death, 571, 643;

has the falling sickness, 571, 572;

present sent from, to the Tartars, 649.

-, letters of, alluded to, 308, 503.

-, orders from, to the governor of Algier &c, 536.

-, seraglio of, carpets used in, 329;

women of, 572.

-, father of, see Selim II.;

great grandfather of, see Selim I.;

mother of, 572:

sister of, see Turkey, Vizier of, wife of.

-, son of, said to have succeeded, 643.

Murray, Earl of. See Stewart, Lord James.

Muscovite, the. See Russia, Czar of.

Muscovite ambassador, murdered by the Turks, 327, 649.

Muscovites, on the frontiers, carried off captive by the Tartars, 439;

description of, 440.

Muscovy. See Russia.

Muscovy Company, promise of money by, to Sir J. Bowes, 553;

members of, signatures of, 553.

-, governor of. See Martin, Richard.

Musnier, Jehan, sent to Walsingham, 483, 557.

Mustafa, Turkish general, “spoil made by,” at Cervan, 440.

-, chief dragoman to the English embassy in Turkey, 308, 327.

Musters, proposals concerning, 124, 125.