Index: T

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Taffin, Taufin, M., 177.

Taillebourg, French King puts garrison into, 209, 232.

Talbot, Edward, Cobham asks for favour of Walsingham for, 389 (p. 420).

-, George, Earl of Shrewsbury, unwilling to exchange Queen of Scots' women without orders, 149 (p. 166);

mentioned, 224.

-, Henry, Cobham asks for favour of Walsingham for, 389 (p. 420).

Tarbes, capital of Bigorre, 734 (p. 686).

Taride, Baron de, watches over country for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 687).

Tartars, truce between Turk and, 167 (p. 185);

King of Poland makes peace with, 193;

determine to invade Poland, 364;

“Crimmes,” “Crim Tartars,” burn Moscow, 411, 412.

Tartas, in the duchy of Albret, 734 (p. 686).

Tas or Thas, Baltazar, Captain, slain in attempt on Antwerp, 24.

Taurus, Tawris, 695.

Tavell, Richard, Barbary merchant, signature of, 266 (1).

Tavira, 'Tavilla,' in Algarve, 597.

Tavora, Duke of Medina Celi enters Portugal by, 566 (1).

-, Marquis of, captain of Spanish King's horse, 602 (p. 569).

Taxis, Juan Bautista de, Spanish agent in France, solicits Pope to have the Bishop of Seville and the son of the Duke of Terranova made Cardinals, 9;

French King gives orders to deal with, underhand, 54;

sends indulgences to England, 167 (p. 186);

news from, 197 (p. 214), 267 (2);

gives money to Jesuits and Cordeliers, 342;

Winter has conference with, 362 (p. 394);

has certainly had conference with Earl Morton, 389 (p. 419);

suspects the King of France, 621.

-, Count of, post-master general 388.

Tayaert, Tayart, Dr., sent by States to Monsieur, 117.

Teligny, Charles de, widow of. See Coligny, Louise de.

-, M. de. See Noue, Odet de la.

Temple, Rue du, quarrel between gentlemen of households of Dukes of Guise and Epernon in, 325 (p. 359).

-, See Tympel.

Temsche, English removed from Waesmunster to, 204 (p. 222).

Terceiras (Azores) and Terceira, Isle of, King Philip prepares ships for recovery of, 23;

many vessels in preparation for enterprise of, 53;

Chevalier do Châtre to command vessels for, 54, 60;

Captain Huget ready to take part in expedition to, 91;

preparations for expedition to, continued, 92, 95;

French troops go to, 142;

French pioneers may be levied for, 148 (p. 163);

Capponi writes from, 161;

Chastre about to depart for, 167 (p. 185);

Spanish ship taken near, 223;

Spanish fleet preparing to sail to, 239 (p. 260);

fears that Spanish fleet will be beforehand with those of, 248;

reference to ship taken at, 270;

M. de Châteauneuf to be employed in, 273;

Marshal de Retz wishes to send his son to, 286 (p. 317);

Don Antonio wishes for Englishmen for, 298;

King Philip makes provision for great fleet for, 304;

Spanish “army” for, 309 (p. 342);

Don Antonio hopes to obtain Englishmen for, 313;

Chevalier de Chastre thought to have arrived at, 325 (p. 360);

one of Don Antonio's sons to, go to, 325 (p. 360);

ships employed in taking of, 365;

justice demanded against those of, 368;

supposed English plot for burning Spanish fleet, prepared for, 379;

navy prepared for, kept back, 389 (p. 419).


gallions remain at, 585;

reference to King Philip's expedition to, 630, 638, 695, 706, 710;

fleet goes from Lisbon to, 744;

King Philip raises men for, 760;

report of French garrison at, 760.

Tergoes, Tregos, Sir Humfrey Gilbert's forces said to have had evil success at, 499 (p. 697).

Termes, “Termez,” M. de. See Saint-Lary, Jean de.

Terra Ferma, Tierra Firme, laden frigates going to, taken by Drake, 505 (p. 501);

fleet of, expected, with gold, 585.

Terranova, Duke of. See Aragon, Charles d'.

Ter Tolle, “Tortoll,” a league from Bergen-op-Zoom, mentioned, 372;

people of, cut dykes, 764.

Thames, river, reference to merchant ship sunk in, 266 (3).

Thanet, “Tenett,” Isle of, Dutchmen in England send stores of wheat to Low Countries from, 114.

Thiant. See Mérode.

Thiaous Bassa, thought likely to become Chief Vizier, 706 (p. 660).

Thibault, Pierre, notary of Bordeaux, deposition against English pirates made before, 255 (4).

Thickens, choice of, as Sir Humfrey Gilbert's Marshal, disapproved by Privy Council, 499 (p. 498).

Thielt, Tield, Tiled, near Ghent, spoiled by M. de Montigny, 530.

Thimerais, owned by King of Navarre, 734 (p. 687).

Thiopoli, —, Procurator of Venice, sent to visit M. du Ferrier, 693.

Thomas, Roger, Barbary merchant, signature of, 266 (1).

Thomasin, of Vatevile, piracy committed against, 343.

Thorn, Thorun, one of the Hanse towns, 613.

Thorton, John, merchant, letter signed by, 99.

Throgmorton, Sir Arthur, 660 (p. 621)

-, -, letter to, 652.

Tierra Firme. See Terra Ferma.

Tiflis, “Tiphlys,” Persians overthrow Turks at, 57 (p. 65);

Turks wish Persians to withdraw army from, 167 (p. 186);

reference to restitution of, 695;

Turks assaulted by Persians on their return from, 699;

reference to victory of Persians over Turks before, 705.

Tifordière, Sr. de, in Poitou for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Tillemonde, Tillemont, “Thielleremon,” Prince of Orange leads army to, 404 (p. 434);

enemy's forces about, 540.

Tillières, Comte de. See Veneur.

Tirrell, Mr., 630.

Toledo, soldiers go to Biscay from, 566 (2);

Pope's soldiers in, 602 (p. 569).

Toledo, Ferdinand Alvarez de, Duke of Alva, death of, 23;

Zuñiga y Requesens to succeed, 95.


account of his campaign against Prince of Orange in 1568, 404;

loses son in skirmish, 404 (p. 435);

arrests English ships in 1568, thereby declaring open war with England, 408;

Privy Council enquires how many Englishmen are serving under, 499 (p. 498);

writes to Elizabeth, 499 (p. 498);

anxious for death of Bossu, 510 (p. 505);

reported to be going to act as General of Spanish forces, 560;

captain of Spanish forces on land, 566 (1);

chief general in King of Spain's army, 567, 568;

to go to Lisbon, 568 (p. 543);

said to have taken Lisbon, 581;

reference to battle in Portugal between Don Antonio and, 585;

men of, take St. Oves, 586;

mentioned, 588;

sends men against Don Antonio, 596;

reference to appointment of, as chief Governor of Portugal, 597 (p. 563);

account of battle between Don Antonio and, 597 (p. 564);

proclaimed King of Portugal “in the King's name,” 602 (p. 569);

letter from Spanish ambassador brought to, 602 (p. 569);

English serving, 602 (p. 569);

reported death of, 625;

left to defend Lisbon and the coast towns of Portugal, 638;

death of, 640;

Viceroy of Naples made Major Domo in place of, 706 (p. 659);

gives the Order of the Fleece to the King of France, 749;

mentioned, 751.

-, Cardinal of, at baptism of infant daughter of King of Spain, 565.

-, Don Pedro de, Marquis of Villafranca and Duke of Ferrandina, goes with army to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

-, Hernando (Fernando, Frederico) de, the Grand Prior, natural son of the Duke of Alva, King Philip leaves government of Portugal to, 154;

said to be coming to Low Countries in place of Prince of Parma, 360;

to be his father's lieutenant in Spanish army, 566 (4), 567;

said to have been proclaimed King of Portugal, 566 (1);

mentioned, 751.

Toleration, in France, 8;

not to be allowed in the Low Countries, 31 (p. 37);

Henry III, wishes for, 33;

truce between Flanders and Spain may easily be concluded if Spaniard will grant, 47 (p. 55).

Tolu, town of, robbed by English pirates, 505 (p. 502).

Tompson, —, priest, examines Nicols at Rouen, 152.

Tomson, Thompson, Laurence, mentioned, 16;

reference to letters from Gilpin to, 73;

letter in hand of, 79;

drafts in hand of, 83, 111;

Gilpin sends news to, 163;

drafts in hand of, 773;

letter endorsed by, 780.

-, -, letter to, 628.

Tongres, Prince of Orange arrives at, with his army, 404 (p. 433).

Tonne, Baron de, Protestant lord, 754 (p. 689).

Tooker, Baptist, merchant, letter signed by, 99.

Torres, “Turris,” Don Alonzo de, of Portugal, son of Count de Villar, goes with Spanish expedition to Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

Torres Vedras, Count of. See Silva, Manuel da.

Torrone, del, the auditor, mentioned, 702 (p. 653).

Toul, French masters of, 51;

Epernon to take up government of, 239 (p. 260), 345.

Toulouse, 460;

M. de Foix will be preferred to Church of, 565;

Conté of Foix reaches almost from Spain to, 734 (p. 685).

Tour de Seine, La, openly at the disposal of the King of Navarre, 734 (p. 488).

Touraine, to be governed by Monsieur, 506.

Tournay, enemy near, 1;

Malcontents assembling forces near, 137;

Sweveghem not to depart from, 165;

Prince of Parma gathers troops between Lille and, 194;

Prince of Parma sends forces from, to Eyndhoven, 207;

Prince of Parma at 231;

Malcontents try to make agreement with, 264;

Malcontents between Lille and, 296;

garrison of, makes raid near Bruges, 329;

preparation for some enterprise in, 371.


Malcontents gather forces between Douai and, 552;

Malcontents at, 555;

French spoil country near, 558;

English and French to convey provisions to, 572;

Prince of Epinoy shortly going to, 574;

Prince of Epinoy confiscates goods of all who leave, 615;

mentioned, 702;

Prince of Parma withdraws his army into, 702 (p. 654);

Monsieur at, 714;

articles for rendering of, 781.

-, Governor of. See Melun, Pierre de.

Tournon, Just, Count of, of Savoy, to be married to Madame la Rochefoucault, 54.

Tours, plague in, 331.

-, letter dated at, 620.

Towlener, Dutch Captain, saved in attack on Maestricht, 538.

Towerson, Mr., mentioned, 348.

Transylvania, Sigismund, Prince of, nephew to King of Poland, to be general in Livonia, 698 (p. 648).

-, Bishop of Carrioli to visit Church of, 645;

Prince of Wallachia hopes to be Vayvode of, 698;

reference to castles of, 706 (p. 661).

-, Vayvode of, wishes to have a resident nuncio, 645.

Trape, M. de la, commanding regiment in States' army, 220.

Trawson, —, President of Imperial Council, Waad speaks with, 744.

Treasurer, Lord. See Cecil, William.

Trémoille, Charlotte Catherine of, Prince of Condé intends to marry, 93 (p. 108), 209, 216 (p. 235), 232;

doubts as to whether marriage will take place, 310;

reference to coming marriage of, 331.

-, Mme. de la, mother of above, King fortifies town belonging to, 209.

Trenel, Captain, robberies of, against Spanish in Indies, 505 (p. 502).

Trent, Council of, certain bishops framing order for the publication of, 55;

difficulty about publication of, 92 (p. 105);

publishing of, consulted on by Court of Parlement, 148;

Cassot to go to Rome to treat touching matter of, 167;

French King means to bring in, gradually, 174 (p. 192), 186 (p. 204);

Huguenots threatened with, 198;

King has not yet consented to publishing of, 200;

“pushing hard at the wheel “for establishment of, 201;

not to be published, 209;

French King promises not to publish, 239;

mentioned, 710.

-, Cardinal Bishop of. See Madruzzi.

Tréport, ship of, restored to the owner, by English, 343 (p. 380).

Treslong, Trélon, “Turlon,” M. de. See Bloys.

Treviso, Marchesa di, death of, 577 (p. 552).

Trielles (?), M. de, in command of Walloon infantry, 321.

Trier, Trèves, Elector of, to have regal power over, 565.

-, Archbishop-Elector of. See Eltz. See Schoenenberg.

Tripoli in Syria, English ship goes to, 337.

Trogillo, Sebastian, Captain-General of Pope's forces for Ireland, 602 (p. 569).

Truchsess, Charles, Baron of Waldburg, brother of following, defends Bonn, 117;

levies troops on his brother's behalf, 222;

to guard Bonn, 711;

those of Bonn, under, defeat Comte de Reifferscheit, 724;

urges burghers of Cologne not to consent to election of new Bishop, 739, 740;

gives out that alms are being levied, 742;

holds Bonn, 744;

said to have defied Count d'Aremberg, 747.

-, Gebhard, of Waldburg, Archbishop Elector of Cologne, Pope stirs German Princes up in mislike of, 9;

wishes to marry the Countess of Mansfeldt, 11;

to be disposed from his see on account of his marriage, 55;

commission from, appointing Count of Neuenahr to command his forces, 78;

those of Cologne content to allow him to retain Bonn and receive a yearly stipend, 100;

Prince of Parma sends help to Bishop of Liège, against, 101 (p. 116);

rumour that he will remain in his place, 111;

affairs of, still undecided, 112;

German lords promise to be obedient to, 117;

unlikely to help “Cologne affair,” 119;

reference to marriage of, 121;

agreement between Duke Casimir and, 222;

Casimir gets ready forces to assist, 237 (p. 258);

affairs of, to be resolved on at meeting at Worms, 243;

Prince of Parma's companies take service against, 263;

Imperial and Papal Commissioner's negotiation against. 282 (p. 307);

Diet held in Germany for cause of, 290:

Pope agrees to excommunication of, 301;

French King promises not to aid, 309 (p. 341);

reference to excommunication of, 316, 322;

those of party of, getting ready to aid, 323;

in Westphalia with troops, 333 (p. 689);

Duke Casimir desires Elizabeth's help in behalf of, 366;

favourers of, 388.


Spaniards who served, come over the Rhine, 643;

commissioners or, at Diet of Augsburg, 649, 650;

mentioned, 654;

reference to his desire to marry the Countess of Mansfeld, 675, 698;

has been in Westphalia, 698;

Pope commits cause of, to Nuncio, 700;

sends ambassadors to Cologne from Bonn, 702 (p. 654);

may wish to attack Cologne, 703;

Duke of Deuxponts is in favour of, 704;

does not wish to give up his dignity, 705;

to be proceeded against, 711;

“dismissal” of, to be brought by Cardinal of Austria, 713, 715;

at Arnsberg, 714;

expected shortly in Bonn, 715;

Emperor sends embassy to, 719;

is holding Estates of Westphalia at Arnsberg, 719;

Protestant cities will support, 724;

is openly in Frankfort, 724;

writes to the Emperor, 728;

to be asked to resign with a pension, 729;

Emperor sends messengers to, 730;

dismissal of, will soon take place, 731;

Pope gives authority to Bishop of Verceil for dismissal of, 732;

Protestant Princes ally themselves together to succour, 734 (p. 693);

sentence of dismissal passed on, at Rome, 735;

mentioned, 736;

Princes of Germany incline to, 737;

deprivation of, from his see, 739;

in Westphalia, 742;

protestations on behalf of, attached to Cathedral door. 743;

sends deputy to Imperial chamber, 744;

is master of Westphalia, 747.

Truro, members of Council of Cornwall at, 409.

Tucker, Francis, comes to Rome, 630.

Tullibardine (?). See Twillybearne.

Tupper, John, servant to English embassy in Paris, 231;

to travel in Smallet's company, 345.

Turenne, castle of, in Vicomté of, 734 (p. 686).

-, M. de, in King of Navarre's council, 734 (p. 690).

Turin, 240.

-, letter dated at, 595.

Turkey, news from, 698, 699, 700;

ambassador from, expected in Hungary, 706 (p. 661);

Treaty papers concerning, 785, 786;

chief officers of, presents for, 733. And see Porte, the.

Turks, overthrown by Persians, 57 (p. 65);

propose to attack Vienna, 553;

in Barbary, 559;

mentioned, 561;

said to have taken some Spanish ships, 566 (1);

slain in battle against Persians, 600;

Pope's galleys join those of Naples against, 644;

Emperor must have more help with which to withstand, 650;

peace thought to be concluded between Persians and, 656;

galleys from Naples sent to resist, 662;

reference to peace between Persians and, 693;

war between Persians and, continues, 899;

Viceroy of Sicily makes no preparations for defence against, 700;

reference to victory of Persians over, 705;

Emperor anxious to please, 722;

league of Venetians and King of Spain against, cannot last, 734 (p. 691).

Turk, the Great, the Grand Signor, Amarath, Amurath, Murad, the French King sends “Bishop of Lille” to, 9;

rumour that he no longer desires peace with Phihp II, 9;

reference to peace between Persians and, 11;

William of Orange would rather agree with, than with Spain, 66;

King of Spain wishes to renew truce with, 167 (p. 185), 186 (p. 204);

assists King of Poland in enterprise against Bohemia, 193;

Persians resolve to make peace with, 239 (p. 261);

sends ambassador to Paris, 240 (p. 263);

hard pressed by Persians, 243;

wins towns from Persians, 337;

sends messenger by sea in “conduct” of the Admiral, 364;

needs aid of Tartars against Persians, and requests King of Poland not to invade Tartars' country, 364.


withdraws from Persia, 557;

takes some towns in Sicily, 568;

the Bailo has audience with, 577 (p. 552);

makes Sinan Grand Vizier, and urges him to “noble attempt” against Persia, 577 (p. 553);

overthrow of Persians by, and death of son of, 600;

French King will get all possible advantage from, 635 (p. 599);

sends forth galleys, 644;

better defence of Hungary against, discussed at Augsburg, 646;

accord between Persians and, alarms those of Malta, 650;

payment required for Imperial troops in country of, 654;

mentioned, 660;

might make war on the Empire, 664;

captain in Araz may have been suborned by, 694 (p. 644);

mentioned, 695;

Prince of Wallachia is admitted to the presence of, 698 (p. 648);

said to be going in person against Persians, 700;

ambassador comes to Emperor from, 701;

sends chaus to King of Poland, 706 (p. 659);

said to have had Sinan Bassa strangled, 706 (p. 660);

dissatisfaction said to have arisen between King of Poland and, 706 (p. 661);

list of presents sent to, 733;

accepts present from Elizabeth, 738;

England said to have more favour with, than France, 745;

ambassador from, at Dax, 749;

defies the Emperor, 553;

promises privileges to William Harborne, 763;

Elizabeth sends letter to, 765;

treaty between Poland and, 785;

between Elizabeth and, 786;

letters from, 553, 763, 765.

Turnhout, Tournhoult, spoilt by Malcontents, 117;

“Turnehault,” enemy's forces at, 294, 305 (p. 336), 546;

enemy departs from, 307.

Tuscany, Grand Duke of. See Medici, Francesco Maria de'.

Twelfth Night festivities, “Queen of the Bean” at, 706 (p. 660).

“Twyllybearne,” (? Tullibardine), Laird of, mentioned, 105 (p. 122).

Tympel, Temple, Olivier van den, Governor of Brussels, letter from Duke of Anjou to, 24;

reference to letter from Duke of Anjou to, 30;

to continue governor of Brussels, 81, 85 (p. 97);

Swiss guard of, 100;

to be Governor of Alost, 135 (p. 149);

offers resistance to Egmont. 533;

reports matter to States, 535;

to remain Governor of Brussels, 711.

Tyburn, reference to Jesuits shrived at, 654.

Tyrie, James, Jesuit, meets Earl Morton by appointment in Paris, 389 (p. 419).

Tyrol, Cardinal of. See Austria, Andrea of, Cardinal.

-, Comté of, 657.