Index: Q, R

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Quenqua, Cuenca, Marquis of, goes with Spanish fleet, 566 (3).

Quercy, belongs to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 687).

Quillebœuf, French merchants robbed by English pirate, make deposition at, 255 (2), 255 (3), 255 (5).

Quincy, Quinsay, Jean de, secretary of Duke of Anjou, 19;

with him, before the attack on Antwerp, 45;

insulting letter to Norris signed by, 117;

French King sends orders to have him hung, 135 (p. 148);

“Projectio Confederationis” on the part of the Duke of Anjou by, 773.


Ragusa, Raguza, Archbishop of, 645.

Rambouillet, Cardinal of, very ill, 186 (p. 204).

-, Marquis de. See Angennes.

Ramells, Chancellor of Denmark, entertains Marquis of Brandenburg's ambassador, 357.

Rammekens, castle of, Egmont to be sent to, 245;

Egmont and Selles prisoners at, 280 (p. 304);

de Fressin to be kept at, 535, 538.

Randolph, Avery, Norris writes to William of Orange concerning, 76;

letter from William concerning, 80;

mentioned, 101;

to present himself to Walsingham on his arrival in England, 107;

not to be entirely trusted, 110.

Raphael, James, frigate of, taken by Drake, 505 (p. 501).

Rassenghien, Baron de. See Vilain.

Ratcliffe, Sir Henry, intelligence from Spain sent by, 560;

may seek for letters that come to Spain from England, 566 (2);

advertisements sent from Spain by, 576, 581, 586;

Orange asked to help in recovering ship of, 762.

-, —, son of above, 561.

Ratclyffe, Thomas, Earl of Sussex, Lord Chamberlain, le Brumen hopes soon to see, 70;

reference to illness of, 197, 201, 369;

death of, 389 (p. 420);

reference to earlier policy of, 410;

forms league against Earl of Leicester, 635 (p. 595).

-, -, letter to, 472.

Ratisbon, Emperor thought to be going towards, 577 (p. 551);

mentioned, 647;

reference to Diet of, 660.

Raudan, Mme. de, of House of Mirandula, to be dame d'honneur to young Queen, 239 (p. 260).

Ravano, Francisco, Spanish pilot, seized and thrown into the sea by Drake, 505 (p. 501).

Ravestein, English, French and Scottish soldiers enter, 535.

Reaux, M. de, “Reux,” Monsieur's agent, confers with Cobham, 60;

grateful to Elizabeth for her attitude towards Monsieur's partisans, 60.

Recalde, John de Martinez, “Martynes” de, of Bilbao, of the Order of Santiago, goes with Spanish expedition to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399);

Captain-General of navy of Biscay, 560, 532, 802 (p. 567);

lieutenant to Peter de Valdes, 602 (p. 568).

Reez, “Rees,” in Cleves, news from, 163.

Reggio, Don Alfonso of Este to succeed Duke of Ferrara in, 239 (p. 261).

Reifferscheit, Riverscheit, Comte de, soldiers of, cross Rhine, 333 (p. 370);

levies Liegois soldiers to protect his lands, 722;

defeated by those of Bonn, 724;

spoils Count de Meurs' country, 730.

Reine Blanche, la, See Austria, Elizabeth of.

Religion, the. See Huguenots;
-, Protestant Religion.

Religions-vrede, Religion-fried, results of setting-up of, 316 (p. 347);

likely to be established in Brussels, 318 (p. 350);

Papists in Brussels demand a church for exercise of their religion according to, 319;

Prince of Orange persuades Antwerp to keep, 532;

proclaimed, 535;

mentioned, 537;

those of Aachen desire exercise of religion according to, 675.

Renarde, Mr., 602.

Renclinhausen, taken by the Count of Meurs, 729.

Rendal, —, bearer of letter from Sir Thomas Smith to his son, 449.

Rendsburg, “Reinsborowghe in Holst,” King of Denmark at, 357.

Rennenberg, Renneberg, Rhenenberg, Coun of. See Lalaing, George de.

Renty, Marquis of. See Lalaing, Emanuel Philibert de.

Reole, La, restored to Protestants, 527.

Requesens, Requescens, Don Luis de, Commendador Major of Castile, mentioned, 409;

his demand for English ships against Flemish mentioned, 524.

Requests, French King's Master of, has commission to levy tax in Picardy, 338 (p. 373).

Resca, M. de., to go as nuncio to Poland, 693 (p. 642), 698 (p. 647).

Resouldo, William, Barbary merchant, signature of, 266 (1).

Retz, Marshal of. See Gondi, Albert de.

-, Mme de. See Clermont de Dampierre.

Reux, M., jurat of Bordeaux, wine belonging to, captured by English pirates, 255 (3).

Reval, in Livonia, mentioned, 750.

Rheims, mentioned 152;

Cardinal of Guise sings his first mass at, 325 (p. 358);

reference to seminary at, 630;

Gifford and Foster sent to read at, 636.

Rheingrave, the, with the Prince of Orange (in 1568), 404 (p. 432).

Rhine, navigation of, delayed by ice, 116;

Bizarri's journey on, 206;

Duke of Saxony occupies fortresses on, 222;

enemy intends to make fort on, 280;

Circle of, held at Cologne, 282 (p. 307);

regiments to shop passage of, near Bonn, 333 (p. 369);

mentioned, 398 (p. 425);

ships of Prince of Orange in, 579;

States' horsemen sent to hinder passage of enemy over, 591 Spaniards come over, 643;

mentioned, 660 (p. 621);

Princes of the, 664;

old Count Mansfeld wishes to hold, 735;

toll levied on merchandize going up and down, 740;

those of Bonn make a sortie past, 742.

-, Palsgrave of the. See Lewis, Elector Palatine.

Rhone, troops to be poured down by, 734 (p. 690).

Rhyn, Count of [qy. the Rheingrave], in Prince of Orange's army in 1568, 404 (p. 432).

Riario, Cardinal, imprisons Cesare degli Oddi, 625.

Ribaute-by-Toulouse, letter dated at, 233.

Ricards (Recardes), Captain, Prin sends letter by, 154.

Rich, Robert, Lord Rich, mentioned, 474.

Richard II, referred to, 613.

Richardot, President of Artois, arrives in Spain, 740.

Richebourg, Risbourg, a “Signory” in Artois, title of Marquis of, conferred by Philip II. on Viscount of Ghent. See Melun.

Richmond, letters dated at, 122, 199, 202.

Rieux, M. de., brother to Laval, for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Riga, King of Poland to go to, 628;

port of, 670;

mentioned, 750.

Rigault, Captain, 297.

Riola, Lawrence de la, advertisements from, 594.

Ripley, alchemist, 428.

Risbourg. See Richebourg.

Risoir “Trisore.” M. de, colonel in Prince of Orange's army in 1568, 404 (p. 432); 405.

Rivadeo, argosy belonging to Pope arrives at, 602 (p. 568).

Robellade, M., in charge of investigations concerning Spanish ship taken off Terceira, 223.

Roberts, —. wealthy English Jesuit, 616 (p. 583).

Roboredo, Jorge de, bearer of letter from Don Antonio to Walsingham, 375.

Robous (?), regiment of, 121.

Roche, Baron de la. Prince of Conde takes council with, 734 (p. 689).

-, Count de la, ill treatment of, by Spaniards, 510 (p. 505).

Rochefoucault, Francois, Comte de la, Monsieur requests that possessions of, may be allowed to pass out of Antwerp, 19;

train of, returns to France, 112;

sent by Monsieur to treat with the States, 711;

takes council with Prince of Conde, 734 (p. 689).

-, Madame la. to marry the Count of Tournon, 54.

Rochelle, new tax laid upon ships arriving from England at, 99;

English merchants at, 169;

French King refuses to exempt merchants of, from new impositions, 174 (p. 192), 186 (p. 204);

French King said to be plotting against, 237;

complaints of English merchants trading in, 254;

fish sent to, to be sold, 269;

people of, throw King's tax collector into the sea, 290;

people of, released from new impositions, 309, 325;

statement of privilege of, to admit goods duty free, 326;

plague in, 331;

people of, declared rebels, 480;

to remain in government of Protestants, 506;

is ruled by mayor and bailiffs, 734 (p. 687).

Rochepot, See Silly, Antoine de.

Roco, Signor, wishes for Walsingham's aid to recover goods of his wife, 249.

Roctalyado, King and Monsieur will go to Lyons by, 528.

Rocvardon, Counsellor, sent into Spain, 333, 388, 740.

Rodolfi, Ruberto, beats Ciro Alidosio, 239 (p. 261).

Rogers, Ambrose, brother of following, failure of attempt to escape, 163.

-, Daniel, failure of attempt to escape, 163;

reference to captivity of, 282;

sent by Elizabeth to assembly at Schmalkalden, 522;

bearer of letter from Elizabeth to the Emperor, 583;

cause of, 660 (p. 620), 663;

Gilpin acts on behalf of, 664, 667, 671.

-, Dr. John, reference to embassy of, to Poland, 658, 674.

-, -, letters from, 590, 613, 616.

Rogett, William, merchant, letter signed by, 99.

Roggell, Roger, Barbary merchant, signature of, 266 (1).

Rohan, “Roghan,” Rene II. de, Vicomte de Rohan, quarrel between Laval and, said to be appeased, 527;

for the King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Roias, Don Alonzo de, goes with Spanish expedition to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

Rolo, Castle of, Duke of Ferrara sends troops to surprise, 699;

reference to matter of, 703.

Romans, in ships at Cadiz, 566 (2);

in ship put back from Irish coast, 602 (p. 567);

Inquisition, mentioned, 652.

Roman Catholics, in England, Taxis sends indulgences to be dispersed among, 167 (p. 186);

in Germany, Bishop of Liege declares himself protector of, 193;

in England, governor of Jesuits sends money to, 197 (p. 214);

leave Monsieur daily, 216 (p. 235);

bishops, arrive in Cologne, 243;

with d'Aubigny, 273;

Protestant princes resolve to join in defence of Bishop of Cologne against, 290;

Cantons deal coldly with their neighbours, 301;

Pope intends to join with, against Bishop of Cologne and Protestants, 309 (p. 341);

do not wish to injure Empire, 316 (p. 348);

people of Brussels weary of, 318 (p. 350);

refuse to watch for defence of Brussels, 319;

demand churches in Brussels, 321;

practices of, against England, 346.


processions of, on Ascension Day, 532;

prefer Spaniards to States, 533;

stir between Protestants and, at Bois-le-duc, 535, 538 (p. 525);

Prince of Orange appoints Churches for, in Ghent, 554;

in England, mentioned, 590 (p. 560);

on side of Earl of Sussex against Leicester, 635;

in danger at Augsburg, 677;

in Scotland, wish to send their King to France, 711;

plot against Protestants, 734 (p. 693).

Roman Religion, intention of French to set up, in the Netherlands, 31 (p. 38);

sole exercise of, in Netherlands, claimed by Henry III, 33;

exercise of, to be permitted to Monsieur in Brussels, 61;

people of Netherlands unwilling to make peace with those of, 65 (p. 78);

those of, attack Bonn, 117;

reference to battle between Protestants and those of, 119;

Monsieur to be granted free exercise of, in Brussels, 135 (p. 148);

trouble feared from cantons of, 237 (p. 258);

King of Scots said to be of, at heart, 267 (4);

Imperial and Papal Commissioners wish Archbishop of Cologne to continue in, 282 (p. 307);

may be set up again in Flanders, 329.


Pappenheim opposed to, 649;

provinces belonging to, complain to Pope of the extortions of his ministers, 701;

Bosgrove zealously professes, 707;

reference to ruin of ecclesiastics of, 722;

Count Salentin a great zealot for, 730;

many are weary of the abuses of, 734 (p. 685);

Princes of, 734 (p. 692).

Rome, Alfonso Cicharelli imprisoned in, 9;

commis of Villeroy to be sent to, 55, 92 (p. 105);

news from, 92 (p. 106);

Bishop of Ross lately come from, 93;

advices from, 93;

Cardinals in, oppose election of Emperor's brother as legate in Portugal, 105;

reference to shaking off yoke of Kings, 135 (p. 148);

Nicols becomes Pope's scholar at, 152;

French King intends to recall Archbishop of Toulouse from, 167;

letters from, 167 (p. 186), 186 (p. 204);

money sent to Roman Catholics in England by order from, 197 (p. 214);

news from, 200;

Marquis of Pescara goes towards, 239 (p. 261);

Inquisition worse in Milan than in, 240;

Irish priest coming to England from, 261;

Pope's intention against German Protestants prosecuted with diligence in, 309 (p. 341);

reference to compacts between German nation of Empire and See of, 316 (p. 346);

order from, for deposition of Bishop of Cologne, 322;

M. de Saint Goard appointed French ambassador at, 325 (p. 360);

Englishman newly delivered from Inquisition in, 331;

Cassiotte sent to, 345;

Unton sends to, for his brother's release, 346;

Signor Pallavicino's brother obtains license in, 379 (p. 409).


mentioned, 493;

French Cardinals expect to be summoned to, 497, 498;

mentioned, 516;

Italians from, in Spanish army, 560;

Portuguese ambassadors in, 565;

news from 577 (p. 552);

Bosgrove said to have been at University of, 590;

Pope's argosy departs to 602 (p. 568);

Cardinal Granvelle goes to, 618;

Duke of Brunswick arrives in, 625;

Tucker goes to, 630;

money collected in, for the relief of those persecuted for religion, 636;

divining woman at, 644 (p. 605);

Bishop of Carrioli at, 645;

English merchants imprisoned in, 652, 657;

news from, 654;

Church of, 660;

mentioned, 662;

Cardinal Borromeo goes to, 693 (p. 642);

news from, 694, 698, 699;

reference to Bull granted by Emperors Arcadius and Honorius to, 699;

news from, 700, 701, 702;

legates expected from, 703;

couriers from, have not yet arrived in Venice, 710;

news from, 711;

Cardinal of Austria coming to Cologne from, 724;

plans of Roman Catholic princes are refined in furnace of, 734 (p. 692);

sentence of dismissal passed on Bishop of Cologne at, 735;

ruin of, foretold, 737;

Pope levies Swiss and Italians for garrison about, 744;

news from, 749.

-, French ambassador in. See Foix;
-, Saint-Goard.

Roncherolles, Francois de, Marquis of Mayneville, sent into Scotland by Queen Mother, 2;

receives message from Archbishop of Glasgow, before leaving Scotland, 10;

“Manyngvylde,” sent as ambassador to Scotland from France, 93;

“Maigneville,” Mauvissiere asks for passport for, 140;

receives passport, 149 (p. 165);

“Manningvil,” to return to France, 174 (p. 192), 288 (p. 320);

reference to return of, to France, 325, 327.

Ronquillo, “Runquelia,” Don Gonzalo, goes with Spanish expedition to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

Ronsin, taken by Egmont, 541.

Roosebrugge, La Motte takes a castle near, 114.

Roque, Sr. de la, governs under King of Navarre in Thimerais, 734 (p. 687).

Roquefort, in Vicomte of Marsan, 743 (p. 686).

Roquelaure, “Roclor,” M. de, a Gascon gentleman, is the cause of a quarrel between Dukes of Guise and Epernon, 325 (p. 359).

Rose, M., French King's confessor, King wishes to bestow Bishopric of Paris on, 239 (p. 260).

Rosendael, near Bergen-op-Zoom, Prince of Parma's army near, 251;

States' troops camp near, 256, 263, 294, 307, 308, 319.

Ross, Bishop of. See Leslie, John.

“Rotic” rating and assessment, 159.

Rotis, Dr. Peter de, Gilpin sends book written by, to Walsingham, 162, 172;

reference to letter to, 280;

reference to his book, 305 (p. 335).

-, -, letters from, 159, 365, 685.

Rotterdam, Bizarri goes to, 398 (p. 428).

Rottins, in Devonshire, 576.

Roubaix, Marquis of. See Melun, Robert de.

Rouen, Council of Trent published in, 55;

Don Antonio sends servants to, 92;

griefs of English merchants at, 92;

Cobham desires to go to, 95;

Nicols imprisoned at, 105 (p. 122);

Cobham intends to plead with Henry III. on behalf of merchants at, 105;

letter from English merchants at, 106;

“Rohan,” Portuguese agent retires to, 121;

Nicholson imprisoned at, 123;

mentioned, 148 (p. 163);

Nicol's examination at, 152;

Dr. Lopez meets Don Antonio at, 175;

mentioned, 197 (p. 213);

Parliaments of, 200;

new impositions on English merchants at, 236;

English merchants would trade more profitably in Rochelle than in, 237;

complaints of English merchants of, 254;

merchant ship bound for, robbed by English pirates, 255 (2);

complaints of merchants of, deliberated upon, 286;

King causes soldiers to be levied in and about, 293.


merchants of, 444;

Sir Thomas Smith thinks of going to, 480 (p. 484);

mentioned, 594;

Copley removes his household to, 636;

King of France has granted customs money in, to Duke of Longueville, 752 (11).

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 133, 142, 154, 175, 232.

Rouergue, castles and towns in, subject to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 686).

Rouni (? Rosny), King of France takes liking to, 379 (p. 409).

Rousselaere, Monsieur must pass near, to reach Dixmude, 137;

Malcontents have left, 539.

Rowley, Mr., saved from death in fire of Moscow, 411, 412.

Roy, Robert le, clerk for receiving reports at Quillebœuf, report of piracy made before, 255 (2).

Royr, Jacques, of Quillebeuf, master of ship said to have been taken by English pirates, 343 (p. 380).

Ruan, in Persia, 738.

Ruchs, George, merchant adventurer, 551.

Rudolf II, Emperor, German Princes promise assistance to, 6;

King of Spain will give daughter to, with the Low Countries, 6;

requested to fulfil decisions of Electors and Princes of Germany, 36;

pretence of French to defend Germans from, 51;

reported to have requested Duke of Lorraine to negotiate with King of France on behalf of King of Spain, 53;

rumour that King of Spain's daughter is to marry, 53;

reference to intended marriage of, 60, 112;

illness of, 95;

proposed election of brother of, as legate in Portugal, 105;

to be married to King of Spain's daughter in Vienna, 111;

required to maintain Confession of Augsburg, 117;

news from Court of, 176;

conjunction of, with Pope and King of Spain, 237 (p. 257);

mentioned, 239 (p. 261);

news from Court of, 243;

reference to edict of, concerning trade of metals, 253;

reference to Elizabeth's letters to, 265, 280;

mentioned, 282, 290;

Pope intends to combine with uncles of, against Bishop of Cologne, 309 (p. 341);

talk of marriage between Monsieur and sister of, 310;

letter to, concerning matters of Cologne, 316;

finishes Diet for Hungary, 322;

reference to letters to Elizabeth from, 333;

mentioned, 365;

recruiting his health two miles from Vienna, 365;

mentioned, 372, 386;

orders Waad to be entertained in Vienna at his charge, 393.


soldiers of, not in Moscow, 411;

reference to letters to States from, 515;

writes to Count Schwarzenberg about Belgic affairs, 525;

defied by Sultan of Turkey, 553;

thought to be going to make peace, 554;

sends message to commissioners at Cologne, 558;

King of Spain wishes to marry daughter to, 558;

reference to letters from Court of, 565;

rumours that he will ruin peace of Flanders, 565;

movements of, 577 (p. 551);

solicited by Spaniards, 577 (p. 552);

Elizabeth writes to, 583;

ambassadors from, expected in Antwerp, 591;

list of ambassadors to, 605;

commissioners from Earl of Embden to, 615;

mentioned, 625;

marriage of, with King of Spain's daughter, to be concluded, 625;

Gilpin sent on mission to, 632, 633;

expected arrival of, in Augsburg, for Diet, 642;

news of, 645;

arrival and doings of, in Augsburg, 646, 647, 649, 650, 651, 653, 654;

reference to decree of, 655;

marriage of, with King of Spain's daughter, said to be concluded, 657;

propositions of, sent to Walsingham, 660;

very busy at the Diet of Augsburg, 661;

reference to entry of, into Augsburg. 662;

letter of Elizabeth imparted to, 664;

defence of Merchant Adventurers addressed to, 666;

reference to letter from, to Elizabeth, 667;

doings of, at Augsburg, 669;

detains Bishops in Augsburg, 669, 671;

controversy between towns and, not yet ended, 672;

Schwartz refers to his having been sent to, 673;

attitude of, in dealing with the Hanse Towns, 675, 677;

letter of, to Gilpin, concerning the Hanse Towns, 678;

reference to departure of, from Augsburg, 690;

arrives in Vienna, 693;

ambassadors from Venice sent to, 694;

mentioned, 696;

suspects too much goodwill between Hungarians and King of Poland, 698;

to marry King Philip's eldest daughter, 698 (p. 648);

asks Pope to lend him money, 699;

commissioners from Venice expected to confer about confines between Venice and, 701;

mentioned, 702;

has begun to give audiences, 703;

preparations for marriage of Princess of Spain with, go slowly, 703;

Ambassadors from, expected at Diet in Cologne, 704;

nuncio will not go to Cologne without orders from, 706 (p. 661);

gives orders that the Bishop of Cologne should be kept in his dignities, 711;

agent of, bears letters from, to senate of Cologne, 713, 714;

Elector of Saxony makes promise to, 715;

Elector of Saxony to declare his resolution on the Embassy sent by, 719;

ministers of, go to Cardinal Granvelle, 719;

orders from, to camp surrounding Hulsraet, 722;

stopped from going to Spain by a letter, 728;

Casimir said to have intercepted letters of, 728;

anxious to bring Bishop of Cologne to terms, without war, 729;

sends messengers to the Bishop of Cologne, 730;

at Pressburg, 732;

would re-unite Empire and Spain if he married Princess of Spain, 734 (p. 693);

a new Bishop of Cologne must be elected, to satisfy, 736;

ambassador of, in Hungary, shows himself friendly to England, 738;

writes to Chapter of Cologne not to act without orders, 739;

writes to Elizabeth, 744;

dispatches ambassador to Cologne, 744;

reference to ambassador of, in Turkey, 745;

interposes to settle differences between two Archbishops, 747;

Instructions for Neuenahr sent by Archduke Mathias to, 776.

-, -, letters to, 36, 316, 553, 583.

-, -, letters from, 525, 622, 663, 678, 681, 692, 709, 720, 741, 780.

Rue, Rues (? Reulx), M. de, Governor of St. Omers, in Spanish camp before Dunkirk, 384;

regiments of, 746.

Rueil, M. de Simier's house, Don Antonio and his sons at, 325 (p. 360).

-, letters dated at, 375, 376.

Rue St. Honore, in Paris, fight between de Mouy and Maurevert in, 239 (p. 261).

Ruffec, Baron de. See Volvyre.

Ruggiero, Captain, of Pavia, shows kindness to Bizarri. 206 (p. 227).

“Ruisselieu,” M. de, French King's provost. See Plessis, Francois du.

Rupelmonde, English removed to, 204 (p. 222).

Ruremond, Remonde, Germans in, lack provisions, 515;

enemy expected to play trick on camp before, 517.

Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford, Bizarri's “old master and patron,” 398 (p. 429).

-, —, deputy for the Merchant Adventurers, 616.

Russia, Muscovia, Muscovy, edict forbidding trade of metals with, 253;

mentioned, 276;

Sir Jerome Bowes sent as ambassador into, 340 341;

reference to Merchant Adventurers trading in, 357;

reference to navigation by North Sea to, 381, 382, 391;

advertisements from, 526;

reference to war with Poland of, 623;

ambassadors of Grand Duke of, 628;

mentioned, 647;

reference to Polish expedition to, 658;

colleges and seminaries to be erected on frontiers of, 693 (p. 642);

Padre Possevino returns from, 694;

King of Poland tries to appease wars between King of Sweden and, 698;

capitulations between the Duke of Livonia and, 750;

Duke Magnus to do homage in, 750 (p. 708).

-, Czar of. See Ivan.

-, ambassador of, in England. See Shatesky.

Rusticucci, Cardinal, in audience chamber to receive Count Olivares, 645.

Rustin, Tristan de, Baron de Breci, created a Knight of the Holy Ghost, 706 (p. 660).

“Ruthenians,” trade of English merchants with, 145;

navigation, 156.

Ruthven, William, Lord Ruthven, Earl of Gowrie, at devotion of French King and d'Aubigny, 184, 261 (p. 284);

said to be plotting to transport King of Scots to France, 288.

Rutz, Pierre, letter from, 241.

Ruyz, Hernan, of Seville, ship of, robbed and burnt by English, 505 (p. 501).

Ryhove, M. de. See Kethulle.

Rymenant, Rymenam, Monsieur goes to, after attack on Antwerp, 24;

letter dated at, 28;

Monsieur's army crosses river at, 46.