Index: L

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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La Charite, a messenger slain at, 17.

La Croce, Signor de, crosses Spain on foot, 244.

La Croix [Camille de?], sent to the French King by the Duke of Savoy, 300, 419.

Ladron, Count. See Lodron.

La Fere, in Picardy, Monsieur at, 38, 39, 104, 161;

troops assembling at, 81.

-, letter dated at, 74.

La Fleche, in Anjou, a house of the King of Navarre, 67.

La Fontaine, M. de, alias Lemacon, in London, 300, 415.

-, -, letter from, 46.

-, -, letters to, 46, 169.

-, -, brother of, 46.

-, Captain, a French officer in England, 557.

La Fougere, M. de, payments by, to Monsieur, 288.

La Guesle, Sieur de, a president of the Parlement of Paris, urges the abolition of “pernicious privileges,” 205.

La Guiche, Philibert de, Master of the Ordnance, foretells the ruin of France, 363.

La Hague, the Baron of, and governor there, seizes an English ship, 145.

La Hunaudaie, M. de, quarrels with the Duke of Mercoeur, 104.

La Kethulle. See Kethulle.

Lalaing, Antoine de, Sieur de la Mouillerie, and M. d'Asseliers, sent as deputies from the States General to Monsieur, I 242, 245, 246, 256;

assur ances to be given to, by Ghent, 421;

going to the French King, 513, 554, 560, 565;

have reached France, 584, are to wait where they are for further orders, 592;

Brulart visits, 618;

still at Rouen, 628;

the King desires to see their instructions, ibid.;

negotiations of, 630;

Brulart sent to break with, 633;

visit of, to Stafford, 645;

departure of, ibid.;

excuses of, to the Queen Mother. 646.

-, Emanuel Philibert de, Seigneur de Montigny, made commander of the forces before Dunkirk, 10;

at Eccloo, 139;

valour of, 372;

comes to Ghent, 374;

one of the chief for the treaty, 381;

is discontented with the Spaniards, 389;

plot to admit, into Ghent, 402;

and to deliver Dermonde to, 424;

directions sent by, to Bruges, 426.

La Mailleraye, Normandy, the Guise party hold council at, 57.

La Mailleraye or Meilleraye (Miller aye), M. de, vice-admiral of Normandy. See Moy.

La Marck, Guillaume Robert de, Due de Bouillon, troops under, 96;

well received by the King, 249;

information from, 259.

-, -, letter from, 84.

La Marguerite or St. Marguerite, a fort opposite Rupelmonde, 176.

La Merle, Mathieu de, illness and reported murder of, 65.

La Millaud (Milleaux), son to him slain by the Baron de Viteaux, kills the Baron, 54.

La Mothe-Fenelon. See Salignac.

La Motte, Seigneur de. See Pardieu.

La Mullet, messenger of the French King's stables, slain, 17.

Lancaster, Duke of [? John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford], valour of, against France, 125.

Landi, Signor, 244, 276;

message to, 368.

Langres, Bishop of, sent to conduct the Queen of Navarre on her journey, 53.

Languedoc, all quiet in, 47;

soldiers for service in, 67;

preparations in, 68;

great stirs in, 76;

deputies of, stand stiffly to their privileges, 162;

the French King promises to send commissoners to see the carrying out of the Edict in, 229;

fear of wars in, 231, 258;

flghting in, 248;

warning sent to Marshal Joyeuse in, 252;

forces sent into, 266;

government of, desired by Marshal Joyeuse, 314;

the Queen Mother said to be going into, 359;

levies to be made in, 367;

Bellievre to seek to pacify, 378;

levying of men for, stopped, 420;

things will probably be appeased in, 423;

King of Navarre to go to appease, 463, 493, 497;

uncertain state of, 476, 477.

-, garrisons in, removal of, 336, 349, 359, 378, 419.

-, governor of. See Montmorency.

-, Huguenots in, alarm of, 103;

are in arms, 218, 229;

hard usage of, by the King, 249;

the King's intentions concerning, 363;

said to be arming, 370.

-, towns in, surprised, 201, 217.

La Noue, François de, French general, a prisoner, report that he is to be exchanged, 183, 195, 246, 296, 519, 520, 527;

evil speaking against (in relation to Rochelle), alluded to, 575;

“so honest a man,” 605;

prisoners held in lieu of, see under Madame de la Noue, below.

-, Odet de, Sieur de Teligny (Tiligni), son of the above, at Bruges, 25;

narrow escape of, 148;

has returned to France, 170;

efforts of, to intercept Mendoza, 422;

overthrows a regiment of Spaniards, 596;

in command at Lillo fort, 608, 611;

honour won by, at Lillo, 615, 641.

-, Madame de, prisoners held by, in lieu of her husband, 183;

illness of, 545;

wishes to remove her prisoners to England, 605.

Lansac, Seigneur de. See St. Gelais.

Laon (Lan), the Duke of Anjou at, 158, 159.

La Pierre, M. de, brother of. See Foucquerolles.

La Pré, M. de, sent to the French court, 618;

has audience of the King and Queen Mother, 633;

is sent back to the States, 640, 645.

Larache. See El Arnish.

La Romana, Girolamo, son of, sent by Monsieur into Spain, 4.

La Roque, Jehan de, chamberlain of the King of Navarre, sent to the French King, 581, 584;

his account of the meeting of Epernon with the King of Navarre, 581.

La Rue, valet de chambre of the Queen of Scots, going to France, 593.

Laski or Alaski, the Polish Palatine, in England, 3, 8;

an English follower of, 558.

Lasse, Mr., going to England, 199, 200.

Latimer, Latymer, or Nevill, Edmond, letters from, 109, 168, 199.

-, -, wife of, 168;

father of, 200.

-, Dr. Hugh, a sermon of, alluded to, 13.

Laval, M. de. See Coligny, Guy de.

La Valette. See Nogaret.

Lavardin. See Beaumanoir, Jean de.

Lavergne, M., an officer of Monsieur, 71, 545.

Lawnay, “the renegade minister that writ a naughty book,” 316.

Layton, Captain, 652.

Leaumont, Jean de, Sieur de Puygaillard, 104, 161;

to command on the frontiers of Picardy, 38;

soldiers under, 67;

is on the frontiers, 107;

the King offended with, 162.

Le Breton, Claude, petitions of, 556.

Le Brumen, Geoffrey, 146.

-, -, letters from, 5, 519, 545, 572;

letter to, alluded to, 605.

-, -, petition to, 556.

Leighton, Sir Thomas, the Earl of Northumberland under guard of, 272.

Leith, capitulation of, alluded to, 188;

a ship of, 515.

Lemacon. See La Fontaine.

Lennox, Duke of. See Stuart, Esme.

-, Duchess of, escorts her son to Dieppe, 201.

Lenoncourt, Henri de, knight of the St. Esprit, character of, 621.

-, Philip de, formerly bishop of Auxerre, 621;

report given by, to the French Assembly, 205.

“Le Noo,” M. de, in Normandy, 185.

Lens, in Artois, villages near, raided by the soldiers of Cambray, 253.

Leoninus or Longolius, Dr. Elbertus, chancellor of Gueldres, Captain Leon, son of, “a brave and hopeful youth,” killed, 302, 304.

Leotrym, John, letter from, 105.

Le Peintre, Jacques, a messenger. See Painter.

Le Sieur, Stephen, 390, 415;

is going to try to effect Daniel Rogers' release, 377;

mission of, to the Duke of Cleves, 491;

money furnished to, 504.

-, -, letters from, 377, 462, 489.

Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross, as [suffragan] Bishop of Rouen, hopes shortly to be in his pontificate in Scotland, 58;

book said to be written by, 151;

at Eu, 173;

in Paris, 285;

consults with the Nuncio, 298;

letters concerning, alluded to, 400;

no great love between the Bishop of Glasgow and, 505.

Le Tonte, Guillaume, master of a passage boat, 185.

Letters of mart, Elizabeth does not wish to give, 541.

Levant, the, trade in, 3;

news from, 20.

-, islands, plundered by the governor of Algier, 87.

Le Vasseur, document countersigned by, 495.

Le Veneur, Tanneguy, Seigneur de Carrouges, a poor widow recommended by, 358.

Lewes (Lewis), Dr. David, Judge of the Court of Admiralty;

proceedings of, complained of, 7, 27, 28;

apostiles by, mentioned, 8.

Leyden, Prince Maurice a student at, 563.

L'Huillier, Peter, librarian of Paris, 28.

Lichtenmecher, a captain of horse fighting for Henry VIII. (in 1545), 406.

Liefkenshoek, the sconce of, assault on, repulsed, 580;

reported taking of, ibid.;

is lost, 581, 586;

the enemy at, 610.

Liége, Luttich, regiment of, 50;

the plague at, 111;

a priest said to be president of, 98;

a city of much wealth, 130;

States of, money demanded from, 194;

the Bishop at, 226;

troops from, 368.

-, Bishop of. See Bavaria, Ernest of.

-, Bishopric of, 208, 334;

the Cardinal of Austria desires, 97;

may be given to a son of the Duke of Lorraine, 230.

-, chapter of, threaten to elect a new bishop, 47, 94.

-, country of, forces levied in, 51;

Casimir may come into, 90;

plundered, 369.

Liégeois, the, go in a stream to the camp at Bruhl, 63.

Liekerke, Liekerque, the enemy's forces assembling about, 46.

-, castle of, 375.

Lierre (Lira, Leyr), soldiers of, 71;

letters sent from, 81, 302;

Bishop of Liége at, 96;

garrison of, defeats the States' troops, 148;

betrayal of, alluded to, 153, 424;

Haultepenne at, 210;

enterprise on, failure of, 302–304, 307, 324.

-, betrayer of. See Sempill.

-, governor of, see Carduino.

Lievin, Charles de, Sieur de Famars, governor of Mechlin, narrow escape of, 609.

Liggons, —, comes to Paris, 299.

Ligny, Charles de, Count of Arenberg, forsakes the siege of Bonn, 96;

troops under, 150.

Liguria (or Tuscany), a mountain of, 20.

Lilborck, letter dated at, 566.

Lille, Lisle, present given by the people of, to the Prince of Parma, 69, 74;

news from, 195, 296, 326, 488;

the Prince of Parma going to, 523;

bound to the Queen for their debt to her, 576.

Lillo, the dykes near, cut, 193, 586, 608;

village and tower at, set fire to by the States' soldiers, 624;

the States “are assured to preserve,” 629.

-, Scots troops at, mutiny for their pay, 642, 643.

-, the enemy coming against, 561, 569;

in the town, 580;

said to have forsaken, 596;

much distressed by the water, 606;

captured, 608;

burn the town, 611, 614;

have departed, 615;

their camp before, raised, 626, 635, 636, 641, 643, 646.

-, fort made “over against,” by the States, 330, 363, forces at or going to, 580; 586;

well furnished with men and means of defence, 595;

forces at, valiant defence and sallies by, 596, 601, 606, 608, 624, 636;

is still besieged, 608, 610;

is well guarded, 611.

Limburg, a prisoner escaped from, 519.

-, governor of, captured, 247.

-, country of, to be given in pawn to Duke Casimir, 630.

Limehouse, letter directed to, 447.

Limours, document dated at, 145.

Lincoln, Earl of. See Clinton.

Linden, Colonel, Konigswinter held by, 112.

Lindsay, David, Earl of Crawford, with James VI at St. Andrews, 36;

is said to have left the King, 585.

-, Patrick, Lord Lindsay, is said to have escaped to Berwick, 465:

evil usage of, 585.

Lingen, county of, in Westfalia, 496.

Linz, people of, fire on troops on the Rhine, 49;

intended siege of, 128;

Casimir at or going to, 137, 145;

(Bins), held by the new Elector of Cologne, 178.

Lira, a young advocate of Antwerp, negociates with the enemy, 80.

Lisbon, the Spanish fleet and army sail from, 29;

making of galleys at, 305;

agreement made at, alluded to, 467, 468.

Lithuania, a castle in. See Grodno.

Livingstone or Levingston, Alexander, Master of, is going to Scotland, 15.

-, Thomas, sent by the King of Scots to the Queen, 540.

Livy, Decades of, quoted, 327.

Lobeles, Mr., with Requesens in the Low Countries, 525.

Lobetius, Dr. John, of Strasburg, 131, 495.

-, -, letters from, 60, 132, 360, 384;

alluded to, 38, 379.

Loches, castle and prison of, 54.

Lockem, Roger Williams at, 553.

-, letters dated at, 555, 556.

Lodron or Ladron, Count Jerome, forces levied by, 51;

infomations from, 244.

Loker, Captain. See Lucar.

Lombardy, Spanish soldiers in, “eating the poor contadine,” 379.

London, provisions &c, sent from, to “the enemy” in the Low Countries, 36;

high price of armour in, 373;

a French man attacked by thieves in, 376;

a merchant of, in Spain, 470;

proposed erection of a “Residence” for Nether landers residing and trading in, 510, 529.

-, Bishop of. See Aylmer, John.

-, letters dated at, passim.

-, travellers to and from, passim.

-, places in: Baynard's Castle, 530.

the Bourse, 567.

Charing Cross, 494.

French Temple, 376.

Gray's Inn, or the Porte de Pol, gates and bourse of, 376.

Holborn, the Crown in, 516.

Lyons Inn, students of, 534.

Marshalsea, prison of, prisoner in, 516.

Muscovia House, 553.

Newgate, “the prison where the thieves are,” 652.

Seething Lane, 483.

Staples' Inn, resident in, 534.

Stilliard, alderman of, letter to, 588.

the Tower, prisoners in, 301, 534.

the White Wolf, 40.

Long,—, sent to Stafford in Paris, 167.

Longford or Langford, Robert, of Longford, co. Derby, Thomas Parsons “abides” with, 534.

-, -, wife of, 534.

Longin, one, sent to Parma, 210.

Longolius. See Leoninus.

Longueville, Duke of. See Orleans, Henri de.

-, Duchess of, the French King intercedes for, 54;

judgment given against, 104.

Lord Chamberlain. See Ratcliffe, Earl of Sussex.

Lord Chancellor. See Bromley, Sir Thomas.

Lord Treasurer. See Cecil, Lord Burghley.

Loretto, chapel of Our Lady of, miraculous removal of, al luded to, 86;

the Madonna di, offerings to, 2, 99;

pigrimage to, 17, 19;

travellers to, 464;

the Duke d'Aumâle going to, 493.

Lorraine, forces going into or through, 133, 494.

Lorraine, Anne de, youngest daughter of the Count de Vaudemont, sister of the French Queen, is too young to be marriageable, 159.

-, Charles de, Duke of Lorraine, is said to have introduced the Inquisition into his country, 54;

the Comté of Pfalzburg bought by, 61;

French voluntaries cut to pieces by, 95;

will go to the French King, 230;

is going to Paris for his fetes, 334;

dogs for, 546.

-, -, son of, may have the Bishopric of Liége, 230.

-, -, eldest daughter of. See Christine, below.

-, -, second daughter of, offered to the Scots King, 377.

-, Charles de, Due d'Aumâle, 185;

going on pilgrimage to Loretto, 17;

the Queen of Navarre visits, 104;

dinner given to, 119;

is sent to bring his brother to the King, 217;

mistaken statement concering, 233;

the King refuses to receive, before his departure for Loretto, 493;

character of, 619.

-, -, wife of, 104.

-, -, brothers of, 619.

-, -, young brother of, quarrels with Epernon, 216, 217.

-, Charles de, Marquis d'Elbeuf, 217;

hinders the preaching of the Religion in Normandy, 37;

ships preparing for, or set out by, 36, 173, 185, 199, 223, 420;

quarrel in his household, 258;

ship of, takes a Spanish prize, 414;

said to be going to Scoland, 465;

character of, 619.

-, Charles de, Duke of Mayenne or Maine, at Paris, 17;

ships of, 57;

speeches reported to, 67;

offers to help Don Antonio, 98;

dinner given to, 119;

not at the court, 160, 164;

(Mina) willingly stays near the Queen of Navarre, the King said to hate, 359, 371;

explanations to, by the King, 370;

intelligence of, with Montmorency, 371;

will not leave Paris, 458;

(Menna) said to be going to Scotland, 465;

character of, 619.

-, Charles de, late Cardinal of Lorraine, “a shining pillar of all piety,” 289.

-, Christine, Princess of, eldest daughter of the Duke of Lorraine, at her father's house, 39;

goes with the Queen to Chateâu-Thierry, 166.

-, -, marriage projects for, 285, 300, 377;

with Monsieur, 39, 47, 51, 68;

with the Duke of Savoy, 114, 164, 239, 300;

with the King of Scots, 377, 445;

with Epernon, 159, 334.

-, Henry de, Duke of Guise, 15, 97, 380, 387, 452;

movements of, 5, 17, 36, 37, 57;

speech made to, 57;

in Paris, 68;

proceedings of, protested against by Elizabeth, 82, 83, 116;

offers to take charge of an army, on the coast of Flanders, 98;

dines with the Cardinal de Guise, 119;

present at Stafford's first audience, 142;

his functions as “Great Master,” 142, 318;

the King's “jealousies” of, 160, 163, 164;

friendship between the Duc de Joyeuse and, 163, 164, 196, 197;

his “ability” nothing without the King, 163;

has not inspired the Cardinal de Bourbon's speeches, 216;

when he says little, “commonly thinketh most,” 217;

intimacy of, with Richelieu, 265;

makes much of the Cardinal de Bourbon, 267;

overtures to, from Monsieur, 270;

relations of, with Lord Seton and the other refugees, 282, 298, 356, 369, 400, 420;

speeches of, concerning Scotland, 299;

to be leader of an enterprise against England, 301;

the King's feelings towards, discussed, 350;

is concerned in Spanish practices 350, 351;

believed to have little credit in France, 357;

trap laid for, by the King, 370;

the King's apparent dislike of, 371, 448;

information given by, 422;

will not leave Paris, 458;

is dismayed by the news from Scotland, 475, 480;

has a will to help the King of Scots, but small means and smaller credit, 493;

ill-favour of, with the King, 512;

Bishop of Glasgow and Lord Seton continually with, 514;

suit between Conde and, 537, 573;

never away from Cardinal de Bourbon, 563;

is in a great dump, ibid.;

seems to have no mind to leave Paris, 585;

character of, 619;

his influence on the Cardinal de Bourbon, ibid.

-, -, captains of, 231;

commissions given by, 6;

college or seminary built by, see Eu;

house of, see Dampierre;

household of, 267;

members of, 198, 201, 458;

lieutenant of, at Chalons, see Post M. de.

-, -, followers, friends or faction of (Guisards), 285, 300, 351, 619–621;

“rest amazed,” at the prospect of Monsieur's death, 519;

depend on the Jesuits and priests, ibid.

-, -, mother of., See Este, Anne d'.

-, -, son of, proposal to make bishop of Liége, 334.

-, -, his second brother, plotting against the French King, 350.

-, Louis de, Cardinal of Guise, an Englishman ransomed by, 115;

gives a dinner to the Duke of Guise &c., 119;

the pillar of the French church, 289;

character of, 620.

-, -, letter to, 288.

-, -, uncle of. See Charles, late Cardinal of Lorraine, above.

-, Louise de, Queen of France. See Louise.

-, Margaret de, Duchesse de Joyeuse, gift to, from the Pope, 99.

-, Philip Emanuel de, Due de Mercoeur, governor of Brittany, a quarrel of, 104;

character of, 619.

-, House of. See Guise, House of.

Louis VII., King of France, his reception of Thomas a Becket, alluded to, 289.

Louis XI, King of France, policy of, alluded to, 188.

Louise de Lorraine, the young Queen of France, 17, 37, 76;

goes to the baths of Bourbon Lancy, 5, 16, 28, 104;

Sir E. Stafford to take letters to, 116;

Cobham and Stafford visit, 157;

movements of, 239;

requests of, 266, 456;

the King is said to wish to divorce, 452, 512;

distress of, on Monsieur's death, 533;

is to go to Gaillon, 537;

audiences for condolement with, 562;

dress of, at Monsieur's funeral ceremonies, ibid.;

may very likely have children, 383;

movements of, 584.

-, -, letters from, 142, 143.

Louvain, plan for seizing, 527.

Low Countries or Netherlands, the; casual mention of, passim. See also under names of provinces and towns. Protestants of, weakness or dissensions of, 6;

dykes cut in, 22, 27, 151;

the French King wishes Monsieur's treaty with to be continued, 38, 39;

feeling in, concerning aid from France or England, 45;

the new Elector of Cologne receives bad news from, 50;

the name of the French “held in horror” in, 70;

affairs of, go from bad to worse, ibid.;

perilous state of, some desiring one thing, some another, 89;

the Cologne quarrel falls out happily for, 97;

articles drawn up for union and defence of, 101;

Elizabeth's reason for seizing ships and goods of, 120;

little affection in, to Monsieur, 126;

peasants of, the Spaniards demand “all things for nothing” from, 126;

affairs of, sad state of, 148–150, 170, 171, 178, 211, 275, 285;

book concerning, “a mass of lies,” 151;

lack of good leaders in, 152;

lawyers of, desire peace with Spain, 152;

papists of, ruin of, will follow that of the protestants, 171;

war in, waged “pitifully” for five years, 176;

many of, desire for lord a prince of the Empire, 186;

reasons for their aiding the Prince of Orange, 187;

reasons for an “accord” by, with Spain, 188;

war in, may spread over all Germany, 207;

decay of trade and increase of poverty in, 211;

report that King Philip means to go to, 215;

confusion in the government of, 234;

report that a new Spanish governor is coming to, 278, 361, and see Santa Cruz;

divided opinions in, concerning Monsieur, 303, 411;

no ports in, for large ships, 310;

will go to wreck, unless supported by France or England, 311;

little good expected from the negotiation of, with France, 314;

forces levying for, in France, 325;

to fall to France, in default of heirs to Monsieur, 335;

government in, “in effect popular,” 338;

news from, 428, 445, 615;

proposal that they should be maintained in their liberties “under the King of Spain's obedience,” 434, 477;

backwardness of, to give the French King security, 454;

reasons for aiding, 455;

Religions-friede desired in, 466;

incline to an accord with Monsieur, 486;

Monsieur's regrets concerning, 499;

Catholics in, prophecy troubles in England, 503;

wars in, daily grow more cruel, and few prisoners spared on either side, 520;

aid for, from France, talked of, but not relied on, 520;

said to be about to throw themselves into Elizabeth's arms, 524;

means for preserving the Religion in, 528;

defence of the Queen's conduct in relation to, 529;

small or no hope of help for, from outside, 569;

not bequeathed by Monsieur's will, 573;

effect of Monsieur's death upon the affairs of, 576;

irreparable injury to, by the Prince of Orange's murder, 578;

bringing of English cloths into, prohibition of (in 1564), 589;

desolate state of, after the death of the Prince of Orange, 600;

no hope for, from France, 641;

the Queen proposes to join with, by sea, 653;

her determination to defend, see Elizabeth;


-, the United Provinces of [generally meaning Holland, Zeeland, and Utrecht], all resolute, 610;

confirm what is done by the States General, 627;

matters on which their safety depends, 629;

respect felt for the Queen in, 631;

numbers of ships and men they can provide, 654, 655.

-, Council of State to be appointed for, 80, 127, 150.

-, debt of, to the Queen, proposals for discharging, 564, 567.

-, excises and imposts in, 127;

imports and exports of, calculations of gain from a tax on, 529.

-, forcea in:—

of the States, neglect of, 10;

sent into Flanders, 11;defeat of, 148;

re-organization of, 150;

neglected and mutinous, 152;

without discipline or obedience, 176;

order taken for command and payment of, 194, 203;

skirmishes of, 195;

success of, 223;

to go on some enterprise, 324;

before Zutphen, see Zutphen;

inertness and cowardice of, 553, 554, and see under the aeveral provinces. English, reinforcements said to be coming to, 9;

movements of, 21;

go over to the Malcontents, ibid.;

need of money for, 27, 31;

dissension amongst, 65;

under Count John of Nassau, 96;

desire to leave the States' service, 124;

cannot get their pay, 204;

fresh, brought in by Col. Morgan, 212;

illtreatment of, by the States, complained of, 223, 234, 489, 555;

treachery of, at Alost, see Alost;

evil speeches against, 263;

desert to the;

enemy, 278;

are to be paid, 286;

reinforcements for, 334, 642;

money needed for, 390;

go over to the Prince of Parma, 498.

French. See Francis, Duke of Anjou, forces of;

at the fort of Lillo, 624.

Italian, captured, 303;

coming into, 500;

prisoners, cruel treatment of, 522.

Scots, 96;

captains of, invited to return to Scotland, 151;

secure their pay by threatening letters from their King, 204;

warning concerning, 234;

plot of, at Dermonde, discovered, 423;

will not serve against the Prince of Orange, 484;

imprisoned, ibid.;

to Sluys, 523;

sent to Lillo, 586;

sent to Tergoes, 643. And see Bruges.

-, colonels of. see Balfour;


Spaniards, Spanish forces or the enemy, casual allusions, passim;

take possession of Dunkirk, 18;

expect shortly to have all lower Flanders, 19;

defeat of, 21, 241;

cruelties of, 25, 42, 140;

malice of, against England, 36, 195;

are gaining places easily, 45;

provisions sent to, from England, Holland, &c, 56, 246, 615;

departure of, desired by the country, 76, 403, 426;

in favour of the new Elector of Cologne, 93;

many slain in a skirmish, 100;

and Walloons, quarrels or jealousies between, 106, 126, 220, 326, 646;

plague very rife amongst, 110;

villages burnt by, 126;

sickness and want of provisions amongst, 127;

successes of, 23, 38, 70, 148, 183, 202, 353.

And see Farnese, towns taken by;

profit by the States' disorders, 152;

difficulties of, from the drowning of the country, 193–195;

disposition of, 202;

lose no opportunity to serve their turn, 210;

ships taken by, 213, 566;

have fallen on Truchsess' lands, 235;

repulse of, at Geertruydenberg, 260;

chief prisoners in the hands of, to be exchanged, 296;

a fort of, burnt, 297;

are not asleep, 303;

movements of, 310;

are in great misery, ibid.;

seek to put a Spanish governor into Gravelines, 326;

captives of, kindly treated, 337;

men of, intended for Scotland, 338;

many run to, daily, 339;

forts built by, 341;

will take the field as soon as weather permits, 353;

proceedings of, in captured towns, 389;

reported defeat of, 408;

hope to have the sacking of Ghent, 488;

carrying of provisions to, practised or prohibited, 504, 561, 566, 570, 595, 615. And see Dunkirk, Nieuport;

cruel treatment of prisoners by, 522;

Capt. Williams skirmishes with, 553 et seq;

are gaining from day to day, 576;

“the terzia of Flanders,” said to be overthrown, 596;

mortality amongst, 609;

distribution of, 615;

losses of, 635;

future movements of, ibid. And see under names of provinces and towns.

-, coming into, 163, 326, 440, 494, 500.

-, camp of. See Eccloo.

-, captains of, killed, 635.

Swiss, depart with the French, 69.

Walloons, in the States' service, at Bruges, 31;

plot by, at Alost, 124;

are against its surrender, 242;

said to be expelled the town, 247.

-, in the enemy's service, at Dunkirk, 21;

kept in the field by Parma, 81;

quarrel with the Spaniards, 106, 126, 220, 326, 646;

a captain of, gives up two forts to the States, 201;

going to the Bishop of Liége, 208;

defeated at Hulst, 241, 372;

sent into Ypres after its surrender, 447;

hope to have the sacking of Ghent, 488. And see Malcontents, below.

-, gentlemen of, at the court of the Prince of Parma, 522;

lords of, the King of Spain spares no money to corrupt, 528;

nobility of, should be “sounded,” 631.

-, Malcontents in, besiege Dunkirk, 9;

dissension amongst, 10;

English joining, 21;

are having good fortune, 50;

their fear of the Spaniards, 57;

make bulwarks before Ypres, 69;

rejoice at the departure of the French and desire to be quit of the Spaniards, 76;

are annoyed with Parma, 81;

the Prince of Orange will not treat with, 101;

surrender to, of Bergues St. Winnock, 117;

strength of, 118;

the commons of Bruges desire peace with, 127;

defeat of, 211, 213;

ships of, on the seas, 262;

divided opinion concerning a peace with, 271;

grow weary of wars, 307;

do not wish for Monsieur's return, ibid.;

promises to, that they shall not be governed by Spaniards, 337;

said to be at Antwerp, 401;

plot to deliver Dermonde to, 424;

leaders of, direct Bruges not to treat separately with Parma, 426;

sending of victuals to, should be stopped, 434;

marvel that Flanders will yield the point of Religionsfriede 472;

talk of trouble in England, 485;

hope to have the sacking of Ghent, 488, 498;

dislike the coming of Spanish forces, 500;

in great want of victuals, 550;

are busy on the Scheldt, 560;

proceedings of, round Antwerp and Brussels, 569;

call the people of Flanders les mal-menes, 140;

negotiations of Ghent with, 656;

peace with, see Artois and Hainault.

-, -, leader of. See Mondragon;

names of governors put into Flemish towns by, 79.

-, memoires or proposals in relation to, 527, 528, 574, 616 et seq.

-, memorandum of former negotiations concerning, 603.

-, ministers of, both Church and State, “have acquitted themselves very badly,” 574.

-, people or commons of, different views of, 69, 70;

would rather be under Spain than France, 253;

traffic of, into England, proposals concerning, 508–510;

in England, proposed erection of a Residence for, 510;

their ingratitude to, and bitterness against the Prince of Orange, 575, 595, 617;

more determined to defend themselves than before, 607;

affection of, for the Queen, 641;

their willingness to yield to impositions, ibid.

-, ships and goods of, declaration of the cause of seizing, by the English, 74.

-, southern provinces of, people of, called Burgundians, 556.

-, Spanish Privy Council in, case tried before, 47;

President of, see Pammelius.

-, the States or Provinces of, are adjured to abandon France and Spain, 7;

Elizabeth looks upon, as the King of Spain's subjects, 73;

not one of, wishes for Monsieur's return, 106;

troubles of, from ill government, 126;

are weary of the long wars, 140;

to be asked if they will continue the war, 150;

money to be contributed by, 186;

are daily approaching ruin, 224;

chief prisoners in the hands of, to be exchanged, 296;

courage of, taken away by the fear of Spain's power, 338;

divisions and confusion in, 353, 354;

irresolution of, 375;

are offended by the French demands, 426.

-, “States side” or party in, growing troubles in, 22;

evil state of, 24;

ill-government of, 251, 271;

Duke Casimir coming to the aid of, 69;

believe that the Catholics will fight against the Pope and Spain, 152;

ungrateful and suspicious, 152;

forts made by, 176.

-, States General of, aid of, asked for, by Flanders, 1;

inability or unwillingness of, to send aid, 8;

the Prince of Orange goes to meet, 10, 34, 100;

foreign nobles in service of, 11;

are to meet at Middelburg, 21, 34, 56;

nothing can be done until they assemble, 43, 45;

resolutions of, for payment of their forces, 61;

divers views in, 69, 70;

are assembling at Middelburg, 74;

meeting of, at Middelburg, see Middelburg;

“care no more for the Prince of Orange,” 78;

resolve to appoint a Council [of State], 80;

their dislike of Monsieur's former proceedings, 81;

meeting of, at Dordrecht, see Dordrecht;

debts to be “commended to,” 121;

go to the Hague, 137;

few of, desire to deal with Monsieur, 139;

great offers to, by Monsieur, 144;

property confiscated by, 151;

alternatives before, 152;

and the Prince of Orange, 192, 504;

chose the Prince of Orange as chief governor, 194;

reported agreement between Monsieur and, 195, 213;

have separated pro tem., to send to the several provinces for their opinions, 203, 204;

have resolved that they cannot withstand Spain without help of the French, 204;

their lack of money, 210;

a fresh offer to, from Monsieur,;

will pay any troops rather than the English, 223;

give orders for money for Alost, 240;

action of, in relation to the case of Woulters and Hausman, 249, 250;

have resolved to recall Monsieur, 253, 336;

not yet assembled, 285;

money granted by, to Monsieur, 288, 366;

deputies going to, 303, 375;

are still in consultation, 307;

delay of, in establishing a Council, 320:

payments demanded from, 321;

league of, with Truchsess, said to be concluded, 324;

money sent to, by the Queen, 334;

still consulting whether to receive Monsieur, 346;

assembly of, at Delft, very inconvenient, 354;

the Prince of Chimay goes to, 361;

give out that Monsieur and the English Queen will aid them, 374;

small hope of assistance from, for Flanders, 383;

at Delft, 415, 625, 641;

Truchsess comes to confer with, 461;

treaty of, with France, goes on, 538;

proposals to be made on behalf of, to the French King, 554;

make small preparation to oppose Parma, their hopes depending on France, 560;

order villages “in the power of the enemy” to be burnt, 561;

matters to be laid before, 564;

case recommended to, 566;

good inclinations of [on the Prince of Orange's death], 574, 581;

proceedings of, after the Prince's death, 581;

are resolute to withstand the enemy, 595;

have sent to ask aid from the Queen, 598;

her questions to, concerning their resources, 599;

governors of towns going to treat with, 609;

have displaced no governors, 615, 641;

forbid any accord with Spain, 627;

protestations of support sent to, by the provinces, ibid.;

resolutions of, 629;

desire the Queen's aid, but do not offer reasonable conditions, 642;

still at Delft, but nothing heard of their doings, 643;

are dealing with the Queen, 646.

-, -, letters from, 101, 461.

-, -, letters to, 79, 118, 401, 567;

asked for, 642.

-, -, ordinance of, 587.

-, -, commissioners sent to, from Ghent, 261, 422;

messengers sent to, 1, 137.

-, -, deputies sent from, to Monsieur, 114, 207, 210, 298, 325, 366;

feasted and caressed, 315, 330;

terms offered by, 315;

have not full powers, 355;

are despatched, 426;

still with Monsieur, 444;

have returned, 461;

further deputies sent to Monsieur, 494. And see Mouillerie and Asseliers.

-, -, deputies sent from, to England, 538, 642, 646;

to the French King, 137, and see Mouillerie and Asseliers. See Torcy.

-, -, envoys to or from, see Ambassadors.

-, -, forces of, see above, Low Countries, forces in, of the States.

-, towns of, bound for the debt to the Queen, 321;

each one of, wishes to manage their affairs as they will, 353;

irresolutions of, 375;

promised as assurance to Monsieur, 513;

list of those which may be offered to the French King, 554;

the rest will take no garrison, ibid.;

have granted more since the Prince's death than in three months before, 596.

-, -, garrisons placed in, to be of natives, 150, 286;

money raised for, 176;

ready to mutiny for want of pay, 210;

are all in mutiny, 223. See also under names of towns.

Lowestoft, (Lesto, Leysto), 15, 338.

Loyseleur, Pierre. See Villiers.

Lubeck, proceedings at, in the matter of the Hanse towns, 85, 225;

resolution passed at, alluded to, 588;

commissioners of the Hanse towns at (in 1566), 589;

a general assembly of the Hanse towns to meet at, 591.

-, answer of, to the King of Navarre, 53;

memorandum of, 531.

-, letters dated at, 532, 591.

-, agent of, at the Imperial court, 85;

secretary of, 224;

syndic of, see Schein, Calixtus.

-, people of, desire the execution of the Augsburg decree against the English merchants, 224.

-, Senate of, sends messengers to Prague, 421;

petition of, for banishing the Merchants Adventurers, the Emperor will not grant, 513, 514.

Lucar, Loker, Captain Emanuel, refuses to march without pay, 30;

mentioned, 31;

sent to Middelburg for money, 390.

Lucatelli, Innocentio, failure of, 291.

Lucca, travellers to, 19;

summary concerning, 292.

Lucchese, the, quarrel of, with the Duke of Ferrara, 20.

Lucerne, proposed assembly at, 60.

Lucerners, are said to be lending money for the new Elector of Cologne's troops, 145.

Luna, Don Manuel de, sent to the Prince of Parma and others, 232.

Lutheran ministers, at conference in Poland, 64.

Lutherans, service done against, 88.

Luttich (Luteck). See Liége.

Lutsdorf, ambuscades at, prevent the passage of provisions, 112.

Lutton, Thomas, sent from the Inquisition at Rome to the galleys, 301.

Lutzelstein, Dukes of. See Palatine, John George, Duke of;

Zweibrucken, Duke Casimir of.

Luxembourg (Lusingbrowgh), Spanish forces in, going to or near, 415, 494, 500, 513, 523.

-, district of, intelligence in, 10;

duchy of, Spanish troops in, 310.

Lylly or Lyly, William, news sent by, 266.

-, -, letter from, 248.

Lynche, William, ship's master, 298.

Lyons, 333;

the French King going to, 28, 37, 47, 58, 60, 65, 76;

his arrival at, 76;

his visit to, alluded to, 103;

Dr. Parry's “treaty” at, 143;

post of, 268;

the King talks of going to, 359, 370;

troops marching to or near, 366, 367, 370;

the King going to, 585, 611, 640;

the King means to erect a religious house at, 641.

-, companies of merchants at, entertain the King, 103, 104;

doctors of, believe the King cannot live a year, 98;

fair at, 37;

order of Battus at. See Battus.

-, letters dated at, 66, 75, 76.

-, Bishop of. See Espinac.

-, governor of. See Mandelot.