Index: S

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Sabran, courier of Queen Mother, bears letters to England, 429.

Sackfilde, —, English captain at S. Michael's, 160 (p. 178).

Sackford, Alderman, opponent of citizens of Lubeck, letters concerning, 284 (1), 284 (2).

St. Aignan, Count of. See Beauvilliers.

St. Aldegonde. See Marnix.

St. Amants, Malcontents retire towards, 555.

St. Antonin, belonging to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 687).

St. Asaph, Bishop of, servant of, condemned to prison, 636.

St. Aulaye, Baron de, governs under King of Navarre, 734 (p. 686).

St. Bartholomew, Order of, 609;

reference to massacre of, 734 (p. 689).

St. Bavon, Ghent, provost of church of. See Aytta.

Saint Bernard, near Antwerp, Duke of Anjou goes to lodge at, 19;

he departs towards, after attack on Antwerp, 24, 44;

Monsieur at, 703;

Monsieur leaves, 710;

Abbot of, 601;

signs letter, 779 (2).

Saint-Cloud, “St. Clowe,” Irish Bishop visits Pope's nuncio at, 327.

San Clemente, Don William of, Spanish ambassador at Imperial Court, glad to hear of decree of Imperial Estates against English traders, 282 (p. 309);

Earl of Embden's doctor familiar with, 372;

mentioned, 669.

Sainte Columbe, “ Sta. Columba.” See Montesquieu, Francois de.

St. Cosme, Sr. de, watches country for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 688).

Santa Croce, Prospero di, Cardinal, agrees to intercede for the heirs of Cardinal Giustiniano, 693 (p. 642);

votes against the Pope on the question of the legate for Portugal, 702.

Santa Cruz, Marquis of. See Bacan.

-, Count of, goes on expedition to Terceiras, 365.

Sancto Domingo, damage done by English pirates in, 505 (p. 502).

St. Elmo, enemy puts artillery on summit of, 749.

Saint-Esprit, order of, 325 (p. 360).

St. Estienne, Sr. de, in Poitou, for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Santa Fiore, Sainte Floure, Marquis of, defies Count Charles Mansfeldt, 747.

Ste. Foy, belongs to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

St. Francis, Order of, 602 (p. 567).

St. Geertruydenberg. See Geertruydenberg.

Saint-Gelais, Louis de Lusignan de, Seigneur de Lansac, reference to letter from, 254;

mentioned, 338 (p. 373) comes to Paris, 389 (p. 418);

asks after Crofts, 473.

-, -, letter from, 255 (1).

-, Sr. de, Protestant lord in Poitou, 734 (p. 689).

St. Geniez, Seigneur de, Lieutenant-General for King of Navarre in Bearn, 734 (p. 685).

St. George, Mount of, in Genoa, Giustiniano leaves money for poor kinsfolk in, 694.

Saint-German, Julian de, canon of Notre Dame, created suffragan Bishop of Paris, 239 (p. 260).

Saint-Germain, abbey of, French King goes to, 9.

Saint-Germain-en-Laye, French King will drink waters at, 200;

King and Queen go to, 325 (p. 357).

St. Giele, Prince of Orange pitches camp on mountain of, 404 (p. 434).

Saint-Goard. See Vivonne.

St. Iago, order of, Knights of, 365 (p. 399).

“St. Jaques de Galytia” [i.e. St. Iago de Compostella], Epernon professes to go on pilgrimage to, 379.

Saint-Jean-d'Angely, Prince of Conde at, 93, 167 (p. 185), 734 (p. 689).

Saint John's, Priory of, in Ireland, Spanish Knight demands title of, 167 (p. 186);

Great Master of, expected in Augsburg, 645.

San Juan, castle of, in Portugal, taken, 581.

Sanct' Juan, island of, damage done by English pirates in, 505 (p. 502).

S. Juan de Lua, Drake and Hawkins together at, 505 (p. 501).

Saint-Lary, Cesar de, Seignour de Bellegarde, General of light horse, killed in attempt on Antwerp, 30;

mentioned, 693.

-, Jean de, Sieur de Termes, uncle to Epernon; lieutenant of Metz and Verdun, 198;

to be Epernon's lieutenant at Calais, 239.

Saint-Luc, M. de. See Epinay.

St. Lucar, ships at, 560, 561.

-, letters dated at, 637, 640,

St. Marc, Baron de. See Simier.

Santa Maria Formosa, Solemn Vespers in Church of, in Venice, 706 (p. 660).

Santa Maria Maggiore, in Rome, masses said in, 630.

St. Mark, Pope will take palace of, from Signory of Venice, 644;

mass in Church of, on vigil of Purification, 706 (p. 660).

Sancta Marta, damage done by English pirates at, 505 (p. 502).

Saint Martin, “San Martin,” Sieur de. See Cochefilet.

St. Martin, Island of, men land at, 638.

San Martin de la Reyna, messenger goes to, 602 (p. 568).

St. Mary's Port, on Straits of Gibraltar, ammunition at, 559;

ships at, 560, 561;

troops from Flanders at, 567.

Saint-Maur-des-Fosses, Queen Mother goes to, 325 (p. 357).

Saint Michael, Island of, news from, 141;

people of, rise against Spaniards, 154;

English ship comes to Angra from, 160 (p. 178);

cruelties of Marquis of Santa Cruz to those of, 693;

enemy brings barques into port, near, 749.

-, -, Governor of, letter from, to Bernardino de Mendoza, taken by English captain, 160 (p. 178).

-, -, Abbey of, Monsieur's suite in, 45;

many of Monsieur's officials in, 59 (p. 69);

kept locked up, and some French imprisoned in, 100;

Abbot of, 601.

Saint Nicolas, English merchants may pass through port of, on their way to Russia, 382 (p. 412).

Saint Omer, Prince of Parma sends troops towards, 231;

Malcontents do nothing at, 245;

ship belonging to Spaniards at, captured by French, 264, 335;

("St. Thomas"), King's leaguer comes to, 384;

those of, divided among themselves, 529;

La Motte sends troops from, to Montigny, 540;

Governor of. See Rue.

Saintonge, King and Princess of Navarre about to go into, 288 (p. 320);

Prince of Conde's marriage to take place at, 333;

belongs to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

S. Paul's church, in Paris, Bishopric of Saluces given to preacher in 239 (p. 260).

St. Prassede, Cardinal Borromeo preaches in Church of, 693 (p. 642).

St. Sebastian, news from, 566 (1), (2), (3), (4), 576;

Earl of Westmorland arrives at, 586;

mentioned, 602.

San Severino, “Sancta Severina,” Cardinal of. See Santorio.

Saint-Seval, “Sainseval,” Colonel of French, killed in attempt on Antwerp, 30.

San Sisto, Cardinal of. See Buoncompagni.

Saint Thomas. See St. Omer.

St. Trond, St. Trudo, Prince of Orange enters with army, and Abbe of, taken prisoner, 404 (p. 433).

St. Vaast, Arras, letter dated from Abbey of, 779 (6).

Saint-Valery, Mmes. de Teligny and de la Noue embark at, 209.

Sanct' Victores, Juan Baptista de, a negro in possession of, 505 (p. 501).

St. Vincent, Cape. 597.

Salamone. See Sallamone.

Salcedo, Nicolas, “Baron” of, reference to practices of, at Bruges, 693 (p. 642).

Salentin, Count of Isenburg, formerly Archbishop, administrator of diocese of Cologne, favours Duke of Bavaria's brother as Archbishop, 333 (p. 369);

“tired of his job,” 388.


“Captain general,” waits for the coming of the Cardinal of Austria, 722;

still at Cologne, 728, 729;

as administrator and captain general, declaration of, 730;

thought to wish for massacre of Protestants, 731;

levies men for Chapter in Cologne, 732;

is well-beloved, wise and a good manager, 735;

goes to Bruhl to prepare abode for new Bishop of Cologne, 739;

reported to be about to besiege Bonn, 740;

soldiers of, near Bonn, 743;

soldiers of, imprisoned, 747.

Sales, M. de, Governor of Navarrenx, 734 (p. 685).

Salignac, Baron de, governs under King of Navarre in Perigord, 734 (p. 686).

-, Bertrand de, Seigneur de la Mothe-Fenelon, reference to the negotiations of, with Elizabeth, 2;

trusted by Elizabeth 2;

rumours that he is to conclude a marriage between James VI and the Duke of Lorraine's daughter, 5;

allowed by Queen to pass into Scotland, 10;

Elizabeth assured of affection of, 12;

Walsingham warned to have an eye to doings of, in England, 22;

mentioned, 68;

reference to affairs of, 69;

proceedings of, in Scotland, and advice of d'Aubigny to, 93 (p. 107);

arrives in London, 118;

prepares to leave England, 140;

mentioned, 149 (p. 165), 168 (p. 188);

visits Cobham, 174;

Gowry sends assurance of his fidelity to French King by, 261 (p. 284);

departs from Scotland well-satisfied, 277 (p. 301);

reference to privileges promised to Scottish merchants by, 325 (p. 357);

mentioned, 350, 761.

-, -, letter from, 126.

-, -, letter to, 87.

Salines, held by Protestants, 734 (p. 688).

Salkins, William, to carry Treaty of Hamburg to Elbing, 616;

bears letters from Elizabeth to King of Poland, 670.

Sallamone, Zaccaria, to be proveditor of Venetian fleet, 693 (p. 642);

shortly to start for the east, 710.

Salms, Hermann Adolf, Count of, deprived of his ecclesiastical dignities, 740, 742.

Saluces, Marquisate of, M. de Nemours to be governor of, 55;

abbey in, given to La Valette, 148 (p. 163);

French King causes towns in, to be fortified, 176;

King intends to join citadel of Mirandule to, 200;

Duke of Savoy demands, as dowry of Princess of Lorraine, 216 (p. 236);

Bishopric of, given to “Peciotte,” 239 (p. 260);

mentioned, 693.

Salvago, Rafael, Knight of S. John, comes from Malta, 749.

Salzburg, Bishop of, legate of, at Diet of Augsburg, 649;

controversy concerning, 660 (p. 620).

Sandoval, Don John de, second son of the Marquis of “Denya” [i.e. Leina], goes with expedition to Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

-, Don “Lowes” de, of the Order of Calatrava, goes with Spanish expedition to Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

Sandwich, in Kent, Jesuits go to, from Douay, 16;

English ships from, take victuals to Dunkirk, 31;

Dutchmen of, send stores of wheat to Low Countries, 114;

John Somers crosses to Low Countries from, 188;

ship of, taken by Monsieur's men at Dunkirk, 271.

Sandys, Sandes, Thomas, Lord, 620.

Sanguinio, Signor Fabritio, garden of, at Gaeta, 698.

Sans, Sens, Cardinal of [qy. Nicolas de Pelleve, Archbishop of Sens, Cardinal di SS. Giovanni e Paolo], “consecrates” M. de Foix, 701;

votes against the Pope on the question of the legate for Portugal, 702.

-, -, reference to nephew of, 565.

Santander, Santandero, ships at, 560;

fleet at, goes to the Groyne, 566 (5);

fleet prepared at, 568;

reference to ships which went to Ireland from, 594;

mentioned, 602;

bark sent from, to Dingle, 602 (p. 569).

Santarem, St. Tarma, Don Antonio flies to, 597 (p. 564).

Santiago, Bishop of, Governor of Island, accepts letters from Don Antonio, 160 (p. 179).

-, Isle of, Portuguese ships come to, 160 (p. 178).

Santmont, Sr. de, governs under King of Navarre in Armagnac, 734 (p. 686).

Santona, Santonea, Port, in Spain, 566 (2).

Santonia, gallions of, remain at Terceira, 585.

Santorio, Giulio Antonio, Cardinal Archbishop of Sta. Severina, very ill, 186 (p. 204).

Sapato, Don Rodrigo, master of camp in Spanish expedition for Ireland, 602 (p. 569).

Sara (Sary), Marquis of, 567.

Sassetti, Captain Tomaso, reference to copy of bond sent by, 241;

Cobham delivers Giraldi's bond to, 288 (p. 320);

sent to England with dispatch, 293;

troubled with gout, 310;

takes dispatch to England, 327.

-, -, letter from, 247.

Saucourt, M. de, slain in fight between de Mouy and Maurevert, 232.

Savelli, Giacomo, Cardinal, very ill, 186 (p. 204);

not present at the Consistory to vote about the legate for Portugal, 702.

Saverdun, in Conte of Foix, 734 (p. 685).

Savoie, Henri de, Sieur de la Garnache, Duke of Genevois, son of Duke of Nemours, goes into Piedmont, 338 (p. 373).

-, Jacques de, Duke of Nemours, Prince of Genevois goes to, 338 (p. 373).

Savona, Duke of Terranova arrives near, 710.

Savoy, ambassador of, in Paris, 176, 309 (p. 341);

at Diet at Baden, 301;

to the Emperor, 605.

-, Henrietta of, Duchess of Maine, with child, 325 (p. 358).

-, Duke of. See Charles Emanuel;
-, Emanuel Philibert.

-, Madame de Teligny in, 155, 158;

marriages talked of in, for Duke of Lorraine's daughters, 239 (p. 260);

ambassadors of, at Diet at Baden to draw up demands against Geneva, 268;

difference between Berne, Geneva and, composed at Diet at Baden, 323;

troubles expected between France and, 600;

country of King of Navarre reaches to, 734 (p. 688).

Saxe-Coburg, Duke of. See Coburg.

-, Lauenberg, Duke of. See Frederick.

-, -, Duke Magnus of, at Cologne, 722.

-, Weimar, William Frederick, Duke of, comes to Augsberg, 645, 653.

Saxony, arms of, carried before Emperor in procession into Augsburg, 653.

-, Elector of. See John Frederick I; Augustus.

-, Maurice, Duke of. See Maurice.

-, Duchess of, comes to Augsburg, 642, 645.

-, Counts of. See Christian;
-, Frederick William;
-, William.

Sayn, Sein, George de, Count de Wittgenstein, Domprobst of Cologne, to appear before the Bishop of Vercelli, 388, 742;

deprived of his benefices, 747.

Scarembergh, —, Commissioner to Prince of Parma, 529.

Schaffhausen, Canton of, sends forces to the aid of Geneva, 697.

Schar, Herr John Christopher, of Schwarzberg, bearer of letter from Duke Casimir to Walsingham, 366.

Schaumberg, Count of, marries daughter of Duke of Brunswick, 398 (p. 427).

Schauwenburch, Count of, in army of Prince of Orange in 1568, 404 (p. 432).

Schein. See Calixtus.

Scheld, the, French and Swiss soldiers pass, near Antwerp, 702 (p. 654).

Schenck, (? Christopher), son of former Governor of Gueldres, to have charge of 1,500 horse, 515.

-, Skincke, Martin, Dutch Captain serving under Spaniards, taken prisoner, 538;

reported to be in Groningen, 612.

Schmalkalden, meeting of Princes professing Confession of Augsburg, at, 522.

Schoenenberg, Jean de, Elector and Archbishop of Trier, remains neutral in cause of Bishop of Cologne, 290;

commissioners of, at Diet of Augsburg, 649 (p. 608), 650;

arrives at Augsberg, 653 (p. 613);

mentioned, 654, 660 (p. 620);

detained in Augsburg by the Emperor, 669, 671;

leaves Augsburg, 672;

gives a warning to Prince of Parma, 728.

Scholiers, M., a burger o: Antwerp, sent to Monsieur, 24.

Schomberg, —, contract of, with an “inventor” of harquebuses, 70.

Schoonhoven, Philippe van, lord of Waenroy, “outward burgomaster” at Antwerp, escape of, 24.

Schwartz, —, letter from, 673.

Schwarzberg, inhabitant of, 366.

Schwarzburg, Gunther, Count of, brother-in-law to Prince of Orange, his death, 319;

mentioned, 601.

-, Countess of. See Nassau, Catherine of.

Schwarzenberg, Otho Henry, Count of, Marshal of Court of Emperor, 525;

account of negotiation with Don John, 777;

signs overture for peace between Emperor and States-General, 777 (p. 725).

-, -, letter to, 525.

Scio, damask to be brought at, 733.

Scipion, Signor, in command of Spanish galleys lost at Serradura, 407.

Scotland, Elizabeth allows La Mothe to go towards, 2;

fear of English that the attack on Antwerp will have bad results in, 38;

D'Aubigny blamed by Guises for leaving, 57;

lords of, said to be addicted to d'Aubigny, 75;

affairs in, 93;

policy of, towards France, 93;

agreement between Protestants in France and, to be wished for, 93;

rumours that there will be much distribution of goods and lands in, 105 (p. 123);

reference to letter signed by noblemen of, 122;

reference to affairs in, 123, 124;

Montbrunneau levies soldiers in France to be transported into, 127;

mentioned, 149 (p. 165);

d'Aubigny has confidence in his confederates in, 168;

La Mothe-Fenelon's journey to, mentioned, 174;

d'Aubigny wishes for union of England and, 182;

French have a fancy to trouble quiet of, 197 (p. 213);

news from, 199;

possibility of “dangerous practice” in France against, 202;

d'Aubigny's greatness in, 210;

French King desires peace in, 224;

mentioned, 249;

Jesuits intend to spend money in, 261 (p. 283);

Duke of Guise hopes to go to, 267 (4);

things making ready for, 267 (5);

Marshal Biron inquisitive of news from, 277 (p. 301);

Davison shews kindness to Bonnetti in, 285;

Mayneville returns to France from, 288 (p. 320);

Bonnetti receives ill-treatment in, 300;

James VI. requests that goods from, may be exempted from new impositions in France, 325;

Spanish “army” for Low Countries may come by way of, 327;

Smallet returns to, 330;

Ker refers to his sojourn in, 332;

reference to “practice” begun by d'Aubigny in, 338;

d'Entragues wishes d'Aubigny's son to repair into, 345;

d'Aubigny's eldest son to go to, 362;

desire for avoidance of troubles in, 363;

hopes of alteration of state of, 379 (p. 409);

Parliament will not be held in, 389 (p. 419).


Elizabeth's policy towards, 408;

Killigrew sent in haste to, 410;

reference to treaties with, 443;

mentioned, 460, 463;

affairs in, 474;

discussion regarding rights of Elizabeth in, 480;

de Crocque goes to, 481, 483;

“great personages” in, 516;

Elizabeth desires delegates from, to consider cause of Confession of Augsburg, 522;

Don John schemes for alliance with, 524;

mentioned, 568;

Roman Catholics in, wish to send their King to France, 711;

mentioned, 734 (p. 692).

Scots, King of. See James VI.

-, Queen of. See Mary.

Scottish regiments to remain in Eyndhoven, 12;

in Netherlands, swear allegiance to States, 38 (p. 44);

Monsieur sends for, 45;

hatred between French and, 45;

in English regiment commanded by Norris, 80;

in States' enterprise against Lierre, 117;

troops in land of Waes refuse to move without two months' pay, 138;

affairs, 184;

friend of Cobham's, 197 (p. 213);

soldiers in Eyndhoven, 220;

soldiers in States' army, 225 (p. 246);

soldiers at Menin mutiny for pay, 231;

troops leave Waesland, 235;

troops receive belated payment, 244;

troops at Menin, will not hearken to Prince of Parma, 245;

lords, few remain with d'Aubigny, 261 (p. 284);

soldiers at Menin, pay sent to, 264;

gentlemen have mostly left d'Aubigny, 273;

troops, Norris seeks to join, 277;

forces not likely to be able to keep Menin, 279;

troops at Menin, people of Bruges send pay to, 280 (p. 304);

troops discontented with French, 294;

troops at Menin well prepared for defence against Malcontents, 320;

merchants in France, reference to letters from James VI. on behalf of, 325;

faction in Paris dispatch Nesbett, with news of d'Aubigny's death, 338;

faction have confidence in Shawe, 344;

troops at Menin ill-used by their colonel, 847;

in Bruges, Damme, and Sluys, 397 (p. 425).


companies of, arrive in Low Countries, 515;

soldiers, about Antwerp, mustered, but not paid, 529;

beyond Bois-le-Duc, awaiting States' forces, 533;

soldiers mutiny for pay, 535;

serving Prince in Flanders, 538;

eight ensigns of, at Rouselaar, 539;

two ensigns of, in Dunkirk, 544;

fire houses at Wervick and Commines, 554;

to be ready to march towards Tournay, 555;

of Menin, about Lille, 574;

Colonel of, slain, 599;

in Vilvorde, not yet appeased, 615;

at Menin, do good service, 629;

practices, 639;

in service of the States, 710;

at Berck, 740;

ensigns, under Busseau, 746.

-, Irish, rebellious people in Ireland, 492, 493.

Sebastian, King of Portugal, ambassador of, in England, 507, 509;

reference to death of, 524;

body of, to be buried in chapel of Kings of Portugal, 701, 706.

Seckau, Bishop of, at Augsburg, as legate for the Bishop of Salzburg, 649.

Segovia, Don Gonzalo de Guaverra de, goes with Spanish expedition to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399)

Segur-Pardaillon, Sr. de, superintendent of household and finances to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 687).

Seine, river, French ship attacked by English pirate in bay of, 255 (2).

Selim, the Grand, 577 (p. 553).

Selles, M. de. See Noircarmes.

Sens, Cardinal of. See Sans.

Sens in Burgundy, 358.

Serignac, Vicomte de, watches over country for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 687).

Serradura, galleys lost at, 407.

Serres, held by Protestants, 734 (p. 688).

-, “Seares,” sent by Protestants to Diet of Huguenots, (p. 409).

Servan [qy. Azerbaijan], Turks make war on frontier of, 167 (p. 186);

reference to restitution of province of, 695.

Servi, Comte de. See Luzane.

Seton, Sir John, second son to Lord Seton, going from Paris into Spain, 389 (p. 419).

-, Captain, slays some of the enemy, 591;

mentioned, 599.

Setubal, “St. Ubal,” garrison in, to be increased, 309 (p. 341);

“St. Tovals,” Duke of Alva in, 568 (p. 543);

“St. Oves,” Spanish galleys at, 586;

merchant ships returning from, are cast away, 711.

Seure, or Sevre, Michel de, Grand Prior of Champagne, commission from French King to 125;

Chevalier de “Seavres,” confers with Cobham about English merchants, 236;

“Severs,” 286.

Seville, Bodenham lives in, 399;

reference to House of Commerce in, 500 (p. 501);

“Civill,” 559;

mentioned, 561;

King of Spain at, 566 (1), (2);

preparations of fleet go on in, 710.

-, letter dated at, 304.

Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford, a negro held by, 505 (p. 501).

Sforza, Cardinal, 625.

Shatesky, Fedor of, son of Henry of Pisomesky, Russian ambassador in England, instructions of, 74;

articles propounded by, mentioned, 341.

“Shandin,” (? Chandon), sent by Protestants to Diet of Huguenots, 379 (p. 409).

Shaw, parson, 481.

Shawe, William, d'Aubigny intends to bestow bishopric of Glasgow on, 261 (p. 284);

with d'Aubigny, 273;

Smallet speaks too freely to, 327;

constantly with d'Aubigny before his death, 338 (p. 372);

trusted by Scottish King, 344;

reported to have carried d'Aubigny's heart to Scottish King, 362 (p. 394);

mentioned, 363.

Sherington, —, English merchant, reference to suit between Hondry and, 287.


Captain, of Spain, wrecked, 407.

La Chaine, of Quillebœuf, captured by English pirates, 255 (2).

Dauphin, of la Tremblade, robbed by English pirates, 255 (2), 255 (3), 255 (4).

Le Double Vlieboot, Dutch, merchant ship captured by, 196.

Faith Signor Scipion's galley, wrecked, 407.

Falcon, of London, 597.

Francis, of London, 597.

Hacker, of Whitstable, taken etc., 271.

Haslewood, of Dover, taken etc., 271.

Henry White, of London, taken by Monsieur's men at Dunkirk, 271.

Hope, the, wrecked, 407.

S. James, the, wrecked, 407.

John Danger, of Sandwich, taken etc., 271.

Jonas, of London, 597.

Mary Martin, letter written by Barbary merchants aboard, 266.

Patron, the, of Naples, wrecked, 407.

Patron, Signor Scipion's galley, wrecked, 407.

Patron, Signor Bendinelli's galley, wrecked, 407.

Renegade, the, wrecked, 407.

St. Angelo, Spanish, wrecked off coast of Spain, 407.

St. Philip, of Spain, wrecked, 407.

Seven Columns, 710.

Spinola, loses cargo in storm, 760.

Star, wrecked, 407.

Susan, Harborne arrives at Constantinople in, 325 (p. 360);

sends letters by, 366, 733.

Tremblade the, robbed of wines by English, 338 (p. 373).

Unicorn, d'Aubigny's ship, 273.

-, list of, going from Spain to take the Terceiras, 365.

Shixon [? Gijon], in Spain, 602 (p. 568).

Shoreham, (Shorom), artillery shipped from, 602.

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot, George. Shute, ? William, interviewed by Monsieur, 103;

brings letter to Cobham, 168;

mentioned, 239 (p. 261).

Siberia, 526.

Sicily, Italians arrive from, to embark in Spanish vessels, 53;

forces of, led by Prince of Parma, 516;

galleys return to, 597;

Spaniards from, march towards Low Countries, 657;

Viceroy of, makes no preparations for defence against the Turk, 700;

corn of, to come to Rome, 702 (p. 653);

galleys to return to, 749.

-, Viceroy of. See Colonna, Marc Antonio.

Sidney, Philip, reference to letter from, to Count of Torres Vedras, 160;

Morgan refers his cause to Walsingham and, 229;

reference to coming marriage of, 322;

servant of, brings letters to Morgan, 334.

-, Robert, brother of above, 322.

Siena, Alfonso Piccolomini at, 239 (p. 261).

Sigismund I. King of Poland, treaty of, with Albert of Brandenburg, mentioned, 613.

-, Augustus, Count or Duke of Mecklenburg, nephew to Duke of Mecklenburg, goes to Augsburg, 645;

at Diet, 649;

at Elector of Saxony's banquet, 653 (p. 613).

Sigura, Farante, imprisoned for striking the Abbot Palistro, 694.

Silesia, nobility of, arrive in Augsburg, 646;

“Slesia,” demands of King of Poland as to, 675, 701.

Silly, Antoine de, Count de la Rochepot, Monsieur requests that possessions of, may be allowed to pass out of Antwerp, 19;

Monsieur lays blame of attack on Antwerp, on, 40 (p. 47);

mentioned, 44;

with Monsieur before attack on Antwerp, 45;

mentioned, 80, 103;

said to have been sent by Monsieur into France, 112;

offers services for relief of Eyndhoven, 115;

Governor of Angers, 235;

French will attempt to enter Cambrai under, 591;

makes as though he would attack Norris, 708.

Silva, Manuel da, Count of Torres Vedras, Viceroy at Angra, receives letters from Don Antonio, 160;

mentioned, 161, 223.

-, -, letter from, 141, 166.

-, — de, brother of above, comes to Don Antonio, 142.

Simier, Jean de, Baron de St. Marc, Elizabeth said to have revealed French King's secret to, 216 (p. 234);

Don Antonio at house of, 325 (p. 360);

sent to Elizabeth by Monsieur, 523;

Monsieur at Abbey belonging to, 563;

treats for marriage between Elizabeth and Monsieur, 767.

Simon, Stephen, companion of the Order of S. Bartholomew, 609.

Simonetta, Sermonetta, Cardinal, sent to Spain, 702.

Simpson, “Rotbart,” deals treacherously with merchants of Lubeck, 253 (p. 273).

Sinan Bassa, made Grand Vizier. 577 (p. 553);

mentioned, 625, 693 (p. 643), 695;

degraded by Turks, 705;

said to have been strangled, 706 (p. 660);

successor of, mentioned, 738.

Sipierre (Cipierre), Madame de, to be dame d'honneur to the young Queen, 239 (p. 260).

Siradia, Duke of, mentioned, 613 (p. 576).

Sirleto, Cardinal, in audience chamber to receive Count Olivares, 645.

“Skinckam,” Captain, discharged by Duke of Parma, 629.

Sleidan [Jean Phillipson, called], writings of, alluded to, 119.

Slernay, Sieur de, French under, 729.

Sluys, Monsieur hopes to be master of all towns between Dunkirk and, 165;

Somers takes ship to, 188;

Monsieur to pass near, 194;

Monsieur passes between Damme and, 218;

Egmont said to have been released from castle in, 296;

Scots in, 397 (p. 425);

Sir Humfrey Gilbert's intentions frustrated at, 499 (p. 497);

Privy Council desires Sir Humfrey Gilbert to recover and keep, 499 (p. 498);

Prince of Orange thought to be going to, 542;

camp near, 599.

Smallet, John, servant to d'Aubigny, informs Cobham that the Scottish lords are “addicted” to d'Aubigny, 75;

reference to Cobham's conference with, 122, 124;

Cobham has conference with, 168, 182;

Elizabeth's directions concerning, 208;

visits Cobham, 237 (p. 257);

Cobham deals with, 261 (p. 283);

visits Cobham, 288;

letter sent to Walsingham with, 289;

speaks too freely to Shawe, 327;

mentioned, 331;

sent to Scotland, 338;

not well satisfied with his return from England, 344;

dispatched to Elizabeth and Scottish King on behalf of d'Aubigny's son, 345;

Shawe goes to Scotland in company of, 362 (p. 394).

-, -, letter from, 183.

Smallpiece, Robert, merchant at Rouen, letter signed by, 106.

Smith, George, brother to Sir Thomas, sons of, to go if they will to Ireland, 493.

-, Sir John, sent into Spain, 524.

-, Sir Thomas, English Ambassador in France, negotiates with Queen Mother about Elizabeth's marriage with Monsieur, 429;

Leicester writes to, with regard to token given by Elizabeth to Duke of Anjou, 500.

-, -, letters from, 413–498.

-, Thomas, son of above, commended by his father to Lord Burghley, 457;

goes on Irish enterprise, 466;

reference to books of, 468;

will adventure life for Elizabeth, 471;

mentioned, 472;

money to be given to, for Irish enterprise, 486;

proposal made by, 491.

-, -, letters to, 449, 456, 469, 482, 493.

-, Thomas, godson of Sir Thomas, to go with expedition to Ireland, 493.

-, William, of Walden, nephew to Sir Thomas, 495.

-, Lady, letters to, 415, 419, 435, 445, 462, 478, 490, 491.

Smithe, Dr., “Black Sir Smithe,” English Jesuit, 616.

Smithfield, resident in Great St. Bartholomew, in, 616 (p. 583).

Smyth, Robert, merchant at Rouen, letter signed by, 106.

Smythe, Charles, in service of Elizabeth, 377.

-, Smithe, —, son of above, bearer of letters from Cobham to Walsingham, 377, 378.

Soissons, Louis de Bourbon, Count of, commission by Henry III. to, to treat of marriage between Elizabeth and Monsieur, 775.

Soissons, Bishop of, assists Cardinal of Guise at his first Mass, 325 (p. 358).

Soleure, those of, resolve to take up arms on behalf of Geneva, 639;

sends forces to aid of Geneva, 697.

Soliess, may be given back to Russia, 628.

Solms, Adolf von, Count of Meurs. See Adolf.

Solydon, goes with de Laro from Court of Spain to Bilbao, 560.

Somere, Jacques de, reference to letter from, 531.

Somers, John, letters from, 188, 204, 225.

Somersetshire, resident in, 616.

Sommars (?), instructions given to Sir Jerome Bowes concerning, 340.

Somst, Duke of Saxe Lauenberg seizes boat passing by, 705;

regiments of Count d'Aremberg retire towards, 715.

Son, Sr. de, mentioned, 734 (p. 689).

Sora, Duke of. See Buoncompagni, Jacomo.

Soranzo, John, visits M. du Ferrier in Venice, 693 (p. 642).

Sorbiers, Roch des, Seigneur des Pruneaux, Monsieur requests that possessions of, may be allowed to pass out of Antwerp, 19;

declares his fiedlity to Monsieur, 40;

sent by Monsieur to Prince of Orange, 46;

States receive antedated letter from, 110;

returns to Antwerp with the deputies, 115, 117;

said to be a temporiser, 115;

at Antwerp, 121, 132;

goes to Monsieur, 135 (p. 148), 138, 155;

returns to Antwerp, 157, 158, 171;

confers with States on money to be paid to Monsieur, 179;

to remain with States, 187;

moves States to accomplish part of their promise, 189;

mentioned, 205;

goes towards Antwerp to Prince and States, 385;

almost slain by a party of French, 385 (p. 414);

comes to Antwerp, 398 (p. 429);

reply of States to negotiation of, 777;

reference to negotiations and speeches of, 777.

-, -, letter from, 781 (p. 731).

-, -, letter to, 781 (p. 731).

Sorbonne, in Paris, Walsingham's praises “preached” in, 69;

Guises encourage vices which have been condemend by, 734 (p. 684).

Sound, the, Danish customs in, 156 (p. 173);

mentioned, 348.

Southam, Thomas, burnt in fire of Moscow, 411.

Southampton, Hampton, English ship from, comes to Angra, 160 (p. 178).

South Sea, ship from, arrives in Spain, 585.

Spa, Spawe, the, in Lorraine, French King intends to drink water of, 200;

young Queen to take water of, 273, 286 (p. 317), 747;

King and Queen Mother desire to be near, 743.

Spahis, quarrel with Janissaries, 738;

wish to join Janissaries in assault on St. Elmo, 749.

Spain, Prince of Parma seeks to restore Ghent to obedience of, 44;

Scottish King can look to, for help, 75;

news from, 95, 105;

King Philip intends to return to, 154;

Saint-Goard returns from his legation to, 167;

news from, 167 (p. 185);

King Philip increases number of officers in, 174 (p. 192);

news from, 186 (p. 204), 200;

Council of, condemns la Noue to perpetual prison, 216 (p. 235);

news from, 239 (p. 260);

ship belonging to d'Aubigny to be sent to, with forged letters, 261 (p. 284);

reference to English trade with, 266 (3);

English ship coming from, taken by Monsieur's men at Dunkirk, 271;

d'Aubigny's ship not going to, 288;

Protestant Princes resolve to join in defence of Bishop of Cologne against, 290;

restraint made in France of bringing corn into, 304;

Saint-Goard returns from, 309;

news from, 309 (p. 341);

French at Dunkirk said to have taken ships coming from, 318 (p. 350), 320;

news from, 338 (p. 373);

Prince of Parma wishes to be able to obtain news by sea from, 362 (p. 394);

Seton going into, 389 (p. 419);

Viceroy of Algiers roves with galleys along coast towards, 389 (p. 420);

Henry of Brunswick in pay of, 398 (p. 427).


policy of England towards, 408;

discussion in England as to how to stop fleet of, 410;

some in, hostile to Elizabeth, 451;

mistrusted by Scotland, 463;

mentioned, 510 (p. 505), 516;

intercourse between England and, from 1572 to 1578, 524;

those of Holland and Zealand will send ships to, 558;

money sent from Court of, to Bilbao, 560;

Court of, mentioned, 562;

Balione waits for galleys from, 565;

ambassador writes to, 566 (2);

news from, 577 (p. 552);

ships from Indies arrive in, 585;

mentioned, 586;

news from, 596;

rumour in, of death of Elizabeth, 597;

men sent into, by Pope, 602 (p. 567);

ships bound for, still in Antwerp, 618;

galleons prepared in, 625;

news from, 630;

must expel Monsieur from the Low Countries, 635 (p. 597);

mentioned, 638;

protection of, granted to Cardinal de' Medici, 645;

soldiers go from Naples to, 656;

Austria must favour cause of, 660 (p. 620);

Cardinal de' Medici named protector of, by the Pope, 662;

Empress coming out of, 693;

news from, 694;

France will declare war on, if Turkey and Persia make peace, 695;

news from, 699;

galleys from Naples to be sent to, 700;

news from, 701;

King does not demand a legate for, 702;

news from, 703;

certainty that war would not break out between France and, 706 (p. 659);

Elizabeth will nourish war between France and, 713;

mignon of Cardinal Granvelle to go into, 722–728;

Queen of France said to be sending into, 731;

passages from France into, held by King of Navarre, 734 (p. 685);

thinks herself “a degree above” Venice, 734 (p. 691);

new Elector of Cologne sends messenger into, 740;

companies from, will remain at Milan, 744;

ambassador from, arrives in Paris, 747;

reference to letters from, 751.

-, occurrents and advertisements from, 559, 560, 561, 562, 566, 568, 576, 581, 586, 602.

-, mentioned under the cipher symbol Ca, 333, 388, 740.

-, King of. See Philip II.

-, Queen of. See Austria, Anne of.

-, Prince of. See Philip.

-, Princesses of. See Clara Eugenia;
-, Mary.

-, Ambassador of, in France. See Taxis.

-, -, Imperial Court. See San Clemente.

-, -, in England. See Mendoza.

-, -, in England in 1571. See Espes, Gerau d'.

-, -, in Rome. See Briceno.

Spalatro, Contarini returns from, 710.

Spaniards, reference to trick used by, 40;

danger of inhabitants of Antwerp falling back into hands of, 40;

English fear alliance of, with French, 40;

people of Netherlands show signs of according with, against the French, 46, 98;

Malcontents request Flanders to make peace with, 47 (p. 55);

to embark on expedition to the Terceiras, 53;

with Prince of Parma's army, suffering from starvation, 57;

States do not intend to accept, 66;

trading in France, 82;

plot of, against William of Orange, discovered, 85 (p. 97), 86;

Monsieur thought not to have any intelligence with, 103;

in the train of daughter of King Philip, 111;

people of St. Michael's rise against, 154;

enmity between French and, in Low Countries, 172;

some think English and Scots may be betrayed to, 186;

benefices in kingdom of Naples bestowed upon, 186 (p. 204);

French King fears that Marshal Montmorency will call in aid of, 201;

at Cologne, 206 (p. 227);

costs of, paid by Franciotti at Falmouth, 269;

reference to ship seized by, 270;

thought to be going to attack Terceiras, 273;

spoil country round Armentieres, 296;

in “army” for Terceira, 309 (p. 341);

salt belonging to, taken by Bacqueville's people, 335;

new land in Indies said to have been discovered by, 338 (p. 373);

Mauvissiere does not seek greatness of, 350, accuse Swiss of heresy, 358;

Prince of Parma seeks to make, Governors of Courtrai and Lille, 360.


in fortress of Culembourg, 404 (p. 432);

said to have joined with Rochelle against King of France, 480 (p. 483);

reasons why soldiers of Low Countries should join Estates against, 510;

reference to Don John's dealings with, in Low Countries, 513 (p. 508);

in Low Countries, 529;

to depart from Artois, Hainault and Lille, 532;

M. de Bours tries to animate burghers of Mechlin against, 533;

castle near Ruremonde, kept by, taken, 537;

losses of, at Maestricht, 538;

Count Hollock met by, near Venlo, 539;

thought to be shortly going out of Low Countries, 540, 541;

to depart when King's pleasure is known, 542;

some of people of Mechlin wish to let in, 546;

begin to depart from Low Countries, 547;

at Hoogstraet, 548;

mentioned, 549;

hover about Mechlin, 554;

depart beyond Maestricht, 555;

reported to have entered Flanders, 556;

mentioned, 558, 560;

declare that Ireland belongs to the Pope, 560;

discovery of plot between Bishop of Cambray and, 563;

in King's army, 567;

in Prague, 577 (p. 552);

at Bilbao, 594;

Bishop of Liege a great friend to, 601;

in ship put back from Irish coast, 602;

small troops of, come daily into the Low Countries, 618;

Malcontent nobility in Artois fear coming of, 629;

Monsieur's going to Flanders will be beginning of fall of great pride of, 640;

arrive at Namur, and some join with Prince of Parma's troops, 643;

Portuguese desire to be ready to redeem country against, 644;

march to Low Countries, 656, 657;

mentioned, 664 (p. 624);

Arsilla in hands of, 698;

request King not to let his daughter leave Spain, because of the illness of the Prince, 703;

have the worst of it in skirmishes near Antwerp, 706 (p. 659);

people of Low Countries unwilling to trust themselves to, 711;

still in Count de Meurs' country, 324;

in Mondragon's army, 746;

in S. Elmo, 749;

Duke of Alva will have ready, 751.

Spanish assassin, a “Biscayne” executed at Antwerp, 132, 135 (p. 149), 136 (p. 151), 138;

galleys pass Marseilles, 167 (p. 185);

Knight of Malta in Rome, 167 (p. 186);

reference to letter from Walsingham to Don Antonio written in, 175;

troops, Duke of Saxony employs, against Elector of Cologne, 222;

ship, account of taking of, 223;

fleet preparing for Terceira, 248;

merchant ship captured by French, 264;

merchants trading in Barbary, 266 (3);

army for Terceiras, French await news of, 286 (p. 317);

gentleman goes to England privily, 288 (p. 320);

pensions, many in France ill effected to Low Countries by reason of, 306;

garrison, Flanders to be preserved from, 308;

gentleman taken prisoner by Balagny, 310;

soldiers, Prince of Parma wishes to bring into Empire, 316 (p. 347);

“army” may come to Low Countries by way of Ireland and Scotland, 327;

merchants arrested in Switzerland, 358;

faction, believes Monsieur to have intelligence with Prince of Parma, 389 (p. 419);

intelligence between French and, feared, 392;

no grain to be taken to towns on side of, 396.


soldiers, hinder saving of goods from wrecked galleys, 407;

Don John intends to keep, in Low Countries, 513 (p. 507);

Jesuits, sent by Pope to treat with Don John, 516;

power, Portugal unfit to withstand, 559;

troops enter Luxembourg, 563;

Turks said to have taken some ships, 566 (1);

aid, Malcontents agree to receive, 612;

Inquisition, imprisonment of various people by, 625;

Earl of Sussex and Hatton said to have become, 635 (p. 597);

ambassadors, to be called nuncios, 644;

troops, pass through Genoa, 654;

soldiers, go to Borgerhout, 703;

knight, killed at S. Elmo, 749.

Sparke, John, saved from death in fire of Moscow, 411, 412.

Speier. See Spires.

Somers, John, reference to letter from, 194 (p. 211);

dispatched to Monsieur and States, 199;

letters sent to Norris by, 205;

mentioned, 226, 227, 228;

delay in his coming to Monsieur, 234;

leaves Antwerp, 235, 245;

reference to information sent by, 256, 306 (p. 338);

to lay information from States before Elizabeth, 725;

reference to “Her Majesty's demands made by,” 773.

Spinola, Andrea, mentioned, 407.

-, Baptista, merchant, reference to Elizabeth's bonds to, 225 (p. 244), 280;

reference to “cause” of, 295;

States cannot pay arrears due to, 399;

States promise to pay, 305 (p. 333);

Elizabeth regrets delay of States in paying, 306 (p. 338);

mentioned, 725.

-, Benedict, bonds of, 780.

Spires, Speier, Deputationstog to be held at, 282 (p. 306), 388; 676.

Spritwell, John, of Dover, meets Somers at Antwerp, 245.

Squarciafico, Cagnato, mentioned, 407.

Stafford, Mr. reference to letter from, 27.

Standen, Anthony, letter from, 630, 695.

Standley, Stanley, Mr., 461.

Stanton, —, 197.

Starkey, Alderman, goods of, taken by officers of new impositions in France, 236;

goods of, to be returned, 286.

Staveren, taken by Malcontents, 599;

States' men try to take, 611, 615;

yielded up to States, 619.

Steenberghen, Steinbergen, States' men retire to, 365;

grain to be taken to, 396.

Steenwicke, besieged by the enemy, 598, 599;

siege of, said to be raised, 600;

rumour of raising of siege of, denied, 601;

Norris reported to have raised the siege of, 607;

Norris has skirmish with enemy before, 610;

enemy retire from, 611;

mentioned, 612.

Steken, Darcy arrives at, 76, 80;

Monsieur sends ensigns of foot to, 204 (p. 223).

Stephen Bathory, King of Poland, wishes to go to war with Sweden, 11;

reference to negotiations of Antonio Possevino with, 54;

intends to go to war with Tartars, 167 (p. 186);

ill, 176;

assembles forces to go into Livonia, 193;

friendship between Emperor and, 243;

Pope stirs up, against Electors, 309 (p. 341);

denies tribute to Tartars, and expects invasion from them, 364.


mentioned, 551; 571 (p. 547), 609;

policy of, with regard to Hanse Towns, 613;

Court of, 616;

Treaty of Hamburg must be confirmed by, 617;

policy of, towards England, 623;

treaty of, with Russia, 628;

reference to letter from, to city of Elbing, 641;

Elizabeth's policy towards, 659;

ambassador from, expected in Augsburg, 672;

ambassador said to have procured some amity for, with Emperor, 693;

gives presents to Padre Possevino, 694;

reference to embassage sent by, to Augsburg, 696;

Emperor suspects too much goodwill between Hungarians and, 698;

makes his nephew general in Livonia, 698;

wishes his niece to marry son of the King of Sweden, 699;

demands of, about Silesia, 701;

present at diet of Warsaw, 701;

Polish ambassador has audience with the Emperor concerning compensation for, 703;

expected in Cracovia, 706 (p. 659);

dissatisfaction said to have arisen between Grand Turk and, 706 (p. 661);

reference to letters sent by Elizabeth to, 712;

peace between Pope and Muscovite is to the advantage of, 715;

declaration of, concerning English commerce, 723;

approves of freedom of commerce between England and Poland, 726.

-, -, letters from, 518, 519, 520, 670, 707.

-, -, letters to, 658, 674.

Stepney, Thomas, apprentice to Cockayne, 616.

Stewart, James, son of Cardonald “Court Donell,” brings letters from James VI. to d'Aubigny, 174 (p. 193);

wife of, bestows gifts on Colonel Stewart, 261 (p. 284).

-, -, Earl of Arran, “Captain Stuard,” set at liberty, 10;

mentioned, 237 (p. 257);

said to be plotting to transport King of Scots to France, 288.

-, Colonel William, to be sent to Elizabeth, from James VI, 108, 122;

said to be friendly towards England, 122;

keeps Castle of Dumbarton, 148 (p. 164);

goes to England, 237 (p. 257);

wife of James Stewart bestows gifts on, 261 (p. 284).

Stewerd, Robert, merchant, letter signed by, 99.

Stigliano, Prince of, murder of son of, 577 (p. 552).

Stile, John, Doctor of Theology, sent by Elizabeth to assembly at Schmalkalden, 522.

Stipes (?). a mountain called, towards which Prince of Orange leads army, 404 (p. 434).

Stochem, Prince of Orange's army camps before, 404 (p. 433), 405.

Stockholm, letters dated at, 303, 361.

Stokes, Thomas, English merchant and correspondent at Bruges, 188.

-, -, letters from, 14, 21, 31, 65, 84, 114, 137, 143, 144, 165, 180, 194, 207. 231, 245, 264, 279, 286, 296, 320, 329, 347, 360, 371, 397.

Stonley, Richard, Teller of the Exchequer, pension to be paid by, 461.

Store, Sieur Paul, Chamberlain to Bishop of Liège, renews fief of Liège in name of his master, 706 (p. 661).

Straele, —, Burgomaster of Antwerp, returns from Utrecht, 541.

Strasburg, Bishop of. See Manderscheid.

-, 661;

fairs of, not so good as formerly, 724;

reference to letter written from, 737;

merchandise going to, said to have been detained, 743.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 11, 119, 322, 323, 736.

Streymer, Reynold, merchant, letter signed by, 99.

Strontzon, Baron of, Basha of Buda sends presents to, 243.

Strozzi, Gabriel, kinsman of following offers “device” to Elizabeth, 128;

mentioned, 197 (p. 214);

Elizabeth cannot consent to “device” of, 199;

unable to go to England, 246.

-, Strosso, Philippe, Colonel, reference to defeat of, 92;

Cobham hopes to have conference with, 608.

-, Piero, a Florentine, kinsman of above, 128;

about to go to England, 246;

Sassetti writes on behalf of, 247.

Stuart, Esmé, Seigneur d'Aubigny, Duke of Lennox, leaves Scotland, 5;

mentioned, 10;

not expected to succeed very well, 12;

reference to conversation of, with Elizabeth, 26;

may look for no help from French, 46;

expected daily in Paris, 55, 57;

blamed by Duke of Guise for passing out of Scotland, 57 (p. 65);

thought by some to be ready to follow Elizabeth, 75;

Scottish lords “addicted” to, 75;

well received in England, 87;

Dukes of Guise and Lorraine visit, 93;

brings to Paris blanks signed by Scottish King, 93 (p. 106);

ill, 105;

Elizabeth hopes to receive information concerning, from Smallet, 122;

his professed devotion to Elizabeth, 124;

receives letters from Scotland, 127;

ship of, at Nantes, 148 (p. 164);

Cobham has conference with Smallet concerning, 168;

James VI. sends letters to, 174 (p. 193);

wishes to unite England and Scotland, 182;

desires to know whether Elizabeth will enter into terms with him, 183;

Earl Gowry at devotion of, 184;

French treat with, in secret, 197 (p. 213);

Elizabeth will hearken to, 210;

King of Scots desires return of, 216 (p. 235);

news of, 237 (p. 257);

accepts proposals made by Elizabeth, 261 (p. 283);

sends rings to Queen of Scots, 267 (3);

improving in health, 273;

Cobham sends news of, 288;

Geddes and Keir depart in ship of, 310;

very ill, 325 (p. 360);

Keir's dealings with, 327;

mentioned, 330, 332;

reference to his death, and last testament, 338;

Cobham writes touching practices of, 344;

mentioned, 345;

heart of, carried to Scottish King, 362 (p. 394).

-, Ludovick, eldest son of the above, his friends request that he may receive Earldom of Lennox, 338, 345;

to be brought up in Protestant religion, 362.

-, Henrietta, eldest daughter of the Earl, reference to contract of marriage between Morton's son and, 338.

Studland Bay, French ship brought into, 343.

Stukely (Estuquele), Stuckley, Thomas, King of Spain prepares fleet by counsel of, 409 (p. 439);

Spanish Court said to be governed by, 409 (p. 440).

“Stupro” (?), Captain, brother of, at Castle of Hulcherat, 206 (p. 227).

Sturmius, Sturm, John, Rector of Strasburg University, cannot obtain help from King of Navarre, and Condé, 11, 119;

reference to letter from, 322, 661;

still in banishment, 736.

Style, change of, stilo novo, stilo Anglie, reference to, 228, 275, 283, 320.

Styria, nobility of, arrive in Augsburg, 646;

Protestants of, desire free use of religion, 675.

Subier, Peter de, harm done by, in England, 637.

Suderman, Dr. Henry, of Cologne, in communication with Spanish ambassador at Imperial Court, 282 (p. 309);

friends of, obtain letters from Emperor against Merchant Adventurers, 333;

“the squint-eyed.” 333 (p. 369).


“le Lusque,” brings letters from the Pope to the Bishop of Cologne, 713;

“the squint-eyed,” 714;

affairs of, 717, 718;

“lamentable discourses” of, 722;

affairs of, go well, 728;

may obtain what letters he likes at his own cost, 740 (p. 699).

Suffolk, stores of wheat brought to Bruges from, 114.

Suraza, King of Poland to keep, 628.

Suresme, M. de, Governor of S. Jean d'Angeli, 734 (p. 689).

Sussex, Earl of. See Ratclyffe.

Suze, Comte de. See La Baume, François de.

Swarte Sluys, companies of English left at, 601.

Sweden, “Swedeland,” reference to Spanish King's trading with, 55, 60;

reference to war between Denmark and, 253;

King of Spain hopes to have ships and men from, 327;

William Good sent from Pope to Kings of, 590 (p. 561);

discussion at Augsburg concerning merchandise of, 647;

Duke Marquis of Saxe-Lauenberg married to Princess of, 722.

-, King of. See John III.

-, Queen of. See Catarina.

Sweveghem, Zueveghen, M. de. See Halewyn.

Swift, —, thief in custody of, 271.

Swister, —, Treaty of Hamburg sent to Elbing by, 616 (p. 581).

Switzerland, treaty to be held in, between the Duke of Savoy, Bernese and Genevese, 11, 112;

affairs in, 119;

letters from, 153;

Diet in, 209, 232;

Geneva has never refused to submit to, 687;

party of King of Navarre has been assailed by, 734 (p. 690);

reference to league between Italy and, 749.

Swoll, Zwol, said to be at the King of Spain's devotion, 327;

enemy plans enterprise against, 569;

enemy attempts to besiege, but retires, 585;

English to lie near, 599.

Swiss, prepared for battle, 6;

good discipline of, keeps them courageous, 6;

unwilling to enter Brabant without payment, 6;

army not well equipped, 12;

in Monsieur's army at attack on Antwerp, 24;

States will allow nobody to have a guard of, 38;

Monsieur's army chiefly consists of, 46;

King of France intends to pay wages of, 53;

Henry III, renews league with, 54;

to hold Brussels for the States, while Monsieur holds his Court there, 58, 61, 81;

Monsieur orders regiment of, to Antwerp, before attack, 63 (p. 75);

rumours that Monsieur will send, to raise siege of Eyndhoven, 81;

Monsieur will enter Brussels with guard of, 85 (p. 97), 100, 101, 102, 112;

Monsieur demands increased guard of, 117;

in garrison at Eyndhoven, 121;

people of Brussels will permit Monsieur to enter with, 135 (p. 148), 136 (p. 150), 138;

Cantons to hold a Diet, 148 (p. 163);

refuse to march against Eyndhoven, without pay, 155;

mentioned, 167;

disorder among Cantons, 174 (p. 193);

Monsieur demands pay for, 179;

Protestants, divisions among, 186;

pay sent to Monsieur for, 193;

news, 193 (p. 210);

in Monsieur's army, 225 (p. 246);

to march to camp at Hoogstraat, 230;

wish Elizabeth and German princes to oppose tyranny of Inquisition, 240;

troops go to Verselle, 244;

reference to assembly of, at Baden, 322;

guard, French King sends for, 338 (p. 373);

Inquisitors arrest, as heretics, 358;

in Brabant with Marshal Biron, 397 (p. 424).


mentioned, 624;

in league with French King, 639;

towns in league with Geneva, threaten Duke of Savoy, 654;

companies of, go to serve Duke of Savoy, 656;

under Duke of Savoy, 657;

soldiers pass the Scheldt, 702;

drowned at Duffel and Vilvorde, 703 (p. 656);

with Monsieur, leave St. Bernard, 710;

Monsieur to enter Brussels with a guard of, 711;

French alliance with, is very useful, 734 (p. 692);

levied by Pope, 744;

leaving States camp, 764;

treaty with Henry III, 766;

renewal of, 774. See also under Protestant Religion, Cantons of.

Symcott, John, Barbary merchants make complaints against, 266 (1);

letter from, 266 (2);

“Jane Syscotts,” 266 (3).