Index: J, K

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Jackson, Henry, a Papist, going into England, 186.

-, Robert, jurat of Rye, 557.

Jacomo [Mannuci ?], a servant of Walsingham, 388.

Jacson, letters sent to France by, 356.

James VI, King of Scotland, efforts made, to induce him to change his religion, 5;

reported seizure of, by the Earl of Huntly, 29;

is at St. Andrews, with the Earls of Argyll and Huntly, &c, 36;

persons repairing to, 37, 283;

demands the punishment of Col. Preston's murderers, 42;

fear of practices against, in England, 75;

“goes violently on” with the change of noblemen, 84;

said to be alienated from her Majesty, 113;

marriage projects for, 123, 366, 377, 445, 500, 507;

rumours concerning, 124;

“that young and ill-counselled King,” 131;

his affection for Col. Stewart, 153;

makes fair promises, but their performance is doubtful, 172;

sends hawks to the Duke of Guise, 198;

is feared not to govern himself well, ibid.;

has sent for the young Duke of Lennox, 201;

report that Walsingham is practising against, 222;

French captains going to, 231;

his the French King's proposed mediation with, 264;

means for preventing, from annoying England, 312;

forces said to be levied for, 325–327;

expected war of, against England, 326;

suggestions for action against, 338;

French King's views concerning, 369;

assurances of his affection to Elizabeth, 378;

sends large offers to England, 453;

has defeated his rebels, 465;

money said to be provided for, by his mother, 465;

the “illaffected” to be removed from, 471;

importance of his accepting the English Queen's amity, 475;

an agreement between Elizabeth and, much feared by the Scots in France, 480;

the Duke of Guise cannot do much to help, 493;

the French King's desire for his welfare, 499;

favour of, for the rebels, hoped or asked for, 505, 506, 514;

the Scots in Bruges desire warrant for their discharge from, 507;

the Pope sends a messenger to, 534;

proposed mediation between his subjects and, 536;

writes to Elizabeth to demand delivery of his rebels, 540;

the Queen refuses to give them up to, 541;

Mauvissière desires to give good advice to, 540;

said to depend upon his mother's counsel, 541;

book “addressed”to, 577;

his seeking of the Queen's friendship, 579;

Stewart and Arran's government of, “cried out upon,” 585;

proposed mission of Mauvissière to, 593, and see Castelnau, Sieur de Mauvissière;

things to be declared to, from the French King, 638;

amity of, with Elizabeth to be established, 639;

report that he is going in person to the Borders, 639;

can neither further nor hinder “the enterprise of the Low Countries,” 647.

-, -, letters from, alluded to, 204.

-, -, agentof, in France, see Gordon;

a gentleman sent to, by Elizabeth, 471;

one employed in the business of, 351;

ill-counsellors of, 339;

messenger sent from, to Elizabeth, 474, 475;

ministers of, in France, reported complaints of, 639.

James, Captain, a Spaniard, governor of Dixmude, 79.

Jason and Medea, “the fable of,” alluded to, 405.

Jenitzio, M., private secretary of the Elector of Saxony, 609.

Jenkinson, Anthony, commissioner to Embden (in 1577), 191.

Jenney, Humfray, letter from, 52.

Jernegan, J., letters from, 23, 35, 39, 77.

Jeronomists, the new order of, 265, 315.

-, the King with. See Henry III.

Jervice, William, priest, alias John Waller, “harboured” in Staples Inn, 534.

Jesuits, 248, 272, 2S2, 434;

proselytizing by, 5;

princes governed by, 95;

news received by, 111;

their testaments, catechisms and pamphlets, 28;

going to Scotland, 37;

Roger Almond suspected of betraying, 47;

church of, see Cologne;

coming to England, 185, 186;

captured by the Turks, 340;

sent out of the Grisons, 360;

their influence over the French King, 479;

supporters of the house of Guise, 519;

list of, 534;

money lent by, 623;

a maxim of, 627;

put to death, 627, 628;

imprisoned, 652;

seminary for. See Eu.

Jever, Jeverne, lordship of, claimed by the King of Spain, 496.

Jewels, described, 376.

Jews, rich, in Barbary, engross the customs and rents, 443.

Job, the patience of, alluded to, 586.

John III, King of Sweden, “those of Lubeck” have compounded with, 85;

papers relating to his embassy to, and negotiations with Elizabeth, 292, 293.

-, -, sister of. See East Friesland, Edzard Count of, Catherine, wife of.

John Casimir, Duke, brother of the Elector Palatine of the Rhine, march of, towards Bonn and Cologne, 6, 9, 11, 34, 35, 50, 60, 64;

Ghent wishes to have, as protector, 10, 100;

hope of help from, 21;

the French King declines to send aid to, 47;

is of good courage and resolute, 60;

“the German,” the Bavarians determine to give battle to, 64;

plot to murder, 67;

his coming to Flanders hoped for, 69, 76;

has entered Bonn, 80, 89;

the Emperor forbids, to levy soldiers, 90;

refuses passage to the Pope's legate, 93;

appointed to lead the German Protestant forces, ibid.;

is expected to besiege Cologne, 96;

said to be making an agreement with Cologne, 101;

has failed to take Konigswinter, 111;

retires to Deutz, 112;

protection of, desired by some in the Low Countries, 127, 186;

village set on fixe by, 127;

Imperial ban sent to, 128;

is to be guardian of the young Palsgrave and administrator of the Electorate, ibid.;

said to have been defeated near Cologne, 129;

has not done much this summer, 130, 153;

reported to be going to besiege Kaiserswerth, 133;

has retired to Bonn or Linz, 137;

plans of, kept secret, 145;

proposed as Count of Flanders, 149;

return of, to the Palatinate, 150, 154, 177, 206, 207, 256;

appealed to for help, by Flanders, 169;

is at Heidelberg “for his guardianship,” 178;

rencontre of, with the Spaniards, a book describing, 182;

promises aid to the Low Countries, 203;

rumour that he is not to be his nephew's tutor, ibid.,

receives the homage of the Electorate, 206;

reported victory of, 211;

assumes government of the Electorate, 235;

movements of, 286;

has been made much of by the Electors of Mainz and Treves, 296;

as tutor and administrator in the Palatinate 313, 354, 360, 385, 404, 405, 409;

his aid to Truchsess, alluded to, 313, 405, 408;

sends “ambassadors” to the protestant Electors, 360;

his reforms in the Palatinate, 379;

cannot be at the assembly at Rotenburg, 385;

distress of, at the attempt upon Elizabeth, 407;

hopes of help from, in the Low Countries, 447, 599;

assurances of, to the King of Navarre, 494;

sends for Ségur, 547;

promises to bring horsemen into the Low Countries, 630;

still befriends Truchsess, 632.

-, -, army of, 29, 95, 107;

state or strength of, 3, 14, 112;

to meet near Strasburg, 20;

approaches Cologne, 49, 50, 64, 72, 89, 111;

lists of, 50, 65;

to be mustered, 63;

money for, 89;

probable movements of, 90, 145;

skirmishes of, 129;

rere-guard of, defeated, 178;

disbanding of, 206;

success of, 260.

-, -, camp of, 12, 38, 70, 144.

-, -, letters from, 313, 358;

alluded to, 286.

-, -, letters to, 90, 110;

alluded to, 89, 139.

-, -, declaration of, alluded to, 14.

-, -, chancellor of, see Ehem;

counseller to, 49, and see Beutterich;

cousin of, 358.

-, -, deputies or messengers from, 89, 404, 409;

deputies or messengers sent to, 97, 159;

guard of, 55.

-, portraits of, 134;

“posy” on his banner, 96;

service of, an Englishman in, 173.

Jolle, Captain, a Frenchman, English ship plundered by, 145.

Jonas, Captain, lieutenant of the Governor of Brussels, goes over to the enemy, 148.

Joyeuse, Duke of. See Arques.

-, Duchess of. See Lorraine, Margaret of.

Juan Andrea. See Doria, Juan Andrea de.

Judith and Holofernes, alluded to, 503, 627.

Julich, Duke of. See Cleves.

Jumieges, abbey of, the Duke of Guise at, 57.

Junius, Dr. Jehan, sent into Germany, 126;

sent to Bruges, 469.

Justiniano. See Giustiniano.


Kaas [de Torup], Nicolas, chancellor of Denmark, 100;

in England (in 1582), 191, 192.

Kaffa. See Caffa.

Kaiserswerth (Keislerswerte), on the Rhine, the exercise of the reformed religion permitted in, 93;

held for the Chapter of Cologne, 96;

passage of the Rhine at, closed, 111;

siege of, 129, 133;

Duke Casimir's camp by, 144;

government of, given to Reifferscheit, 490.

Kampen. See Campen.

Keib, Hans, merchant of Cologne, 49.

Keir, Henry, brother of, 37.

Keith, Sir Andrew, sent as ambassador from Sweden to England, 293 (2).

Kelly, —, a merchant at Padua, 464.

Kempen, the country of, plan for seizing, 527.

Kemnicius. See Chemnitz.

Ker, Thomas, Laird of Ferniehurst (Fanhurst, Farnehurst) is going to Scotland, 37;

goes to Scotland, 514, 515.

Kethulle, Francois de la, Sieur de Ryhove or Riova, Governor of Dermonde, goes to Bruges and Ghent, 22;

goes to Dermonde, 147;

narrow escape of, 151;

men of Ghent taken by, 175;

might have saved Alost, 239, 240;

wants money to pay the soldiers, 319;

a prisoner in the custody of, 381, 384;

attempt of, to surprise Ghent, 451;

has returned to Dermonde, 485;

popularity of, in Ghent, 488;

a great enemy to Hembyse and Yorke, 498;

sends troops to Ghent, ibid.;

narrow escape of, 609;

urges the people to rely on the French, 631.

-, -, letter from, 147.

-, -, letter to, 485.

-, -, children of, 147;

eldest son of, a hostage in Ghent, ibid.;

son and daughter of, prisoners, 389.

-, Jacqueline de, daughter of the above, 147.

Kleber or Klever, Ulrich, commander of the Reiters, taken prisoner, 63.

Knighthood, orders of:the Garter. See Henry III.

the Golden Fleece, 369.

St. Esprit, 282, 621.

St. Michael, 85.

-, knight of, 264.

St. John of Jerusalem. See St. John.

Knipen, Tido van, a powerful noble of Friesland, 495.

Kolding, in Denmark, captain of, see Bellow;

letters written from (?), 274.

Konigsberg, in Prussia, letter dated from, 532.

Konigstein (Coninckstein), near Frankfort [in the Taunus], Casimir's army to be mustered at, 63.

Konigswinter (Conincke-winter), held, burnt and abandoned, 111.

Krichingen, Krekingen (Krehingen, Krechen, Cryken), or Creange, Thomas, Baron of, troops under, 51, 60;

the Emperor writes to, 91;

a canon of Cologne, 93;

colonel in Truchsess' army, 429;

is willing to fight, 430.

Kumedontius or Cupidontius, minister at Ghent, a commissioner to treat with the Malcontents, 373, 374, 375.